
What's easy to eat for dinner. Stars about dinner

Evening gluttons, familiar to many, arise due to improper eating behavior during the day, when instead of a full breakfast, lunch and snacks, you eat as you please.

Unfortunately, if you don’t follow the rules, a late “breakthrough” to the refrigerator is inevitable. I will try to tell you in this article how to rebuild your regime and what the right dinner should be.

How to prevent evening cravings?

Rule #1 – eat breakfast

Breakfast is the very first and most important meal of the day. It “starts” metabolic processes, including fat burning. Skipping breakfast will slow down your calorie expenditure throughout the day, which will eventually make you gain weight, but most importantly, there is a high risk of overeating in the evening, which, combined with a slow metabolism, will speed up the process of weight gain.

Breakfast consisting of cereal made from sugar and corn flour, or a white bread sandwich with sausage - this is also not an option.

The right breakfast for those losing weight is complex carbohydrates (porridge, bread from whole grain with bran), fruits or dried fruits, yoghurts, curds, boiled eggs or omelettes.

Several options for a healthy breakfast:

  1. 150 g porridge in water with apple pieces, 1 boiled egg, unsweetened tea.
  2. 150 g low-fat cottage cheese with 50 g dried fruits, 2 loaves of bread, tea.
  3. Omelette of 1 egg, 1 egg white and milk with a small amount of vegetable oil, a tomato and a slice of bread, a drink.

Rule #2 – Eat lunch

If proper breakfast You can still cook, because after all, you wake up at home, but most people have to have lunch at work. There are not many options here - take food with you, eat what is given in the canteen, or eat in a cafe or restaurant.

It's best to cook something dietary at home and take a so-called lunch box with you. Basically, if you take with you a salad of vegetables and steamed fish, then they will not spoil in a few hours without refrigeration. This is what I do, because the canteen of the institution where I now work does not offer dietary dishes...

Sometimes, when I don’t have time to cook (or don’t feel like it), I take with me fitness bread with cheese, a couple of apples and yogurt. This ration is enough for me for a day. Grain bread without yeast or fitness bread, fruits and sour milk often save me from “starvation” at work, without consequences for my figure, and they contain plenty of useful substances. I advise you to do the same. A busy schedule or time pressure at work is not at all a reason to skip snacks or eat everything “that is not nailed down”!

In restaurants, canteens or cafes, choose the most simple dishessteamed vegetables, baked or stewed meats, cereal dishes and sugar-free drinks.

Start your lunch with a salad or just chopped vegetables.

Then the soup - better light vegetable or broth.

Main course – low-fat protein products and cereals or boiled potatoes on the side

Rule #3 – If it’s a long time before dinner, have a snack.

You can have a snack 2 - 2.5 hours after eating if the next full meal is still far away. A snack is 1 fruit plus a piece of cheese, yogurt with bread, a handful of nuts and dried fruits, fermented milk drinks or sugar-free cottage cheese. Such snacks will help you survive until dinner without leaving you feeling incredibly hungry.

Rule No. 4 – have a light and satisfying dinner

The main thing to understand is that dinner is not the reason for the formation of fat in your body. Moreover, the right dinner can even make you slimmer, help you fall asleep easier and wake up with ease.

Dinner should be approximately 15-20% of daily requirement in energy. Ideally, it should consist of light protein products (seafood, fish, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese or other fermented milk products), stewed vegetables, minimal amount of fat.

Option correct lung dinner could be a baked apple and a glass of kefir or a little cottage cheese, plus green tea, good dinner for those losing weight - green or just scrambled eggs with vegetables.

This should be enough if you followed my recommendations during the day, ate properly and two hours after light dinner Let's go sleep.

Hearty and light dinner

But what to do if you were unable to have a normal lunch (this is an exception, not a variant of the norm!) and go to bed late? In this case, a dinner of fish and stewed vegetables should be supplemented with complex carbohydrates - a piece of bread, a small amount rice, and after a couple of hours drink a glass of kefir or other low-fat fermented milk drink sugarless.

Fish and cottage cheese are wonderful “evening” sources of protein. Supplement them with vegetables and complex carbohydrates, then your dinner will be healthy, satisfying, but not “heavy”. You can even cook yourself delicious pasta with vegetables (pasta, of course, without oil and a little).

If you eat 4-5 or even 6 times a day, but in small portions, you will be able to avoid attacks of evening hunger and provide your body with all the nutrients and nutrients it needs. useful substances. And forget about the habit of eating hastily - it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to understand that the body is full, so pauses during dinner will be very useful.

How and when to have dinner correctly

It is better to have dinner in good company, but not in front of the TV or with a newspaper in front of your eyes. This way you will eat less. After all, it’s always more difficult to overeat when someone other than the TV is watching you. The atmosphere should not excite your excessive appetite; use light-colored dishes; you can also turn on calm music.

