
Breakfast is healthy and low in calories. Useful and correct breakfast for weight loss: recipes and description

A proper dietary breakfast can also be very tasty and satisfying. In addition to the usual sandwiches, it is worth trying to cook nutritious cereals With various additives, light treats from eggs, all kinds of pastries. The main requirement for such recipes is the speed of cooking or baking, because in the morning housewives usually do not have enough time to stand at the stove for a long time.

Healthy cereals

All kinds of cereals are the most popular breakfast option. It allows a person to recharge with energy, feel cheerful and active.

Buckwheat with fruits in a slow cooker


  • buckwheat - 1 multicooker glass;
  • apple (sweet) - 1 pc.;
  • banana (very ripe) - 1 pc.;
  • low-fat milk - 1 multicooker glass;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • water - 3 multicooker glasses.


  1. Pour the prepared cereal into the bowl of the kitchen assistant.
  2. Peel all fruits, cut into cubes.
  3. Pour apples first to the cereal. Pour boiling water over everything.
  4. Cook in the Krupa program for a standard length of time.
  5. Then - add banana pieces, milk, sugar and leave the treat on heating for another 10 - 12 minutes.

When serving breakfast, if desired, add cream to it.

Millet with pumpkin


  • millet groats - 1 full glass;
  • pumpkin pulp - 380 - 400 g;
  • water - 1 full glass;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • sugar and salt.


  1. Fill the cereal with water from the tap. Mix directly with your hands. Throw on a fine sieve. Squeeze out the liquid.
  2. Separately, heat the water mentioned in the recipe. Pour the cereal into it immediately after boiling.
  3. When millet is half ready, add milk, add coarsely grated vegetable, all dry ingredients.
  4. Cook for 17 - 20 minutes with a small heating of the stove.

If the porridge has cooled down, it is delicious to eat cold, supplemented with currant jam.

Whipped semolina with cranberries

This Finnish version everyone's favorite semolina porridge. It is prepared as quickly and simply as a dish according to a classic recipe.


  • fresh cranberries - 1 cup;
  • semolina (groats) - 5 dessert spoons;
  • sugar - 6 dessert spoons;
  • water - 2 full glasses;
  • vanillin - 1 pinch.


  1. Mix the berries gently with all the sugar. Place in saucepan.
  2. Pour all the water on top.
  3. Send the container to the included stove. Cook the contents at the minimum heating of the stove for 8 - 9 minutes.
  4. Strain the resulting liquid. Crush the berries.
  5. In the resulting lingonberry juice add cereal and vanilla. Cook the mass for 5 - 6 minutes until thickened. Be sure to stir the ingredients periodically..
  6. Cool the porridge. Blend with an immersion blender/mixer until light. The treat should become airy.

Serve the original whipped semolina along with crushed berries. Can be used according to taste heavy cream and oil.

What can you eat for weight loss for breakfast

If you choose breakfast for weight loss, then each recipe should be studied with special attention. They should not have very fatty, high-calorie ingredients. In general, you can eat all the same dishes as without a diet, but slightly modify them:

  • Fry the omelet on a minimum amount of fat, bake in the oven, or cook in a bag. For last version Pour the egg-milk mixture into a regular bag, lower it into a pot of boiling water and leave until fully cooked.
  • Cook scrambled eggs in a non-stick frying pan without oil. Supplement it not with sausage and cheese, but with fresh vegetables.
  • Cook pastries on rice, rye, buckwheat flour.
  • Boil porridge in water or low fat milk. IN ready meals do not add butter, cream, condensed milk. It is better to choose oatmeal, buckwheat, millet and corn porridge during a diet.
  • For casseroles, choose low-fat or skim cheese. Will have to reduce the number granulated sugar in curd treats.

In the field of nutrition, there are a bunch of diet recipes that contribute to the process of losing weight. And every day their number is constantly increasing. Today we will focus on dietary breakfasts, how to eat right, what foods are desirable to eat in the morning.

Diet breakfast. What's the use?

