
How to cook frozen vegetables? Cabbage and carrot salad. French quiche with zucchini and carrots

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Everyone eats vegetables. Vegetarians, meat eaters and raw foodists somehow include vegetable dishes in their diet.
Today we're going to share with you some tips to help you preserve all the valuable nutrients that vegetables are so rich in.
There is not a single person who could do without vegetables.
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, in season - cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant ...

It would seem that we know everything about the vegetables growing in our beds. However, there is no limit to perfection.

  • How to cook vegetables- FROM THE BED - INTO THE MOUTH

Vegetables are rich in vitamin C, folic acid and beta-carotene, contain a large number of dietary fiber(fiber).
Moreover, they are the only source of beta-carotene and vitamin C in our diet (especially dark green and red-orange). But, unfortunately, their beneficial features vegetables begin to lose immediately after they are harvested - even with proper storage.
Therefore, when bringing vegetables home, try to eat them as soon as possible, do not store them for a long time.

Nutritionists advise all vegetables that can be eaten raw to be consumed that way, without heat treatment. But this does not mean that you should give up warm vegetable dishes. The fact is that raw fruits and vegetables that have undergone heat treatment have an unequal effect on our body and are useful in different ways.
For example, raw vegetables stimulate the production of gastric juice and many digestive enzymes, and boiled ones have a beneficial effect on the stomach in diseases of the digestive tract.

  • How to cook vegetables– PROCESSING METHODS

The most correct of all methods of cooking vegetables is steaming.
It helps to keep most vitamins and minerals. If you don't have a steamer, you can fill it up to a third with water. large saucepan, install a metal colander on top and put peeled and chopped vegetables in layers. Close the structure with a tight-fitting lid.
The pot with vegetables must be placed on medium fire. Cook until vegetables are soft.

Blanching - short-term heating of the product in water or steam - is another way of cooking vegetables that will help preserve them. nutritional value and cook at the same time delicious side dish. Blanch tender young fruits - those that can be eaten raw (asparagus, zucchini, peas, kohlrabi, broccoli), as well as leafy vegetables. It is enough to dip the fruits in boiling water for a couple of minutes so that they are cooked on the outside, but remain fresh and crispy inside.
By the way, there is little trick: after blanching, vegetables (especially green ones) should be put in a bowl of ice water for a few seconds - this way you save them bright color. You can also blanch vegetables before freezing, then harmful microorganisms that can spoil the product will die.

Now stewing vegetables in own juice in a multicooker. The cut fruits are put into the bowl of the device, the “Extinguishing” mode and the cooking time are set, and the dish will be cooked at the appointed time!
Vegetables cooked in a slow cooker also retain their beneficial properties and do not boil soft, even if they are stewed for 4 hours.

And finally, baked vegetables. There are a million recipes for them. You can bake whole vegetables in foil, you can - in pieces, lightly sprinkled with oil. Vegetables can be stuffed, cooked from them casseroles, flan, julienne and other delicious dishes.

vegetable alphabet

  • How to cook vegetables- DO NOT DIGEST!

With prolonged heating, vitamins C and B group are almost completely destroyed in vegetables. That is why it is so important not to digest vegetables, that is, to expose them to the most gentle effect possible during heat treatment. It is better to cook vegetables on low heat in a tightly sealed container.

How to cook vegetables - THE RIGHT CHOICE
Vitamins in vegetables are also destroyed by contact with metals such as copper and iron, and even due to oxygen exposure to peeled fruits.
When cooking, use utensils of stainless steel or heat-resistant glass, as well as enameled. Use ceramic cutting knives.

How to cook vegetables - WONDER GRILL
Now it is fashionable to cook vegetables on the grill. In addition to the fact that such vegetables have beautiful view and differ bright taste and pronounced aroma, they are also extremely useful. By grilling, you do not use the fats that are usually needed for frying in a pan, which means that carcinogens are not formed in the dish.

How to cook vegetables - VEGETABLES IN BATTER
This is another great way to cook vegetables in such a way that they retain their full flavor and tenderness.
To prepare the dish, chopped vegetables (or whole, if the fruits are small) are dipped in liquid yeast-free dough and then fried in oil. But for losing weight, this recipe is not suitable!

