
Soups for every day. Ear from pink salmon

Very light fragrant tomato soup With unusual taste and unusual ingredients: barley, prunes, tomatoes. A suitable dish for fasting. Get ready to try!

pearl barley, water, prunes, tomatoes, salt, cloves, ginger powder

Who does not dare to try new recipes, he punishes himself with a daily monotonous menu. This fish soup has become one of our family's favorite first courses - bright, rich taste, moderate sharpness, ease and speed of preparation do not leave competitors. Try it too! Do not be afraid to experiment with recipes - loved ones will definitely thank you!

I have not yet seen a recipe by which you can cook soup faster! And this despite the fact that the cheese soup is tasty and quite satisfying. Yes, and with a twist - fried vermicelli. Some 15-20 minutes - and the first dish is on the table. Miracles, and more!

vermicelli, melted cheese, carrots, sunflower oil, salt, ground black pepper, Bay leaf, greenery

Cooking buckwheat soup with mushrooms, but not simple, but with a twist - with potato dumplings! The soup according to this recipe is hearty, rich and very tasty. Thanks to potato dumplings unusual shape the soup looks very appetizing. Such a first dish will no doubt surprise anyone!

chicken meat, potatoes, buckwheat, fresh mushrooms, onions, carrots, eggs, flour, sunflower oil, dill, bay leaf, salt ...

Beet soup with meatballs - nutritious, rich and very tasty first a dish that is sure to warm and satiate you. Among other things, this beetroot recipe will delight you with the simplicity and speed of preparation.

minced beef, beets, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions, garlic, tomato paste, vegetable oil, vinegar, herbs, salt, ground black pepper

Today I will share with you a recipe for making fish soup with sardines. It's delicious and easy recipe. Fish soup canned food can be prepared in just 30 minutes. This soup is perfect for lunch or just for those who love fish!

canned sardines, potatoes, rice, carrots, onions, tomato juice, vegetable oil, black peppercorns, bay leaf, parsley, salt...

Delicate and velvety pea soup- mashed potatoes with bacon are prepared without meat and served with fried crispy bacon. bright and delicious puree soup from peas will appeal to lovers of legume dishes.

peas, onions, carrots, bay leaves, bacon, milk, salt, ground black pepper, parsley

To daily menu to make it more varied, cook a delicious and rich mushroom soup with barley. The ingredients are simple and accessible. It is easy to buy oyster mushrooms in the market or in any supermarket, so making a hearty soup will seem easier to you than steamed turnips.

beef, pearl barley, potatoes, fresh oyster mushrooms, onion, carrot, celery root, vegetable oil, bay leaf, salt, ground black pepper, water

Potato soup with stuffed pasta- hearty and unusual first dish. If you decide to cook soup with meat, then do not rush to cook the broth. Grind the meat through a meat grinder and stuff the shell pasta. It turns out rich soup that will delight you with its taste.

minced meat, potatoes, pasta shells, eggs, onion, carrots, bay leaf, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper, water

Thick, fragrant, delicious cabbage soup according to this recipe will diversify your daily menu. Great combination prunes, mushrooms, juicy cabbage and ham will be enjoyed by the whole family. You will definitely want to cook these cabbage soup more than once.

white cabbage, ham, fresh champignons, carrots, onions, pitted prunes, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, herbs...

Cheese soups - great way diversify the list of homemade first courses. Gentle creamy taste soup will become great alternative already available in the range of soups. And funny cheese balls will attract children not only to the process of eating, but also cooking - after all, doing everything together is much more fun!

chicken fillet, potatoes, processed cheese, hard cheese, carrots, onions, pasta, eggs, wheat flour, salt, ground black pepper, green onions

The recipe for a delicious soup with chicken and dumplings from egg dough! For some reason, children often like soup with dumplings more than soup with pasta or other flour products, although both there and there - the dough. Chicken soup with dumplings is easy to prepare, it turns out rich. This is a great first course any time of the year!

chicken legs, potatoes, onions, carrots, eggs, flour, sunflower oil, parsley, bay leaf, salt, ground black pepper, water

soup with sea ​​kale and rice - an original first course that will appeal to all lovers of unusual and light dishes. Preparation of such rice soup with seaweed will take you quite a bit of time, try to cook.