It is better to have dinner no later than two to three hours before bedtime, so that food does not interfere with normal sleep, and sleep does not interfere with proper digestion. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat fermented milk drink.

Healthy lifestyle... How much meaning does this phrase have? Is there a fine line that will help distinguish between a person with a fanatically keen desire to always be young and healthy, and someone who simply does not want to harm himself while enjoying life? Of course, alcohol, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, an irrational daily schedule and bad food will very quickly turn even a hero into a sick person, so each of us needs to try to reduce negative factors to a minimum. Healthy eating is one of the highest priority goals for anyone who strives for a full and long life. In today’s article we will try to reveal not the entire nutrition system as a whole, but only one part of it. We will find out what a proper dinner is and whether it is possible to combine the points of view of nutritionists and lovers of various delicacies together, to find the treasured golden line between healthy and tasty.

The key to health and longevity

First, a little topical reality. Few of our contemporaries can boast of a normal working day, the ability to work until five o’clock in the evening and the absence of obstacles on the way home, such as a supermarket, meeting with friends, resolving personal issues and, of course, many kilometers of exhausting traffic jams. Well, how can you prepare and eat the right dinner on time if a person’s only desire at the end of the day is to lie on the couch and relax. Salad and steamed dishes, you say? No, we haven't heard of that. Pizza heated in the microwave and Chinese food from the delivery service are what we indulge in for bedtime.

As a result, we end up with fatty, unbalanced foods, too many calories, heaviness in the stomach, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This whole bouquet results in symptoms that are quite typical for any city dweller: frequent headache, nausea, insomnia, bowel problems, obesity and general poor health. What to do in this case, what to eat for dinner when proper nutrition?

Good night

During the day, every person needs to perform many actions: some go to work, some study, and some laze around at home. Some, after completing the “compulsory program,” can come to their cozy nest and calmly indulge in doing nothing, while others just dream about it in a sweet dream. Hobbies, children, housework - how many things do people have to do that require them to spend their precious kilocalories? That is why for each of us there is no single principle that would describe what a healthier diet is in general and a proper dinner in particular.

To be alert and fresh in the morning, it is important to get a good night's sleep, and before that, eat normally in the evening. Nutritionists, bloggers specializing in healthy way life, and simply all those who ate the dog in this matter, claim that evening reception food is a must. It can consist of a variety of dishes, the main thing is that they are light, not high in calories and easily digestible. So, with proper nutrition?

    fish, seafood or dietary meat;

    vegetables, however, it is better to say “no” to those types that contain a lot of carbohydrates (potatoes, carrots, beets);

    dairy products.

According to the norms, for a person who does not comply strict diet and is not a professional athlete, you need to consume about 300 kcal at dinner (250 for men and 350 for women). Two-thirds of what is on the plate are vegetables, and not only those that have been heat-treated, but also fresh ones. The rest is proteins in the form of poultry, rabbit, veal or fish. Mushrooms, as an alternative to animal proteins, are a completely acceptable option.

Dinner 18+

For those who still have strength after a hard working day, and whose soul desires holiday and love, you need to especially carefully think through your proper dinner. There will always be debate about a variety of products that increase sexual desire in men and women, but the ingredients that have been proven over the centuries and by many passionate couples that will complement any recipe exist and cannot be doubted.

The basis of a romantic dinner should be the same protein, but to achieve the desired effect it must be generously seasoned with spicy exotic herbs that will excite hot feelings in partners. Fresh vegetables (for example, a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, celery) along with a variety of herbs (cilantro, parsley, parsnips or basil) and soft varieties cheese is the most correct dinner. Recipes should be as simple as possible; it is better to cook food on the grill or bake in the oven. Having tasted such a delicious dish, a man cannot help but thank his beloved for the culinary masterpiece on a pleasant evening and night.

Eating with children

Children's dinner is slightly different from adult's. Kids spend much more energy during the day; they grow up, experiencing enormous stress at school, various clubs and sections. This does not mean that they can be fed fast food, but mothers should try to make dinner nutritious and varied.

A delicious salad of fresh or boiled vegetables with meat, casserole or pudding are excellent options for tasty and healthy dinner for the little gourmet. In addition to being useful and meeting the needs child's body, preparing such dishes is simple and quick.

Dinner: proper or healthy?

The trend towards obesity and short life expectancy is something that doctors around the world have to deal with every day. Naturally, each specialist adheres to his own methods and ways of dealing with overweight and improving the health of the human body in need of a diet. Some of them go to extremes, and in pursuit of quick results, they “break down” their clients’ already shaky metabolism, turning people into their eternal patients.