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Vegetables are an important part of the human diet. They include the “right” carbohydrates, proteins, a small amount of fat, fiber, vitamins and trace elements. Eating vegetables is of great importance in maintaining a normal body weight, promoting health, and increasing life expectancy. In order for vegetables to be well digested, taste good and not lose their beneficial properties, it is necessary to master the technique of their proper preparation.

French blanching

Blanching is a method of processing vegetables using steam or boiling water. This method was invented by French culinary specialists and comes from the word "blanchir", which means "scalded with boiling water." Brief exposure to steam or hot water removes air from raw materials, destroys bacteria, stops the action of enzymes. Processed vegetables lose bad smell and taste, keep the structure and color, ready for long-term storage. As a result of heat treatment, a thin film is formed on the surface of vegetables, which retains the shape and useful properties of the product.

Blanching is used in preparing vegetables for the process long freeze. Processed foods do not lose nutrients and vitamins, remain juicy, retain their natural color, decrease in volume. They are easy to store in freezer, they are good for health and are a source of vitamins during the winter months.

Blanching can easily remove the skins from tomatoes, almonds and peanuts. Onion rings treated with boiling water lose their pungent odor and unpleasant taste. Green vegetables - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, celery retain their natural color thanks to this cooking method. Greens with a delicate structure - spinach, asparagus becomes soft, but does not lose its shape.

When blanching, vegetables are immersed in boiling water or doused with boiling water. Sometimes products are placed in a closed container containing steam. It is important to observe the time regime, which depends on the density of the vegetable and its size. For example, potatoes and eggplants are kept in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Kohlrabi is subjected to heat treatment for no more than 3 minutes. Parsley, dill, asparagus, zucchini, carrots are boiled for 1-2 minutes. After hot processing, the food must be cooled with ice water and dried thoroughly with a towel. The cooling time for vegetables corresponds to the time they are boiled.

Features of cooking different types of vegetables

In order to properly cook vegetables, you need to know a few "wisdom". They will help you get not only tasty, but also healthy dishes.

Vegetables white color(potatoes, onions, cauliflower) must be placed in boiling water. They are brought to half-cooked, then most of the water is drained and steamed over low heat, tightly closed with a lid. If the potatoes are cooked for salad, then a spoonful of vinegar should be added to the water, which will subsequently prevent the product from darkening. It is better to place one type of vegetables, the same size, in a saucepan.

Green vegetables are placed in boiling water and boiled for no more than 5 minutes (green beans, asparagus, spinach). For longer exposure high temperature they can boil and completely lose their beneficial properties.

orange vegetables with great content carotene should be boiled over high heat with a tightly closed lid. These include carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkins. An indicator of improper preparation is the coloring of water in a dark color.

All vegetables should be cooked in a small amount of salted water. The liquid level should be approximately one finger higher than the products in the container. The exception is beets. Salt significantly impairs its taste, but adding a teaspoon of vinegar will prevent the formation of a brown color. Sugar is able to preserve the natural color of vegetables and give the dish a brighter color (half a teaspoon per liter of water). Do not leave food in water after cooking. This makes the vegetables watery and impairs taste qualities.

Legumes (beans, lentils, peas) require a special cooking method. Such vegetables must be soaked for several hours in cold water but better at night. In order for the beans to boil well and be soft enough, they must be salted at the end of the cooking process.

Steaming healthy food

Steamed vegetables retain most of the vitamins and nutrients. Even vitamin C, which is unstable to heat treatment, is partially destroyed. Need to choose fresh vegetables so that the dish can please great taste and fragrant smell.

For this method, it is convenient to use a double boiler, but it does not matter if one is not available. A saucepan and a colander may well replace the missing household appliances. Pour a small amount of water into the bottom of the container and bring to a boil. Spread vegetables in a colander and steam for no more than 10-15 minutes. For example, the cooking time for carrots is 10 minutes, potatoes require a quarter of an hour, spinach only a few minutes. Steaming vegetables is an option diet food improves digestion and strengthens the immune system.

Delicious stew

Braising is a cooking method that includes elements of frying and boiling. In this way, vegetables can be cooked both on the stove and in the oven. Products cut into equal slices are laid out in a pan or on a baking sheet, seasoned a small amount water or meat broth. To preserve useful properties, fat can be added at the end of cooking. The stewing process takes about an hour on low heat under a tightly closed lid.

