
Raw smoked sausage at home. Raw smoked sausage - a meat delicacy

I vote with both hands for a healthy diet and agree with nutritionists: if you like sausage, eat homemade! We order dry-cured sausage from the farmer, 10 kg for our family, they cook it in November, hang it in the "Cantina" (cold cellar), it's ready in March, this is its peak of taste. .With pleasure I share with you! For those who have a dark, unheated, ventilated room, recipe number 2. and 3; and 4

I do not recommend using an artificial casing! Agree with a butcher and buy a natural one. Most often, pork intestines are divided into two parts: 32 mm - 35 mm and 35 mm - 38 mm. We tend to lean towards a size 2 because we like big sausage....we're going to go through this as adults!!!
The intestines are stored in salt. Rinse them thoroughly in warm water. Then wash each inside under running water.

This is one of the most difficult preparatory work. In the production of sausage, it is very important what kind of meat you take. We buy the front shoulder blade. This part is located on the front leg from the elbow to the back. The lard/meat ratio is ideal for sausages.
1 - scapula

Pork shoulder makes an excellent roast, meatballs and chopped cutlets.

2 - loin, small rib

The loin can be used to cook langets, escalopes, pork medallions and cutlets.

Some of the tastiest fried foods come from the top...

4 - back ham

It is used for cooking steaks, brizoli and schnitzels.

5 - peritoneum

This part is best used for making pork rolls.

As a rule, the most delicious kebabs, ideal steaks and cutlets are obtained from the pork neck.

7 - front knuckle

As a rule, it goes for minced meat, but it can also be used to prepare a rather interesting dish "Aisban" (braised shank)

8 - rear knuckle

A very tasty dish - back shank baked in the sleeve.

It was a small digression for the uninitiated :)

If it is possible to crank the meat at the butcher, do it. There is a special minced meat function. Or finely chop the meat with a knife. Take the part of the meat that you will use. Put the rest in the refrigerator.

Add spices:

Hot Sausage. Spicy sausages. Sweet Sausage. Sweet sausages.

4.5 kg pork 4.5 kg pork

1 cup cold red wine 1 cup white wine

1 cup cold water 1 cup cold water

10 tablespoons of salt. 10 tbsp salt

2 tbsp garlic powder 2 tbsp garlic powder

2 tbsp black pepper 5 tbsp black pepper

3 tsp cayenne pepper 4 tbsp brown sugar

2 tbsp chopped chili pepper

10 tbsp paprika

Mix the spices separately and add to the meat. The main task is to mix everything evenly. The meat should be well chilled at the same time - it will be easier to pass through the meat grinder.

Before starting work, put a little olive oil into the funnel of the machine.

Like everything in life that is good, there is always an element of work.I think it would be easier to just go to the store and buy it, but making your own sausages tastes healthier, tastier, and cheaper!

And here is the recipe for dry-cured sausage:

Our love for sausage is indestructible. She is our everything. Spring and autumn are just the right time to make your own sausage. It is at this time of the year that we have a fairly stable moderately cool temperature, and this is almost the only difficulty for homemade sausage making. After all, the longest and most important stage in the sausage is the withering of the sausage, it lasts 6-8 weeks and should take place at t +15 degrees C in a well-ventilated room. A glazed balcony or an unheated dacha without mice is the only thing that comes to mind for this business. Below or above t or poor ventilation will result in either obvious spoilage of the product or uneven drying, i.e. quality reduction. There are many recipes for dry-cured or raw-smoked sausages based on beef, horse, pork and (probably) mutton meat. I decided to make the first test on the basis of duck breasts and beef. Everything written below is based on what I read in Good Cooking Canning.

So. The first step is preparing the meat.

Large (from half a fist) cut beef (850 g), lard (500 g) layered into slices ~ 1.5 cm thick, duck breasts (1300 g) left as is, and generously sprinkled with coarse sea salt, sent to the refrigerator for a day. The next day, I wiped off the moisture and salt residue from the lard, dried the meat with paper towels - each piece separately. Cleaned the beef from sinews and films. Weighed - beef "remained 750 g, duck - 1000 g. Thus, the meat-fat ratio, which should be approximately 2: 1 or 3: 1 (otherwise the sausage will be dry), is fully observed, taking into account the fact that there is quite a lot of fat on the breasts.

Stage two - we make minced meat.

I turned the beef and a little lard through a meat grinder with a fine grate, cut the rest of the lard into cubes of 1 cm, and the breasts into cubes of about 2 cm.

He poured in about 50 ml of cognac, in which he dissolved 2-3 tbsp. l. honey, and poured about 70 g of coarse salt (it should be about 3.5% of the weight of the product). Mixed without diligence - otherwise the minced meat will be salted. Divide the minced meat into three equal parts by weight. In one he added a Chinese mixture of five spices (wuxianmian) and a little black freshly ground pepper, in another pink pepper crushed in a mortar and the same black, in the third - already a noticeable amount of black and green pepper, which were roughly crushed in a mortar, a couple of fragrant peas crushed finely with a piece of nutmeg and a few grains of cardamom. Mixed minced meat and spices (which turned out to be somewhere around 0.5-1 tsp per serving of minced meat). According to the books, saltpeter is added to minced meat to preserve the pink color of the meat. After my experiment with withering the duck breast, I decided not to add any saltpeter - firstly, I don’t have the required quality (NDA), and secondly, the color suited me perfectly.

Stage three - stuffing.

We take out the mesh from the meat grinder, insert a tube for stuffing sausages instead of it, put washed and pre-treated pork (or whatever) casings (intestines) on the tube, checked for holes. We tie the intestine with a double knot and stuff the sausage very tightly - the air inside will contribute to spoilage.

We tie up the sausages, making them the desired length - I got a length of 15 to 35 cm. It is better to separate the sausages, after tying them with string, from each other, and not leave them in a garland, so it is more convenient to work with them further.

Stage four - withering.

We tie the sausage with twine, simultaneously piercing the sausage with a thin needle (we trim) and releasing air if bubbles with it are still found during the tying process. There is no need to tie pork or lamb intestine sausage as often as I did, it is enough to tie them along and a couple of times across - this will help them keep their shape.

We hang the sausage in a cool, well-ventilated room with t +15 degrees C. Thick sausages are recommended to be turned over from time to time in order to avoid the stuffing "draining" down and acquiring a pear-shaped shape. The room should be dark (unfortunately, this is impossible to do on the balcony, but you should at least cover the sausage from bright light with thick paper). Do not hang sausage in sunlight, especially direct. It is ideal to hang it in the dark, in a dacha that is empty in the off-season, in a place inaccessible to mice.

