
If pancakes stick to the pan. To prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan and tearing, you need to add a secret ingredient

Everyone knows the proverb that the first pancake is always lumpy. But in fact, this assertion is easy to dispel.

To understand why pancakes stick to the pan, you should read my article to the end. I decided to give a summary of tips to help you understand how to avoid force majeure in this situation, which apply to both the dough and the pan.

When preparing pancakes for breakfast, both on kefir and water, every hostess had a nuisance when the cakes burned in the pan, turned over badly and began to tear, stick.

The situation can become even more tense if you need to feed the guests, but you can’t make pancakes. In order not to sob from a culinary failure in your own kitchen, I propose to find out for yourself why pancakes stick to the pan and what to do in this situation.

In this article, I tried to collect numerous tips, systematizing them together with personal experience. I must admit that I have it really solid.

I would be glad if you not only read the article to the end, but also decide to use it on your own experience in the kitchen. Let's start dealing with everything in order. These rules will apply to pancakes on kefir, water.

Choosing the Right Cookware

If pancakes stick, then many people advise choosing only a separate frying pan. Understanding why this happens, it can be noted that the advice is indeed true, but only in part.

The thing is that you need to pay attention to the material of the work of your dishes. If it's cast iron or aluminum cookware, then the advice can be put into practice.

In other cases, it should not be used. This is justified by the fact that in the above pans, during heating, a special film of fat with solid characteristics is formed.

Such a film is able to prevent situations when pancakes stick to the surface of a cast-iron pan. Similarly, it works when you need to protect the surface of cast iron cookware from rust.

Having prepared pancakes on kefir or water, each housewife washes the dishes. After one washing process, the protective fibers of the film are not removed, and therefore the next time you should count on the successful baking of pancakes, because often they do not burn.

In the event that you wash the pan several times after cooking other dishes, then there may not be a trace of the film.

As a result, subsequent baking will be accompanied by questions about what to do if the pancakes stick to the surface of the pan, burn and how to deal with it.

Preheating dishes before baking

You need to bake pancakes on kefir, milk, water in a well-heated pan. This advice really answers reality and is useful.

It is important to heat the pan with rast. oil, when it is well heated, smoke will appear. Cases in this situation, when pancakes stuck, were not recorded in my experience.

This time again, the situation will not do without mentioning the very film that protects the dishes. During the baking of pancakes, the dishes need to be heated, otherwise the question will come to the surface: why pancakes stick to the pan.

In this case, you will definitely remember the famous saying about pancakes and a coma, no matter how sad it may sound. Experienced housewives can immediately understand when to start cooking pancakes, while others check the temperature of the dishes with the same cruel rule “the first pancake is lumpy”.

Greasing the pan

Some cooks advise making homemade pancakes using a dry frying pan. If you are familiar with such people, then know that they are cooking in a pan with Teflon or they are lying. In such a pan, the dough will not burn, but you need to add rast to it. oil.

If you cook pancakes without adding rast. oil, then it must be admitted that they will be tough, you can compare them with the sole of a soldier's boot.

Decide, of course, for yourself which pancakes you eat, but I would advise you to follow the folk wisdom that says that pancake cannot be spoiled with butter.

Kneading the right dough

A rare dough for pancakes will not bring the desired result. It is necessary to understand correctly what is perfect dough for pancakes. If it is too thick, then the cakes will begin to look like buns, and this effect is certainly not needed by anyone.

Another important fact is to add soda to the dough. In the event that there is a lot of this white component in the composition, then the pancakes will turn out loose, they will tear. During the coup in the pan, only shreds will remain from them. You can add soda, but just a little bit.

Dough Ingredients

A big role in the success of baking homemade pancakes is the composition of the dough. If your pancakes burn, what to do first is to add oil. Be sure to add to the mixture. oil.

This is due not only to the fact that pancakes will not burn, but their taste will be special. This procedure does not take much time at all, but a positive result will be immediately visible.

