
What to do with garlic arrows: recipes. Soup - puree with garlic arrows and pumpkin

Garlic arrows have pleasant taste and aroma, many are prepared from them interesting dishes and preparations for the winter. They can be boiled, fried, pickled, salted and even frozen. Many hostesses ask: how to prepare garlic arrows to make delicious preparation for the winter? The main thing is to have time to collect garlic arrows until they get tough. Use only young, tender shoots that have not yet blossomed.

Preparation of arrows of garlic and containers for harvesting for the winter:

  • Garlic arrows for the preparation of blanks can be left whole or cut into cubes, rings, grind into a paste. Taste ready snack does not depend on the form of cutting of the main product.
  • Salt is used ordinary, not iodized.
  • To store such blanks, it is more advisable to take small jars, for example, with a capacity of 300 or 500 ml.
  • Jars for blanks must certainly be clean: before filling, they are well sterilized with boiling water. In the washed clean jars pour boiling water on 1/3 of their volume. This sterilization lasts 5 minutes. Then the water is poured out and the jar is filled with food.
  • When canning garlic arrows, it is best to play it safe and carry out the second stage of sterilization, which is subjected to filled jars. To do this, put a small linen napkin on the bottom of the pan so that the jars do not burst, bring the water to a boil, put the prepared jar filled and covered with a lid in it and boil over low heat (can be sterilized using a home electric grill by putting the jar there for 10-15 minutes). The time of sterilization of jars with garlic preservation depends on their volume, 0.3 and 0.5 liters are sterilized for 20 minutes, 1 liter - 30 minutes.

Pickled garlic shoots: 2 ways

1 way


  • arrows of garlic;
  • table vinegar - 100 g;
  • salt 70 g (2 tablespoons and 1 tsp);
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • water - 1 l.


  1. Wash the shoots, cut into strips of 7-10 cm.
  2. Remove excess bitterness from arrows. To do this, put the chopped arrows in a colander and dip in a pot of boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then pull out and rinse cold water.
  3. Hold the lids in boiling water for 4-5 minutes.
  4. For brine, mix water, sugar and salt, boil. Then add vinegar.
  5. It is necessary to place the prepared garlic arrows tightly in jars (previously sterilized) in an upright position, pour in brine and cover with lids.
  6. This is followed by re-sterilization (see above how to do this).
  7. Then cork the jars with lids, turn upside down and cover with a cloth to cool naturally.

Method 2

  1. Prepare garlic arrows as in the first method, cut into prepared jars.
  2. Blanch the arrows for a few minutes.
  3. In each sterilized jar, place a few black peppercorns, some dill seeds or inflorescence, a small uncut chili pepper and Bay leaf. Fill jar with chopped garlic sprouts on top.
  4. Pour into each jar 1 tbsp. l. salt and sugar (based on a jar with a capacity of 1 liter), pour boiling water, add 2 tbsp. l 9 or 5% vinegar.
  5. Store blanks in a cool dark place.

This recipe differs from the previous one in that such an appetizer is not prepared for long-term storage but for quick use.


  • garlic arrows - 500 g;
  • bay leaf, currant, cherry - 2-3 pieces each;
  • dill greens 70 g;
  • fresh horseradish root - 20 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • salt - 35 g (1 tablespoon with a slide).


  1. For brine, mix water and salt, boil.
  2. Rinse the garlic cloves, pat dry and chop as desired.
  3. Wash the dill greens well. Wash and clean horseradish.
  4. Finely chop horseradish and dill or chop with a blender, food processor or a simple meat grinder.
  5. In a sterilized jar, put garlic arrows, a mixture of horseradish and dill, a few leaves in layers.
  6. Next, pour the stacked products with brine, cover with a lid and leave to cool.
  7. After 4-5 days, your fragrant and gently spicy snack ready to use!


  • arrows;

for the marinade:

  • water - 700 ml;
  • vegetable oil glass;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • glass sugar;
  • tomato paste 500 g;
  • a glass of apple or table vinegar.


  1. Prepare marinade. To do this, mix the ingredients for the marinade, except for the vinegar.
  2. Cut the arrows and put in the marinade. Boil for 15-20 minutes, add vinegar a few minutes before the end of cooking.
  3. Arrange in sterilized jars, close with lids, turn over and wrap to cool.

This one is very spicy sauce can replace on your table regular mayonnaise or hell.


  • garlic arrows - 500 g;
  • salt - 100 g (3 tablespoons and 1 tsp);
  • dried coriander - 1 tsp (4 g).


Conduct primary processing shoots as in previous recipes, grind to a puree state uniform consistency. Add coriander and salt, mix and distribute in sterile storage jars. Store at 4-6°C for two weeks.

Advice! For a more delicate texture, you can add vegetable oil to the recipe. But in this case, the shelf life of the sauce is reduced to one and a half weeks, since the process of preparing the sauce does not provide for heat treatment of products.

For cooking various dishes in winter, it is not necessary to buy fresh herbs in the store, it is enough to freeze them in summer or autumn. This is a very convenient and time-consuming way of harvesting. In addition, the greens in this case are not subjected to heat treatment and retain a maximum useful substances.

