
Pies calorie content per 100 grams. Pies with rice and egg

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Pies with confidence can be called ours national dish. They have long been baked or fried, made small, large, closed, open. Probably, almost everyone is familiar with "grandmother's pies" - delicious memories childhood. However, as adults and learning about such a terrible thing as excess weight And energy value products, you have to think about how many calories are in the pie.

Of course, there are many recipes, and depending on this, the calorie content of pies changes.. They differ in appearance, according to the filling and the composition of the dough: yeast, biscuit, puff. Also fried pies significantly higher in calories than baked ones.

Benefit and harm

Pies in which the filling is potatoes or minced fish, contain vitamins B1 and B2, as well as PP and E. In addition, they are rich in phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, potassium, chromium, vanadium, molybdenum, various other minerals and organic acids. Jam pies all inclusive beneficial features jam included in them. All of these pies naturally have different calories, and the health benefits can sometimes justify eating them. But in small quantities!

At the same time, there are a lot of carbohydrates in any pies, which should not be forgotten, following the taste of taste. This food cannot be called complete and balanced. If yeast dough is used in pies, they can disrupt the intestinal microflora. Therefore, speaking of usefulness, it is better to give preference to a loaf that is baked from whole grains.

Of course, you can’t eat pies every day, but sometimes - why not treat yourself? Knowing the calorie content of pies, it is quite possible to meet daily allowance . Perhaps even 100-150 g per day will not affect the figure too much. However, do not forget to work out the excess with the help of physical exercises, of course.

How many calories are in pies

Calories in a pie depend on the filling and on the dough. Since the filling can be both berries, fruits, poppy seeds, cottage cheese, and vegetables, meat, fish, eggs with onions, the pies can be divided into sweet or not sweet.

Test calories:

  • calories yeast dough- 290 kcal per 100 g;
  • calories biscuit dough- 240 kcal per 100 g;
  • Calorie puff pastry 350 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie content of pies depending on the filling:

  • calories meat filling- from 80 to 150 kcal per 100 g (depending on the type of meat), and a pie with it 300-600 kcal per 100 g;
  • Calorie pies with fish 220 kcal per 100 g;
  • Calorie pies with vegetables - about 160 kcal per 100 g;
  • Calorie pie with cabbage - from 160 to 200 kcal per 100 g, and with fresh cabbage - only 124 kcal per 100 g;
  • Calorie content of apple pie, when used fresh apples and honey instead of sugar - 140 kcal per 100 g.

Of course, when home cooking pies, calories in them can be changed at your discretion: take not jam or jam, but fresh berries and fruits, replace sugar with honey, use lean varieties meat, poultry and fish, the dough is lighter and do not fry in oil. There are many recipes for diet cakes that you can indulge in while on a low-calorie diet.

diet pie recipe

Meat is one of the most common and favorite pies, and even during a diet, the body needs protein. Therefore, we decided to stop at diet recipe meat pie, the calorie content of which will be no more than 250 kcal per 100 g.

  • White and whole grain flour- 80 g each;
  • Sour cream not more than 10% fat - 100 g;
  • Half an egg;
  • 300 g lean veal;
  • Bulb - 1 pc.;
  • A pinch of soda and salt, spices to taste.

Mix sour cream, egg, soda and salt, then add flour. The dough should be slightly firmer. thick sour cream. Meat and onions are thinly sliced ​​and mixed with spices.

Put more than half of the dough into a mold (preferably non-stick, or a little oil), a load is added - for example, cereals - and baked for up to 10 minutes.

When the base is half ready, you need to put the filling and cover it with the remaining dough. Be sure to leave slits for steam to escape.

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There are few people who would not love pastries - delicious, hot, satisfying fragrant pies With various fillings are no less a weakness for many than cakes or pastries. However, like sweets, pies contain a lot of calories and are usually forbidden during diets.

Pies are independent dish, and if you eat them in this capacity, it is difficult to overeat - they are really very satisfying. But if after a full meal you decided to also drink tea with a pie, then extra centimeters on the sides and waist, you, alas, cannot be avoided.

