
Decreased cal. How to lose weight: Make the diet as less fat as possible

Counting calories and BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) is one of the best methods for losing weight if you take care not only about your figure, but also about your health. It is based on the calculation basic level metabolism. you will consume less food than your body requires, so it will use the necessary energy from fat cells.

Using the values ​​of age, height, weight and physical activity is calculated individual daily caloric intake. All you need to lose weight is to form your menu within this value. We wrote about how the daily calorie intake is calculated in the article Calorie counting: where to start? . If you still do not know your calorie corridor and BJU, write to us in the comments, we will do the necessary calculations ( be sure to include your height, age, weight and physical activity level).

We remind you that by healthy and competent weight loss we mean deficit of no more than 20% from basal metabolism, taking into account physical activity. For example, for a girl with average parameters ( 30 years old, weight 70 kg, height 170 cm, non-intense workouts 3 times a week), the norm will be 1550-1650 kcal.

Myths and misconceptions about calorie counting

1. “The more I reduce my daily calorie intake, the faster I will lose weight.”

On the one hand, this statement is true. By reducing the calorie intake by 30-40% (up to 1200-1300 kcal), you will lose weight faster, but .. only the first time. Then the body will adjust to the new conditions, slow down the metabolism and reduce the rate of weight loss. No, you will continue to lose weight, but speed of getting rid of excess fat will be about the same like a 20% calorie deficit. And if there is no difference, is it worth infringing on yourself more?

In addition, you must understand that low calorie food greatly increases the risk of failure to diet. Constant food restrictions are hard to endure not only physically, but also psychologically. Accordingly, the more you reduce calories, the higher the risk of eating disorders. Therefore, to reduce the deficit by more than 20% of daily allowance calories Not recommended. No matter how much you want to lose - 5 kg or 50 kg.

2. “I'm counting calories and eating within my corridor, but the weight has stopped coming down. Therefore, I need to reduce calories in order to continue to lose weight. ”

The golden rule for weight loss when counting calories is never lower daily calorie content to shift the weight. Firstly, if you froze on one figure for several days or even weeks, then this does not mean at all that you do not continue to lose weight. Maybe it's just water in your body, and fat continues to go away in the meantime, but you can't see it on the scale.

Secondly, if you reduce the calorie content at each weight stop, then you can eventually stay with a norm of 1000 kilocalories. Therefore, continue to eat with a deficit of 20% (no more!) And do nothing. Well, at least double-check your calculations.

But if you are still tormented by inaction, then you can increase the calorie corridor. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, it is to increase. But you can increase the daily caloric intake by no more than 50 kcal. You will not gain back the weight you lost, but you will accelerate your metabolism.

3. “If today I violated and ate more than the prescribed norm, then the next day it is necessary to arrange a fasting day”

Fasting day is always stress for the body, which leads to eating disorders. Shouldn't practice fasting days without much need. In addition, this is again a negative factor for metabolism. If today you have exceeded your calorie intake, then reduce it the next day, but not more than 200-300 kcal.

The body does not look at the daily deficit, but as a whole for several days in a row. For example, if you have a deficit today and a surplus tomorrow, then maintenance will eventually come out. However, this does not mean at all what you can eat according to the scheme: “today I’ll starve, tomorrow we’ll eat well - and after a few days I will have a deficit”. If you experiment on the body and periodically underfeed it, then with great pleasure it will begin to accumulate fat "for a rainy day" even more actively.

Try to eat balanced, without sharp jumps up and down relative to your calorie corridor. But if you violated, do not reproach yourself. Just keep eating within your daily caloric intake and don't go hungry. You will definitely lose weight.

4. “I train hard so I don’t have to keep track of calories. They are all recycled during class.”

One of the main misconceptions of those who train is that when doing fitness, you can forget about food restrictions and not count calories. Even the most intense workout will help you burn no more than 600 kcal per hour. That's a little more than 1 chocolate bar. If you do not control nutrition, then these 600 kcal are compensated during the day very quickly. Try to share for yourself: nutrition is weight loss, getting rid of excess fat; training is the quality of the body, toned forms.

Also, be careful not to double-count your calorie burn from your workouts. For example, you have spent 300 kcal during classes and keep in mind that you can eat on these 300 kcal without harm to your figure. But when calculating your daily calorie intake, you are likely to already taken into account training when multiplied by the coefficient of physical activity. Accordingly, your calorie corridor already assumes that you are exercising. This common mistake when counting calories can seriously complicate the process of losing weight.

