
Menu for the week for a large family. Economy menu for the week for the family (with recipes)

Planning a weekly menu for a family with recipes is not easy, in addition to the correct purchase of food, it is necessary to take into account the tastes and characteristics of family members, the family budget and the availability of products in the nearest store, and own stocks available at home.

If you approach this issue rationally, then the task and its subsequent execution will not cause any special problems and troubles. On a piece of paper, you need to paint an approximate menu of 4 to 5 meals, then check your own orders and make a list of necessary purchases. This approach not only optimizes time and spending, but also allows you to move on to a healthier diet.

Of course, it is worth considering that some products will have to be bought during the week, as they may deteriorate. For example, purchases such as:

  • Bakery products;
  • Dairy products with a short shelf life;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, fragrant herbs.

Saving time in the evening

This approach allows you to plan your free evening time, because thanks to the available products, you can defrost and marinate meat or chicken, make minced meat, or even cook dinner the next day. In the article, we consider only dinners with recipes, since breakfast does not cause much trouble, and we usually have lunch at work.

In addition, in the evening, when you are tired after a busy day, you do not need to rush to buy groceries, thereby avoiding rash purchases that take up a sufficient part of the funds allocated for food. Well, having any product at hand, there is no need to rack your brains and study recipes, because you already know what to cook. Although there may be deviations from the menu, it is not necessary to strictly follow the list of dishes.

Principles of planning a balanced menu

In order for this principle to take root in your family, you need to learn how to properly compose a menu, for example, you can start from 2-3 days. At the same time, you should definitely take into account the seasonality of fruits and vegetables, and, if possible, try to cook several new ones, with increased complexity, for variety in the diet. Those dishes that you like are added to the list, from which a plan for the week is made. For convenience, they can be written out on a large sheet, by category, and when drawing up a plan, simply choose what you want to cook and eat.

In this case, it is worth considering:

  • Features of your family, the health of relatives and financial wealth.
  • Stocks of products you have in your lockers. Conduct a thorough audit, see what is worth including on the menu.
  • Separately, make a list of dishes and products for the reception, but keep in mind that guests can drop in "on the light" suddenly, so think over plan B.
  • Pay attention to promotions and all kinds of sales in supermarkets. This will save a lot and add new dishes to the diet. It is worth considering the price fluctuations for seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Compiling a correct and useful shopping list

In the diet of every person must be present such products as:

  • Meat, fish and poultry, seafood;
  • Dairy and lactic acid products;
  • Vegetable oils, chicken and quail eggs:
  • Fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits, spicy and aromatic herbs;
  • Cereal products for breakfast and side dishes for meat dishes;
  • Sweets in the form of marshmallows and marmalade, tea and coffee, cocoa for them;
  • A variety of spices, because with them each product begins to sound original and new;
  • Bakery products, confectionery;
  • A small supply of canned food for salads and other dishes;
  • And many other products tailored to your diet.

Convenient form for the menu

You can paint the menu on ordinary A4 sheets, they can also be printed and folded into a folder with transparent files. Moreover, on one side of the sheet there will be, for example, a menu, and on the other, a list of basic products for cooking this week. Having compiled a couple of dozen of these sheets, you can vary the diet throughout the year.

No less convenient is the version of the electronic menu, where, in addition to dishes and purchases, you can store recipes for their preparation. Well, after compiling the list, give it to the family for approval, and try to compile it in this way - within a week it is necessary that there are 2-3 favorite dishes of each of the family members. Thus, it will be possible to achieve a smooth compromise.

So, we start compiling the menu, and every evening we consider a new dish with a list of products and cooking. As mentioned above, the article will give examples of first courses, but, as a rule, many of us do not dine at home. Consider a rough weekly menu for a family with dinner recipes.

A good option would be the approach to cooking first courses, when 2-3 times a week, meat or fish, vegetable broth is cooked in a large saucepan. Then in the evening it remains only to prepare a vegetable base and cook fresh soup literally one serving for each family member. The broth can also be used throughout the week to prepare second courses for dinner.


  • Breakfast - Milk buckwheat porridge, soft-boiled egg with toast, tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - Soup on chicken broth with noodles "Gossamer".
  • Snack - Salad of carrots and celery, seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Dinner - Peppers stuffed with vegetables, baked in the oven, vegetable salad, fruit tea.
  • At night - Drinking yogurt.


  • Bulgarian pepper - 5 pcs.
  • onion head
  • 4 celery stalks
  • Rice round - 100 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 125 gr.
  • Champignon mushrooms - 200g.
  • Salt and spices, fresh herbs, a little vegetable oil.