However, pampering yourself, at least sometimes, is still worth it, you just need to know and remember how many calories are in pies, and not eat them in unlimited quantities. A piece of cake eaten for lunch will be great tasty and hearty snack, which will help you wait for dinner and not overeat when you are at the table. In addition, if you deny yourself all the tasty dishes during the diet, the likelihood of a breakdown becomes much higher than if you sometimes allow yourself to eat something high-calorie, but very tasty.

The calorie content of pies varies depending on the dough, cooking method and filling. For example, there are many more calories in yeast dough pies than in pies from yeast-free dough, and in sweet pies made from shortcrust pastry, there are even more of them than in savory pies from yeast dough. Average calorie content different puff pies.

Baked in a mold, generously greased vegetable oil, pies will be more nutritious than those baked on a baking sheet with the minimum amount oil (to reduce the amount of oil, it is better to use parchment - it will absorb excess oil and they will not go into the cake).

Calorie content of pies vegetable fillings significantly lower than the calorie content of pies with meat or sweet fillings - jam or marmalade. Fatty pies are more nutritious than those cooked with a low-fat filling, so use low-fat varieties of meat and poultry for filling pies, mix minced meat with vegetables. The addition of nuts and dried fruits to them also greatly increases the calorie content of pies.

From vegetable pies the most high-calorie pies with potatoes, and the least calorie pies with cabbage, beet tops or greens. The calorie content of Ossetian pies is lower than the calorie content of ordinary homemade pies with similar fillings - this is due to the fact that Ossetian pies use unleavened dough containing few calories.

Pie calorie table

To help you control your calorie intake, use the pie calorie table.

Calorie pies with vegetables (unsweetened):

  • with cabbage - 158 kcal per 100 g;
  • With green onion and spinach - 154 kcal per 100 g;
  • With fried tomatoes, cheese and basil - 163 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie content of Ossetian pies:

  • with beans - 160 kcal per 100 g;
  • with potatoes - 168 kcal per 100 g;
  • with chicken and cheese - 192 kcal per 100 g;
  • with green onions and cheese - 193 kcal per 100 g;
  • with potatoes and cheese - 200 kcal per 100 g;
  • with cabbage, walnuts and cheese - 219 kcal per 100 g;
  • with meat - 223 kcal per 100 g;
  • with cheese - 255 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie pies with chicken:

  • with chicken and potatoes - 203 kcal per 100 g;
  • kulebyaka with chicken - 342 kcal per 100 g;
  • kurnik - 356 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie puff pastry pies:

  • with pink salmon - 247 kcal per 100 g;
  • with trout - 248 kcal per 100 g;
  • with turkey - 287 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie content of meat and fish pies:

  • with rice and meat - 309 kcal per 100 g;
  • with liver - 310 kcal per 100 g;
  • with fish and rice - 313 kcal per 100 g;
  • With minced meat- 383 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie content of sweet pies:

  • charlotte - 186 kcal per 100 g;
  • home Apple pie- 224 kcal per 100 g;
  • shortbread dough curd - 300 kcal per 100 g.

Pizza calories:

  • with sausage and tomatoes - 315 kcal per 100 g;
  • with mushrooms - 290 kcal per 100 g;
  • Hawaiian - 217 kcal per 100 g;
  • pepperoni - 273 kcal per 100 g;
  • four cheeses - 290 kcal per 100 g;
  • with mozzarella - 285 kcal per 100 g.

As can be seen from the table, the calorie content of pies with cabbage, vegetables, as well as Ossetian pies is significantly lower than the calorie content in pies with meat, potatoes, fish, homemade pies on pastry, and Italian pies- pizzas.

How to reduce the calorie content of pies

If you are making pies at home, you can change classic recipe by reducing the calorie content of ready dish. Use less oil, replace butter with olive, when preparing the filling, do not fry it in oil, but stew it in water or broth, do not use mayonnaise (it can be replaced with low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt).