Specialized publications are replete with diets and works of pseudoscientists who guarantee quick loss weight and normalization of digestion using strange and dubious methods. But you need to understand that the normal functioning of the body requires a person to consume not only proteins or carbohydrates, but also fats, vitamins, and minerals. It is possible to exclude any component from the diet, but only for a short period, because single-component diets have nothing to do with being rational and varied. The right dinner for weight loss is not a bowl of empty buckwheat or a glass low-fat kefir, A normal dish with a balanced composition, including different groups of ingredients.

Mouth shut

Another myth that forces you to lock not so much your mouth as your refrigerator, and with it all your kitchen cabinets, is the rule prohibiting eating after six. Desperate losers interpret it so literally that some of them, fifteen minutes before six in the evening, gorge themselves on fried potatoes and chicken baked in mayonnaise, and for dessert they are able to choke half Prague cake. The sad result is growing kilograms on the scale and a widening butt and waist.

Research in recent years has proven that you can eat a field of six, the main thing here is to start from the time when you go to bed. You need to subtract 2-3 hours from the “H” hour, and before bedtime you can generally allow yourself to drink a glass of kefir or yogurt with berries, sprouted grains, or delicious herbal tea with honey. It will be a great alternative dessert or buns, which are best postponed until better times, that is, until the morning.

It's delicious to eat

So, we are faced with a certain task: we eat right (dinner). The recipes that make up the menu for the week are presented briefly, but they will give you an understanding of the essence of cooking and the right direction.

    Classic vegetable stew. To prepare it, you need a list of products that is quite budget-friendly and available at any time of the year (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, zucchini, cauliflower, green peas). For the seasoning sauce, use low-fat sour cream, your favorite herbs and spices, tomato sauce or juice. Preparing the dish is incredibly simple: peel the washed vegetables, chop them into cubes or strips and simmer until done; it’s best to add sour cream sauce and herbs at the end, 10 minutes before serving.

    Spicy chicken fillet with rice. Culinary experts advise preparing this dish in advance, or rather, preparing the meat by marinating it in orange juice, curry and salt in the morning, and in the evening boil the rice and fry on big fire chicken. Just don't use too much vegetable oil - excess fat We don't need it.

    Fish. Here the scope for imagination is simply limitless; this product can be baked in the oven (for this it is better to take fattier varieties) or prepare cutlets from it, which are served with boiled or baked potatoes. Fish cutlets It is better to cook from fillet, which is passed through a meat grinder, with bread and onions soaked in milk. You need to add pre-fried grated carrots, egg, salt and pepper to the mixture. The cutlets are fried over medium heat on both sides (about 5-7 minutes).

Vain efforts

No matter how much we try to rationalize dinner, but healthy eating presupposes a certain system, which includes not only proper dinners and dinners, but also breakfasts, and also from the diet it is worth excluding all sorts of harmful and synthetic goodies, replacing them with dried fruits, nuts, cereal bars. Breakfast should contain the largest number of calories, fats and carbohydrates eaten during the day, so they will give strength for productive work and will not be deposited as fat reserves on the tummy, hips and waist.

Before you start compiling evening menu, calculate how many calories your family can eat before bed. On average this is 20% of daily ration. Moreover, a woman needs 1500-2000 kcal per day, which means she can afford 300-400 kcal for dinner. A man needs 2500-3000 kcal, accordingly his evening meal should contain 500-600 kcal. Children spend even more energy per day, so their dinner cannot be lighter than 580 kcal. Just don’t be scared - this doesn’t mean at all that you will have to prepare individual dishes for each family member. It’s just that some will have a larger portion, some will have a smaller one. The main thing is to exclude from the menu all flour, semi-finished products, smoked meats and mayonnaise. However, everyone is familiar with these enemies of the figure, but not many people know what fat content cottage cheese should be, what vegetables and fruits should be avoided, and whether it is possible to eat meat in the evening.

No potatoes

What associations arise with the phrase “ low calorie foods"? Of course, vegetables and fruits. These are indeed some of the lightest representatives of the food basket, but among them there are also insidious “accumulators” of fat. For example, potatoes. The fact is that this tuber, beloved by the residents of our country, contains fast carbohydrates, which instantly affect the waistline. If you decide to spoil your family fried potatoes, then from 100 g of dish everyone will receive 163 kcal. And that's not to mention deep frying. This dish will immediately give you 270 kcal. Next on the list of not the easiest vegetables are peas, garlic, sorrel and horseradish. True, it is simply impossible to eat more than 100 grams of these green representatives. The rest of the vegetables: cabbage, carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and zucchini are given the green light. The main thing is to cook them correctly. Keep in mind that the more butter, sour cream or mayonnaise you add, the more calories you make your dish. For example, just chopped cucumbers (100 g) and tomatoes (100 g) provide 38 kcal. As soon as they are seasoned with mayonnaise, the energy value increases to 140 kcal. You shouldn't fry vegetables either. Ideal for them heat treatment- stewing, steaming and cooking.