  1. First of all, put the rice to boil, and boil it until it is almost ready.
  2. While the rice is cooking, fry the chopped onion and mushrooms, add chopped celery stalks to the company.
  3. Rinse the pepper, cut it in half without cutting off the stem, and remove the seeds.
  4. We discard the almost ready rice, add it to the vegetables. Season with spices and salt.
  5. We fill the pepper boats with the mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese mixed with herbs and freshly ground pepper and bake in the oven until tender. Serve with any vegetable salad.

Evening advice! Cook a little more rice, you'll need it for tomorrow's dinner.


  • Breakfast - Pancakes on kefir with jam, green tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - we have chicken broth left, and rice boiled from dinner, so you can cook rice soup with herbs and croutons from yesterday's bread.
  • Snack - Bun with jelly.
  • Dinner - Mashed potatoes with pumpkin and carrots, baked fish or herring, cucumber salad.
  • At night - a glass of fruit juice.

Puree with pumpkin and carrots


  • Potatoes - 600 gr.;
  • Fresh carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Pumpkin - 200 gr.;
  • Milk - 200 ml;
  • Butter - 75 gr.;
  • A little salt and pepper to taste;
  • 2 sprigs of green onions.


  1. We clean the vegetables, cut them into medium-sized pieces. The pumpkin for this recipe can be frozen.
  2. Put the vegetables in a saucepan, add water and add a little salt.
  3. A few minutes before the vegetables are ready, heat the milk with a piece of butter.
  4. Mnem vegetables in a saucepan, drain the broth beforehand, add milk and butter and beat with a whisk. Salt to taste and serve, decorating the tender and bright puree with chopped green onions.

Evening advice! We put a portion of fresh meat broth from a rather fatty brisket to boil.


  • Breakfast - Fried eggs with tomatoes, toast with cheese, tea and coffee.
  • Lunch - Vegetable soup in meat broth, radish salad.
  • Snack - cottage cheese dessert - casserole or ready-made cottage cheese with jam.
  • Dinner - Roast chicken with potatoes, cherry tomato and red onion salad with herbs.
  • At night - Ryazhenka.

Roast chicken


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs. per person;
  • Chicken - weighing up to 2 kg .;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • A little oil;
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper, spices, some herbs.


  1. Cut the chicken into portions, put on a greased baking sheet. Add chopped garlic, onion.
  2. Peel potatoes and carrots, cut into small pieces and add to the chicken.
  3. Salt and season with spices, add herbs.
  4. Remove the baking sheet in the oven for at least 45 minutes, then watch the meat and vegetables are ready. You can add fresh tomatoes, then the roast will turn out with sauce, but for this, use a deeper baking sheet.

Evening advice! Boil 2 root crops - beets, potatoes, carrots.


  • Breakfast - Oatmeal with chocolate chips, toast with liver pate, sweet tea or coffee.
  • Lunch - Soup with potatoes and green peas, compote, baked apple with honey and nuts.
  • Afternoon snack - Portion of fruit jelly.
  • Dinner - Herring or pickled mackerel, vinaigrette.
  • At night - a glass of milk.

Spicy vinaigrette with spicy dressing


  • Boiled vegetables - from the evening of the previous day;
  • Bank of green peas;
  • 3 pickled (not pickled) cucumbers;
  • 100 gr. sauerkraut;
  • A bunch of greens;
  • Head of red onion;
  • 2 teaspoons of mustard;
  • 57 gr. olive oil;
  • Juice of half a lime.


  1. We cut the boiled vegetables into pea-sized cubes, focusing on the grains from the canned product.
  2. Pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut are also finely chopped. The smaller the cubes, the tastier the dish, and the salad looks more appetizing.
  3. We fill boiled vegetables and pickles with peas with a dressing of mustard, oil and citrus juice.
  4. Before serving, sprinkle the vinaigrette with fresh herbs, serve with fish and fresh brown bread.

Evening advice! We cook mushroom broth from fresh or canned champignons with the addition of a small amount of dry porcini mushrooms.


  • Breakfast - Hot sandwiches with boiled meat, tomatoes with cheese crust, tea or coffee with cookies.
  • Lunch - Thick soup in mushroom broth, with noodles and herbs.
  • Afternoon snack - Apple puffs with tea.
  • Dinner - Potato casserole, coleslaw, fruit juice.
  • At night - Prostokvasha.

