
What not to do for the new year. Forbidden food: What dishes can not be eaten on New Year's Eve

The tradition of celebrating the beginning of the New Year on January 1 is quite old. In our country, it appeared simultaneously with the New Year tree at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries (in 1799). Until that time, the New Year was celebrated on September 1, and even earlier (until the 16th century) on March 1.

Many signs, traditions, superstitions, ritual and etiquette requirements are associated with the New Year, on the observance of which the course of the holiday itself and our life in the coming year depend.

This includes a feast, without which the New Year is already unthinkable. It is important that the treat be varied, rich, preferably with a roasted pig, which should be served whole on the table. But you can’t serve crayfish on the festive table - otherwise the whole next year you will "backward".

Do not forget that the New Year - family celebration, and it is best to meet him with your family, and you can visit friends the next day.

It is a well-known rule that how you meet the New Year, so you will live it. Therefore, for a while you need to forget about problems, make peace with friends and family members if you quarreled with them the day before. Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness, everyone around you will appreciate it. Learn to enjoy the holiday regardless of financial situation, success or failure.

Try to keep your table, pocket and refrigerator empty on a holiday, then your house will be full throughout the year.

On New Year's Eve, you can not lend strangers items that are associated with fire: in the old days - fire from the furnace, and today - matches or lighters. If you are spending a holiday outside the city or you have a fireplace in your house, then carefully make sure that the fire in the fireplace or stove does not go out during New Year's Eve. It is for this reason that in Europe it is considered a good sign to bring coal into the house on New Year's Eve and throw it into the hearth.

The European tradition draws attention to throwing old things out of windows, most often at exactly midnight. Therefore, being in the south of Europe at this time, stay away from residential buildings so as not to get bruised or injured.

Remarkable is the custom on New Year's Eve to choose the "bean king": before treating those present birthday cake, a child is seated under the table, who commands who to give each of the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of the pie to. Soon the audience will find out who exactly got the pie with the bean baked inside. The person who received such a piece is considered lucky: during the year, luck will be on his side, and on the New Year's holiday he gets the position of manager and toastmaster.

New Year's Eve is one of the most mysterious of the year. On the eve of the holiday, our ancestors invited a priest to the house to expel demons from the dwelling and sanctify it. To protect themselves and their household from the machinations of evil spirits, a cross was drawn on the front doors with chalk or charcoal.

On the eve of the New Year, dirty linen should not be taken out of public, otherwise there will be no prosperity in the house. The traditional general cleaning, which many people do on December 30 or 31, is best done a week before the holiday. In this case, you will only have to slightly clean up the order on December 30th. But cleaning the house on the 31st is not recommended.

In order for the year to be successful, you should celebrate the holiday in a new outfit. There is also a sign that if for the New Year with a new thing, then later whole year you will be wearing new clothes.

In order for the family to have prosperity all year long, the New Year's table should burst with treats. Do not forget to put bread and salt on it - symbols of well-being. You can’t be left without money for the New Year, otherwise you will spend the whole next year in need.

Before the whole family sits down at the New Year's table, wrap its legs with ropes: then peace and love will reign in your family for a whole year.

On the eve of the holiday, it is imperative to appease the animal, which is the owner of the year according to the eastern calendar. Then you will certainly be lucky next year.

To avoid unnecessary losses and turmoil in the coming year, you should plan a holiday in advance. If the celebration goes like clockwork, then during the year everything planned and conceived will be fulfilled.

It is considered bad luck to break a plate, glass or glass during the festival. Try not to spoil anyone's mood and not break anything that night. You can’t throw any garbage out of the window, even if it’s candy wrappers: otherwise you will have to “rake someone else’s garbage” all year, i.e. deal with the problems of other people, such as relatives or colleagues.

It is considered bad luck to see a mouse, rat or bat. If this happens, then be prepared for betrayal by colleagues or business partners.

There is a sign that you cannot celebrate the holiday alone, otherwise you will be lonely all year later. For this reason, many seek to find themselves at least some kind of company. But still, you should not celebrate the New Year in a circle of people who are unpleasant to you. This is unlikely to save you from loneliness, but the mood for next year will be spoiled.

What about people who have no one to celebrate the New Year with? On the eve of the holiday, call relatives, friends and acquaintances. Congratulate them and ask how they plan to celebrate the New Year. If appropriate, please let them know that you will be alone. It is highly likely that someone will definitely invite you to visit. If this did not happen, there is no need to be sad. Maybe it's not so bad to be in holiday night alone with yourself, take stock of the outgoing year and think about what you want to achieve in the coming year.

For those who plan to start a new life in the New Year, it is recommended to perform the following ritual - burn everything you want to part with at the stake. If there are no unnecessary or disturbing things, then prepare notes and objects that symbolize your failures or grief. It is important that all the negative information about past problems, failures and illnesses come out of you and burn in the fire. You can perform the ritual in the company of a loved one.

  1. A person who has drunk the last glass of wine or champagne from a bottle at the New Year's table will be lucky.
  2. If in new year's eve something unusual happened to you, then expect surprises all next year.
  3. If someone sneezes at the New Year's table, then the coming year will be successful for all those present.
  4. If on January 1 the trader yields well to the first buyer, then a successful trade awaits him.
  5. Whoever celebrates the New Year cheerfully will have fun throughout the year.
  6. Pay attention to the events that happened on New Year's Eve and the first week of the new year. They will tell you what to expect this year.
  7. If on December 31 or January 1 a stray dog ​​or cat is asked to come into your house, this is no accident. You can’t pick up an animal - at least feed it. Then fortune will smile at you throughout the year.
  8. If on the eve of the New Year you made a mistake with the door or phone number, congratulate the person on the holiday before saying goodbye.
  9. Happiness promises a meeting on New Year's Eve with a white horse, a blue-eyed blonde or a big good-natured dog. If the dog rushes to greet you and tries to lick you, then success is guaranteed in the near future.
  10. It's a good sign to receive a letter on December 31st. So be sure to check your inbox and check your email.
  11. A good omen is considered to be a horseshoe found on December 31 and even a lump of manure that fell under the feet. In such cases, the coming 12 months will be successful in business terms. In addition, it is also a sign from above, indicating that it is time to start a family or legalize existing relationships.