So the sausage looks 18 days after the start of withering. She has noticeably lost weight, the ropes dangle freely on her, and she has become noticeably harder to the touch. According to the book, it can become covered with a white, harmless mold - this is a sign that the process is proceeding correctly.


The next time I made the sausage a little differently. I refused pork, refused most of the duck fat in favor of pork - unfortunately, duck begins to age over time and this clearly affects the taste (it can withstand 2-3 months). The final composition of fat was 1/3 duck, 2/3 pork, meat - 2/3 duck and 1/3 beef. Practice has suggested that cardamom and traditional Chinese "duck" spices - star anise, Sichuan pepper, cloves are very good spices. This year, apparently due to more favorable conditions than before, the sausage, as expected, was covered with a thick layer of dry white mold, which gives a characteristic salami flavor and a special aftertaste. I took a sample for Christmas - a great gift for yourself! And notice - what color, and not a gram of saltpeter.

Dried sausage at home

I want to share my experience in cooking homemade sausages. We are not talking about kupaty or fried homemade sausage, but dry-cured sausage. I want to say right away that cooking such a sausage is not a quick process. If you see a recipe that says that such a sausage can be cooked in a few days, then to put it mildly, this recipe is incorrect. There is such a sausage, I would be careful (at least from pork). As for the time, it took me 30 days from salting the meat to sampling. Unfortunately, when I bought the meat and decided to cook sausage from it, I did not photograph the original product. So take my word for it.

I bought pork shoulder and boneless brisket on the skin (approximately 50/50) with a total weight of 2 kg 700g. I conditionally (very approximately) divided the whole process into three parts.

1. Fermentation and salting.
The meat was cut into sufficiently large pieces, so that they subsequently passed into the mouth of the meat grinder. Salt at the rate of 20 g per 1 kg of meat. And one more thing, I used nitrite salt. At this stage, it is advisable to leave the meat in a cool place with a temperature of +2 ... +4 degrees Celsius and low humidity for several days. In my case, the meat stood in the refrigerator at a temperature of +3 degrees for four days. Every day I stirred the meat so that it did not wind up, covered it with cling film.
After four days, I took the meat out of the refrigerator.

Don't let the photo of the plate fool you, it's not a plate, but a deep bowl, all the meat fit in it. By the way, it should be noted here that if pork and, for example, beef were used, they would be prepared in different dishes and the preparation time would probably be different in time. I used brisket, which is quite fatty. If the meat is lean, then fresh (unsalted) lard, finely chopped, should be added in the next step.

2. Cooking minced meat, stuffing sausages.
A lot of controversy arises about how to grind meat: with a meat grinder or a knife. If you cook, decide for yourself, I scrolled in a meat grinder. Although, in the case of adding fat, it would be chopped.
In order for the minced meat in the sausage to be homogeneous, there are, in my opinion, a very competent decision - scroll part of the meat (large, with fat) through a large grate, and about a third or a quarter through a small one.

Now about spices.
This is a personal matter for every Indian :), with the exception of salt, sugar (not surprised), pepper.
Cognac. Necessarily, but... No matter how you look at recipes on the Internet, and our dock is no exception, it is necessary to have 50 grams or half a glass. Error. 250 ml of skate is added to 100 kg of meat. Do not think that if you swell more, then the sausage will taste better. Not at all, the amount that you see in the photo is quite enough. Excess cognac is best used for its intended purpose - for mood. :)

In the photo, next to a glass, a bit of sugar and cumin. The next photo is black pepper, cilantro (coriander) seeds, a few cloves of garlic, hot red pepper (dried). I also added (at the tip of a knife) ground nutmeg.

Do not use fresh chili peppers. There is no whole that you should grind yourself, then buy ground in a bag. At the same time, I will share with you where I got my pepper from. I have had it since autumn, a couple of such bushes

pleased me last year until late autumn, and then I harvested and dried it. :)
I didn’t grind the zira, I kneaded it with my fingers, but I rubbed the red, black pepper and coriander in a mortar.

Before grinding the meat into minced meat, I took out salted intestines from the freezer and soaked them in water.

Ground meat. In principle, there is nothing to explain here, the main thing is not to forget to use lattice holes of different diameters.

I “friended” minced meat in a larger container, so that it would be more convenient to interfere.

Mixed and left for half an hour.

The stuffing process.

Sausages, specially, made small.

Thirty minutes had to tinker. The result is nine sausages, slightly different in size.

The sausages were shredded (pierced) with a toothpick and put under a slight pressure in the refrigerator (+2...+4) for 7 days.

In the photo they are on top of each other, but this is not good, so the next day I laid another cutting board between them. During these seven days, I turned them over once a day.

3. Drying.
It's been seven days. There was a need for a ventilated cool place. Cool is somewhere from +6 to +14, no more. My balcony is not glazed, so there is only one way out - a window sill in the kitchen. It remains to build a "hanger" for sausages.

Of course, my design is far from perfect and it is difficult to look at it without a smile, but it coped with its task.

This is what it looked like inside.

A couple of times the sausages were taken out for "examination" for the appearance of unwanted plaque (white mold) on the casing. Although this is not critical, but nothing happened.

Fixed the knife.

And here it is - the "reward" for the labors.

A week later and in a slightly different light.

A few words after.
Shrinkage ("shrinkage") amounted to 40-45%.
That is, the output was somewhere around 1.4 kg. I didn't think to weigh it right away. Judging by the weight of 1 sausage - 140-170 grams.
Whatever I say, it will be difficult for you to check, but he pleased me. The spices were just right, it's good that he restrained himself and did not overdo it. With salt, too, guessed.
The structure of the sausage.
Sujuk, I think, they tried almost everything, somewhere close. Well, the photos speak for themselves.

Dried sausage (sujuk)


Dry Sausage of the highest grade at home


from the video: spices at the rate of 10 kg of minced meat:

50g peppercorns

50g ground pepper

80g sugar

1 grated nutmeg

traditionally whole grains of mustard were added), the washed intestine was filled with minced meat and sent to bake in a Russian stove or oven.


Intestine preparation. At home, pork intestines are most often used to make sausages. After separation of the rectum and bladder from the outflow (intestine), the small intestines are separated. Their separation begins from the area closest to the stomach, placing the outflow so that part of it hangs over the edge of the dish. The intestines are separated as follows: the contents of the intestine are squeezed out (in the direction from the stomach to the intestines), the end is torn off and, pulling it with the left hand, the right is separated from the intestinal fat, lowering the intestine into a pot of water. For the convenience of further processing, the intestines are divided into two parts. Each is folded in half and the contents are squeezed out, passing the intestines between the fingers and pressing on them from the middle to the open ends. After that, the intestine is washed.