Spicy cabbage salad


  • Fresh red cabbage - 400 gr.;
  • Shallots - 3 pcs.;
  • A bunch of fresh herbs;
  • A spoonful of mustard with grains;
  • A little salt and black pepper
  • 100 gr. mayonnaise;


  1. Chop the cabbage - you can use a combine, a grater, or just chop the vegetable into thin and long straws.
  2. Mix mustard with chopped herbs and mayonnaise, season the sauce with salt and freshly ground pepper.
  3. Chop the onion, scald. The straw should be thin and long.
  4. Mix cabbage with onion and season with sauce. Serve with potato casserole.

Evening advice! Relax, tomorrow is the weekend!

On weekends, you can cook your favorite dishes that take a lot of time, bake homemade pies or pies, make small cutlets or meatballs, cut meat and fish into portions.

It’s hard to talk about family meals on weekends, of course, you can plan cooking for these days, for example, we still have mushroom broth. A little onion, garlic, white wine and fresh mushrooms, a glass of Basmati rice 20 minutes of continuous stirring and you will have a great risotto.

We offer our version of the weekly menu for a family with economy recipes in this article, so that during a crisis and a difficult life situation, you can eat tasty and nutritious. There comes a time in every family when you need to tighten your belts a bit. Don't worry, everything will pass. In the meantime, you need to arm yourself with an economical menu and start implementing it.

sweet leftovers

Before compiling the main menu for the days of the week, I want to pay attention to the leftovers. It happens that kefir or milk sours, for example. In a normal situation, such a product is poured out, but you can cook excellent pancakes or pancakes from sour milk products.

Zucchini is another simple and cheap ingredient that can be stored for a long time. You can also make pancakes from zucchini, and even pies. During the period of savings, you should take a closer look at dough products and rehabilitate them for yourself again. As for vegetables, it is worth buying only the most affordable ones (they are also very healthy): potatoes, cabbage, beets, radishes, onions and garlic.

Economy menu for a week for a family of 3 with recipes


Lunch: Chicken soup with vermicelli or rice. It is extremely easy to prepare, and at the same time, it turns out a tasty and nutritious product. You can also bake potatoes as a bite to the soup so that satiety is complete.

Lunch: Salad with carrots and raisins, dressed with honey.

Lunch: The same chicken soup. This time you can bake beets to it.
Afternoon snack: Roll with lemon.

Dinner: Fish meatballs, delicious and vitamin salad.


Breakfast: You can cook the usual oatmeal with milk. It activates digestion and energizes for the whole day.

Afternoon snack: The same lemon roll left over from Tuesday.

Dinner: Fish meatballs and vinaigrette. Dinner is also repeated, but, as a rule, these dishes are enough for a family of three for just two days.


Breakfast: Eggs must be in the diet, so you can cook an omelette with onions.

Lunch: Continues to eat pea soup with a new batch of garlic croutons.
Afternoon snack: Fritters. You can cook on kefir or yogurt, and serve with jam.

Dinner: Stew cabbage with rice and minced meat. You can also make a salad of carrots with garlic, season with vegetable oil.


Breakfast: Again, you can serve pancakes with sour cream.

Lunch: It is worth preparing a soup with tomato paste, to which add noodles.

Afternoon snack: You can safely make a cocktail with a banana, to which you add ginger and cinnamon. Such an afternoon snack is not only delicious, it also strengthens the immune system.

Dinner: Cabbage will remain from Thursday.


Breakfast: On the day off, breakfast should be more hearty and enjoyable. Therefore, you can cook cheesecakes with apples. Moreover, cook them in such quantity that there is still left for an afternoon snack.

Lunch: Tomato soup from yesterday, which should have enough vermicelli.

Afternoon snack: cheesecakes.

Dinner: Chicken cutlets with potatoes. Make cabbage salad with prunes.


Breakfast: Millet porridge with pieces of pumpkin. Excellent nutritious breakfast, which contains a lot of vitamins. And this porridge pleases with its bright appearance.

Lunch: Russian pickle.

Afternoon snack: Any fresh fruit. It can be apples, bananas or oranges.

Dinner: Chicken cutlets with rice, beetroot salad and canned peas.

How to compare costs

By the way, this is such a great economy menu for a week for a family of 2 with recipes. If some recipes are not in the article, then they can be found on the pages of our website. Just use the search form. Especially for you, we have collected economical delicious dishes, for the preparation of which there are step-by-step photos.

Important! The total amount on the check will be more than the amount spent on food for one week. After all, many products on the menu are bought immediately in the package and are simply not eaten for a week. For example, rice, vermicelli.