5. “I managed to lose weight up to desired weight Now I can eat like before and not count calories.”

Sharp increase daily allowance calories always leads to weight gain. Suppose, for a long time you ate within 1700-1800 kcal. Your body has adapted to such a diet, so the “extra” energy will not have time to be processed and will go to the construction of adipose tissue.

How to avoid it? Increase calories gradually, no more than 50 kcal in 1-2 weeks. This will help the body adapt to new conditions and speed up metabolism. Of course, it will not work to infinitely increase calories without harming the figure. Most likely, you will stop at the figure of the daily calorie intake without taking into account the deficit. But abandoned kilograms guaranteed not to come back.

If you are predisposed to be overweight, then you will have to monitor nutrition throughout your life. Ways to help maintain weight without food control have not yet been invented. So it's better not to take proper nutrition as a separate short period in life, but try to introduce it into your life on an ongoing basis.

Calorie counting is effective, safe and accessible way weight loss without harming your body. If you want to not only lose weight, but also maintain your health, then it is better to forget about strict diets. But you still have to control your diet.

Did you not think that often the cause of obesity may not be excessive absorption of calories, but, for example, problems with endocrine system? Or that a complete refusal of food can lead to gastritis or an ulcer? Yes, perhaps in a couple of months you will throw off the treasured 10-15 kg, if the reason is really overeating. But will you be fit and slim in this case? After all, all the "dissolved" fat folds will turn into unaesthetic sagging of the skin. What to do?

Everything is extremely obvious. First, you should consult with a nutritionist and endocrinologist. It will not be superfluous to visit a psychiatrist, because it is not for nothing that they say that all problems are from nerves. Some people like to eat stress, while others have obesity as a natural defense of the body against external factors.

Secondly, we begin to drink more water and move. And thirdly, we start gradually reduce calories, but do not completely refuse food.

Any weight loss diet designed to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet. Most the easy way determining the calorie content of a product is to familiarize yourself with the information that is indicated on the product packaging. You can also use the food calorie tables that can be found in dietary guides. So, for example, 100 g of a tomato will add 17 calories to you, sunflower oil as much as 899, cucumbers - 13, but salt will not add a single calorie. As a result, we can calculate that 200 g of spring salad will be: 17 (100 g tomato) + 13 (100 g cucumbers) + 89.9 (10 g butter) + 0 (salt) \u003d 119.9. That is, on average, each of us can eat 2 kg of such a salad per day if we don’t consume anything else, because the average calorie intake is 1200-1300 with a normal lifestyle, without the need to reduce calories.

So, the first step in preparing to reduce calories is to print out a calorie table that you will refer to. According to this principle, by the way, the Kremlin diet is built, only calories are already taken into account in it, and the diet involves counting points.

For a man: 66+(13.7*body weight)+(5*height in centimeters)-(6.8*number of years)

For women: 665+(9.6*body weight)+(1.8*height in centimeters)-(4.7*number of years)

However, if you are driving active image life, then the number of calories must be increased by a certain factor. With low mobility (office work) - 1.2; physical exercises (aerobics) - 1.4; high loads (gym) - 1.55.

By adhering to the daily calorie intake calculated according to this scheme, you will gradually reduce weight. You can also create your own menu.

Making a food diary

If you decide reduce calories, or rather, eat according to the indicated program, then you should keep a food diary, where you will write down all the calories. In addition, you can enter the calorie consumption, which can also be found in a special table. Moreover, each of us spends calories when sleeping, when doing exercises, and when ironing clothes. And here it is important to consider everything.

We select a diet

IN daily diet products from 5 groups should be included, which will keep everything in the body useful material. Here are the groups:

  1. Vegetables (spinach, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, celery, zucchini, beans, etc.) that supply vitamins and fiber to the body, which improves digestion.
  2. Proteins (dairy products, eggs, fish, meat), which are necessary for muscle mass, body growth and strengthening physiological endurance.
  3. Cereals (buckwheat, rye, rice, oats, Rye bread etc.), which are rich in vitamin B and fiber.
  4. Fruits (pears, grapes, bananas, kiwi, strawberries, etc.), which are rich in trace elements and vitamins.
  5. Polyunsaturated fats (olive, soy, sunflower, corn, nut butter) with anti-inflammatory effects.

When compiling a diet, do not forget to look at the calorie table. After all, all products from the groups have different calorie content. So, for example, if you decide to eat a banana, include zucchini in your diet, not potatoes. We chose an apple, you can afford a chop.