The washed intestines are turned out and cleaned of the mucous surface, for which they are placed on a smooth board and scraped with the blunt side of the knife, which is held in the right hand, weakly at first, and then stronger. With the left hand, the cleaned intestine is pulled in the direction opposite to the movements of the knife.

The large pig intestines have a strong folding, therefore, for the convenience of processing (which is carried out in the same way as the small intestines), they are cut into separate pieces of 50-60 cm. Such pieces are easier to wash from the contents after eversion. After clearing the mucus, the intestines are washed with water and left in the water if they are to be stuffed with minced sausage soon after.

To preserve the intestines for future use, they are salted. The intestines tied in bundles are poured abundantly with salt and put in a box or other container, the bottom of which passes the resulting brine (if the brine is not removed, the intestines will deteriorate).

Meat preparation. For the manufacture of sausages, it is necessary to take impeccably fresh meat, best of all chilled, that is, after slaughter, it was in a cool place for 1-2 days. The meat is freed from bones and large tendons and coarse connective tissue films are removed from it. When cutting very fatty beef meat, they try to separate the visible fat. Fat and coarse tendons are separated from pork meat, then the meat is cut into pieces weighing about 250 g, mixed well with salt and nitrate and placed for 2-3 days in a cool place (from plus three to plus five degrees).

For 5 kg of meat take 150 g of salt and 5 g of saltpeter.

Salted meat is passed together with garlic twice through a meat grinder with a fine grate, beef and pork separately. Meat grinder knives must be sharp, as blunt knives do not cut meat well, which affects the quality of the finished sausage.

Compilation of sausage stuffing. Sausage minced meat is made according to a certain recipe. The recipe can be varied both in terms of the amount of beef, pork and lard, as well as the added spices (garlic, pepper, etc.).

For 5 kg of meat and lard - 3 kg of salted and chopped beef meat, 1.5 kg of pork meat, 0.5 kg of lard, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 0.25 teaspoons of ground black pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, about 1 liter of water, 0.5 cups of potato flour.

Shredded meat is first kneaded with the addition of water. The quality of the sausage depends on how well the meat is kneaded. At home, this is done by hand on the table or in a wide, spacious dish, preferably with low edges. First, thoroughly knead the beef meat, kneading and turning it in all directions. During kneading, water, starch and pepper are added to the meat. Starch is best diluted in water. As a result, a viscous homogeneous mass is obtained, where chopped pork is added and, after thorough kneading, lard.

Lard is added in the form of small pieces (cubes). Before grinding, the skin is cut off from a piece of lard (about 1 cm thick), the lard is cut into layers and sticks, and the sticks are cut into cubes (crumb). After mixing with crumbled bacon, minced sausage can be stuffed into the casing.

Stuffing minced meat into a shell. Before stuffing, the intestines are washed with water and squeezed. You can stuff the stuffing with your hands or with a horn.

When stuffing with hands, they take a piece of the prepared intestine tied at one end, stretch the open end of the intestine with their hands and push the minced meat into it. After filling with minced meat, the second end of the shell is tied, and a loaf of sausage is obtained.

It is faster and easier to stuff sausages with a tinplate cone. Minced meat is applied through the wide end of the horn and the pressure of the hand is driven through the narrow end into the intestine. A more advanced device for stuffing minced meat is a manual syringe. The intestine is tied with twine to the narrow end of the horn, it is gathered in folds on the horn and stuffed into a stretched shell.

At home, a meat grinder can be adapted for stuffing minced meat by attaching a tin pin in the form of a funnel to it, the diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the meat grinder grate. Before stuffing minced meat, remove the grate and knife from the meat grinder. The intestine is put on the tarsus of the funnel to the tied end and, holding it with a hand, the resulting sausage loaf is gradually released.

Boiled sausages are not stuffed tightly. After stuffing, the sausage loaves are tied up.

Knitting sausage. When tying sausages, you should be careful and make sure that the twine does not jump off the slippery casing or that the dressing does not loosen.

Having made a loop of thin twine on the left hand, they press the minced meat in the intestine, and with the right hand they tightly tighten the loop at the end of the intestine. At a short distance (0.5-1 cm) from the first dressing, a second puff is made with a simple loop. The resulting "navel" guarantees the strength of the dressing.

When stuffing minced meat into the large intestines, 2-3 dressings with loops are made along the length of the loaf. When making sausages in the form of a ring, both ends are tied together.

Cooking sausage. Before cooking, it is advisable to smoke raw sausage loaves for about an hour in hot smoke. In extreme cases, they can be dried for 1-2 hours in a dry, warm place, such as near the stove or inside a cooled stove.

Boil sausages over low heat (the surface of the water in the bowl should only tremble slightly).

Duration of cooking thin sausages 40-50 minutes, thick - 1.5-2 hours.


This sausage is prepared differently than tea sausage. The meat is cut into pieces weighing 10-20 g, mixed with salt, chopped garlic, ground pepper and stuffed into a casing, preferably into the large pig intestines. Loaves of sausages tied at the ends are pricked with a pin to remove air bubbles.

Pork homemade sausage is good to serve with stewed cabbage.

For the manufacture of sausages take bold pork meat 1 kg, ground pepper (preferably a mixture of black and allspice) 0.25 tsp, garlic 1 clove, salt 15-20 g (incomplete tablespoon).


This sausage is prepared from semi-fat pork (the fat content in it should be no more than 50, but not less than 30 percent).

1 kg of unsalted pork meat is ground in a meat grinder through a grate with large holes (diameter from 14 to 20 mm).

While minced meat is being prepared, pre-washed, everted pork intestines are kept in cold water.

The resulting minced meat is mixed in a bowl with 18 g of salt, 2 g of sugar, 2.5 g of ground black pepper, 10 g of fresh peeled and chopped garlic.

Having prepared the minced meat, remove the grate from the meat grinder and put on the nozzle for stuffing the sausage casing. The shell is tied up at one end with twine, pulled entirely on the nozzle, after which, carefully, so as not to tear, it is tightly filled with minced meat. In conclusion, they tie with twine and the end from which the filling was going. Having done this, the loaf is folded into a spiral in 2-4 turns and tied crosswise with twine.