Nutritionists advise, regardless of the season, be sure to include fresh vegetable salad in your diet. Moreover, you do not need to buy expensive vegetables. It is enough to use seasonal products. In summer and autumn, it’s understandable, but in winter it’s cabbage, radish, beets and carrots. You can’t even imagine how many interesting things you can cook from ordinary, affordable and cheap products!

Good day to all! A healthy lifestyle consists not only in active sports, walking, etc., but also in proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition does not mean that you need to eat some special food or go on some kind of diet. The main thing is to properly plan your menu, in which you can use any delicious dishes.

How to make such a menu will be discussed in this article.

What is proper nutrition? It is not only tasty and healthy food. It is also necessary to develop the correct diet. Breakfast, lunch, dinner should take place at the same time - according to the schedule. The break between meals is from 3 to 4 hours.

At lunch, you need to consume most of the calories. And, most importantly, do not rush. You need to eat calmly, measuredly. Drinking is allowed only 30-40 minutes after eating. Sugar can be replaced with iodine, coffee with chicory. Although, this is not the rule. And one more thing: food should be varied, both vegetable and meat.

By adhering to these rules, you will achieve a proper diet, which in turn will have a good effect on both physical and mental health.

Proper nutrition menu for the week from affordable products for the family

If you decide to do proper nutrition, then it is best to do it together with the whole family. Both useful and boring. First of all, you need to evaluate who prefers what, make a list of products, from which you can later choose the most necessary, inexpensive.

Products should be seasonal and purchased daily, not weekly. Having made a list, we write a weekly menu, as in a canteen or a pioneer camp. We hang it on the wall in the kitchen, so that it would be visible, and not remember every day what to cook.

  • milk and dairy products
  • meat, seafood
  • vegetables and fruits are a must
  • eggs - both chicken and quail
  • groats
  • tea, coffee, various sweets
  • spices
  • bakery products

Now I will give an approximate menu for the week, which can be compiled for the whole family, as well as for men and women separately. In the last section of the article, you can see some recipes for preparing the right dishes.

So what can you offer your family?




Calories per 100 gr.: 127 kilocalories


Calories per 100 gr.: 30 kilocalories

Afternoon snack:

Cauliflower casserole

Calories per 100 gr: 107 kilocalories


Chicken baked in the oven with boiled potatoes

Calories per 100 gr.: 197 kilocalories

Carrot salad with garlic

Calories per 100 gr.: 43 kcal




Calories per 100 gr.: 127 kilocalories


Chicken soup with vermicelli

Afternoon snack:

Cauliflower casserole

Calories per 100 gr.: 107 kilocalories


fish cakes



Millet porridge

Calories per 100 gr.: 125 kilocalories.


Chicken soup with vermicelli

Calories per 100 gr.: 63 kilocalories

Afternoon snack:

Cottage cheese casserole


fish cakes

Calories per 100 gr.: 59 kilocalories



Millet porridge

Calories per 100 gr.: 125 kilocalories


Potato soup with fish

Afternoon snack:

Cottage cheese casserole

Calories per 100 gr.: 243 kilocalories


lazy cabbage rolls



Barley porridge

Calories per 100 gr.: 96 kilocalories


Potato soup with fish

Calories per 100 gr.: 89 kilocalories

Afternoon snack:

Rice porrige


lazy cabbage rolls

Calories per 100 gr.: 147 kilocalories



eggs in a bag


Afternoon snack:

Rice porrige

Calories per 100 gr.: 92 kilocalories


Meat with buckwheat



Calories per 100 gr.: 157 kilocalories


Soup with meatballs and spinach

Calories per 100 gr.: 74 kilocalories

Afternoon snack:

Orange curd cake without baking

Calories per 100 gr.: 291 kilocalories


Meat with buckwheat

Calories per 100 gr.: 200 kilocalories

There are a lot of similar menu options, the main thing is to choose what is suitable for all family members.

But if you choose a menu just for yourself, then this is a little easier. You don't have to consider all opinions. You take only those products that you like.

Proper nutrition menu for a week for men

The basic principles of compiling the menu are almost the same as those described in the previous section. Here and the mode of eating, caloric content, composition of products and drinking regimen. The diet includes a five-time cycle at intervals of 3-4 hours.

The only thing when compiling the menu, you need to take into account your physical condition and lifestyle. What products will you need for this.

