
The easiest 3 ingredient cookie ever. Recipe: Simple puff pastry - False puff pastry


May 13, 2016 13:25

By Fabiosa

To prepare this delicious dessert, you don’t have to run to the store and buy a huge amount of expensive products there. Everything is much easier! These tender, melt-in-your-mouth cookies can be baked with very simple ingredients that any housewife always has on hand.

A huge plus of the recipe for this cookie is that it takes a little time to prepare it. So, to bake it, any occasion will do. And if you are collecting your child for school and decide to treat him with a delicious dessert in the morning, and you are completely short of time. And if you suddenly found out that in an hour you will have guests, and there is absolutely nothing to treat them with. And if you just wanted to please your family with something tasty, but at the same time you absolutely don’t want to spend half a day in the kitchen.

So, to prepare this cookie, we need only 3 simple ingredients:

  • butter - 170 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • flour - 250 g.

To bake cookies, you need quite a few simple steps:

1. Mix butter with sugar until smooth, airy.

2. Add flour to the butter and sugar and beat until fine crumbs.

3. Place the mixture in a clean bowl and knead with your hands until a dough forms.

4. Form the dough into a long rectangular sausage.

5. Sprinkle the dough with unrefined or coarsely granulated sugar.

6. Transfer it to cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.

7. Cut the dough into 1 cm thick pieces and place on a baking sheet.

8. Put the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes, until golden brown.

The most delicate shortbread cookies are ready. And by the way, here, if you have the desire and time, you can give free rein to your imagination. After all, our dessert is like a blank canvas. You can pour it with fruit or chocolate topping, you can sprinkle with coconut flakes or just add jam to it. Create, as your imagination tells you, and please your family and friends!

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Bon appetit!

Each of us wants to be able to enjoy homemade food, especially sweets. But, unfortunately, there is not always enough time to cook. Yes, and some ingredients for baking can be difficult to get ...

Therefore, we decided to please you with a recipe for an incredibly simple shortbread cookie, which is made from just three ingredients. And most importantly - every hostess always has them. Well, let's get started?


✓ Wheat flour 250 g

✓ Butter 170 g

✓ Sugar 150 g


Mix softened butter with 100 g of sugar until creamy. You can use a mixer.

Add flour to the mass. Break up the dough. It should be a small crumb.

Knead the dough.

Roll it into a sausage.

Cover the table with parchment paper and sprinkle it with 50 g of sugar. Roll the dough in sugar.

Wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Cut the dough into 1 cm thick pieces and place them on a baking sheet.

Send the future cookies to the oven, heated to 180 ° C, and bake for 20 minutes.

Bon appetit!

I will write a recipe for a simple homemade cookie. It's not new, but maybe someone forgot, I'll remind you)))
I called it false puff, because it is not puff, but it turns out, as it were, a puff effect when you eat or break it and look what's inside.
My children love these cookies, it is especially convenient to take with you on trips - there is something to crunch in the car. And the children are busy and mom can relax mentally)

Cookies include a minimum of ingredients - three, except for sprinkling with sugar, if with it, then four. No baking soda, no eggs, but it turns out incredibly tasty, crunchy and budget-friendly cookies!

I usually do a little, for 1 glass of flour, so that they eat it and it does not lie. You can double the recipe.

Sift the flour into a bowl and grate half a pack of margarine (or butter, as you like, but if you take an economy recipe, then margarine).

We get these curls.

Mix lightly.

Add sour cream and mix again.

Then we slowly take matters into our own hands, that is, we knead the dough with our hands.

It turns out here is such a ball.

You can put the dough in the refrigerator (only in a bag or film) and make cookies in the morning, for example. And you can roll right away.
The only thing is that it is harder to roll it out of the refrigerator, so you need to hold it at room temperature for a while.

Sprinkle the surface on which we will roll out the dough with a little flour.

Roll out the dough a little. Only a little, since the main roll will be with sugar.

Then sprinkle with sugar, plentifully.

Spread over the dough with your hand so that the sugar is around the entire perimeter.

Roll out with a rolling pin as if pressing sugar into cookies.

We get a layer of dough. The sugar should be pressed in a little, so that when the cookies are transferred to the deco, they do not crumble.

We cut it arbitrarily, as you like. I like diamonds. True, sometimes I'm in a hurry and get a variety of geometry.

The thickness of the cookie is approximately 0.5 cm.

Carefully separate and transfer to deco or any form in which cookies will be baked. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil.

Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 20-25 minutes (until golden brown).

I got these crunchy cookies.

It looks like there are many layers inside. The taste is similar to something in between: shortcrust + puff pastry.

Cooking time: PT00H40M 40 min.

If you love homemade cookies, this recipe is for you. It is fast, uncomplicated and inexpensive. To knead the dough, you will need only 3 ingredients, which are almost always at hand, and half an hour of free time. Yes, you need just enough to pamper your household with delicious pastries for tea.

A quick homemade cookie recipe is good because you can recycle pieces of unused butter stored in the freezer that are left over from previous culinary creations: any baking housewife will have such “stocks”. It is not scary if you take pieces of different oils, it is important that this “creamy hodgepodge” is of the same type, i.e. either just butter or just margarine.

Let's start making our three-ingredient cookies.


  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Butter
    or margarine -
    150-170 gr.
  • Flour - 2.5 cups


  1. We shift the oil into a glass, ceramic or plastic container and send it to the microwave for 8-10 seconds. It should melt completely. This can be done on the stove over low heat, then you will need a metal bowl. Pour sugar into the butter and grind until a homogeneous consistency.

  2. Then add flour and mix.

  3. The exact amount of flour will depend on how much butter you put in. The dough should stick well from your hands, but it should not look like plasticine and remain a little crumbly.

  4. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees and start working with the dough. Sprinkle the work surface with flour and roll it into a fairly thin layer, from which we cut out the figures.

  5. If you don't have molds, use a regular mug - you will get round cookies.

  6. We spread the circles on a baking sheet with baking paper and put it in the oven.

  7. To cook the cookies, 10-12 minutes are enough at a temperature of 190 degrees. When your pastries are browned, it's time to take them out of the oven. Once cooled, these three-ingredient quick homemade cookies are ready to eat. Bon sweet appetite!