In one dish, you can use a diverse set of vegetables, the taste of which complements each other favorably. Vegetable stew is usually made from potatoes, carrots, onions, eggplants, zucchini, bell peppers. Some gourmets add wine or beer to the sauce. Spicy taste the dish can be given fragrant herbs. Unfortunately, when stewing, the “lion’s” share of the vitamins contained in the products is destroyed.

Crispy Baking

Baked vegetables are both tasty and wholesome food. They prepare with the minimum amount fat, form a crispy appetizing crust, retain juiciness. You can bake products in the oven, air grill, on the grill. They can be cooked whole, sliced, or wrapped in foil. Most fragrant dishes obtained on the grill.

Wash and dry vegetables thoroughly before roasting. Usually the skin is not subject to circumcision. In order to achieve a crispy crust, vegetables are salted just before serving. To preserve juiciness during baking, it is recommended to lubricate the products with vegetable oil several times.

Fast Cooking Frozen Vegetables

Frozen vegetables have many benefits. They are prepared for use, boil quickly, and are not inferior in terms of the content of vitamins and nutrients. fresh produce. They should not be thawed before cooking, they can be subjected to all types of heat treatment and even eaten raw. However, it must be remembered that defrosted products cannot be re-frozen. Vegetables with improper storage lose their beneficial properties and can become a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Regardless of the method of preparation, vegetables should always be on the table of every housewife. Perfectly combined with other products, they qualitatively diversify the diet, improve the taste of dishes and fill food with healthy energy.

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Delicious doesn't always have to be bad. Our desire, at every opportunity, to grab onto fried foods and sandwiches is just a matter of habit.

website together with the culinary site presents you short and simple recipes cooking vegetables, having mastered which, you will be surprised for a long time how such yummy can be also useful.

Bruschetta with fresh vegetables


  • baguette - 1 pc.
  • medium tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • sweet green pepper - 1 pc.
  • radish - 6 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • shallots - 1 pc.
  • parsley - a small bunch
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • grated parmesan - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. olive oil with finely chopped or pressed garlic clove. Cut the baguette in half, and then divide each half lengthwise into 2 parts.
  2. Grease each piece of baguette garlic oil, put on a baking sheet and fry in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 10 minutes.
  3. At this time, finely chop the tomatoes into a salad bowl, Bell pepper, radishes and shallots. Add chopped parsley, squeeze garlic, salt, pepper, season olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  4. Once the toasts are ready, take them out of the oven, put the vegetables on top and sprinkle with parmesan.

Baked vegetables in tomato sauce


  • eggplant - 1 pc.
  • small zucchini - 1 pc.
  • red bell pepper- 2 pcs.
  • medium bulb - 2 pcs.
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • a pinch of cumin (cumin)
  • a pinch of dried oregano
  • a pinch of ground coriander
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • medium tomato - 4 pcs.
  • greens - a small bunch
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash vegetables. Cut the eggplant and zucchini into rings of medium thickness, cut the pepper into cubes.
  2. Mix finely chopped onion and garlic, oil, herbs in a bowl and fry in a preheated pan for about 5 minutes.
  3. At this time, wash and scald the tomatoes. Remove the skin from them and grind them in a blender. We add them and tomato paste into the skillet and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  4. We spread the eggplant and zucchini rings in a baking dish, pour the tomato mixture from the pan on top, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover with foil and place in the oven. Bake at a temperature of 200 degrees until the vegetables are soft (about 40 minutes).
  5. When the dish is ready, sprinkle it with finely chopped herbs and serve hot.

Pasta farfalle with vegetables


  • farfalle - 250 g
  • medium onion - 2 pcs.
  • medium carrot - 2 pcs.
  • celery (root) - 200 g
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • paprika - 1/2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Peel onions, carrots and celery. Finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots and celery on a coarse grater.
  2. Sauté the vegetables in a skillet with olive oil over high heat for 5 minutes, stirring regularly.
  3. Boil pasta in salted water following package instructions.
  4. After the “bows” are cooked, add them to the pan with vegetables, salt, pepper and fry for a few more minutes. Sprinkle with paprika before serving.