Only young shoots of garlic shooters act as ingredients here.

Processing sequence:

  • wash the arrows of garlic, dry with a linen napkin or towel;
  • cut into any shape, you can arbitrarily;
  • put in a plastic bag or container for freezing, keep 9-10 hours in the refrigerator;
  • place for further freezing and storage in freezer.

You can also make portioned frozen garlic cloves. The advantage of this method is that at any time you can get exactly as much frozen product as you need at the moment. To do this, rinse and dry the arrows, then grind them in a blender or with a combine into a homogeneous mass. Further decompose garlic puree into containers for freezing ice and send to freeze.

Garlic arrows are a delicacy that many summer residents simply throw away. This happens most often due to ignorance of what benefits are hidden in them for the body, and how tasty they can be cooked. Nutritionists, on the other hand, are absolutely sure that there are as many useful substances in garlic arrows as in his teeth.

The difference between tops and roots is only in quantity essential oils, so the green arrows do not have such a sharp flavor. So don't waste it like that valuable product, it is better to cook something tasty and healthy from it or think about how to cook garlic arrows for the winter.


This method of cooking garlic arrows can be safely called the simplest, but ready meal it turns out very tasty with a pleasant mushroom aroma. You can pamper yourself and your family with this delicacy not only in season, but also in winter. To do this, you just need to freeze the prepared arrows, and then take them out of the freezer and cook.

This recipe will be without clear proportions and for it you will need:

  • young garlic arrows;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Plucked young garlic arrows must first be washed and sorted out, cutting off the thin tip. No more than one and a half centimeters should remain on top of the unblown bud of the inflorescence; Overripe arrows, of course, will be as fragrant as young ones, but after cooking they will remain tough, so you need to choose only those whose inflorescence thickness is the same as that of the arrow itself .
  2. Now the prepared "delicacy" must be cut into pieces 5 to 7 cm long;
  3. Pour a little oil into the bottom of the pan with high walls, just enough so that nothing sticks to the dishes during cooking. Heat the oil well and put arrows in it;
  4. Immediately salt the contents of the pan. You can add a little ground black pepper or other spices, or you can not put anything - it will still be delicious;
  5. At the beginning of frying, the arrows will release their juice and will be stewed in it until soft. Then, when all the liquid gradually evaporates, they will already be fried. At this stage, you can make the fire stronger, then the dish can be brought to readiness in 10 minutes;
  6. Fried garlic arrows can be served not only as a separate treat, but also as a side dish for meat or fish dishes.

Stewed with vegetables

If you add a few vegetables to the ingredients of the previous recipe, which are sure to be found in the kitchen of any housewife, then you can cook a delicious snack.

So, you need to take:

  • 50 g (one bunch) garlic arrows;
  • 70 g carrots;
  • 70 g of onions;
  • 70 g sweet bell pepper;
  • 70 g of ripe tomatoes;
  • 40-50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 30 ml soy sauce;
  • salt, spices (ground black pepper and coriander, chili pepper) and herbs to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, turn on the fire and leave it to warm up. In the meantime, peel the onion from the husk and chop it in any way;
  2. When the oil warms up well, send a tear vegetable into it and cook until transparent. In the intervals between stirring the onion in the pan, peel the carrots and pass through coarse grater. She will next go to the already transparent bow;
  3. Five minutes, which carrots and onions will fry together, should be spent on chopping peppers into strips and garlic arrows in five-centimeter pieces. Both of these vegetables are added to the pan at the same time;
  4. When the arrows of garlic darken and become soft, it's the turn of the tomatoes. They need to be cut large slice. Those who do not like tomato skins can scald the tomatoes with boiling water and peel them;
  5. Lastly add soy sauce and spices. Salting without sampling after adding soy sauce is not worth it, because it is also salty. Serve stewed garlic arrows, garnished with chopped fresh herbs.

Ragout of garlic arrows and pork

Interesting spicy notes able to add green pipes of garlic to such an ordinary second course as pork stew.

You should not talk about this dish for a long time, you just need to cook it at least once, and for this you will need:

  • 600-700 g of pork pulp;
  • 50-70 g of green garlic arrows;
  • 100 g of onions;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 70 g of Bulgarian sweet pepper;
  • 200 ml puree from fresh tomatoes or tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 60-75 ml of vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking stew step by step:

  1. For cooking, be sure to take a cauldron or a pan with a thick bottom and high sides. Pour oil into this vessel and put it on fire so that it warms up to the boiling point;
  2. cut pork in small pieces. The best option is cubes with sides of two to three centimeters. Transfer the meat to boiling oil and fry, stirring actively, until the released meat juice has completely evaporated;
  3. Then comes the turn of vegetables. Crushed, they are added to the cauldron with a five-minute interval in the following sequence: onions, carrots, peppers and garlic arrows. Onions are chopped into quarter rings, carrots are passed through a Korean-style vegetable grater, peppers are cut into strips, and garlic pipes are cut into pieces of two centimeters;
  4. When the garlic arrows darken and become soft, pour over the meat and vegetables tomato puree, add salt and spices. Put out everything a little under the lid, and hearty stew from pork with delicate aroma garlic will be ready.