If your goal is to reset excess weight, then you need to normalize the entire amount of calories consumed and never exceed it. Ignoring breakfast does not contribute to this in any way, rest assured that the absence of breakfast will not affect the body positively. We'll explain why. After a long sleep, the body gave most resources to supply the body's systems, every cell of the body after waking up needs nutrients and energy for life.

Starting the morning without breakfast, the body will begin to use the so-called "reserves", which feeds on nothing but muscle tissue. skipping morning meal, you run the risk of running into the following troubles:

  • a few hours after sleep, you will feel weakness throughout the body, signs of irritation will begin to appear;
  • glucose levels in the morning will be low, therefore, your productivity at work will be poor. Thoughts in the head will be focused only on one thing - “to eat”;
  • before lunch, you will definitely start looking for solutions to satisfy your hunger, as a rule, these will be fruits, buns, cookies, sausage sandwiches. And worst of all, if food is included in this list fast food, in which it is difficult to find anything other than harm.

Without disputes, by simple mathematical calculations, you can find out that without eating in the morning, a person really protects himself from extra calories, but only until the moment of snacking. If you only knew how this affects the mood and performance of the body.

Importance of breakfast

Consequences of a healthy breakfast

In the morning, when food enters the stomach, a signal is immediately generated in the brain to wake up all body systems. All organs begin to work, the metabolic process also goes into the “active” status. Therefore, we list why it is so important to take breakfast:

  • in the morning, the body starts metabolism, which accompanies productive fat burning throughout the day;

  • having consumed breakfast in the correct form, as it should be, you can dull the feeling of hunger for a long time and, as a result, eliminate hearty snacks. This is how smart people cut calories;
  • breakfast will energize you for the whole day, after which you can set yourself up for active, productive activities.

Requirements for a healthy breakfast

In order for all the above advantages of breakfast to be observed, you need to eat only the right food. Otherwise, you won’t have to talk about any weight loss, you just “fill up” your stomach and don’t feel satisfied. Morning meal will be useful if you follow the following rules:

  • breakfast should consist mainly of complex carbohydrates, proteins. Should also be minimal amount fats. Without these elements, focusing on the full functioning of all the mechanisms of the body is unlikely to work. The most important in breakfast are complex carbohydrates, they are slowly digested and therefore allow you to feel full for a long time;

  • it is advisable to have breakfast at the end of the morning hygiene procedures;
  • do not rush when eating, so the food will be better absorbed. After a meal, you should be “touched” by a feeling of satiety, which for a long time will not disappear when you perform everyday tasks;
  • breakfast with coffee is not recommended, if you cannot refuse it, drink this invigorating drink when you come to work.

  • at first it may seem that you are not made for breakfast. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion, just that you have not yet developed such a habit in yourself. You just need to start small, at first you can limit breakfast to oatmeal with yogurt, a piece of toast, half a hard-boiled egg. After a couple of days, you will notice that after waking up you want to “throw something in your mouth”, and this indicates the formation of a habit;

  • breakfast should not include high-calorie foods, in particular such harmful foods as sausages, smoked meats, sweet flour, spicy, fried, too salty foods. Such a meal will bring you a number of troubles, including prolonged heaviness in the stomach, heartburn.

Options for healthy diet recipes

So what should you eat for breakfast in order to say goodbye to extra pounds in the future? Now we will bring concrete examples! The food with which you start the morning should please you, at the same time it should be healthy and comply with all the principles described above. To your attention is a list of dietary breakfasts, where you are sure to find the option that is combined with your taste preferences.

Each of the presented dishes will contribute to weight loss, provide all the mechanisms of the body with the necessary resources, and give energy for the whole day.

  • porridge cooked on water (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley). Consume with fruit or with a glass of natural yogurt;
  • a few tablespoons of natural sweets in the form of jam, honey are added to cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content;
  • yogurt or kefir smoothies with berries (only natural ingredients), fruits (a banana is very useful in the morning);

  • boiled chicken meat detailed on small pieces mixed with vegetables and herbs, wrapped in pita bread;
  • a slice of whole grain bread, topped with a layer low-fat cottage cheese. Wash down fresh juice;
  • protein egg omelette mixed with frozen vegetables (takes on special relevance in winter time);
  • a few hard-boiled eggs with citrus fruit;

  • whole grain toast with jam (drink with natural yogurt);
  • egg white omelet with greens, mushrooms, spinach.

