
Recipe for Karelian carrots. Korean carrots at home

Salad "Carrot in Korean" has become a favorite snack of the Russian table. Its spicy taste excites the appetite, and the bright rich color of the dish can decorate not only everyday, but also festive tables. In addition, by experimenting with seasonings and ingredients, you can create a completely new extraordinary salad that meets your taste. In our article, we will tell you how to cook Korean carrots (you will surely like this recipe), as well as reveal the subtleties and tricks of culinary technology that will help give a unique taste to the dish.

How did the Korean dish appear in Russian cuisine?

In fact, such a dish as Korean carrots has never been heard of in Korea itself, and in other Asian countries. This recipe appeared thanks to the invention of Korean emigrants living in the territory of the former USSR. Not finding Chinese cabbage, Chinese pear, rice flour and the necessary varieties of fish on the shelves of stores, foreigners replaced such main ingredients of the traditional kimchi dish with those products that they found on sale. Thus, Russian carrots in Korean were invented. This recipe assumes the presence of simple and available ingredients in our open spaces.

Cooking features

At first glance, it seems incomprehensible and difficult to prepare such a salad. Therefore, most people prefer to purchase finished products in the store. In fact, cooking Korean-style carrots at home is not difficult. The necessary list of products used in the classic recipe can be found in any kitchen. You just need to be patient and learn a few secrets of making spicy snacks.

The secret is in the spices

Asian cuisine cannot do without spices, and this carrot dish is no exception. Seasoning for carrots in Korean is the very zest that gives the salad piquancy and spiciness. The classic recipe uses only coarsely ground red pepper and roasted sesame seeds. But if you want to get exactly the taste of the store, you will also need garlic, coriander, sometimes onions are added.

To prepare a dish such as Korean carrots, this recipe involves hot dressing, namely sunflower or sesame oil. Often this oil is additionally flavored by adding spices to the pan.

It is impossible to cook real Korean carrots without a special grater. Only with the help of such a device will it be possible to properly cut carrots. The vegetable in the salad should be in the form of thin long strips. Only in this way will the carrots be properly soaked and saturated with spices and oil, will be moderately soft and at the same time crispy.

Monosodium glutamate: harm or benefit?

Monosodium glutamate is almost always added to finished products. This synthetic substance enhances the taste of the ingredients that make up the dish. Thus, the salad seems richer, tastier. But this additive is addictive, which means that you will buy this particular product again and again, motivating this choice with the pleasant taste of the salad. But whether monosodium glutamate is needed in a homemade recipe is up to you.

Classic Recipe Ingredients

How to cook Korean-style carrots at home according to a classic recipe? For this you will need:

  • kilogram of carrots;
  • 2 large spoons of 9% vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • red pepper (large pieces) to taste;
  • a third of a glass of vegetable oil.

The above ingredients are the main ones. Additional components can be added to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Grate carrots on a special grater or cut by hand. A regular grater or the attachments of a food processor are not suitable for slicing Korean carrots.
  2. Sprinkle chopped carrots with salt and sugar, and add vinegar. Remember the salad with your hands, trying to evenly distribute the marinade over the vegetable slices.
  3. Now you need to leave the workpiece in a warm place so that the carrots start up the juice. This process usually takes 15 to 30 minutes depending on the variety and maturity of the vegetable.
  4. Drain off the juice from the carrots. Form a mound of grated carrots and sprinkle red pepper slices on top. If desired, you can add coriander and ground black pepper to the salad in the same way at this stage. If you decide to add monosodium glutamate, then you need to do this immediately after you drain the juice. Then you need to sprinkle the carrots with the additive and mix. Only after that you can form a slide and season with spices.
  5. Then heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. But don't bring it to a boil! Boiling oil releases carcinogens, and in addition, it will spoil the taste of spices and, as a result, the entire salad. If you want to add onions to carrots, then fry them in oil at this stage of cooking, and then proceed to the next step.
  6. Season the salad with hot oil, pouring it in a thin stream directly on the spices. Under the influence of hot temperature, the spices reveal their aroma and saturate the cutting with sharpness. Stir the resulting Korean Carrot salad with a wooden spatula.
  7. If you are a fan of spicy, we recommend adding finely chopped garlic. This should be done only after the salad dressed with hot oil has cooled down. Since if you add garlic before the specified process, then its color and taste will change.
  8. Now, if desired, you can fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan and sprinkle Korean carrots. You can also add finely chopped cilantro.
  9. The finished salad should be left in a warm place overnight so that the carrots are saturated with spices and acquire that very familiar and beloved taste.
  10. In the morning, the Korean Carrot salad will be ready. The recipe is simple, but requires the implementation of all recommendations. Store the dish in the refrigerator, in an airtight food container.