We have also selected for you several recipes for diet pies that you can eat even during a diet.

Low Calorie Diet Pie Recipes

These pies can be easily made at home. The calorie content of pies prepared according to these recipes does not exceed 200 kcal per 100 g, they are tasty, satisfying and healthy.

The first recipe is cabbage pie. For cooking, you will need 500 g of flour (it is better to take whole grain or bran - it is healthier), a medium fork white cabbage, 2 cups of milk, a package (270 g) of butter, 2 chicken eggs, a quarter cup of olive oil, 2 tablespoons without a hill of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of salt (it is better to take large) and 22 g of dry yeast. Calorie pie with cabbage will be 158 kcal per 100 g, and if you replace wheat flour rye, then about 140 kcal per 100 g.

Mix the sifted flour with sugar, ½ tablespoon of salt and yeast, add 250 g of butter and mix well, add 1 cup of milk and knead the dough. While it is rising, proceed to the filling - chop the cabbage, salt, pour boiling water and simmer in water and oil in a frying pan. In the middle of cooking, pour in the milk, after 20 minutes remove from heat. Boil eggs, chop, mix with cabbage, add salt if necessary. Divide the dough into 2 parts and roll out 2 layers, grease a baking sheet with oil and put one on it. Place the entire filling on this layer, cover with the second part of the dough on top, connect the edges and make a few holes on the surface of the dough for the steam that will come out during baking. The cake is cooked for half an hour in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.

We bring you another recipe. diet pie without pain. It can be safely eaten during a diet - after all the calorie content of a pie with vegetables and parmesan cheese is only 75 kcal per 100 g. To prepare it, you will need 0.5 kg of carrots, pumpkins, leeks, 250 g of spinach and potatoes, 1 glass each orange juice And chicken broth, 125 g each grated cheese parmesan and grated cheddar cheese, 4 tablespoons crushed orange zest, 1 tablespoon crushed breadcrumbs and butter, a tablespoon of dried ginger, salt and pepper to taste.

Wash, peel, chop and mix vegetables. Put one layer on a greased baking dish, sprinkle with grated cheese, then another layer of vegetables, a layer of cheese, and so on several times. Pour juice and broth on top, sprinkle with the rest of the cheese and ginger, orange zest, salt and pepper, cover with foil and bake for 1.5 hours at 180 degrees in the oven. Then remove the foil, sprinkle the pie with breadcrumbs, put a little butter on top, hold a little more in the oven on the top tier to get a crust and serve immediately.

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Ossetian pie and its calorie content depend on the composition of the filling. The dough for Ossetian pies, according to the rules, should be 50% of total mass. But especially skilled bakers and housewives can reduce the amount of dough, increasing the internal richness of the cake. Here we will review the most popular species Ossetian pies by their calorie content.

Calorie rating of Ossetian pies

For ease of perception (including the possibility of fluent reading), we present the calorie content of Ossetian pies in the form of a rating, where the higher the position, the fewer calories contained in the cake. After all, a person who is interested in the calorie content of Ossetian pies is probably in search of the least calorie filling possible. Ossetian pie.

Place #1:

Ossetian pie with pumpkin filling probably not so popular, but in vain. It contains great amount vitamins: B1, B2, C, E, PP and minerals. Pumpkin is a beauty product. It delays the aging process in the body, improves skin, nourishes nails and hair. Nutritionists advise eating pumpkin in fasting days. Because of high content fiber pie will be useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the intestinal tract.

This is very tender cake from the "lean" category. It can perfectly "soften" the transition to a lean diet. Depending on the variety of pumpkin, the taste can be quite diverse: sweetish-saturated, sour, honey. The calorie content of pumpkin pie is very low, only 172 kcal. This pie is perfect with a dressing of sour cream, salt and garlic. On the site of Ossetian pies, you can order along with pies and suitable dressings for them.

