
The child eats bread which is not enough. New Wheat Genetically Engineered

Once having tasted bread, children rarely remain indifferent to this product... I will never forget how my daughter, having pulled off her first piece of bread from the table, began to smack it with pleasure. And noticing the approaching adults and realizing that now the prey would be taken away from her, she put a piece in her mouth, clamped her teeth like an animal, and crawled, flashing her booty, and ran away. And the son of our acquaintances will not exchange a piece of bread for a candy. friends does not recognize any other breakfast, except for rolls with butter. And take a closer look at the mothers who are in a hurry on business, hastily pushing the stroller in front of them - so that the children sit quietly in the stroller and do not try to get out “to freedom”, they are sometimes bribed with whole loaves of bread ... So, bread - benefit and harm.

Stop grandma!

Children are taught to eat with bread, most often grandmothers. Because of this, family scandals often arise. So, a child comes to visit his grandmother, she sits him down to regale him, pours the soup, the child nods readily, mother and grandmother do not stop looking at the child with a good appetite, and then the grandmother says her signature phrase: “Will I give you some bread? Would you like to eat with bread? The child, of course, nods. Mom is semi-conscious. Grandmother does not understand how she angered her daughter / daughter-in-law. And the child eats bread, sometimes bites it with a couple of spoons of soup - and is happy. Feeding the child smoothly flows into the "debriefing". "Satier so!" - the grandmother defends herself, who is used to eating watermelon with bread. “Appetite interrupts, now he won’t eat normal food!” - Mom is indignant, who has her own views on what can i give my baby bread. But neither one nor the other dares to take away the bread from the child. To avoid such situations, agree with all relatives in advance about what principles you adhere to in food, and that bread in your child's diet is a separate dish, a dessert if you want. Taste habits and commitment to healthy eating are formed from childhood. And there is no need to teach a child to eat bread in large quantities.

Small-toothed and good-toothed

If you teach a child to eat everything with bread, depending on the nature of the child, such development scenarios are possible - the baby will eat even less and switch to a solid dry food, will snack more on bread and eat even less from a portion of the main dish. All this will definitely affect the health of the child - over time, problems such as vitamin deficiency will increase. Children with good appetites will, as expected, eat the entire serving and bread, and possibly ask for more, but, as a result, will be more likely to develop overweight and a habit of overeating for life.

Both quantity and quality

After talking about whether it is possible to give a child bread, about its benefits and harms, having decided that it is not necessary to overfeed the child with bread and try to give bread after the main course (for example, as the basis for a sandwich), it is necessary to resolve the issue of whether which bread is healthier. For the health of the child, this is a very important issue. White bread, although tasty, not only may not be healthy (after all kinds of processing, there may no longer be a trace of the same vitamins in white flour, but only gluten and starch), but it is also dangerous because the child gets used to sweets very quickly. products - and flour for white breads is always refined. While the taste of the child is not yet formed, you should not accustom him to sweets. Deciding which bread is healthier, it is better to make a choice in favor of rye bread, bread with bran, etc.

And, limiting children in bread, you should not worry that the baby will not receive some necessary nutrients and some principles of healthy eating will be violated. In terms of nutritional value and content of nutrients, cereals are not inferior to bread.

August 16th, 2013 , 12:06 pm

Nutritionists say that children have a special relationship with bread and flour products. But they do not last long - up to seven years. Further, the child's body perceives all bread products in the same way as an adult. Therefore, we will focus on a period of up to seven years.

All preschool children, according to their passion for bread, are divided into two groups: those who love bread, and those who love bread.

Experts do not advise limiting healthy children in bread, realizing that the child's body is a sensitive system and perfectly regulates its needs. Often, children's "I want bread" means only that a small body urgently needs B vitamins and an important complex of minerals. Eating his portion of bread, the baby gets it all.

Only for children with metabolic disorders nutritionists introduce restrictions. Children aged 3-7 years are prescribed to receive 80-110 g of wheat bread and 40-60 g of rye bread during the day. If up to seven years, preference should be given to wheat (white) bread, then after seven, the preponderance should gradually shift towards bread containing rye flour and bran. This is due to the developing digestive system of a preschooler and the need to form proper eating habits.

But there are still limitations...