Non-traditional recipes

Tired of the classic Korean carrot? This recipe can be modified and modified to your liking. So, for example, you can add raw fish, slices of boiled beef, seafood (boiled squids are most often used) - choose according to taste, desire and opportunity.

Korean-style cooked carrots are also added to chicken and meat salads. So, for example, you can prepare a puff salad using fried mushrooms, Korean carrots, boiled chicken fillet and wheat croutons, smearing all layers with mayonnaise. It turns out a hearty, original salad for the festive table.

An original festive dish will be a salad with carrots and chicken. To prepare it, you need to mix ready-made spicy carrots, slices of boiled chicken fillet, red bell pepper, fresh cucumber and tomato. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise or cream sauce. Add grated hard cheese and croutons. It turns out a fresh, but quite nutritious salad.

In addition, Korean-style carrots are often cooked with cabbage, eggplant, and mushrooms.

To prepare such a dish you will need:

How to cook carrots in Korean with cabbage?

Preparing such a salad is quite simple:

At home, it is not difficult to prepare Korean Carrot salad. The recipe requires adherence to technology and an understanding of flavor combinations. Minimal culinary skills will help you create an original spicy salad on your own and please not only your loved ones, but also guests!

I offer one of the most affordable and interesting snacks in taste - Korean carrots with seasoning for Korean carrots. This option is more affordable and faster to prepare, as it does not require preliminary preparation. No need, for example, to weigh the right amount of spices, then grind them in a mortar. In one bag of ready-made seasoning, all the spices are balanced for a certain amount of carrots, read the instructions. In this recipe, a bag of seasoning is designed for 1 kg of carrots. The result is very spicy, due to additional ingredients such as red hot peppers and garlic. Salt should not be added, as it is part of the seasoning.

Taste Info vegetable snacks


  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hot red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - 1 pack. (25 g).

How to cook Korean-style carrots with ready-made seasoning

The most basic ingredient in our recipe is carrots, so let's prepare it. If you use a special grater for grinding, then it is most convenient to buy large root crops. Carrots should not be sluggish, sweetish in taste, in general, of high quality. Send the carrot to the sink. Take a washcloth and thoroughly wash off the dirt. Then pat dry with paper towels and peel. Cut into thin strips, in a way convenient for you. Move to a deep container, as there will be quite a lot of carrot straws.

And proceed, directly, to the addition of spices. Pour in the sugar.

Immediately pour a bag of finished seasoning. At this step, mix the contents of the bowl so that the sugar and spices are evenly distributed throughout the carrot mass. Lightly press the carrot straws with your hands so that it becomes softer and becomes moist.

Now you need peeled garlic cloves and hot pepper without seeds. You can do without these additions. Because the finished seasoning already contains dried garlic and red pepper. But with fresh vegetables, the appetizer comes out juicier and spicier. You have the right to adjust the amount of these ingredients at your discretion, since not everyone likes spicy dishes. When working with hot peppers, prepare disposable gloves in advance to prevent yourself from being burned. Cut the pepper into thin half rings or rings, grate the garlic on a grater or chop with a garlic press. Add the prepared products to the carrot mass and mix.

Now pour in table vinegar. It can be replaced with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. With the sour component, the carrots will come out slightly pickled.

And there was very little left. Heat vegetable oil strongly in a frying pan or saucepan. You can take not sunflower, but olive, walnut oil or flaxseed. Each of these products will give the salad a special flavor note. Pour hot oil over carrots. Stir. In principle, the salad can be consumed. But, to saturate it even more, move it to a container with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for 2-4 hours.

Carrots in Korean with seasoning are ready.

Eat it straight or add it to your favorite salads. Bon appetit!

Korean carrot is a spicy salad that is not directly related to the national Korean cuisine. It was invented by Korean emigrants who lived on the territory of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Unable to find suitable products for preparing traditional dishes, they decided to replace them with those that they could find everywhere.

Thus, Chinese cabbage, from which the native Koreans prepare a spicy kimchi dish, was replaced by the settlers with carrots, as a result of which such a basic, but very tasty version of the snack appeared. Russians liked this spicy light salad and took a strong position in the list of popular dishes.