Place #2:

Ossetian pie with cabbage

Pie with cabbage extremely dietary product. Its calorie content is 172 kcal. Ossetian cabbage pie is included in the list of "lean" products. Insignificant calorie content can be added to it by the presence walnut in the stuffing. Vitamin composition this product impressive. In addition to such as: A, B1, B2, B5, C, K, PP, there is also such a rare vitamin - U. Unfortunately cabbage pie, is not indicated for use by people with high acidity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is perfect for filling, which includes sunflower oil And green onion.

Place #3:

Ossetian bean pie

Another very tasty but little-known lean Ossetian pie. Its filling includes beans. Optionally, you can add chopped green onions, savory, garlic, cilantro, black / red pepper. Low calorie content - 165 kcal. The pie itself can be a little dry, so it is preferable to use it with either garlic broth or low-fat dressing.

Place #4:

Ossetian pie with potatoes

Classic variant Ossetian pie is a pie with potatoes. There is also a variety with cheese. The calorie content of this pie reaches 296 kcal per 100 gr. Due to the presence of potatoes in supermarkets all year round and its availability, these pies are convenient to prepare at any time and in any part of the world. Pies with potatoes go well with broth and adjika. Also, the addition of oregano and basil to the filling gives a special piquancy to the taste.

Place #5:

Ossetian pie with beet tops

There are two variations of this pie: with cheese and without. The classic version of making a tops pie should contain a couple of slices Ossetian cheese. Only 100 gr. Ossetian pie with tops and cheese accounts for up to 214 kcal. beet tops contributes to the improvement of the health of people suffering from diabetes and anemia, improves the functioning of the intestines and the thyroid gland. Due to the content of vitamin P, it increases the elasticity of blood vessels and slows down the aging process. The leaf pie variant falls under the category of "lean" pies. On the table will be in perfect harmony with sour cream and butter.

Place #6:

Ossetian meat pie

Calorie content (not salmon, not chicken, namely Ossetian meat pie) is 223 kcal. Here, as they say, no comment.

Place #7:

Ossetian cheese pie

Calorie pie with cheese is 255 kcal per 100 grams finished product. Golden wake on the oily surface of our rating.. not food - but rhapsody! And inside is not just cheese, but as much as possible - MORE cheese! This is how any person sees this perfect invention of the Ossetians. Tasty, but still, I ask you not to abuse this product, because it contains a large number of animal fats. A couple of pieces are quite capable of both giving you pleasure and charging your body with the necessary nutrients. The cake will benefit you if you are engaged in active mental and physical activity, as well as children, adolescents and pregnant women.

Pie - traditional Russian dish. In Rus', pies have been baked since ancient times. In his book, the traveler Adam Olearius first described what kind of pies our ancestors baked, how exactly they baked and served them. But antique pies had little to do with bakery products modern look. Those who follow the figure need to know how many calories a pie contains.

Composition, types and calorie content of pies

Over the many centuries of the history of baking pies, a huge number of forms and recipes have accumulated, as well as ways to prepare and decorate this dish. The type of pie, as a rule, depends on the filling and dough that are used in the process of its preparation. There are puff pastry, yeast or biscuit dough pies, closed and open, puff pies. The calorie content of the pie primarily depends on the dough and filling from which this dish is prepared. There are pies with meat, vegetable, mushroom, fruit and fruit and berry fillings.

Kulebyaki, pies, Siberian pie, sweet pie with jam, berries, cheesecakes - the most known species pirogue. For the inhabitants of America, an apple pie has become a real symbol; in France, it is extremely popular. open pie(kish).

The calorie content of the pie and the composition of this dish depends on the composition original components. So, for the preparation of sweet pies, cinnamon, sugar and others are necessarily used. confectionery. The number of calories in a pie depends not only on chemical composition flour and other ingredients, but also on how well the ingredients of this dish are chosen, how they complement each other.

To find out how many calories are in a pie, you need to carefully study the recipe. Pie dough usually contains flour, butter, eggs. According to rough estimates, there are at least 1500 kcal in pies. The calorie content of pies stuffed with fruit jams, preserves or meat will be very different from the calorie content of vegetable or fish dishes.