Firstly, these are vegetables: cabbage, carrots, beets, radishes. All these products contain many useful substances. For example, beets cleanse blood vessels, radishes contain iron, potassium, phosphorus, and various vitamins. Secondly, it is seafood and fish. However, if they are too expensive, then you can find a cheap product, such as herring. Next, use meat and eggs. The meat is mostly chicken. Offal meats such as liver, heart, kidneys are suitable.

You can't do without fruits. I would like to highlight apples here. From dairy products, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, milk itself are suitable. They must be either fat-free or low-fat.

From bakery products, take rye bread. For cereals, use rice, and dark or unpolished is best. Buckwheat, barley and barley groats are also suitable. Vegetable oil is best to take olive oil. It's more useful.

To make a menu according to calories, you need to take the Mifflin-San Geor method. According to her, you take your weight, multiply by 10. Then add height multiplied by 6.25 to the resulting value. Now we take the age, multiply by five and subtract from the value obtained earlier. Then we add five and multiply what we got by 1.55

Difficult? Let's look at an example. Let's say a man aged 32, weighing 80 kg and 193 cm tall, doing 5 intense workouts per week, when calculated, will receive the following individual calorie requirement:

(80 × 10 + 193 × 6.25 - 32 × 5 + 5) × 1.55 = 2862 kcal

If we reduce this percentage value by 20, we get a figure that you can focus on when compiling the menu. As for the calculations for women, we will consider it in the next section.

So, let's move on to the menu options. What can be prepared from these products.

  • Breakfast: Fried eggs with fresh herbs, a slice of whole grain bread. A cup of unsweetened coffee or tea, honey can be added
  • Snack: Portion of cottage cheese or yogurt
  • Lunch: A bowl of soup or borscht for starters. On the second: steam fish with a hearty side dish and fresh vegetable salad. As a dessert, a handful of dried fruits with unsweetened tea is allowed.
  • Afternoon snack: Oranges or apples
  • Dinner: Chicken breast with vegetables, tea without sugar

Or alternatively:

  • Breakfast: Muesli with milk, apple
  • Snack: A few fresh apples
  • Lunch: Vegetable soup, potato casserole with minced meat
  • Afternoon snack: Fat-free cottage cheese with raisins
  • Dinner: Boiled keta, salad of vegetables and herbs with butter

Or alternatively:

  • Breakfast: A portion of oatmeal with milk without sugar. One pear. Tea or coffee
  • Snack: Salad of canned tuna, beans, tomato and canned peas
  • Lunch: Grilled turkey breast, a piece of cheese. Salad of lettuce, boiled egg and cherry tomatoes. Use extra virgin olive oil as a dressing.
  • Afternoon snack: A glass of natural freshly squeezed juice, biscuit biscuits
  • Dinner: Grilled salmon, braised broccoli in tomato sauce

Or alternatively:

  • Breakfast: Fried eggs from 3 eggs, black bread, pear
  • Snack: Natural yogurt
  • Lunch: Chicken vermicelli soup, goulash
  • Snack: Fat-free cottage cheese, a glass of kefir
  • Dinner: Fish meatballs, cucumber and tomato salad with sour cream

Or alternatively:

  • Breakfast: Natural yogurt whipped with banana and frozen or fresh berries
  • Snack: Cheese and a handful of nuts
  • Lunch: Turkey stew with beans and grated cheese. For dessert - one banana
  • Lunch: Portion of cottage cheese with berries
  • Dinner: Grilled beef steak with spinach and mushrooms, a handful of green peas

Or alternatively:

  • Breakfast: Muesli with milk, pear
  • Snack: Feta salad with sweet peppers and spinach dressed with olive oil
  • Lunch: Ukha, roast pork and potatoes in pots
  • Afternoon snack: Sweet pies, tea
  • Dinner: Baked chicken with spices, steamed vegetables

Or alternatively:

  • Breakfast: Organic oatmeal with milk without sugar. whole grain bread. Tea or coffee with honey
  • Snack: Oranges or a couple of apples
  • Lunch: Steamed chicken cutlet with vegetable salad. Dessert of dried apricots, prunes, dried figs
  • Snack: Portion of cheese and any nuts
  • Dinner: Liver cue ball with stewed zucchini and green beans. Tea without sugar

Or alternatively:

Such are the options. Choose and make your own.

Meals for the week from affordable products for women

Let's start with the determination of calories according to the Mifflin-St. Geor method. For women, it is calculated a little differently than for men. Here you need to multiply your weight by 10, then add the height multiplied by 6.25. Further, from the obtained value we subtract 161, and then the age multiplied by 5. The final figure is multiplied by 1.2.

