
Menu of dishes for children from 1 year. Vegetables and fruits

For a 1-year-old child, it is important to diversify the menu. For breakfast, cook milk porridge daily using different cereals. At lunch, the baby should eat soup and a second course. It can be boiled or stewed vegetables and be sure to meat or fish. For an afternoon snack, cottage cheese or fruit would be a good option. And dinner for a one-year-old baby should consist of easily digestible dishes.

When the baby turns 1 year old, mom begins to look for new recipes for healthy dishes. It is still too early for such children to eat food for adults, and mashed potatoes and various mixtures are no longer relevant for this age. Cooking meals for kids is not difficult. In addition, a small amount of ingredients is required. By remembering a few simple recipes, you do not have to constantly think about how to feed your child in the morning or before bedtime.

Breakfast recipes for a one year old baby

Doctors advise children of one year old to eat milk porridge in the morning. It's easy to prepare them. All you need is cereal and milk. The cooking time for each type of cereal will depend on the cereal. The fastest recipe is semolina porridge. Pour 1 cup of milk into a small saucepan and heat slightly. Slowly add 1 tbsp. semolina, then stir constantly. Continuous stirring with a spoon should last until the porridge thickens. On average it is 2-3 minutes. After that, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and wait 10 minutes. The porridge itself will reach the desired consistency. Put the finished porridge on a plate and add 5g of butter. Oatmeal is also quick to cook. For 1 cup of milk, add half a cup of oatmeal. Cooking time is 5-10 minutes. Rice or corn porridge should be cooked for 20 minutes, and millet for about an hour. For second breakfast, if there is one in your little one's daily routine, you can give him unsweetened tea and a bun with butter.

What to cook for lunch for a one-year-old child

For lunch, it is customary to eat soup, but do not forget about the second course. Soup can be made with water or broth and vegetables and cereals. And as a recipe for a second course for lunch for a 1-year-old child, you can use mashed potatoes with meatballs or a cutlet. Boil 1-2 potatoes, add some milk and mash. You can use a blender. To prepare a cutlet, you will need 100 g of pork or beef, ¼ onion, 20 g of rolls soaked in milk and 1 egg. Scroll the meat in a meat grinder along with onions and rolls, add the egg to the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Blind from the mass cutlets and put it in a double boiler for 25 minutes. Stewed or steamed lean fish is another dish that can be prepared for lunch for a one-year-old child instead of meat.

Recipes for an afternoon snack for a child of 1 year

An afternoon snack is a small snack after a nap. The child can have a snack with cottage cheese, fruit, cookies with juice or compote. But you can cook a casserole, pudding or scrambled eggs. A delicious recipe is peach pudding, which you can try with the whole family. You will need:

  • 120g flour
  • 300g milk
  • 350g sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 100g butter
  • 3 peaches
  • 10g vanillin

Mix butter with milk and vanilla and bring to a boil. Gradually add flour to the boiling mass and mix thoroughly. Cool the contents of the pan, then add the egg yolks and 100 g of sugar, not forgetting to mix. Separately beat the remaining sugar with proteins and add to the bulk. Prepare a baking dish by first greasing it with oil or placing baking paper inside. Wash the peaches and cut into slices. Add half of the dough to the mold, lay out the peaches and fill with the remaining dough. It takes about 40 minutes to cook the pudding. While the dessert is baking in the oven, prepare a delicious syrup. Take 300g of water and the remaining sugar and boil the syrup. Grind the peaches in a blender and add it to the syrup, mixing thoroughly. When the pudding is ready, you can pour this syrup over it.

What to cook for dinner for a child of 1 year

Before going to bed, eating heavy food is harmful and dinner recipes for a 1 year old child involve simple and easily digestible dishes. The problem of many mothers is that in the evening a one-year-old child does not eat well, and it is not clear what to feed him. The baby can be fed mashed potatoes if he was not at lunch. Twice a week you can give macaroni and cheese or vegetables. Vegetable salads seasoned with sunflower oil, scrambled eggs, casseroles or milk porridges will also be a good dinner option. In fact, there are a lot of recipes for dinner, how to feed a child a year. The main thing is to alternate meals for your crumbs and feed him a variety of foods.

In a year, the child has already learned a lot: he can stand, walk, eat himself with a spoon. He already has several teeth, and the child's menu at 1 year old begins to change. More and more non-ground food with small pieces appears in it, the diet becomes more diverse. In this article, I will write an indicative menu for a one-year-old baby, as well as delicious and healthy recipes that you can cook for your little ones.

Also read the previous article:. At this age, many parents still do not sleep well at night, although it would seem that the child has already grown significantly. In the article I write how to provide the whole family with a good and deep sleep.