So, you will need 1 kilogram of carrots, 1 head of garlic and 1/2 cup of vegetable oil. In addition, prepare 1 tablespoon of salt (without a slide) and 2 tablespoons of sugar. For the marinade, you will also need 1 dessert spoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon each of red and black ground pepper.

Grate carrots the right way

First, let's prepare the main ingredient - carrots. It needs to be cleaned with a vegetable peeler and grated. At first glance, nothing complicated, but there is an important nuance. An ordinary grater will not work for this, because carrots should be thin and long, like straws. That is why it is best to use a special grater, which you will find in any store at a very reasonable price.

Please note that if the carrot is a bit dry, then it is better to soak it for 2-3 hours in cold water before grating it so that it absorbs moisture and becomes more tasty and juicy. At this, the most time-consuming stage of cooking Korean carrots is completed.

Time to add spices

For convenience, transfer the grated carrots to a deep bowl, sprinkle with sugar, salt and two types of pepper. You can also add curry powder, ground coriander, or a special seasoning for Korean carrots that is sold in the store. All these spices will make the taste of the salad more intense.

Cooking gas station

Without proper dressing, Korean-style carrots will not be as juicy, so this step should be taken carefully. First, peel the garlic cloves and squeeze them through a garlic press onto the carrots. But do not rush to mix.

Next, heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan, but do not bring to a boil. Pour the oil over the garlic, after which you can safely mix the salad. At this point, we also advise adding sesame seeds to the dish. It is not on the list of main ingredients, but with it, Korean carrots will acquire a richer and more interesting taste.

Korean carrots will be an addition to any dish. It can be purchased both in the store (already ready-made), and you can make it yourself at home. The classic recipe for Korean carrots has long begun to gain its popularity, after some time it began to change, now the recipe began to include additional ingredients such as soy vinegar, sesame seeds and others. But still, the classic recipe will be the basis for any addition.

Carrots in Korean are quite rich in taste and healthy. Korean carrots are useful in that they strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve digestion. This type of snack is also perfect for those who are afraid to gain weight, but at the same time like to eat deliciously, because the calorie content of Korean carrots is only 110 calories per 100 grams of snack. The dish is prepared in a very short time and is very simple. Consider several options for cooking Korean carrots and choose the best recipe for yourself.

Classic Korean carrot recipe

In order to cook Korean carrots you will need:

  1. Carrots - 500 grams;
  2. Vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  3. Vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  4. Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  5. Salt - 1 tsp;
  6. Black pepper - 1 tsp;
  7. Coriander - 1/3 tsp;
  8. Garlic - 4 forelocks.

Cooking carrots in Korean:

  • Wash carrots, peel;
  • We rub the carrots on a special grater with oblong strips;
  • Salt carrots, add sugar;
  • Seasoned carrots should be shaken well with your hands so that they let out a little juice;
  • In a bowl of carrots, put black pepper, coriander and pour vinegar;
  • Garlic should be peeled and mashed on a garlic press or grated on a fine grater;
  • In a plate with carrots, it is worth making a recess and put chopped garlic there;
  • Vegetable oil should be poured into a cup and heated on a sieve;
  • Carrots with all the spices should be covered with a plate on top (so to speak, put under pressure);
  • Place in the refrigerator for 9 hours, or better until the next morning, let the plate of carrots under pressure stand in the refrigerator.
It is better to buy coriander in grains and then grind it yourself in a mortar or pepper mill. Vinegar can be used as a regular six percent, or wine or apple. Oil can be poured both sunflower and corn.

Recipe for cooking Korean using ready-made seasoning

At the moment of development of the recipe for Korean carrots, which everyone loved so much, you can buy ready-made seasoning for carrots in the store.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Carrot - 1 kg;
  2. Ready-made seasoning - 1 pack (optional);
  3. Vinegar - 3 tablespoons;
  4. Garlic - 6 cloves;
  5. Vegetable oil - 150 milliliters.

Cooking method:

  • Carrots should be washed and peeled;
  • Grate the carrots on a special grater, trying to make the strips longer;
  • Pour the finished seasoning into the carrots and mix everything thoroughly;
  • Leave the mixed carrots with seasoning for 15 minutes;
  • in an iron plate, mix vegetable oil and vinegar and put on fire, bring to a boil;
  • Pour the resulting hot mixture to the carrots and mix;
  • Cover the carrots with a lid or plate and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
If desired, you can add sesame seeds, 1 pack of sesame seeds can be added to the above recipe.