Prohibited Products

If you decide to reduce your calorie intake, then now it should become taboo for you: soda, chocolate, muffins, chips, lard, sausage, fast food, fatty foods. Although, if you really want to, you can eat a piece of chocolate or a nut, including them in your diary. But you won’t be able to eat much more on such a day. After all, how many calories are there in 10 g of chocolate? Check.

If you follow diets, then very often they set restrictions on the consumption of spicy and salty foods, as well as alcohol. How to be? Can they be eaten and drunk? There is no single answer here. Firstly, pepper (a spicy food) helps burn calories, but it is not very useful in case of diets, as it irritates the walls of the stomach, into which a limited amount of food enters.

Secondly, wine also promotes digestion, supports the work of the heart, speeds up metabolism, and protects against radionuclides. At the same time, these properties appear only in the case of drinking 100-200 g, but if you cannot stop, then it is better not to risk it.

But salt is really better to exclude, because it prevents the removal of water from the body, and these are additional kilograms.

Weekly diet

The daily ration should be divided into 5 meals. It is this mode that contributes to the complete processing of food. It is better to make a menu in advance to break down all the calories for the day. In this case, the last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. IN percentage it is better to divide the products by the number of calories in this way: breakfast - 25%, second breakfast - 10, lunch - 30, afternoon tea - 25, dinner - 10.

1 day (1750 calories)

Breakfast: toast with butter, kiwi, a cup of coffee, honey

2 breakfast: banana

Afternoon snack: yogurt

Dinner: potato salad, lettuce, corn, chicken breast seasoned with yogurt.

2 day (1600)

Breakfast: egg Orange juice, bread and butter

2 breakfast: grapes

Lunch: lentil soup, tomato and onion salad, fruit drink

Afternoon snack: spring salad

Dinner: steamed veal puree, grapefruit.

3 day (1500)

Breakfast: cheese sandwich, tomato, lettuce, coffee

2 breakfast: orange

Lunch: borscht stewed zucchini, kissel

Afternoon snack: yogurt

Dinner: fruit.

4 day (1400)

Breakfast: semolina, tea

2 breakfast: banana

Lunch: fish soup, rice, vegetable juice

Snack: yogurt, apple

Dinner: fish baked in foil, potatoes in their skins.

Day 5 (1250)

Breakfast: cottage cheese, a cup of coffee, honey

2 breakfast: dried fruits

Dinner: buckwheat soup, boiled meat, juice

Afternoon snack: yogurt

Dinner: an apple, a glass of yogurt.

Day 6 (1100)

Breakfast: muesli, a cup of coffee, honey

2 breakfast: orange

Lunch: meat salad, vegetable soup, juice

Afternoon snack: cheese, a cup of cocoa

Dinner: baked potato With chicken breast, tea

On the seventh day, you can arrange a mono-diet.

This menu is based on medium portion(up to 250 g). In this case, you yourself will already be able to make your own diet. Try it, it's very exciting.

2012 -4-23 17:48


One surefire way to lose weight is to reduce your calorie intake. But, you see, counting calories can seem tedious. In fact, you can reduce the calorie content of the diet imperceptibly and without tedious calculations.

If you are looking for an easy way to lose weight without dieting, try reducing your calorie intake automatically with some tricks. Just follow simple tips.

Slightly less high-calorie foods

Invisibly reduce the calorie content of the diet without counting calories very easy. try to eat less products With high calorie. IN this case we are talking about fatty and sweet foods, as well as treats.

The satiety of food does not depend on its fat content. For example, a sandwich with lard and the same sandwich with lean meat give about the same feeling full. But the calorie content of the first is 2.5-3 times higher. The transition to low-fat food allows you to reduce the caloric content of the diet by 15-20% and lose weight by 1-2 kg per month without diets.

The second step is to limit or cut out high-calorie foods like sweets. Sweet food stimulates the appetite and provokes overeating. If you reduce the consumption of sweets, then the caloric content of the diet will be reduced by 5-10%. To reduce the amount of sugar in your diet, eat sweets differently. regular food rather slowly, and enjoying the taste. Gradually reduce the usual amount of sugar that you put in tea or coffee. And lovers sweet soda I would like to remind you that a can of Coca-Cola and Pepsi contains 6 full teaspoons of sugar.

Delicacies such as smoked sausage or nuts are also very high-calorie foods. Like sweets, these products are not suitable for everyday eating. The purpose of treats is to enjoy, not to get enough. It is not necessary to refuse such foods - just eat them full, slowly, savoring and enjoying the taste.

