
Medicinal properties of sesame and its use. How to consume sesame seeds

The culture of the oilseed family, sesame, is known by such names as "sim-sim", "sesame". With the proper use of this spice, benefits are guaranteed for women, men and even the children's body. There are two options for use - through the addition to dishes and the preparation of cosmetic formulations. However, in order for the grains to be as useful as possible, you need to be able to choose them and use them correctly.

Useful properties of sesame

Each seed of the plant is saturated with oil - its content is not less than 50%. Other components include:

  • Sesamin and beta-sitosterol - prevent oncological processes, lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Vitamins - group B, tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid.
  • Minerals. Each seed is a source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.
  • Fitin and lecithin - normalize the disturbed balance.
  • Phytosterol - increases immunity, ensuring the body's resistance to colds, negative external factors. Another positive property is a reduction in the risk of atherosclerosis, a solution to the problem of excess weight.
  • Thiamine - improves metabolic processes, restores the normal functioning of the nervous system, regulates digestion.

Sesame seeds are high in calories - one hundred grams contains 500-600 kcal. If you apply the herbal product as recommended, you can expect the following results:

  • Improving the condition of hair and nails.
  • Normalization of blood composition, amino acid balance.
  • Activation of bone growth, strengthening of the frame, which is an obvious benefit for the child's body.
  • Solving the problem of arthrosis of the joints, osteoporosis.
  • Increase in muscle volume.
  • Reducing cholesterol levels.
  • Acceleration of recovery from pneumonia, asthma, catarrhal pathologies.
  • Maintaining the health of the mammary glands.
  • Increased sexual desire with the simultaneous use of sesame seeds and flax.
  • Use as part of therapeutic ointments to eliminate skin redness, rashes, including allergies, even out complexion.
  • Creation of rejuvenating and moisturizing products, protection from excessive ultraviolet radiation.
  • Tissue repair after sunburn.

You can take sesame seeds orally, using raw seeds, the oil obtained from them. The latter option is suitable for massages, make-up removal, preparation of masks and for culinary purposes.


In addition to benefits, miniature grains can harm the body:

  • When sesame is consumed against the background of high blood clotting or confirmed thrombosis, the risk of vascular blockage increases.
  • It is unacceptable to use in diagnosed urolithiasis, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract with damage to the mucous walls.
  • The use of seeds in large quantities is fraught with a failure of digestion, improper motility of the stomach. If the daily dosage exceeds 3 teaspoons or the product is consumed before the main meals, there is a feeling of nausea, there is a strong thirst.

White and black sesame - differences

On sale you can find seeds in two contrasting shades. The differences in their properties are as follows:

  • Dark grains have a pronounced bitter taste and rich aroma. Used in cooking, in combination with rice, vegetables, salads. White or cream seeds are suitable for rich, sweet pastries.
  • Black sesame is saturated with lignans, phytosterols, vitamins B, A. Light seed contains a maximum of potassium, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, protein and fats.

And also dark grains are rich in nutrients that help restore the deficiency of substances, maintain youth, and stress resistance. The result of regular use of the product is an improvement in vision, the elimination of tinnitus, hair regeneration, and the return of their natural shade.

How to take sesame

The beneficial properties of sesame seeds are fully revealed if the grains are soaked or slightly heated before use. So all the healing substances and a pleasant taste are preserved.

To lower cholesterol and blood pressure

To effectively cleanse the body, remove toxins and free the lumen of blood vessels from unwanted accumulations, the grains are carefully ground by grinding them in a coffee grinder. The product is eaten in the morning, afternoon and evening. The daily amount is one tablespoon.

Dry mix is ​​used only with a sufficient volume of water. The result of regular intake is a solution to the problem of hypertension, protection from bad cholesterol.

For weight loss

White or black sesame seeds to get rid of extra pounds are consumed only raw as follows:

  • By adding a tablespoon of the product to ready meals.
  • Chewing seeds before bed and between meals to suppress strong feelings of hunger.
  • Carrying out massages and wrapping problem areas with oil.

For gradual weight loss without stress for the body, seeds are added to salads, getting the effect of long-term saturation and activation of intestinal motility. Thanks to accelerated motility, the body is freed from decay products, preventing stagnation in the digestive tract. Despite the high calorie content of sesame, the oil obtained from it slightly increases the energy value of seasoned dishes.

Unlike strict diets with severe dietary restrictions, this method does not provoke a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair, and well-being. The main thing is not to count on an instant result, but to be patient.

How to eat sesame seeds to absorb calcium

Grains do not lose useful trace elements if the product is properly stored, processed and consumed:

  • Closed containers are always used. They are placed in a cool dark place.
  • If the seeds are taken to obtain sesame milk, the recommendations for soaking times are strictly followed. It is important that this period does not exceed 8 hours.
  • In order for calcium to be fully absorbed, they provide the intake of vitamin D, phosphorus, diversifying the diet with fish, cottage cheese, greens.
  • Cooking should not include excessive heat treatment - frying or prolonged heating.
  • Minimize the use of sorrel, salt, drinks containing caffeine.

It is important to remember that sesame seeds are rich in phytic acid. Under certain conditions, it becomes an obstacle to the absorption of calcium. To neutralize the negative effect, grains are always pre-soaked and eaten in combination with carotene, ascorbic acid.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the bearing of a child and during lactation, sesame becomes one of the alternatives to milk and cheese with intolerance to such products. It is allowed to add grains to omelettes, buns, sour-milk dishes. To diversify the diet, tahini paste and sesame salt are prepared. Another option is an urbech made from ground seeds with a viscous structure. It is extremely difficult to prepare such a product on your own, so it is better to look for it in stores.

It is important not to overdo it with the number of grains; oil can only be used for dressing salads. It is necessary to refuse such support of calcium and vitamin balance in the last trimester due to the risk of preterm birth.