canned sea cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, long-grain rice, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper, water, eggs, sour cream

Mushroom soup with beans and rice is an unusually light and at the same time very rich multi-component first course. This champignon soup recipe will help you out in fast days and help diversify the lunch menu.

fresh mushrooms, beans, rice, potatoes, carrots, parsnip root, onion, vegetable oil, salt, water, parsley

Thick, rich garlic puree soupthe perfect dish for lunch. Its rich garlic-potato taste and aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. Such a dish will warm and perfectly saturate you in the cold season. Try to cook.

pork bones, pork, potatoes, onion, garlic, cream, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper, herbs

Recipe for a delicious kharcho soup. Cooking kharcho for beef broth. Brisket, shank, shoulder blade are suitable for this, and I even took carbonade with a bone.

beef, rice, sour plum, tomatoes, walnut, onion, garlic, hot pepper, ground red pepper, hot pepper, petiole celery, parsley root...

Quick soup recipe canned pink salmon. Fish soup with melted cheese, spinach and vegetables is very tasty, thick and rich. Perfect option for lunch.

canned pink salmon, processed cheese, spinach, potatoes, carrots, red bell pepper, onion, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil

Pollack fish soup with potatoes - tasty, light and useful first dish for the whole family. This soup is very easy to make and has pleasant aroma thanks to sea ​​fish and fresh greens!

pollock, water, potatoes, onions, carrots, sunflower oil, garlic, bay leaf, dill, green onions, salt, black peppercorns

Very simple and quick recipe the first course for lunch is vegetable soup with beans and corn. corn soup With beans it turns out light and tasty. Try to cook!

canned corn, canned beans, carrots, butter, salt, water, parsley

Sour cabbage soup with stew - excellent first simple and available products. Shchi with stew is rich, fragrant, moderately fatty and satisfying. Despite the fact that this cabbage soup recipe is from sauerkraut will take quite a bit of your time, a delicious dinner for the whole family is guaranteed!

Fragrant tea with ginger is a popular drink among people who appreciate unusual spicy taste this plant. Apart from unique aroma, ginger has many useful properties. It is rich in vitamins A, B and C, it contains a large number of useful amino acids, minerals and essential oils. Ginger tea especially relevant in winter, due to its warming effect. This drink is used...

This page presents various recipes delicious and healthy meals from frozen berries, which are indispensable ingredient For popular desserts during the cold season when fresh berries no, but freezers full of supplies. On the site site you can find original recipes for pastries, pies, cakes, muffins, jellies and other delicacies with the addition of frozen berries. Old...

Salad with mushrooms will easily decorate any festive table! This amazing appetizer allows you to diversify the menu. charm mushroom salads is that they can be cooked within all year round. Popular in summer fried chanterelles, mushrooms, boletus, boletus, milk mushrooms or Polish. IN winter time for salad, you can use blanks: pickled, salted or dried mushrooms ...

The lack of a pronounced taste in zucchini does not make the vegetable less popular and in demand. Zucchini is easy and simple to prepare and opens up impressive culinary vistas. It is used to prepare both first and second courses, as well as pickled salads for the winter, including famous salad“Lick your fingers”, in Korean, and caviar. A vegetable stuffed with meat or baked with cheese and potatoes is no less tasty ...

Summer is the time for sunny days and a dizzying abundance of fruits and berries. Among the many seasonal fruits, useful qualities and cherry especially stands out for its amazing taste. It is not for nothing that it is actively used in cooking and valued in folk medicine. Cherry contains vitamins B1, B6, B15, PP, E, as well as a complex of minerals - iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, cobalt, nickel, rubidium. The berry has...

September pleases us with a rich harvest of vegetables, among which a young pumpkin occupies a special place. This delicious vegetable is not only aesthetically pleasing, it is also a source of invaluable health benefits of vitamins and minerals. Part " solar berry"includes vitamins PP, B1, B2, C and E. They are necessary to maintain immunity, vigor and high vitality. Extremely saturated pumpkin...

Red, green, black - regardless of the variety and color, the gooseberry has amazing palatability. As it became known recently, gooseberries help to eliminate radionuclides from the body and prevent the development of cancer, and also helps in the fight against aging. Behind invaluable benefit for health and a unique mineral-vitamin complex in the composition of the berry was nicknamed royal. Enjoy...

