
Low-calorie dinner: eat tasty and without calories. Cooking a dietary light dinner quickly and tasty

You don't have to skip dinner to keep fit, you can make a healthy and tasty low-calorie dinner.

If you follow the basic rules and principles of cooking, dinner will not harm the figure at all, and the body will receive vital energy.

Basic rules for a low-calorie dinner

Following the norms, the calorie content of dinner should be equal to 20% of the daily diet, when meals are fractional, and with three meals a day, 25% of the calories spent per day. If during the day the diet was 1600 calories, then dinner should be about 400 calories.

Try to have dinner three hours before bedtime. It is not necessary to adhere to the rule not to eat after 18.00. If you go to bed at 23.00, then you can have dinner at 20.00.

In cooking dinner, you can use boiled and raw vegetables.

Cabbage is especially useful, it is a real treasure of microelements and substances useful for the body. It normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Seaweed is also great for low-calorie dinners, if you do not abuse potatoes and legumes. You can also use fruits. Suitable apples, pineapples, kiwi, avocados. These foods tend to burn fat.

Low-fat sea fish, dietary meat, chicken, rabbit are perfect for low-calorie dishes for dinner.

As a seasoning, you can use mustard, pepper, garlic. It will be good to prepare a curd dessert with the addition of berries.

But remember: all this should be eaten in small quantities so that after dinner there is no feeling of heaviness, overeating will not benefit.

Avoid products in the form of pasta, high-calorie sauces.

An important rule: the minimum use of salt to avoid morning swelling, as well as no muffins and confectionery for dinner.

What to cook in the evening?

A very tasty and affordable low-calorie dinner will turn out from chicken breast and vegetables and an apple dessert.

For this we need:

  • chicken breast;
  • egg white;
  • 100 gr broccoli;
  • 2 small tubers of potatoes;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil;
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat sour cream;

For dessert you will need: 1 apple, 1 teaspoon of raisins, nuts and 2 teaspoons of honey.

First of all, you need to beat the protein, then dip the breast into it, send the meat to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 25 minutes. A side dish can be made with steamed potatoes and broccoli. Potatoes need to be poured with olive oil and low-fat sour cream, put in the oven. Sprinkle the potatoes with green onions when serving.

For dessert, take 1 apple, cut out the core, pour raisins, nuts into the resulting recess, pour honey, and bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

Tender chicken stew: step by step cooking

The right low-calorie dinner should be both healthy and tasty. It is a guarantee of a good sleep and a wonderful morning with a good mood.


  • chicken meat 400 g;
  • frozen "Spring" vegetables - 400 grams;
  • seasoning "Italian herbs";
  • olive oil - a tablespoon;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt - a pinch;

Turn on the pan and pour 100 ml of water into it.

We take chicken meat and grind it, send it to a heated frying pan with water. Simmer until ready.

While the vegetables are cooking, pour olive oil into a clean frying pan and fry a little “Italian herbs”.

After we add the finished chicken meat and vegetables, mix everything and simmer over low heat until fully cooked.

The supper is ready!

Zucchini with yoghurt-mushroom sauce: step by step cooking

For mushroom lovers, a low-calorie dietary dinner is perfect. Recipes with zucchini and fermented milk products are easy and very beneficial for the stomach.

You will need:

  • one small zucchini;
  • fat-free yogurt 100 g;
  • champignons 250 g;
  • greenery;
  • spices.

We take a zucchini and cut it into not very thick circles. We transfer them to a pan with water and simmer until soft.

Mushrooms should be baked in the microwave or in the oven, you can in a slow cooker, until cooked.

Next, chopped dill, pepper, salt to taste and yogurt should be added to the finished mushrooms, mix everything thoroughly. Season the zucchini with ready-made yoghurt-mushroom sauce.

Do I need dinner while on a diet?

Many losing weight girls categorically refuse dinner after 18.00. Some people think that evening meals are bad for weight loss. Gastroenterologists and nutritionists have a different opinion. If you exclude dinners, then the body is forced to starve up to 14 hours a day. This is a lot of stress for him, which can lead to health problems. All this threatens with metabolic disorders. The conclusion suggests itself as follows: it is necessary to have dinner, the main thing is to do it right.

Please note that you need to eat what is on the plate intended for one serving, no more. Try not to eat while watching an interesting movie or reading a book. You can eat a lot of food and not notice it.

You do not need to eat what is digested for a long time by your body. Fatty fish is not suitable for someone, legumes are poorly digested for someone.

A rule for everyone: boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, citrus fruits, apples, non-starchy vegetables are well digested. Improves the process of digestion of products by their preliminary stewing or boiling.

In the summer, you should try to eat fewer dishes prepared by stewing in oil, and in the winter, cold period, you can treat yourself to hot vegetable dishes.

How to cook a low calorie dinner for weight loss

It is prepared according to this principle: one portioned piece of dietary meat or lean fish should be no larger than the size of the palm of your hand, excluding fingers. The number of vegetables is equal to the size of two "cams". Curd lovers can take one "cam" of this product. If there is a desire to eat fruit, then no more than two "cams" and always unsweetened.

For exercising vegetable oil, one tablespoon is enough, for those who do without training, 1 teaspoon is enough.

Cooking dinner for weight loss

So what to cook low-calorie and tasty? A healthy, tasty, low-calorie dinner and at the same time satisfying will turn out with the following menu:

  • fish with cheese in a slow cooker;
  • cabbage salad with cucumbers;
  • tea without sugar.

We start by cooking fish with cheese in a slow cooker.

Fish with cheese in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • silver carp or carp - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • dill, parsley - 2 branches each.

The fish must be well cleaned from the husk if it is frozen. Wash, remove the bones and cut into thin pieces, salt to taste and pepper. Grate cheese.

Pour water into the multicooker bowl, no more than one liter. Set the container for the double boiler, put the fish in it. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Close the lid tightly. Install the "Steamer" program. After 30 minutes, carefully place the finished fish on a dish and sprinkle with herbs.