For external treatment of the mammary glands with mastitis, roasted and pounded grains are combined with vegetable oil and compresses are applied along with cake on the formed seals. If the birth of a baby caused such an unpleasant consequence as hemorrhoids, sesame seeds will also come to the rescue. On its basis, a decoction is made by pouring 2 tablespoons of the product into 500 ml of boiling water, and preparing the mixture over low heat. You can drink the product after it has cooled down.

In cooking

Seeds are ideal for sprinkling pastries, frying fish or meat, dressing salads. You can make healthy and tasty milk on your own. To do this, pour 200 grams of seeds with two glasses of water and leave them overnight. In the morning, 3 peeled, chopped dates are added to the swollen mass. At the personal discretion, the dish is added. The mixture is whipped with a mixer and filtered through cheesecloth.

There is another interesting recipe for making sesame kefir:

  • A glass of grains is soaked in the evening in a similar amount of water.
  • In the morning, dilute the contents with 300 ml of pure liquid and mix with a whisk or mixer.
  • The strained mass is placed in a glass dish and cleaned in a warm place, covered with a thin cloth.

The product is ready for use in 10 hours. If there is a desire to make it more sour, the exposure time is increased. To improve the quality, kefir is combined with jam, honey.

Of the finished products, sesame can be found in halva, gozinaki, and rich pastries. The spice gives sweets a special smell and taste.

In cosmetology

Fragrant grains help maintain youthful and healthy skin. To do this, prepare a special mixture of a tablespoon of seeds, 5 grams of ground ginger and the same amount of powdered sugar. After thorough mixing, it is taken daily in a teaspoon.

Cooking and cosmetology have something in common when it comes to caring for the oral cavity. To prevent problems and maintain a perfect smile, take a tablespoon of an oily product into your mouth, hold it for 3 minutes, rinsing lightly. The rest is then spit out. The result of daily procedures is the exclusion of the inflammatory process, caries and enamel destruction.

The following skin care options are also relevant:

  • Massage for relaxation of muscles of different groups, their easy warming up.
  • Rubbing with oil to heal minor abrasions, eliminate the effects of burns, bruises.
  • Face masks in which the sesame product is the base. After the sessions, the skin becomes fresh, the pores narrow, and there is a slight whitening.
  • Lubrication of calluses and cracks to restore smoothness and integrity to tissues.

Purchase and storage

You can get a quality product and not deprive it of its useful properties if you know how to buy and store it correctly:

  • The mass should be dry, crumbly. It is better to purchase in a transparent package or by weight.
  • A noticeable bitterness in light grains is a sign of their staleness.
  • The shelf life of sesame seeds is limited. Unused seeds spoil after 2-3 months.
  • Untreated grains lie in the peel for the longest time. And also in a dry and cool room, protected from direct sunlight.
  • The spice in its purified form is best placed in the refrigerator or freezer (if the volume of the mass is impressive). In this case, the period of use is at least six months.
  • The oil is stored at high temperatures for 10 years.

The beneficial properties of sesame seeds are beyond doubt. The condition for successful use is compliance with the requirements for preparation, storage. It is better for women to immediately plan an integrated approach, combining culinary and cosmetic recipes. It is good if fragrant oil becomes a constant companion of cleansing and preparatory procedures. Then the rejuvenating and healing effects are maximum.

Hello dear readers! I want to tell you about my recent discovery for the skin and the body as a whole.

Recently, a friend gave me a gift: she was vacationing in India, and brought sesame oil from there. In the turmoil of days, I forgot about the present, but a couple of weeks ago I replenished my stocks of spices and found it in a secluded corner. I heard a lot about the benefits of sesame, so I decided to immediately try out a miracle cure.

And I decided to start with a massage: after the bath, I applied it to the skin, and thoroughly walked with a massager. And you know what? I kinda liked it! In the morning after such manipulations, my skin became moisturized and velvety. Be sure to try it! And now I want to tell you how useful sesame seeds are for women.

Imagine, the history of sesame has more than 7000 years. In ancient times, sesame seeds were part of the elixir of immortality.

And in general, these small seeds were shrouded in magic and sorcery. Do you remember "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" told by the beautiful Scheherazade?

According to legend, Ali Baba's brother could not get out of the treasure cave, because he could not distinguish sesame seeds from other seeds. Even if you are new to this story, you probably know the famous phrase from there “Sim-sim open”?

So, Sim-sim is the same sesame, only in Arabic. It turns out that the names of the plant known to us today originated from Persian (sesame) and Latin (sesame) languages.

Sesame - a source of vitamins and minerals

Did you know that sesame is just a huge amount of all sorts of benefits? Healthy fats, amino acids, anthocyanins, quinones, pectins, thiamine, phytin, phytosterol, sesamin, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, PP.

And almost the entire periodic table: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine, aluminum, manganese, selenium, nickel, zinc, chromium. This is such a huge list. I will focus on the most useful substances:

  1. In 100 gr. sesame contains 970 mg calcium, and this is even more than in some types of cheese . And in black sesame it is even 60% more. Do you remember that it is indispensable for bones? Therefore, it is sesame that is recommended for a raw food diet, as it is the main source of calcium.
  2. Content sesamin(the most powerful antioxidant) in sesame is a huge amount. The properties of this substance reduce cholesterol in the blood, help in the prevention of cancer and help improve metabolism, as it is a natural fat burner. I think everyone knows that with a good metabolism, losing weight is better.
  3. Fitin helps restore mineral balance, it is good for the body and has a beneficial effect on hair and nail growth.
  4. Thiamine improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  5. Vitamin PP aids in digestion and elimination of toxins. Therefore, sesame seeds are common in folk medicine.

For a healing effect and cleansing of toxins, grind 20 grams of sesame seeds and drink plenty of water before meals, take 2 times a day.

  1. Vitamin E and other antioxidants slow down aging. So it was not in vain that it was included in the list of products for the elixir of immortality.
  2. Zinc, according to the content of which sesame is the leader among many other products, it is necessary for the beauty of hair, therefore many cosmetics contain sesame seeds. It improves the structure of the hair and accelerates growth.