Consider an example: weight 70 kg, height 170 cm, age 30 years. Substitute in the formula and get:

(70 × 10 + 170 × 6.25 - 30 × 5 - 161) × 1.2 = 1742 kcal

Also, we reduce by 20% and get the control value. However, here is a small addition. The last figure in the formula - 1.2 is the activity coefficient. This coefficient is used for an inactive lifestyle, more sedentary. If you are active or go in for sports, then choose a coefficient for yourself:

  • low activity - 1.375 (light exercise 1-3 times a week);
  • average activity - 1.55 (intensive classes, 3-5 times a week);
  • high activity - 1.725 (intense daily activities);
  • extreme activity - 1.9 (strength training, hard physical work).

The menu for women is somewhat different from the men's. First of all, it is intended more for weight loss. Secondly, it consists of three main components: breakfast, lunch, dinner and small snacks in between.

The table below is a sample menu for proper nutrition.

Naturally, it is necessary to select the right products. The picture below shows an example of permitted and prohibited foods.

From the outside it seems that everything is complicated. It's actually worth getting started and you'll love it. We can agree that the whole difficulty lies in the preparation of the menu and cooking. However, unlike diets, proper nutrition is not a one-time thing, but one might say, forever. It is worth a little "sweat", draw up a schedule, a menu, and then everything will go according to the knurled.

Recipes with calories for a proper nutrition menu

Let's go back to the menu and see what recipes you can use when compiling it.

Oatmeal milk porridge

What can be cooked for breakfast? Let's start with the traditional - with porridge. Oatmeal is a good breakfast. Calories per 100 gr. will be 127 kcal. Proteins / Fats / Carbohydrates: 3/ 3/ 24 gr.


  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Oat flakes - 100 g.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - to taste

Mix water with milk, put on fire, bring to a boil. Next, add oatmeal, salt and sugar. We mix. As soon as the water boils, you need to mix again. After that, you can turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let stand for 5 minutes. After that, the porridge will be ready.

Salad with bulgur

If you don't want porridge, you can make Bulgur Salad. The calorie content of this salad will be 269. Protein 25.1 gr., 15.7 gr. Fats and 7.6 gr. Carbohydrates. Bulgur is a cereal made from durum wheat. Now it is popular, although not many people know about it.


  • Bulgur (dry) - 40 gr.;
  • Boiled chicken breast - 100 gr.;
  • Cucumber - 100 gr.;
  • Tomatoes - 150 gr.;
  • Sweet red pepper - 40 gr.;
  • Basil, fresh - 4 gr.;
  • Salt - 3 gr.;
  • Unrefined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

We boil the chicken. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add bulgur. After that, cook it on low heat for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the cooking time, the water is drained, the cereal is squeezed out. During this time, cut the tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and herbs. Mix everything with bulgur, salt and add oil. Salad ready.

Delicious millet porridge with milk

From other cereals, you can cook millet porridge. Also tasty and healthy. The calorie content of this dish will be 125 kilocalories, Proteins / Fats / Carbohydrates: 4/2/ 23 gr.


  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Millet - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste

The millet is washed. Mix water with milk, put on fire, bring to a boil. Add millet, cook over low heat for 10 minutes. After that, turn off, let the porridge brew for another five minutes. If you wish, you can add butter or sugar.

Chicken broth soup

Dinner. It should be higher in calories. However, not so much that then you would not gain weight, instead of losing it. Soups are usually very high in calories. Soup-broth is well suited to reduce the calorie content.

In such a dish there will be 300 kcal., Protein 43.4 gr., 17.6 gr. Fat and 0.6 gr. Carbohydrates.


  • Chicken legs (shank) - 200 gr.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • black pepper (peas) - 4 pcs.;
  • salt and any seasonings - to taste.

We wash the meat, clean the vegetables. Carrots are cut into large pieces, and onions are boiled whole. Only pre-make an incision on the top of the bulb. Boil water in a saucepan, then put the meat, carrots and onions. Cook for 40-50 minutes over low heat. At the end of cooking, remove from heat. We take out all the cooked ingredients, and filter the broth. Add meat and vegetables again. This completes the cooking process.

Chicken vermicelli soup

Another delicious soup that can be made with chicken is Chicken Vermicelli Soup. Its calorie content will be 63 kilocalories, and Proteins / Fats / Carbohydrates: 3/ 2/ 8 gr.


  • Chicken - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Spaghetti - 150 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.