In the case when there is a lot of dough, then during frying you need to mix it. The thing is that the decision to add vegetable oil to the mixture will cause it to accumulate on the surface. It is important to shake the mixture well.

Don't skimp on oil

When frying pancakes, you should not save vegetable oil. Of course, forget about the sense of measure in this case Not recommended. If the pan is dry, then, as I said above, the quality of baking will decrease significantly.

The oil should be evenly distributed over the surface of the dish. It is worth pouring it before baking the next pancake. But I beg you, without fanaticism. Too greasy pancakes will also not be excellent.

You won't find a better old pancake pan

Do not use a new pan for baking pancakes. Even if you bake it, steam it, etc., there is a good chance that the pancakes will not work. If the pancakes begin to tear, stick, then it is the new dishes that are to blame.

In no case do I advise you to use a new pan, no matter how good it is, pancakes stick to it all the time. Based own experience, I can safely say that nothing good can be expected from this manipulation.

You can continue this article for a long time, because there are a lot of tips for baking pancakes.

An excellent mood will be transferred to each pancake if the hostess fries in a great mood. In the event that something doesn’t work out for you in the kitchen, then you don’t need to get upset, become discouraged.

In fact, happiness is not in this, try not to take everything too close, but rejoice and smile more. And in general, it must be admitted that even a pancake can seem very tasty and ideal to your family.

At the end of the article, I would like to present you small recipe how to make perfect pancakes at home.

Easy quick pancake recipe

Components: 4 tbsp. flour; 0.5 l of water and milk; 5 tbsp rast. oils; 2 tbsp sugar sand; 5 pieces. chickens. eggs; 0.5 tsp salt; 250 ml of boiling water.

Action algorithm:

  1. The components are heated to room temperature. I get milk and chickens. eggs in advance.
  2. I sow flour to saturate the composition with oxygen, from this pancakes, and all pastries, become even tastier. I'm slaughtering chickens. eggs, salt, milk, sugar. For these purposes, I advise you to beat with a mixer or work with a whisk.
  3. The next step is to add flour. The dough will be thick, and therefore it is worth introducing water into it little by little, interfering with the components. The sequence of adding products is important to follow in order to avoid lumps.
  4. I add boiling water and mix well. This is necessary for the dough to cook. In this case, pancakes will be lacy and thin.
  5. I pour rast. oil, I interfere.
  6. I start frying each pancake in a well-hot pan.

You can make pancakes not only with the addition of milk, but also on kefir, just on water. The choice is entirely yours. I hope that you won’t have any more “why can’t you bake pancakes”.

My video recipe

Good housewives have delicious soups and lush pies, but not every one of them will undertake to bake pancakes. This is a troublesome business, although the recipes are simple, and the products for preparing this dish are always at hand.

Even if you strictly follow the usual instructions, the first pancake always turns out to be lumpy. But what if a similar fate befell both the second and the third?

The main reasons for the "stickiness" of pancakes

Pancakes stick to the pan for a variety of reasons, but they all have to do with either the batter recipe or the pan you're baking on:

  • you were given the wrong recipe or you yourself made a mistake in the proportions;
  • you forgot to add some vegetable oil to the dough;
  • you used a frying pan that you just recently purchased from the store;
  • you have not heated the pan properly;
  • you didn't grease the baking dish.

What to do so that pancakes do not stick to the pan?

Who doesn't want a stack of hot, crispy pancakes for breakfast on a Sunday morning? However, the process of baking them becomes a real test for housewives.