At this age, the average child eats 1200 ml of food per day. Of course, all children are individual. Some may eat more, some less. If the child flatly refuses to eat, do not force him. Better make sure he has an appetite. Dr. Komarovsky advises for this to walk more in the fresh air, move more. If, for example, a child does not want to have breakfast, well, he is not hungry yet - do not force him. Go for an active walk, climb ladders and slides. In this case, it is more likely that by lunchtime the child will “work up” an appetite and eat without mother’s tears and nerves.

No need to focus only on tables, look at your child. I'll post the averages. This is not the weight of the food, but its volume.

It is very good if the child has a feeding regimen. Then the digestive tract will already be preparing for the digestion of food and secrete the necessary juices and enzymes. Between meals should take about 3-4 hours.

New products, as before, are introduced gradually. You can give only one unfamiliar product per week, you need to do this for breakfast in order to be able to track a possible reaction in time. If the child has responded well to the new product, the next day you can give it in a larger amount.

If your baby does not yet have chewing teeth, then food should be mashed or mashed with a potato masher. When the first chewing teeth appear, you need to teach the crumbs to chew, that is, small pieces of food may partially come across in the food.

At 1 year, food is prepared without sugar (up to 2 years, sugar is not allowed). Salt is also better not to use, as natural products contain sodium. If you add salt to children's food, then do it in very small quantities. A child can only take half a gram of salt per day. For example, the norm of an adult is 10 gr.

Baby's daily diet

Breakfast. Most often, it is customary to give porridge for breakfast as a source of carbohydrates, that is, energy. Porridge can be either dairy or dairy-free. At this age, many children continue to eat instant cereal from boxes. If you wish, you can cook porridge yourself and interrupt them with a blender. Fruit purees can be added to cereals. If you make dairy-free porridge, then offer your child yogurt with it.

You can also add a small piece of butter and half a hard-boiled egg yolk to the porridge.

In addition to porridge for breakfast, you can cook a steam omelette, the recipe is in this article. You can add greens, small pieces of vegetables to the omelet. You can also have breakfast with cottage cheese with fruit - it is also very nutritious and energy-intensive.

At 1 year old, a child can eat up to 15 grams. good butter and up to 40 gr. white bread.

In addition to food, do not forget about drinks. Be sure to teach your child to drink clean water. In addition to water, you can give compotes without sugar, weak tea without sugar, juice.

Dinner. For lunch, most often, mothers cook soup for the child. It can only be vegetable soup, vegetable soup with meat, and soup with cereals. At this age, children are not given bone broth soups. The broth can only be on meat. The first broth is poured out after 5-10 minutes of cooking the meat and the meat is poured with clean water. The soup is already cooked on the second broth.

Soups have no limits. You can put any vegetables there, and then kill them with a blender along with the meat. In addition to soup, you can give vegetable stew with meat for lunch. You can also start introducing offal: liver, heart, tongue.

Before dinner, you can give your child a salad of fresh vegetables: grate a cucumber, carrot, radish, or chop a tomato. Don't forget the fish too. Fish should be given at least 2 times a week. Fish can be steamed, boiled or cooked in fish casseroles and soufflés. Take lean, white fish.

Do not get carried away with potatoes, as they have a lot of starch. The total number of potatoes per day should not exceed 1/3 of the total number of vegetables. If you give your child a lot of potatoes, this can lead to weight gain, intestinal colic, and allergies.

We also give the child to drink.

afternoon tea. For an afternoon snack, offer your child a curd dish. If the baby is tired of eating just cottage cheese, make a casserole for him. You can put fruits or sweet vegetables (pumpkin, carrots) in the casserole. You can also give your child kefir or yogurt.

Dinner. For dinner, they give meat or fish with a side dish. As a side dish, you can have vegetables (boiled or steamed), pasta or cereals.

If you are still breastfeeding, the baby receives mother's milk before going to bed at night. If not, you can leave the mixture or drink kefir at night.

What not to give a child under 2 years old

These foods should not be on your child's menu.

  • sausages and sausage
  • fried foods
  • oily fish
  • smoked meats
  • fat meat
  • Exotic fruits
  • mushrooms
  • caramel, chewing gum and lollipops
  • sugar
  • products with preservatives, artificial colors, flavors and other chemicals
  • fresh onion and garlic, can be boiled

Menu for a week for a child of 1 year

I offer an indicative table with a weekly menu for a child of 1 year. Sometimes you just don't know what to cook for your baby. After all, food should be healthy and tasty at the same time. All children have different tastes. Someone loves meat very much, while the other, on the contrary, spits on it, etc.

After the table you will find delicious cooking recipes for your kids.