So the summer is over, the days are getting shorter, the weather is less and less happy with hot days, and most importantly, the season for picking vegetables is slowly coming to an end. Very soon our gardens will run out fresh cucumbers and zucchini juicy tomatoes and eggplant. But in autumn and winter, you really want to continue to please yourself and your loved ones with them. Harvesting for the winter is a great way to extend the life of a summer crop. Recipes...

Even a few thousand years ago, people appropriated " wine berry"- the title of a natural universal healer to figs. The beautiful Cleopatra preferred figs to many delicacies, knowing that like nothing else it contributes to her beauty and health. Experts recommend eating fresh figs regularly. This recommendation is easy, and most importantly pleasant to follow: after all, dishes with figs are varied and always...

A nutritious, easy-to-prepare dish that goes well with any side dish, and the ingredients for its preparation are always affordable ... Today we have prepared a collection with recipes for liver cutlets and pancakes. Juicy cutlets or savory pancakes from the liver have a pleasant, slightly sweet taste. In many families, this dish is not uncommon. Delicious liver pancakes with carrots and golden onion...

Twisted, spun merrily and deftly ... Dear Culinaries, this time we have compiled for you a selection with ideas for cooking one of the most delicious sweets- dessert roll! Here you will find at least 30 unique recipe how to make a delicious biscuit roll. WITH custard, with jam, with berries, with fruits, with halva, with nuts, with cottage cheese, with icing - the choice is huge. biscuit roll- meal...

How much time would you like to spend making delicious soup? And how much time do you actually have to create this dish on weekdays? If sometimes, you have almost no time to cook, and the family is waiting set lunch including an amazing soup, then you should check out one of these quick soup recipes! No doubt these soups fast food turns out very...

If you haven’t planned your everyday menu in advance, and your loved ones are bored with the usual unpretentious dishes, try to implement one of the ideas from this collection. Appetizing meatballs are a simple but very tasty dish that resembles meatballs. Indeed, meatballs are not much different from cutlets, but there is a difference between them. The meatballs are prepared mainly from finely chopped meat, while they have a round shape, ...

Buns, sausages and steam savory sauces to your taste. Combine all the ingredients, and lo and behold, hot dogs are ready! Simple to prepare and taste like nothing special, but these simple steps creating a hot dog is not limited! There are several recipes on how to cook hot dogs in a new way at home and many ideas on how to diversify this dish, giving it new savory ...

Among the many treats, some will always choose an airy chicken soufflé! chicken soufflé- a dish that is very delicate in taste, so pleasant in structure, airy, as if weightless. Little children adore such a soufflé that their mother prepares for them; many prepare it for a dinner party, for the arrival of guests or for holidays; well, lovers culinary delights appreciate it for its amazing taste. Such a delicacy is a welcome dish ...

How to cook fast fresh soup For dinner? I usually boil the broth for several days and season it daily according to one of my favorite recipes. Cooking dinner takes no more than an hour, and my household is provided with delicious and healthy eating for the whole week.

Pea soup - a storehouse of taste and benefits

In addition to peas, potatoes, carrots and onions are put in it - they give the soup a pleasant shade. The tastiest pea soup is obtained on smoked meats, for example, on ribs, but you can also use smoked sausage by adding it at the end of cooking.

Noodle soup - hearty and fast

Noodles are boiled in chicken, meat broth. You can add onions and carrots, potatoes to the noodle soup, and use ready-made vermicelli for dressing or make homemade noodles from the test.

Fish soup - ear

One of the fastest soups to make. Fish for him can be any: river or sea You can even use canned food. Their composition is also varied, but traditionally in the ear of river fish put only potatoes and onions, so as not to drown out its aroma. Sea fish has a richer taste, it also goes well with carrots and roots, tomatoes.

Puree soups for the joy of children

Children do not really like vegetable soups, but pureed ones are eaten with pleasure! It is enough to boil any vegetables in meat, chicken broth or in milk and a blender turn the vegetables into a puree. You can add cream or butter to taste.