No bananas

Summer dinners are simply impossible to imagine without fruits and berries. First of all, it's delicious. Secondly, it's useful. But in order for them to remain exclusively a source of vitamins and microelements, and not become the cause of extra pounds, you will have to give up some of them in the evening. First of all, you should put bananas aside until the morning. Just 200 grams of this fruit provide 90 kcal, the same amount we get from mashed potatoes with milk (100 g). Also, you should not overuse grapes in the evening: in addition to the fact that they can lead to bloating, these berries are not the lowest in calories (64 kcal). Be careful with peaches (especially canned ones), cherries, kiwis and cherries. If you're a lover of grapefruits, strawberries, cranberries and currants, you're in luck. You can eat these fruits and berries with virtually no restrictions - they have very few calories. True, this takes into account the fact that you will not add sugar. He raises energy value almost twice. Also don't replace fresh fruits for canned and jam. Any processing carries extra calories. Compare: 200 g fresh apples only 66 kcal, if baked with sugar, it turns out 120 kcal, in jam - 266, and in apple pie even more - 330 kcal.

Without dietary cottage cheese

Next in the ranking of healthy and light foods are fermented milk products, namely cottage cheese and yogurt. The latter is especially respected by young ladies who are losing weight and completely switch to it. In principle, yogurt can restore slimness, but it must be correct. Only the label will help you understand the abundance of yogurt. Under no circumstances take cream yoghurts, biogurts, yoghurts, and so on. They are a pathetic parody of real product, which is proudly called simply “yogurt”. This rule does not apply only to products with the prefixes “bio” and “prebio”. Similar products- real yoghurts, but they additionally contain beneficial living microorganisms.

With cottage cheese things are even more complicated. It would seem that you want light dinner- go to the shelf with low-fat fermented milk products, and success in parting with extra pounds secured. Actually in Lately Nutritionists are increasingly leaning towards cottage cheese with normal fat content. The fact is that a substance called “CLA” was recently discovered in this product. According to scientists, it is this that prevents the deposition of fat in the body. And the most interesting thing is that the higher the fat content of the cottage cheese, the more CLA it contains. By the way, with a 9% product you will eat 155 kcal, with an 18% product - 229 kcal. Ideally, cottage cheese should be eaten “clean”, but almost no one does this. To make the dish truly tasty and healthy, do not put jam or marmalade in it. They are sources of “bad” sugar, which will definitely end up on your thighs. It’s better to put some berries in the cottage cheese: 2 tbsp. spoons of raspberries, 1 tbsp. spoon of currants and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of blueberries - this will add only 15 kcal to the cottage cheese. Women should not give up fermented milk products at all, because they are champions in calcium content. And this means not only healthy hair and nails, but also the absence of cellulite. The fact is that calcium limits the accumulation of fat, which means it also fights unpleasant bumps.

Without liver

If you think that dinner and meat are incompatible things, then you are deeply mistaken. You should only avoid fatty pork, a piece of which will give you 491 kcal, and lamb (209 kcal). In the evening you can indulge in white chicken meat containing healthy protein, veal or beef. Ideally, they should be boiled or grilled - this way they will not lose their useful qualities and they won't buy extra calories. As for offal (liver, kidneys, heart, ventricles), you should be more careful with them. Despite the fact that they contain few calories, they can greatly harm the body. After all, in animals, like in people, all waste is deposited in the kidneys and liver. So if the cattle were fed low quality products or antibiotics, don’t expect anything good from dishes made from such offal. There are no restrictions with seafood. Prepare shrimp, squid, octopus and mussels. And don't be afraid oily fish. It contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, which promote weight loss. By latest research, if introduced into the diet of a person sitting on low calorie diet, salmon, tuna, halibut, he will lose half a kilogram of excess weight per day.

In the evening, give up:

Menu for the week

Day of the week


Monday - 305 kcal

Prepare as a main dish pumpkin pancakes. For 4 servings you will need 200 g of peeled pumpkin, 1 glass of flour, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil. First, cut the vegetable into slices and cook it in a water bath until tender. Rub through a sieve, add sugar, flour and mix everything until smooth. Roll the resulting dough into a long roll and cut into 20 identical pieces. Give them a round, slightly flattened shape. Fry the pancakes in hot oil on both sides until golden crust. Boil as a side dish cauliflower. To please your loved ones a little with sweets, offer them honey (no more than 3 tablespoons) and a cup of aromatic tea.