The sausage rolled up in a spiral is placed in one row on a greased baking sheet and fried in the oven. After 20-30 minutes, the baking sheet is removed, the sausage is turned over, the fat is drained and continue to fry in the oven for another 30-35 minutes. During this time, the temperature in the middle of the loaf will reach 70-75°C.

In the end, the sausage is cooled on a baking sheet for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 0 to 10 ° C.

For long-term storage, such sausage should be wrapped in parchment paper and placed in the freezer. In this form, it can be stored for 1-1.5 months.


Pork lukanka is prepared from pork: 1 part of lean meat for 1 part of meat with lard. The meat is cut into pieces of 100 g, mixed with 25 g of salt, 1 g of saltpeter and 3 g of sugar (per 1 kg of pork) and placed for a day in a board set at an angle in a cold room at a temperature of 4 ° C, allowing the water to drain.

After that, the meat is passed through a meat grinder equipped with a large grate.

Minced meat is mixed with seasonings: 4 g of ground black pepper, 3 g of crushed cumin, 1 g of crushed allspice, 1 clove of garlic per 1 kg of meat. Minced meat mixed with seasonings is again passed through a meat grinder equipped with a fine grate.

The next day, beef large intestines are stuffed with ready-made minced meat, previously soaked in cold water and cut into pieces 40 cm long. The filled intestines are tied at both ends with strong thin twine, pierced with a needle to remove air that has entered the loaf along with the minced meat.

Lukanka is hung in a ventilated room and dried for 60-90 days. After the first 4-5 days, the lukanka is removed in the evening and put in a pile so that it softens, and in the morning they roll it with a rolling pin. Rolling is continued for two weeks until the lukanka is completely dry and in good shape.

Then the lukanka is pressed three times every 7-8 days; for this, the lukanka is placed between the boards and pressed down with a load from above, leaving it overnight.

Then dry until it is completely dry.

Pork lukanka can be stored for up to 6 months in a cool, dry place.


Sujuk is made from beef or buffalo meat of the same variety. The meat is cleaned from tendons and bones and cut into pieces of 150 g. Salt at the rate 25 g of salt per 1 kg of meat and left in a cold room at a temperature of 4 ° C to allow the water to drain, then passed through a meat grinder with a large grate.

1 g of saltpeter, 1 g of sugar, 2.5 g of ground black pepper and 2 g of ground cumin are added to the minced meat (per 1 kg of meat), knead well and leave in a cold place for 3 days, then pass through a meat grinder with a fine grate.

Ready minced meat is stuffed into dry beef intestines, previously cut into pieces 40 cm long and soaked in warm water. The filled intestines are tied on both sides with twine and decorated in the form of a horseshoe.

Drying sujuk lasts about 30 days. At this time, the sujuk is rolled regularly until it dries and gets a good shape.

Then, in three steps, it is pressed between boards with a load.


Fresh beef is boiled for 1.5 hours. After reaching readiness, the meat is cut into small pieces.

The potatoes are peeled, dipped in boiling water without slicing, boiled for 5 minutes at a very strong boil, finely chopped into slices, not allowing to cool, and immediately moistened with chopped fat. Finely chop the onion, crush the pepper (do not grind).

All components are mixed and salted.

The stuffing stuffs the intestines and ties, but not tight. The sausage is boiled in water flavored with salt and pepper for 30 minutes.

For 1 kg of meat, 1 kg of potatoes, 3 onions, 50 g of fat, allspice, table salt and intestines are consumed.


1 kg of fresh beef is passed through a meat grinder. Half a kilogram of fat is finely cut and mixed with meat. Add 25 g of salt, 3 g of black pepper.

The mixture must be carefully kneaded and kept overnight in a bowl.

The next morning, dry beef intestines are stuffed with minced meat.

When drying, this sausage is rolled every evening with a rolling pin and placed between two boards, and a load is placed on top.

In the morning, the sausage is hung up in a warm place.


The slaughtered pig must be immediately hung upside down to make it convenient to collect blood. Liquid blood is filtered through a colander or sieve lined with gauze. To prevent the collected blood from clotting, it is recommended to beat it together with a small amount of salt. Blood clots, if any, must be passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve.

To 3 liters of blood, add 1.5 kg of bacon cut into small pieces (up to 2 cm), salt to taste, black and allspice, cumin, cloves, nutmeg, which must be finely ground before that. All this is well mixed and the resulting mixture is densely stuffed with thick pork or beef intestines, the ends of which are tied with twine.

The resulting loaves of sausages are placed in a bowl with warm water and put on a very low fire. After the water boils, the sausage is cooked for another 30 minutes.

To prevent the sausage from bursting, it is pierced in several places before and during cooking.

The finished sausage is carefully removed and strained.


To prepare this sausage, take 3 parts of meat (pulp and subcutaneous fat), 1 part of the liver and 1.5 liters of fresh blood.

For 1 kg of this mixture put 28 g of salt, 2 g of black pepper and 1 g of grated nutmeg.

The raw liver, along with the meat, is finely chopped, blood and spices are added and mixed well.

The resulting mixture is stuffed tightly into small beef intestines, which are tied with twine in 2 (like sausages), and smoked for 2 days or hung to dry.

Before eating, the sausage is boiled for 15-20 minutes.


To prepare meat-and-vegetable black pudding, boiled friable porridge (buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, wheat or barley), fried fatty pork, minced in a meat grinder or finely chopped with a knife, fried onions, peppers, salt in the following ratios are taken: for 1 kg of raw food blood - 1 kg of porridge, 1 kg of pork, 80 g of salt, 200 g of salt, 200 g of onion, 0.5 teaspoon of pepper.

All this mass is mixed and filled with wide pork intestines, well washed and turned inside out, the ends of the sausage loaf are tightly tied.

Then the sausage is placed on a baking sheet and baked in an oven or oven.


Pork or beef meat is finely chopped and passed through a meat grinder. Salt and pepper are added to the cooked minced meat to taste. All this is well mixed and filled into well-washed pig intestines, tied with a thread at both ends.

The sausage is boiled for 15-20 minutes over low heat, then fried, preferably in the oven.

For 1 liter of fresh blood, 0.5 liters of cream, 3-4 raw eggs, 0.5-0.6 kg of pork or beef meat are consumed.


As soon as the pig's blood is collected, it is stirred with a wooden spoon, salted and put in a cold place until other products are cooked.

For 1 kg of blood, 0.5 kg of meat scraps are taken from the neck and other places, cut together with fat, salt, black pepper, cumin, allspice and cloves are added and mixed with blood.