Look at these recipes and you will agree that diet food can be not only nutritious and healthy, but also tasty.

TOP 7 delicious breakfasts for weight loss


A proper breakfast is confidence in the coming day, a guarantee of a pleasant and useful pastime. Eating in the morning is more important than ever for a person who wants to lose weight. This will reduce the amount of calories consumed throughout the day, as well as start the metabolic process immediately after getting out of bed. Having breakfast, you will always be full of strength and energy, so do not be lazy to wake up early to cook yourself a delicious and healthy dish. Good luck to you! May any of your aspirations be sure to be marked by a positive result.

Breakfast occupies the most important place in the human diet. After all, it is not in vain that the proverb says that it is he who needs to be eaten completely, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy.

Dietary breakfasts for weight loss should fill our body with strength and not contain excessive amount calories, especially fat.

There are a lot of options for dietary breakfasts, and you can come up with a couple more on your own, but this article will describe only the most effective recipes morning meals.

Delicious diet breakfast

Buckwheat is a storehouse of vitamins. It is high enough in calories - 340 kcal per 100 g. To provide energy for almost the whole day. Therefore, it is not recommended to add vegetable or butter to it, as well as sugar. It is better to flavor the porridge with 50 ml of milk. From this, it will become more tender, tastier and will not harm the figure.

Healthy diet breakfast

A dessert that is prepared from 0% fat cottage cheese, berries or fruits and a small amount of milk will be delicious. Additionally this light diet breakfast can be sweetened with honey or add no more than 1 teaspoon of sugar.

250 grams of this dessert contains 200 kcal. But adding nuts and sweet dried fruits will make it more nutritious. Such a diet dish is sure to please the sweet tooth.

Diet breakfast - recipe with photo

A healthy and low-calorie breakfast will be a sandwich of hard cheese, lettuce, cucumber and a slice of bran bread. A cup of coffee or tea can complement a traditional cheeseburger. The main thing is not to add sugar. Energy value such a breakfast is about 250 kcal. What if you replace the bread with diet bread, then the calorie content will decrease by another 150 kcal.

Diet meals at breakfast should be not only healthy, but also tasty. Therefore, you should not bypass dried fruits, honey, fruits and vegetables, as well as your favorite foods, even if you are a cake lover. After all, carbohydrates eaten in the morning will have time to be processed during the day. And the sweetness for dessert after dinner will settle on the sides.

Diet breakfast for beauty

Oatmeal - keeps youth and harmony. And supplemented with fruits and nuts, it will be a real delicacy. Porridge cooked in milk contains 400 kcal, one more spoonful of sugar will add 35 units of energy to it.

Diet breakfast simple

Omelet - the easiest and fastest morning meal. It's easy to cook. It is tasty and healthy. main feature dietary recipe is the use of a minimum of oil. You can also add tomatoes, peppers and other favorite vegetables. Calorie content of 100 grams of omelet - 185 kcal.

Diet breakfast is harmful

Not many people can take and give up their habits, such as coffee and chocolate in the morning. But it will be much easier to do this if you replace the drink or at least do not add sugar to coffee, and eat only bitter chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%. It is quite tart in taste. Such a breakfast will be a harmless habit for the figure.

If time allows, then you can implement next recipe diet breakfast and create in the morning delicious casserole. For example, from cottage cheese, banana, milk, eggs and your favorite fruits. Do not add butter, flour or semolina. From this, the calorie content of the dish will only increase. But decorate ready-made casserole even need berries. Calorie content of 100 g of casserole - 250 kcal.

Diet breakfasts for weight loss, the recipes of which were given here, will be your first and indispensable step towards slim figure. They will fill you with the necessary energy and delight excellent taste. Bon appetit!

At right approach diet breakfast for weight loss works wonders. It will not only improve your mood, charging you with vivacity and life-giving energy, but also help to solve problems with the figure in a qualitative way. correct and helpful dietary ration will play an important role in helping the body get rid of excess fat and get the missing nutrients.