Okroshka and beetroot in the summer heat

Refreshing taste and benefits are a feature of summer cold soups. As liquid base for okroshka usually acts kvass, less often kefir. Cold borscht is cooked on a chilled beet broth. The thick component of such soups is a mixture of chopped vegetables, boiled eggs, meat and sausage products. Greens perfectly decorate such a soup.

What to serve soup with?

Traditional soup dressings are sour cream and mayonnaise, but I'm not limited to that. In mashed soups, I add butter and croutons from white bread dried in the oven or microwave. The taste of borscht is perfectly complemented by fragrant donuts with garlic. Ukha becomes especially good if it is sprinkled with a green onion and served with fresh rye bread. And the taste of okroshka will be emphasized by grated fresh horseradish and mustard.

Any soup is a real space for creativity, because by slightly changing its composition, you can get a new, spicy taste for which you will be considered an excellent hostess. Do not be afraid to experiment, because soups are fast, simple and very tasty!

The modern pace of life does not always allow us to eat right. Busy work schedules force us to dine on a hamburger and drink cola. Soon bloating, colic and heaviness appear. The right way out in this situation will be instant soups.

It is known that soup is much healthier than a bun. Giving preference to liquid instead of fast food, you normalize the work of the stomach and get good health. To prepare a quick and tasty soup, it will take quite a bit of time, but you will feel full for a long time. To quickly prepare the soup, you will need water and ... the soup itself. If you are at work, boil water, pour the contents of the bag into a cup, and stir - the soup is ready for a quick hand.

If you are at home and want to cook soup quickly, but you are interested in a tasty result, then the next question arises - what kind of soup to cook quickly. Depending on the components, there are many options. For example, to prepare a simple and quick soup from vegetables, it is not necessary to conjure for hours. It is enough to put a few ingredients, but so that they are nutritious. For example, a quick vegetable soup.


  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • cauliflower - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • semolina - half a glass;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • spices.


  1. Rinse the cabbage well and break into separate bushes.
  2. Cut potatoes into small pieces, and carrots into thin slices. Throw all this together with cabbage into boiling water.
  3. While it is cooking, make dumplings. In a bowl, beat 2 eggs, add semolina, spices, and mix gently so that there are no lumps.
  4. When the vegetables are ready, take a small spoon, collect this mixture with it and slowly lower it into the soup.
  5. When all the dumplings are in the soup, leave on low heat for 5 minutes. The soup is ready. For color, add different greens to a quick vegetable soup.

Our tip: Cut carrots into thin slices then it will cook along with the potatoes. It is better to take a coffee spoon for dumplings, as they swell very much. And be sure to season the dumplings before putting them in the soup. The dish itself can be seasoned at any time. And remember, you can not interfere often, cabbage can turn into gruel.


  • chicken backs - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • black pepper - a few peas;
  • spices.


  1. Rinse the chicken backs, peel them and throw them into a pot of water, let them boil.
  2. Add bay leaf, pepper, onion, spices.
  3. Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces, cut the carrots into thin slices. Add to chicken.


  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 1 pack;
  • flour - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black pepper;
  • spices.


  1. Peel potatoes, cut into small cubes, throw into boiling water. Add bay leaf and spices.
  2. In a separate bowl, thoroughly mix flour with boiled water then pour in the sour cream and stir again. It is better to use a mixer.
  3. When the potatoes are ready, slowly pour in the sour cream mixture and stir gently to prevent lumps from forming.
  4. Leave on low heat for 2-3 minutes. The soup is ready.

As you can see, making a quick and tasty soup using a small amount of ingredients is as easy as shelling pears. And if you are interested in soup for fast weight loss then choose chicken or sour cream. But then do not put flour, but simply pour in low-fat sour cream. And add less potatoes and spices.

Our advice: to cook chicken soup quick and tasty, use herbs and fragrant roots. For example, to add a twist to the unusual, try boiling it with 4-5 peas. allspice, marjoram and parsley root. This gives the meat a delicate and refined flavor. Or try " Provencal herbs”, which include mint, thyme, marjoram and other fragrant. This seasoning is great for soups, pilaf, meat and vegetable dishes improving their taste. Do not be afraid to be magical, and you will see that more spicy aroma have not been in your kitchen yet!

If you are wondering how to quickly cook pea soup, then you need frozen or canned peas.