Korean Carrot Recipe with Onion Flavor

To prepare the dish you will need:

  1. Carrot - 500 grams;
  2. Onion - 500 grams;
  3. Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  4. Vinegar - 2 tsp;
  5. Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  6. Garlic - 5 cloves;
  7. Red (soaped) pepper - 1 tsp;
  8. Salt - 1 tsp

To prepare eight servings of Korean carrots, you should follow these instructions:

  • Cut the onion into quarters (set aside);
  • Grate the carrots on a special grater with long strips;
  • Salt the carrots and stir;
  • Leave the salted carrots for half an hour;
  • Add sugar and red pepper, mix thoroughly;
  • Pour vegetable oil into the pan and put all the onions in it;
  • Onions should be fried until dark golden brown;
  • After the onion is fried, remove it from the oil (you no longer need it);
  • Let the oil cool and then pour in the vinegar;
  • Chop the garlic on a garlic press and add to the carrots;
  • Mix thoroughly and cover the carrots on top with a lid and refrigerate for 6 hours.
  1. In order to give variety to the taste of carrots, you can use the following tips:
  • It is worth adding 3-4 cloves of garlic to the hot oil, before pouring the oil into the carrots, you should get the garlic (it will not be needed anymore);
  • To the vegetable oil, when it warms up, you can add black or red ground pepper (you can add peppercorns, but before you pour the oil into the carrots, you should remove it);
  • You can also put coriander or sesame seeds in the oil.
At high temperatures in vegetable oil, the above components reveal their taste more and transfer the aroma of taste to vegetable oil.
  1. Monosodium glutamate. Korean carrots can be prepared with monosodium glutamate by simply sprinkling crystals on grated carrots. This method of cooking Korean carrots is used in stores. But it is better not to use such a seasoning to improve the taste of a snack, because it harms the body;
  2. If the taste of carrots is quite sweet in itself, then the addition of sugar can be omitted;
  3. For lovers of the fragrant smell of black pepper, it is worth pouring hot vegetable oil onto the pepper, then it will reveal its aroma, but, unfortunately, when using this method, the pepper will lose its bitter properties;
  4. For a change, you can chop and add fresh kenza to the finished salad, you can also add chopped walnuts.

Delicious salad with Korean carrot #1

To prepare the salad you will need:

  1. Korean carrot - 250 grams;
  2. Hard cheese - 150 grams;
  3. Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.;
  4. Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  5. Sweet yellow pepper - 1 pc.;
  6. Fresh cucumber - 1 piece;
  7. Green onions - 1 bunch;
  8. Mayonnaise - to taste.

Preparing a Delicious Salad:

  • Chicken fillet should be boiled until cooked (let cool);
  • Cut the fillet into strips;
  • Cut the cucumbers in half and cut into strips;
  • Slice the tomatoes;
  • Cut the pepper into circles or half rings;
  • Put all the ingredients on a plate;
  • Add Korean carrot;
  • Cheese grate on a coarse grater;
  • Finely chop the onion and add to the salad;
  • Salad should be seasoned with mayonnaise and salt (if necessary), mix thoroughly.

Interesting and tasty salad with the addition of Korean carrots №2

The calorie content of such a salad will be 310 calories.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Liver - 500 grams;
  2. Korean carrots - 300 grams;
  3. Onion - 150 grams;
  4. Fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 400 grams;
  5. Olive oil - to taste;
  6. Salt - to taste;
  7. Mayonnaise - to taste;
  8. Dill - to taste;
  9. Milk - to taste.

It will take you 20 minutes to prepare.

How to prepare a salad with liver and Korean carrots:

  • Onions should be cut into half rings;
  • Peel the raw liver from films, cut into strips and soak in milk;
  • Fry the onion in olive oil until half cooked;
  • It is worth adding the liver with milk to the onion, salt and simmer for 10 minutes (until fully cooked);
  • Fry the mushrooms in the same olive oil, until golden brown;
  • Let the liver, onions and mushrooms cool;
  • Mix all the ingredients, add the Korean carrot and finely chop the parsley (separating it from the sticks);
  • Dress the salad with mayonnaise.

The history of Korean carrot snacks

Such a popular snack appeared on our tables for a long time. This dish has absolutely nothing to do with Korea, most likely they have not even heard of it there. This recipe came from Korean immigrants who lived in the USSR, while the Koreans replaced Beijing cabbage with carrots, which were so affordable at that time.