There are a few secrets that will help you cope with this task without problems:

Bake strictly according to the recipe

  • the dough can also be prepared on water, but on milk (or kefir) the dish turns out to be more satisfying;
  • do not save on eggs, otherwise the pancakes turn out to be loose and easily torn at the first attempt to turn them over;
  • do not overdo it with soda - pancakes can stick to the pan.
  • do not forget to add vegetable oil to the dough - its lack is another reason why pancakes do not lag behind the pan well.
  • pay attention to the consistency of the dough. Its density should resemble sour cream. If it is too thick, you can dilute it with milk, kefir or plain water, if it is liquid, add a little flour to the dough;
  • use in cooking only quality products. If you notice that the milk has begun to turn sour, throw a pinch of soda directly into the dough - it will neutralize the excess acid.

Choose the right pan for baking

Well, if you have a separate pancake pan made of cast iron. Over time, a hard fatty film gradually forms on it, which will prevent the pancakes from burning. Even if you wash it, the film will not disappear. But what if there is no such dish? You can just use the old, proven one.

On new crockery bake beautiful pancakes unlikely to succeed - it must first be prepared. It's simple. Pour salt into a cold pan, add one tablespoon of soda and put on fire. When the salt darkens to brown, you can throw it away, and rinse the pan under the tap.

Heat the pan to the desired temperature

Experienced housewives do not start baking pancakes immediately, first they warm up the baking surface for a long time - then the first pancake will definitely not be lumpy. As soon as you begin to knead the dough, put the pan on the fire. First, let it just heat up without oil. Lubricate it a little later, and as soon as the first smoke appears, you can get to work.

Lubricate dishes well before use

Special non-stick cookware can also be used without oil. But real pancakes should be buttered. Don't forget to grease the pan before baking. vegetable oil, fat or a piece of lard. In the process of frying, oil should be added, evenly distributing it, then the pancakes turn out appetizing and tasty, and, most importantly, do not stick to the pan.

A secret from experienced housewives: use half a potato, chopped on a fork, to lubricate the dishes.

The secret to delicious pancakes

The quality of this dish depends on the products on which the dough is kneaded. Good hostess knows that the most delicious pancakes they are cooked in milk, but on kefir they turn out more tender.

A little more eggs and flour should be put in the kefir dough to make it thicker and more elastic. These pancakes are easy to flip, they won't tear or stick to the pan. Be careful with butter and sugar: too much sugar will make them tough, and too much oil will crack them during cooking. Strictly observe the proportions indicated in the recipe.

Much depends on the cleanliness of the dishes. Wash it and wipe it dry before use to keep the surface of the pan smooth. You can rub it with salt - this is what our grandmothers did, so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan.

Follow these simple advice and more often delight your loved ones with mouth-watering ruddy pancakes.

Video: what to do so that pancakes do not stick?

No matter what they say, folk wisdom is real wisdom and just doesn’t assert anything. All proverbs do not arise from scratch, they are based on long observations of our lives. This statement fully applies to the well-known proverb about the first pancake, about the one that is “lumpy”.

Of course, if this does not concern us personally, then we can laugh, but if this happens to us, then there is no laughing matter. Moreover, such an “adventure” often happens not only with the first pancake, but with almost half of them.

We will try to give some tips on how to avoid unpleasant moments while making pancakes, after all, this is a nuisance. And if even in the house the guests are waiting for pancakes, and then “this” happened, then in general you want to cry. Unfortunately, not many housewives managed to avoid such a fate.

To make more happy women, we will tell you how to make the process of making pancakes enjoyable, and not “nervous”. This article contains tips from many sites, we tried to systematize them and “dilute” them with personal experience, it is not small with us.

Many people advise using a separate pan for making pancakes. The advice is correct, but only partly. It all depends on what metal your frying pan is made of. If made of or aluminum - everything is correct, but this advice does not apply to other pans. Why? The fact is that on cast iron and aluminum pans during frying, a hard film of fat is formed, which prevents the pancakes from sticking. The same film, by the way, protects cast iron from rust.

You, of course, will wash the pan after pancakes, but after one wash the film will not be washed off, this will help to successfully cook pancakes next time. If you wash the pan several times after cooking various dishes, then the film will be washed off, and the next pancakes will start to burn again until the pan “gets used”, gets old and “contaminates” with burnt oil.