What should be the right breakfast

Significantly improve daily ration food for a short time you can start preparing a dietary breakfast. If the internal metabolic process is disturbed in the body, start your morning with a glass of water (preferably room temperature), drunk on an empty stomach. Dietary breakfasts for weight loss will help to gently start the stomach, while restoring water balance.

Next, you need to combine products that are complex in composition, saturated with essential vitamins, trace elements, containing fiber and slowly digestible carbohydrates. Ideal breakfasts for weight loss, containing:

Healthy cereals

Porridges are useful and possess high calorie. Nutritionists recommend them to women, especially when it comes to diet and weight loss. Fiber, which is part of their composition, helps the intestines to remove excess toxins, while leaving a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, wheat and barley porridge is a good dietary option (but stay away from semolina). One caveat: breakfast cereals for weight loss should be boiled in water, without the addition of oils, sugar and salt. You can add pieces fresh fruit, nuts and honey.

What to eat for breakfast when losing weight

Diet breakfasts for weight loss include a properly balanced diet: make yourself fruit cutting, vegetable salad with wheat bran. Can be added to the menu hard cheese, vegetable oil. Dietary meat in the morning will allow you to start your metabolism faster. Try not to overeat so as not to feel lethargic throughout the day.

protein breakfast

The basic principle of the diet: by reducing the intake of carbohydrates to extract the energy it needs, the body begins to break down body fat. That's why protein food for breakfast - the best solution as part of a dietary type of food. For a change in the arsenal there is wide range recipes for cooking dishes from cottage cheese (pancakes, casseroles, salads), eggs (scrambled eggs, fried eggs, soft-boiled), chicken fillet.

Complex carbohydrates

Slow-digesting carbohydrates for the diet are good because they do not cause a sharp drop in blood sugar spikes. This guarantees an even distribution of the energy received from food, which will keep you feeling full longer. If you have to exercise after a diet breakfast for weight loss, then the choice in favor of carbohydrate food is obvious. They are found in non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, cucumbers, lettuce), pasta from durum wheat, in cereals that have undergone a lesser degree of processing, retaining most of the fiber and important trace elements.

Light breakfast

Salads - best lungs breakfast for weight loss. They are great as a snack when you don’t want to overload your stomach early in the morning without causing heaviness. Relevant if a brunch or business lunch with colleagues is planned in the future. A fruit or vegetable diet menu will not affect the figure, even if you eat a kilogram, it will cheer you up and fill you with energy.

Fast and helpful

Toasts, croutons, croutons, crackers, bread rolls are a satisfying solution that is not inferior either in fiber content (depending on the variety) or in nutritional value, and are a good alternative to the usual sandwiches. Tasty and healthy breakfasts during a diet can consist of muesli or cereal, flavored with a portion of grapefruit that burns calories, or a scattering of vascular-strengthening pomegranate seeds.

What not to eat for breakfast

harmful products weight loss includes confectionery and pastries, which will rapidly overload insulin production, which can cause high blood pressure. Smoked meats, canned food, overcooked foods are also not suitable for a diet breakfast - such products will negatively affect the metabolism and will not benefit the body as a whole.

Why You Shouldn't Skip Breakfast

Breakfast for losing weight is a guarantee of stress resistance, less risk of breaking into some favorite high-calorie dish because when you are full, you think less about hunger. German scientists managed to draw a parallel that the denser the breakfast, the more likely it is that portions for lunch and dinner will increase in direct proportion. It's best not to overeat in the morning, but it's also not a good idea to avoid breakfast entirely. American doctors claim that more than 60% of the guarantee of a good figure in the subjects was in a properly selected diet.

Healthy breakfast recipes

Regular intake diet food, which takes only a couple of minutes a day to prepare, guarantees you a healthy approach to shedding excess calories, without harming your health and well-being. Breakfast at proper nutrition for weight loss is a whole system consisting of the correct preparation of a menu for effective result. How to eat breakfast, while continuing to lose weight, read below.