Such a homemade salad will be a great addition to any homemade or purchased food. Eat well!

One of the most popular snacks, Korean-style carrots, in fact, is indirectly related to Korea. According to one version, in the USSR, migrants from Korea replaced Chinese cabbage with carrots for one of their traditional salads. Since then, this snack has become widespread and has taken root so tightly that I think there is no such person who has not tried or at least heard about it. For example, it is often used as a component for vegetable salads or as an independent dish. Most often, you can see a purchased option on the tables, but cooking Korean carrots at home is as easy as shelling pears - since carrots are not in short supply today and the number of seasonings on store shelves is also plentiful.

That is what this orange root crop is often called. If you study the composition in detail, you can understand that the benefits of carrots are simply enormous. This vegetable is shown to everyone without exception, because:

  • improves visual acuity, contributes to the treatment of night blindness (impaired vision at night);
  • helps eliminate inflammation, acne, acne, irritation on the skin of the face;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • cleanses the blood of toxins and toxins;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • normalizes the work of the heart muscle;
  • fills the body with the most necessary vitamins;
  • helps with constipation, improves intestinal motility;
  • recommended for diabetes, as it slows down the absorption of sugar into the blood;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • cleanses the liver and kidneys due to the rapid excretion of bile and urine;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • heals open wounds;
  • serves as an aphrodisiac.

Korean carrots at home

Carrots in Korean - a classic


  • carrot 1 kg
  • garlic 3-4 cloves
  • onion 2 heads
  • vegetable oil
  • vinegar
  • red hot pepper to taste
  • some green onion

Cooking method:

Chop the carrots, season with salt, let it brew for 10 minutes. Rinse, put in an enamel bowl, pepper, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, crush the garlic. Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown and add to the carrots. The dish can be garnished with finely chopped green onions.

Korean carrots - a recipe at home


  • carrot 1 kg
  • granulated sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vinegar 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic 4 large cloves or 1 small head
  • vegetable oil 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • red ground pepper 1 teaspoon
  • salt 1 tbsp. spoon without top

How to make carrots in Korean:

Grate carrots, salt (you can crush, but not much). Drain the juice. Add granulated sugar, chopped garlic, pepper, vinegar and mix everything. Heat oil in a pan and pour over carrots. Drain the carrot juice there and mix everything. Let it brew a little, and you can lay it out in jars.

Beetroot in Korean


  • beetroot 500 g
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • ground black pepper 1/3 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil 1/3 cup
  • vinegar 1/3 cup
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

Coarsely grate the beets, add finely chopped (or finely grated) garlic, pepper, vinegar. Put in a water bath for 20 minutes. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan to a hazy state, add to the beets, mix, let cool and refrigerate for 12 hours. Strictly follow the recipe, otherwise it will not work!

Korean-style carrots for the winter in jars


  • Carrot - 1.5 kg,
  • Garlic - 9 cloves,
  • Water - 3.5 cups,
  • Sugar - 9 large spoons,
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • Vegetable oil - 300 ml,
  • Vinegar 9 percent - 5 large spoons,
  • Ready mix of spices for Korean carrots - 1 large spoon.


Shred the vegetable on a regular coarse grater. We clean the garlic. We take a special garlic press. We lay each clove and grind. Mix the grated vegetable with the garlic passed through the press. We add a special mixture of spices for cooking a dish in Korean. We mix. We leave for 20-30 minutes. Thoroughly rinse 0.5-liter jars. We sterilize. We lay out the vegetable mixture in jars, leaving 1-2 cm of free space to the neck. Pour water into a large saucepan. Add sugar and salt. Pour vegetable oil and vinegar. Turn on the fire above medium. Bring water to a boil, boil for at least 2 minutes. Pour hot marinade into jars. We close the lids and place the jars on the floor. Cover tightly with a blanket. Let cool to room temperature. Blanks can be stored in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Carrots in Korean with coriander

For the recipe you will need:

  • carrot - 500 grams
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoon
  • sunflower oil - 50 grams
  • salt - 2 pinch
  • red pepper - 1 pinch
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • coriander - 1 pinch
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon


Peel and chop the carrots in a blender on a special nozzle “for Korean carrots”. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown. Remove the onion (you won't need it anymore). Drizzle carrots with oil. Grind the garlic and coriander and put in the carrot.

