
Cowberry jam with apples recipe. Lingonberry jam with apples - a unique combination of berries and fruits

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Summer is the time for making jam. I suggest you cook it from lingonberries. Lingonberry is a tart berry with a slight bitterness. Therefore, when preparing compotes and jams from it, it is necessary to add sweet fruits. The combination of this wild berry with pears, apples and quince is especially good. These fruits soften the sour taste of lingonberries, and also contain pectin, which makes lingonberry jam with apples for the winter thick and attractive in appearance. For this recipe, choose fresh, firm lingonberries and thin-skinned, sweet apples. Prepare sterile jars and lids. I have kindly described a simple cooking method for you today. It turns out very tasty as well.

You will need.

- cranberries - 0.5 kg.,
- sugar - 0.5 kg.,
- apples - 3 pieces.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Rinse the apples, peel the core and cut into small pieces. Put half of the norm of apples in a saucepan for cooking.

Pour in 0.5 cups of sugar.

Apples and lingonberries do not give juice well, so moisten the sugar with 3 tablespoons of water.

Place a glass of lingonberries on top of the wet sugar. Pour half a glass of sugar.

Another layer of apples.

Pour sugar and do not moisten it with water anymore. Finish laying out the remaining lingonberries and sugar.

Immediately put the jam on a slow fire with a divider and heat until the first foam appears. Turn off and refrigerate.

Boil the jam for 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the cooking time, followed by cooling to a “drop”. At the end of cooking, watch and stir, burning is possible.

Pour hot jam into prepared jars to the brim.

Close the airtight lid, wait for cooling and transfer to storage in a dry place.

Serve this dessert with hot tea with cheesecakes and pancakes. The jam is very thick and can be used as a filling for pies and baskets. Also try it and it's just as delicious.

The taste of the finished dessert is pleasant with sourness, the bitterness and astringency of lingonberries are not felt. The jam has an unusual forest aroma. The blank is stored for up to three years. When opened, the jam quickly becomes thick and becomes a marmalade-like consistency.

Apple jam with cranberries

Delicious apple jam with cranberries

Very tasty apple jam with a light lingonberry bitterness, which so nicely sets off its fresh and not very sweet taste. Cooked for 5 minutes 3 times. Who wants to, can cook in 1 step.

Composition and proportions

  • Apples - 2 kg (unpeeled weight);
  • Lingonberries - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1.4 - 1.5 kg.

Lingonberries and fruits

How to cook

  • Rinse berries and apples in cool water, dry. Peel the apples from the seed box and cut into medium-sized pieces. Add lingonberries to them (take only whole good berries). Pour in sugar and let stand for 2-3 hours so that the fruit releases juice (you can cook it right away, but you need to actively mix everything until the juice stands out).
  • First brew: bring the apples with lingonberries to a boil, stirring. Boil 5 minutes after boiling. Switch off. Cover and let stand 6-12 hours.
  • Second brew: bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes (stirring). Cover again and let stand 6-12 hours.
  • Third brew: bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes (stirring). Arrange hot jam in prepared jars and close with prepared lids (iron, screw or plastic).
  • Keep at room temperature in a dark and dry place. If the house is very hot, then put sugar not 1-4-1.5 kg, but 2 kg. Or move to a cold place (basement, for example).

large lingonberry
Apples with lingonberries (I took frozen)
Sprinkle fruit with sugar

On low heat, stir constantly until enough juice is released for cooking.
Cook, stirring
Apple jam with cranberries

Very tasty lingonberry and apple jam! If there is a place in the basement, it can be made in proportion for every 1 kg of apples 350 g of sugar and boiled for only 15 minutes 1 time. And immediately close. If stored at room temperature, then you need to cook either 3 times for 5 minutes with pauses for cooling and infusion, or - 1 time for 25-30 minutes until cooked (when drops of syrup do not spread on a saucer)

Delicious gelled apple jam with cranberries

The jam is thick, very tasty, slightly sweet

Jars of jam

Other recipes for apple or lingonberry jam

(several recipes).

Step-by-step recipe for making lingonberry jam with apples with a photo

So let's get to work:

Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour in water and cook these ingredients until the syrup becomes thick.

In the syrup that you have turned out, send the washed and sorted lingonberries. Let the contents boil, turn off the fire immediately, let the berries cool in the syrup.

Bring the lingonberries to a boil again, turn off the heat, let it cool.

After the second cooking, lingonberries must be mashed.

Peel the apples, cut into slices.