Pasta diner from the arrows of garlic

This is the simplest and fast way prepare green pipes of garlic for the future for the winter.

To prepare such a preparation, you will need a minimum of time and ingredients. Everything is only 20-30 minutes and:

  • 500 g of green arrows;
  • 5 g of table salt;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil.

Pasta preparation:

  1. The feedstock must be thoroughly washed, dried on a towel (excess moisture is absolutely useless) and cut into pieces of arbitrary length to make it easier to grind them later;
  2. Further preparation can be carried out in two ways. The first is to put all the ingredients in a blender bowl and grind to a paste. The second way: skip the garlic arrows through a meat grinder with a fine sieve, and then add salt, oil to the resulting mass and stir everything;
  3. Aromatic garlic paste of a beautiful emerald color is stored in the refrigerator, for longer storage it is frozen. You can do this by placing it in a freezer bag or ice cube trays to get a batch of frozen.

From such a snack paste you can cook delicious spread on bread, mixing it with minced meat salted fat or cottage cheese. It can also be added to soups, meat and fish dishes as a seasoning for flavoring.

Pickled garlic arrows

Pickled young garlic shooters are as delicious as pickled cucumbers. Having tasted it then it is simply impossible to stop even for those who squeamishly wrinkle their nose at the mention of garlic.

The proportions of ingredients for this winter preparation:

  • 700 g garlic arrows;
  • 600 ml filtered water;
  • 60 ml table vinegar (9%);
  • 20 g of crystalline sugar;
  • 20 g of table salt;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 4 medium bay leaves.

Cooking garlic arrows - a recipe in stages:

  1. The first step is to prepare the jars, that is, sterilize them with any in the usual way. This amount of ingredients is enough for two half-liter jars;
  2. Wash the garlic arrows, cut off the flower buds and cut into segments that fit perfectly in the prepared jars. Tamp the prepared raw materials tightly into a sterile container;
  3. In a saucepan, combine all the ingredients of the marinade, bring it to a boil and fill the jars with it to the top;
  4. After that, the jars must be moved to a pot of water, on the bottom of which a towel is laid, for sterilization. Cover the cans of seaming with lids and boil for 20 minutes after boiling water;
  5. Then seal tightly with sterile lids and hide under a warm blanket, turning upside down, until completely cool. Store blanks in the basement.

Products for the marinade and the number of arrows for four half-liter jars of garlic lecho:

  • 1000 g garlic arrows;
  • 700 ml of drinking water;
  • 500 ml of tomato paste;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • 125 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 50 ml apple cider vinegar(can be replaced with a canteen).


  1. Sort, wash, dry and chop the arrows into pieces no longer than five centimeters;
  2. Combine all marinade ingredients (except vinegar) and bring to a boil. Send arrows to the boiling mixture and boil for a quarter of an hour;
  3. Then pour in the vinegar and boil for another 5 minutes. After that, it remains only to spread everything in a sterile container, cork with lids and wrap it with something warm until it cools completely.

Pickled garlic cloves

Those who do not like preparations for the winter using vinegar will like the recipe for pickled garlic arrows. True, before being sent for storage with such a seam, you will have to tinker a bit, but the appetizer that you get as a result will delight you with the taste of barrel vegetables.

Proportions of ingredients for the marinade:

  • 1500 ml of boiled water;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 100 g sugar.

How to ferment:

  1. Rinse the garlic pipes, cut into pieces and put in a colander. When the water drains, put the prepared greens in jars;
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in cold water until all crystals disappear completely. Pour the resulting solution to the top of the jar with crushed arrows;
  3. Set each jar in a deep plate, cover with a lid and leave at room temperature for 5-10 days. During this time, the marinade will drain into the plate, it will need to be poured back into the jar;
  4. When the fermentation process is over, boil the marinade and pour the contents of the jars hot, roll up sealed lids and store in the basement.

Anyone who has never tried pickled garlic arrows for the winter has lost a lot, because this delicious delicacy With spicy taste And spicy aroma. Garlic shoots, which many housewives threw away, today serve as an excellent basis for many dishes. Moreover, in addition to the uniqueness that the arrows of garlic give to dishes, they are also excellent source vitamins. Moreover, as it turned out, they contain much more arrows than garlic itself.

From garlic arrows you can cook a wonderful snack, salads, sauces, seasonings, they can be added to vegetable stews, fry, add a little to the first and second courses and, finally, prepare for the winter.

There are many options for preparing garlic arrows for the winter. The main thing is not to miss the moment and collect garlic arrows in time. Remember, garlic cloves should be cut as soon as the garlic releases them, while they are still tender and juicy. Pay attention to the appeared bud. If it is closed - cut off the arrow immediately, but if it has blossomed into a flower - the arrow is absolutely not suitable for eating or for harvesting.

Pickled garlic arrows for the winter (recipe number 1)

1 kg arrows of garlic,
1 l hot water,
50 g sugar
100 g 9% vinegar,
50 g salt
peppercorns, bay leaf, mustard seeds - to taste.

