
How much to cook chicken fillet. Boiled chicken fillet

Boiled chicken breast is an easy way to add healthy proteins to your diet. Chicken breast can be boiled plain or seasoned with water for extra flavor. The main thing is that it is boiled in boiling water for a long time - in this case, the breast will be cooked properly and will not be pink in the middle. Once you have boiled the chicken breast, it can be served whole, cut into pieces, or shredded.


  • Chicken breast
  • Vegetable or chicken broth (optional)
  • Chopped onions, carrots and celery (optional)
  • Herbs (optional)
  • Salt and pepper


Part 1

Chicken breast preparation

Do not wash chicken breasts before boiling them. You may be used to washing chicken before cooking, but doing so can spread harmful germs and bacteria throughout the kitchen. When washing chicken, water splashes around, and as a result, bacteria get on the sink, table, your hands and clothes. It's best not to wash chicken to avoid food poisoning.

  • Raw chicken can contain harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, in tiny amounts that are enough to make you sick, so play it safe.

Cut the meat in half, quarters, or cubes to make it cook faster. Although you can do without it, so you will greatly reduce the cooking time. Cut the chicken breast into smaller pieces with a sharp knife. The pieces can be any size, depending on what kind of dish you are cooking.

  • If you're going to shred the chicken breast afterwards, don't cut it too small as it will make it harder to shred it later. It makes sense to cut the meat into very small pieces if you are going to add it to a salad or stuffing.
  • Use a cutting board specifically designed for meat to reduce the risk of contaminating other foods. Harmful bacteria such as salmonella can stick to the board even if you wash it. If you then cut vegetables on this board, salmonella can get on them.

Did you know? Large pieces of chicken can take up to 30 minutes to cook, while smaller pieces will be ready in 10 minutes.

Place the meat in a medium or large saucepan. First, put the chicken in the pan, and then fill it with water or broth. Spread the meat on the bottom of the pan in a single layer.

  • If the meat cannot be laid out in one layer, it is better to take a more capacious pan. Otherwise, the chicken may cook worse.
  • Cover chicken with water or broth. Pour water or broth into a saucepan. Take your time and be careful not to spill the liquid. Pour in just enough water to completely cover the meat.

    • If the water boils away, you can add more if needed.
    • Remember that if you spill water or broth, it can spread harmful bacteria, such as salmonella.
    • You can use chicken or vegetable broth.
  • If desired, add spices, herbs, or chopped vegetables to the pot. Although you can do without it, seasoning will make the meat more aromatic and tasty. Add at least salt and pepper to the water. Dried herbs, such as Italian or Jamaican spice mix, or rosemary, are also a good idea. To make the meat really flavorful, chop the onions, carrots and celery and put them in the water.

    • After you boil the chicken breast, you can save the resulting broth for other dishes if you wish. For example, it is perfect for soup.
    • If the vegetables are sticking out of the water, add a little more water to completely cover the meat and vegetables.
  • Cover the pot with a lid. Use a lid that fits snugly over the pot. The lid will keep the steam inside the pot and the meat will cook faster.

    • If you want to remove the lid, use a towel or oven mitts to do so so you don't burn yourself. Also, don't lean too low over the pot so that the hot steam doesn't burn your face.

    Part 2

    Cooking chicken breast

    Bring water or broth to a boil over medium to high heat. Place the pot on the stove and turn on medium to high heat. Watch the pan until the water begins to boil (this will happen after a few minutes). In this case, bubbles will appear on the surface of the water, and water will begin to condense on the lid.

    • Don't let the water or broth simmer for long periods of time, or too much liquid will evaporate. Stay close to the pot to reduce the heat as soon as the water begins to boil.
  • Lower the heat so that the water comes to a simmer. After that, the chicken will continue to cook. Set the heat to low and watch the pot for a few minutes to make sure the water or broth continues to simmer.

    • Do not leave the pot unattended, even when the water is simmering. Otherwise, the water may again begin to boil violently and evaporate strongly.
  • After 10 minutes, check the chicken breasts with a meat thermometer. Remove the lid from the pot. Remove one piece of meat from the edge of the pan. Insert a meat thermometer into the center of the piece and take the temperature. If it is below 75°C, put the piece back, cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking the meat.

    • If you don't have a meat thermometer, cut a piece of meat in half to see if it's pink in the middle. Although this method is less accurate than using a meat thermometer, it will help you gauge whether the chicken is done.
    • Most likely, large pieces of meat will not be ready yet. However, smaller pieces (or quartered breasts) may already be cooked through.