The main thing in dietary nutrition is to continue to nourish your body with useful substances, so the approach to cooking buckwheat should be reconsidered. Most Helpful green buckwheat- This is a cereal that has not been fried. She kept everything necessary components that will help your health. In general, buckwheat in the morning for weight loss will help to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time.


  • buckwheat - 50 g;
  • butter - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the buckwheat.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water, let it swell.
  3. Add oil.

Healthy sandwiches

Nutritionists recommend avoiding bakery products. Focus on bread rolls, whole grain bread with bran, always coarse. Useful sandwiches for weight loss are dietary breakfasts based on bread, whole grain bread with bran, always coarsely ground. Use cottage cheese (recipe below), hummus, peanut butter as a spread. Decorate with herbs, fresh vegetables, dietary view meat, tofu, cheese, mozzarella, tuna.


  • whole grain bread - 2 slices;
  • cottage cheese spread - 1 spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bread. Spread a thin layer on the filling.
  2. Garnish with fruit or raw vegetables as desired.

An easy-to-prepare recipe that can be used as a side dish, spread on bread, or as an independent dish. Cottage cheese for breakfast for weight loss may differ in fat content and in its texture - someone will prefer fine-grained, someone to taste cottage cheese silky texture. This good example protein diet, where the food is nutritious, tasty and low-calorie for the body.


  • fat-free cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • greens of your choice - 1 bunch;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the greens, finely chop.
  2. Prepare cottage cheese: grind it, mix with the rest of the ingredients.

Oatmeal with kefir

winning dietary combination protein with fiber - oatmeal with kefir. IN moderate amount you can eat, while noting a beneficial effect on the skin, a well-coordinated mechanism of the intestines. Remember that although this porridge is good for the digestive tract, you should not use it for a long time. She has the ability to sweep out useful substances from the body, not only toxins, therefore it is desirable to limit the duration of its use.


  • oatmeal, "Hercules" - 150 g;
  • kefir - 1 glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour kefir over oatmeal, let it swell.
  2. Add fruit or prunes.

Omelet on a diet

Fast, healthy and gentle - this is an omelette for breakfast for weight loss. Eggs are an essential part of any diet. If you need to keep the strictest diet, then milk can be replaced drinking water, and a frying pan - a classic oven. By adding greens and spinach to the omelet, you will make the diet even more nutritious and healthy.


  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • milk 1% fat - 40 ml;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • vegetable oil, corn - 10 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Grease a frying pan with a thin layer of oil and heat it up.
  2. Rinse, chop greens.
  3. Beat eggs, milk and salt with a mixer. Add greens.
  4. Pour the mixture into the heated pan, wait for it to seize. Lower the fire and bring to readiness.

What to drink for breakfast to lose weight

In terms of nutritional value, the following drinks can compete with full breakfast, so it is better to calculate the reception time if you want to combine them. It is a mistake to believe that the famous orange juice is the most correct option dietary breakfast: it has been proven to irritate the stomach lining if taken on an empty stomach. As alternative options dietary liquids, select others healthy drinks for breakfast.


By diet coffee we mean natural coffe, black. You can also take green coffee It has more antioxidants. In addition to gaining vigor after it, it still has an effect on the breakdown of fats, so in Italy, even with relatively fatty foods, few people have heart problems due to high content cholesterol in the blood. The ginger coffee recipe for weight loss diversifies dietary breakfasts, stimulates attention and allows you to wake up faster.


  • coffee, black ground - 2 tsp;
  • ginger, fresh root - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • water - 500 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. At the bottom of the Turks pour grated ginger root, previously grated.
  2. Add coffee, fill with water.
  3. Bring to a boil twice over low heat, but do not boil.


This option diet menu will allow immediately after training to replenish the necessary elements for muscle growth. Protein diet shakes for breakfast is an example of how you can mix carbohydrates (honey, stevia, glucose, raisins, banana), proteins (cottage cheese) and fats (nuts, peanut butter), rationally reducing the time for cooking. A great option when you need to rush to your workout.


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • cereals- 2 tbsp. l.;
  • walnut, chopped walnut - 2 tsp;
  • banana - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Beat until smooth.
  3. Pour over diet drink into a serving glass, sprinkle with remaining nuts before serving.