Cooking cabbage salad with cucumbers

You will need:

  • young cabbage - 500 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

Finely chop the cabbage and greens, cucumbers - in half rings. Salt and add a little lemon juice and vegetable oil, mix everything thoroughly. Pay attention that the cucumber is not bitter, so as not to spoil the salad. Lemon juice will take the bitterness out.

Salad Recipes for Dinner

Chicken salad with tangerines and herbs

This salad is quick and easy to prepare.

You will need:

  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 2 tangerines;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard, sauce, vegetable oil;
  • some Chinese cabbage.

Chicken fillet should be boiled or cooked in a double boiler without adding oil. When ready, put on dishes to cool.

Chop the Chinese cabbage and pour into a salad bowl. Dice the finished chicken fillet and also send to the salad bowl. Next, cut the tangerine into slices. Finely tear the lettuce with your hands. Pour everything into a salad bowl. Add mustard, sauce, oil and mix thoroughly. What else can you cook for dinner low-calorie?

sea ​​salad

For one serving you will need:

  • 0.5 cans of seaweed;
  • 100 g shrimp;
  • 200 g cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce, sesame oil;

You need to chop the seaweed as small as possible. Peel and chop shrimp. Cut tomatoes into halves. Put everything in a salad bowl, add sauce, oil and mix thoroughly.

Recipes for cottage cheese dinners for weight loss

For lovers of cottage cheese, such a low-calorie dinner for weight loss is perfect. The recipes are easy and very tasty.

Light cottage cheese dinner

You will need:

  • 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tablespoon of kefir;
  • 1 baked apple.

You need to take a container, place all the products in it, beat with a blender in a puree, add cinnamon to taste. Put in a salad bowl. Please note that no sugar or honey is added. Instead of an apple, you can take a pear or a peach.

Cottage cheese casserole

You will need:

  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 spoon of flour;
  • 50 g of berries;
  • 1% yogurt for sauce.

Put cottage cheese, egg into a container and mix thoroughly, add a spoonful of flour, berries, mix. Pour into a baking dish and bake in the oven until golden brown. You can cook in a slow cooker. Put the finished casserole on a plate.

We're preparing the sauce. Using a blender, beat the yogurt together with the berries. Next, pour the finished casserole with the resulting product.

Healthy sleep is the key to health and weight loss

To lose weight, it is not enough to go on diets and follow the rules of nutrition, healthy sleep also has a positive effect on metabolism.

With lack of sleep in the body, the production of the hormone stucco decreases, and the level of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for appetite, increases. That is, with lack of sleep, a feeling of hunger appears, the feeling of saturation is inhibited. As a result, there is a need to have a snack, or a good meal.

Conclusion: it is important not to eat a lot of fat at night, the body should rest at night, and not digest heavy food. Go to bed on time, and the morning will be joyful, full of energy and good mood.

It's no secret that an evening meal, including a low-calorie dinner, should not only be healthy, but also tasty and nutritious. The question of what to cook low-calorie for dinner, everyone decides for himself. But if you are a fan of low-calorie food, like we are, then you should know its basic principles and features of cooking low-calorie dishes.

Delicious low-calorie dinner - a reality

A low-calorie dinner can be very, very tasty. The main thing is to follow its basic principles. According to the principles of proper nutrition, the calorie content of the evening meal should not exceed 20% of the daily diet. For example, your daily diet is 1500 kcal, then your dinner should include at least 350 kcal.

What are the best foods for a low calorie dinner?

For dinner with a minimum of calories, it is best to choose fruit dishes. As a raw material for cooking, it is better to use pears, apples, grapefruits, avocados, kiwi. It is these fruits that burn body fat better than others and normalize metabolism. Berries and vegetables are also suitable as ingredients for a low-calorie dinner, they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. But we all know that low-calorie meals for dinner should contain a maximum of usefulness. Low-calorie seaweed dishes are very useful. Suitable for dinner with a minimum of calories and fish dishes, as well as lean meat, eggs, legumes. Dairy and sour-milk products will also be appropriate - cottage cheese, whey, kefir. It is allowed to use seasonings in the evening diet - horseradish, pepper, mustard, garlic. Just keep in mind that no matter what low-calorie recipes you choose, you need to have dinner 4 hours before the planned sleep.

Low calorie dinner recipes

You don’t need to invent anything supernatural, just use simple recipes for low-calorie dishes.

Low Calorie Chicken Breast, Potato and Broccoli Dinner

An ideal option for a low-calorie dinner can be a regular chicken breast, it can be supplemented with any vegetables. Breast is best baked in the oven. As a side dish, you can cook broccoli or potatoes. The breast is cooked at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. The protein is pre-whipped, the breast is dipped in it, immersed in the oven. Broccoli for such a dinner is best steamed, and potatoes baked in the oven. As a dessert with this option for a low-calorie dinner, you can serve an oven-baked apple. As you can see, the basic principle of cooking for a low-calorie diet is not to fry or boil foods, but to bake and steam them.

Low Calorie Dinner - Mexican Chicken

The main ingredient in this low-calorie dinner is chicken breast. However, before cooking, it must be marinated in a special way. To do this, prepare the marinade: mix one teaspoon of sunflower and olive oil, add two teaspoons of soy sauce. We put the breast in the marinade and let it soak, and then send it to the oven. Chicken is cooked at a temperature of 150-180 degrees. Rice is suitable as a side dish, boil rice (30 grams), add sauce and herbs to it. In addition to the dish, you can stew carrots. To prepare it, we need 100 grams of grated carrots, which must be poured with orange juice, add one teaspoon of ginger, season with salt and pepper, and simmer until tender.

Low calorie dinner - fish with vegetables

A great option for a low-calorie dinner is fish with vegetables and rice, spinach salad. To prepare dinner, we need to stew about 100 grams of fish, sprinkle the finished fish with herbs. As a side dish, you need to take 50 grams of boiled rice and about 100 grams of stewed vegetables. Also, it would not be superfluous to supplement this dinner option with a salad with spinach and vegetables: cut the tangerine into small slices, mix with 200 grams of spinach, and finely chopped onions. It is recommended to fill the salad with Italian dressing.