Limit the amount of muffin in your child's diet (there are too many fats in it), but it would be wrong to exclude it completely. Prohibition often causes a backlash and leads to overeating. But a reasonable restriction of rich products per day will only benefit.

It is better to refuse bakery products cooked in oil and / or with a lot of sugar.

Until the age of three, children are not recommended to give rye and freshly baked white bread, since the enzyme system of a child at this age is not yet sufficiently formed and is not able to break down incoming oligosaccharides and gluten. But this applies only to the soft core of the bread.

It is also not recommended to give bread with bran to all children without exception without medical advice. As a rule, it is recommended to improve intestinal motility in case of constipation, as well as overweight children over 3-5 years old, but each option should be considered individually by specialists.

Be careful: factory baked goods and bread may contain additives that can cause allergic reactions, such as peanuts, hazelnuts, other nuts and exotic fruits.

Postpone your child's exposure to sweet confectionery until age 3, and try to give them in small quantities to older children.

Porridge is EVERYTHING for children!

The main grain food for a child under seven years old is, of course, porridge. It can be considered the healthiest food for a child's body. On average, a preschooler should receive about 40-50 g of cereals and pasta per day (dry weight). However, adherence to the norm can be loose. Children are different: some are smart - they spend a lot of calories, others are quiet, thoughtful - they spend less and eat, respectively, less. All cereals are useful and easily absorbed by the child's body, BUT:

Feed your children different cereals, even if you don’t eat them yourself or don’t like them since childhood.

You can’t give your child only semolina porridge every day (especially since there is little benefit in it) or only oatmeal.

Experiment! Combine cereals and cook cereals from a mixture of different cereals. Taste reactions of the child will tell you the right ratio.

Boil porridge in water. Add milk at the end of cooking or to a plate.

Use sprouted grains of wheat and oats in the nutrition of children - this is an unusually healing and nutritious product. They can be ground, beaten with a mixer and added to the resulting "milk" in any cereals and other dishes.

As a “quick porridge”, you can sometimes give children ready-made cereal breakfasts, adding milk and sour-milk products.

From viscous cereals, you can cook cutlets for children with a variety of fruit, berry and vegetable sauces.

All kids eat pasta!

Many parents complain that their children eat nothing but pasta. It doesn’t matter: the “pasta periods” pass, you just need to be patient, remember how much useful pasta contains, and turn on your imagination.

Let there be different pasta on the table of your child - they are now produced not only from wheat, but also from rice, buckwheat, whole grain flour.

Enrich pasta with vegetables, meat, cheese, cottage cheese or eggs. Not necessarily all the ingredients at once. So you will have a lot of pasta dishes in the children's menu.

Refuse to fry boiled pasta and add creamy sauces to them - they add a significant amount of calories to pasta.

For a healthy children's diet, as well as for an adult, choose durum wheat pasta, they have more protein and they are less soft.

Neither porridge nor pasta, according to nutritionists, should not be given to children twice a day. The nutrition of the child should be varied and balanced!

Bread regularly appears on the table of most families and is among the most popular products. Therefore, after the birth of a baby and the start of the introduction of complementary foods, every mother has questions about including it in the children's menu - when can it be given, how much to offer the baby and what kind of bread is most useful for babies?

Bread is one of the main sources of carbohydrates for the human body.

How they bake

The simplest bread recipe includes flour, water, yeast and salt. It can be expanded to include vegetable oil, milk, eggs, sugar, whole grains, butter, seeds, and many other ingredients.

Flour is used not only wheat, but also rye, corn, buckwheat and others. Also, the modern food industry produces bread, in which the content of certain components is reduced, for example, loaves with less starch, salt or protein.

Many kids are interested in how bread is made and they enthusiastically listen to their mother's story about baking it. Pictures or videos help children learn the details about making bread. For example, kids can watch the cartoon from the series "Secret to the World", presented below, in which a puppet wolf takes a tour of the factory, where tons of bread are baked daily. From such a video, children can learn how to knead the dough, what yeast is and how it helps in baking, as well as how to make a sliced ​​loaf.


  • It has a balanced nutrient composition. It contains healthy plant proteins as well as complex carbohydrates. It also acts as a source of many vitamins (B1, PP, B3, E, B6 and others) and trace elements (Mg, K, Mn, Fe, Ca, P, etc.).
  • In rye bread a lot of dietary fiber and a high content of B vitamins.
  • Pleasant smell activates the production of digestive juices so that the food is digested faster.
  • Bread with the inclusion of whole grains, bran, seaweed, flaxseed, sesame and other additives enriches the diet with minerals and fiber.