French quiche with zucchini and carrots


  • medium zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • large carrots - 4 pcs.
  • cream - 200 ml
  • milk - 100 ml
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 200 g
  • butter - 90 g
  • water - 80 ml
  • salt - to taste


  1. Mix softened in a food processor butter with flour. Add 80 ml of water, a pinch of salt and 1 egg. If the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour. It should easily move away from the bowl.
  2. Roll the resulting dough into a ball, wrap cling film and refrigerate while you prepare the filling.
  3. Prepare the vegetables: Using a utility knife, cut the zucchini and carrots into thin longitudinal slices. If necessary, carrots can be peeled.
  4. Dip the carrot slices in boiling water, but not more than a minute to make them more plastic.
  5. Take the dough out of the refrigerator. On a floured work surface, roll out the dough.
  6. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle lightly with flour. Lay out the rolled out dough and carefully fold the edges. Start spreading the vegetables into the dough in a circle. If the zucchini slices are much taller than the carrot slices, then they can be cut in half.
  7. In a separate bowl, beat 3 eggs, milk and cream. Salt. You can add other spices according to your taste, for example ground pepper or curry. Pour this mixture over the pie to completely cover the vegetable flower.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 50 minutes.

Tomato puree soup with roasted peppers


  • tomatoes (best to use " bull heart"") - 750 g
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 3 pcs.
  • red onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • vegetable broth - 500–600 ml
  • fresh basil - small bunch
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Tabasco sauce - to taste
  • salt, pepper - to taste


  1. Peel the onion and cut into 4 pieces. Do not peel the garlic, but only divide it into cloves. Brush the peppers with olive oil and place on a baking sheet.
  2. Place tomatoes, onion and garlic on another baking sheet, drizzle olive oil on top, cover this baking sheet with foil. Place the vegetables in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake for 35-40 minutes.
  3. Cool vegetables. Then remove the skin from the peppers and remove the seeds. Peel the roasted garlic.
  4. Place all ingredients in a blender, salt, pepper, add Tabasco and basil to taste, pour vegetable broth and whisk at maximum speed until uniform consistency. Before serving, heat the soup to the desired temperature or serve cold.

Oven-roasted cauliflower and broccoli with garlic


  • cauliflower - 250 g
  • broccoli - 250 g
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • coriander seeds - 1 tsp
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste


  1. Disassemble cauliflower and broccoli on inflorescences. Place vegetables in a large bowl and sprinkle with crushed coriander seeds.
  2. In a mortar, grind the garlic with 1 tsp. salt and add oil.
  3. Then you need to sprinkle the vegetables with the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes.

Vegetable stew with garlic and pepper


  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • yellow pepper - 1 pc.
  • red pepper - 1 pc.
  • shallots - 1 pc.
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Zucchini pancakes with cheese and garlic

A wonderfully simple and delicious vegetable dish. curvy, juicy pancakes from zucchini with garlic and cheese, prepared according to the methods of American grandmothers.

Korean carrot at home

Lightweight and fast way prepare a crunchy appetizer festive table. To taste, this Korean-style carrot cannot be distinguished from the purchased one. But at a price it will come out four times cheaper.

Mashed potato cutlets

These tender and easy-to-cook cutlets can be eaten at least every day. And if you want to make them holiday treat Serve them with a creamy mushroom sauce.

cabbage pancakes

Cabbage pancakes are a delicious, unpretentious dish that consists of the most simple ingredients and it cooks pretty fast. Ready-made pancakes are distinguished by a rich cabbage flavor, emphasized by light notes of cumin.

Classic potato gratin

classic dish french cuisinepotato casserole co cream cheese sauce. Not everyone gets it right the first time. Why? Check out our recommendations and your first gratin will be beyond praise.

Crispy potato wedges in the oven

If you love baking potatoes in the oven and want to learn how to cook them with a crispy fragrant crust, then this recipe is for you. potato wedges they turn out not only tasty, but also very aesthetic - bright, like pure gold.

Potatoes in the microwave

Microwave recipes are traditionally associated with food on the hastily. Now you will learn how to cook an excellent baked potato with fragrant spices in 10 minutes.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk

The most popular pumpkin dish in our country. This porridge is probably boiled in every house when it comes pumpkin season. If you have not yet succeeded in it, try this recipe - you will cook excellently delicious porridge.

marinated eggplant, stuffed with vegetables

A very tasty vegetable dish - pickled eggplant with pepper in a hurry - will be ready in six hours. Looks spectacular on the holiday table.