There can also be a second breakfast between breakfast and lunch. Fresh fruit is provided for a second breakfast, and juice is allowed once a week. Before going to bed, the child is given kefir or milk.

Breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
Tuesday Children's cottage cheese with sour cream and banana Soup with beef, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes and herbs Carrot-apple puree (you can make your own) Buckwheat porridge with steamed vegetables + Mozzarella cheese
Wednesday Rice porridge (or corn) + quail egg Pumpkin puree soup with sour cream and herbs + steamed turkey Homemade or children's yogurt with fruit, can be shaken into a smoothie Mashed potatoes + steamed chicken cutlets with zucchini
Thursday Buckwheat porridge in milk with a piece of butter Beef meatballs with rice + vegetable stew or vegetable soup on the water Cottage cheese + prune puree Steamed fish + cauliflower, zucchini, carrots
Friday Steamed omelette + steamed vegetables Lentil soup (recipe below) Pumpkin-carrot casserole Baked turkey breast + rice porridge + vegetables
Saturday Porridge 7 cereals on the water (or wheat) + yogurt + pieces of fruit or dried fruit Vegetable stew with rabbit meat (you can stew, you can bake meat with vegetables and natural herbs) Cottage cheese casserole with banana Fish casserole with pasta + vegetables
Sunday Oatmeal in milk with fruits and ground flaxseeds Steamed fish or fish casserole + stewed vegetable stew or steamed vegetables Rice pear casserole Steamed meat soufflé + vegetables

Recipes for delicious dishes for children from 1 year old


Broccoli soup with turkey.

This is a simple soup with a light turkey meat broth. There are only two ingredients here: broccoli and turkey. If desired, you can add other vegetables to the soup that the child is already familiar with and to which they are not allergic (for example, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots, onions).


  • turkey fillet - 200 gr.
  • broccoli - 5-7 inflorescences
  • water - 2 - 2.5 tbsp.

Pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Rinse the fillet and place in boiling water. It is better for children at 1 year old not to cook bone broth soups, they are too saturated. Just boil the meat. To make the meat juicy and tasty, you need to lay it in boiling water. For a rich broth, bones and meat are placed in cold water, but this is not necessary for a baby.

Simmer the meat until tender, about 50 minutes. Soup can be slightly salted, literally a pinch of salt. At this age, children should not yet be given salt, how much adults eat. And you can not salt at all. Then take the meat out of the soup and let it cool down a bit.

Rinse the broccoli and place in the boiling water in which the meat was cooked. Boil for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the turkey into medium cubes. Put the chopped meat to the cooked broccoli. Puree the soup with a blender. Before serving, put a piece of butter on a plate.

Cream of pumpkin soup.

This is a vegetable soup, pumpkin and carrots will give a beautiful color and sweetness in addition.


  • pumpkin - 200 gr.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • milk - 100 ml

Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut into cubes. Weight 200 gr. listed in pure form. Peel potatoes and onions and cut into small pieces so that they cook faster. Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Put all the vegetables in boiling water, lightly salt and cook for 30 minutes.

Puree the finished soup with an immersion blender directly in the pan. Add milk, bring to a boil and simmer for another 5 minutes over low heat. Vegetable cream soup is ready. When serving, you can sprinkle it with sesame seeds or flaxseeds for more usefulness.

Soup with lentils.

Lentils are a very useful product. If you want to give lentils a try for the first time, it's better not to boil the soup, but just boil it and give the child a few things. If there are no colic, swelling, etc., then you can cook soups.

Ingredients (for 3 servings):

  • carrots - 1.5 pcs.
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • red or green lentils - 150 ml (by volume)
  • vegetable broth - 0.5 l
  • garlic - 0.5 cloves
  • celery - 2 stalks
  • rapeseed or olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  • tomato paste - 30 ml

Vegetable broth for soup can be cooked in advance, or you can immediately. Take any vegetables for the broth: onions, carrots, celery root. To cook the broth, vegetables are placed in cold water and boiled for about 40 minutes. Then these vegetables are thrown away, all the good remains in the broth.

Lentils should be soaked overnight.

In an empty heavy-bottomed pan, pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil, which can be heated and does not turn into a carcinogen. It can be refined olive oil or rapeseed. Put the onion and garlic cut into small cubes into the heated oil. Slightly fry these vegetables until transparent (not to yellow, let alone brown), you just need the onion to soften.

Cut carrots and celery stalks into small pieces. Add to softened onion. Also put the washed lentils in the pan. Stir and let warm for 1 minute.

Add tomato paste to the soup and pour over the broth. Let the soup come to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes until the lentils are tender. Puree the soup with an immersion blender. If the soup is too thick, thin it with water or broth.

Cauliflower soup.