Tuesday - 380 kcal

To get a dose of Omega-3, cook Chinese salmon. First combine 2 tbsp. spoons soy sauce with 1 glass pineapple juice, 3 tbsp. spoons of dry white wine, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and boil the resulting mixture to half the volume. Cut salmon fillet (800 g) into strips, pepper, add some of the sauce and cool (30 minutes). Then place on a greased baking sheet and bake until done. The perfect side dish It will be so hot with rice. For drinks, serve green tea.

Wednesday - 340 kcal

On Wednesday, make a very simple dinner. Prepare chicken breast V sweet and sour sauce. First, cut the fillet into pieces. Then marinate them for 10 minutes in sweet and sour sauce, which you can buy at any store. After this, send the chicken to the frying pan and fry it for 3 minutes. Prepare a salad of fresh vegetables for the breast: you can add tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, and bell peppers to it. Spray everything lemon juice. If you can't do without dressing, add a little olive oil. For drinks, offer apple, tangerine or orange juice.

Thursday - 330 kcal

If you prepare a cottage cheese dessert with fruit and berry sauce, you will please all the sweet tooth in the family. Make sure that in your refrigerator, in addition to cottage cheese, there are mangoes, peaches, orange liqueur, strawberry. First, mix 600 g of fermented milk product with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Place the resulting mass in the refrigerator. For the sauce, peel and finely chop the mango. Scald the peach, remove the skin and pit. Wash the strawberries. Mix prepared fruits and berries with 3 tbsp. spoons powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of liqueur.

Friday - 170 kcal

On this day arrange vegetable dinner. Prepare the stew. Boil a head of cauliflower, 1/2 cup of peas, a cup of beans. Cut the zucchini, eggplant, 2-3 pieces into cubes. sweet pepper, 2 onions. Place all the vegetables in a saucepan, add 2 tomato slices (without skin). Put down the salt Bay leaf, black pepper, mint and mascara for 15-20 min. 2-3 minutes before readiness, add 4 cloves of garlic.

Saturday - 350 kcal

If you have free time on the weekend, prepare gourmet dinner with veal rolls. Peel 2 pears, cut each into 4 parts. Sprinkle them with Parmesan nutmeg, salt, leave for 10-15 minutes. Cut 600 g of veal into 8 slices and pound. Place a pear on each piece, roll it up and tie it. Salt. Dip the rolls in flour and fry in a mixture of butter and olive oil (50 g and 2 tablespoons, respectively) until golden brown. Then pour 1 glass of white wine over them, let them sit for a while and add 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac. Cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes. You can serve wine with this dish.

Sunday - 360 kcal

On this day, you can offer your loved ones peppers stuffed with cottage cheese and baked apples with honey and cinnamon. To make the first course, prepare 4 pcs. sweet pepper, 400 g cottage cheese, green onions, 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped dill. Cut off the cap of the pepper and remove the seeds. Mix cottage cheese with finely chopped onions and herbs. Stuff the pepper curd filling, cool and cut it into rings.

Stars about dinner


In the evening, it is better to choose protein foods over all other foods. Doctors have long established that the calories we get, for example, from fish, are burned by the body much faster than those contained in vegetables. I have come up with the ideal formula for a light dinner - low-fat cottage cheese. It’s better to buy grain, it’s very tasty. However, regular one can be diluted with yogurt.

Anna Semenovich

Many women feel that The best way lose weight - diet. And they begin to exhaust themselves with painful hunger strikes, from which more harm than good. After all, this is stress for the body. I never go on diets and I don’t advise you to. If you want to be slim, eat a little bit of everything and, most importantly, not at night. There is no need for any dinners: neither light nor heavy. Let your last meal be 5 hours before bedtime.

Katya Lel

A light dinner should be healthy. If you care about your figure, do not eat anything fatty, fried or spicy at night. Only dietary varieties meat and fish, steamed or baked. Also, try not to drink food. As far as I know, the liquid disrupts the digestion process. The only drink allowed is green tea, but it must be in minimal quantities.