In order for sesame seeds to bring health benefits, you need to know how to take them correctly. Do not rush to swallow sesame handfuls, it simply will not be digested. It must be chewed, and this is easier to do by first soaking it with water.

It is desirable to use minimal heat treatment to preserve all its properties. So, when baking it with buns and muffins, it loses its benefits and remains only an element of decoration.

Sesame oil - a panacea for all ills

Sesame oil is incredibly beneficial. There are various methods of treatment with sesame used in traditional medicine.

For example, with a toothache, it is enough to rub a drop of oil into the gum. For colds, it is required to heat the oil in a water bath and rub the chest with it. And in traditional medicine, it is used to make medicinal oils and emulsions.

The oil is also actively used in cosmetology: in Ayurveda, it is recommended to smear damaged skin with it and massage it. It actively moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and creates a rejuvenating effect. The same oil helps not to burn out in the sun: its components absorb harmful UV rays.

Healthy hair, nails, skin elasticity - all this can be obtained by including healing seeds in your diet.

There are many hair and face masks using this miracle cure. Be sure to try them and notice the difference right away!

  • The oil can even be used to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. Apply it in a thin layer, and after 30 minutes blot the residue with a napkin. This will help smooth out mimic wrinkles in the eye area, and nourish the skin. Use this remedy in courses, and you will be able to maintain the beauty of your face.
  • It can be used not in its pure form, but added to creams and foams for washing immediately before application.
  • If you need to strengthen the hair roots, rub the oil into the scalp. If you need to soften the ends of the hair and prevent their splitting, then rub a few drops of oil in your hands and moisten your hair with them.

Know when to stop

I hope that you have not yet taken out a jar of sesame seeds and started eating it with spoons?)) Here, as in any other products, it is good to observe the measure and be aware of contraindications.

  • It increases blood clotting, so if you are prone to varicose veins and thrombosis, then you should be careful with the use of sesame and its derivatives so as not to harm your body!
  • Do not forget that sesame seeds are very high in calories, 100 grams of seeds contain about 580 calories, and this is a third of the daily intake of a healthy woman! So eat it without fanaticism.
  • Allergy.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (if used on an empty stomach).
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Take with caution in pregnant women to avoid excess calcium.
  • And everyone else is better not to take it on an empty stomach in the morning. Nausea and abdominal discomfort may occur.

That's all for me, my dears! Remember, in order to be happy, you must first of all love yourself, and self-love consists, among other things, in caring for your appearance and health. Therefore, look at familiar things with different eyes: often we do not see all the benefits in some products around us.

All the best to you! And don't forget to subscribe to the blog)

I hug

Anastasia Smolinets


Sesame seeds, despite their tiny size, have incredible health benefits, and this is one of the reasons why they are so popular in cooking. Today you will learn everything about what sesame is, why it is so good for health, and also how black sesame differs from white. You will also receive information not only about the benefits of sesame, but also that it can cause harm, if you do not take into account a number of contraindications.

What is sesame?

Sesame seeds are small, flat, oval seeds that vary in color depending on the species, including white, yellow, black, and red, and are used as a condiment with a nutty flavor and a delicate, almost imperceptible crunch.

It adds texture to baked goods, a nutty flavor to sushi and rolls, french fries and salads, and is also used to make delicious and nutritious spice mixes like tahini and hummus.

What does sesame look like - photo

general description

Sesame is a tall annual herbaceous plant in the Pedaliaceae family that is widely distributed in Asia, especially in Burma, China and India. It is also one of the main crops for commercial cultivation in Nigeria, Sudan and Ethiopia. Scientific name: Sesamum indicum.

Sesame and sesame are the same name for this spice.

It can reach a height of 2 m. It has pink or white flowers and long leaves.

How sesame grows - photo

This is what a sesame plant looks like.

After flowering, pods will appear containing small white, brown or black seeds depending on the variety.

The pod (2-5 cm long) is a long rectangular capsule-like box with deep grooves on the sides. Each contains up to 100 or more seeds.

What is the difference between black sesame and white

Sesame seeds have an outer coating that can be removed. It is also called shell or husk.

White sesame seeds are peeled seeds. They are relatively easy to find on sale, they are more popular.

The difference between black and white sesame is relatively small, and they can be used interchangeably.

The most obvious difference will be the color. The difference is due to the fact that the black sesame seeds are not peeled, while the shell is removed from the white ones, and these are the internal parts of the seeds.

One example of another difference is that black sesame seeds are richer in calcium than their white counterparts. They are also slightly bitter as a result of the presence of the shell. Another difference is the texture.

How to choose and where to buy sesame seeds

You can buy sesame seeds at all major grocery stores and specialty health food stores. Basically, they are available everywhere, as they are one of the most popular spices in the world.

Sesame paste is usually sold in glass jars - there are several good Chinese brands on the market. Don't be surprised if the vegetable oil used in the pasta has separated and forms a layer on top, this is normal. Just mix well before using.

How and how much to store sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are high in unsaturated fats and therefore should be stored in airtight containers to avoid rancidity. Place them in a cool dark place.

When properly stored, dried sesame seeds have a shelf life of several months. Store raw white seeds in the refrigerator.

Sesame paste after opening is stored in the refrigerator for several months.

What is the smell and taste of sesame

Sesame seeds have almost no smell, but if they are dried in a hot pan, a nutty aroma and taste appears.

White sesame seeds have a caramel flavor with nutty and sweet notes.

Black sesame has a richer flavor that can be compared to dark chocolate.

Chemical composition

The health benefits of sesame seeds are due to their chemical composition rich in vitamins, minerals, natural oils and organic compounds.