Dietary fiber instead of high-calorie foods

(fiber) give food volume and increase its residence time in the stomach. In other words, they keep you feeling full. In addition, fiber slows down the absorption of glucose in the intestines, reducing the rate of rise in blood sugar levels and the release of insulin. It also promotes a feeling of fullness and prevents overeating.

Foods rich in fiber include cereals (especially oatmeal and buckwheat), vegetables and fruits, berries, bran, flour bread coarse grinding. This technique will help reduce the calorie content of the diet by about 5%.

The speed of eating affects the caloric content of the diet

Proven: if you eat slowly, you can get enough of fewer calories. According to various estimates, this technique helps to reduce daily calories by 10-15%. And that's without counting calories!

To eat more slowly without falling asleep in the process, try a "multi-ingredient meal." Put a few on a plate different side dishes, each in a small amount. You will eat such a dish more slowly than, for example, just mashed potatoes with a cutlet. Because "multi-ingredient food" will make you feel different combination tastes.

It will help you eat more slowly and have a tasting approach to food. Taste every bite and try to focus on the variety of flavors.

Reducing calories with frequent meals

Frequent (fractional) meals can reduce the caloric content of the diet by 10-15%. The more time has passed between meals, the more the "appetite hormone" ghrelin is produced. Accordingly, the more we want to eat. And with a “wolf appetite” it’s not at all up to counting calories. Therefore, eat more often and little by little, then you will not want to pounce on food.

How easy is it to lose weight by changing dishes?

Try replacing regular plates with smaller dishes. It turns out, eating from smaller dishes dessert spoons, a person is saturated with less food. It has been proven that the same portion of food in a small dish is perceived by us as more plentiful than in a large plate.

This approach makes it possible to reduce daily ration by 5-10%.

To lose weight easily, do not sit down at the table hungry

If you drink a glass of tea with milk 10-15 minutes before the main meal, or, for example, skim milk with a slice bran bread, then the feeling of hunger will be interrupted. As a result, during the main meal you will be able to eat much less, and will decrease on its own.

If you manage to follow all these rules, then your weight will slowly but surely decrease without any diets and counting calories.

Elena Kukuevitskaya

Almost always, losing weight and maintaining weight at an optimal level turns into a severe test. Diets, miracle pills, gym memberships, a swimming section, sugar-free products and a refrigerator that notifies the entire apartment about an insidious burglar - far from full list tricks, which from time to time go from 60 to 80% of the adult population.

Not everyone comes to success: either there is not enough enthusiasm, or time, or other obstacles arise on the way to the dream of becoming a ballerina.

If you look at the statistics for Americans, you can see that in 2004 they consumed 2,750 kcal per day, which is as much as 500 kcal (imagine, 500!) More than in 1970. In our country, the scale is not the same - fast food has not yet managed to capture everything and everything, but it is quite comparable.

Not a diet, but a trick

Fact: 97% of people who have ever been on a diet return to their previous lifestyle. And most of them eat even more kilograms than they lost during their experiments. There is only one way to solve this problem - to change the diet for life.

To do this, it is enough to make one single - honest word! - a change that will allow you to come to your ideal weight and keep it forever.

So, all you need is to consume as many calories daily as you would consume at optimal weight. All.

This is a method whose effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed. By the way, this plan is also suitable for very thin people who want to gain weight. It doesn't matter how much you weigh now. If you eat as much as you should, then sooner or later you will come to your natural, healthy weight.

Determine the optimal caloric content of the diet

How many calories you need depends on several factors: body type, height, and activity level. A number indicating the number of extra pounds, you can forget it like a bad dream - you won't need it.

And do not be afraid that you will have to write down what you eat for some time. There are many handy apps for Android and iOS that are already hammered into standard servings with calories. In addition, you can point the camera at the barcode, and the application will read it, after which it will automatically download the calorie data. You may first need an electronic scale to weigh portions. But after a month (and even less), you will determine the serving size by eye and know how many calories and which product contains.

1. What is your body type?

Measure the circumference of your wrist (use a tape measure or a piece of string that you can then easily measure with a ruler).

2. What is your ideal weight?

These data differ for men and women. Find your height and physique in the table: at the intersection of these columns is the treasured number. This is what you will strive for.

3. How active are you?

One of the most popular classifications today proposes to divide people into three groups according to the level of activity. Choose the one that best describes your daily lifestyle. If you can't choose one and you have a big excess weight, it is better to stop at a less active option.