Possible harm

  • Due to the content of oligosaccharides, the enzymes for the digestion of which are absent in young children, it absorption in the first years of life is difficult therefore, Borodino bread cannot be included in the diet of a child up to 1-1.5 years old.
  • The product baked from wheat flour is a source of gluten, to which some children are allergic. Also, an allergic reaction is possible to bakery products containing eggs.
  • A bun baked from white flour with the addition of butter and sugar brings little benefit to the child's body, because during the manufacture of rich products lose vitamins. In addition, such pastries are high in calories. It is not advised to include in the menu of children under 2-3 years of age.
  • In freshly baked form, it is not recommended for children under three years of age due to high gluten content.
  • Giving bread to toddlers who do not chew well can be dangerous ( the baby will not chew it well and may choke).
  • The child can snack on them, because of which his appetite will decrease by the time of the main meal. Because of this, children may refuse other healthy foods, such as vegetables.
  • Excessive consumption of black bread can interfere with the absorption of iron and provoke anemia.

From how many months to introduce complementary foods?

From 7 months of age kids can try bread-like products - croutons and baby biscuits. White bread appears in the diet of infants with any type of feeding in 8 months in the amount of 3-5 grams per day. The same portion is offered 9-month-old child, and from 10 months in up to a year, a wheat product begins to give 10 g per day.

From the year the amount of white bread in the child's diet is gradually increased. If, after including it in the children's menu, the little one has colic, bloating, restless behavior or stool disorders, you should consult your doctor. The doctor will help to find out the cause and prevent problems with the further addition of bakery products to the baby's diet.

The first bakery product that the baby will try is a cookie or cracker

The inclusion in the children's menu of black bread and bakery products with various additives, for example, with bran, pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, do not recommend until 1.5-2 years of age. You can introduce a child to black bread at 1.5 years old, giving the crumbs a maximum of 10 g of this type of baking.

The release of Dr. Komarovsky's program dedicated to a variety of baby food, see below:

two year old child give up to 100 g of bread per day - up to 70 g of wheat and about 30 g of rye . Daily portion for a child over three years old increases to 150-170 grams, including approximately 50-60 grams of rye bread. schoolboy give 200-300 g per day, offering black bread in the amount of 75-150 g.

Calculate your feeding schedule

Indicate the date of birth of the child and the method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Generate a calendar

When and how to give?

For the first time, a piece of bread should be offered to the baby in the morning, so that you can track a possible allergic reaction to such a new product. It can be soaked in any liquid, such as formula, baby tea or soup. Then it is given at lunchtime with soup, vegetable puree or a meat dish. Increasing the daily portion, it is also offered for breakfast or during an afternoon snack.

How to choose and store?

When buying bread that a child will eat, it is important to pay attention to its freshness and appearance. The loaf should be the correct shape and smooth, without burnt areas or dents. Do not buy a bran product or a whole grain loaf for children under 3 years of age. Also, you should not buy loaves for young children. The best choice would be the usual "brick".

The shelf life is short and is 24-36 hours. Store different varieties separately. If you keep a loaf in a bread box, it must be aired regularly and also treated with vinegar.

How to bake?

For complete confidence in the safety and freshness of bread, many mothers decide to bake it for the baby on their own. The easiest way is to use a bread maker, because it is enough to place the ingredients in this machine and select the desired program. You can also knead the dough with your hands and bake a loaf in the oven.

For the first bread that can be given to a baby, take about 450 g of flour, 1.5 teaspoons of dry yeast, 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. If you want to use fresh yeast, they are first diluted with warm water, and for children older than a year - with warm milk.

Many have heard in childhood that bread should not be thrown away. For the older generation, bread has a certain super-value, the status of something almost sacred. Therefore, the very idea of ​​the dangers of bread seems almost blasphemous.

We all grew up on bread, eating it every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bread is a simple, convenient and cheap food. Bread is the head of everything, as our grandmothers said. And my mother scolded me if I eat soup without bread. In the literal sense, we were forced to eat bread with soup, and with porridge, and even with pasta! Many have heard in childhood that bread should not be thrown away. For the older generation, bread has a certain super-value, the status of something almost sacred. Therefore, the very idea of ​​the dangers of bread seems almost blasphemous.