Ajapsandali in Georgian

Traditional Georgian dish from vegetables, the tastiest and very simple. Authentic Recipe, you will learn how to cook this dish so that it turns out deliciously delicious.

Zucchini in Korean fast food

Quick marinated zucchini with carrots, garlic, onions and Korean spices in sweet and sour marinade. Overeating!

Zucchini in batter

An exceptionally tasty vegetable dish - juicy young zucchini fried in a light, crispy batter.

Pickled cabbage with beets

Great recipe for those who love pickled cabbage snacks in a hurry. Cabbage is bright, fragrant, with a pronounced taste, it is well stored in the refrigerator.

Pickled zucchini instant eating

High speed vegetable recipe. Just two hours - and on the table excellent snack, which is swept away, not having time to understand what it was. Maybe zucchini?

Pea mash

A simple dish for every day that you might like even more than mashed potatoes. Rich taste, delicate texture and very little fat. Ideal for those who care about their figure. After all, peas are the very "slow" carbohydrates that nutritionists recommend replacing fast ones - potatoes, pasta and bread.

The most simple casserole from zucchini

In summer, you can eat such a dish at least every day, simple, just five minutes in the kitchen, with minimum set products, juicy, satisfying and remarkably tasty.

Cabbage stew with mushrooms

Mushrooms are very good in combination with various vegetables. For example, they perfectly complement cabbage dishes, which easily absorb any taste of the products with which it is stewed. In fact, it turns out mushroom cabbage try it, it's delicious!

Lenten cabbage rolls with rice and mushrooms

cute recipe stuffed cabbage with rice and mushrooms, which will delight all lovers of vegetable dishes.

Lenten manty with vegetable stuffing

An original and simple dish of vegetables. Manti dough is made without eggs, so it is suitable for vegetarians.

Lean lasagna

Juicy lasagne on dough without eggs, stuffed with potatoes and zucchini, with bright vegetable sauce.

Baked potatoes with mayonnaise and garlic

A nostalgic recipe from the "every day" series. Such potatoes were especially popular in the 90s, when food prices rose every day and many were literally saved by potatoes stored for the winter, stored in bags in the kitchen or in the vestibule.

potato cutlets with peas

If you want to diversify the menu with an unusual, but absolutely easy-to-prepare dish, make these potato cutlets. The recipe is mega-budget - in the composition of no butter, no eggs, no cheese. The taste is bright due to the addition to the potatoes fried onion and canned peas.

Potato in a pot

If for some reason you are unable to fried potatoes(and I myself toiled with it for a long time until I found the basic principle of cooking), then buy yourself a pair clay pots and bring them to readiness lightly fried potatoes. If you add another onion, the dish will turn out to be just an overeating.

Potato zrazy with mushrooms

A simple and tasty dish for every day. Yes, yes, because preparing such zrazy is very, very simple. If you had difficulties with the preparation of zrazy, then most likely you were mistaken with the proportions of the products for the potato "dough". But the correct recipe will fix everything.

simple recipe carrot cutlets

One of those vegetable dishes that you can’t cook using the “mix everything somehow and put it in a pan” method. The Right Recipe carrot cutlets, gentle and at the same time retaining its shape. A special taste is achieved by stewing carrots in milk.

stuffed pumpkin

This pumpkin turns out so tasty and beautiful that it is quite possible to cook it as the main dish for the festive table - the filling from minced meat With fried onions, cheese and pumpkin pulp.

How to bake eggplant with tomatoes and cheese

A simple vegetable dish in haste - sliced ​​​​aubergine and tomatoes are baked under a thin layer of cheese.

The easiest way to bake a pumpkin in the oven

A simple and tasty dish made from a seasonal vegetable, pumpkin. Prepared according to the principle of potatoes in a rustic way. The pumpkin is sprinkled with dry herbs and grated garlic and baked in the oven with a little vegetable oil.

Pumpkin cutlets

pumpkin cutlets with potatoes, garlic, oatmeal and fragrant herbs.

Oven baked eggplant boats

One of the most simple ways eggplant stuffing - cut them in half, scrape out the pulp and fill with any filling that is more to your liking. We will have a mixture chicken fillet, sweet bell pepper, eggplant pulp and garlic. Eggplants are baked cheese crust. The recipe will do, for example, for adherents of separate nutrition.

pumpkin fritters

Amazing delicious pancakes pumpkins are obtained by adding dried apricots and spices to them. A recipe without milk and kefir, a real vegetable dish.