Low-calorie dinner option - grilled fish

We cook fish on the grill, boil 50 grams of brown rice as a side dish for it. You can also complement the dish with stewed green beans by stewing it in chicken broth with the addition of a spoonful of ground almonds. In addition to dinner, you can make a fresh salad of tomatoes, cucumber, herbs, sweet peppers.

Low calorie cheese dinner

A great option for a low-calorie meal is a dinner with cheese dishes. For cooking, you need to take about 200 grams of tofu cheese, carrots, two champignons, one onion, 1 pepper, a small bunch of parsley. Coarsely chop the ingredients and stew, adding a spoonful of soy sauce and olive oil. For a side dish, it is recommended to take 100 grams of brown rice. As a dessert, you can prepare a fruit salad. It is recommended to replace ordinary black or white bread for dinner with cereals or bran bread.

More low calorie menu options

Option number 1 - potatoes, beets, eggs - boil, 1 kiwi for dessert.
Option number 2 - rice with vegetables plus yogurt.
Option number 3 - a sandwich with vegetables and a baked apple.
Option number 4 - boiled potatoes, beets, eggs, plus any fruit.
Option number 5 - chicken breast baked with vegetables plus an apple.

You can come up with options for a low-calorie dinner yourself, the main thing is to take into account the rule that dinner should be healthy and contain no more than 400 kcal.

Even in ancient China, the rule was famous: the health of the body is based on the harmony of body and soul. But at that time there was not that variety of products that we can see today. So what should a dietary dinner for weight loss of a modern person consist of in order to maintain harmony not only of the soul, but also of the body?

Everything is very simple. If the harmony of the soul is supported by a state of calm and relaxation, then you need to be attentive to what contributes to this. In other words, watch what and how you eat before bed. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for a dietary dinner. Recipes for light meals will help you get all the necessary trace elements and vitamins without negatively affecting your figure.

Basic Rules

Girls advanced in matters of weight loss (and 70% of the total female population are such today), without hesitation, will tell you the basic rules on which a light diet dinner should be based:

  • Eat 2-3 hours before bed.
  • Drink a glass of water, green tea or kefir before dinner. Ideally, of course, kefir, because it starts the necessary digestive processes in the intestines.
  • In no case do not refuse dinner, because hunger, like overeating, leads to metabolic and sleep disorders. If you don’t feel like eating or don’t have time to cook a full dinner, a fruit smoothie or a light vegetable salad will save you.
  • Dinner should not exceed 300 calories.

Don't forget to work up an appetite. Walk, dance or swim. Be always on the move.

What to cook from

Modeling experts, nutritionists, and MDs provide narrower recommendations in their articles and books on how to pick up a quick and tasty dinner on a weight loss regimen. By following these simple rules, you will know exactly what to cook for dinner today.

  • First, your dinner must contain protein. That is, any meat (boiled chicken, turkey dishes, fish or seafood), dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, cheese), beans or eggs. In general, it is best to plan your daily diet so that most of the protein is absorbed at breakfast and lunch. Leave the rest for dinner.
  • Secondly, a healthy dinner should consist of fiber, or vegetables. Fresh, stewed or canned - take your pick. Preference should be given to greens and fresh green salad, as they enrich the body with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Thirdly, the ratio of the proportions of protein and fiber should be 1 to 3.

As you can see, making a diet dinner menu is quick and easy.

How to cook a healthy and healthy dinner

Many diets include the need for fasting days.

For example, the idea The 5:2 Diet by Michael Mosley is to reduce the number of calories to 500 2 days a week. At the same time, food intake is divided only into breakfast and dinner. A dietary, and most importantly, healthy dinner here can be a piece of steamed white fish seasoned with lemon juice or pepper, or a grilled chicken breast with vegetables. Preferably cook vegetables in olive oil. And foods such as cucumbers and green salad can be eaten in unlimited quantities even on fasting days, as they contain a minimum amount of calories.

By applying the rules of low-carb (on which Jennifer Aniston and Renee Zellweger lost weight), you can reduce the amount of carbohydrates in a diet dinner.

Star nutritionist Colette Hemovitz compiled a dietary nutrition program for Kim Kardashian when she needed to quickly get in shape after giving birth. Dinner according to this system consisted of vegetable noodles, chicken with zucchini, vegetable stew or turkey salad.

These 3 modern examples prove the effectiveness of the rule about the need for fiber on your plate during a diet and healthy dinner.

But the Cosmopolitan-90 diet, described in the magazine of the same name in its first year of release, offers another alternative to a diet dinner. It is worth noting that many girls today consider this diet effective and relevant. For example, diet meals for dinner according to this system are: a third of a bar of dark chocolate and a glass of milk, or just 2 glasses of cocoa.

What should not be forgotten

Do not forget that age is an extremely important factor in determining your life. So in matters of diet and healthy nutrition, your age plays a key role. It's no secret that foods at each age are digested differently. Therefore, before blindly trusting the diets that 20-year-olds (or, vice versa, 30-year-olds) lost weight on, check which of their diets will help you lose weight.

  • You can have dinner without a threat to weight 10 hours after breakfast.
  • All the cuisines of the world have a wide variety of easy recipes for diet meals for dinner. Thanks to the Internet, recipes with photos can be quickly found. Leading culinary specialists have provided people who are losing weight with delicious turkey or chicken breast dishes, dietary omelettes.
  • Remember positive attitudes. They have a much stronger influence on your will, aspirations and emotional state than negative ones. Therefore, instead of: “I will refuse dinner today,” think better: “My diet-healthy and delicious dinner will help me lose weight quickly!”.

The best products for a diet dinner

15 delicious diet foods for a late dinner. These products can be consumed as an independent, tasty, but dietary dinner or as a complex dish.

Cellulose :

  • fruit smoothies;
  • vegetables/vegetable stew;
  • beans;
  • green salad.

Protein products:

  • boiled/grilled chicken;
  • turkey dishes;
  • fish or seafood;
  • eggs/diet omelet.


  • low-fat cottage cheese / cottage cheese casserole;
  • low-fat kefir;

Diet desserts:

  • dark chocolate;
  • popcorn;
  • cocoa.

Menu examples and recipes

There are many options for a dietary dinner. For example:

  • eggs marinated with beets;
  • chicken fillet with honey;
  • pumpkin casserole;
  • vegetable stew;
  • dessert popcorn.