  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • peas - half a can of canned or 1 cup frozen (250 ml);
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf (to taste);
  • black pepper;
  • spices.


  1. Peel potatoes and carrots, cut into small pieces and thin slices. Throw in boiling water with spices and bay leaf.
  2. If the peas are frozen, add them 10 minutes earlier than the rest of the vegetables, if canned - 5 minutes before they are ready.

If you want to quickly prepare pea soup at work, then take bags with its contents with you. To enjoy it, just pour boiling water over it. Such instant soups can be bought at the nearest stall selling coffee and tea.

You will need dried mushrooms that are left over from autumn stocks, and if not, then the store will come to the rescue. Dried mushrooms cook faster than fresh mushrooms and save a lot of time.


  • dried mushrooms (any) - 1 bunch;
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • Bay leaf;
  • spices.


  1. We clean the onion and throw it into boiling water with bay leaf and spices.
  2. Peel potatoes and carrots, cut into small pieces and thin slices. Add to saucepan.
  3. My mushrooms and also add to the rest of the ingredients.

Our tip: To spice things up, you can make a sauté with an onion and ground red pepper.

Miso - instant soup

This delicacy is a fermented paste made from soybeans with the addition of rice, wheat, barley, salt and water. Exist different variants its preparation, for example, with potatoes, pork, mushrooms, seaweed and other ingredients. Consider the recipe "Miso with vegetables".


  • zucchini or zucchini (small) - 1 pc.;
  • pumpkin - 150 g;
  • celery - 1 pc.;
  • wakame seaweed - 1/2 tsp;
  • miso paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • onion - 1/2 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce- taste.


  1. Zucchini, pumpkin and celery cut into small cubes, put to boil over medium heat.
  2. Stew in vegetable oil chopped carrots and onions for 10 minutes.
  3. When the pumpkin in the broth becomes soft, reduce the heat, add to the broth stewed carrots with onions, and cook for 5 minutes, then turn off the soup.
  4. Add miso paste, seaweed and soy sauce to taste instead of salt. Bon appetit!

As you can see, the recipe for a quick soup is very simple. If you wished to dine with this soup at work, then in every supermarket there are varieties of it, for example, "Ryotei" with wakame, with fried bean curd, "Awas" and others that you just need to fill with water.

This delicacy is very popular because it is very tasty and nutritious.


  • 200 g of processed or soft cheese;
  • 200 g of broccoli inflorescences;
  • 200 g green peas (canned);
  • 200 g of semi-smoked sausages;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Bulb - 1 pc.;
  • clove of garlic;
  • spices.


  1. Let's cook broccoli with spices. It is better to put a lot of water, about 2 liters.
  2. We cut carrots, onions, sausages. Roast everything separately.
  3. We add all this to cooked cabbage. We add peas.
  4. Add cheese and finely chopped garlic, stir.
  5. Now add spices to taste. Then cover with a lid and let it brew for 20 minutes.

Sprinkle with herbs and serve with cheese sticks for piquancy.

Our advice: If you have a hard cheese, then first grate it, pour a small amount hot broth and grind to the consistency of thick sour cream.

As you can see, instant soup recipes are varied and practical. In addition, they are tasty and original. What is the fastest soup for you is another question. After all, even in a dish with two components, you can put great amount spices and roots to improve the taste and add zest, which takes a lot of time.

Delicious soup - quick and easy

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Quick Soup Recipes

I propose to learn how to cook zucchini and potato soup - excellent vegetarian recipe will add variety to your dishes, and directly to you - benefits! Don't hesitate to cook.

I cook lean and healthy celery root soup when I want to unload the body and fill it with vitamins. It doesn't even have meat. meat broth, only vegetables. My friend loves this soup.

Somehow I came across a simple recipe for soup with beans. Prepared it in half an hour. The soup is fresh and very tasty. My nephews really liked the bean soup. And, since children love, then - offset!

Soup from volnushek I cook according to the Hungarian recipe mushroom soup. It differs from the usual mushroom soup in that it contains paprika and milk. Soup from volnushek comes out very tasty and satisfying.

Umbrella soup is prepared according to a very simple recipe. And yes, it cooks very quickly. Based on this recipe, you can cook soup from any mushrooms. I serve this soup of umbrellas with pies (with mushrooms).