Put the container with lingonberry puree on the fire, send apple slices here, let the delicacy cook for 15 minutes. That's all, delicious fragrant lingonberry jam with apples is ready!

Video recipe Cowberry jam with apples

Cowberry jam with apples five-minute recipe

And you can also cook sweets in a quick hand, and we are talking about lingonberry jam with five-minute apples. The recipe for making this jam is very simple and easy!

So, in order to make jam according to this recipe, you will need:

lingonberries - 1 kg;
apples - 250 grams;
granulated sugar - 250 grams;
pectin - 3 grams.

So let's get to work:

  1. First, wash the apples and rub, use a grater with large holes.
  2. Wash and sort lingonberries.
  3. Take a wide container, send apples and lingonberries into it, cover everything with sugar, add pectin, cover with a lid, let the food stand.
  4. After 20 minutes, put a container with apples and lingonberries on the fire and cook until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.
  5. Pour the finished delicacy into jars, roll up the lids, and in winter you can treat your kids to fragrant and fresh apple-lingonberry jam!
Enjoy your enjoyment!

Cowberry jam with apples – one of the most fragrant sweet and sour jams. This is a classic combination of berries and fruits, loved by many for its unique taste.

This jam can be served with tea, cottage cheese, pancakes, cooked fruit drinks and kissels from it in winter, used as a filling for sweet pies and simply spread on a bun with butter. In any case, you will, as they say, lick your fingers. This is perhaps the most popular jam in the north and north-west of Russia. Even city housewives, who not only don’t go to the forest for berries, but don’t even know how and where this lingonberry grows, often buy berries in the market just to make jam from them. We offer you a recipe that we have repeatedly tested.

Need to :

  • Lingonberries - 1 kg (If you buy berries, pay attention to the fact that lingonberries should be dry, not soft and not mint)
  • Apples (sour, the Antonovka variety is best) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg
  • Water - 1 glass

It is best to cook jam in a wide enameled bowl, if you cook a double portion at once, you can also take a basin (in our photographs you will see exactly the basin, and then everything fits with difficulty, try to leave at least 3 centimeters to the edge of the bowl-basin, otherwise, the jam will “run away” when boiling).


Lingonberries must first be washed and sorted out at the same time. To do this, pour the lingonberries into a bowl (preferably in parts, in several steps, dividing a kilogram of berries into 2-3 parts), pour cold water, then you need to mix with your hands several times. In this case, as a rule, leaves, pieces of moss, small twigs float to the surface - all this must be carefully selected and discarded. Some of the berries also float up, some (more crumpled, long-harvested and already soft) sink to the bottom - this does not mean that all “drowned” berries should be thrown away. Throw away only blackened, brown, shriveled or crushed. We repeat the procedure 2-3 times. We throw the washed and sorted lingonberries into a colander and let the water drain, after which we pour all the berries into a bowl or basin.

We fall asleep berries with granulated sugar. We usually have no time to wait for several hours until the berries give juice, so we add sugar gradually, slightly kneading the berries with a “masher” for puree and mixing them with granulated sugar. Note that our task is not to crush all the berries, we need to moisten all the sugar.

When all the granulated sugar in the bowl has lost its white color, add a glass of water, stir and place on the stove over medium heat/heat, stirring occasionally so the sugar doesn't burn.

While lingonberries with sugar are heated, quickly wash and wipe the apples.

We clean the apples from the core (it is convenient to do this by cutting the apple into quarters), and then cut the apples into small pieces, focusing on an approximate volume of 1-1.5 cubic centimeters.

Pour the chopped apples into a bowl (if you “missed” the size of the bowl or basin and understand that everything will not fit, put a part of the lingonberries with sugar and apples into another bowl and cook first in two, and at the end of the process, when the volume of apples and lingonberries decrease, you can combine everything in one bowl and mix).

So, mix the apples with lingonberries, and, stirring, bring the mass to a boil. When the jam boils, we immediately reduce the fire / heating so that the jam does not “run away”.

After the moment of boiling, cook the jam over low heat, so that it boils a little, for another 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally (about every 4-5 minutes), if you cook in a bowl, it is more convenient to stir with a large, long-handled, wooden spoon. During the boiling process, a foam is formed, which at the end of cooking will need to be carefully removed with a spoon. There is no need to throw away the foam, just put it in a mug or on a saucer and eat it like jam for 1-2 days (the foam cannot be stored for a long time, and if it is not removed, it will prevent your jam from being stored).