Money signs for the New Year

In order to have money all year round, all debts in the old year should be paid. This will not only save you from many problems in the future, but will also bring health and well-being. You also need to ask debtors, if any, to return the money they borrowed from you. It is important that they have time to do this before the New Year.

There is another way to attract money into your life. Eastern astrologers recommend putting a red bag with three coins on the bottom of the refrigerator - always tails up. Nowadays, the refrigerator symbolizes a barrel of rice, which in ancient China was a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

There is another way to improve your financial situation. Put coins in your pocket and, when midnight strikes, ring a trifle - the god of trade, Mercury, will visit your house and give you well-being.

Preparing for the New Year is always associated with spending money. After all, it is necessary to buy gifts for relatives and friends, richly set the table, purchase a new outfit, and, if necessary, distribute debts. The question immediately arises: “Where can I get the money for all this?”. So that you always have money, remember a few simple rules that will help attract the energy of money:

  1. Get a beautiful and high-quality wallet. Do not store any rubbish in it. Unnecessary checks and receipts immediately take out and throw away.
  2. Never carelessly shove money into your wallet. Banknotes must lie neatly. Remember, monetary energy does not tolerate a dismissive attitude.
  3. It is believed that the smell of mint attracts banknotes. Therefore, let there always be a bag in your wallet mint tea or a mint leaf.
  4. Put one US dollar in the back compartment of your wallet. On reverse side This banknote depicts a symbol that attracts monetary energy: the all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid.
  5. As soon as you receive your salary, be sure to put aside some part in a beautiful red box or box. Because this color attracts money to itself like a magnet.
  6. Don't save money for a rainy day. It is better to collect them for some large purchase. If the required amount has accumulated, then immediately purchase the item.
  7. Let's donate. After all, what we give to the sick, the poor or children will return to us with interest.
  8. Beware of freebies. Of course, sometimes you really want to drink beer, go to the cinema at someone else's expense, or ride the bus like a hare. However, keep in mind that all this is a manifestation of greed, which has a devastating effect on energy cash flows.
  9. Do not forget every time you receive money, thank the Lord and your guardian angel.
  10. Learn how to properly handle banknotes. Always give money with your right hand and take it with your left. Don't take money from someone else's hands. Let the person who gives them to you put the bill, for example, on a table or window sill.
  11. Learn to receive and give money with pleasure.
  12. Never set a goal to accumulate a lot of money. Remember, money in itself cannot be an end, it is a means to an end.

Good and kind will take you in the New Year!

Video: New Year's signs and divination

What to put on the table on New Year's Eve?

According to the Eastern calendar, on the night of December 31, 2018 to January 1, 2019, the kind and friendly Dog will hand over the reins to his follower, the Yellow Earth Pig. As for the New Year's menu, this fact will greatly facilitate the culinary chores of many housewives, because this animal is not as picky in the diet as its predecessor.

"Star" experts say that almost everything can be put on the New Year's table, from salads from fresh vegetables and ending with a variety of meat and fish snacks. However, there are certain exceptions to any rule. They are also in the New Year's menu of 2019. What dishes might not like the Yellow Earth Pig?

First of all, these are ham, lard, bacon, as well as sausages, pates and dressings containing pork meat. Other products can be presented on the table in their widest variety. As ingredients for cooking New Year's dishes, astrologers offer the following options for consideration:

  • fresh, pickled and salted vegetables;
  • all kinds of poultry and fish;
  • beef / lamb / venison;
  • fruits in any form and assortment;
  • cereals and flour products;
  • homemade cakes and other desserts.

As for meat, it can be served both boiled and stewed, and fried. There are also no restrictions on drinks. Households and guests can be offered juice, wine, fruit cocktails and a variety of alcoholic drinks.

Connoisseurs of oriental traditions claim that the Pig prefers not so much variety as an abundance of food. However, this does not mean that dishes should be served on the table too large sizes, it is enough to place them in moderate portions in beautiful and compact plates.

The Yellow Earth Pig has a special weakness for sweets. Therefore, the presence of New Year's table cake, sweets and other goodies will not be superfluous.

In addition, the totem of 2019 appreciates aesthetics and order. Given this fact, it is worth paying special attention to table setting. Orientalists assure that the following elements must be present in it:

  • festive tablecloth;
  • new beautiful dishes;
  • decorative candles (yellow);
  • pig figurine.

Separately, it is worth recalling that the patroness of 2019 prefers natural products. Therefore, during the preparation festive dishes you should refuse to use semi-finished products purchased at the supermarket in advance.

In addition to preparing dishes for the New Year's table, you need to take care of a number of points that, according to experts, can put the Yellow Earth Pig in the house. Taking into account the fact that the hostess of 2019 is accompanied by the earth element, it is recommended to decorate the interior of the house with yellow elements.

Considering that the Yellow Earth Pig is the “indigenous inhabitant” of the village, it is recommended to decorate the room where the New Year celebration is planned in ethnic style. For example, hand-woven curtains can be used to decorate windows.

Festive outfits deserve special attention. Due to the fact that the Pig does not like tightness and constraint, New Year's clothes should be as free as possible. This rule applies to both women's and men's wardrobe. Astrologers advise opting for outfits in yellow, beige and brown shades, and as an elegant addition to the overall ensemble, it is recommended to use amber jewelry.

Magic New Year 2019

For many residents of our country, New Year's Eve is not only a time for a family feast, but above all, a unique moment for bringing good luck to the house. In order for the Yellow Earth Pig to be favorable to the owners throughout the year, it is necessary to pay attention to folk omens and follow the advice of Eastern astrologers.