Nutritional value per 100 g of whole dried sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum)

NameQuantityPercentage of the daily norm,%
Energy value (calorie content)573 kcal 29
Carbohydrates23.45 g 18
Squirrels17.73 g 32
Fats49.67 g 166
Dietary fiber (fiber)11.8 g 31
folate97 mcg 25
Niacin4.515 mg 28
Pantothenic acid0.050 mg 1
Pyridoxine0.790 mg 61
Riboflavin0.247 mg 19
Thiamine0.791 mg 66
Vitamin E0.25 mg 2
Sodium11 mg 1
Potassium468 mg 10
Calcium975 mg 98
Copper4.082 mg 453
Iron14.55 mg 182
Magnesium351 mg 88
Manganese2.460 mg 107
Phosphorus629 mg 90
Selenium34.4 mcg 62,5
Zinc7.75 mg 70
beta carotene5 mcg -

Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Sesame is rich in phytonutrients - omega-6 fatty acids, flavonoid phenolic antioxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber, which have beneficial properties and promote health.

  • Delicious, crunchy sesame seeds are widely regarded as healthy foods. Calorie content of sesame seeds: 100 grams of seeds contain 573 calories. While most of its calories come from fat, it contains several vital nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins.
  • The seeds are especially rich in oleic acid, which helps lower LDL or “bad cholesterol” levels and increases HDL or “good cholesterol” levels in the blood. Studies show that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats helps prevent coronary artery disease and stroke.
  • Sesame is a valuable source of dietary protein with excellent quality amino acids, which are especially necessary for a growing organism. Just 100g of seeds provide about 18g of protein (32% of the recommended daily allowance).
  • Sesame seeds contain many health-promoting compounds such as sesamol, sesamin, furylmethanethiol, guaiacol, phenylethanethiol and furanol, vinylguacol and decadienal. Sesamol and sesamin are enzymatic antioxidants - a means of intracellular protection. Together, these compounds help remove harmful free radicals from the human body.
  • Sesame is among the seeds rich in quality vitamins and minerals. It is high in B vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamine (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and riboflavin.
  • 100 g of sesame contains 97 micrograms of folic acid, which is about 25% of the recommended daily intake. Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis. When administered to pregnant mothers, it prevents neural tube defects in newborns.
  • Niacin is another B-complex vitamin abundant in sesame. About 4.5 mg or 28% of the required rate is obtained from just 100 g of seeds. Niacin helps to reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it helps to reduce anxiety and neurosis.

The seeds are incredibly rich in many important minerals. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium and copper are concentrated in sesame seeds. Many of these minerals play a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme synthesis, hormone production, and normal heart muscle function.

For example, the calcium content in 100 g of sesame is 975 mg - 98% of the required daily allowance. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of osteoporosis. One quarter cup of natural sesame seeds provides more calcium than a whole glass of milk. A tablespoon of seeds contains approximately 88 mg of calcium. The body needs it, since it is the main building material, it is involved in the processes of restoring the structure of bones, hair, teeth.

Just one handful of sesame a day provides enough of the recommended amount of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and protein.

How and with what to eat sesame seeds to absorb calcium

Cooking and prolonged heating changes the nutritional value of sesame. For example, calcium levels are reduced by about 60% when the shell is removed. However, the form of calcium in it is calcium oxalate, and it is poorly absorbed by the body.

When the seeds are crushed, as in tahini or sesame oil, the nutrients are more easily absorbed. When left whole, the seeds are almost indigestible.

Studies show that calcium levels are somewhat higher when the seeds are slightly toasted.

Sesame should not be considered a major source of calcium due to the fact that it is in the form of oxalates. For better absorption, consider taking vitamin D and omega-3s.

The benefits of sesame seeds for the body

Sesame seeds are extremely beneficial for the health of men and women, contribute to the prevention and treatment of diseases.

  • Sesame prevents diabetes. These seeds are a source of magnesium and are also rich in various other nutrients. Together, they lower blood glucose levels, thereby reducing the risk of developing diabetes. People with diabetes can use sesame oil for cooking.
  • Sesame is a natural cure for anemia. Black seeds are one of the most recommended home remedies for anemia as well as other iron deficiency problems.
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease. Sesame seed oil helps prevent atherosclerotic lesions and is therefore very beneficial for heart health. Sesamol, an antioxidant present in sesame seeds, improves the cardiovascular system.
  • Has anti-cancer properties. Sesame seeds contain magnesium, which has an anti-cancer reputation. They also contain an anti-cancer compound known as phytate. Thanks to the actions of these ingredients, sesame reduces the risk of colorectal tumors and even prevents their onset.
  • Improves digestion. Sesame seeds contain fiber that helps the digestive system and colon function properly.
  • Sesame relieves symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The seeds contain copper, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and reduces swelling and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. This mineral also strengthens the bones, blood vessels, and joints of the body.
  • Prevents respiratory disorders. The presence of magnesium in sesame seeds reduces the risk of developing asthma and other diseases related to the respiratory system by reducing airway spasms.
  • Protects DNA from radiation. Sesamol protects DNA from damage caused by radiation.
  • Sesame Promotes Bone Health. It contains zinc, a mineral that stimulates bone density. Zinc deficiency has been linked to the onset of osteoporosis. The seeds also contain calcium, which is essential for bone health.
  • Reduces stress and improves sleep quality. Antispasmodics magnesium and calcium regulate muscle function, improving the transmission of nerve impulses. Thiamine, a natural calming agent, helps the functioning of the nerves. Sesame seeds also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that aids in the secretion of serotonin. Serotonin is needed to reduce pain and regulate sleep.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels. Black sesame seeds are rich in lignans, which. are well known for their cholesterol lowering properties. Black sesame seeds also contain plant compounds, phytosterols, which have cholesterol-like structures. Hence, including these seeds in your diet can definitely help you get rid of high blood cholesterol levels.
  • Sesame is useful for pregnant women and the fetus. Seeds rich in folic acid promote proper DNA synthesis in the fetus and add to the health of the pregnant mother. The iron in black sesame prevents pregnancy-induced anemia. However, this nutrient source is not recommended during the early stages of pregnancy.