You started frying pancakes in an underheated pan. This advice is completely true. The pan must be heated with oil until the first "haze" appears - this is an indispensable condition for cooking.

It's all in the same protective film. Yes, and during frying, the pan should be well heated. Otherwise, not the first pancake will start to stick, but all the ones following it. Of course, only more or less experienced hostess can immediately determine the degree of heating of the pan. The rest have to check the temperature "first pancake".

Too lean pancake dough. It is necessary to add oil to it, this will improve the taste of the beans, and will be an additional insurance against burning. Be sure to stir well after adding the oil to the dough. The "operation" will take a little time, but you will immediately see positive effect. If you have a lot of dough, then even during the frying process, periodically additionally mix it, the oil tends to accumulate near the surface.

Too thin dough. You should already know what kind of dough to cook. Of course, you can’t bend in the other direction either, otherwise your pancakes will be tough and resemble little bad buns. Another. If your test has a lot drinking soda- this will have a bad effect on the quality of pancakes. Soda makes pancakes very loose and they can burst at the slightest load. You don't even need them to stick, they can break during normal turning.

Some "advisers" convince that pancakes should be cooked only in a dry frying pan. Rest assured, they either fry themselves in a greased pan, or have never cooked pancakes in their lives. Of course, you can carry out such a procedure in a pan, they will not burn on it if oil is added to the dough. But pancakes without oil taste like the sole of an army boot. Decide what you want to eat. If you turn to the same folk wisdom, then she says that you can’t spoil a pancake with oil, and not vice versa.

Don't skimp on oil when frying. Of course, they should not float in it like pies, but a dry pan does not improve the quality of pancakes. Do not forget to evenly distribute the oil over the entire surface of the pan, add it before each pancake. Again - without fanaticism, with a sense of proportion.

One of the oldest and most reliable tips is to grease the pan with an ordinary piece of raw fat. Put it on a fork and before each laying a new portion of pancakes, wipe the entire surface with lard hot pan. By the way, if it does not start to heat up, it means that the pan is not heated enough - another protection against "pancakes lumpy", there is time to warm up the pan. Believe me, the fat will melt exactly as much as is needed for one serving, there will never be too little or too much. In addition, it is the most economical way. You save on butter and on pancakes, which will no longer be “lumpy”.

Never use a new frying pan. Even if you have carried out all the recommended manipulations with it - calcining, steaming, and so on. New frying pan one hundred percent will not cope with pancakes, she is to blame, and you will be responsible. Is it necessary? We would generally advise, if possible, to use the most old frying pan, this technique is confirmed by many housewives.

I could go on and on, but these tips are enough. Each of us has our little secrets and considers only them to be the only correct ones. One more thing. Many people think that this advice can be ignored, but this is not at all the case. By the way, if we turn again to folk wisdom, it confirms our advice. Make pancakes with good mood love yourself and those you cook for.

A good mood will definitely be transferred to pancakes, and they will try to support it! And even if something doesn’t work out, it’s not a global catastrophe, not a big grief! Do not take everything to heart, more smiles and joy. Then even this pancake, which is “lumpy”, will seem to your household the most delicious.

Most actual question, which is asked by many housewives on various culinary forums: what to add so that the pancakes do not tear. Also, many are interested in how to make pancakes not stick to the pan.

What to do so that the pancakes are not torn

  • You need to give the test time to pass. Then the gluten contained in the flour will manifest itself, and the pancakes will not tear;
  • You can add an egg to the dough, but you must remember that the more eggs are added to the dough, the harder the finished pancakes are;
  • You can make the dough with a little warm milk. Milk must be diluted with water in equal proportions;

What to do so that pancakes do not burn and do not stick to the pan

  • A responsible housewife always has a separate pan for pancakes, which is not used for frying other foods;
  • If the pan is made of cast iron, then it must be thoroughly heated before starting cooking;
  • Pancakes often stick to a Teflon-coated pan. Therefore, it is better to use choux pastry on kefir for baking pancakes;
  • If there are traces of the previous preparation of pancakes on the cast iron pan, they do not need to be washed. It is enough to carefully rub the traces with a soft cloth in which the salt will be wrapped;
  • Before baking, add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough;
  • Oil does not need to be poured into the pan, the pan must be lubricated with oil every few pancakes.
  • It is convenient to grease the pan with half a potato, planted on a fork and moistened with vegetable oil.