You can also cook:

  • diet pancakes from zucchini;
  • simple diet omelet;
  • Greek salad;
  • Greek spanakorizo ​​(rice with spinach);
  • vegetable stew with jacket potatoes;
  • seafood with bell pepper;
  • diet cottage cheese pancakes;
  • chia seed casserole;
  • fruit salad with yogurt;
  • pumpkin pie;

Eggs marinated with beets

Ingredients :

  • eggs (hard boiled) - 4 pcs.;
  • beets (large) - 1 pc.;
  • wine vinegar - ½ tbsp.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking :

  1. Mix vinegar, sugar, salt and 2.5 tbsp in a large saucepan. water. Bring to a boil, stirring.
  2. Add the beets cut into small cubes and cook over medium heat until they are soft (25-30 minutes). Let the brine cool down, pour it into a jar (which can be closed with a lid), dip the eggs into it and put it in the refrigerator.
  3. After 2-3 hours everything is ready! Such a low-calorie egg dish will not only satisfy your evening hunger, but also will not burden your body with work before bedtime.

Chicken fillet with honey

This chicken dish will take you no more than 40 minutes to prepare.

Ingredients (volume is selected according to the number of servings):

  • chicken fillet;
  • seasonings to taste;

How to cook :

  1. Salt and pepper the chicken fillet.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil, spread the fillet and bake for 10-15 minutes. in an oven at a temperature of 180-200 °C.
  3. Then we grease the pieces of meat with honey and leave to languish for 10-15 minutes. A delicious end to your healthy dinner is ready!

pumpkin casserole

Low-fat fresh cottage cheese has long been considered a dietary product. Therefore, all nutritionists in the world advise including dietary dishes from cottage cheese in their daily menu. For example, in the form of a pumpkin casserole. This is a kind of cottage cheese dessert that promotes rapid weight loss.

We will need:

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • pumpkin - 100 g;
  • dried apricots - 50 g.

Cooking :

  1. Three pumpkins on a fine grater, and cut dried apricots into very small pieces (the smaller, the juicier the casserole will be).
  2. Mix pumpkin, dried apricots, cottage cheese and eggs and spread in a mold.
  3. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

This light dinner will be the perfect end to the day.

Diet vegetable stew

Ingredients :

  • zucchini - 1 pc. (you can use zucchini);
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • cabbage - ¼ goal. (you can use colored or broccoli);
  • eggplant (small) - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato (medium) - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 teeth;
  • basil - to taste.

How to cook :

  1. Cut the onion into medium pieces and spread on a frying pan heated over medium heat (with olive oil). While the onion is fried, three carrots on a coarse grater and immediately add it to the pan. We cover with a lid.
  2. We cut the eggplant into medium pieces and fry them evenly in the second pan (you can immediately add them to the carrots and onions - of your choice). Zucchini cut into medium cubes, add them to the carrots and onions. We cover with a lid.
  3. Do not forget to stir the vegetables and add olive oil or water as needed. We peel the tomatoes: put the tomatoes for a few minutes in a pan with carrots, turn over, and the peel will begin to peel off by itself. Let them cool down. As soon as the zucchini becomes soft, add the fried eggplant and mix. We cover with a lid.
  4. At this time, cut the cabbage into medium pieces. Add it to the rest of the vegetables. Stew the stew for 5-7 minutes so that the cabbage becomes soft and only after that add the tomatoes cut into large pieces. Add garlic, coarsely chopped. Now you can add spices and salt to taste.
  5. Do not forget that the taste of vegetable stew is much more intense when hot. Therefore, determine in what form you want to serve this dish, and add spices. Simmer for 3-4 minutes, add spices to taste. At this stage, you can add greens. The stew should be infused for 1-2 hours.

The main task in cooking vegetable stew is to determine which vegetables are stewed longer than others. They must be cooked first and gradually add the rest of the products so that the stew turns out to be homogeneous and juicy. You can also add any dietary meat to vegetables, such as turkey.

Using this recipe, you can quickly and easily prepare a healthy dinner from any vegetable!

Dessert diet popcorn

If you like to spend the evening watching your favorite series or movie, then the recipe for diet popcorn is definitely for you. 120 calories - and a wonderful evening in haste without the threat of gaining weight is provided to you!

Ingredients :

  • popcorn (ready) - 3 tbsp.;
  • parmesan - 2 tsp;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste.

We mix all the ingredients. The dish is ready!

What Dinner Will Help You Lose Weight

  • For the duration of the diet, forget about the so-called fast carbohydrates for dinner. These include all those foods that are digested very quickly and just as quickly deposited in the form of fat: cakes, pastries, buns, etc. According to the rules of some diets, you can eat any dish at a certain time, without exception. For example, for breakfast, you can afford to eat 1, 2 or 3 pieces of cake (considering, of course, your daily activity). But during a diet dinner, try to limit, and it is better not to eat fast carbohydrates at all.
  • Quitting food before bed is a bad idea, modern nutritionists say. Only those people who go to bed no later than 22:00 can afford not to eat after 18:00. If you consider yourself one of them, then you can safely refuse a late dinner! If not, nutritionists strongly recommend eating a turkey dish or a diet omelet. Plan your dinner so that it meets the requirement "dinner = quick and tasty." After all, weight gain does not begin because of the time at which you had dinner, but because of the foods that you consumed.
  • Equally important is your activity not only during the day, but also after the evening meal. For a better assimilation of a late dinner, light physical activity is necessary. It can be a walk in the park, playing with a child, or choosing and trying on clothes for tomorrow.

Kilograms leave if:

  • Eat 2-3 hours before bed.
  • Drink a glass of yogurt before dinner.
  • A light dinner is better than nothing.
  • Don't go over 300 calories.
  • Be always on the move (before and after dinner).
  • Your dietary dinner will include any meat.
  • Make it a rule to eat vegetables.
  • Stew vegetables only in olive oil.
  • The break between breakfast and dinner will be at least 10 hours.
  • Remember positive attitudes.
  • A delicious dinner will be dietary (look for recipes above).
  • Exclude fast carbohydrates (cakes, pastries) from your dinner.