Thanks to high calorie pies perfectly saturate the human body, give energy and strength. Some types of pies, such as those with jam or fruit jam, with vegetables or fish have a useful vitamin and mineral composition. It is very useful to use pies with constant physical activity. However, frequent and uncontrolled consumption of pies can lead to weight gain.

Calorie pie with cabbage

According to nutritionists, cabbage pie can not be called either useful or harmful to the figure in full. This tasty dish comprises cabbage filling and flour base. Calorie pie with cabbage depends on the number of calories in the ingredients from which it is baked. As a rule, it includes white cabbage (28 kcal), milk (47 kcal), chicken eggs(157 kcal), flour (364 kcal) and baking powder (79 kcal). In general, the calorie content of a cabbage pie usually does not exceed 340 kcal.

The number of calories in a cabbage pie can be significantly reduced if you use skim milk, flour from durum varieties wheat coarse grinding. By the way, this dish contains a lot useful substances. It contains vitamins A, C, B, K, PP, folic and pantothenic acids, as well as sodium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium. Cabbage is rich in amino acids. But due to the rather high calorie content, cabbage pie is best consumed in limited quantities.

Diet Pie Recipes

Diet pie recipes include only natural products. So, to prepare an apple diet pie according to the recipe, you need to take 500 ml low-fat kefir, 500 g apples, four tablespoons of semolina and oatmeal, one egg, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon, a little lemon juice and soda for quenching, 200 grams of dried apricots soaked in the evening.

Grease the pie mold olive oil, peel the apples and lay on the bottom. sprinkle with cinnamon apple slices. Mix kefir with egg, add cereals and mix. Finely chop the dried apricots and add to the dough. Pour the resulting mass over apples, bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Thanks to natural composition the calorie content of the apple pie will be low.

Both children and adults will love apple pie with cottage cheese. With a low calorie content, cottage cheese pie is good for the body. To prepare it, you need to take one glass of wholemeal flour or oatmeal, two eggs, four proteins, half a glass of milk (0%), half a tablespoon of fructose, a little salt, one teaspoon of soda, slaked lemon juice. For the filling you will need 200 grams of cottage cheese, two tablespoons of yogurt, one tablespoon of raisins, two apples. Mix all the ingredients for the dough in a deep bowl. Grease a baking sheet with oil, lay out the dough and let it stand for five to ten minutes. At this time, chop the apples into thin slices, mix the cottage cheese with yogurt and raisins. Put the cottage cheese on the dough, gently level it, put apple slices on top. Bake for 2-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

7 delicious pies with calories less than 100 kcal

1. Diet apple pie - please yourself and your loved ones!
per 100 grams - 89.42 kcalB / F / W - 5.48 / 0.54 / 15.35

80 g oatmeal (or oatmeal)
80 g whole wheat flour
80 g fat-free cottage cheese
2 egg whites
470 g apples (about 5 small apples)
1 tsp baking powder
stevia to taste
3 teaspoons agar agar

Grind oatmeal into flour (or buy ready-made oat flour), to oatmeal add whole wheat flour, cottage cheese, stevia, baking powder, egg whites. Knead the dough - it turns out soft and elastic, it should not stick to your hands. Roll out the dough according to the size of the form in which you will bake. Put the dough into a mold and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
For the filling: finely chop the apples, add water, add the stevia and simmer until the apples are soft. Next, add agar-agar, stir and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then pour the apple mixture into the crust and refrigerate for a few hours.

2. Dietary carrot cake
per 100 grams - 96.68 kcalB / W / W - 5.76 / 4.46 / 8.33

carrots 300 g
oat bran 300 g (grind into flour in a coffee grinder)
natural yoghurt 200 g
3 proteins and 1 yolk
baking powder dough 1 tsp.
stevia to taste
nuts for garnish

Beat egg whites, egg yolk and stevia for 3 minutes in a mixer.
Add oats and carrots and stir. Add baking powder. You can add some nuts.
Sprinkle the pan with flour (or use parchment) so that the cake can be easily removed (do not use butter for baking!)
Cooking cream. Whisk yogurt and stevia.
Pour the dough into a baking dish. Place in the oven until done.
After cooking, take out the cake and cut it into 2 cakes.
Lubricate the middle with cream, let it soak. Then sprinkle with nuts.