Anyone who has thought about losing excess weight has heard more than once that you should not eat food after 18-00. Actually this is not true. Experts say that canceling the evening meal can seriously harm the body. In order for the gastrointestinal tract to function normally, and at the same time to avoid excess weight, you need to prepare a diet dinner for weight loss. The right foods will help activate fat burning processes at night. The main rule of evening nutrition is to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight

To get rid of the problem of obesity, you need to follow many different rules. Many of them relate to evening meals, because the most dangerous thing for a person losing weight is fat deposition during the night's rest. To interrupt this process and achieve the opposite effect - burning calories - you need to strictly monitor what you eat in the evening. Follow a number of rules listed below, and there will be no problems with this:

  1. Dinner should be light. The dish you prepare for the evening should consist of 97-98% fiber and protein. Normal amount of calories for diet dinner– 300-350. Fried and smoked foods should be excluded. Fiber will improve the digestion process, and proteins will strengthen muscle tissue. Having received light in the evening diet dinner, the body will quickly cope with it and give the brain a signal that the feeling of hunger has been satisfied.
  2. The amount of food eaten at dinner should be moderate. The normal amount of food for a woman is 250 g, for a man – 350 g.
  3. Dinner should be eaten at an average speed, without being distracted by reading books or watching TV shows. When you eat, you must think about food, otherwise your body will need more food to receive a signal of fullness.
  4. The BJU ratio should be normal. In addition to the caloric content of food, you should also evaluate the protein, fat and carbohydrate content in it. The normal ratio of BJU for a person losing weight is as follows: proteins - 15-35%, fats - 20-35%, carbohydrates - 40-65%. To adhere to these limits, you must pay attention to nutritional value products used. Usually. On any factory packaging you will find a table with exact numbers.

The choice of products for cooking must be taken very seriously. By reading the table below, you will find out what you can and cannot eat in the evenings:

Allowed dishes

Prohibited foods

Stewed/boiled vegetables

Fatty meat (lamb, pork)

Dietary meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken breast)


Fermented milk products without chemical additives/flavors/fillers

Pastries, pastries, sweets, cakes


Potato dishes

Berries/fruits of all kinds

Mayonnaise, fatty sauces/gravies

Chicken/quail eggs

Fried foods

Lean fish (boiled/steamed)

Smoked meats

Recipes for a delicious diet dinner

With a little culinary ingenuity, you can turn a healthy weight-loss dinner into a unique delicacy. A ban on certain product categories should not make you feel limited. On the contrary, you need to understand that by refusing junk food, you are doing a good deed for the body. Proper nutrition can be delicious! The recipe examples you will find below will prove this fact!

Low calorie and light dinner

Do not know, ? Write down the chicken breast recipe with vegetable side dish. This light dish will fill the body with useful natural ingredients and will provide a feeling of satiety. To prepare it you will need following ingredients:

  • chicken breast – 450 g;
  • cauliflower – 300 g;
  • green beans – 60-70 g;
  • green peas – 40-45 g;
  • zucchini squash – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • peeled tomatoes – 150 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves.

Let's prepare a diet dinner quickly and tasty:

  1. Boil the chicken breast.
  2. Chop the vegetables and place them in a saucepan (if you don’t have one on hand, you can use clay pots).
  3. Water vegetable mixture broth from boiled chicken.
  4. Turn on the burner slow fire and let the stew simmer for half an hour.
  5. Eat one serving of stew and a medium piece of meat for dinner.


Many nutritionists consider this option to be the most correct. Proteins are quickly absorbed by the body and help strengthen many tissues. Great option for natural weight loss there will be a serving of eggs chicken noodles. To prepare this diet dinner, you will need the following:

  • chicken breast – 140-160 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt/spices – in moderation.

The process of preparing a diet dinner:

  1. Boil the chicken in a small amount of water.
  2. Beat chicken eggs and use them to make pancakes.
  3. Cool the broth, chop the chicken meat with your hands.
  4. Slice egg pancakes thin strips, place in a container with broth and chicken meat.
  5. A portion of your diet dinner for weight loss is ready!


Fast dietary dishes for weight loss will be useful for those people who do not have time to create exquisite culinary masterpieces. A good option there will be a light omelette with tomatoes. In just 20 minutes you will have time to prepare and eat it. By the way, experts recommend including light omelettes in diet menu not only for dinner, but also for breakfast. So, to prepare this dish, you will need:

  • medium-sized tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • butter– 20 g;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • salt/pepper – moderate.

The process of preparing a diet dinner for weight loss:

  1. Peel the tomatoes and cut them thin slices.
  2. Place the tomato pieces on the bottom of a greased frying pan.
  3. Simmer for several minutes until juice appears.
  4. Beat the eggs with salt and pour into the pan.
  5. Reduce heat on the burner to low and set aside for 5 minutes.


If you have made a firm decision to watch your figure and have already developed proper diet food, don’t let special events derail your grandiose plans! Yes, during the holidays the tables are always full of huge amount food, but you will have in stock a recipe for a wonderful dietary dish that will help you save yourself from extra pounds. It's about about a salad of shrimp and crab sticks. In addition, it can be prepared for romantic dinner. If you are interested, write down the list of ingredients:

  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • sea ​​shrimp – 500-550 g;
  • crab sticks– 220-240 g;
  • dietary mayonnaise – 30 g;
  • red caviar – 20-25 g;
  • onions – 60-70 g.