This is a very simple white soup.


  • cauliflower - 200 gr.
  • potatoes - 100 gr.
  • rice - 50 gr.
  • butter or sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Peel potatoes and cut into random pieces. Wash the cauliflower and separate into florets. Boil water, put potatoes and cabbage in it, cook until tender.

In parallel, in another pan, boil the rice until tender. It is better to soak the rice for at least 10 minutes beforehand so that excess starch comes out of it. Put the finished rice to the boiled vegetables and make a puree soup with a blender. Add sour cream or butter to the finished soup, stir. When serving, you can sprinkle with finely chopped dill or any seeds.


Cottage cheese casserole with banana.

For children who do not like to eat cottage cheese, mothers bake various casseroles, cheesecakes, puddings, so that the child receives useful substances. This is a very simple casserole recipe with just 3 ingredients.


  • cottage cheese - 100 gr. (it is better to take a child without additives)
  • semolina - 2 tsp
  • banana - 1 pc. medium-sized

Pour the curd into a bowl and add semolina to it, mix until smooth. Leave for 10 minutes for the semolina to swell. Banana needs to be mashed. To do this, you can use any device that you can use at the moment: a blender, grater, chopper. Add the banana puree to the curd and mix well again.

Spread the resulting dough into silicone molds - they do not need to be lubricated with oil, and pastries come out easily. Cook such a casserole in a slow cooker in the "Steam" mode for 20 minutes. Or just steam in the dishes that are available. The finished casserole is sweet, soft, easy to digest, the child should like it.

If you have already introduced egg white into the diet, then you can add half an egg or one quail to the casserole. This will make the casserole a little thicker.

Pumpkin-carrot casserole.

This casserole is also steamed. You can do, as in the previous version, in a slow cooker. You can just in a water bath.


  • pumpkin - 100 gr.
  • carrots - 100 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 50-70 gr.
  • semolina - 2 tbsp.

Grate pumpkin and carrots on a fine grater. Place the vegetables in a saucepan and pour over the milk. Put on the stove, bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat, stirring, until the milk is absorbed. Remove the vegetables from the heat and let them cool.

Drive the egg into the cooled mass and pour semolina. Mix all the dough so that there are no lumps.

Pour the mixture into a deep small bowl or broth bowl and place it in a saucepan. Pour in about 2 cm of water. There should be enough water so that when it boils, it does not fall into the casserole. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat.

Cover the pot and steam the casserole for about 20-25 minutes. That's all, you can treat your child with a ready-made casserole.

Steamed fish casserole.

In addition to the traditional cottage cheese casserole, you can make fish and meat casseroles. I suggest cooking a delicious fish casserole.


  • fillet of white sea fish - 100 gr.
  • green peas (can be frozen) - 2 tbsp.
  • milk - 30 ml
  • carrots - 1/2 pc. middle
  • chicken egg - 1 pc. (or 2 pieces of quail)
  • onion - 1/4 pc.

If your fish is not in the form of a fillet, then you need to remove the skin from it and carefully remove all the bones. Then turn the fish together with onions in a blender or meat grinder into minced meat. Grind green peas too and mix with minced fish.

Grate carrots on a fine grater. In a separate bowl, beat the milk and egg with a mixer until a thick foam forms. Beating is enough for 3 minutes.

It is convenient to cook the casserole in a small silicone mold. Put the fish mixture with peas on the bottom of the mold and tamp a little with a fork. The next layer is carrot. Do not put a lot of carrots, a thin layer is enough. Press the carrots a little with a fork as well.

Fill the fish casserole with the milk-egg mixture. Place the mold in the steamer. Pour half a liter of water into the slow cooker and cook in the "Steam" mode for 35 minutes. Together with the form in which the casserole will be prepared, you can put vegetables in a double boiler, which will be a great side dish. Cook vegetables for 25 minutes, then take them out.

That's all. There are not many actions on your part, but the child is fed and satisfied.

Rice pear casserole.

This casserole is a great option for an afternoon snack.


  • pear - 1 pc. average
  • rice flakes - 2 tbsp without a slide (can be replaced with oatmeal)
  • children's cottage cheese - 100 gr.
  • sour cream - 1 tsp
  • quail egg - 1 pc. (or half chicken)

Mix sour cream, cottage cheese and egg in a bowl. To easily separate half of a chicken egg, beat it into a separate bowl and shake with a fork. Then pour half into the curd. Stir until smooth.

Pour rice flakes into the curd (if there are none, grind the rice groats in a blender). Grate the pear on a coarse grater and add to the general mixture, stir. Lubricate the silicone mold with butter and pour the dough into it. Next, it is steamed, as in previous recipes. You need to put the casserole in a double boiler, then in a slow cooker and steam for 35 minutes. Alternatively, bake in the oven until done.