We check the readiness of the jam as follows: you need to take a little jam into a spoon and drip from it (just a drop - 1 drop!) On a clean plate. If the drop does not spread over the plate, but remains in the form of a tiny hemisphere, the jam is ready. Do not forget to remove the foam and turn off the stove.

Berries are not only a tasty product, but also a source of many useful substances. Of course, especially a lot of vitamins, minerals and other similar components are found in fresh gifts of nature. But some of them can be saved for the winter by freezing, making jams and other preparations. So, today we will talk about the recipe for apple and lingonberry jam.

To prepare a really tasty and healthy dessert, you should follow a few recommendations. So, for lingonberry jam, you need to stock up only ripe, but not overripe fruits. It is best to harvest them at the initial stage of maturity. Usually this period falls on August-September. It is undesirable to use fruits with any signs of damage, especially with traces of rot. It is also better to refuse to use injured and frostbitten berries.

If you are picking lingonberries for jam yourself, pick them in the morning, as at this stage the berries concentrate a lot of useful substances in themselves.
It goes without saying that only high-quality water should be used to make jam. It is also better to give preference to enameled or stainless containers.

Apple-lingonberry jam - recipe number 1

Cowberry berries are often combined with other ingredients, including apples. This helps to emphasize the taste of lingonberries and add the desired density to the dessert.

To prepare this version of the dessert, it is worth preparing one kilogram and six hundred grams of lingonberries, as well as four hundred grams of apples (Antonovka would be the best option), in addition, use two hundred milliliters of water and one kilogram of sugar.

Sort the berries, send them to a colander and rinse well. Next, pour the lingonberries into a bowl of a suitable size and fill with plain clean water. Leave the fruits for about half an hour, during which time bitterness will have time to leave them.

During this time, you can prepare the apples. They need to be washed, then cut into quarters and remove the core. Next, the fruits should be chopped into medium-sized cubes, it is desirable that their size is approximately the size of lingonberries.

Pour water into a pot or basin of a suitable size. Put the container on a medium fire and wait until the water boils. Reduce the power of the fire, pour sugar into the water and, stirring occasionally, wait for it to dissolve.

Send lingonberries to the resulting syrup and boil it for a couple of minutes. Next, add apple slices to the container. Mix the resulting mixture well, then reduce the power of the fire to a minimum and boil for a quarter of an hour, remembering to stir occasionally.

Arrange the finished dessert in sterile jars and seal with sterile lids. Turn the jam upside down, wrap and leave to cool.

Recipe with lingonberries and apples No. 2

To create such a wonderful dessert, readers of "Popular about Health" need to stock up on half a kilogram of honey, a kilogram of lingonberries, half a glass of ordinary water and half a kilogram of apples.

This jam is prepared according to the same principle as the previous version. It is necessary to prepare a syrup from water and honey, and then boil lingonberry berries and slices of apples in it. You can judge the readiness of the dessert by a certain transparency of its components. After that, the finished jam must be laid out in sterile jars and corked with sterile lids.

Cooking with lingonberries, nuts and apples - jam number 3

To create this version of the dessert, it is worth preparing one kilogram of lingonberries, half a kilogram of walnuts, three medium apples, and eight hundred grams of sugar.

First, prepare the berries. Sort the lingonberries, rinse and scald with boiling water. After that, throw the fruits in a colander so that excess water is drained from them. Next, sprinkle the berries with sugar.

While the lingonberries are juicing, prepare the apples. Wash them, clean them and remove the core from them. Chop the fruit into small pieces. Grind the nuts a little using a mortar and pestle.

Combine all prepared ingredients in a bowl of a suitable size. Send them to a fire of low power and wait until it boils, remembering to periodically stir the dessert being prepared. Boil the future jam for about six minutes, then put it aside and leave it at room temperature until cool. Then again bring the sweet mass to a boil, put it in sterile jars and seal with sterile lids.

Cowberry and apple jam in lingonberry juice

To prepare such an amazingly tasty and healthy dessert, you should stock up on one kilogram of strawberries, half a kilogram of apples, a liter of lingonberry juice, and three hundred grams of sugar.

First of all, prepare the apples: peel them, remove the core, chop into small slices and blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

To obtain juice, lingonberry fruits need to be poured with water, brought to a boil and boiled until the fruits burst. Squeeze out the juice from the berry mass, pour sugar into it and heat until the sugar dissolves.

Pour lingonberries and apples with the resulting syrup. Heat the future jam, but do not bring it to a boil. Arrange the dessert in sterile jars, seal with sterile lids and cool. Store in a cool place.