A few days before the New Year, it is worth getting rid of old things, and especially dishes that have cracks and chips. If the family has debts, they should also be paid off in advance. Otherwise, the owners of the home risk losing their material well-being next year.

To attract financial success, orientalists recommend purchasing several bright Christmas tree decorations. To enhance the effect, you can hang various money symbols on the Christmas tree. It can be either a garland of coins or a serpentine of hand-drawn bills.

Happiness and good luck will be provided to those who dare to start a family in the first month of the New Year. The Yellow Earth Pig will be especially supportive of such couples.

How to celebrate the New Year without tragic consequences for the liver and stomach.
The New Year's table is a terrible blow to the body. Lots and lots of fat, alcohol, sugar... No wonder our liver and pancreas can't handle it. What must be removed from the New Year's table and how to make the feast at least a little useful, says Mikhail Lebedev, expert doctor of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

Eliminate fat!

Food on New Year's Eve should not be excessively rich in fats and carbohydrates. It is advisable to do without fatty meat, lard, limit pork. It is better to give preference to beef, veal, chicken, turkey and rabbit. With traditional but very fat duck and the goose must also be careful, it is better to cook them with apples, which adsorb excess fat well.
Fatty sauces are a very undesirable component of the New Year's table. Therefore, instead of mayonnaise, it is better to make your own salad dressings using olive or other vegetable oil, yogurt, sour cream. It is better to avoid packaged juices: they have too much sugar.

Special attention alcohol! The main thing here is a sense of proportion and reasonable use. You can not drink alcohol on an empty stomach in anticipation of a night feast, this can ruin the whole future holiday. It is strictly forbidden to combine alcohol with coffee, "to cheer up." Contrary to popular belief, coffee does not help sober up, but this combination can lead to an increase blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias.
Particular attention should be paid to people aged: fatty food with alcoholic beverages, multiplied by sitting in front of the TV - a very tangible blow to health.

anxiety symptoms

Monitor the condition of the body very carefully: negative impact can be very different, ranging from a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and nausea with a banal overeating, ending with a toxic effect on the liver, disorders of the of cardio-vascular system. When using foods that are "rich" in stabilizers, preservatives and various artificial additives, it is possible to develop allergic reaction.
One more problem - alcohol intoxication and subsequent hangover. And remember about the “second day”, when there is an active eating of salads and snacks that have stood all night on the festive table. The result may be poisoning or an acute intestinal infection.

One plate rule

What can you eat? In fact, everything. But it’s better to follow the “one plate rule”: anything is put on a plate, but in small portions, and you need to be content with this as long as possible, preferably - throughout the feast.
Particular attention should be paid to alcoholic beverages. I mean be especially careful when using them. Drink only within holiday table, always with a snack and refreshing drinks: fruit drinks, compotes from fresh, frozen and dry fruits. And remember: quantity matters!

The main rule is prudence

Night plentiful New Year's feast This is a lot of stress on the body. Try to minimize it.
The best option is dinner around 22:00: "seeing off the old year." And to meet the new year, it is better to leave salads, snacks and desserts.
On the New Year's table, there must be vegetables and fruits, natural (freshly squeezed) juices. Desserts - light, prepared on the basis of curd cheese and yoghurts, cottage cheese, fruit and milk jellies.
Be active. No need to sit all New Year's Eve in front of the TV: go for a walk, turn on the music and dance!

The same mayonnaise

“There is a kilogram of mayonnaise in the salad, which is delicious, and most importantly, very healthy,” Alexey Kortnev sang and was absolutely right. Especially about the kilogram. Replace this sauce with sour cream or Greek yogurt. For those who cannot imagine their life without mayonnaise, there is also a way out: cook your favorite sauce at home. So you protect yourself from preservatives and harmful additives.

Maxim Myasnikov, head chef of the Prozhektor restaurant: “For some reason, mayonnaise is added to any salad from the Soviet culinary repertoire. This greasy sauce ruins the whole dish and turns individually delicious ingredients into a slurred mixture. Certainly, we are talking about factory mayonnaise! So arm yourself with a mixer, eggs and olive oil: make it homemade!”


No, we do not offer you to meet a more humane and less high-calorie one, but perhaps you should not mix champagne with whiskey. Try not to interfere with anything at all: drink the same thing all evening, and in reasonable quantities. And eat, be sure to eat!

Ilya Doronin, head bartender of the gastrobar “We’re not going anywhere”: “I think I won’t be too far from the truth if I say that the most dangerous drink on New Year's Eve - this is the second glass of champagne! After it, the degree of fun can rise so much that it will not take long to miss the New Year. These are deceptively light bubbles. Be careful! However, one glass of sparkling wine under the chiming clock is a good good tradition.”

Vasily Zheglov, chef of the Dukhless bar: “On New Year’s Eve, it’s better not to drink sweet red wine, sweet champagne and drinks with great content Sahara. I still do not recommend carbonated drinks, even non-alcoholic ones. It is advisable not to change alcohol during the evening, for example, drink cocktails on one alcohol based».

Meat in French

Russia has its own, incomparable meat recipe, which, to be honest, has nothing to do with french cuisine. Usually a huge piece of meat is taken and baked with butter, cheese, mayonnaise and potatoes. In general, the most for a team of movers who have just moved all the furniture in your apartment. For guests who came to your party, it is still better to pick up something more humane and less high-calorie.

Regis Trigel, Chef Restaurant Sixty: “Except for mayonnaise, then the most junk food on the New Year's table - these are baked dishes. For example, the famous meat in French! It is difficult to think of anything more indigestible and heavy. Here and meat, and potatoes, and fatty sauce of cheese-mayonnaise. A real blow to the liver! It’s much tastier just to bake the meat, say, in foil, and then serve with grilled vegetables seasoned with olive oil.”