Now you know not only what to add so that the pancakes do not tear and do not stick to the pan. Please yourself and your any pancakes more often, and not just on Maslenitsa.

There are no people in the world who would not love pancakes. Self-made pancakes are an indicator of the mastery of the hostess. However, there are times when cooking pancakes brings one disappointment. At inexperienced housewives often the question arises why pancakes stick to the pan all the time, tear and do not turn out beautiful? There may be several explanations for this, let's figure out how to avoid this problem.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan - reasons

To prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan, follow the recipe exactly and observe the ratio of products

  • Better don't replace special flour for pancakes, for ordinary wheat. Otherwise, you may not end up with thin pancakes, but pancakes.
  • Dough for pancakes is recommended to breed warm milk or water so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan. When you use cold ingredients, you will have difficulty breaking up lumps in the dough. Also, too hot liquid will harm the taste of your pancakes.
  • Ready dough for pancakes, it is similar in density to watery sour cream. If it "reaches" for a spoon - add water so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan.
  • Be sure to leave the dough in the room for an hour before starting cooking so that all the ingredients are thoroughly dissolved in each other.
  • Do not put too many eggs and sugar in the dough. Sugar will make your pancakes burst. And because of a large number eggs will become "rubber" and tasteless.

Cooking tricks so that pancakes do not tear

  • So that your pancakes do not stick to the pan and bake quickly, add a few tablespoons of refined vegetable oil to the dough.
  • It is recommended to turn pancakes with a narrow sharp spatula.
  • Grease the pan before frying pickled cucumber so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan and do not tear. To make pancakes stick well from the pan, you can fry salt on it. Starting to fry pancakes, brush it with a piece of lard or vegetable oil with a brush.

What to do if pancakes are torn and stick to the pan - tips

There should be a separate pan for pancakes. This means that other dishes cannot be cooked on it, so that pancakes do not stick later. It is designed exclusively for making pancakes. The ideal option will Cast-iron pan. In general, it is believed that it is cast iron that does not pose a danger to our body. Before starting the baking process, the pan must be thoroughly heated. This is one of the golden rules for making pancakes so they don't tear.

Always add butter to the batter to keep the pancakes from tearing and sticking to the pan. Yes, and the pan should also be lubricated with vegetable oil and not in a single version. Lubricate it at least 3 times throughout the baking process.

Often the problem of pancakes tearing and sticking is not entirely thick dough. Try to always make the dough thicker. Of course, we understand that thick dough will not work thin pancakes but they will be perfect nonetheless. Do not be greedy flour, add it as much as possible. But there is a measure in everything, so do not overdo it.

As mentioned in the paragraph above, in order for the pancakes not to stick to the pan, it is necessary to grease the pan with oil. But it's not always effective way. Many housewives recommend baking them in a dry frying pan. If you decide to bake pancakes in vegetable oil, try to grease the pan after each meal.

In general, there are many tips on what to do if pancakes stick to the pan. We have brought to your attention only some of them. But believe me, knowing them, you will definitely bake good pancakes, and they probably won't stick to the pan. We hope the topic - "Why pancakes stick to the pan" is fully disclosed. Finally, I would like to remind you that "the first pancake is always lumpy." So if the pancakes turned out not quite successful, do not worry! In the future, the trend will change only in a positive direction. Experiment and use our tips.

What to do if pancakes stick and tear - Video recommendations