Wash the young garlic cloves, cut into sticks, blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes and let them cool. At the bottom of the prepared sterilized jars, put bay leaves, peppercorns, mustard seeds and put garlic arrows on top of this. Pour everything with a hot marinade made from water, sugar, salt and vinegar, and sterilize the filled jars: 0.5 l - 5 minutes, 1 l - 10 minutes. Then roll up the jars, turn them over, let them cool and store in a cool place.

Pickled garlic arrows for the winter (recipe number 2)

1 kg arrows of garlic,
1 l hot water,
100 g 9% vinegar,
50 g salt
peppercorns, bay leaf, red hot pepper - to taste.

Prepare the garlic cloves, chop them and blanch for 2 minutes. Then let cool and put in clean sterilized jars, on the bottom of which all the spices have already been placed. Prepare the marinade from water and salt. Pour jars with garlic arrows with boiling marinade and add 1.5 tablespoons of vinegar per 0.5 liter jar, 3 tbsp per 1 liter jar. Banks immediately roll up, turn over, let them cool.

Pickled garlic arrows with herbs

garlic arrows,
For marinade:
1 liter of water
50 g sugar
50 g salt
1 tsp 70% vinegar essence.

Wash the garlic cloves, cut them into pieces 3-5 cm long, chop the greens coarsely. Put everything in prepared sterilized jars, pour boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes. Then drain the water and fill the contents of the jars with a marinade made from water, salt, sugar and vinegar. Roll up the jars with sterilized lids, turn over and leave to cool completely.

Pickled garlic arrows with pepper and cinnamon

300 g arrows of garlic,
1 stack water,
1 stack table vinegar,
3 tbsp salt,
1.5 tbsp Sahara,
3 g cinnamon
10 g black ground pepper,
3 bay leaves.

Prepare the collected young garlic arrows, cut them, scald with boiling water and put in a prepared sterilized jar. Fill the contents of the jar with hot brine made from water, salt, sugar, seasonings and spices, and roll up the lid. Garlic arrows prepared in this way will be ready to eat in three weeks.

Pickled garlic arrows in Korean

2-3 bunches of garlic arrows,
2-3 garlic cloves,
1 tbsp seasonings for Korean carrots,
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
½ tsp Sahara,
3-4 bay leaves,
vegetable oil, salt or soy sauce - to taste.

Cut the garlic cloves into pieces and fry them, stirring, in a pan with hot vegetable oil until soft. Add sugar, chopped bay leaf, seasoning for Korean carrots, vinegar, salt or soy sauce to taste and wait until the mass thickens. Turn off the heat, cool, add the garlic passed through the press. Spread the prepared mass in jars, tightly close the lids and store in the refrigerator.

Salted garlic cloves

1 kg arrows of garlic,
4-5 leaves black currant,
3 cherry leaf,
½ horseradish root
100 g green dill.
For brine:
1 liter of water
60-70 g of salt,
black ground pepper- taste.

Sort the garlic cloves, rinse them with cold running water and cut into pieces 10 cm long. Grate the horseradish root on fine grater, chop dill and mix with horseradish and chopped garlic arrows. Put everything in jars, shifting with blackcurrant and cherry leaves. Prepare the brine by dissolving salt and pepper in boiling water. Cool the brine to 50ºС, fill the contents of the jars with it, cover the top of the jar with gauze folded in 2-3 layers and leave at room temperature. After 5 days, cover the jars with tight plastic lids and store in a cool place.

Arrows of garlic in redcurrant juice

2 kg arrows of garlic,
300 ml red currant juice,
700 ml of water
3 umbrellas of dill,
100 g sugar
50 g salt.

Cut the garlic cloves into 3-5 cm pieces and blanch in boiling water for 1 minute. Then put them in clean jars along with dill umbrellas. Pour red currant berries with boiling water and boil for 3 minutes, then rub through a sieve. Add salt, sugar to the strained broth, bring it to a boil and pour it over garlic arrows with dill. Roll up the banks, turn over and leave to cool completely. Store the workpiece in a cool place.

Arrows of garlic with paprika and coriander for the winter

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
400 g arrows of garlic,
3 garlic cloves,
50 ml vegetable oil,
50 ml soy sauce
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tbsp salt.
1 tbsp 9% vinegar,
4 tsp paprika,
1 tsp ground coriander,
3 black peppercorns,
3 red peppercorns.

Wash the garlic cloves, dry and chop. Pour vegetable oil into a preheated pan, put garlic cloves and fry them for 10 minutes, uncovered. Then pour the vinegar and soy sauce into the pan with arrows, stir and bring the mixture to a boil. Then add sugar to the resulting mass, ground coriander, paprika, salt, black and red peppers and mix well again. Mince the garlic and add it to total mass, simmer with it for another 5 minutes. Put the finished mass in a jar, cover it with a lid, sterilize for 10 minutes after boiling and roll up.

pickled arrows garlic (option number 1)

2 kg garlic arrows,
1.5 liters of water,
100 g sugar
100 g of salt.