Boil the chicken first. We cook it for about an hour. After that, we separate the meat from the bones. In principle, you can cut the meat and so cook with the bones. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, fry them in a pan. Cut potatoes into strips or cubes. In a pot with chicken broth, which was prepared earlier, put the potatoes, cook for 10 minutes. Then add meat, spaghetti, cook for another 5 minutes. After that, add the fried vegetables and cook again for 5 minutes. At the end of the salt, leave to brew and you can take for dinner.

Cod baked in the oven

For dinner, you can cook fish, such as baked cod. The calorie content of this dish will be 109 kcal, Protein 17 gr., 4 gr. Fat and 0.5 gr. Carbohydrates.


  • 200 gr. cod fillet;
  • 10 gr. vegetable refined oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste.

We start with the fish marinade. Rub the garlic, mix it with oil, add pepper, salt and lemon juice. The fish is cleaned, cut into pieces. All bones are removed. Then it is rubbed with marinade. We cover the bottom of the frying pan with parchment, lay out the fish and close it with parchment. Put the mold in a preheated oven to 180 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

As snacks, you can use yogurt or, for example, cottage cheese casserole. Its calorie content will be 243 kilocalories, and Proteins / Fats / Carbohydrates: 11/13 / 21 gr.


  • Cottage cheese - 1 kg.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 6 tbsp. l. Fat content from 20%
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Semolina - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Raisins - 200 gr.
  • Butter - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Vanillin - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Cottage cheese is crushed with a blender. Eggs are whipped. Put cottage cheese, butter, eggs, semolina, raisins, vanillin, salt in a cup. We mix everything gently. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, put the prepared curd mixture there. Smooth and top with sour cream. We bake in the oven until cooked, i.e., the formation of a crust on top.

Here are some dishes you can cook. And finally, another menu option, which shows all the calories and the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for each meal.

The health of the whole family directly depends on what she eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For this reason, every housewife thinks through the diets in advance, but does not always take into account how useful the cooked food is and what effect it has on the body. To always keep yourself and your family in good shape, good mood and constant energy, switch to proper nutrition, and make a weekly menu for the family, in accordance with its rules and principles.

A well-composed daily diet will help not only improve the body, avoid many unpleasant diseases, but also solve the problem of monotony and stress. The whole family will definitely be satisfied.

In order for the PP to “work” and give the desired effect, it is important to follow its basic rules during the formation of the diet for every day:

  • completely balanced. Meals should contain the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. We calculate the BZHU in advance, we look so that the values ​​\u200b\u200bdo not go beyond the established limits.
  • We refuse three meals a day. There should be an average of 5-6 meals a day. We eat small meals every 3-4 hours.
  • We eat complex carbohydrates. They must be present in the correct menu. We eat food with complex carbohydrates only during breakfast. It saturates the body with energy for many hours, makes you forget about hunger and harmful snacks for a long time.
  • Second breakfasts are a prerequisite for PP. Sour-milk products, vegetable and fruit salads are perfect for lunches. Depending on the formed family menu, you can snack on nuts and dried fruits.
  • Lunch is protein. Be sure to lean on poultry, lean meat in combination with complex carbohydrates and a vegetable component.
  • Afternoon is another snack. During it, you can eat the same foods, dishes as during the second breakfast. It is also not forbidden to drink a cup of tea, cocoa with or a whole grain bread sandwich.
  • Dinner 4 hours before bed. During this meal, we use only light meals that are digested the fastest and do not create heaviness in the stomach.
  • We completely refuse fatty, salty and smoked. Nutritionists recommend boiling, stewing or baking without oil as cooking methods.
  • We drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day. We drink before or after meals for half an hour. You should also start your morning with a glass of fresh drinking water. Enough 200 milliliters to "start" the body and prepare it for the coming day.

A balanced diet necessarily includes five groups, united by composition. To form, for a common family of 4, it is important to correctly combine them with each other:

  • Vegetables and beans.
  • Fruits.
  • Lean meat and poultry, eggs, fish and nuts.
  • Cereals and cereals.

We also necessarily include dairy, sour-milk products, spices and spices (they also play an important role in the PP system) and other useful products.

Initially, the hostess faces a rather difficult task - to compose correctly, cook healthy and tasty. But, as soon as the diet is formed for at least one day, no further problems arise. Understanding the system is simple, and the result is the health and always good mood of all family members.