Contraindications (harm) of sesame seeds

Sesame products should be avoided by people who are allergic to sesame seeds as hives, dermatitis, itching, etc. may occur. This is a kind of individual hypersensitivity reaction in some people, which is not so common.

Sesame is contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy.

The use of sesame seeds in cooking

Black and white sesame seeds are used in different ways in cooking:

  • Black - for desserts, soups or toppings.
  • Whites are made into sesame paste or used to coat desserts, fried foods, and to decorate food.

White sesame seeds are almost always toasted before consumption.

Here is how sesame is used in cooking:

  • The roasted seeds are crushed and mixed with olive oil or any other vegetable oil to form a semi-solid, flavorful paste that is then added to various dishes. It's called tahini. It is one of the main ingredients of the famous Middle Eastern dish hummus.
  • Toasted sesame seeds are sprinkled on sandwiches, cookies, bread, cakes, salads and deep-fried dishes.
  • In Europe, it is mainly used in the production of margarine.
  • Roasted and crushed sesame seeds are often sprinkled on salads, desserts, and other confectionery.
  • Sesame is used in the Japanese spice Gomashio.
  • They are sprinkled on Asian dishes and rolls.
  • Sesame oil, derived from seeds, is one of the most sought after vegetable oils in Malaysia, Indonesia and the southern parts of India.

How to make sesame tahini - a simple recipe

Tahini is a paste made from sesame seeds that can be used as an ingredient in sauces or on its own on crackers and toast or for dipping fruits and vegetables.

Total cooking time: 15 minutes.

Yield: 4 cups.


  • 5 cups white sesame seeds;
  • 1½ cups olive oil.


  1. Preheat oven to 180 C.
  2. Place the sesame seeds on a parchment-lined baking sheet and roast for 5-10 minutes, stirring frequently with a spatula. Avoid browning.
  3. Let cool for 20 minutes.
  4. Transfer the sesame seeds to a food processor and add the oil. Grind for 2 minutes.
  5. Check consistency. The goal is a thick yet fluid texture. Add oil or sesame seeds until desired result.

Tahini is stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container for up to 3 months.

How to replace sesame seeds in recipes

If a recipe calls for sesame seeds and you don't have them on hand, try substituting them with alternatives from the list below.

  • Poppy seeds. They also have little flavor until they are baked or fried. This evokes nutty and spicy notes similar to sesame seeds. Both are used in bread, cakes and candy. As a substitute, you will need the same amount of poppy seeds, this will work for most recipes.
  • Flax seeds . They provide the same nutty notes you get from sesame seeds. Note that flaxseeds need to be finely ground as they are difficult to digest. They will vary in texture and may not be suitable for all dishes that call for sesame seeds. Use a 1:1 ratio for replacement.
  • shelled sunflower seeds. They are slightly larger than sesame seeds, but they have a similar mild nutty flavor and add crunch to dishes as well. Add them to desserts, baked goods, or sprinkle over salads. Sunflower seed kernels will work for most dishes that call for sesame seeds.

Sesame has been known to people since ancient times. Initially, it was used in cooking, adding to various dishes. It gives them an unusual taste. After research, it became known , what are the benefits of sesame seeds from the point of view of physicians and what problems they should be used to solve.

Sesame, or sesame in Latin, is a Shrovetide plant up to 3 meters high, the life cycle of which is 1 year. It begins to bloom in June, and after 2 months the fruits ripen. The duration of flowering is only 1 day. After withering, special boxes are formed in which the seeds are located.

This thermophilic culture grows in the tropics and subtropics. India is considered the homeland, then sesame began to be cultivated in the countries of North Africa and Pakistan. Over time, it became widespread in Asia and the Caucasus.

In our country, sesame can only be grown in southern latitudes. The plant is especially picky about the soil - only loamy soil suits it. Amateur gardeners are trying to plant it in their own summer cottages, creating the necessary conditions. However, this idea is not always crowned with success.

Composition and calories

Sesame seeds contain a large number of components:

  • vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2, PP and E;
  • minerals - iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. And the amount of calcium in unpeeled seeds is especially high - 970 mg per 100 g. This is more than in cottage cheese and cheese;
  • fitin;
  • sesamin - an organic substance that reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol and promotes weight loss;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • fatty acid.

Sesame seeds are half oil, so their calorie content is quite high - about 580 kcal per 100 g.

The benefits of sesame seeds

Sesame seeds bring significant benefits to the body. Possible harm depends on the individual characteristics of the person and is manifested in rare cases.

They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and are able to inhibit cancer cells. Beneficial action is expressed in the following:

  1. Sesame is involved in the replenishment of calcium, which is necessary for the proper formation of bone tissue. Fluorine and zinc contribute to its better absorption, so the regular use of sesame seeds is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.
  2. Sesamin normalizes lipid metabolism and promotes weight loss. In combination with fatty acids, it reduces cholesterol levels and prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  3. Vitamins A and E slow down the aging process, help maintain youth and beauty. They have antioxidant properties and protect the body from the negative effects of free radicals.
  4. Fiber and vitamin PP contribute to better digestion of food and cleanse the intestines of harmful substances.
  5. Thiamine is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, maintains the health of the nervous system, speeds up metabolism and improves the absorption of nutrients.
  6. Phytosterol strengthens the immune system. As a result, a person almost completely stops getting sick with a cold.
  7. Bodybuilders eat sesame to quickly gain muscle mass, because protein makes up about 20% of the total mass of the seed. It is also eaten by adherents of vegetarianism, making up for the lack of animal proteins.
  8. Vitamin B2 accelerates growth, so small amounts of sesame seeds are recommended for children.
  9. The benefits of sesame for women are beneficial effects on the reproductive system and the health of the mammary glands. Lotions will help get rid of mastopathy. Consuming the seeds daily during menopause can help relieve menopausal symptoms.
  10. Flosterin prevents a set of extra pounds and the appearance of age-related disorders.
  11. The antibacterial effect of seeds has a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity.
  12. They improve liver function, in particular, help relieve hangovers.