Preparing a dietary dish for a gala dinner:

1. Boil chicken eggs, peel and chop.

2.Finely chop the crab sticks.

3.Cook the shrimp on a burner over medium heat in a saucepan with salted water.

4. Peel the onion, chop it, pour boiling water over it.

5.Drain the water from the shrimp and chop.

6.Combine the ingredients, add mayonnaise, mix.

7.The diet salad is ready!

Video: how to prepare the right dinner for those losing weight

The video attached below contains simple recipes with visual photo illustrations that will help you quickly and comfortably lose a few extra pounds. Following the recommendations experienced chefs, you will learn how to prepare healthy turkey dishes and understand how to profitably use cottage cheese for dinner. After watching this video, you will learn what to eat for dinner to lose weight and get a lot of valuable information about the rules dietary nutrition for weight loss!


Light salad

Cottage cheese dinner

In a slow cooker

Rules healthy dinner. What foods can be eaten, when and in what quantities. The right dinner for weight loss. Recipes.

Refusing dinner is one of the most common mistakes that people make, guided by the desire to quickly lose extra pounds. Dietitians and gastroenterologists are unanimous: it is imperative to have dinner. The main thing is to do it wisely; the wrong dinner is worse than no dinner.

For an evening meal, dishes prepared from natural products rich in easily digestible proteins, enzymes and fiber, not overloaded with spices, are suitable; if these are desserts, then moderately sweet. For more information about what dinner should be, how much, when and what to eat, read our article.

Rules for a healthy dinner

1. Serving size and food ratio

A handful or what fits in two palms is yours standard portion. On average, this is about 350 g for a man and 250 g for a woman. Important rule: There should be 2 times more vegetables and greens on the plate than protein.

2. Calorie content per serving

The average calorie content of an evening meal is up to 400 kcal (for those who are losing weight - 300-350 kcal). A proper dinner should be balanced, but not high in calories: ideally, if the last meal accounts for 20-25% total calories daily diet.

3. Dinner time

The time of the last meal depends, first of all, on the daily routine, so it is individual for each person. The main condition is to have dinner no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. For example, if you go to bed at 21.00, then last time It is advisable to eat at 17.00, but if it is closer to midnight, then you can have dinner at 19.00-20.00.

If the evening meal includes a portion fried potatoes, what is next to the juicy on the plate pork cutlet, supplemented with mayonnaise salad and cake, it is better, as folk wisdom teaches, to give dinner to the enemy. Such a menu spoils your figure and harms your health. Add to list forbidden dishes for dinner all porridges are included, except buckwheat, cornflakes, salted nuts, fried meat, potatoes, legumes, ketchup and mayonnaise. Pasta, dumplings, dumplings, etc. are also not recommended for an evening meal. bakery products, including White bread, chocolate and other sweets.

5. Healthy products

  1. Lean meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef;
  2. Seafood: mussels, shrimp, scallops, crabs, squids;
  3. Low-fat and moderately fatty fish varieties: flounder, cod, blue whiting, pike, river and sea ​​bass, pike perch, tuna, pink salmon, trout, carp, salmon, crucian carp, etc.;
  4. Fresh vegetables: all types of cabbage, bell peppers, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, sorrel, spinach, lettuce, celery, leeks, parsley, dill and other greens;
  5. Stewed, boiled, baked and steamed vegetables: carrots, beets, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, bell peppers, corn, all types of cabbage;
  6. Soft-boiled eggs, omelet with fresh herbs, vegetables, cottage cheese or low-fat cheese (tofu, feta cheese, ricotta);
  7. Natural fermented milk products (low-fat or with minimal fat content) containing live probiotic cultures: kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  8. All berries and fruits, except bananas and grapes: apples, peaches, persimmons, citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples, raspberries, cherries, blueberries, etc.;
  9. Almond, walnuts, dried fruits, mushrooms, whole grain yeast-free bread(but not more than 40 g);
  10. Milk is warm, provided that it is consumed separately from other food.

Healthy dinner options

The most useful combinations for dinner:

  1. Grilled poultry fillet (chicken or turkey) with vegetable salad as a side dish;
  2. Boiled rice (unpeeled brown) with seafood (mussels, shrimp, squid or scallops);
  3. Vegetable stew (from zucchini, carrots, onions, cabbage and bell pepper);
  4. Buckwheat porridge with a side dish of fresh tomatoes, radishes or cucumbers;
  5. Seafood salad with vegetables;
  6. Cottage cheese with honey and berries;
  7. Fish baked in the oven, grilled or steamed, with fresh vegetables on the side;
  8. Rabbit meat baked in foil with tomato salad;
  9. Cottage cheese casserole with herbs and vegetables;
  10. Vegetable soup with a little white meat or seafood;
  11. Omelet with mushrooms, green peas or stewed vegetables (bell peppers, onions and tomatoes);
  12. Pumpkin salad with carrots or pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese.