If baking in the oven, cover the pan with foil to prevent a crust from forming.

You can serve such a casserole with fresh berries or fruits, or you can pour over fruit puree.

Second courses.

Steam cutlets with zucchini.

From meat, you can make cutlets for a child. Moreover, you can add any vegetables to cutlets, you get a balanced product. Take the number of ingredients at your discretion. Depending on what ratio of meat to vegetables you want to get.


  • minced meat (beef, veal)
  • vegetable marrow
  • carrot
  • egg (or one yolk)

Scroll the meat through a meat grinder or make minced meat in a grinder. Grate vegetables or chop together with minced meat. Combine all the products, add an egg or one yolk, lightly salt and mix until smooth.

Shape into patties and steam for 30 minutes. This can be done in a multicooker. If there is no multicooker, then you can put the cutlets on a sieve and put them on a pot of water. Cover the sieve with a lid.

Omelet for a couple.

When the child already begins to eat egg white, after a year, you can make steamed omelettes. They are soft and the kids love them.


  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 3 tablespoons
  • butter - 5-7 gr.
  • greens - optional

Crack the egg into a small bowl, but separate some of the white. At this age, it will be too much for a child to eat a whole protein, separate half. Pour milk into the egg and beat with a fork. Put a piece of butter in a small heat-resistant form and fill it with a beaten egg. Finely chopped dill can be added if desired. Place on the steamer rack and steam in the slow cooker for 10 minutes (do not forget to preheat the steam water in the slow cooker).

Serve such a steam omelette well with steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots).

Fish casserole with pasta.

If you want to diversify your baby's menu, make him a fish casserole. It turns out quite lush due to beaten eggs. All ingredients used should be familiar to the child.


  • cod fillet - 300 gr.
  • whole grain pasta - 100 ml (measurement by volume)
  • green onion - 1 feather
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp.
  • milk - 250 ml
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • ground nutmeg - 1/3 tsp
  • breadcrumbs - 2-3 tbsp.
  • carrots - 300 gr.
  • pepper - to taste

Immediately turn on the oven to heat up to 160 degrees. Cook pasta (if you can't find whole grains, then take from durum wheat). Pasta is placed in boiling water and boiled for several minutes, see the instructions on the package. In this case, it is better not to cook the pasta a little, so they will still be baked.

Fish fillet (defrost it in advance and rinse) cut into 2 cm pieces. Finely chop the green onion. Now you need to make the bechamel sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan, add flour to it and stir. Now pour the milk in a thin stream and stir so that there are no lumps. Simmer the sauce for a few minutes until it thickens. Add the nutmeg and black pepper to the sauce. Cool down the sauce.

If you are in a hurry, then just beat the eggs with a whisk or even a fork. If you have time, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with a mixer into a strong foam. When turning the bowl, the proteins should not fall out. Whipped proteins will make the finished casserole more porous and airy.

Cut the fish, cook the sauce, beat the eggs.

Stir in the yolks to the proteins, this can be done with the same mixer.

Add the beaten eggs to the cooled sauce and stir. In the same mixture, put chopped fish, boiled pasta and green onions. Stir gently with a spoon. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, put the whole mass into it, level it. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake in preheated oven for about 40 minutes.

Grate the carrots and put in a deep plate. Put a portioned piece of casserole on the carrot. This is such a tasty dish for a child. As you can see, there is no salt in the recipe. The dish can be completely saltless, or you can add quite a bit of salt to the sauce.

Steamed meat soufflé.

A very tasty meat recipe for children. Easy to prepare.


  • minced meat - 50 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • white bread - 10 gr.
  • milk - 3 tablespoons

In a small bowl, cover the bread with milk and leave to swell for 10 minutes. Now you need to combine minced meat, egg and soaked bread together. Use a blender to turn this mixture into a homogeneous mass.

Pour the resulting mixture into silicone molds. Put the molds on the steamer. In the same steamer, immediately put the vegetables that you serve with meat: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, carrots, etc.

Pour water into the slow cooker, put the steamer on, close the lid and cook in the "Steam" mode for 40 minutes. Mash vegetables and soufflé with a fork before serving, you can sprinkle with fresh herbs.


Oatmeal with nuts and flax seeds.

If you decide to switch from boxed instant cereals to regular ones, then this is the time to do it in a year. Porridge for a child can be boiled both in milk and in water. If you have not yet given regular cow's milk, then for the first time, as with any new product, you should give very little to see the reaction. If you are afraid to give ordinary boiled homemade milk, buy special baby milk, it must pass quality control.