One day my friend came up to me and said: “Tonya, I understand everything, you can talk about the dangers of meat, eggs and milk, but how can you encroach on bread? !” It seems to me that this is already such a well-known topic in the world of healthy eating that everyone knows why bread should not be given to children, but practice shows the opposite. People live with their own problems, and often they simply do not think about what they eat and what they feed their children. Therefore, I decided to go over this topic once more, and I hope that parents will give flour products to their children at least less often.

Bread is the head of everything or the head of all diseases. Why did our ancestors eat bread and be healthy? Black bread was considered the basis of Siberian health, what has changed? And a lot has changed! Our great-grandfathers ate completely different bread, from completely different grains and made using different technologies. So, let's take a very brief look at 7 reasons why it is better not to give bread to children, drawing a parallel comparison between the old days and today.

1. Cultivation and storage of grain

What did our ancestors make bread from? It was grain grown on ecologically clean land, which was not fertilized with chemical fertilizers. In the old days, the collected sheaves were dried before threshing in a barn or barn (a pit with a furnace without a chimney), after which they were threshed and winnowed in the wind, dried in the sun for storage. Now we call such products Organics!

Nowadays, wheat is grown in huge quantities on land that is fertilized chemical fertilizers, plants fall asleep with pesticides. To store the grain, it is now dried with chemical means. Grains must be protected from fungi, bacteria and rodents that love to taste wheat, chemical agents are also used for this.

Much is said about the benefits of wheat, about its extraordinary nutritional value. Check who writes what kind of grain they are talking about, on what land this grain was grown, is it organic or refined flour? GMO grain or rare varieties of wheat of our ancestors? For example, The composition of useful substances of grain grown in Ukraine is very different from grain grown in Japan. Japanese soil and water are very poor in mineral content. In each country, the composition of any grain, vegetable or fruit will differ several times. Treat all sources of information with caution, check and study on your own.

2. Flour refining

Our ancestors baked ordinary bread at home from wholemeal flour.. This is a flour that does not go through sifting at all or a little sifting through a sieve. So they took wheat, ground it - and here you have coarse grinding. I remember as a child my grandmother in the village ground grain into flour on stone millstones. Most often they baked bread from rye flour, such bread was called "black sour bread".

Today the flour is refined. The process of refining flour is the removal of the so-called “ballast substances” from cereals, which, in fact, are the most useful components of the grain. Start with whole grains the grain germ, the biologically active part of the plant, is removed. Then at bran is removed - the flower shell, which has always been the main source of fiber in human nutrition, as well as containing B vitamins and minerals. In our time, when the lands are depleted, we must fight for every milligram of useful substances, and man removes almost all useful substances from grain! refined flour– poor, I call such food “empty food” from which our body is of no use.

3. Flour bleaching

White flour has always been valued for its beauty and whiteness. This is the finest grinding, which is obtained by sifting flour through the finest sieve, this is how snow-white flour was obtained. . Our ancestors could allow such flour to be used very rarely for special dishes and occasions.

In our time, the flour of the highest grades really has a white color, but its yield is 10 kg per ton of grain. It is obvious that it is simply not profitable to use it in mass baking, but since the buyer likes white bread, the flour is bleached artificially. We still bleach flour today, treating it with chlorine, chlorine dioxide and potassium bromate. Instead of trying to recreate the original vitamin/mineral composition of raw flour, we add a very modest amount of additives, including synthetic folic acid, never found anywhere else in the natural food chain. Synthetic folic acid is a harmful supplement that increases the risk of cancer. In the United States, Canada, and most recently Chile, colorectal cancer rates have increased following the introduction of mandatory fortification of flour with this element. Some countries have already banned the addition of folic acid to flour, such as Norway. Unlike synthetic folic acid, folate from natural food sources, especially from green vegetables, has been shown to protect against cancer and prostate.

4, Yeast

Simple peasant bread was baked on homemade sourdough, each family had its own original recipes. Sourdough is a liquid dough fermented with fruits, hops, milk and other methods. It was these starter cultures that enriched the body with vitamins, enzymes, biostimulants and saturated it with oxygen.