Salting and smoking

Spicy and smoked - a well-known enemy of the liver, stomach and other organs. They are especially dangerous in combination with alcohol. Replace pickles with fresh ones: you can find decent-tasting cucumbers at farmers markets even at the end of December.

Nikolai Bakunov, Duran bar concept chef: “In my opinion, the most harmful thing is vodka and mushrooms, despite the fact that such a combination is quite popular on the New Year's table. All mushrooms are somehow poisonous - the question of the dose of the poison content. And when drinking alcohol, toxins increase! Join New Year no mushrooms!

Cakes and pastries with cream

If you want to be sure you didn't buy a ticking time bomb, make desserts at home. Another option is to go to a time-tested pastry shop. Calculate your strengths correctly: are you sure that deep after midnight you will be drawn to sweets? If it comes to tea only on the evening of January 2, then on December 30 it is better not to buy a cake. Actually, this golden rule applies to any food: do not buy meat and fish cuts in advance, carefully check the expiration date - and you will have a holiday!

Hello readers! One of the most anticipated holidays is approaching - the New Year. We were taught from childhood that on the night of December 31 to January 1, all dreams and desires come true. And we, like children, are waiting for this moment, hoping for a brighter future. I want to wish everyone Christmas story became a reality. And the first step is to prepare a delicious and original menu.

Now so big choice dishes that make your eyes run wide. But I don't want to guess. It happens that you cook according to a recipe from the Internet, but it turns out tasteless. So that this fate does not overtake you, I collected best options. And they are in front of you.

I also prepared for you the top 15 most delicious New Year's salads. They are available.

First of all, I want to cook something new and interesting, since the standard Olivier is a little boring. Check out the content below and see what I offer. Click on the recipe you are interested in and go to it.


  • freshly frozen mackerel - 1 pc. large
  • sweet orange large - 1 pc.
  • seasoning for fish - 1 tsp
  • provencal herbs - 1 tsp
  • soy sauce- 1 tbsp. l.
  • lemon juice- 1 tsp
  • sunflower oil- 2 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

1. First, the fish must be thawed. It's better to shift it from freezer in the refrigerator so that the ice melts gradually. Cut open the belly and remove all the insides. Also, carefully cut the gills with culinary scissors or a knife, lifting the gill covers. When cleaning the fish, it is important to remove the black film that is in the middle. If you leave it, the dish will be unpleasantly bitter.

Rinse the carcass well running water and blot with a tissue.

2. Next, for a festive serving, remove the bones. To do this, extend the incision along the abdomen to the tail. Now cut along the spine, cutting through the costal bones. The fish will open. With a knife, go along the other side of the ridge. To get it, work with scissors, cutting off this large bone.

3.Now select the costal bones to leave the fillets.

In mackerel, unlike herring, small bones No. Therefore, it is easy to split.

4. When the fish is prepared, take care of the sauce. Wash the orange first with a brush to get a good peel. Rub on fine grater zest from half of this fruit.

It is important to remove only the top orange layer without catching the white part, which is bitter.

5. Cut four circles from an orange - this will be a pillow for mackerel when baking. Squeeze out the remaining half Fresh Juice. It is convenient to use a special manual citrus juicer. If it is not there, just squeeze it out with your hands, helping yourself with a spoon.

6. Pour the orange juice over the zest.

If your fruit is sour, add 1 tsp. Sahara. If it's sweet, then you don't need it.

7. Pour dry seasonings into the sauce, also add vegetable oil, lemon juice, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. Be sure to try the marinade so that it tastes harmonious. Let the sauce sit for 5 minutes to infuse and release the spices.

8. Put the fish in a baking dish. If the form is large, then you can immediately cook several carcasses for a large number guests. Pour the sauce over the mackerel and marinate for 20 minutes.

9. Place four circles of orange under the carcass so that the fish does not stick to the mold, as the liquid will evaporate. In addition, additional juice will be released from them, which will impregnate the mackerel.

10. Cover the form with foil and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180º. Therefore, remove the foil and continue to bake for another 10-15 minutes.

11. Transfer the finished dish nice plate. Garnish with fresh herbs if desired. And serve hot to the table. The fragrance will spread beautifully throughout the house. So everyone will be looking forward to this mackerel. Here is such a simple juicy dish worthy of the New Year's table.

Chicken chops in the oven with cheese - meat in the year of the pig

Since pork cannot be used, we will cook chicken or turkey chops. Although you can actually use any meat you like. I think many people like meat in French (read the link delicious recipes cooking), which can also be included in the menu for the New Year 2019. And if you bake it right away with potatoes, then you don’t have to cook a side dish separately.

These chops are somewhat similar to the "French" variant mentioned above. They turn out juicy, and mushrooms give them extra flavor and juiciness. The pig, the mistress of the New Year, will appreciate such a treat.


  • large chicken fillet - 2 pcs.
  • pickled mushrooms - 1 can
  • hard cheese - 250 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 150 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • greens - optional
  • salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook chops:

1. Let's start with refueling. Mushrooms cut into small pieces, drain all the liquid first, it is not needed here.

You can take it on request fresh champignons. Only they will need to be fried to evaporate all excess moisture.

2. Squeeze garlic into mayonnaise through a press or grate on a fine grater. Add sauce to mushrooms. Also put finely chopped greens there, if you use it.

3. Rub 100 gr. cheese on coarse grater and also mix with the sauce. Pepper to taste. This completes the filling. Look, don't eat it like this, because it's already delicious.

4. Wash and dry the chicken breast paper towels. Do not skip this step, it is important for the final result. Cut each fillet lengthwise into thinner pieces (2-3 chops, depending on the thickness of the meat).

5. Put the chopped breast in a bag or under a cling film and beat it with a hammer on both sides.

Using the film, you protect the kitchen from splashes.

6. Salt and pepper each chop on both sides.

7. Turn on the oven in advance to warm up to 180º. Grease an ovenproof dish or baking sheet vegetable oil. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Arrange the chicken in a dish and sprinkle with the onions.