However, roasted sesame, which is used in cooking, does not have beneficial properties. All valuable components are destroyed during heat treatment (by 95%).

Black sesame seeds are less common in Russia, but they also have beneficial properties. They are used to treat skin diseases, osteoporosis, arthritis, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent oncology. In addition, the concentration of calcium in them is even higher than in white ones.

How to use

Healing sesame seed has been widely used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Sesame has a pleasant nutty aroma and rich taste. Therefore, its seeds are added to salads and used to decorate baked goods. With their help, you can give the usual sauce an unusual taste. Or mix with breadcrumbs. Only the seeds must first be crushed. And to get a brighter taste, it is recommended to fry them.

For the treatment of certain diseases, the following recipes are used:

  1. A mixture of 2 teaspoons of crushed sesame seeds and 1 tbsp will relieve constipation. a spoonful of honey It should be taken with a glass of water. Such a drink should be consumed until all symptoms have passed.
  2. With neuralgia, you need to eat 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds with honey.
  3. To treat inflammation of the mammary gland, a compress is made from ground sesame seeds and vegetable oil.
  4. The following decoction will help from hemorrhoids - 2 tbsp. place spoons of seeds and 500 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. Then you need to cool it and drink a little bit during the day.

In the absence of severe health problems, it is enough to eat 2-3 teaspoons of seeds per day. They provide the body with essential nutrients. But they should not be consumed on an empty stomach, otherwise nausea and intense thirst will appear.

Seeds should be chewed thoroughly, or soaked in water for 2-3 hours, and then eaten. They are also used to reduce appetite, as the feeling of fullness lasts quite a long time.

In cosmetology, sesame oil is actively used. It has the following properties:

  • protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, therefore it is an integral component of sunscreens;
  • vitamins improve the appearance of the skin, heal minor damage and tighten pores;
  • if you add oil to the hair mask, they will become unusually shiny and silky.

On sale there are ready-made products with sesame oil. And you can buy it separately and make your own masks for beauty and health. If you apply it at night, it will get rid of cracked heels. They can lubricate children's skin, which often appears irritated due to the constant wearing of diapers. A mixture of oil, apple cider vinegar and water will remove toxins from the skin.

In medicine, sesame oil is also widely used. It is part of therapeutic gels, ointments and patches, as well as drugs that improve blood clotting.

How to store

In order for the seeds to bring maximum benefit, they must be carefully selected and certain storage conditions observed. They should be dry and crumbly. It is better to buy seeds in a transparent package or by weight. Then their quality can be visually assessed.

If the sesame has acquired a bitter aftertaste, then it has deteriorated. They should not be eaten.

Sesame should be stored in a dry place out of direct sunlight. It must be poured into an airtight container. These conditions are suitable for unshelled seeds.

If the shell has been removed from the grains, they must be put in the refrigerator or freezer. So they will retain their valuable components for about six months.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the huge benefits of sesame seeds, in some cases they are harmful.

Their use for medicinal purposes should be limited in the following cases:

  • with high blood clotting and thrombosis;
  • with a predisposition to the formation of kidney stones and sand in the urinary system;
  • with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • with the appearance of individual intolerance to the components.

During pregnancy, sesame should be eaten with extreme caution, because it can change the hormonal background and provoke a miscarriage.

Knowing the beneficial properties and contraindications when using sesame seeds will help you use them most effectively.

Sesame is a valuable oil plant, the seeds of which have a strong beneficial effect on the human body. They are part of medicines, used for the preparation of medicinal potions. When used wisely, sesame will bring exceptional benefits to the body.

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Sesame or sesame - a herbaceous oilseed plant belonging to the category of annuals. Its fruits are small seeds of different shades: from deep black to chocolate. There is no snow-white sesame - the white seeds that are familiar to us are grains that have been peeled.

A large number of components also allows the use of seeds for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Black and White Sesame: What's the Difference?

There are two main types of sesame seeds on the market: white and black. They are distinguished not only by color, but also by taste and useful properties.

Black sesame, unlike white, is not peeled, which contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, it is much more useful than white. It mainly grows in Southeast Asia, Japan and China.

Black sesame oil produces high-quality oil with a rich taste and aroma. At the same time, it does not take all the attention to itself, but only sets off other ingredients in the dish. Therefore, it is most often used for dressing side dishes, for sauces and marinades.

In the East, it is black sesame that is used for medical purposes, since all the main components that improve a person's condition are located precisely in the outer shell of the seed.

White sesame also contains unique oils, has a pleasant neutral taste with a subtle nutty note. This is a purified seed, which in 90% of cases acts in cooking as an external decoration for desserts, sushi or side dishes. The main importing countries of peeled sesame are El Salvador and Mexico.

Calorie content of sesame

Almost all plant seeds have a high energy value, since they are dominated by fats. This is especially true for flax and sunflower seeds - in them, the percentage of fat can exceed 50-60% per 100 grams. Sesame is also considered a high-calorie product - 280-300 kcal per 50 grams, and the fat content reaches 55%.

In addition to a high concentration of fats, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for nutrition and cell repair, predominate in its composition.

A unique feature of sesame is the presence of a unique substance called sesamin, which is considered a natural antioxidant. It prevents early skin aging, fights free radicals, which are the root cause of oxidative stress.

When choosing sesame, pay attention to the condition of the seeds, whether they are whole and not glued to each other. For this, it is better to buy it in a sealed package. The seeds should not taste bitter and they should not have any strange aftertaste.

As for the storage rules, black sesame is more unpretentious in this matter. It has a longer shelf life, even if left in the manufacturer's packaging. But it is better to pour it into a glass or enameled dish with a lid. Sesame does not like moisture and sun.