The right dinner for weight loss

If you want to part with the hated centimeters on your waist, do not under any circumstances give up your evening meal. By depriving yourself of dinner, you can lose a few kilograms, but this will only be enough short term: the body, anticipating a lack of food, will regard this as hunger and begin to store in reserve.

Dinner for weight loss should be light, but it cannot be limited to an apple or a glass of kefir. Choose satisfying proteins and vegetable dishes, eat fresh vegetables and berries. All types of cabbage are very useful for losing weight: white cabbage, Peking cabbage, cauliflower, Savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts. Seaweed for dinner will give you a feeling of fullness, and pickled seaweed will prevent digestive problems.

It is useful to add moderately hot herbs and spices to evening dishes (if there are no contraindications): ginger, cardamom, coriander, garlic, horseradish and mustard. They improve digestion, activate metabolic processes, due to which excess fat and cholesterol reserves are eliminated from the body faster.

And a few more tips for those who want to lose weight: eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. Say goodbye to the habit of watching TV while eating. Use blue or black plates. Add simple, natural seasonings to your favorite dishes. Dress salads with olive oil or low-fat yogurt. If you really want something sweet after dinner, drink herbal tea (mint, linden, chamomile) with honey, or prepare a decoction of rose hips.

What to cook for dinner: recipes

Recipe 1.

You will need (for 1 serving): 100 g boiled fillet chicken or turkey, 1 cucumber, 2 quail eggs, lettuce, half sweet and sour apple, salt and 1 tablespoon olive oil, a little balsamic vinegar(optional).

Mix vinegar with oil. Cut the meat and cucumber into strips, the apple and eggs into cubes. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt and dressing, mix and place on a plate decorated with lettuce leaves.

Recipe 2.

You will need (for 2 servings): 400 g rabbit meat, 4 cloves of garlic, bay leaf, celery stalk, 1 carrot, 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, several black peppercorns, 1 tablespoon each of sour cream and tomato sauce, salt to taste.

Cut onions, carrots and celery into rings, tomatoes into slices. Cut the rabbit meat into medium pieces, stuff with garlic, salt, brush with sour cream mixed tomato sauce, place on the bottom of the pot, add bay leaf, peppercorns, place vegetables on top, fill 2/3 of the volume with water and place in the oven for about 45 minutes.

Recipe 3.

You will need: (for 1 serving): 2 chicken eggs, 1 tomato, 1 small onion, 1 bell pepper, 1 tablespoon olive oil, some chopped herbs.

Rinse the vegetables. Chop the onion, cut the tomato and seeded pepper into cubes. First place the onion in a preheated frying pan with oil, fry until lightly browned, then add peppers and tomatoes. Simmer the vegetables for 10 minutes under a closed lid, at the end add beaten eggs, salt, other spices to taste and cook under the lid over very low heat for 3-4 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs.

Recipe 4.

You will need (for 6 servings): 1 kg fillet lean fish, 2-3 eggs, 200 g each of sweet bell pepper and leek, half a bunch of dill, vegetable oil, coarse pepper, salt and juice of half a lemon.

Season the fillet with salt, roll in pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Rinse the vegetables. Finely chop the onion and dill, and cut the pepper into thin half rings. Beat the eggs and combine with chopped onion. Grease a baking tray with oil, place half egg mixture, then - pieces of fish. Sprinkle the fillet with dill, cover with sweet pepper and pour in the remaining onion-egg mixture. Cover the baking sheet with foil and bake in the oven until cooked (about 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees).

Recipe 5. Curd dessert with berries

You will need (for 1 serving): 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 dessert spoon natural light honey, 100 g of your favorite berries - blueberries, raspberries, cherries, strawberries or blackberries.

Grind the cottage cheese with honey. Rinse the berries, remove the stems and dry. You can decorate dessert with them or cut the berries into cubes and mix with curd mass. This dessert lifts your spirits, perfectly fills you up, and only 250 kcal per serving. If desired, you can add a few nuts to this sweet and figure-friendly delicacy, and replace the berries with kiwi, apples, plums, and apricots.

Light, balanced and timely dinner - this is a pledge healthy sleep, good health and good health. Remember: it is important not only what you eat, but also the mood in which you do it, because even the healthiest foods can be harmful if you eat them with a feeling of annoyance for the extra fifty calories. Choose delicious, satisfying, figure-friendly and easy-to-prepare dishes for dinner. Eat with pleasure, find the desired slimness and be healthy!