Draniki with pumpkin

Draniki does not have to be made only from potatoes and onions. You can add seasonal vegetables, such as pumpkin, to the dough. How to do it right is illustrated in detail in this step-by-step recipe.

Ravioli with pumpkin

Italian ravioli with pumpkin and cheese, in some ways it is much easier, and in some ways more difficult to prepare than our dumplings. All the efforts of the cook are spent on kneading the dough, which will need to be tormented for at least 10 minutes - I entrust this process to the combine. But making ravioli is a pleasure.

Cutlets from zucchini

Basic Recipe zucchini cutlet with semolina, eggs and fried onions. Minced meat turns out juicy and tender, semolina is not felt at all, cutlets keep their shape well.

Stew from stewed pumpkin and vegetables

Pumpkin, carrots, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and potatoes are a great bouquet for an autumn vegetable stew.

Warm pumpkin salad with bacon, arugula and olives

If you have already tried doing warm salads from seasonal vegetables and realized that this is a very tasty thing and worth the gestures that need to be taken to bake something, fry something, and marinate something else for a while, then be sure to try this pumpkin salad with arugula fried bacon in a bright sweet and sour dressing.

cabbage cutlets

Simple, delicious recipe for each day from inexpensive products. In the composition, in addition to cabbage, only one egg, flour, breadcrumbs and salt.

Potato accordion in the oven, recipe with lard and prunes

Extremely tasty potato in uniform with spicy stuffing from lard and prunes.

eggplant gratin

Although the author of this recipe, Nika Belotserkovskaya, calls the dish "gratin", it tastes very similar to regular baked eggplants. The only difference is that it is prepared with special care, with a delicate tomato puree sauce, a subtle hint of garlic and bright aroma fresh basil.

"Fettuccine" from zucchini

Zucchini is a vegetable that I fall in love with more and more every summer. Who would have thought that they could make such amazing dishes. And all thanks to ... a vegetable peeler. She can cut long thin ribbons from zucchini. And wrap various rolls with these ribbons, make amazing pizza toppings out of them, or take zucchini and disguise them as Italian noodles self made. And what? Our work is also handmade! And what a delicious...

beans in tomato sauce

I came up with this bean sauce myself, which I’m even a little proud of. And it arose after one unsuccessful experience with Moroccan meatballs. There was a huge list of spices, and by gradually adding them to tomato sauce, I found out which seasonings go with it and which do not. To some, it may seem that ginger with garlic is too much. But nothing like that. Balanced with coriander and onion, they create an excellent flavor bouquet. Even my kids liked it. And try to feed the children with beans yourself :)

Sauteed vegetables

The whole way of preparing this delicious vegetable dish can be reduced to two phrases: cut everything coarsely and fry without covering with a lid. The result is one of the most delicious, in my opinion, lean dishes. Far less high-calorie than fried potatoes, but almost the same satisfying. It takes much less time to cook - vegetables do not need to be peeled. Although, in fairness, I remove part of the skin from the eggplant. But this, of course, cannot be compared with peeling potatoes.

Casserole with feta and spinach

In the morning it is better to get up on the right foot, and start the day with the right food. Charge Have a good mood Monday guarantees a casserole with feta and spinach. Spend ten minutes preparing, put in the oven and go about your business, and after half an hour you can sit down at the table.

How to cook artichokes

A vegetable is not a vegetable, a flower is not a flower. The artichoke can surprise and even scare with its tough leaves with sharp spikes at the tips. How can you eat this? And how can it be considered a delicacy? In fact, in the homeland of artichokes, in Sicily, these vegetables are no more exotic than, for example, zucchini or cabbage. Italian masters skillfully know how to cut prickly vegetables, getting to juicy delicious pulp from which you can cook a lot interesting dishes. Today we will focus on the simplest and perhaps the most delicious ...


Among the many eggplant dishes, this Italian casserole stands out primarily because it is almost impossible to guess what it is made of. Eggplants are soaked and then “masked” with batter so much that most of those who tried it decided that this casserole was chicken or meat. However, during fasting it is quite possible to do without batter, then you will get more easy option classic dish.