The white (cleaned) seed usually has a shelf life of no more than a few months, because it quickly loses its natural taste and becomes very bitter. To prevent this, store it in the refrigerator. In this case, it will not lose its taste and benefits within six months.

Useful properties of sesame

  1. The composition of sesame includes thiamine, which is necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Beta-sitosterol present in sesame is responsible for lowering cholesterol. It prevents blockage of blood vessels and is useful for the prevention of many diseases.
  3. The composition of this unique seed includes amino acids, which are building blocks for organs and systems.
  4. Rich in sesame and vitamin E, which promotes youthful skin. It is an essential vitamin responsible for maintaining the optimal functioning of the body. It normalizes the work of the female and male reproductive systems, affects the endocrine and nervous systems. As a powerful antioxidant, it protects cells from damage by free radicals.
  5. Sesame is an excellent tool for the prevention of osteoporosis. It has a record concentration of calcium - 100 grams of the product contains 750-1150 mg of the mineral. For comparison: in 100 grams of cottage cheese - only 125 mg of calcium. It is needed by the body of pregnant women, children, the elderly, since it is the main building material, it is involved in the processes of restoring the structure of bones, hair, and teeth. For pregnant women, its daily dosage should not exceed 30 grams.
  6. Black sesame is enriched with phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, iron and other minerals involved in blood formation and immunobiological processes.
  7. The phytoestrogen contained in sesame is especially useful for women over 50 years of age. It is considered a natural alternative to female hormones, so it is indispensable during menopause.
  8. One of the benefits of sesame is a high concentration of vitamins A, C, B. Retinol is involved in the regulation of protein synthesis and is necessary for the normal growth of new cells. Without it, the normal functioning of the immune system is impossible. B vitamins improve the condition of the skin and intestines, strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

To get the maximum benefit from the product, you need to eat it correctly. Regardless of the variety, you need to buy only live sesame that has not undergone special processing. Checking this is quite simple - live grains can germinate.

For this, it is not necessary to use professional germination equipment. Put a slightly damp gauze folded in several layers on a regular plate. Pour 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds on top of it and cover it with the same slightly damp gauze.

Remove the plate with sesame seeds for several days in a dark place where the sun's rays do not fall (in a kitchen cabinet or oven). If within 2-3 days the first sprouts begin to appear from the seeds, then this is natural, safe sesame for consumption.

Sesame seeds are best absorbed in a slightly heated and soaked state. The fried seed is already deprived of any useful properties, and will rather simply enhance the taste of the dish than make up for the vitamin or mineral deficiency of the body.

Sesame should be chewed slowly and try not to subject it to strong heat treatment unnecessarily. Based on these considerations, nutritionists recommend pre-soaking the seeds in water - this way it will be much easier to worry about them. For these purposes, you do not need to take too much liquid - take 100 ml of water for 1 full teaspoon of sesame seeds.

The optimal amount of sesame seeds for an adult is up to 3 teaspoons per day. Do not use the product in the morning and on an empty stomach. This can provoke an attack of nausea and excessive thirst.

Sesame serves as an excellent dressing for salads and meat, it is used to decorate muffins and added to the dough. In oriental cuisine, it can be found as part of special desserts, such as gozinaki or halva.

Unique features of sesame oil

Oil obtained from sesame seeds is also considered incredibly beneficial for the body. It is used for medical purposes, cosmetology and as an alternative to traditional edible oils.

It has been clinically proven to be effective as a detoxifier and laxative. It moisturizes the intestinal mucosa, indirectly improving its peristalsis.

Sesame-based oil is an affordable remedy for any woman to care for aging skin. It perfectly copes with fine wrinkles, restores tone, moisturizes and nourishes the epithelium. The unique substances included in its composition relieve redness and even out the complexion.

Of course, like any other oil, it will have the effect of dirty hair. To get rid of it, you need to choose the optimal amount and rinse your hair with shampoo after the procedures.

Many manufacturers use organic sesame oil to fortify tanning products because it is not UV resistant.

Sesame is a widespread product that will be a good addition to any dish. They can be sprinkled with boiled rice, meat and salads - it will enrich their taste. Due to its nutritional value, sesame seeds can become a main ingredient in vegetarian cuisine.

Sesame seeds are very useful for the reproductive system, especially for women.

If you combine sesame, linseed and poppy seeds, you can get a powerful aphrodisiac, which, by the way, works great for both women and men.

In the Middle Ages, among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, sesame seeds were in great demand - many women who care about their health chewed a teaspoon of sesame seeds every day in the morning.

In those days, it was believed that sesame is very useful for the female reproductive system. However, sesame seeds can increase the outflow of blood during menstruation, so pregnant women should eat sesame or any of its derivatives very carefully.

The high concentration of calcium contained in sesame contributes to the formation of the skeleton of the unborn child, however, excessive passion for this product can lead to miscarriage.

The use of the seed for medicinal purposes

Sesame is used in traditional and folk medicine

Sesame is widely used as a means of traditional medicine externally and internally. It is used on its own or as a component of a recipe.

Products based on sesame seeds are useful to use to strengthen the protective properties of the body. In its pure form, they are recommended to be taken in diseases of the heart and blood vessels (ischemia, arrhythmia, hypertension, anemia).

Seeds have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract with intestinal obstruction, stomach ulcers, gastritis, and helminthiasis.

Sesame is also indicated for the treatment of asthma, colds of the respiratory tract (including acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections). Oil from grains is applied externally to heal wounds and eliminate peeling and irritation.

Folk recipes

From diseases of the cardiovascular system

  1. In case of violation of blood clotting, it is recommended to take sesame oil three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
  2. To strengthen the heart, sesame seeds are added to daily meals.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

  1. From an upset stomach, a simple recipe will help. Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Add 1-2 tsp there too. sesame seeds, ground in a blender or coffee grinder. Drink in small portions until the diarrhea stops.
  2. For pain in the stomach, colic in the intestines and spasms, take 1 tbsp. l. seeds on an empty stomach 1-3 times a day.