3. Dietary Cheesecake with berries
per 100 grams - 92.9 kcalB / F / W - 10.9 / 1.29 / 9.52

Fat-free cottage cheese - 180 g
Cereals- 70 g
Bran - 10 g
Sweetener to taste

Fat-free cottage cheese - 350 g
Egg - 1 pc
Berries - 300 g (we have strawberries)
Sweetener - to taste

Let's prepare the base-basket for the pie. To do this, mix cottage cheese, oatmeal, bran, vanilla and sweetener. It is best to grind everything in a blender. Put the resulting dough into a mold (preferably silicone or any other non-stick). Cover the sides with dough to make it look like a basket. Let the dough bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
To prepare the filling, beat the cottage cheese, egg, berries and vanilla with a sweetener in a blender. To make the cottage cheese cake especially tasty, it is better to add berries such as currants directly to the mixture, without whipping in a blender. Whole berries will burst in your mouth when you bite into the pie and add extra flavor and juiciness for dessert. Put the filling on the form with the dough, and bake for another half hour. Cool the cooked diet cottage cheese pie a little before eating. You can decorate the top fresh berries or mint.

4. light berry casserole
per 100 grams - 86.6 kcalB / W / W - 8.25 / 1.01 / 10.9

Fat-free cottage cheese - 300 g
Egg - 1 pc
Semolina - 70 g
Fresh or frozen berries (cherries, strawberries, raspberries, etc.) - 370 g
Soda - tsp
Sweetener - to taste

Sprinkle a little semolina on the bottom of the baking dish so that the casserole does not stick. Skim cheese mix with berries, egg, soda and two tablespoons of semolina.
We spread everything in a mold, sprinkle a little on top with the remnants of semolina and put in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Cottage cheese casserole ready!

5. Cottage cheese pie with filling
per 100 grams - 67.35 kcalB / W / W - 7.84 / 1.33 / 5.64

natural yogurt- 200 g
Fat-free cottage cheese - 500 g
Eggs - 2 pcs
Apple - 3 pcs
Strawberries - 60 g (diced)
Sweetener - to taste

All cut, mix, put in a mold and bake at 180 degrees until cooked.

6. Light cottage cheese pie with cherries
per 100 grams - 82.88 kcalB / W / W - 8.31 / 1.21 / 9.7

Fat-free cottage cheese 500 g
Cherry frozen or fresh 550 g
Egg 2 pcs.
Honey 2 tbsp. l.

1. If you use fresh cherries, then the seeds must be removed from the berries.
2. In a food processor or blender, mix cottage cheese, eggs, honey and vanillin.
3. Pour a third of the mixture of cottage cheese and eggs into the mold, add the cherries and pour the mixture on top.
4. We put in a preheated oven to 180 C degrees and bake for about 50 minutes.

7. Diet carrot cake: good for the figure!
per 100 grams - 85.75 kcalB / W / W - 9.44 / 2.15 / 7.02

Kefir 1% - 150 g
Milk 1% - 4 tbsp. l
Eggs - 2 pcs
Carrots - 100 g (grate on fine grater)
Oat bran- 4 tbsp. l
Wheat bran - 2 tbsp. l
Baking powder - 10 g
Sweetener - to taste

For cream:
Fat-free cottage cheese - 300 g (soft)
Sweetener - to taste
Orange peel - to taste

Mix dry ingredients for cakes, add carrots, eggs, kefir and mix everything. Lightly oil the form, put the dough. Bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes (or microwave at 800W for 9 minutes). Place crust on wire rack and cool completely. For cream, mix cottage cheese with sweetener. Cut the cake into 3-4 layers. Assemble the cake, brushing the layers with cream. Also coat the cake on all sides. Let it soak for 0.5-1 hour in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!