8. Grease the top mushroom sauce, which lays down in a thick layer.

9. It remains to sprinkle each chop with grated cheese and send it to a well-heated oven. Bake New Year's chicken 25-30 minutes. Do not keep in the oven for a long time, so as not to overdry the tender meat.

10. Get out and serve to your guests. Classic combination chicken, mushrooms and cheese will not leave anyone indifferent!

Oven Baked Potato Recipe with Balsamic Vinegar

If you are tired of the side dish traditional puree, bake potatoes in the oven large slices. Outside, they will be crispy and ruddy, and in the middle - soft. Recently I wrote recipes for you, you can use them too.

This option is different refueling, there is secret ingredient, which makes the main taste of the dish. For cooking you will need:

  • potatoes of the same size - 1.5 kg
  • rosemary - 2-3 sprigs
  • red onion - 3 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • butter- 50 gr.
  • olive oil- 20 ml
  • balsamic vinegar- 20-50 ml (to taste)
  • water - 200 ml
  • salt - to taste

How to bake potatoes in the oven for the New Year:

1. First of all, peel the potatoes. You need to cut big enough. First in half, and then each half into 3 parts to make slices, like a tangerine.

2. Boil water in a saucepan, salt it a little and put pieces of tubers. Boil the slices for 5 minutes, no longer. Drain the water and drain the potatoes in a colander. When all the water has drained, return the vegetables to the pot where they were cooked and add a piece of butter.

3. Cut small onions into the same slices. Peel the garlic, but leave some of the cloves in the skin to give the dish a rustic touch (the pig lives in the village).

4. Put the onion cloves and whole garlic cloves into the pan. Tear rosemary sprigs into pieces, salt to taste.

5. Pour in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, which will give the garnish new taste. If you are making potatoes according to this recipe for the first time, add the last component in a small amount for testing. It gives a spicy and very aromatic note.

If fresh rosemary is not available, add dried spice.

6. Mix everything well. Potatoes should keep their shape well, not be boiled. Therefore, make sure that it only boils a little in the water.

7. Pour out the prepared vegetable mix into a baking sheet.

If you have any, you can add more sprigs of rosemary to the bottom for an even bigger and more festive scent.

8. Put the garnish in the oven preheated to 180º for 30 minutes.

9. Get it out and enjoy! As you can see, it’s easy to cook such New Year’s potatoes in the oven, but it turns out to be very tasty! As I already wrote - a very crispy crust, but inside it is tender and velvety. I can only wish you bon appetit!

5 Diet New Year's Dishes: Video Recipes

If you adhere proper nutrition and want to keep your figure in these long new year holidays then pay attention to the recipes revealed in the video below. Everything is simple, tasty, elegant and not too high in calories.

I know that many lose weight before the New Year, gain weight over the holidays, then lose weight again. To prevent this from happening to you, take care in advance of the menu, which will delight you with taste and not upset you with excess weight.

I will write for your convenience a list of the ingredients of these 5 dishes.

Meat in French
  • chicken fillet - 600 gr.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • sour cream - 4-6 tablespoons
  • champignons - 200 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • spices to taste
Salad with chicken and pineapple:
  • canned pineapple - 200 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • chicken fillet - 300 gr.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp
  • spices - to taste
  • homemade cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • cashews - 75 gr.
  • walnuts - 75 gr.
  • dates - 200 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 75 gr.
  • sour cream 25% - 250 ml
  • sheet gelatin - 10 gr.
  • zest of half a lemon - optional
  • orange - for decoration
Vegetable casserole:
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • milk - 100 ml
  • cauliflower - 300 gr.
  • greens as desired
  • spices to taste
Vegetable salad:
  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • quail eggs - 2 pcs.
  • lettuce - 1 bunch
  • olives - 50 gr.
  • lemon juice
  • olive oil
  • spices to taste

Snack menu for the New Year:

I wrote 6 appetizer recipes at once so that I had plenty to choose from. In addition, I found for you great video, which shows how to make 5 more simple options. I offer an appetizer of stuffed mushrooms, new and interesting presentation red fish, original tangerine snacks, beautifully decorated herring, small canapés with sausage and cheese.

Everything is so delicious, choose and cook. Write in the comments what you liked the most.

Christmas canapes with salami and cheese

The most simple snack, which takes a minimum of time to prepare. If you do not want to make a banal cheese and sausage cutting, and if you want to somehow update the method of serving, then make small portioned canapes that will complement the menu for the New Year 2019.


  • salami - 200 gr.
  • hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • Tartar sauce - to taste
  • pitted olives - 10-12 pcs.
  • loaf - 0.5 pcs.

How to cook:

1. Cut the loaf into squares, cut off all the crusts. Cut the cheese into cubes, about the size of an olive. Sausage - a thin and long oval.

2. Brush the loaf with Tartar sauce. Take a toothpick or skewer. Pierce the salami on one side, prick the olive. Pick up a piece of sausage and pierce it in the middle, thus covering the olive.

4. Prick the whole structure on bread and place on a serving plate. Make all appetizers in this way, which are perfect for any aperitif.

Recipe for stuffed champignons for the New Year's table

Mushrooms are almost always on the table in the New Year. They can be part of hot dishes, salads or snacks. This appetizer is just mega mushroom. There are a minimum of components, but the result is excellent. Such champignons will fly away from the table very quickly, believe me, because this is new and interesting.


  • champignons - 10 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • butter - 20 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • red paprika - 1/2 tsp
  • black pepper - 1/2 tsp
  • salt - 1/2 tsp


1. Start by preparing the filling. Separate the stem from the cap of the mushroom by simply gently prying it off. Using a spoon, carefully loosen the center of the hat so that there is more room for the filling.

2. Cut the legs as small as possible and connect them to the insides of the hat.

3. Finely chop the onion. In a frying pan, heat the butter along with the vegetable oil and pour the onion. Fry it until light golden.

Butter will give the dish a pleasant creamy flavor.