    Advice: if you overcook chicken, it will become "rubber" and unpleasant to chew, so it's best to check if the meat is done, even if you think it's not cooked yet.

    Continue cooking the chicken until the temperature in the middle reaches 75°C. If the meat is not ready after 10 minutes, continue cooking it. Check every 5-10 minutes to see if the chicken is done. The duration depends on the size of the pieces:

    • whole chicken breasts with skin and bones should be cooked for about 30 minutes;
    • skinless and boneless chicken breasts need to be cooked for 20–25 minutes, and if cut in half, then 15–20 minutes;
    • skinless and boneless chicken breasts cut into pieces of 5 centimeters should be cooked for about 10 minutes.

    Advice: when the meat is done, it will stop being pink in the middle.

    Chicken fillet is a dietary meat that is eaten by people who care about their health. Chicken fillet contains a large set of various vitamins and minerals, proteins and amino acids that are necessary for any person. There is little cholesterol in chicken fillet (as in lean fish), so white meat is recommended by many nutritionists. The best side dish for white chicken meat is dietary rice with boiled vegetables. Keep in mind that you need to cook chicken fillet so that it does not lose its valuable properties at all, you need only from chilled meat, and not frozen, because almost all useful properties are lost when defrosted.

    Cooking chicken fillet with spices
    We free the chicken meat from the skin and bones, cut the chicken fillet into pieces, because it is difficult to cook the whole chicken. We take a liter of water, half a kilogram of chicken fillet, one onion and carrot each, add various seasonings and bay leaves to taste, as well as a pinch of fine salt.

    The first step to cooking flavorful chicken fillet dishes: preparing the ingredients. Free the chicken fillet from the packaging, let it be soft. Cut the carrot into two halves, cut the onion into small pieces. We put the washed chicken fillet in a small saucepan, pour it with cold water and put it on the fire.

    When the water boils, it is necessary to remove the foam and put the bay leaf and peppercorns. Next, cook the meat for another fifteen minutes. Sprinkle the finished fillet with finely chopped herbs, then put it on a large dish, cut into neat pieces. The cooled chicken fillet can be combined with a side dish, added to a salad. Chicken goes great with grapes, cheese, pineapples, as well as mushrooms and nuts. You can serve tender chicken fillet with a vegetable salad with sweet peppers, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.

    Experienced chefs advise to get a more fragrant fillet to let the meat brew in a broth with herbs: parsley, dill, garlic. You can make delicious sandwiches from boiled chicken breast, stew tender meat with mayonnaise and garlic. If you need to cook chicken fillet for salad, put the meat in boiling water and cook in a small amount of water.

    How to steam fillets
    To prepare a delicious diet fillet in a double boiler, take the following products:

    • half a kilogram of chicken fillet;
    • ten slices of rye bread;
    • 150 grams of pickled red pepper;
    • a spoonful of olive oil;
    • mayonnaise;
    • parsley;
    • packaging of garlic powder;
    • 100 grams of grated cheese.
    Wash the chilled chicken fillet by rubbing it with olive oil. Pour two cups of cold water into a plate and place the drip tray and steam basket on top. Put the fillet there, covered with a lid, cook for 40 minutes. As soon as the fillet acquires a characteristic white color, remove the meat, cut it into thin slices. Mix grated cheese, a pinch of garlic powder and a tablespoon of mayonnaise, put the resulting mixture on a slice of bread. And on top add meat and pepper, sprinkle with green parsley, finely chopped. Cover with another piece of bread. Cut the resulting sandwiches into three equal parts, send to the refrigerator. After six hours, sandwiches can be offered to guests.

    If you do not know how to cook chicken fillet, then my recipe is for you. There is nothing complicated in it. Chicken fillet cooks quickly and does not require any hassle.

    Why might you need boiled chicken meat? Firstly, they give it to eat to small children - those who are just starting to try meat products. Chicken fillet is tender and light for a child's stomach. Secondly, chicken meat is often used to make puff (and not only) salads.

    Thirdly, cooked chicken meat can be used to prepare the filling of some kind of snack. For example, for a roll or pancakes. Fourthly, you can create a magnificent and light unique main course from boiled chicken fillet, serving it with sauce and a side dish.

    The broth that remains after cooking the chicken fillet will also come in handy. The easiest - . And if you have time, you can cook aspic.

    Now I will tell you in detail how to cook chicken fillet. I would like to make a final recommendation. Remember that chicken meat must be thawed before cooking (unless, of course, it was stored in the freezer before cooking).