3 light dinners: video

In conclusion, it is worth saying, when choosing a diet, try to stick to it for at least six months. The body needs time to get used to the new diet and new weight. Make up your daily menu based on your lifestyle, predisposition to be overweight in general, and your emotional states. Keep balance in everything, harmony of body and soul.

“Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy!”- a catch phrase that has become almost the motto of all those who are losing weight. However, few people understand its full meaning, although purely intuitively people feel that it is impossible to completely refuse evening meals even for the purpose of losing weight.

Hence the numerous antagonistic phrases born among the people:

“To spite the enemies - I eat dinner myself!”
“I would give dinner to the enemy, but can you get enough of them all?”
“I am very kind. There is no one to even give dinner to!”
“It’s not easy to find such an unassuming enemy who is willing to eat your every dinner. Some gourmets around"

And all these phrases are true to some extent. In fact, there is no reason to exclude this meal from your menu. You just need to organize it correctly, then it will be beneficial for health and for the figure. It is especially important to know what a weight loss dinner should be like in order to achieve good results from any diet.

Why do you need dinner

Everyone understands why breakfast is needed: to wake up and stock up on energy. No one doubts the importance of lunch, which is the main meal of the day. But many people easily refuse dinner, saying that for the whole day they have already eaten to satiety and there is nothing to load the poor stomach before going to bed.

In fact, it is no less important than and, since it performs a number of vital functions.

  1. Eliminates prolonged starvation of the body, which leads to fatty deposits.
  2. Does not allow deficiency of nutrients.
  3. Helps sleep, as hunger and empty stomach are common causes of insomnia.
  4. Maintains the necessary metabolic rate, which slows down if the stomach does not receive food for too long.
  5. Provides the body with amino acids, which are used at night to build muscle mass, grow nails and hair.
  6. Helps to restore strength at the end of a hard day's work and after training.
  7. Saturates, preventing bouts of night hunger and late gatherings in the kitchen.
  8. Relaxes and soothes.

Properly organized dinner helps to improve well-being, improve health and lose weight.

Why is it called so? The word "dinner" comes from the ancient Greek "δεῖπνον", which translates as "evening meal".

What should he be

Dinner should have certain characteristics so that everything eaten is beneficial, and does not go overnight into deposits on the sides and stomach.

  1. Light so that the food has time to be digested before sleep and does not cause a feeling of heaviness and fermentation.
  2. It is useful for the body to consume vitamins and other bioactive substances, and not to store reserves in the form of fats.
  3. Low calorie for weight loss.
  4. Small in volume.
  5. Complete and balanced: should contain all the necessary nutrients, the approximate ratio of BJU is 40/20/40.
  6. Protein and lean, based on the previous parameter.
  7. Nutritious, so that you don’t want to eat anymore before bedtime.
  8. Early: no later than 19.00.

These characteristics are suitable for dinner both as part of weight loss and in compliance with the principles of proper nutrition.

In Germany. The Germans have dinner from 18.00 to 19.00. The basis is cold but hearty dishes: fish, pork, beef, sausage and cheese. Not without traditional national beer.

Order of dishes

First you need to eat a vegetable dish so that it prepares the stomach for the digestion of heavier food. After it, you can proceed to protein products. Drinks can be drunk only half an hour after eating.

Serving Size

A vegetable dish should be 2-3 times more protein in volume: this is about 250 g of vegetables and 100 g of protein for women, 300 g and 150 g, respectively, for men.


Should be 25-30% of. With proper nutrition - about 400 kcal, for weight loss - no more than 300 kcal.


Everyone knows the common truth that you need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime so that the food is digested and the stomach rests at night. Otherwise, everything that does not have time to be processed will go to the formation of fat depots. At the same time, nutritionists are advised to take into account the time of breakfast. Between him and the evening meal should be at least 10 hours. If in the morning you eat at 08.00, then in the evening you can do it at 18.00. But if you get up late and eat later for the first time, then move dinner too.

Always have dinner at the same time.

Cooking method

Vegetables are best eaten raw. Make light salads out of them. If you have stomach problems, bake, use a double boiler or boil as a side dish. Meat and fish should be baked, steamed or boiled. Diet dinner as part of weight loss excludes fried foods.

General points

  1. Thorough chewing will facilitate and speed up the process of digestion, quickly satisfy hunger.
  2. Dinner should not be limited to dairy products alone. They will not be able to provide the body with everything necessary.
  3. Approximately 1.5 hours after dinner, it is recommended to take a walk in the fresh air for half an hour in order to use up part of the calories consumed in the evening.
  4. Half an hour before bedtime, a glass or is allowed. With a strong attack of hunger - a small green apple.
  5. A complete rejection of dinner (recommended in some diets - in particular, model ones) causes the body to store fat during breakfast and lunch. Do not expect that he will use them all in the evening.
  6. You need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

For many, dinner is the only meal of the day when the whole family gathers at the table together. Unfortunately, more and more often it is spent not in warm conversations, enjoying home cooking, but in front of the TV, ordering the delivery of ready-made food with trans fats (pizza, sushi, hamburgers, quick salads, nuggets, french fries). If your goal is proper nutrition or weight loss, do not make this mistake.

IN THE USA. Americans have two dinners: early (from 18.00 to 19.00) and late (about 22.00). The first (Dinner) is almost a complete lunch, as they are busy during the day and only allow themselves snacks. And in the evening the whole family gathers at the table. Traditional dishes are burgers, french fries, grilled steaks, nuggets and many sauces. You won't see side dishes here. The second dinner (Supper) - pizza to order, chips, nuts and other fast food, which is consumed in front of the TV. These features of American national cuisine explain why the United States is the leader in the number of people suffering from obesity.