Salt and pepper and add sugar. Pour in the vinegar and mix everything. Let stand in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Interesting dishes with Korean carrots

Korean style smoked chicken and carrot sandwiches


  • 4 slices of toasted bread
  • 150 g skinless smoked chicken breast
  • 100 g Korean-style carrots
  • 4 lettuce leaves
  • ½ head of onion
  • mayonnaise


Cut the smoked chicken breast into strips, peeled onions into rings, dry the washed salad. Lubricate slices of bread with mayonnaise, place a leaf of lettuce on each. Put the prepared chicken on two sheets, cover with carrots. Cover with the onion rings and the remaining prepared bread slices.

Korean-style chicken breasts with carrots


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 200 g marinated Korean-style carrots
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 50 g cheese


Cut the breasts into strips, salt and fry in oil for 10 minutes. Add Korean carrots and pureed tomatoes mixed with sour cream. Add salt to taste and simmer for 30 minutes. Serve sprinkled with cheese.

Korean herring salad with apples and carrots


  • 300 g herring preserves
  • 150 g Korean-style carrots
  • 2 green apples
  • ½ head of onion
  • parsley
  • mayonnaise


Cut the herring, grate the peeled apples without cores on a coarse grater, chop the peeled onion with a knife. Combine prepared foods with Korean-style carrots, mix, salt and season with mayonnaise. Decorate those in a salad bowl with parsley.

Pie with Korean carrots and cheese


  • 500 g ready-made puff pastry
  • 200 g Korean-style carrots
  • 200 g cheese
  • 1 head of onion
  • ½ cup cream
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g cheese


Cut the peeled onion into rings. Put the dough into a silicone mold. Place carrots on top, onion rings and crumbled cheese on it. Pour in beaten egg. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 30 minutes at 180°C.

Salad with Korean carrots and squid

Cooking time: 15 minutes.


  • 500 g squid;
  • 500 Korean carrots;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander;
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • ½ teaspoon red ground pepper;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


Gut squids, clean from skin and chitinous plates. Boil them in boiling salted water for 1-3 minutes. If overcooked, the meat will be tough.

While the squids are cooling, fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil. Peel and pass the garlic through a press. Cut the cooled squid into strips and place in a bowl.

Add Korean carrots, garlic, onions and all other spices. Season with soy sauce.

The salad will be tastier if it brews a little.

Bulgarian pepper stuffed with Korean carrots

Bell pepper dishes always turn out bright because of their color scheme. Pepper is very convenient for stuffing: it is always available, which allows you to use it on the menu at any time of the year.


  • 1 large bell pepper
  • 200 g pickled Korean carrots
  • 100 g sour cream for serving
  • 100 ml cream
  • 80 g hard cheese
  • a bunch of green dill
  • salt, pepper - to taste


Carefully cut the pepper lengthwise into two halves, it is advisable to leave the stalk. Remove seeds and white membranes. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Chop dill greens.

Mix cream with grated cheese. Add dill, stir. Add salt and pepper (to taste). Fill pepper halves with carrots. Top with cream cheese mixture. Place on the steamer rack and cook for 15 minutes.

Salad with Korean carrot and cucumber


  • Korean carrot 150 gr.
  • Cucumbers 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise 100 gr.
  • Canned beans 200 gr.
  • Salt to taste

Step by step cooking

Prepare the ingredients needed to make the salad. Rinse cucumbers and tomatoes, discard canned beans in a strainer to remove excess liquid.

Put Korean-style carrots in a large salad bowl. It is desirable that the juice from the carrots is also previously removed, as well as from the beans. The presence of excess liquid in the salad is extremely

Add canned beans. Cucumbers cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Add to the rest of the ingredients in a salad bowl. Stir. Add a tomato cut into small pieces. Don't forget to remove the stem.

Add mayonnaise to the salad, salt to taste. Add any spices if you wish. Stir salad, serve.

Any mayonnaise can be used as a salad dressing with Korean carrots. Take the one that is on the list of acceptable products for you: low-fat, vegetarian.

As a light version of this dish, you can season the salad with the usual dressing of vegetable oil and lemon juice with spices. For example, such a universal spice as ground black pepper is very well suited. It would be nice to complement a salad with Korean-style carrots with fresh herbs: parsley, dill, cilantro. It will be enough to rinse the greens, shake, finely chop, add to the salad. Hard stems are best used for cooking other dishes, for example, soup, borscht, gravy, sauce. The quantity, composition of these salad ingredients is not an immutable dogma. You can (and should) supplement the dish with bright ingredients to your taste.