4. Add mushrooms, salt and spices to the onion, mix and fry until tender.

5. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. When the mushrooms are ready, turn off the heat and put all the cheese into the pan. Stir vigorously to start the melting process.

6. Grease whole mushroom caps with vegetable oil using a silicone brush. This step will make New Year's snack ruddy and appetizing. Put the mushrooms in a baking dish.

7. It remains to stuff the mushrooms. It is convenient to do this with two spoons.

8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the mushrooms for 20-25 minutes. The table can be served both hot and cold. Will you include this appetizer in the menu for the New Year?

How to cook low-calorie rolls with cucumber and cottage cheese?

For those who watch their weight, there is great snack- low-calorie and healthy. Include it in your new year menu for guests to choose from. The freshness of cucumber will in any case be attractive on cold winter days.


  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • cottage cheese 2% - 100 gr.
  • yogurt - 30 gr.
  • black pepper - to taste
  • cheese 9% - 30 gr.
  • pomegranate seeds - optional for decoration

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the filling. To do this, simply mix the curd, natural yogurt and black pepper. Taste and salt if necessary.

2. Cut the cucumber into thin and long slices using a vegetable peeler.

3. Lay out curd mass on a cucumber strip in an even layer. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

4. Roll up the slices and secure them with a toothpick or skewer.

5. When serving, for color brightness, you can decorate with pomegranate seeds. Delicious, simple and nutritious!

New and unusual appetizer with red fish for the New Year

Well, what is the New Year without fish? Above, I wrote a hot dish with mackerel. And now I want to surprise you with a beautiful and unusual snack, which is worth preparing on New Year's Eve. She will need profiteroles from choux pastry. They are easy to make and can be done the day before. And you can already start these “pies” before serving, it will take a little time.


for profiteroles:

  • butter - 120 gr.
  • water - 130 ml
  • milk - 160 ml
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • flour - 160 gr.
  • eggs - 220 gr. (4 large or 5 small)

For filling:

  • slightly salted salmon - 200 gr.
  • creamy soft cheese- 300 gr.
  • lemon peel

Cooking method:

1. Take a stainless steel pan. Put butter in it, pour water and milk, add salt and sugar. Put on medium fire and bring this mixture to a boil.

2. When the mass boils, add the sifted flour. Now for 6-7 minutes you need to constantly mix the dough, do not leave. It should thicken, gather into a lump, but remain soft.

3. After boiling, transfer the dough to a bowl and beat it with a mixer until it becomes warm (5 minutes).

4. Now beat in the eggs one at a time and mix. You should get a homogeneous, viscous dough.

Don't lay all the eggs at once. First one - whipped, then the second, etc.

5. Transfer the resulting mass to pastry bag. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place cakes on it, 2-2.5 cm in diameter.

If there is no special bag, then you can take a zip bag (it is dense), transfer the dough into it and cut off the corner. Or just use a teaspoon.

6. Preheat the oven to 175º and bake the starter base for 30 minutes. The balls will rise well and be hollow inside. Do not open the oven ahead of time so that the profiteroles do not settle. Cooking times may vary. Make sure that the dough does not remain raw inside.

7. Put the baked "cakes" on the cooling rack.

8.Grate the lemon zest. It needs a little, about 2 tsp. Grate on a fine grater and only the top yellow layer. Do not grab the white part, otherwise bitterness will appear in the appetizer.

9. Mix cream cheese with zest.

10. Cut the salmon into thin slices.

11. Cut the hat off the profiteroles. Put a piece of fish in the middle. Put cheese with zest on it. Cover with a lid.

12. It turns out interesting snack, very tasty. The classic combination of red fish and cream cheese always win-win. And in such a new design, it will generally be swept off the table very quickly.

A simplified version of this appetizer. Buy ready-made tartlets. Finely chop the fish and mix with cheese and zest. Make tartlets. All!

Appetizer "Tangerines" with chicken and cheese - original serving

What is the New Year associated with? With tangerines and olivier, these products are a must on the menu. How to make not an ordinary Olivier, but a new one, I will write below in salads. And now I propose to make chicken tangerines! Interesting? Then read on!


  • chicken legs - 2 pcs.
  • boiled carrots - 3 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 300 gr.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • carnation for decoration

How to cook snack tangerines:

1. Boil the chicken in salted water. Use spices when cooking as desired ( Bay leaf, peppercorns, onion). Separate the meat from the bones.

2. Boil carrots until tender and peel.

3. Grate carrots on a fine grater into a separate bowl. Squeeze the juice well, this is necessary so that it can be easily molded from the resulting mass.

4. In another bowl, also grate cheese and garlic on a fine grater. Chop the parsley and chicken as finely as possible.

5. Thoroughly mix the base for tangerine - chicken, cheese, herbs, mayonnaise and garlic. You should get a thick, plastic mass.

6. Type cold water into a bowl, in which you will wet your hands when sculpting. Dial a small amount of lettuce and make balls.

7. Now you need to form christmas fruit. Take a squeezed carrot and flatten it in the palm of your hand. Place a chicken cheese ball in the middle. Cover it on all sides with a thin layer of carrots. Roll the resulting ball in your hands to level the surface.

Do not use a lot of carrots so that the snack does not have a pronounced taste of this vegetable. Try to make a thin "peel".

8. Put the appetizer on a dish and lightly brush with vegetable oil for shine on top.

9. Decorate this beautiful appetizer with parsley leaves. And make the middle ones from cloves for complete resemblance.

10. How do you like the fruits on the dish? Will you include this recipe in your menu for the New Year?

Very simple and beautiful appetizer with herring

You doing fish slices as an appetizer for New Years? I propose to arrange a more original ordinary herring, which you can.


  • salted herring
  • boiled potatoes
  • green onion
  • lettuce leaves (preferably red ones)
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • wig - 0.5 tsp
  • provencal herbs - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - a small pinch


1. Pour a pinch of salt into sunflower oil (or olive oil) and half a teaspoon of paprika and provencal herbs. Stir until the spices are soaked and dispersed in the fat. Let the filling set.