Low-calorie and sparing type of diet food. The theme is excellent for those who do not like solid food in the morning. Healthy breakfast smoothies do not contain sugar, so they are better absorbed without causing a sharp release of the hormone insulin. At the same time, for a diet breakfast, you can build a schedule for the use of “cleansing” smoothies that help remove aggressive toxins.


  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • cinnamon, ground - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the apple and celery, cut into slices.
  2. Mix in a blender until smooth.


A properly composed dietary breakfast will help the body replenish the supply of all the necessary substances, and dishes for morning nutrition should be prepared from natural, low-calorie foods. The menu should be useful, bring pleasure. Experts advise to observe the ratio between carbohydrates, fats and proteins, so that the feeling of fullness arises quickly, and hunger does not disturb until the next meal.

What is a diet breakfast

The attitude of consumers to the first meal is ambiguous: some believe that it is possible to do without it, others - that this is the most important part of the daily diet. Specialists also hold different positions. Diet breakfast is a meal that takes place in the morning. However, it must contain a maximum useful substances, the use of which contributes to weight loss, heals the body.

What is

The first meal of the day should be balanced, contain substances useful for the body. Eat light but nutritious food:

  • Buckwheat, oatmeal or millet cereals are a source of carbohydrates.
  • Dietary meat, fish, low-fat dairy products contain a lot of protein.
  • Fruits and vegetables are a storehouse of healthy fiber.
  • Fats can be represented by vegetable oil natural origin to add to salads.

With proper nutrition

The question of what to eat for breakfast with proper nutrition is of concern to most people who want to throw it off. overweight. Experts recommend giving preference to hearty, but low-calorie foods. Portions of dishes should be moderate, not load digestive system. Light breakfast is the basis of not only the fight against overweight, but also a good mood, a general positive state during the day.

If you don't stick to hard dietary principles aimed at a sharp loss of kilograms, you should not forget about the first meal. In order to get enough without harming the figure, in the morning it is allowed to eat cereals, boiled eggs, vegetable salads, fruit mixes, cottage cheese. The diet should be selected based on the characteristics of the work, the condition of your stomach and intestines.

What to drink

Any healthy breakfast for weight loss involves following the right drinking regime. This aspect is important because it helps to regulate metabolism, remove toxins and toxins. Experts do not recommend drinking coffee on an empty stomach. You can drink caffeinated liquid prepared from natural raw materials, but only after eating.

It is important to drink a glass of pure mineral or plain water immediately after lifting. The clear liquid will start digestion. You can start eating after about half an hour. In addition to coffee and water, nutritionists advise drinking the following drinks:

  • Green tea- an excellent antioxidant that promotes the removal of toxins, toxins, normalizes metabolism.
  • Freshly squeezed juices provide essential vitamins. Try to use only natural products. Do not consume on an empty stomach with gastritis in the background hyperacidity, ulcer.
  • Weak black tea and coffee without sugar and other additives - drinks will invigorate. Prepare them only from natural raw materials. Don't brew instant coffee and tea bags.
  • Cocoa is a good antioxidant, antidepressant. Tones and improves mood.

For weight loss

There are several principles for how proper breakfast for weight loss:

  • Morning meals should be prepared quickly, since a person has a small amount of time during this period.
  • Try to choose meals that are both satisfying and easily perceived by the intestines and stomach.
  • For cooking, use natural products, as it is necessary to ensure that the body receives the necessary vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.
  • The size of the portions plays an important role, they do not need to be made too large or small. Choose the amount of products based on your own weight and the complexity of physical activity per day.
  • Make a diet of dishes that you like, do not cause negative emotions.


According to experts, fast and healthy breakfast should include carbohydrates. These substances provide energy to the body, which will help keep fit throughout the day. It is important that the first meal contains fiber. It cleanses and makes the digestive system work normally. Low-calorie, high-protein foods will help you feel full quickly. Obtaining the necessary supply of vitamins and minerals contributes to the use of germinated wheat and other seeds, nuts, berries, vegetables and fruits, herbs.