If the child tolerates the introduction of milk well, his digestion does not deteriorate and there is no rash, then the amount can be gradually increased.


  • milk or water - 200 gr.
  • oatmeal - 100 gr.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • walnuts - 1 tsp
  • flaxseeds - 1 tsp

Boil milk or water. Add cereal and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cooking time will depend on the cereal you choose. By the way, it can be not just oatmeal, but 5-7 cereals. Read on the package for how long to cook them. It is better not to take instant cereals, they are highly refined, they have few useful substances.

Add banana slices to the finished porridge and chop a little with a blender. Grind walnuts and flaxseeds in a blender or coffee grinder. Add to porridge.

Put nuts in the event that your child is already familiar with this product.


Salad with avocado and banana.

If children do not eat vegetables well, it always upsets parents. They need to get vitamins from somewhere. Avocado is a very healthy fruit, it is not sweet, fatty (it has a lot of omega-9 fats, like in olives). And avocados are just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. To make the salad tastier, add a banana to the avocado, children mostly love bananas for their softness and sweetness.


  • avocado - 1/2 pc.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc. small
  • apple - optional

Grate half an avocado and carrots on a fine grater. Banana can be simply crushed with a fork or cut into small cubes to teach the child to chew. If a child is puréed for a long time, then, having matured, he will not be very willing to eat solid food. In the year already give the child food with pieces.

Mix all prepared foods. As you know, carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is absorbed only in combination with fats. Just avocado will be a fatty conductor of vitamin A to the cells of the body. No additional oil needs to be added.

Serve this salad with cottage cheese or yogurt.

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Small carrots should be washed and peeled. After that, it is finely rubbed on a medium grater, granulated sugar is added and seasoned with sour cream. For 100 g of carrots you will need: 10 g of sour cream, 5 g of granulated sugar.

lettuce green

Lettuce leaves are carefully sorted. Sticks should be separated. The leaves are washed in cool running water. After that, they are finely chopped. Fresh cucumber is also washed from the skin. It should be finely chopped and mixed with leaves and chopped chicken egg. The salad is dressed with kefir or sour cream. For cooking you will need: 1/4 egg, 50 g of cucumbers, 3-4 lettuce leaves, 10 ml of kefir or sour cream.

Beetroot Cranberry Salad

Beets must be washed, peeled and boiled in slightly salted water. After that, it is finely rubbed and seasoned with cranberry juice, sugar syrup and cream. To prepare this salad, you will need: 100 g of beets, 5 ml of sugar syrup, 10 g of cream, 5 ml of cranberry juice.

Semolina soufflé

A viscous porridge should be cooked from milk and semolina. After that, butter is added, and the whole consistency is well whipped. Let the porridge cool down a little and add 1 chicken egg. A fresh apple must be washed, peeled, cut into pieces and boiled in water. Combine ready-made apples with semolina and pour everything with sugar syrup. The resulting mass is transferred to an enamel bowl, greased with butter. The soufflé is prepared in a steam bath for 30-40 minutes. For its preparation, the following ingredients are required: 1/4 pc. chicken egg, 5 g butter, 100 ml milk, 10 g semolina, 50 g apples, 10 ml sugar syrup.

Ready semolina soufflé should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

meat broth

For a child, it is preferable to prepare meat broth from beef meat (sternum, shoulder blades). It can also be made from poultry or meat bones. Before cooking, bones or meat should be rinsed well with water. First, the meat is boiled for 5-7 minutes. After that, they are washed and boiled until tender. Approximately 40 minutes before the end of cooking, onions, white celery roots, and carrots are added to the broth. Onions should not be completely peeled and chopped. Remove only the top layer of the skin from it.

Rinse the onions well with cool water.

Celery and carrots are peeled, washed with cold running water and cut in half lengthwise. Before laying in a boiling broth, they are fried in a dry frying pan until golden brown. 20-30 minutes before readiness, the broth is salted. For cooking you will need: 10 g of vegetables, 300 ml of water, 50 g of meat, 1.5 g of salt.


We make the right menu for a child at 1 year old based on the recommendations of WHO and AKEV. What to feed the child? The most delicious recipes that can be for children from the age of one.

Recall that the following products should already be present in the diet of a one-year-old child:

  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat, corn - gluten-free, oatmeal, wheat - gluten.
  • Vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, beets.
  • Meat: rabbit, turkey, veal.
  • Low-fat fish.
  • Fruits: apple, pear, banana, prunes.
  • Dairy and sour-milk: cottage cheese, kefir or narine, biolact, etc.

