
Pie with pumpkin-orange filling. Pumpkin pie with orange flavor

Autumn, it's time to do the last vitamin reserves and get ready to lean on dumplings. Pumpkin pie with orange - the most for delicious snack. There are 126 kcal per 100 gr.

What is included:

  • 250 gr flour (oatmeal);
  • 250 ml of kefir (preferably fat-free);
  • 400 gr pumpkin;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 orange;
  • 100 gr raisins;
  • sugar or stevia, cinnamon.

How to cook:

Take a suitable bowl and put flour, an egg, 150 ml of kefir there. After mixing, you will get something sticky and heterogeneous. Spread the dough on the baking dish so that the sides remain. Now take the form and stick it in the cold for 10 minutes. Then bake in the oven for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees (preheat the oven).

For the filling, peel the pumpkin and cut it into small cubes. As soon as you manage, throw everything into boiling water to boil for 10-15 minutes. She should get softer. Cut the orange into cubes as well. Soak raisins in boiling water. Add an orange with raisins, a little cinnamon and the rest of kefir to the boiled pumpkin. Mix everything.

Now you need to add the filling to the baked cake and bake for another half an hour at 180 degrees (check readiness).

Pies were invented by the ancient Egyptians, improved by the ancient Greeks, and received special distribution in Rus'. But pumpkin pie is a native American invention. Since ancient times, Americans have attached great importance to the cultivation of pumpkins and the manufacture of various dishes from it. Unique properties gourds have been studied and used by people for many centuries. This " sunny berry It is useful for both children and adults. Pumpkin contains a unique complex of vitamins and minerals that are perfectly absorbed by our body.

So let's make pumpkin pie. Recipe traditional dish involves baking a cake. This is the so-called American pumpkin pie. However, you can try making pumpkin pie in a slow cooker. This is for an amateur. You get the same simple pumpkin pie without any frills. It is also called pie pumpkin filling. The recipe for such a dessert has been worked out thoroughly, which is why this is a classic pumpkin pie. Such a pumpkin pie is being prepared in the oven. However, culinary experts around the world continue to look for opportunities to diversify this dish. Appeared: cottage cheese pumpkin pie, carrot-pumpkin pie, pumpkin pie with apples, pumpkin-apple pie, pumpkin pie with semolina, pumpkin pie with kefir, pumpkin pie with cinnamon, pumpkin pie with oranges, pumpkin pie with nuts, oat-pumpkin pie, pumpkin pie with lemon and others. According to the method of preparing the dough, they distinguish: dietary pumpkin pie, sweet pumpkin pie, pumpkin layered cake, pumpkin pie without eggs, shortbread pumpkin pie, pumpkin chocolate pie, pumpkin-yeast pie, lean pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin pie is so popular that it is even included in the famous Minecraft game. But it's better to cook a real pie and feel it taste qualities in reality. You can find the recipe for a delicious pumpkin pie on our website. Delicious and quick pumpkin pie is a reality, even an inexperienced hostess can cook it. After reading our recipes, even she will not have questions: how to make a pumpkin pie, how to bake a pumpkin pie. A simple recipe will enrich her collection of culinary achievements.

Pumpkin pie is famous even in literature. The writer JK Rowling in the famous "Potteriad" endowed her protagonist with a special love for pumpkin and pumpkin pie, after which this particular recipe was called "Harry Potter's pumpkin pie."

Many housewives, when preparing pumpkin pie, use photos from culinary sites. It's comfortable. Therefore, having made your successful pumpkin pie, send us a photo and describe how to cook a pumpkin pie according to your recipe.

Pumpkin at correct use has a healing effect on a person, so it should take pride of place in the diet of every family! If you decide to make pumpkin pie, you may be interested in our tips:

For pumpkin pie, it is advisable to choose a small pumpkin with dense sweet pulp.

Before cooking, it is advisable to bake the pumpkin until tender, cutting the pulp into pieces and placing it in a heat-resistant dish (or just on a baking sheet). You can bake a pie with canned pumpkin.

Pumpkin pie dough is usually made from shortbread, flour, butter and water with added salt. For the filling, pre-baked and pureed pumpkin pulp, eggs, milk or cream are mixed.

For extra flavor, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg are added to pumpkin pie.

Chilled pumpkin pie is usually served with whipped cream.

During fasting, inveterate sweet tooth should not be left without a tasty treat. At the same time, in the process of preparing lean homemade baking, all food restrictions will be observed.

Sweet pumpkin and orange pie, which we suggest you cook, is somewhat reminiscent of a strudel. It has a layered, brittle dough of a beautiful yellow color thanks to the presence of pumpkin puree. The filling of the pie has a jelly-like texture and a distinct taste of oranges.


Ripe oranges - 2-3 pcs.,

Pumpkin puree - 80 g,

Large apples - 1-2 pcs.,

Wheat flour - 300 g,

Sugar sand - 100 g,

Vegetable oil - 50 ml,

Starch - 2 tablespoons.

Pumpkin and Orange Pie: Recipe with Step by Step Photos

And now let's start cooking.

We wash the oranges and remove the zest from them. Squeeze about 120 milliliters of orange juice into a separate bowl. The resulting juice is sent for 10 minutes to freezer, since ice liquid must be added to the dough. put in foil and bake in the oven. Mash the cooked vegetable to a puree state and leave to cool.

Cooking apples for the filling. We remove the core from the fruit, do not touch the peel. Cut the apples into thin slices, add starch to them, 70 grams of sugar and 2/3 chopped orange peel.

Sift the flour into a separate container, enriching it with oxygen, and the remaining sugar. Adding Orange juice from the freezer and refined oil.

Add a pinch of orange zest to the dough and chilled pumpkin puree.

Knead the dough to a plastic consistency until it stops sticking to the palms. Add some flour to it if necessary.

The resulting bun of dough is divided in half. We roll each part into sheets about three millimeters thick. The selected heat-resistant shape is your guideline. We spread one sheet on the bottom of the form and distribute it, forming a low board. apple filling Spread evenly over dough.

Cover the top of the cake with the second sheet and fasten the parts of the dough. We make ventilation cuts in the center. Place the mold in the preheated oven. Bake the cake for 30 minutes at 180°C.