Rinse the garlic sprouts well in cold water, cut into 3-5 cm pieces and place in a clean prepared container. Dilute sugar and salt in cold water, let the solution boil, cool it and pour arrows. Cover the container with the arrows with a clean cloth, put a plate on top, set the oppression on it so that the liquid comes out slightly, and put it in the cold. In a month, delicious pickled arrows will be ready.

Pickled garlic arrows with dill (option No. 2)

500 g of young garlic shooters,
3 sprigs of dill,
1.5 stack. water,
1 tbsp salt,
1.5 tbsp 4% vinegar.

Rinse the garlic cloves with cold water, cut into 3-6 cm pieces, dip in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then dip in cold water for cooling. Place 2 sprigs of dill on the bottom of the prepared container and tightly lay the garlic arrows, cover them with another sprig of dill on top. To prepare the brine, dissolve salt in boiling water, cool and add vinegar. Pour the garlic arrows with dill with the prepared chilled brine, cover with a plate on top, put oppression on it and leave at room temperature for fermentation, starting on the 3rd or 4th day and lasting 12-14 days. During this time, do not forget to periodically remove the foam and add brine. Store the finished pickled arrows in the refrigerator.

Sauce of garlic arrows "Piquant"

500 g arrows of garlic,
100 g salt
ground coriander - to taste.

Thoroughly wash the garlic shooters and pass them through a meat grinder. Add all other ingredients to the arrows, mix, season with coriander and package in small pre-sterilized jars. Close the lids and store in a cold place.

Seasoning of garlic arrows with dill "For first courses"

garlic arrows,
dill greens,

Wash the arrows of garlic and dill, dry and pass through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mixture with salt (the mass should turn out to be well salted) and arrange in sterilized jars. Lightly sprinkle the seasoning on top with salt, cover the jars with plastic lids, previously scalded with boiling water and wiped dry, and store in the refrigerator.

Garlic arrows with thyme and basil

700 g arrows of garlic,
300 g mixed greens (thyme, basil, parsley, dill),
6 tbsp spices Vegeta.

Pass clean and dry arrows of garlic and herbs through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with seasoning, transfer to clean, dry jars, lightly tamping the mass, and store in the refrigerator. The mass can also be frozen. Just pack the mixture into ice cube trays and place in the freezer for 5-6 hours. frozen garlic preparations remove from the cells, put in a bag and store until needed in the freezer.

Garlic arrows with gooseberries and cilantro

500 g garlic arrows,
500 g gooseberries,
1 bunch green cilantro
1 bunch dill,
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
2-3 tsp salt.

Wash the gooseberries, remove the tails and, together with the garlic arrows, pass through a meat grinder. Wash the greens, finely chop and combine with the garlic-berry mass. Add vegetable oil, salt to it and mix well. Arrange the prepared seasoning in sterilized jars, close nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

Lecho of garlic arrows

Ingredients (for 4 cans of 0.5 l):
garlic arrows - how much will go into the marinade.
For marinade:
700 ml of water
500 g tomato paste,
1 tbsp topless salt,
½ stack Sahara,
½ stack vegetable oil,
¼ stack. apple cider vinegar.

From the above ingredients, prepare the marinade without adding vinegar, and bring it to a boil. Cut the garlic arrows into small pieces, add to the marinade and cook for 15 minutes. Then pour in the vinegar, boil for another 3 minutes. Then lay out in clean sterilized jars and roll up.

Frozen garlic arrows for the winter

Cut the arrows, wash them, dry them on towels and cut into pieces. Then lay them out on parchment, spread out in the freezer, and leave for a day. Then simply pour the frozen arrows into freezer bags, tie off and return to the freezer. Take out when needed required amount without defrosting the entire package.

Believe me, having prepared arrows of garlic for the winter, you will not regret it. In the cold winter, the tantalizing aroma of garlic will gather your whole family at a large table more than once and once again remind you of a warm and generous summer.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

I didn’t even know that you could cook something from garlic arrows until my mother went to visit and tried it wonderful dish.Here I want to write a few recipes for arrows, of course they are taken from the Internet, but still, it’s better to look at all the recipes at once than to dig around the entire Internet.

Garlic sprouts stewed with tomatoes and onions


Garlic arrows.

. Tomatoes.
. Salt.

We cut onion thin quarter-rings. Fry the onion in vegetable oil or a mixture of butter and vegetable oils. Fry until light golden brown. At this time, cut the tomatoes and garlic arrows. We cut the arrows into pieces 3-4 centimeters long. Add the tomatoes, reduce the heat under the pan and begin to simmer the tomatoes along with the onions. Add salt. When the tomatoes give juice, put the garlic arrows in the pan. When the garlic arrows change color and become soft, turn off the fire. As a matter of fact, everything is ready. Very well stewed garlic arrows are suitable for boiled potatoes or to mashed potatoes. Another option, when you want a very light meal - then stewed garlic arrows are best suited.