Modern ordinary bread in the store is baked with thermophilic yeast. You can watch a documentary about this yeast on YouTube. This yeast is a relatively new product, it was created by German biologists during the Second World War. They tested bread on such yeast in concentration camps. It was possible to bake bread on them very quickly, and the side effects of such bread could not be detected immediately, only now scientists began to sound the alarm, after so many years! Thermophilic yeast became popular around the world, industrial bread gained momentum, it was very important after the war, when there was not enough food. For the production of yeast, 36 types of basic and 20 types of auxiliary raw materials are used, the vast majority of which cannot be called food. Yeast is saturated with heavy metals (copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, magnesium, etc.) and other, not always useful, chemical elements (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, etc.). Why all this is added there, it is difficult to understand, I did not find an explanation.

You can write about the dangers of yeast for a very long time, in short, you need to know that thermophilic yeast, also called Saccharomycetes, used in baking bread, in brewing and producing alcohol, Saccharomycetes are very resistant and are not destroyed either by high temperatures or in the process of digestion of the gastrointestinal tract product person. In turn, yeast cells produce toxic substances, which, due to their small size and molecular weight, spread throughout the body, poisoning and killing it.

5. New Wheat Genetically Engineered

The sharp increase in the population of the planet demanded more food, more bread. To speed up and high yields, mutant dwarf wheat varieties were created in the 60s of the last century, which led to disastrous consequences in the form of an epidemic of obesity and cardiovascular disease. New varieties of wheat are grown all over the planet, today it is already difficult to find those old grains that our ancestors ate! Dr. William Davis, Wisconsin-based preventive cardiologist and author of Bread Belly: Get Rid of Wheat, Lose Weight and Get Healthy, states: most likely, 50 years ago - has undergone dramatic changes. We have known for over thirty years that wheat raises blood glucose levels more than sugar. but for some reason we continue to think that this is impossible. However, it is a fact that only a few foods cause such an increase in blood sugar levels as wheat. Increased levels of glucose and insulin, in turn, provoke acne, baldness and the formation of advanced glycosylation end products - substances that accelerate the aging process. The scientist considers the exclusion of wheat from the diet an excellent prevention of rheumatoid arthritis, intestinal cancer, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, stroke and cataracts.

The new wheat hybrids contain 95% of the proteins of the two parent varieties, but the remaining 5% of the proteins are unique and cannot be found in the parent crops! These 5% of proteins are new to us, so far we can only guess what to expect from them. It is these 5% of the protein structure of cereals that cause a person to be highly dependent on modern wheat.

Everyone knows that sugar and alcohol make you feel good and tempt you to come back and repeat. But what about foods that contain gluten, like whole grain bread and instant oatmeal? The very idea that gluten can be pleasurable and addictive seems strange and scary. We need to re-evaluate these foods and their place in our diets.

6. Harm Gluten

Firstly, the word gluten means glue(from English, glue - glue), this is gluten, sticky protein found in most grains. Modern food production, including genetic engineering, has allowed us to grow grains with 40 or more times more gluten than those grown just a few decades ago. Our ancestors ate grains that had half as much gluten!

To understand why gluten is harmful, you need to get to know the structure of the intestine. Its inner walls are covered with villi, which help digest food and absorb vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

The stickiness of gluten interferes with the absorption of nutrients, the villi are smoothed out and poorly digested food turns into a pasty substance that irritates the mucous membrane of the small intestine. As a result, you get abdominal pain, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, pallor, fatigue, migraines, irritability and other symptoms. In addition, the increased content of sulfur-containing amino acids in wheat provokes the production of sulfuric acid, which becomes the reason for the leaching of useful minerals from the bone tissue.

Many people think that only those who suffer from celiac disease should be worried about this topic. Alas, it is not so! There is already quite a bit of research on gluten-related brain damage. For example, David Perlmutter, MD, a practicing neurologist, wrote the book "Food and the Brain", which tells the theory and his personal experience of treating patients with a gluten-free diet. He claims that gluten sensitivity, with or without celiac disease, increases the production of inflammatory cytokines, which are major factors in the development of neurodegenerative conditions.

A devastating immunological reaction that has a negative effect on the brain, causing epilepsy, senile dementia, and even irreversible brain damage. No organ is more sensitive to the harmful effects of inflammation than the brain. The doctor talks about how seriously ill patients recovered thanks to a change in diet and the transition to a gluten-free diet. The experience of practitioners is a valuable experience, and we should listen to their conclusions and results.