Soup with shiitake and tofu is prepared very simply and quickly. It can be served for a light lunch. In the summer I eat it for dinner too. By the way, I advise everyone who wants not to strain about the figure to eat soups. Forward!

Mushroom boletus soup is very easy to make. You can cook it with or without meat. My easy mushroom soup recipe is meat-free. Add potatoes, carrots, onions, some greens and the soup is ready!

Japanese traditional shiitake miso soup is cooked in half an hour. Ginger, tofu, vegetables and, of course, miso are added to it. Shiitake is a source of vitamin D, so the soup comes out both tasty and healthy.

Gruzdyanka is a mushroom soup traditional for Russian cuisine. Gruzyanka is not at all difficult to cook: you will spend only about half an hour preparing it, while using a minimum of products.

Thick puree soup from tomatoes is perfect for a light lunch. Such a soup will restore strength after a fun evening (and night!), It will become a "nail" family meal and finding the season of tomatoes. Forward!

Light vegetable soups are good in summer. They do not burden the stomach and are very useful. Moreover, fresh vegetables are abundant in the summer and vegetable soup with bell pepper can be cooked every time with new ingredients.

Okroshka with whey is an exclusively summer dish that not only satisfies hunger well, but also perfectly refreshes, so the soup should always be thoroughly cooled in the refrigerator before serving.

diet soup celery will help burn overweight and cleanse the body of toxins. I do not recommend eating this soup. less than a week. Soup cook in half an hour! Be healthy and love yourself!

Chanterelle soup with beans is my lifesaver. Very tasty, nutritious and beautiful soup which can be prepared in just 25 minutes. It's very easy to prepare. Meet!

Cheese soup with mushrooms - surprisingly gentle, almost cream soup out pretty simple ingredients. The recipe was invented by me personally and tested dozens of times - it always turns out perfectly.

Promised hearty lunch, and time is running out? Do not despair, I advise how to cook borscht in the microwave - only half an hour, and no one will notice the substitution, it will turn out just as satisfying and rich :)

I advise lovers of sour-milk dishes to cook okroshka on citric acid. Cold fresh soup with sourness is as good as possible in summer. We also add garlic for piquancy and more greens.

Perhaps the most unusual option okroshka - with sprats in tomato. When you want something quick and easy, this okroshka is a good option. We take a can of canned food, one or two - and you're done!

When you want something spicy, I cook okroshka with mustard. In addition to this spicy component, I add fresh mint. The taste is amazing! I highly recommend trying my little one!

I like the "Baltic okroshka" - on kefir with beets. The sweetness of beets and the sourness of kefir create unique combination. Always craving more! This soup is very good for appetite!

In fasting and for unloading, we eat with home lean okroshka with mushrooms. Mushrooms go into it any that you have at home or that you buy. A simple option - with champignons, royal - with white.

What to cook in the heat? In my family, they would have answered you in chorus - okroshka! I recommend easy option soup, and for sourness add vinegar. Cooking okroshka on water with the addition of vinegar - you will like it!

Okroshka on kvass - classic dish, which, I think, every housewife should be able to cook. Most often, I cook okroshka on my own. homemade kvass. They will turn out very tasty!

This simple mayonnaise okroshka recipe is easy to remember. It will take you about 20 minutes to prepare it. It’s good to add ice to the finished okroshka! Take care of fresh vegetables, preferably - from the garden.

Okroshka - light, nutritious, vitamin soup, which also helps to reduce excess weight. I adore okroshka and in early spring I always “sit down” on an okroshka diet. By the bikini season I lose 3-4 kg.

Soup with sorrel and egg - traditional and we are all fine famous soup Russian home cooking. The ingredients are budget, the cooking process is simple, and the soup is hearty, rich and tasty. Ready!

Sorrel puree soup is another incredibly tasty dish from this the healthiest vegetable. It is prepared simply, quickly and from affordable budget ingredients, but the taste and appearance of the dish are of a restaurant level.

Cold cucumber soup is a great lunch on a hot summer day. The recipe for cold cucumber soup is based on natural yogurt And vegetable broth. Suitable for vegetarians.