Baked potato with cheese

These potatoes look like they've been baked whole. In fact, under the thin golden crust hidden surprise - gentle puree with cream cheese and herbs. To prepare such a potato with a secret, we bake it ... twice.

I recommend everyone cook Lenten dish from potatoes and mushrooms. This dish is prepared without eggs, without meat and without cheese, from the simplest ingredients, but it turns out very tasty and satisfying. Lean Recipe potato rolls with mushrooms in tomato sauce - for lunch, dinner and even on the festive table!

potatoes, fresh champignons, onion, flour, vegetable oil, tomato paste, salt, sugar, spicy herbs, dill, boiled water

Vegetable stew with mushrooms, beans and dumplings - a bright, very tasty and healthy dish. In fasting and for vegetarians it is vegetable stew- a real find. It won't be difficult to prepare it. Dumplings with fragrant dry herbs will be a special highlight of this stew and, together with beans, will make the dish hearty and nutritious!

leeks, sweet peppers, carrots, fresh mushrooms, canned tomatoes in their own juice, canned beans, ice cream green peas, garlic...

Radish is one of the first spring vegetables appearing on our tables. Apart from habitual salads from radishes, I suggest you cook radishes baked in the oven! This radish has more delicate taste And it's very quick and easy to prepare!

radish, vegetable oil, honey, rosemary, salt, ground black pepper

Potato baked with two types of cheese - interesting side dish or independent dish. It's basically a potato casserole. cream cheese sauce, with onion and sweet pepper, under cheese crust. You will have to tinker a little with the preparation, but the result is worth it.

potatoes, smoked cheese, hard cheese, onion, green onion, bell pepper, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt

Tasty dish, which will decorate your post, and is also perfect for vegetarians. bright and rich taste and ease of preparation. The components for the Buddha bowl can be different, so the likelihood that the dish will get bored is very small!

quinoa (quinoa), couscous (couscous), white cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, petiole celery, green peas, green beans, salt, ground paprika, turmeric...

Recipe beautiful dish from potatoes with portioned serving - baked potatoes in foil stuffed with cottage cheese, tomatoes and greens. Baked potatoes are much tastier and more aromatic than just boiled ones. In addition, such a side dish will also be a table decoration.

potatoes, cottage cheese, cherry tomatoes, dill, vegetable oil, garlic, salt, ground black pepper

string beans in tomato sauce - it's healthy, tasty and very quick to prepare. Thanks to tomatoes, the beans are juicy and appetizing. This dish is perfect for light dinner or will it become useful side dish or addition to it.

green beans, canned tomatoes in their own juice, onion, garlic, olive oil, parsley, salt, ground black pepper

Many bypass pearl barley, considering it a simple and not very attractive porridge. Today I will show you how to barley porridge turn into something unusual and very tasty. Cooking barley porridge with beans, pumpkin, celery and mushrooms. Help yourself!

pearl barley, beans, pumpkin, petiole celery, red onion, dried mushrooms, sour cream, butter, vegetable oil, breadcrumbs, paprika, salt...

salad in winter sweet carrot, juicy spicy radish And homemade sour cream- it's just a pleasure. On cold cloudy days, it will come in handy to treat yourself to this delicious, beautiful and slightly spicy salad. Therefore, without delay, we are preparing this vitamin and very delicious salad from radishes and carrots.

radish, carrot, sour cream, salt

In this pasta recipe ( pasta) uses the world-beating combination of beets and goat cheese. Let's make the pasta sauce even more interesting by adding an ingredient that is completely different in structure, taste and color - poppy seeds. The dish will sparkle with new colors, but will not cease to be simple and tasty.

spaghetti, beets, cheese, olive oil, garlic, poppy seeds, salt, ground black pepper, parmesan cheese

Risotto according to this recipe is very delicate garnish or a main dish of rice, zucchini, mushrooms and cheese. If you exclude cheese, you get a fragrant lean dish.

rice, mushrooms, zucchini, onion, parmesan cheese, broth, olive oil, salt

Homemade beans in a tomato can not be compared with those bought in a store, and cooking them is easy. Beans in tomato sauce can be eaten both warm and cold, as a side dish or an independent dish.

beans, carrots, onions, tomato paste, tomato juice, garlic, vegetable oil, ground black pepper, salt