    Cooking steps:

    Alt="2) Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil. Put the fillet into the boiling water.

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    2) Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. We put the fillet in boiling water.


    Chicken fillet 400 g, carrots (small) 1 pc., onion 1 pc., salt to taste, spices to taste.

    Many hostesses use boiled chicken breast only for salads, because they consider it dry and tasteless, and very much in vain. And all because they cook the breast incorrectly.
    I will tell you the secrets of cooking the juiciest and softest boiled chicken breast :) It will be delicious not only to use in a salad, but also just cut and eat with a side dish and sauce. We are talking about broiler chicken breasts and not applicable to free-range country chickens :)


    • chicken breast 250g,
    • 1 bulb of onion,
    • Bay leaf,
    • salt,
    • pepper.

    We leave the chicken in advance at room temperature, it should not be cold, and even more so frozen.

    How to cook chicken breast

    1. The meat does not need to be separated from the bone. You don't even need to remove the skin.
    2. In a small saucepan, bring enough water to a boil so that the breast is completely covered, but it does not drown.
    3. Add 1 whole peeled onion and bay leaf.
    4. We send the chicken to boiling water and cook over low heat without a lid for 10 minutes.
    5. Salt to taste. We turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and leave to cool to the temperature we need, at least another 20 minutes. The meat should reach readiness in the broth.
    6. Now you can remove the breast from the broth, remove the skin, remove the boiled fillet from the bone and cut it with a sharp knife. It is cut remarkably even into cubes for a salad, even into thin slices for a side dish. A little pepper, greens and you can already eat :) And serve the broth in a bowl, taking out the onion and lavrushka.

    And keep in mind that it is much juicier to cook from fresh chicken meat than from frozen.

    How and how much to cook chicken breast fillet

    Chicken fillet cooks much faster. As a rule, in the form of a fillet, we have 2 halves of a boneless chicken breast. Defrosting before cooking is a must. To make the fillet juicy, dip it in salted boiling water, let it boil again and turn it off. Cover tightly with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Voila, the juicy fillet is ready for cutting into salads or as an independent dish :) You can serve it with any side dish, with any chicken sauce.

    This is the most correct recipe for how to cook chicken breast fillet, and Julia Child suggested it. She was the chef of French cuisine in America, and was the author and co-author of Mastering the Art of French Cooking (1961), an American television host with The French Chef. . Unfortunately, this great woman is no longer alive. Julia Child's culinary career began at 49 with the publication of her first book. And her television career started even later, at the age of 52, when most TV presenters are already saying goodbye to the television screen. In 1963, the program "The French Chef" appeared on one of the Boston television channels - it was the first television cooking show in America. Since then, the traditional farewell, "Bon Appetit - Bon Appétit!", with which Julia completed the next episode of the program, has become famous and entered the American lexicon.

    Julia Child did not just introduce French recipes to her compatriots. She showed the world that cooking is one of life's greatest pleasures, and that any housewife can cook real French dinner in her kitchen, instead of spending money on going to prim French restaurants. Amazingly, until the end of the fifties, nothing like the Americans even occurred to them.

    What makes Julia Child's books and shows so unique?! The answer is simple: cooking technique!
    This is what, first of all, Julia Child gives in her works and shows - she teaches "HOW" to cook. If an ordinary hostess or a young lady who wants to master the art of cooking, not only French cuisine, anyone would at least leaf through the original of Julia's book or at least 5 minutes watch one of her wonderful shows, they would easily understand this.

    How and how much to cook chicken breast from a village chicken

    Homemade chicken has a completely different, rich aroma and taste. But, unfortunately, its meat is tougher, and therefore needs a long time to cook.

    Cooking in a saucepan:
    We lower the breast into boiling water, add a whole onion and carrot, and cook for at least 2.5 hours. Salt at the end of cooking. You can not salt the chicken at the very beginning of cooking, so that the meat is not hard. Cover with a lid and let the breast cool in the broth. The broth can be used for awesomely delicious soup or julienne.

    Cooking in a pressure cooker:
    The chicken breast will become even softer if you cook it in a pressure cooker under pressure. We lower the breast into the water, set the timer for 40 minutes, close the lid tightly. After turning off the steam, in no case do we lower it, but wait until it gradually comes out and the lid can be opened, and preferably before it cools down.

    To speed up the cooking process of the tough breast, add a pinch of baking soda to the water. Meat in such water will cook one and a half times faster. Or another good way to make the chicken softer is to rub the fillet with dry mustard at night, and wash it off before cooking.