Garlic arrows in tomato paste

garlic arrows
vegetable oil
seasonings to taste
tomato paste
2 cloves of garlic

Cut garlic arrows into slices 6-7 cm long, put in a frying pan with vegetable oil, add a little water and simmer until tender. In the process of stewing, salt the arrows, season with paprika, pass the garlic through a press, season with your favorite seasonings.
At the end add tomato paste mix well, simmer for a couple more minutes.

Salad of garlic arrows with egg


garlic arrows



- vegetable oil

I am chicken eggs


Garlic arrows need to be washed and cut into pieces. Then the arrows need to be transferred to the pan and after that add a little water and simmer. You need to add about a couple of soup spoons of water.Simmer until garlic cloves turn olive in color. After that, you need to salt, add spices. Mix. Tomatoes should be washed, slightly dried and cut into cubes, which are shifted to the arrows. After that, you need to simmer for another five minutes. After that, beat in the eggs and mix gently. The dish is ready!

Pickled garlic arrows
- a bunch of arrows without buds
- Water - 1 l
- Sol - 50 g
- Sugar - 50 g
- Vinegar - 1 stack.
Boil the marinade. Rinse the garlic arrows, cut not too finely (I cut 5-7 cm long), half liter jars scald with boiling water. Put the arrows in jars, pour marinade and sterilize for 20-30 minutes (I do it in the oven on low heat)

Garlic arrows stewed with onions and carrots
* 1-4 bunches of garlic arrows
* 1 tomato
* 1 carrot
* 1 bulb
* Salt, favorite spices
Saute coarsely chopped onions in vegetable oil. Add grated carrots and fry. Cut the garlic arrows into 5-7 cm long and put them on the vegetables. Fry for 5 minutes, stirring. Add coarsely chopped tomato and sauté a little. Salt, season with spices. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Fried garlic arrows
1. Garlic arrows - 1 kg.
2. Sesame oil - 1 tbsp.
3. sesame seed- 1 tsp
4. Yangnyom - 1/2 tbsp.
5. Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.
6. Salt to taste.
We wash the garlic arrows, remove the tails of the arrows and cut them 3 cm long. Next, heat the vegetable oil in a pan and put the chopped arrows there. Lightly fry for about 5 minutes, add Sesame oil, salt and yannem. Mix thoroughly. We are waiting for the dish to cool down and serve it on the table.

Frozen arrows for the winter.
We cut into pieces 1-1.5 cm long, lay out in portions in plastic bags, tie. First, the packages are cooled for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, then placed in the freezer. In winter, you can stew as well as fresh.

Omelet with garlic arrows

There are no proportions in the recipe. The omelet mixture is prepared in the same way as for regular omelette- eggs are beaten with milk (or water) and salt. Garlic arrows are cut into small pieces (cut off the spouts), fried in vegetable oil until the color changes and softness (the color will turn dark green). You can sprinkle them with pepper if you like. Ready garlic arrows are poured with an omelette mixture, it is done small fire and under the lid, the omelet is brought to readiness. Can you do it in different options, for example - fry arrows together with carrots or in tomato.

Braised garlic arrows

In addition to the actual garlic arrows, you will need vegetable oil, tomato juice and salt. Fry the arrows in the same way as in previous recipe when they become soft - salt to taste and pour tomato juice. We make a small fire, simmer under the lid until cooked. To taste, ready-made arrows are very reminiscent of spicy mushrooms.

Fried garlic arrows

Again, the recipe without proportions - everything is very simple in it. My arrows, cut off the seed part, cut into small pieces. Put in hot vegetable oil and immediately add salt. The arrows will highlight the juice in which they will be stewed. When the juice evaporates and the arrows become soft, you can increase the fire and fry the arrows until tender. It takes ten minutes, no more. It can be served as a side dish for meat, fish.

Chicken liver with garlic arrows

Ingredients: 700 grams of chicken liver, 2 onions, 3 sweet bell peppers, a bunch of garlic arrows, salt and pepper to taste, vegetable oil, fresh herbs.

cut the onion and bell pepper half rings, garlic arrows - in small pieces. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until it becomes transparent, add the garlic arrows, fry for 3 minutes. Salt, put the bell pepper in the pan. After a couple of minutes, we send the chicken liver to the vegetables (it can be cut into pieces), salt and pepper to taste, fry over medium heat until tender. The readiness of the liver can be determined by the flowing juice - it should be transparent. If desired, at the end of cooking, you can season the dish with sour cream - it will be even tastier. Don't forget what's being prepared chicken liver very quickly, and try not to miss the moment when it becomes soft - immediately remove the pan from the heat. If the liver is overexposed, it will turn out dry and tough.

Garlic arrows with pork ribs

Ingredients: 600 grams of ribs, 2 onions, a quarter of a lemon, a bunch of garlic arrows, a pinch of basil, oregano and marjoram, salt to taste, vegetable oil.

cut ribs portioned pieces, sprinkle, sprinkle lemon juice. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown over low heat. Add spices, onion rings, fry for five minutes. Pour a glass of water, cover, simmer for about an hour (until the meat is soft). Cut the garlic arrows into small pieces, add to the meat and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. It tastes like meat with mushrooms.