A quick and healthy breakfast for losing weight may include the following dishes:

  • Salad of vegetables, which should be seasoned with high-quality, natural vegetable oil.
  • Cereals from cereals (for example, oatmeal), to which it is useful to add nuts, honey, pieces of berries and fruits.
  • Bread made with natural sourdough and rye flour, which can be supplemented with slices low-fat cheese, herbs, vegetables.
  • Fruit salad dressed with honey lemon juice, light classic yogurt. Useful additives become nuts or seeds.
  • Sprouted seeds can be mixed into vegetable or fruit smoothies.

from fruits

A delicious and healthy fruit breakfast will help improve your mood, get the necessary vitamins, minerals and alimentary fiber. Try cooking some simple options:

  • Apples with nuts and dried fruits. You will need several fruits that need to be peeled and grated. Mix the resulting fruit mass with a small amount of any berries, chopped nuts and dried fruits. You can spice up such a light breakfast salad with liquid honey. It will help bind the ingredients and add sweetness.
  • Fruit diet smoothie. Place kiwi, banana, strawberry and orange slices in a blender. Pour liquid into the bowl (freshly squeezed juice, water, coconut milk). As additives, use nuts, flax or chia seeds, ginger. Turn on the machine, stir the ingredients until the mass becomes homogeneous. Drink the resulting vitamin drink for breakfast.

In the oven

One of the most common ways to cook dietary food is baking. This method of cooking will help to prepare low-calorie dishes that will not damage the figure and digestion. To benefit your body, try making dishes in the oven. You can eat a casserole of cottage cheese or vegetables, a piece lean fish or meat. Eggs can be a suitable product, which will make a light, air omelet.


Nutritionists advise choosing for yourself delicious recipes healthy breakfast. You should enjoy food, because the morning meal sets the mood for the whole day. At the same time, try to choose nutritious diet foods so that they give strength and energy. Avoid breakfast foods that are high in fat. Eat porridge without oil, choose meat diet varieties. fruit salads It is better to season with honey or lemon juice. A small amount of vegetable oil allowed to add to vegetables.


Cereals cooked with milk or water contain complex carbohydrates that benefit the body, while generating energy. These dishes are perfect for taking in the morning. They will quickly satisfy the appetite and give strength for labor day. Experts distinguish the following dietary healthy cereals for breakfast for weight loss:

  • Oatmeal is rich in fiber, which, dissolving in the intestines, transforms into a porous mass. Oat flakes help naturally get rid of toxins, toxins and other substances that pollute the human body. The mucus contained in the porridge has an enveloping effect on the stomach, preventing damage to its walls. The decrease in body volume occurs due to the absorption of harmful fats by dietary cereals. Cooking oatmeal should take no more than 15 minutes. To make porridge tastier, add honey, berries or fruits to it.
  • Rice - this porridge for weight loss is recommended to be made from unrefined cereal. It is much more useful than its white counterpart. Diet dish contains a lot of fiber and amino acids, helps fight stress, stabilizes nervous system. The basis for porridge can be milk and water. To sweeten the product, dried fruits or berries can be added to rice grains.
  • Millet - porridge is a real find for those who want to lose weight. Cereals contain a lot of protein, promotes rapid satiety, while they are low in calories. The composition is rich in a large number of minerals and trace elements. You can cook it for breakfast with pumpkin, dried fruits, carrots or nuts.
  • Buckwheat - groats have the ability to remove heavy metals from the human body, which carry with them an acceleration of the aging process. Compound diet porridge represented by various vitamins and minerals. Those who want to lose weight will appreciate low calorie- the dish is used as a product for mono-diets. Buckwheat porridge does not have enveloping properties, so it is better to cook it for breakfast in milk. If there are no problems with the stomach, it is allowed to take water as a basis. You can vary the taste herbs, vegetables and dried fruits.