Product Lists


  • as a source of protein: boiled eggs, fat-free cottage cheese, cheese, white cheeses (feta, Adyghe, mozzarella);
  • vegetables (you will find the most useful and low-calorie ones in our article);
  • beans, chickpeas, lentils;
  • greens: feather onions, amaranth, dill, parsley, celery;
  • lean fish, seafood;
  • boiled lean meat, nutritionists call turkey ideal for dinner (it contains tryptophan, which improves digestion and helps with insomnia), although chicken breast is also suitable;
  • spices, spices, but not too spicy: cardamom, ginger, ground black pepper, coriander;
  • germinated cereals;
  • mushrooms;
  • soy products;
  • unrefined vegetable oils, freshly squeezed lemon juice, 9% apple or balsamic vinegar, 10% sour cream - for salad dressing.

From drinks - herbal tea, kefir, fresh juices, smoothies, cocktails, dry red wine (no more than 1 glass).

It is forbidden:

  • peas, beans (contribute to flatulence);
  • fatty dairy products;
  • corn, potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • fatty fish;
  • fatty meat: pork, lamb, goose, duck;
  • flour products;
  • sweets;
  • dried fruits, nuts, fresh fruits;
  • flakes;
  • sandwiches;
  • dumplings, dumplings and other semi-finished products that combine meat and dough;
  • fast food, snacks;
  • fried foods, canned food, smoked meats.

From drinks - caffeine-containing, energy, carbonated, alcoholic.

controversial points

Cabbage for dinner provokes increased gas formation at night, but it makes excellent low-calorie diet salads. You can protect yourself from this trouble if you drink dill water half an hour after eating.

An avocado is too high in calories for dinner, but contains the amino acids the body needs at night (we talk about the beneficial properties of an alligator pear). Therefore, it is recommended to add it in small quantities to salads.

Cereals and pasta are high-calorie foods that are slow carbohydrates. The conclusion is obvious: they will take too long to digest. And if they do not have time to do this, all the remains will go to body fat. On the other hand, they provide long-term saturation and prevent night trips to the refrigerator. The second argument for - they are good for health.

Way out: if you are on a diet that involves eating a lot of carbohydrates, rice, buckwheat and even oatmeal are possible in the evening menu. For people whose work is associated with heavy physical exertion, for men and those involved in intense strength training, they can also be eaten as a side dish for meat or fish. They are definitely useless for a losing weight woman.

When deciding this question for yourself, know that nutritionists still recommend leaving cereals in the morning: the right dinner for weight loss should not contain them.

In Great Britain. The British have dinner late, already around 21.00. They start with wine. The main dishes are roast beef, steaks, vegetable side dishes (legumes, boiled corn, cauliflower) with sauces. The meal ends with tea with something sweet.

Top best dishes for dinner

If you want to lose weight - choose only dietary dishes for dinner. They should be low-calorie and as useful as possible. A small rating will orient and tell you exactly how to diversify the menu for health and figure benefits.

  1. Salads of green vegetables and herbs, with seasonings and spices, lemon juice or olive oil as a dressing.
  2. Protein salads with chicken pieces, shrimp, crab meat, cottage cheese, egg whites, with sour cream instead of dressing.
  3. Vegetable stew.
  4. Cottage cheese with herbs / cottage cheese casserole.
  5. Boiled turkey / chicken.
  6. Omelet (preferably baked or microwaved) with vegetables, boiled eggs.
  7. Seafood salad.
  8. Steamed fish.
  9. Boiled beans.
  10. / / .

In Japan. In the land of the rising sun, dinner is strictly at 18.00. The base is rice, noodles, clear misoshiru and suimono soups, meat, fish, steamed vegetables, pickled snacks (tsukemono), sweets (wagasi) with green tea. Features of the meal: small portions and the duration of the meal (sometimes it lasts 1.5-2 hours), as the Japanese chew everything thoroughly and know how to get real pleasure from food.

Dinner Options

Depending on the conditions for organizing dinner (with a diet or with proper nutrition), the menu should include different dishes and products that meet the basic principles of the chosen diet.

Low Calorie:

  • vegetable salads with lemon juice: vitamin, celery, Greek;
  • stewed and baked vegetables;
  • vegetable stew;
  • grilled vegetables;
  • vegetable cutlets;
  • green salads.


  • boiled chicken or turkey breast;
  • steam or baked fish;
  • seafood salads;
  • boiled eggs, protein omelet;
  • skim cheese;
  • white cheeses;
  • mushroom salads;
  • protein salads with seafood or meat.


  • milk and green smoothies;
  • herbal teas;
  • unsweetened dried fruit compote;
  • fresh juices from unsweetened fruits and sour berries;
  • vegetable freshly squeezed juices;
  • green smoothies;
  • low-fat chicken broth.


  • beans, chickpeas, lentils;
  • germinated cereals;
  • avocado;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • varieties of medium-fat fish;
  • steamed or boiled veal and beef, cutlets or meatballs from them;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • rye bread, whole grain bread.

A healthy dinner should be balanced in terms of. It is necessary to include in the diet all of the above dishes and products in turn.

In France. The French have dinner around 20.00 and combine it with watching TV. The basis is light salads of fresh vegetables and lots of greens.


Here is an example of a menu for evening meals for the week:

In Greece. Greeks have dinner after 20.00, most often with family or friends. Main dishes - scrambled eggs, stewed vegetables, the famous Greek salad with feta cheese. The meal ends with tea and a sweet dessert.


light salads

  • Curd

Tear 100 g of Chinese cabbage with your hands, cut into strips 100 g of fresh cucumber, chop the greens (50 g of dill and parsley each). Fill with 30 ml of lemon juice, mix. After that, add 200 g of fat-free cottage cheese and mix again.

  • With sun-dried tomatoes

Cut into slices 100 g of washed radish. 5 pieces. put sun-dried tomatoes into straws, 2 fresh ones into slices. Cut 100 g of feta cheese into random pieces. Tear 3 lettuce leaves with your hands. Mix. Drizzle with fruit vinegar and lemon juice, season with salt and pepper.

  • Greek

Coarsely chop 100 g of cheese, 1 lettuce pepper, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 1 onion. Separately, prepare the dressing: mix 3 crushed garlic cloves, 10 ml grape vinegar and 25 ml olive oil. Mix vegetables and cheese, season with sauce, put on lettuce leaves, decorate with olives on top.