Korean salad of garlic arrows

Ingredients: 3 bunches of garlic arrows, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. vinegar (6 or 9%), 0.5 tsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. seasonings for Korean carrot, salt or soy sauce, vegetable oil, a few bay leaves.

Break the parsley finely. Cut the garlic arrows into pieces, 4-6 cm long. Heat the oil, fry the arrows until soft. Add sugar, parsley, seasoning for Korean carrots, pour in vinegar. Salt or add soy sauce. Be sure to try not to oversalt! Warm up the salad, make a small fire and wait until the sauce thickens. Cool, add the garlic, passed through the garlic. The salad needs to be infused, so make it ahead of time. It is perfect for young potatoes and meat, and as a snack it will also be good.

Don't wait for the garlic cloves to get rough - in this form they are no longer suitable for food. They will give off aroma, but they will taste fibrous, tough. Best time for collection - this is when they are medium in thickness, dark green in color with a thin skin. After cutting, they can lie no more than a week - then the arrows turn yellow and coarsen.

Garlic is a specific plant, but very useful.

It gives strength and helps fight disease.

Garlic contains a lot of vitamin C, carbohydrates and organic acids, dietary fiber.

Garlic is advised to be used by people suffering from colds, infections and diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Many gourmets appreciate green arrows of garlic. They have an amazing aroma, they can be used as a main ingredient or as an additive.

Unfortunately, this delicacy is available only 2-3 weeks in late spring.

Therefore, you need to hurry up during this period to enjoy the original and simple meals from the arrows of garlic.

Do not forget to use your imagination when deciding what can be cooked from garlic arrows.

Basic principles of cooking arrows of garlic

Garlic shoots can be used in any cooking process: fry, boil, pickle, steam, dry and more.

Remember to always cut off the tops of the garlic stalks, as they contain seeds that taste harsh and not at all edible.

If at the moment you are not going to cook anything from the garlic shooters, and their season is coming to an end, you can freeze them. To do this, simply boil them over low heat and put them in plastic bags into the freezer. So arrows of garlic can be stored for almost six months.

Garlic shoots can be used in cooking vegetables and meat, various dressings and sauces.

Before cooking, garlic arrows must be washed and dried well.

What to cook from the arrows of garlic: undercooked garlic for an amateur

This recipe can be classified as "an amateur", since not all people recognize fried garlic. Its main feature is that it is better not to overcook the garlic arrows than to overcook them. Then all of them beneficial features will be preserved, and the taste will benefit from this.


    salt, pepper, soy sauce

    seasonings and spices, sesame seeds


    Wash and dry fresh garlic cloves.

    Cut them into small pieces of five - six cm.

    Pour vegetable oil into a shallow frying pan.

    Put the chopped garlic arrows in a pan, salt, add pepper.

    Fry on low heat for five minutes.

    Add soy sauce and let simmer for 20 minutes.

    Define the readiness of fried garlic cloves as slightly undercooked.

    You can add frying to the finished dish: pre-fried onions and carrots.

    To sprinkle fried arrows garlic sesame seeds.

Tomato and garlic: what to cook from garlic shooters

The recipe for this dish tastes similar to fried mushrooms. It can be used as a side dish for a main course or on its own. Tomato paste adds a little unusual taste, and spicy spices.


    half a kilo of fresh garlic cloves

    a little more than half a glass of vegetable oil

    salt pepper

  • 4 spoons of tomato paste


    Wash and dry the garlic cloves, remove the testicles.

    We cut into small pieces. Add salt and pepper to them. Mix well.

    Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up.

    We put the arrows of garlic in the pan, fry them a little, make sure that the garlic juice stands out from the arrows.

    Simmer the garlic cloves until they become slightly translucent.

    Add tomato paste and simmer for another ten minutes.

Arrows of garlic with carrots and onions

Garlic sprouts with vegetables are the easiest thing to make with garlic sprouts. At least a set of products allows you to attribute this dish to the most budget. It is suitable as a snack with rye bread or how whole dish with garnish.


    half a kilo of fresh garlic cloves

    3 medium carrots

    a couple of bulbs

    a little less than half a glass of vegetable oil

    salt pepper

    spices and herbs


    Wash and dry garlic cloves.

    We cut them into five-centimeter segments.

    We cut the onion in half rings, three carrots on a medium-sized grater. Fry everything together in vegetable oil in a frying pan for 15 minutes.

    To this "frying" add arrows of garlic, salt, pepper and sprinkle with spices. Simmer over low heat for 25 minutes.

    After the arrows of garlic are ready, you can sprinkle them with herbs.

What to cook from garlic arrows: with thoughts about the future

This recipe for garlic arrows is for the future. It is used as a seasoning, garnish, it can be smeared with bread, added to first courses. The biggest plus of the recipe is that the garlic arrows can be frozen and used after a long time.


    half a kilo of fresh garlic cloves

    salt pepper

    soy sauce and dry mustard


    Rinse and dry fresh garlic arrows, twist them on a fine mesh meat grinder.

    Salt and pepper.

    Add soy sauce and mustard. Mix everything well.

    Pack into containers and freeze.