    Bon appetit!

    PS: "Anyone can cook in the French manner anywhere, with the right instruction" - Julia Child.

    A huge number of dishes can be prepared from chicken breast, and therefore many people have a question - how much to cook chicken breast, for salad, for soup, pizza and other various dishes, so that it is soft?

    Whatever white chicken meat you buy, whether it is a separate part of the carcass or already cut into fillets, you need to boil it properly and then it will be with a delicate taste and juicy.

    Since chicken fillet is the most healthy, nutritious and excellent for dietary nutrition, it is cooking that is the best cooking method. So, how long does it take to cook chicken breast, how many minutes, so that it does not turn out tough and tasteless? It's not just about time, it's important to follow a few simple rules in the cooking process.

    How to cook chicken breast for salads

    If you need a chicken breast for main courses, or if you want to cook, then it is better to boil the whole meat, you can use it on the bone and ideally in vegetable broth.

    Before cooking, rinse the meat under running cold water. If you want the meat to be juicy and tasty, then the breast must be put in boiling salted water. As the water boils, cook under a covered lid over low heat and remove the foam in the process.

    Spices should be added after the water boils: a couple of bay leaves, a few black peppercorns, you can add carrots, onions, greens - all this will make the meat more fragrant. As for the cooking time, we will talk about this a little lower.

    Is the breast ready? Do not rush to pull it out, wait until it cools down along with the broth, then the bird will not be dry, but will be saturated with fragrant broth, which will make it even tastier.

    How long does it take to cook chicken breast until tender?

    Of course, the cooking time depends not only on the size of the breast, but also on other points:

    1). Chicken breast on the bone, with skin and cartilage is boiled for 30 minutes after boiling water.

    2). If the meat, breast fillets are whole and without anything, then the cooking time will be 20-25 minutes

    3). Chicken breast, cut into pieces or in half - boiled for 15-20 minutes

    4). If the meat is cut very finely, then the cooking time should be no more than 10 minutes.

    If the meat is village chicken, then the cooking time is increased by 15 minutes. Laying hen should be cooked for about 2 hours.

    How to cook chicken fillet on the stove

    This is the most common way. If the fillet is frozen, leave for a few or more hours at room temperature until completely defrosted. This must be done slowly and gradually - this is very important. Do not use hot water for this.

    We wash, for broths we put in a saucepan and fill with cold water by 4 centimeters.

    We put on a strong fire, bring to a boil, add salt, spices, reduce the heat and cook at a low boil for 30 minutes until tender. For salads in a different way - the meat is laid in boiling water.

    In order for the meat to be tender and juicy, it is important not only to observe the time intervals, it is important to add the right spices and a small moment - after cooking, leave the meat in the broth after cooking for at least 30 minutes. Do not take it out of the water immediately after it has been cooked. Cover with a lid and let it absorb all the juices from the broth.

    You can also add thyme, garlic, a few peas of white and black pepper and fresh herbs.

    How long to cook chicken breast for soup

    For soup, they usually take a breast on the bone. To make the broth rich and tasty, put the fillet in a saucepan and pour it with two liters of ordinary cold water so that it completely covers the meat.

    Put on the stove, wait until the water boils and then cook over low heat for 40 minutes. Before adding potatoes, carrots and onions, we wait about 15-20 minutes after boiling. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, herbs. If the meat pierces easily, it is ready. If you want to save cooking time, you can cut the meat into smaller pieces, about 3-4 centimeters wide, so it will cook much faster.

    delicious chicken broth recipe

    How to cook chicken broth so that it turns out to be very tasty and nutritious? Ideally, it is made from a soup set, but many prefer a light chicken breast broth.

    We will need:

    • 1 kg. chicken meat (whole poultry or breast)
    • 1 bulb
    • 1 small carrot
    • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
    • 2.5 - 3 liters of water
    • other spices


    We wash the poultry meat and place it in a pan with cold water. It is advisable to remove the skin, although if you like fatty broth, you can leave it.

    We put on the highest fire - thanks to this, the broth will turn out transparent. As it boils, reduce the heat, add salt and cook it with the lid ajar over low heat. During cooking, remove the resulting foam.

    After 30 minutes, add the bay leaf and chopped vegetables. How long does it take to cook breast broth? Poultry broth is cooked for a very long time, from 1.5 to 2 hours. As for store-bought fillets, the whole cooking process lasts about 50 minutes. Although it all depends on the age and size of the bird. Cool the finished broth and strain if desired.

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