Most of us don't even realize that we suffer from gluten sensitivity! Migraines, anxiety, depression, seizures, cravings for sweets, bone pain, constant ailments, growth and speech retardation in children, poor memory, autism, infertility, gas, bloating, constipation, spasms, etc. If you or your child has at least one of the symptoms, most likely you also suffer from this disease. The best way to check for this is to eliminate all gluten from your diet to see the results, and to have tests done in the lab.

From personal experience, I can add that since adolescence I have suffered from depression, migraines and constant ailments. Several times I had thoughts of suicide. All of these symptoms suddenly disappeared from my life after switching to a gluten-free diet. As a teenager, I ate mostly bread, cookies, buns with sweet tea. Now I understand why my life seemed like a solid black streak to me!

7. Additives

All my life in Ukraine, I bought bread in the bread department, where the composition of the ingredients was not indicated. The main thing is that the bread is tasty and fresh, that's what always worried me. Only when I moved to Japan, when I bought Japanese bread for the first time, I was horrified by its softness, tastelessness and durability. The composition of all the ingredients from which the bread is baked is always indicated on the packages of bread. What's in there? I still can’t understand why so many different ingredients are added there, because our ancestors used only flour, water and sourdough!

Standard Japanese supermarket white bread always contains: refined flour (小麦粉), yeast (パン酵母, イースト), margarine (マーガリン), shortening (ショートニング), salt, and eggs. Often add V.C.(Vitamin C), almost always add Sodium Acetate (酸Na) - known as food additive E262 and used as a preservative. There is always an emulsifier (乳化剤), which one is not written, but most likely it is soy lecithin, additive E322. And of course, flavorings, well, where would we be without them (香料). This is a standard set, although there are worse options when different dyes, syrups, fruits and roasted nuts are added.

For those who may not know, margarine was the first product to be made using a hydrogen permeation (hydrogenation) technology that turns liquid vegetable oil into a solid. This process increases the shelf life of both the oil itself and products made from it.

Unfortunately, during this processing, chemical reactions occur in the oil, and so-called trans fats are formed. According to the latest scientific data, the consumption of trans fats leads to metabolic disorders, leads to obesity, to the development of coronary heart disease, and also causes other deadly diseases. The harder the margarine, the more trans fats it contains and vice versa. The history of the invention of margarine is very fascinating, you can read it on Wikipedia.

Shortening It's a terrible addition, in my opinion. This is a confectionery or cooking fat, which is used to give softness and friability to flour products. That is why Japanese bread is so soft, like cotton wool. Such fat is currently made from the cheapest and most unhealthy palm oil and soybean oil. This fat, like margarine, is classified as unhealthy trans fat. Experiments on rats showed that shortening causes cancer. This is a very dangerous additive that is present in almost all confectionery, sweets, as well as glazes and chocolate bars in Japan (I don’t know in other countries, check)!

I hope you have already understood that our ancestors ate a completely different bread, not like modern bread. In order to recreate the same ancient bread, we need to find clean lands, grow the wheat of those untouched varieties without chemical additives, without pesticides, then dry it naturally and store it without the use of chemical processing.

Next, we need to make homemade sourdough, add water and a little salt. Can you handle this difficult task? I once looked for organic wholemeal flour, and even found it, very expensive and rare. You can find grains of the same old varieties that have not been touched by genetic engineering, they are not popular and, of course, very expensive. If you have no desire to recreate the ancient bread of our ancestors, and there is no way to do it, then I sincerely advise you to give up modern bread with the whole family, and do not give such bread to your children!

I know it's very hard to give up bread. I loved bread very much, I “jumped off it” for a long time! Think about the health of your children and try to get rid of this harmful product. If you can’t completely eliminate bread in your family, try to buy it as little as possible, on holidays. Everything is compared, so it's safe to say that homemade bread is better than store-bought, whole grain bread is better than white, sourdough bread is better than yeast, gluten-free (from rice flour, nuts, coconut flour, corn and other) is much better than wheat bread.

Today there are a lot of recipes for gluten-free sourdough bread, it is very easy to make it yourself at home, especially if you have a bread machine. You can replace bread with corn tortillas, rice crackers, flaxseed cookies, quinoa pasta, gluten-free pancake mix, rice spaghetti, and other healthy options.