Thick pork or beef intestines are filled with the resulting mixture, their ends are tied; then they are pierced with a needle in several places, poured with cold water and boiled over low heat.

At the bottom of the dishes in which the sausage will be cooked, put a wooden grate or a few sticks. The stacked sausage is pressed down on top with a plate.

During the cooking of the sausage, it is pierced with a needle again. If the blood does not flow out, then the sausage is ready.

Cooked sausage is placed on a sieve or colander for straining.

Store in a cold place.


The meat cut from the pig's head and boneless brisket are boiled and ground in a meat grinder.

Separately, the skin, lungs are boiled until cooked, and, having cooled, they are also passed through a meat grinder.

Steep crumbly porridge is boiled from any cereal, put in a clean bowl, poured with blood, mixed thoroughly and cooked meat, skin and lungs are added, fried, finely chopped onions, salted, seasoned with spices, poured with fatty strained broth and mixed well again.

The resulting minced meat is filled with thick pork intestines.

Blood sausages tied at the ends (200-250 g each) are boiled for 20-40 minutes at a temperature of 85-90 ° C, after piercing the shell with a thin needle in several places, then they are washed in cold water and laid out for cooling.

To prepare such a sausage for 3.5 kg of meat from a pig's head, 0.5 kg of pork tenderloin, skin and lungs, 0.8-1 l of pork blood, 0.5 l of fatty meat broth, 1 kg of boiled cereals, 50 g of onions, lard for frying it, salt and seasonings (pepper, marjoram, cumin) are consumed.


Meat cooked to readiness and lard scalded with boiling water (you can use brisket instead) are cut into small pieces.

Washed rice is boiled until cooked, rinsed under running water and left until all the water has drained.

Chopped meat with bacon, rice, salt, season with spices and mix are put in the prepared dishes, pig's blood is poured in and carefully shoveled again.

The small intestines are filled with minced meat, the ends of the sausages are tied and boiled for 15-20 minutes at a water temperature of 85-90°C.

Boiled blood sausages are rinsed with cold water and laid out to cool.

For the manufacture of sausage for 3 kg of pork fore ham, 3 kg of lard from the backbone, 1-1.5 liters of pig blood, salt and seasonings (pepper and cloves) are consumed.


In the absence of the intestinal membrane, minced sausage products can be prepared in the form of so-called meat loaves.

To obtain a denser consistency of meat loaf, it is advisable to add raw eggs to minced meat (1-2 pieces per 5 kg of minced meat). For baking meat bread, use goose-type dishes, molds for baking bread, small pans in width.

The dishes are greased with pork fat, then the minced meat is placed in it as densely as possible, making sure that no voids form. For baking meat bread, fruit ovens and ovens of various types are used.

The finished meat loaf is taken out of the mold onto a baking sheet, greased with egg white and placed in the oven for about half an hour to dry and brown.

It is advisable to wrap the cooled bread in clean paper (parchment); in this form, ready-made meat bread is better preserved.


For the preparation of blood bread, they take cooked scattered porridge, fried fat pork chopped in a meat grinder, or finely chopped with a knife, fried onions, pepper, salt in the following ratios: 1 kg of raw food blood - 1 kg of porridge (buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, wheat or barley), 1 kg of pork, 80 g of salvin. 200 g of onions, 0.5 -year spoon of pepper.

This mass is thoroughly mixed, filled with a frying pan, bowl or goose, which are then placed in the oven or oven. The readiness of the product is determined using a smooth splinter, introducing it into the product. Blood loaf is considered ready if the splinter does not turn reddish.

The finished product is stored in a cold place.

2 pieces

1 hour

426 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

I think it's no longer a secret for anyone that lately it's better not to think at all about the production of sausages and other meat products. Gradually, various thoughts begin to creep in, from which, not only is there, but it becomes disgusting to look at sausage products on the shelves of the store.

If, like me, you constantly doubt the quality and compliance with all standards for the production of sausage products, then this interesting recipe for making raw smoked sausage will come to your aid, which is no worse, and in many ways several times better than purchased. You buy all the ingredients yourself, and the cooking process is fully controlled, after which you will get a clean and incredibly tasty product.

A step-by-step recipe for making raw smoked sausage at home

Necessary kitchen utensils and appliances: meat grinder, pork belly or collagen casing, bowl, thread, mixer, cutting board, knife, container with a lid, cold smoked smoker.


Cooking minced meat

  1. The first step is to prepare and salt our beef. To do this, on a cutting board, it must be cut into small pieces, then put it in a bowl, and preferably in a container to which a lid is attached. For two sausage loaves of impressive size, we need about 750 g of beef.

  2. Pour about 35 g of nitrite salt into the container, as well as 1 g of sugar.

    Nitrite salt is one of the most important ingredients in the preparation of this type of food. After a week of aging in the refrigerator, it will give the minced meat a pinkish-brown color, as well as a characteristic sausage flavor.

  3. We close the container or bowl with a lid, after which we send it to the refrigerator (it should maintain a temperature of +3 to +4 degrees Celsius). We are free for exactly one week.
  4. After a week, we take out a container of beef from the refrigerator and install a meat grinder. The stuffing should turn out to be more or less large, so it is advisable to use a 2-3 mm grate. We grind our beef in a meat grinder, putting the resulting minced meat in a bowl.

  5. It is advisable to leave about 250 g of bacon in advance for some time in the refrigerator, after which it will be much more convenient to cut it. We will grind it with a knife into cubes of about 6 mm.

  6. Place the spiral attachment on the mixer and mix the ground beef for 5-6 minutes. Add 0.25 nutmeg to the minced meat, as well as 1 g of sugar.

  7. We also need black peppercorns. One part of the pepper must be finely ground in a coffee grinder (or buy ready-made ground pepper), and the second part should be finely chopped.

    This can be done with a handkerchief, in which we wrap peppercorns, and a kitchen hammer, with which we crush peppers. We will need 0.75 g of ground and the same amount of crushed pepper, but if you do not want to bother, then 1.5 g of ground pepper will do.

  8. Pour into a bowl with minced meat. Again, carefully beat the minced meat with a mixer with the same nozzle.

We form sausage

  1. It's time to put the freshly chopped bacon into a bowl of minced meat. Again, mix the contents of the bowl with a mixer until the bacon is evenly distributed in the meat mass.

  2. We put the minced meat in a container and tamp it tightly. We cover the container with a lid and send our minced meat to the refrigerator for about a day (the temperature in the refrigerator should still be the same, about 3-4 degrees Celsius).
  3. We install the meat grinder again, but without the grate and grinder. If you have a sausage stuffer, feel free to use it. We stretch a collagen shell or pre-prepared pork wombs onto the neck of the meat grinder. The end of the womb must be tightly tied with a thread.