Main dishes

  • Omelette with turkey

Cut the boiled turkey fillet (150 g) into small pieces, put 1 green bell pepper on the straw. Mix. Pour in 2 egg whites. Bake in the microwave for 3 minutes. Put on a plate with lettuce leaves, sprinkle with chopped green onions.

  • Steamed flounder with vegetables

Cut into portions of 1 carcass of flounder, flavor it with seasonings and spices. Put 100 g of young zucchini into cubes, 100 g of eggplant and celery stalks into straws, 2 tomatoes into slices. Crush a couple of garlic cloves. Mix vegetables and drizzle with olive oil. Put everything in a bowl, turn on the double boiler for half an hour.

  • Turkey meatballs

Cut 500 g of turkey fillet into small pieces, pass through a meat grinder. Add 1 raw egg, 1 small chopped onion, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 10 g suneli hops, salt (optional) to the minced meat. Beat the minced meat, form meatballs out of it, lightly roll in flour. Put in a thick-walled pan, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Pour in the same 1 more chopped onion and 1 tomato, cut into slices, add 50 g of tomato sauce, a couple of bay leaves, a few peppercorns. Simmer for about an hour on moderate heat.

Smoothies, cocktails

  • Curd

Beat in a blender 200 g of fat-free cottage cheese and 100 ml of 1% milk.

  • Green

Cut into pieces 100 g of a stalk of celery, pour 200 ml of 1% kefir, add 20 g of chopped dill. Whisk in a blender.

  • Vegetable

Cut into pieces of 50 g cucumbers, tomatoes and celery stalks. Add 20 g of chopped greens (feather onions, dill and parsley), a little pepper, Tabasco sauce. Pour 250 ml of 1% kefir. Mix in a blender.

Organizing the perfect dinner for weight loss, remember that it can only become such under two conditions: if it is healthy and you like it. This applies not only to a diet that meets the principles, but also to diets. If the food seems bland and tasteless, you will go to bed on an empty stomach, which will only harm the body.

The article discusses the rules of a healthy dinner, quick recipes for low-calorie dishes for dinner and advice from nutritionists.

A well-known saying calls for dinner to always give to the enemy. Is this true? Nutritionists say that this statement is fundamentally wrong. Let's figure out what a healthy and healthy dinner should be. In fear of eating extra calories, many prefer to go to bed on an empty stomach.

But do not forget that food is not only calories, but also the nutrients we need for life, trace elements, vitamins, which must be consumed evenly and in sufficient quantities so that the body can work normally.

An interesting point: when hungry, the next day the body will require more food to make up for the lost food, and here lies the danger of overeating.

Physiological processes that require calories do not stop after 6 p.m., so dinner is a must. Nutritionists recommend having dinner no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime, and a couple of hours before bedtime you can have a very light snack so as not to go to bed completely hungry. The food must be completely digested.

A good quick dinner. low calorie recipes

A proper dinner involves eating foods rich in vitamins, protein, fiber, low in fat and simple carbohydrates.

Best food for dinner:

  • lean fish
  • white chicken meat
  • fresh vegetables
  • low fat cottage cheese
  • soft cheese (Adyghe or mozzarella)
  • dairy products

An excellent snack before bed will be unsweetened fruits, natural yogurt, smoothies (freshly prepared smoothies from vegetables and fruits), lean cottage cheese.

  • Vegetables for dinner are best to choose seasonal vegetables. All types of cabbage are good, any salad, broccoli, celery, tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, avocado
  • Ideal when half of the vegetables for dinner in the form of steamed dishes are baked in the oven or on the grill, and the other part is eaten raw
  • The amount of fat should be as limited as possible, it is best to cook using vegetable oils or do without them at all
  • You can quickly and easily cook an omelette with vegetables or cheese, a couple of soft-boiled eggs with fresh vegetables, a piece of boiled chicken breast with stewed vegetables, a quick vegetable stew, a curd dessert

Omelet with vegetables

An omelette is more useful to bake in the oven, but you can also cook it in a pan.

To prepare one serving, take

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 onion
  • bell pepper
  • chopped greens

Cut the washed vegetables into cubes, fry lightly in vegetable oil, simmer for 10 minutes under the lid, then pour over the beaten eggs with salt and hold on low heat under the lid for 3-4 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

Curd dessert

The dish can be prepared from

  • 150 g low fat cottage cheese
  • 1 spoon natural honey
  • 100 g of any berries (frozen can be used in winter)

Smoothies are the fastest and most healthy dinner.
There are many options for preparing this dish. The main rule is to drink immediately after preparation.

Green smoothie

  • banana
  • avocado
  • orange
  • a bunch of spinach (or parsley, or mint)
  • juice squeezed from half a lemon
  • 150 ml water

Cut everything into cubes, beat with a blender.

fruit and vegetable

  • cucumber
  • stalk of celery
  • small beets
  • 2 -3 apples
  • piece of ginger root (1 cm)

This smoothie is made with a juicer.


  • half of any citrus (to taste)
  • a dozen strawberries
  • banana
  • juice from half a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseed

Whisk fruits in a blender, add crushed seeds.

You can also prepare a goat milkshake with banana and dates for the evening.

Quick cottage cheese casserole for dinner

Low-calorie casserole is prepared without semolina or flour.

You will need products:

  • half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 st. l. sugar or its substitute
  • dried fruits (a few pieces of dried apricots, a handful of raisins or prunes)
  • instead of dried fruits, you can use pieces of any hard fruit


  1. Rub the yolks with cottage cheese, combine with dried fruits, mix
  2. Whisk egg whites with sugar
  3. Add egg whites to cottage cheese, mix gently
  4. Pour into a greased form
  5. Cook in an oven preheated to 190-200 degrees for 25-30 minutes

Just as quickly, you can cook a cottage cheese casserole with apples and oatmeal, ground into flour.

Baked low calorie chicken breast

A great option for a delicious low-calorie dinner is baked chicken breast.


  • salt the chicken breast
  • dip in whipped egg white
  • bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Baked or boiled vegetables are perfect for a side dish: broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, a baked apple or a salad of fresh vegetables.

light salad recipes for dinner

The best option for this dish is a salad of fresh raw vegetables, if it is used as an addition to the main course. If the salad is supposed to be the main course for dinner, you can use the following recipes.