Another important point, our ancestors always started baking bread with a prayer. Try to thank your food before eating it, teach your children to do this from a very young age.

  • Learn to read labels!
  • Be careful what you buy for your kids!
  • Choose foods that have a minimum composition of ingredients.
  • The shorter the expiration date, the better.
  • Learn to cook everything for your children yourself!
  • Do not buy sweets and rolls, which include margarine and shortening.
  • Look for a healthy alternative, replace unhealthy foods with healthy and tasty ones!
  • Always remember that the modern food industry, the pharmaceutical industry does not need healthy people!

I wish good health to you and your children!

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” №8/2010 04.08.11

All children love bread. Having tried it for the first time, the child never refuses it afterwards.

Nutritionists recommend introducing a child to bread (only white and slightly dried!) for the first time after 8 months. Start from 3 years. After the first acquaintance with a new product, see if there is an allergic reaction. If everything is in order, feel free to enrich the child's diet with bread.

At one year old, it is useful for a child to eat about 15 g of bread per day. From a year to three years, the amount of wheat bread and bakery products in the diet of crumbs can be increased to 60-80 g.

Until the age of three, children should not be given bread with bran, rye and freshly baked white bread, since the baby's enzyme system is still not sufficiently formed and is not able to break down the oligosaccharides and gluten present in the bread. Unfortunately, the intake of these substances into the body can adversely affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract. With good tolerance, by the age of 3, introduce rye bread in the amount of 15-20 g per day.

After a year and a half, you can pamper your little gourmet with unleavened cookies, dryers, crackers, bagels and other “adult” bread treats. Enough 50-60 g for an afternoon snack, along with liquid, for example, juice, jelly, kefir. Various additives should be avoided - seeds, nuts, jam, etc., as well as the absence of preservatives and dyes in the composition. At the same time, carefully observe whether the baby chews well and whether there is a risk of choking on small pieces.

Our expert, children's nutritionist Adilya Safronova

In Rus', bread has always symbolized heroic strength, health and prosperity. It is not for nothing that the saying was born among the people: "Bread is the head of everything." The classic bread recipe is very simple. These are flour, water, salt and yeast. In more complex recipes, bread may include whole grains, sugar, molasses, fats, milk, whey, eggs, spices, sesame seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, cumin, poppy seeds), dried fruits, nuts.

In any case, this valuable product supplies carbohydrates to the child's body. And it also contains proteins, B vitamins, iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, manganese. Moreover, depending on the additives, its nutritional value increases.

What kind of bread to give the child

For children, buy bread only in the package. It should indicate the manufacturer and expiration date. For most baked goods, this is 24 to 48 hours. Never buy long-term storage bread for a child - it contains completely unchildish substances: baking improvers, vegetable fat, ethyl alcohol.

Remember that rich bakery products can be offered to a child only in the third year of life. But in this case, give them to him in a small amount and after the main meal. Such products contain fats and sugars, so they are high in calories, but at the same time have a low biological value.

Sandwich Recipes for Kids

spring toasts (2,5 of the year)

Compound: a couple of slices of black bread, 100 g of cottage cheese, st. a spoonful of sour cream or natural yogurt, half a bunch of parsley and dill, radish, salt.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Pour in sour cream. Finely chop the greens and mix with cottage cheese. Add salt to taste and spread on toast.
The child does not like greens? Spread the curd mass on the bread, and put thinly sliced ​​radishes on top.

Cucumber sandwich (2 of the year)

Compound: 2 slices of loaf, 1 medium cucumber, 10 g creamy
oil, a sprig of parsley, salt.

Brush each slice of bread with butter. Peel the cucumber, cut into thick circles. Put them on one slice of a loaf, salt a little, garnish with parsley. Cover with another slice of buttered bread.

homemade bread (1 year)

Compound: 350 g wheat flour, 180 ml boiled water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 7 g of dry yeast, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 1 dess. a spoonful of salt, Provence herbs, egg yolk.

Mix yeast and sugar in 90 ml of warm water, leave for 10 minutes. Sift the flour, make a well and add the yeast mixture, butter, salt, and the remaining water. Knead the dough, put some spices in it and do not touch it for half an hour. Make a loaf, grease with yolk and bake over medium heat for 30 minutes.