2. Boil potatoes in salted water in their skins. Then cool under running water and clean. Cut into slices, about 5 mm thick.

It is important not to boil the potatoes so that they remain dense and do not crumble.

3. Cut the fish into fillets, removing all the bones. Cut the herring into portions.

You can buy ready-made preserves, then save a lot of time.

4. It remains to collect a snack. Cross over two green onions. Put a piece of potato in the center and grease it with oil and spices. Thus, the potatoes will not be fresh.

5. Place the fish on top, and a small lettuce leaf on it.

6. Tie the onion feathers, cut off the long ends with scissors.

7. Put the resulting snacks on a serving plate. They are very simple, available products but they look great.

Video about the 5 most delicious snacks for the New Year of the Pig

I am completing the snack menu of the video, where you will immediately see 5 recipes for dishes that will look harmonious in the New Year.

I will write, as usual, a list of products needed for cooking. See the video below for the cooking method.

Marbled meat:
  • chicken fillet - 500 gr.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • ground paprika - 1 tbsp.
  • black ground pepper- pinch
  • salt - to taste
  • a mixture of herbs - 1 tsp
Muffin with pineapple and chicken:
  • canned pineapples - 150 gr.
  • chicken fillet - 300 gr.
  • hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • sour cream - 200 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • baking powder dough - 10 gr.
  • dill and parsley, salt
Salted cucumbers:
  • cucumbers - 10 pcs.
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
Hot sandwiches with sprats:
  • sprats - 1 bank
  • hard cheese - 50 gr.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise
  • long loaf
  • green onion
Lavash baskets:
  • lavash - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • pepper mixture, salt
  • sunflower oil

New Year's menu: the most delicious salads

I love making salads for the holidays. And I make at least three of them. Now I offer 5 recipes, completely different, for every taste and color. One of them will be in the shape of a pig. This presentation will appeal to children and the very symbol of the year. Next I propose to do diet salad in the form of a Santa Claus hat - both beautiful and will not affect the figure.

Salad in the form of a pig for the New Year 2019 "Pig"

Many in the family already have a routine to make salads in the form of an animal whose year is coming. Last year, everyone made doggie salads, even earlier - roosters. Well, now it's time for the pig.

Such a salad will stand in the center of the table and attract the eyes of guests. This "Pig" will be the hostess of the evening. More more recipes read edible pigs.


  • boiled sausage - 500 gr.
  • hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • pickled mushrooms - 200 gr.
  • boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • fresh carrots - 100 gr.
  • daikon radish - 200 gr. (can be replaced with boiled potatoes)
  • apples - 200 gr.
  • olives - 2 pcs.
  • green onion
  • mayonnaise

Cooking method:

1. Everything is as simple as possible. Layers do not need to be laid out, no need to cut. Just grate the ingredients on a coarse grater in random order and put them in a deep bowl (they go there: cheese, carrots, daikon, eggs, an apple and a piece of sausage in 200 gr.).

2. Cut the mushrooms in small pieces and also send to the general container. Dress salad with mayonnaise, mix. Do not put too much sauce so that you can mold a pig out of the mixture.

3. For decoration, finely chop the green onion. Cut three circles from the remaining sausage. One will go to the patch and two to the ears. You will also need a little for the tail. Grate the rest of the dumpling on a fine grater.

4. The most interesting thing remains - the formation of the mumps. On flat dish lay out the lettuce, shaping the head and body.

5. In the sausage circle, you need to make nostrils. To do this, use a tube for cocktails. Next, with the same tube, cut out small circles from the half of the olive, which must be inserted into the holes in the patch.

7. Sprinkle the entire body of the boar with grated sausage to give the pig a pink color.

If you want the piglet to be yellow, as per the calendar, then you can sprinkle with cheese.

8. Put eyes, drop a drop of mayonnaise into the middle of each eye. And do not forget about the crochet tail, which also needs to be cut out of the sausage.

9. The pig itself is ready. Sprinkle green onions around it - this is the lawn on which the pig frolic. Around you can decorate with whatever you want - vegetables, peas, corn, here no one limits you.

10. Here is such a wonderful pig turned out. Just what you need for the New Year!

How to cook Olivier salad in a new way: an original idea


  • ham - 100 gr.
  • boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • canned corn - 50 gr.
  • green peas - 50 gr.
  • natural yogurt without additives - 250 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 150 gr.
  • gelatin - 25 gr.
  • water - 50 ml
  • salt - to taste

Cooking steps:

1. Put the gelatin in a small bowl and fill with cold boiled water(50 ml liquid). Stir and leave to swell.

2. Boil eggs hard boiled (after boiling water, cook for 8 minutes). Clean and cut into small cubes. Cut the ham, cucumber and carrot in the same way. Try to keep the size of the slices about the same, about the size of a pea. So the salad will look beautiful.

3. In a large bowl, mix mayonnaise and yogurt. Gelatin should be heated in a water bath or microwave until dissolved. Make sure that the gelatin does not boil, but only warms up well and dissolves. Add gelatin to sauce and mix well.

4.B white sauce add all your cuts (ham, eggs, cucumbers, carrots), as well as peas and corn. Salt and mix until smooth. Try for salt.

5. Cover the bowl that will be the jelly mold cling film. Put the salad there, smooth it out. Cover with a plate and place in the refrigerator to set overnight.

6. Turn the salad onto a plate, carefully remove the bowl and film. Garnish with pickled cucumber slices.

This Olivier can be made in portions in bowls. Or in silicone molds for cupcakes. After hardening, remove and put on a dish, it will be beautiful. Decorate as you like (for example, corn or peas).