For problems with the musculoskeletal system

  1. For rheumatism and pain in the joints, warm up the sesame oil a little (to the temperature of the human body). Rub the product with massage movements.
  2. With neuralgia, the seeds are fried in a pan and ground into powder in a mortar or coffee grinder. Take 1 tbsp. l. small portions, washed down with clean water.

For Women's Health

  1. With mastitis, compresses are used in complex treatment. A gauze or bandage folded several times is soaked in sesame oil and applied to the chest.
  2. After 45 years for women's health shows the use of sesame seeds in any form. The phytoestrogen contained in them improves well-being, minimizes the appearance of "hot flashes" and strengthens the nervous system.

With a lack of calcium

Calcium deficiency can be filled not only with vitamins. Sesame seed oil will perfectly cope with this task, which must be taken 1 tbsp. l. once a day (preferably in the morning).

As a prophylactic

To strengthen immunity, it is useful to take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach in the morning every day.

In order to prevent and maintain general health, sesame flour is introduced into the diet. Add 1-2 tbsp. l. product in the preparation of cereals and side dishes.

Seasoning is prepared on the basis of sesame seeds - gomasio . It effectively cleanses the body and has a pleasant smell and taste. Gomasio is both a medicine and a fragrant spice for dishes. Prepare it like this:

  1. For one teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt), take 18 tsp. sesame seeds.
  2. Separately, salt is calcined for three minutes and grains - over low heat for 2 minutes.
  3. Mash the salt in a mortar, then add sesame seeds to it. Rub everything until the seeds open.
  4. Ready seasoning is stored no more than two weeks.

Despite the high calorie content (565 kcal per 100 g), sesame seeds are used for weight loss. They normalize digestion, help eliminate toxins and lower cholesterol. So how do you get the most out of this weight loss product?

Remember that during heat treatment, the seeds lose most of their nutrients. Therefore, fried sesame seeds should be excluded when losing weight. Nutritionists recommend steaming it. Just fill the grains with warm water and let them brew. After they swell, they can be consumed in small quantities to reduce appetite.

Sprouted sesame seeds will help restore strength during the period of diet and active training. Growing it at home is very simple:

  • Take unpeeled black sesame, rinse it under water and transfer to a shallow container.
  • Fill them with water so that it is 1-2 mm above the level of the grains. Cover with clean gauze and put on the windowsill.
  • Change the water once a day until the first shoots appear.
  • Store germinated seeds in the refrigerator. Consume 1 teaspoon daily for a week.

During the diet period, replace olive and sunflower oil with sesame oil. Additionally, you can drink "kefir" from sesame seeds. One glass of grains is soaked overnight in a small amount of water. The next day, they are mixed with clean water (preferably boiled) in proportions of 1:2. Then the resulting consistency is filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

The composition is poured into a glass container and covered with clean gauze. Kefir should be infused for 12 hours in a warm place. It should be taken in half a glass 15 minutes before meals. You can add some honey and lemon juice.

Do not forget that the oil is also used as an external agent. In the process of rapid weight loss, the formation of stretch marks and sagging of soft tissues is possible. To prevent their occurrence, daily massage problem areas of the body with sesame oil in combination with others (for example, peach or almond).

Sesame oil has gained great popularity in cosmetology. It softens the skin well, thanks to antibacterial properties eliminates inflammation and irritation. The oil is used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and prevents photoaging caused by UV radiation.

A few tips on how to apply sesame for the benefit of the skin:

  1. To heal cracks in the skin, use a composition of sesame oil and chopped licorice root in equal proportions. The mixture is infused in a dark place for a day. It should be filtered and lubricated on damaged skin.
  2. Use sesame oil as the base of your face mask.
  3. The oil can be used as an alternative to make-up removers.
  4. To maintain the tone of aging skin, heated oil is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Massage a little, hold for 30 minutes and remove with a soft cloth.

Sesame seed oil is an excellent remedy for healthy hair. It is not as heavy as burdock, and has good penetrating power. Use it to restore hair after coloring and for regular care.

It is enough to rub sesame oil once a week into the scalp and apply it along the entire length of the hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap or a towel. Wash off with warm water after half an hour. With severe hair loss, dandruff and other diseases, the method is repeated 3-4 times a week.

Precautionary measures

When choosing sesame seeds, take a close look at them. They should all be the same color, crumbly and dry. The taste of the grain should not be bitter. The crude product can be stored up to a year in a dark, dry place. Purified - no more than three months in the same conditions. You can extend the period by placing the product in the freezer.

It is worth remembering the high calorie content of sesame seeds. In combination with sugar in large quantities, it will provoke a rapid increase in mass. The daily rate should not exceed three teaspoons of grains or 100 g of oil. Reception is recommended in the morning, because at this time calcium, which is so rich in the product, is absorbed better.

Possible harm and contraindications

  • Sesame seeds are not useful in all cases. Since they help improve blood clotting, they should not be used in patients with thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins of the 3rd and 4th degree.
  • It is not recommended to use sesame seeds for urolithiasis, as well as an active peptide ulcer.
  • Sesame is incompatible with oxalic and ascorbic acid. This combination provokes the formation of insoluble compounds that cause the formation of stones. Read more:
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, take the product with caution. It is better to consult with your doctor.
  • The product is excluded in the presence of allergies and individual intolerance. The same restriction applies to the external use of oil. To test for a reaction, apply some oil to your skin. If after 15 minutes there is no itching and redness, you can safely use it.

Sesame seeds are useful in any form. One teaspoon is enough to make up for the deficiency of the most important vitamins, micro and macro elements for health.

You can use them in the form of seasonings and dressings for ready meals. For the treatment of diseases - as part of recipes. The external use of sesame products is almost unlimited.