  • Sedentary lifestyle: lack of regular physical activity, occasional walking is a physical activity mainly characteristic of everyday life.
  • Moderately active lifestyle: a combination of various daily activities (work, leisure, etc.) or a regular exercise program equivalent to a daily walk or run of 2.5–5 km, combined with physical activity characteristic of daily life.
  • Very active lifestyle a combination of various daily activities (work, leisure, etc.) or a regular exercise program equivalent to walking or running more than 5 km daily, combined with physical activity typical of everyday life.

4. Determine the optimal calorie content of the diet

Find yours in the first column of the table. ideal weight(what you wrote down in the second paragraph), and then look for the number that corresponds to your level of activity - sedentary, moderately active, very active. Voila! Now you know how many calories you need every day. Do not forget that you can not cut calories too much: men should consume at least 1,200 kcal per day, women - at least 1,000 kcal. And these are very low values ​​- do not strive for quick results, so as not to harm your body.

Reducing the number of calories is the key to optimal in esu and its conservation. Eat healthy and varied. Be healthy!

Almost always, losing weight and maintaining weight at an optimal level turns into a severe test. Diets, miracle pills, gym memberships, a swimming section, sugar-free products and a refrigerator that notifies the entire apartment about an insidious burglar - this is not a complete list of tricks that 60 to 80% of the adult population use from time to time.

Not everyone comes to success: either there is not enough enthusiasm, or time, or other obstacles arise on the way to the dream of becoming a ballerina.

If you look at the statistics for Americans, you can see that in 2004 they consumed 2,750 kcal per day, which is as much as 500 kcal (imagine, 500!) More than in 1970. In our country, the scale is not the same - fast food has not yet managed to capture everything and everything, but it is quite comparable.

Not a diet, but a trick

Fact: 97% of people who have ever been on a diet return to their previous lifestyle. And most of them eat even more kilograms than they lost during their experiments. There is only one way to solve this problem - to change the diet for life.

To do this, it is enough to make one single - honest word! - a change that will allow you to come to your ideal weight and keep it forever.

So, all you need is to consume as many calories daily as you would consume at optimal weight. All.

This is a method whose effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed. By the way, this plan is also suitable for very thin people who want to gain weight. It doesn't matter how much you weigh now. If you eat as much as you should, then sooner or later you will come to your natural, healthy weight.

Determine the optimal caloric content of the diet

How many calories you need depends on several factors: body type, height, and activity level. You can forget the number, which means the amount of your extra pounds, like a bad dream - it will not be useful to you.

And do not be afraid that you will have to write down what you eat for some time. There are many handy apps for Android and iOS that are already packed with standard calorie portions. In addition, you can point the camera at the barcode, and the application will read it, after which it will automatically download the calorie data. You may first need an electronic scale to weigh portions. But after a month (and even less), you will determine the serving size by eye and know how many calories and which product contains.

1. What is your body type?

Measure the circumference of your wrist (use a tape measure or a piece of string that you can then easily measure with a ruler).

2. What is your ideal weight?

These data differ for men and women. Find your height and physique in the table: at the intersection of these columns is the treasured number. This is what you will strive for.

3. How active are you?

One of the most popular classifications today proposes to divide people into three groups according to the level of activity. Choose the one that best describes your daily lifestyle. If you can't pick one and you're overweight, it's best to opt for a less active option.

  • Sedentary lifestyle: lack of regular physical activity, walking from time to time - physical activity, mainly characteristic of everyday life.
  • Moderately active lifestyle: a combination of different daily activities (work, leisure, etc.) or a regular exercise program equivalent to a daily walk or run of 2.5-5 km, combined with physical activity typical of everyday life.
  • Very active lifestyle a combination of various daily activities (work, leisure, etc.) or a regular exercise program equivalent to walking or running more than 5 km daily, combined with physical activity typical of everyday life.

4. Determine the optimal calorie content of the diet

In the first column of the table, find your ideal weight (what you wrote down in the second paragraph), and then look for the number that corresponds to your level of activity - sedentary, moderately active, very active. Voila! Now you know how many calories you need every day. Do not forget that you can not cut calories too much: men should consume at least 1,200 kcal per day, women - at least 1,000 kcal. And these are very low values ​​- do not strive for quick results, so as not to harm your body.

Reducing the number of calories is the key to optimal in esu and its conservation. Eat healthy and varied. Be healthy!