What to cook from garlic shooters: pumpkin puree soup

In this recipe, garlic arrows are used as a secondary ingredient, however, it depends on them how tasty the soup will be. Puree soup can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days without sacrificing taste and benefits.


    half a cup of fresh garlic cloves

    7 cups vegetable broth

    1 leek

    half a medium pumpkin

    a spoonful of olive oil

    2 cloves of regular garlic

    spices, salt, pepper, seasonings

    2 spoons of soy sauce


    Finely chop the leek, put it in a saucepan with olive oil. Simmer until soft.

    We chop the garlic, spices and seasonings add to the onion.

    We cut the pumpkin into cubes, along with vegetable broth add to garlic and onion. Let's wait until it boils. Cook on low heat for half an hour.

    Add soy sauce.

    Cool the soup and grind with a blender to a puree state.

    Decorate the finished puree soup with finely chopped garlic arrows.

Pickled garlic cloves

Garlic arrows in marinade - simple and delicious recipe, which is useful to any hostess. Its main advantage is that such a product can be used at any time of the year.


    a quarter kg of fresh garlic cloves

    glass of vinegar

    glass of water

    a couple of tablespoons of sugar

    a couple of tablespoons of salt

    several bay leaves

    pepper, cinnamon, cumin


    Wash and dry the garlic cloves.

    Soak them in for a few minutes. boiling water.

    Sterilize jars.

    Arrows of garlic put in jars.

    Prepare brine. Pour garlic cloves over them.

    Roll up.

    The product is ready in a month.

In Korean: what to cook from the arrows of garlic

This wonderful dish will appeal to lovers of everything Korean: spicy, peppery, to take your breath away. Great as a main dish or salad.


    half a kilo of fresh garlic cloves

    couple of bay leaves

    1 spoon of vinegar

    1 spoon of coriander

    1 tablespoon Korean carrot seasoning

    a pinch of sugar

    half head of garlic


    Wash and dry the garlic cloves. Finely cut into small pieces.

    Fry in vegetable oil until they become soft.

    Add bay leaf, vinegar, sugar, garlic, seasoning. Mix.

    Cook over low heat for at least five minutes.

    Cool and add coriander.

    Mix and leave for an hour.

Cooking lecho: arrows of garlic and marinade

Excellent workpiece for the winter. This lecho can be used as an appetizer or salad for the main course. As the arrows of garlic ripen before vegetables the list of ingredients is short.


    half a liter of tomato juice or paste

    a little over half a liter of water

    1 spoon of salt

    half a glass of sugar

    half a glass of vegetable oil

    250 ml vinegar

    kg arrows of garlic


    Mix sugar, salt, tomato juice, water, vegetable oil. We are preparing the marinade.

    After the marinade boils, add finely chopped garlic cloves. Let it boil for 20 minutes.

    Add vinegar and boil for five minutes.

    Pour the finished lecho into two-liter jars.

Arrows of garlic - on a sandwich

Garlic oil made from garlic stalks is very soft, tender, tasty and great for any type of bread. On top of a sandwich garlic oil it is recommended to put a piece of cheese.


    cup finely chopped fresh garlic cloves

    a pack of butter


    Wash and dry the garlic cloves.

    Twist them through a fine sieve of a meat grinder.

    Gradually add to the finished mass melted butter. Pour the resulting mixture into a mold and send it to the freezer.

What to cook from the arrows of garlic: pickled seasoning

Pickled garlic arrows are perfect for potato soup, puree, gravy, rice dishes. Food, thanks to them, becomes spicier and more aromatic.


    a couple kg of arrows of garlic

    one and a half liters of water

    half a glass of sugar

    half a glass of salt


    Wash and dry the garlic cloves. Cut them into small pieces of five cm.

    Place in a saucepan.

    Dilute salt and sugar in water, boil, cool. Pour garlic cloves.

    Cover the pan with a piece of cloth, put a plate on top and oppression.

    Leave in the refrigerator for a month.

Season with garlic: what to cook from the arrows of garlic

This recipe is perfect for those who don't really like butter, margarine and the like. Instead of these dairy products on bread, you can spread the usual garlic dressing. It can also be used as a dressing for borscht or as a side dish for bean dishes.


    glass of vegetable oil

    half a cup of minced garlic cloves

    salt and pepper


    Rinse and dry the garlic cloves, chop well.

    Mix with salt and pepper. Crush with crush.

    Chop vegetable oil and pour garlic arrows over it. Mix and pour into small containers.

    Keep refrigerated.

Tricks and secrets of cooking dishes from garlic arrows

    Fresh garlic arrows are well used as the main ingredient for soups and borscht dressings.

    Zucchini, beets, spinach go well with garlic arrows; from protein products, garlic arrows are best cooked with cheeses, meats and eggs.

    To make the dish more spicy, add mustard and soy sauce to the garlic arrows.

    Before cooking, you can pour the arrows of garlic for a couple of minutes with boiling water to rid them of bitterness.

    It is recommended to serve ready-made garlic arrows on the table with buckwheat or fried potatoes.

    Arrows of garlic can be used together with herbs in the preparation of lightly salted cucumbers.