  4. We push the minced meat through the neck of the meat grinder (you do not need to turn it on). We form 1-2 loaves in this way.

    It is worth noting that the belly or collagen shell should be stuffed very tightly, because after a while the meat will significantly lose in size, but at the same time, the shell should not be allowed to tear during stuffing.

  5. We tie the second end of the sausage with a thread and send it to the refrigerator for about a week (the temperature is the same).

  6. After the end of the precipitation, sausage loaves must be sent to a cold-smoked smokehouse, where they will be smoked with smoke for about 5 days at a temperature of 18-22 degrees Celsius, or for a day or two at a temperature of 32-40 degrees.

  7. After cold smoking, the sausage must be hung to dry at a temperature of 12-15 degrees and a humidity of 75% for about a month.

    That is why the optimal period for cooking sausages at home is autumn, since the sausage during this period can easily be hung on the balcony. During drying, the sausage should lose approximately 40% of its original weight.

  8. After the drying process is completed, the sausage will be completely ready for use.

Video recipe for making raw smoked sausage at home

If you have any questions about this recipe for making raw smoked sausage at home, then be sure to check out this video. This video will definitely help beginners to fully understand this technique, because it clearly shows each stage of preparation.

A step-by-step recipe for making raw smoked pike sausage

Time required to cook fish sausage: 2-3 days of exposure, 30 minutes of cooking.
Number of servings received: 15-18 sausages.
Used kitchen utensils and appliances: knife, cold-smoked smokehouse, cutting board, mortar and pestle, collagen casings, meat grinder, thread.


Cooking minced meat

  1. The first step is to properly skin the pike if there is fresh fish on your cutting board. Starting from the head, with a sharp knife we ​​make an incision along the spine of the fish right up to the tail. We do exactly the same manipulation on the other side.

  2. We cut off all the fins, and also cut off the rest of the ribs from the inside of the fillet.

  3. We make an incision in the tail of the fish. We take the skin of the fish and pull it onto the blade of the knife, the knife itself should remain in place, and they do not need to move. Thus, the fillet is very easily and simply separated from the skin.

  4. The fillets are ready, let's do the spices. In a deep bowl, mix half a glass of Chilean and Svan salt. You also need to add one glass of granulated sugar to them.

  5. Add one or two tablespoons of hot red pepper to the plate, as well as a tablespoon of smoked paprika. It will give an appetizing color and add spice to the finished product.

  6. Pour about one teaspoon of ground chili and black peppercorns into a mortar and pestle.

  7. Also, 4-6 peas of allspice and half a teaspoon of coriander must be added to the mortar.

  8. Do not forget to add a teaspoon of dry garlic.

    It is better to refuse fresh, as it is too vigorous and can kill all other spices with its aroma.

  9. Thoroughly knead all the spices in a mortar with a pestle.

  10. Pour the contents of the mortar into a bowl with the rest of the spices and mix them.

  11. We spread the fillet on a cutting board, cut off the tail and abdomen, there are no bones in them. We will scroll the back through a meat grinder in order to get rid of the bones in this way.

  12. Roll each piece of fillet in spices, put the backs separately. We leave for an hour and a half to soak with spices, during which time the fish will release quite a lot of juice.

  13. Drain the resulting juice into a separate plate and wash each piece of fish in this liquid from the remaining grains of salt.

  14. We cut the bellies and tails into small cubes on a cutting board, together with them we also finely chop 100-150 g of salted lard.

  15. We install a meat grinder and grind salted pike backs through it, as well as about 150 g of salted bacon.

  16. We spread the minced meat and chopped fish with bacon in one large plate, after which we thoroughly knead our sausage filling.

We form sausage

Video recipe for making "fisherman's" sausages from pike

This voluminous video will help you prepare these sausages and answer most of your questions. Use it as a visual aid.

Making sausages at home is not at all difficult. The only negative is that this process takes quite a long time (from 14 days or more). But it's really worth your time and effort because it's really delicious!

What you need to know before making sausage

Before you start making sausages, you need to know that this process will take more than one hour or even more than one day. The minimum preparation time is two weeks. If you are ready to wait so long, join us!

The meat should be finely chopped enough so that the sausages are uniform and similar to those sold in the store. You need to add a lot of spices.

In order for the sausage to smoke, you need to prepare a room for it. In some recipes, you need a dark place, in others, on the contrary, a light one. There should be no drafts in it, but there should be access to fresh air.

If you want salty products, then when drying, put a bandage or gauze on the sausage, previously soaked in salt water.

Be sure to ensure that the “source” of air is covered with an insect net, otherwise the flies will be able to post the sausages at the most unnecessary moment.

home cooking recipe

Here is a variant of a very satisfying and rich sausage, which will be ready in a little more than three weeks. Very tasty, you will definitely like it!

The number of minutes indicated in the table should not be frightened. This is 24 days, that's how long it takes for raw smoked sausage to be made.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the meat, if desired, remove excess fat.
  2. Cut it into small pieces.
  3. Then put in a meat grinder and scroll or grind into minced meat with a blender.
  4. Peel the garlic, cut off the dry tip from each slice.
  5. Pass through the press twice to make the mass as homogeneous as possible.
  6. Combine it with minced meat, salt, add spices and mix.
  7. Cover the meat with cling film or a towel.
  8. Let it brew in this form at room temperature for five hours.
  9. During this time, mix the mass several times so that the salt is correctly and evenly distributed throughout the pork, and it does not remain fresh anywhere.
  10. When the time has passed, add alcohol and marjoram.
  11. Mix thoroughly again by hand.
  12. Rinse the intestine under running water, inflate it, or fill it with water to make sure it's intact.
  13. Cut the intestine into 50 cm lengths.
  14. Tie one side of each piece with a thread.
  15. Place the intestine on the appropriate meat grinder attachment.
  16. Pass the meat through it, thereby filling the intestines.
  17. Tie the finished sausages on the other side as well.
  18. Prick each sausage in several places to release air.
  19. Now take a bandage and soak it in a saline solution (15 grams of salt per glass of water).
  20. Wrap the sausages in a bandage and hang them up to dry.
  21. Remove the sausages after three days and roll them over with a rolling pin to flatten them, but don't overdo it.
  22. After that, hang the sticks again, but remove the bandage already.
  23. After another two weeks, remove the sausages and put them in the refrigerator. They can be eaten if they are ready. If the middle is not ready, leave in the refrigerator for another week.