Light, healthy, satisfying, fragrant, tasty - the advantages of this wonderful and simple soup from sorrel in a slow cooker can be listed for a long time. But it's better to see for yourself, isn't it? :)

Cheese Soup "Friendship"

Eh, well, who among us does not remember the taste of this soup?.. Once it was a real lifesaver for our mothers and grandmothers. But even today, a simple recipe for Friendship cheese soup (or any other processed cheese) can be a help for modern hostess, which often has to cook something "quickly".

Mid-September, the kitchen is littered with homemade tomatoes and squash. Well, we're getting ready. delicious dishes by disposing of excess products. Tomato soup with pumpkin - meet!

Broccoli soup recipe. The soup is very quick to make and tastes amazing. And thanks to such a vegetable as broccoli, this dish becomes very nutritious and healthy.

If you don't know what to cook with tomatoes, try Moroccan tomato soup. It is easy to prepare, very savory and original soup from ingredients that are simple and understandable to a Russian person.

Lean pickle - very easy to prepare and hearty soup home cooking. No frills - lean pickle prepared only from simple and available ingredients. Just what you need for Lent.

Very tasty and fragrant pumpkin puree soup. I advise you to cook it for your children, as the soup is very useful.

Classic Mediterranean garlic cream soup- this is a dish that is better to try once than hear about it a hundred times. Preparing is very simple.

simple and delicious recipe canned soup. Smoked saury in oil goes very well with this dish.

Recipe for hodgepodge with sausage, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, pickles and olives.

Lithuanian cold borscht "Shaltibarshchay"

Recipe for a traditional Lithuanian dish. Cold borscht is served in summer time. This soup should be tried by everyone without exception, just delicious!

Milk soup with buckwheat is very easy to prepare and will not take you much effort and time. Buckwheat It is applied both in adult, and in children's food.

Spinach cream soup with celery and cabbage - light, delicious soup beautiful emerald color.

Cherry soup - it may sound crazy, but it's Hungarian National dish. And, I must say, quite tasty :)

Vegetarian okroshka - summer cold soup, without eggs and sausages. Also, this okroshka is prepared not on kvass, but on kefir.

Soup with chanterelles - very light, tasty and fragrant mushroom soup. Suitable for vegetarians and dieters.

French puree soup is an exquisite, but very simple dish in composition. I think that every housewife will easily find everything to prepare this soup. necessary ingredients in your refrigerator.

Vegetarian vegetable miso soup is a delicious and very healthy soup. Japanese food based on fish, but we will prepare a soup without fish, but nevertheless full of vitamins and beneficial substances!

If you don’t know what to cook from zucchini, I recommend zucchini puree soup. The dish turns out not only very useful, but also very tasty and refreshing on a summer day.

Soup from bell pepper- original and very delicious cream soup yellow color! It does not take much effort and money to prepare it, which makes it even more attractive!

Recipe Thai soup from chicken broth coconut milk, shrimp, mushrooms, lemon, chili, garlic and ginger. Soup Tom KXA - business card Asian cuisine.

Recipe for soup made from peas, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomato sauce and spices. Lean pea soup is no less tasty than meat soup.

Croutons will enhance the taste of any soup. Oven dried or fried butter rubbed with garlic or soaked lemon juice. Prepare croutons for your soup and see for yourself.

Vermicelli soup is very easy to prepare, light and tasty. It is cooked in chicken, beef and vegetable broth. Today we offer you vermicelli soup with meatballs.

The recipe for this soup will help out a lot when you need to cook dinner, but there is sorely not enough time. It cooks very quickly, and the soup is very tasty.

White soup is any creamy soup that uses processed cheese.

chicken noodles- one of the most popular homemade soups. It always turns out very tender and tasty. This is very light soup, which, in addition to everything else, is very quickly and simply prepared.

Bonn soup is the basis of the appropriately named diet, based on the statistics that people who prefer soups make up the majority of thin people.

Recipe potato soup with dumplings.

Recipe for borscht with beets, squid, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, onions and herbs.

For many milk soup associated with either milk rice porridge, or with exotic dishes from France and Sweden. How about something simple and healthy? vegetable soup on milk? Helpful and great!

This dish may seem unusual to our eaters, because the soup does not contain traditional potato. The main ingredient here is onion. However, once you taste the soup properly, you will love it. Recipe from Dumas Sr.