"Santa Claus's Hat" - salad for the New Year without mayonnaise with pomegranate

Tired of mayonnaise in all dishes? Unload yourself and your stomach. Include in the menu for the New Year light salad. It is interesting from what is done in the form of a Santa Claus hat. It turns out very elegant and appetizing.


  • chicken fillet - 300 gr.
  • fresh champignons - 150 gr.
  • low-fat cheese - 50 gr.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • natural yogurt without sugar - 40 gr.
  • pomegranate - 100 gr.


1. The chicken needs to be boiled or baked. When cooking, place the meat in boiling water to keep it juicy. For flavor, you can add spices and vegetables, as for the broth. Also salt so that you do not get a bland fillet.

2. Hard boil the eggs, and cut the mushrooms and fry until cooked. You can take pickled champignons if desired.

3. Finely chop the meat, put it in a bowl. Send there ready mushrooms, grated cheese and yolks.

4. Dress the salad with yogurt, salt and pepper to taste. Stir to make a viscous mass.

5. Put on a dish chicken mushroom salad in the shape of a Santa Claus hat.

6. Decorate with pomegranate and squirrels to make a real headdress of the famous wizard. That's how easy it is to give your guests a fairy tale. And at the same time get a minimum of calories!

Original salad with Korean carrots and chicken: they will be the first to sweep off the table

Raspberry chocolate dessert in a glass

Desserts in a glass always look beautiful and are easy to prepare. This recipe contains raspberries, but you can use other frozen berries to your liking. You will need 5 cups of 150 ml.


for the raspberry mousse:

  • frozen raspberries - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 120 gr.
  • chilled cream 33% - 200 gr.
  • cornstarch - 5 gr.
  • sheet gelatin - 10 gr.

for chocolate mousse:

  • dark chocolate - 100 gr.
  • chilled cream 33% - 100 gr.
  • milk - 50 gr.
  • sheet gelatin - 5 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Let's start with the preparation of raspberry mousse. Soak sheet gelatin in cold water for 10-15 minutes until swelling.

2. Defrost the berries in a deep bowl and puree them with an immersion blender.

3. Rub the resulting raspberry mass through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. The output should be 300 ml of puree.

4. Mix sugar with corn starch.

5. Put the saucepan with raspberries on the fire and heat until hot, stirring constantly so as not to burn. Then add a mixture of sugar and starch. Keep stirring. Wait for the mass to boil and thicken slightly.

6.Pour the puree into a deep bowl. Squeeze out the sheet gelatin and send it to a puree. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Leave for 10 minutes for the mixture to cool slightly.

7. Pour the chilled cream into a bowl and beat them with a mixer until stable peaks.

8. Partially add whipped cream to the cooled raspberry puree and stir. You should get a magnificent mass.

9. In cups with a teaspoon, very carefully place the mousse in the center. The mass will spread around the edges. Take your time so as not to splash the mixture on the walls of the glass, otherwise appearance will be corrupted. Spread the raspberry layer with a toothpick so that it lies in an even layer (about 1 cm high). No need to shake or tilt the glasses - get an uneven surface.

10. Place cups with dessert in the refrigerator to harden. Remaining raspberry mousse let him wait for his turn at the table.

11.While the first layer is cooling, prepare chocolate mousse. First, as with raspberry, soak the gelatin in cold water.

12. Pour the chocolate, broken into pieces, into a fireproof bowl. Pour milk into it. Put on water bath drown. Do not move away and stir constantly. Bring the mass to a homogeneous state.

13. Squeeze out the gelatin sheets and add to the melted chocolate. Stir vigorously until the thickener is completely dissolved.

14. With cream, we do the same procedure as for the first time. They need to be beaten to stable peaks in a separate container.

15. Gradually fold the cream into the chocolate and stir until a smooth, fluffy texture is obtained.

If you like, you can add some orange zest to the mousse.

16. Remove the glasses with the frozen first layer from the refrigerator. Pour in the chocolate mousse the same height as the raspberry mousse. Smooth the edges again with a toothpick and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

18. It remains to decorate. It can be done fresh berries, chocolate chips, mint. In general, take what is available. You can just rub the chocolate and it will be cool. The dessert is actually not complicated, not more complicated than ordinary jelly. But very effective and tasty.

Cake without baking "Anthill" - quick and easy

I've already posted an option. This time I propose to do it with chocolate balls from ready-made breakfasts. It's done quickly, which is important. Because on New Year's big menu, so many interesting things need to be prepared that few people want to bother with a “real” cake.


  • chocolate balls - 250 gr. (you can take any company)
  • walnuts - 100 gr.
  • condensed milk - 300 gr.
  • butter - 180 gr.
  • cocoa powder for decoration powdered sugar

Cooking steps:

1. We start with cream, because there is no need to make cakes. Place the softened butter in a bowl and beat with a mixer until lush mass. Add condensed milk and continue beating until you get a thick cream.

2. Now pour balls and nuts into the cream (you can chop them, or you can leave them large, if desired). Mix everything to get a homogeneous mass.

3. Cover the detachable form with cling film. Put the future cake in it and tamp, make an even top.

4. Place in the refrigerator to set and solidify for 2-3 hours.

5.Remove the detachable sides, invert onto a dish and remove the film. It remains to decorate to your liking and quick cake ready! You will spend 15 minutes of your time on it. And then it will just cool down.

6. You can decorate in this way. Place a plate in the middle to close the center. And along the edges, sift cocoa or powdered sugar through a sieve. You can also spread out some cookies, marshmallows, waffle rolls, colored dragees, marmalades. In general, put what you like. But the children will be delighted with such a New Year's dessert.

Well, the recipes from this menu for the New Year 2019 have ended. I have been writing this article for a long time, I hope not in vain! Write if you have chosen any recipes for yourself. I tried to find something new and interesting for you, so that this holiday will be remembered for a long time.

And at parting, I traditionally wish everyone the best in the new year, good health, happy days, bright sun overhead. Parents - obedient children, and children - understanding parents. In general, let there be harmony! Happy New Year!

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