Tip: fresh air should flow into the place where the sausage dries, but there should be no drafts. The room should be bright with a temperature of +10 ... +15 degrees.

How to make raw smoked pork and beef sausage

Now we are doing an easier option. Many fragrant spices will make sausages really unusual.

onion 3 heads
nutmeg taste
pork 1 kg
spices taste
beef 1 kg
pig intestines 0.2 kg
garlic 2 pieces
dry marjoram taste
Cooking time: 14 days Calories per 100 grams: 204 calories

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the meat, clean it of fat and excess films.
  2. Wash, then dry and dice both pork and beef.
  3. Remove the husk from the onion, rinse the heads.
  4. Coarsely chop them and mix with meat.
  5. Pass the three components together through a meat grinder or grind separately in a blender. You can also finely chop with a knife, if there is no meat grinder or blender.
  6. Peel the garlic and pass through the crush.
  7. Combine it with the meat mass, mix.
  8. Sprinkle everything with nutmeg, marjoram and spices.
  9. Mix thoroughly by hand to ensure all ingredients are well combined.
  10. Next, rinse the intestine, cut it into strips so that the sausages do not turn out to be too long.
  11. On one side, tie all the intestines with threads.
  12. Stuff the intestines with minced meat and tie the other side in the same way.
  13. Prick the finished sausages with a toothpick or fork in several places.
  14. After that, hang the meat products and dry for two weeks.

Tip: these sausages can be consumed immediately. To do this, they need to be placed in a dry frying pan and fried in the oven or on the stove until cooked. Periodically, they should be turned over and watered with juice that stands out.

How to cook with cognac at home

How to cook:

  1. Grind black peppercorns in a mortar to a powder state.
  2. Mix it with white pepper, paprika and salt.
  3. Combine all this and fill with cognac.
  4. Let stand until the meat is cooked.
  5. Wash the beef and pork thoroughly, cut off the fat.
  6. Dry and cut into large pieces.
  7. After that, send the meat to the freezer for three hours.
  8. When the time has passed, take out the cubes and grind them.
  9. Pour the resulting mass with spices, mix thoroughly by hand.
  10. Then cover with a lid or tighten with cling film.
  11. Refrigerate for 36 hours to ripen.
  12. When the time is almost up, rinse the intestines and soak in warm water for ten minutes.
  13. After that, shake them off from the water and fill them with ripe minced meat.
  14. Tie on both sides and place the sausages in a container.
  15. Send to the refrigerator for another 16 hours.
  16. When the time has passed, hang the sausages in a warm place where fresh air enters.
  17. After 12 hours, move the sausages to the refrigerator and let it brew there for a day.
  18. After that, hang again and repeat the process four more times.
  19. When all the processes are done, hang the sausages for another three weeks.

Tip: if you want the sausage sooner, then you can put it in the refrigerator not for a day, but only for the night. And so all five times.

It is imperative to store homemade sausage in the refrigerator, because it is there that it will stay fresh longer. According to the rules, it should be stored at temperatures up to +12 degrees. In such conditions, the sausage will be fresh for up to two months.

To prolong the shelf life of the sausage, melt the lard. Pour it into an airtight container and place all the sausages there. Close and store as such for several months in a cool room or refrigerator.

Homemade sausages have always been and will be many times tastier than those sold in the store. So if you somehow have the time, desire and opportunity to wait, be sure to cook. Once you try it, you will fall in love forever!

Raw smoked sausage, or as it is also called "dry" has always been a tasty and expensive product. Previously considered a deficit, and now, presented in a wide range, it remains in the status of a delicacy. With a pungent odor, a pleasant salty taste, raw smoked sausage is characterized by a high protein content, high fat content and low moisture content, due to which it can be stored for a long time. Raw-smoked sausage is also characterized by the hopes of consumers that this sausage is real, meat. Why else would it cost so much?

We purchased and sent for testing seven samples of raw smoked sausage: six from domestic producers and one from abroad. Surprisingly, all sausages withstood the test with dignity, they turned out to be meat.

In technological terms, raw smoked sausages are one of the most complex meat products. They differ in that after precipitation they are cold smoked, bypassing the cooking process, and then - for a long time drying. This type of sausage stands out from the rest of its counterparts with a dense texture, a pungent smell and a pleasant salty taste. And the high price is a consequence of the high-quality expensive raw materials used - beef, pork or lamb (depending on the name of the sausage), which also dries out a lot in the process of making the delicacy. True, this condition applies only to those sausages that are made according to the classical technology, in accordance with GOST 16131-86 "Smoked sausages". Where of the additives only sodium nitrite is allowed, acting as an antioxidant, preservative and color fixative.

But since 1992, GOSTs have ceased to be the only documents regulating production, and enterprises have been allowed to independently decide how to make sausage: in the old fashioned way, that is, according to GOST, or develop their own technical specifications (TU). The main thing is that the product is safe for the life and health of the consumer. In other words, in addition to meat, manufacturers can use any non-prohibited food additives in the manufacture of sausages - you just need to indicate them in the composition on the package.

Since raw smoked sausages are a “long-term” product - meat fermentation lasts more than a month, some manufacturers prefer to speed up this process and use a whole arsenal of additives. For example, the so-called starter cultures are added to minced meat - lactobacilli, micrococci and yeast, as a result of whose vital activity substances are formed that significantly increase the speed of biochemical processes.

Sometimes, in order not to introduce microorganisms, gluconodeltalactone (E575) is added to lower the acidity. It protects against spoilage and stabilizes the consistency, speeds up the ripening process of sausages almost twice. Gluconodeltalactone inhibits the growth of unwanted microorganisms, in particular Escherichia coli. But too much of this substance can lead to changes in fat and the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste.

Ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate is added to sausages to increase the stability and durability of color, as well as to prevent fat oxidation.

Unfortunately, we were not able to find sausage made according to the classical GOST, all samples purchased for examination were made according to TU.

All samples with honor passed the test for the content of benzapyrene - a carcinogenic substance contained in smoke smoke, its concentration is not exceeded. The mentioned gluconodeltalactose was not detected in any of the samples. All microbiological indicators turned out to be normal and the samples corresponded to the declared specifications in terms of organoleptic characteristics.