Protein salad

You will need:

  • 1 boiled egg
  • 25 g soft cheese
  • 2 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese or 80 g natural yogurt
  • 50 g iceberg lettuce

Grate the egg, mix all the ingredients, season with soy sauce (0.5 tbsp.)

Salad Quail

For one serving you will need products:

  • 100 g boiled chicken breast
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 1-2 quail eggs
  • 0.5 green apple
  • any lettuce leaves

Cut the meat and cucumber into strips, eggs and an apple into cubes, coarsely tear lettuce leaves. Mix all the ingredients, salt, season with a spoonful of olive oil.

Warm salad with seafood

Products for cooking:

  • 300 g of any seafood
  • 1 onion
  • garlic clove
  • stalk of celery
  • 1 sweet pepper

Fry thawed seafood quickly in vegetable fat (3 minutes), add chopped garlic. Lightly fry the onion as well. Finely chop the celery and pepper. Mix everything, salt, add any spices to taste.

Quick and tasty vegetable dinner

Vegetable stew is fast, tasty and healthy.

You will need:

  • quarter head of cabbage
  • 1 small eggplant
  • 1 bulb
  • 100 g suluguni
  • seasonings

Cut the peeled eggplant, pour cold salted water for 10-15 minutes to remove the bitterness. Fry the onion in a frying pan, add finely chopped cabbage to it, then the eggplant. Simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add chopped suluguni. Ragout can be served as a side dish or as a main dish.

You can cook another option.

Vegetable ragout with champignons and tofu

You will need:

  • 120 g tofu
  • small carrot
  • bulb
  • 2-3 champignons
  • parsley

Cut the ingredients, stew in olive oil mixed with soy sauce (1 tsp each)

As an option for a vegetable dinner, you can steam carrot or cabbage cutlets.

Cabbage cutlets (serves 4)


  • 0.5 kg cauliflower or white cabbage
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp decoys
  • breadcrumbs

Finely chop the cabbage, salt, stew in a pan, adding the required amount of water. Add semolina to the prepared cabbage, mix thoroughly, cool. Add the egg to the cooled mass, mix. Form small cutlets from the prepared minced cabbage, roll in breadcrumbs. Cook in a double boiler for 15 minutes.

Quick and healthy soup for dinner

Best soup for dinner vegetable puree soup.

You will need:

  • small head of cauliflower
  • small young squash
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • herbs (basil, parsley or cilantro)
  1. Boil the cabbage disassembled into inflorescences and diced zucchini (until softened)
  2. Fry the chopped onion in olive oil, add chopped tomatoes to it (without skin), simmer
  3. Puree boiled and stewed vegetables with a blender, sprinkle with chopped herbs in a plate, add a little lemon juice for spiciness

No less useful low calorie seafood tomato soup.

To prepare it, take:

  • 150g seafood mix (or shrimp)
  • 350 ml tomato juice
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • lemon juice (1 tsp)
  • basil, coriander, paprika


  1. Put the thawed seafood to boil over medium heat.
  2. Add the chopped onion and garlic to the pan, sautéed in olive oil.
  3. Then brown the chopped tomato and pepper in a pan, add to the soup. Salt, pepper
  4. When vegetables and seafood are ready, pour tomato juice into the soup, add spices, bring to a boil
  5. On low heat, sweat for another 5-7 minutes, pour in the lemon juice
  6. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Low calorie fish stew for dinner

For dinner, it is best to cook low-fat sea fish, rich in protein, vitamins, trace elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids that are useful for humans.

The easiest fish recipe for dinner - stewed hake with vegetables.

You will need:

  • 500 g hake fillet (you can take pollock)
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bulb
  • 1/2 small cabbage
  • a spoonful of vegetable oil

In oil in a cauldron, quickly sauté vegetables (onions, carrots, then cabbage). Add strips of fish fillet, cover with water or vegetable broth, simmer for 30 minutes over low heat.

You can also cook ice fish with the addition of champignon mushrooms.

Stew onions, carrots in a saucepan for 20 minutes, put pieces of fish sprinkled with salt on a vegetable pillow, put fried mushrooms on top and simmer under a lid for 30 minutes until tender.

Very helpful macrorus fish: it contains very little fat, but is rich in proteins, digested very quickly. This fish can be cooked in a double boiler on a vegetable pillow (carrots, onions, zucchini). Cooking time - 20 minutes.

What foods should not be eaten for dinner?

In the evening, the performance of the digestive system is significantly reduced, the digestive organs function more slowly, so the load on them should be minimal.

  • Carbohydrate-containing foods - bread, sweet fruits, pasta, sugar, pastries - this should be completely eliminated
  • Complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals and potato dishes are also not recommended.
  • Fried foods, especially fried meat, are difficult to digest and digest in the evening, so they should be discarded.
  • The combination of meat and flour is highly undesirable - dumplings, dumplings, belyashi, pies
  • Foods that cause fermentation processes should be limited in the evening diet: legumes, black bread, cabbage, milk
  • All delicacies, smoked meats, lard, nuts, fatty sauces, butter, sweet drinks, any semi-finished products are excluded.

The main rules of a rational dinner:

  1. Never go to bed hungry, it will not bring benefits, only harm
  2. Eat dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime
  3. Dinner is preferable combined: proteins with complex carbohydrates in the form of vegetables
  4. Always have seasonal fresh or frozen vegetables in your kitchen, as well as cottage cheese, fish, and lean meats. Even if you are limited in time, these products can be used to quickly prepare a light and healthy meal for dinner.

Nutritionist Natalya Samoylenko advises: “If your blood glucose level has dropped and you really want sweets, put chocolate and bananas aside. Better drink a cup of herbal tea with honey or eat a light curd dessert with berries.”

Nutritionist Ekaterina Belova shares useful advice: “It happens that I have to dine in a restaurant, I always opt for vegetable dishes, of course I eat them without bread. If alcohol is offered and there is no way to refuse, then I choose dry wine. And I ask you to add ice cubes to strong alcohol and then constantly add them to the glass.

Video: Proper dinner