Products that can be introduced after a year

  • Whole cow or goat milk should not be administered before 12-18 months of age. This is due to excess protein load, loss of iron through the intestines, the risk of allergic reactions, etc. Closer to a year, it is possible to add milk to cereals, but on condition that the child does not have an allergic reaction to cow protein.
After a year, you can enter milk porridge for breakfast and small portions adapted baby milk as a drink. Be sure to monitor the reaction of the child.
  • Yolk. It has no significant nutritional value for infants in the amount that is given to the child. It is also a strong allergen. Therefore, it is better to introduce the yolk closer to the year or not to give the baby at all.
  • Cucumber(grated without peel), Brusselscabbage.
  • Gluten cereals (oatmeal and wheat).
  • Beef. Chicken.
  • Peach, nectarine, apricot, berries by season.
Should not be fed to an infant meat and fish broths as a separate type of complementary food. They are an extract from products and have high allergenic properties and an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract of an infant. In addition, the calorie content of broths is close to zero.

Menu options for a child at 1 year old



afternoon tea


Before bedtime

  • milk porridge (200g) + biscuits
  • steam omelette
  • rice porridge with pumpkin (200g)
  • couple of cheesecakes
  • vegetable soup (180 - 200g) + meat (50g)
  • chicken soup puree (200g)
  • vegetable puree 200g + egg yolk
  • mashed potatoes + boiled fish 60g (cod, hake, pollock)
  • thin vermicelli + steamed meatballs from chicken, fish or turkey
  • yogurt (200g) + biscuits
  • cottage cheese (50g) + fruit puree (100g)
  • seasonal fruits or berries + biscuits
  • baked apple
  • cottage cheese casserole
  • banana pudding
  • buckwheat porridge (150 gr) + meat (30 gr)
  • vegetable salad (grated cucumber + a little tomato + sunflower oil)
  • boiled rice + fish (low-fat varieties) steamed or in the oven with carrots
  • liver pate with potatoes
  • adapted milk or mixture (200 gr)
  • breast milk
  • fermented milk products (kefir, bifidok, etc.) 200 gr

What can you drink

Water, milk, compotes, fruit drinks, diluted natural juices. Herbal teas and decoctions not worth it give in large quantities, as they significantly reduce the absorption of iron from the intestines.

Recipes for children from 1 year

Vegetable puree, vegetable soup. Thoroughly wash, clean and finely cut vegetables (zucchini (pre-cut seeds), potatoes (soak in advance), cauliflower, carrots, peas), cook for 30-40 minutes. Beat with a blender or just knead with a fork - you get a puree. We leave a little broth, add pureed meat - it turns out soup. Pieces of vegetables in the soup should be very soft (carrots and potatoes are cooked for a long time!), so that the child does not choke.

Soup with meatballs. For 2 servings: minced turkey 200 gr, carrots 150 gr, small pasta 50 gr, quail eggs 4 pcs, greens. We make small balls from minced meat, boil them for 20 minutes, drain the broth and pour clean water, add grated carrots, after 10 minutes pasta, 5 minutes before the end of the greens and raw eggs, break into a saucepan and mix quickly or boil in advance, cut and add. If desired, you can boil the soup and add broccoli or cauliflower.

Meatballs for a couple. Meatballs can be prepared from minced fish or chicken. Mix minced meat with a small amount of raw rice, add a little salt and an egg. Roll into small balls and place in a steamer. Cooking time is about 40 minutes.

Steam omelet. Beat one egg with a small amount of milk, pour into a container, put in a double boiler for 30 minutes. Divinely tender omelet for the baby is ready!

Cottage cheese. Boil milk (200 gr). Pour kefir (200 gr) into boiling milk. Keep on low heat until the whey begins to separate. Turn off, cool, recline on gauze. It turns out very tender, not sour cottage cheese.

Banana pudding. Banana cut into pieces, add crushed cookies, pour a glass of warm milk. Beat with a blender.

Cottage cheese casserole. We mix cottage cheese, a little sugar, an egg, semolina, vegetable oil, raisins and a pinch of salt. Put the resulting mass on a baking sheet, add sour cream on top. Bake in the oven for about 25-30 minutes.

Liver pate with potatoes. Rinse the chicken liver, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Rub, add a little milk or cream and mix with mashed potatoes.

Vegetable salad. Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers, separate the peel, grate, add a little sunflower oil.

Cooking fish for a couple or in the oven. We buy low-fat fish: hake, pollock, cod, haddock, telapia. For a child, it is better to buy fillets without bones. You can cook in a double boiler, boil or bake in the oven "under a fur coat." For a fur coat, three carrots, a little onion, mix with sour cream and spread on top of the fish. Bake in the oven for about 60 minutes.