For weight loss

Proteins can be a suitable component morning reception food. Recipes are low calorie and nutritious. The substance is slowly broken down, leaving a feeling of satiety for a long time. Meat of dietary varieties, cottage cheese and boiled eggs - suitable products for a protein breakfast. Try to do it in the morning the following dishes:

  • Omelette of 3 eggs beaten with milk. Mixing is carried out with a mixer. Fry the resulting mass in a pan until cooked. A dietary dish will turn out if you bake an omelette.
  • boiled eggs soft-boiled.
  • Diet cottage cheese with the addition of dried fruits or sour cream. It's easy to prepare: take milk product(150 g), mix with one of the ingredients. As a dressing, a little low-fat sour cream, chopped dried apricots, raisins, a small amount of jam or honey.
  • Sandwich of whole grain bread, fresh vegetables, boiled chicken breast.

cottage cheese

Many women who dream of weight loss are thinking about whether cottage cheese for breakfast is suitable for weight loss? On the shelves of stores, this product can be found with different concentration fats. To cottage cheese breakfast has become dietary, choose a product with a low percentage of this indicator. The product will help not only quickly get enough thanks to great content protein, but will also benefit the body. It contains B vitamins, calcium, selenium and essential amino acids.

You can eat cottage cheese for breakfast in pure form, or by adding ingredients to it that do not contain many calories. A good dressing can be pieces of fruits, berries, vegetables, dried fruits. Based on it, it is recommended to prepare vitamin smoothies for breakfast. Having done curd paste with the addition of greens or vegetables, you can spread the mixture on a piece of whole grain bread. It is important to ensure that the product is natural, otherwise your breakfast will not turn out to be dietary.


According to nutritionists, the morning meal is the main one, because thanks to it we get the necessary substances, an energy boost for the day. A hearty, healthy breakfast can bring next benefit:

  • hunger will be satisfied quickly, and the feeling of satiety will remain for a long time, will help to avoid further overeating;
  • a person will receive the necessary energy supply for physical and mental work;
  • normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism;
  • daily diet properly regulated;
  • the digestion process starts.

A hearty breakfast with proper nutrition for weight loss should contain all the important substances that you can get from the following products:

  • Fiber is needed to increase intestinal activity. It is found in fresh cucumbers, celery, apples, citrus fruits, zucchini, greens.
  • Proteins and fats can be obtained from boiled or baked eggs, sea ​​fish, dietary meats, cottage cheese, sour cream and kefir. These products are able to keep a person active for the whole day.
  • Carbohydrates are: millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, lean cookies, fruits, dark chocolate, whole grain bread.

Among the products suitable for a morning meal, eggs can be cooked quickly and tasty. Make fragrant, airy and light diet omelette which contains a supply of protein. The dish turns out to be satisfying, but will not harm your figure. The vegetables included in the composition can be cut not only into cubes, but also into circles. Pepper will look especially impressive.


  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • chicken eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 580 ml;
  • cauliflower - 3 sprigs.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil cauliflower. Cut the remaining vegetables into small cubes.
  2. Mix eggs with milk, salt to taste.
  3. Take a mold, put some in there olive oil. Put the vegetables in the container, fill them egg mixture.
  4. Bake a diet omelette in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

With myself

Scientists say that when eating in the morning, you need to do it slowly, trying to focus on food. However, if you are late, takeaway breakfast will come to the rescue. The most convenient dish that you can take to work are diet sandwiches. Many mistakenly believe that such food is unhealthy and unhealthy. You can make a sandwich not only from sausage and a thick layer of butter, but also from useful products: wholemeal bread, vegetables, herbs, cottage cheese and some fruits.


You can make a morning meal using healthy sandwiches for breakfast. There are many options for their preparation. The basis should be whole grain bread, as it contains a lot of fiber. You can supplement it with vegetables, mozzarella cheese, herbs, cottage cheese. Use instead of sauce classic yogurt or yogurt. Popular Recipes useful diet sandwiches for breakfast:

  • Boil chicken breast and cut it into thin pieces. Place a bird on a wholemeal bread slice, place a lettuce leaf and a few circles on top fresh cucumber. To make the dish juicier, pour it with unsweetened yogurt.
  • Wash the tomato and cut into thin rings. Puree the avocado with a blender, add some salt. Spread the resulting paste on a bread slice, put a lettuce leaf and tomato slices on top.