As for additives, each manufacturer found their own. For example, on the label "Austrian" in addition to beef, pork, salt, bacon and sodium nitrite, a food additive for raw smoked sausages is indicated. IN "Servalate Welcome" the complex food additive "Servelat combi elsasser" is indicated: monosodium glutamate, sugar, salt, spices, sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid. According to the label, there are a few additives in Salami Fiorucci Milano: sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate. True, the presence of dextrose in the list of ingredients indirectly indicates the use of starter cultures.

But the producers "Festive Tsaritsyno" openly and honestly inform the consumer about the use of both bacterial "boosters" and monosodium glutamate and antioxidants. Dried sausage "Chorizo" despite the highest price of the tested counterparts, it did not distinguish itself by the complete absence of additives, the label contains monosodium glutamate, lactic acid cultures and maltodextrim.

IN "Appetizing" in addition to meat, there is animal protein - a protein that is produced from the skins, bones, tendons of the blood of animals, as well as from milk. A very strange ingredient for a delicacy. Also, almost the entire range of known additives was noted in it: dye E 121, color fixative E 250, preservative E 260 and antioxidant E 360. True, all this chemistry is flavored with ... cognac.

There is cognac and "Elite". But besides it, there is also monosodium glutamate, a dye, food phosphates, an antioxidant, a starter culture.

And although the taste, color and aroma of all tested sausages did not surprise the experts, in a word they turned out to be edible and safe, nevertheless, each of us, buying a delicacy for rather big money, in general, wants the sausage to be as natural as possible. In this case, experts recommend not to despair and still look for raw smoked sausage made according to the classical technology. The label of the delicacy should indicate GOST-16131-86, and the manufacturer should inspire confidence.

WELCOM. Cervelat. Smoked sausage.

From cool. meat TU 9213-002-53134737-04 (70159).

LLC Meat-packing plant "Pavlovskaya Sloboda", Russia, Moscow Region, Istra district, Pavlovskaya Sloboda village, Lenina street, 75

Ingredients: beef, bacon, salt, complex food additive "Servelat Combi Elsasser", color fixative sodium nitrite

price 792.70/kg

KLINSKY. "APPETITE". Raw smoked sausage, chilled

TU 9213-051-00422824-09

JSC "Myasokombinat Klinskiy", Russia, MO, Klin

Ingredients: pork, beef, animal protein, salt, flavor and aroma enhancer E621, spices and spice extracts, antioxidant E300, cognac, preservative E260, dye E124, color fixative E250

price 600.10/kg

OKHOTNY RYAD. "AUSTRIAN dry-cured". Sausage dry-cured / raw-smoked. chilled product

TU 9213-038-51032326-03

CJSC "Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant", Russia, Moscow, Talalikhina St.

Ingredients: pork, beef, bacon, salt, food additive for smoked sausages, color fixative (sodium nitrite)

price 960.40/kg

CHERKIZOVSKY. "Chorizo. Five Stars". Dry-cured semi-dry sausage. chilled product.

TU 9213-040-11510767

OJSC "Cherkizovsky MPZ", Russia, Moscow, Permskaya st.

Ingredients: pork, bacon, beef, salt, dry milk, stabilizer (sodium pyrophosphate), grape sugar, maltodextrin, spices, flavor and aroma enhancer (monosodium glutamate), lactic acid culture, antioxidants (sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid), color fixative (sodium nitrite).

price 1259.00/kg

TSARITSYNO. "HOLIDAY". Raw smoked. Top grade. chilled

TU 9213-006-18285635

CJSC "PartnerF", Russia, Moscow, Kavkazsky boulevard

Ingredients: beef, bacon, pork, salt, complex food additive (dextrose, taste and aroma enhancer - monosodium glutamate, spices, antioxidants - ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate), glucose, bacterial cultures, color stabilizer (sodium nitrite)

price 749.10/kg

DYMOV. "ELITE" Smoked sausage. Chilled.

TU 9213-018-5708448806

LLC "Dymovskoe sausage production", Russian Federation, Moscow, Krylatskaya st., 37, fact. Dmitrov, Cosmonauts street, 55

Ingredients: pork, beef, bacon, salt, cognac, sugar, spices, flavor and aroma enhancer (monosodium glutamate), antioxidant (sodium isoascorbate), food color (punso), acidity control (food phosphates), starter culture, color fixative (sodium nitrite).

price 680.80/kg

Salami Fiorucci Milano. Cured servelat.

Without marking. Wrapped in parchment paper with a shop label: ABC OF TASTE.

Country of origin: Italy

price: 1187.00/kg

The main advantage of home-made raw smoked sausage is its natural composition. You know how much meat is in it, and how much fat, what spices were used, under what conditions the sausage was smoked and other nuances that no one in the store will tell you about. In addition, the sausage turns out to be just as tasty and appetizing as that cooked according to GOST on an industrial scale. Consider the recipe for making raw smoked sausage at home.

Ingredients and equipment

  • Lean pork (fillet) - 1.7 kg;
  • Beef - 1.7 kg;
  • Salted fat -1.5 kg;
  • Salt - 0.5 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Black ground pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • Allspice ground pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • Ascorbic acid - 15 g;
  • Cognac - 5-7 tablespoons;
  • Starch - 5-7 tablespoons;
  • Pork casing;
  • Twine hb;
  • Meat thermometer;
  • Smokehouse;
  • Chips for smoking;


1. Clean the meat from films, fat and tendons.

2. Cut the prepared meat into pieces of 300 g and rub with salt.

3. Put the meat in an enameled bowl and leave for 5-7 days in a cold place to ripen.

4. Room temperature should be between 0 and 3ºC.

5. After the allotted time, chop the pieces of meat using a meat grinder with a grate diameter of 3-4 mm.

6. Cool the lard at 0ºС and cut with a sharp knife into pieces of 3-5 mm.

7. Mix minced meat with spices and lard.

8. Add starch, mix and pour in cognac.

9. Stir again so that the fat is evenly distributed.

10. Then lay the prepared minced meat in an even layer of about 20-25 cm in enameled bowls and keep for a day at a temperature of 0ºС.

11. After that, carefully cleaned and washed intestines fill with cooked minced meat and pierce to get rid of air bubbles.

12. Tie the sausages with twine and hang for 7 days in a dry and clean room. Maintain at a temperature from 0 to 3ºС.

13. Then hang in a smokehouse and smoke in a cold way for 2-3 days, at a temperature of 20-22ºС with dry smoke. Relative humidity should be around 75-80%.

14. After that, hang the sausage and dry for 1 month at a temperature of 10 degrees. At the same time, the room where the sausage is dried must be periodically ventilated.

15. Sausages prepared in this way can be stored for 4 months at a temperature of +10ºС in a dry place.