Potato pjure with fish cake. We scroll the fish (preferably cod fillet and the like) in a meat grinder along with a loaf soaked in milk or water in advance, add an egg, a little onion, salt and herbs. We mix everything well and sculpt. You can roll in semolina, flour or crackers (optional!). And in a double boiler for 25-30 minutes. These meatballs can also be frozen.

So the menu of a child at 1 year old can be diversified and come up with new recipes yourself. Bon appetit to you and the kids!

A few days later, the child is a year old. By the first year of life, a child does not have enough breast milk alone. To restore the expended energy, proper metabolic processes, as well as normal growth and development, he needs to receive a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins daily. All this is found in various foods of plant and animal origin.

In order for the baby to eat with pleasure, and this is very important for the normal absorption of food, cooked meals should be not only healthy, but tasty. And those that mom cooked for dinner should also be easy for digestion.

Therefore, the question often arises, what to cook for a child for dinner at 1 year old? This is what our today's conversation will be about on the Popular Health website. We will talk about the general basics of baby food at this age and look at recipes for preparing some dishes that are suitable for an evening meal.

Basics of the diet of a one-year-old child

As we have already said, for the full development, growth of the baby, maintaining good health, he needs a complete, balanced diet. By the age of one, he had already become acquainted with some "adult" products, although dairy products still form the basis of the diet.

The baby still loves to attach to his mother's breast. However, I have already tasted cow's milk porridge, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir and cheese. Increasingly, he is given mashed vegetables, fruits, lean meats, light soups and other dishes.

The main meal is breakfast and lunch. An afternoon snack is usually a light snack. Dinner should be light, but at the same time satisfying. In this case, the evening meal should be no later than 1 hour before bedtime.

A few words about salt

If the norm for an adult is 5 g of salt per day, 1 g is enough for a baby. Therefore, when preparing dishes, just add them slightly.

Harmful sweets

In general, sugar in the children's diet is absolutely not a useful thing. You should not accustom him to sweets from such an early age. Compotes, juices, jelly are best prepared without this product at all.

But, if you think otherwise, the allowable sugar norm for a child of 1 year old is 30 g. Well, in general, many experts recommend replacing harmful refined sugar with fructose.

What to cook in 1 year for dinner?

For dinner, it is better to cook dishes from cereals, vegetables and lean meat (beef, chicken, rabbit). It is best to combine these products, for example: oatmeal with pumpkin pulp, stewed vegetables with mashed meat, zucchini soufflé with chicken meat, etc.

The main course is followed by a serving of fruit puree or juice. Just remember that per day, the baby should receive no more than 100 g of puree and 100 ml of juice.


Chicken mashed potatoes

For cooking you will need: 100 g of chicken breast, 2 potatoes, a quarter cup of milk, salt.


Boil the meat until done. It should be very soft. Remove from the pan, and when it cools down, add a little hot milk and grind with a blender.

Boil the potatoes in salted water, drain the broth. Add hot boiled milk and prepare a thin puree. Add chicken, mix well.

vegetable soufflé

We will need: 1 potato, 100 g pumpkin pulp, the same amount of zucchini, half a carrot, a raw egg. Still need: a little sour cream, a sprig of dill, salt.


Wash the vegetables thoroughly, peel, cut into small cubes. Potatoes, carrots, boil until half cooked. Add chopped pumpkin and zucchini, cook over very low heat until tender, about 15 minutes. Remove from stove.

When the vegetables have cooled, remove with a slotted spoon, put in a blender bowl. Add the egg, finely chopped dill, salt and chop.
Divide the mixture between greased tins, such as cupcake tins.

Bake at 180C until tender (about 20 minutes). Lubricate finished products with sour cream.

Chicken cutlets

The recipe requires products: 50 g of fresh fillet, a slice of a white loaf, a third of a glass of milk, raw egg yolk, salt.


Scroll the fillet through a meat grinder along with a slice of a loaf. Put in a bowl. Add milk, yolk, salt, knead well. Form cutlets, cook them for a couple. Cooking time is approximately 45 minutes. Chop with a fork, serve with vegetable puree, such as zucchini.

Zucchini puree

We will need: 50 g of peeled young zucchini, half a glass of milk, salt.


Boil the zucchini until soft. When cool, grind with a blender. Add boiled hot milk, salt, beat with a mixer.

Before bedtime

If your baby is still breastfeeding, you can breastfeed again before bed. If he is artificial, or has already been weaned, it is useful to give him a portion of baby kefir.

In conclusion, it must be recalled that the volume of food consumed at this age is 1000 - 1200 g per day, excluding the liquid you drink.

A child from one to one and a half years old should receive food 4 to 5 times a day. Mandatory intervals between feedings, which are 3-4 hours.
If you follow these rules, the baby develops a conditioned reflex and he will eat with pleasure and appetite.