How to correctly think over the daily diet for the week? This process requires a significant amount of time, but the hours spent are worth it. From the very beginning, be sure to look at seasonality, what products are available at one time or another of the year, take into account the products that are already in the refrigerator and on the shelves in the closet. When compiling, remember the following points:

  • We take into account the wishes of all households, not forgetting about the family budget - you can eat right and save money.
  • We form a list of products that are in stock.
  • We take into account that one day guests may unexpectedly come home - we think over dishes, food that we will serve during gatherings with friends and relatives.
  • Explore promotional offers in stores, supermarkets. There is a huge chance, a chance to buy an expensive product that is great for a proper diet, at a reduced, affordable price. As a result, the list of possible dishes for each day will be replenished, and the menu will become much more interesting and varied.

You can write down the finished menu, both in electronic form and on A4 sheets of paper.

What are the best dishes to include on the menu for a family of 4? What should the finished diet look like? We offer you several options that will help in the formation of your unique.

Best PP recipes for the whole family: vegetable casserole

Prepare delicious healthy meals for yourself and your loved ones. Dilute the diet of cereals, soups, omelettes with original recipes for every day, the preparation of which will bring incredible pleasure and will not require large financial expenses.

Vegetable casserole is an unusual interpretation of a classic recipe. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients:

  • Zucchini - 300 grams.
  • Tomatoes - 1 piece.
  • Carrot - 1 piece.
  • Onion - 1 piece.
  • Cheese - 50 grams.
  • Dill - 10 grams.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Low-fat milk - 100 milliliters.
  • Salt and seasonings - to taste.
  • Remove the skin from the zucchini and cut into half rings.
  • Chop tomatoes, carrots and onions into thin rings.
  • In a pre-prepared baking dish, lay out the vegetables in layers, lightly add and send to the oven for 15 minutes (temperature 180 degrees).
  • Beat eggs with milk until smooth, add salt and spices.
  • Pour the vegetables with the prepared milk mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs on top and send back to the oven for another ten minutes.
  • We serve to the table. Bon appetit.

Do you have small children in your family who like sweets? Cook delicious cheesecakes from the oven for breakfast. For cooking, prepare the following products:

  • Fat-free cottage cheese - 200 grams.
  • Yolk - 1 piece.
  • Rice flour - 25 grams.
  • Baking powder - 1/3 teaspoon.
  • Honey - to taste.
  • We combine all the ingredients together, knead the dough thoroughly.
  • We form cheesecakes. Inside, you can put a frozen berry of strawberries, cherries, raspberries.
  • We spread the cheesecakes on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, and send it to the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees until cooked, about 20 minutes.

Serve with fresh fruit and low-fat sour cream.

Tired of classic lunches? Cheese soup with chicken is a great way to add variety to everyday life and surprise the household with an original taste. For it you will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 400 grams.
  • Potato - 1 piece.
  • Carrot - 1 piece.
  • Processed cheese - 180 grams.
  • Dill / parsley, spices and salt - to taste.
  • Wash the fillet well, dry with towels and cut into small pieces.
  • Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
  • Shred carrots in half rings.
  • Fry the chicken a little in a pan.
  • We boil water or broth (two liters), throw lavrushka, spices, fried meat there. Reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.
  • Pour the prepared vegetables into the soup, keep on fire for another 15 minutes.
  • Throw cheese into the pan, knead until it dissolves.
  • We chop the greens and send them to the pan. We add if necessary.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and remove from heat.
  • We serve to the table, beautifully served on plates. Bon appetit.

Every hostess wants only the best for her family, and a well-designed menu is a real concern for the health and well-being of the household. Learn the basics of proper nutrition, eliminate junk food from your diet, and add more healthy foods. Prepare delicious, nutritious meals every day that will give you incredible pleasure, saturate with useful substances for many hours.

With us, you will learn how to properly form the menu and replenish the piggy bank of recipes with original options.


How buy groceries once, so as not to stand at the stove every evening, inventing a new dish, the editors will tell "So simple!". At the end of the article there is a list of products for the week, which you can print out and take with you to the store.

This set of products will be useful even to those housewives who will not cook the dishes we have proposed, but will choose other recipes at their discretion. We will start our countdown on Saturday, because it is often on weekends that many of us do grocery shopping.

Home menu for the week

  1. Breakfast
    Since in the morning we prefer to eat our usual dishes without frills, we recommend starting the day with cottage cheese with sour cream. From fruits you can make a delicious topping to pour over cottage cheese: for this you need to chop a small amount of fruit with a blender and mix them with sugar.

    Such a sweet additive can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. Also for breakfast it is worth preparing pancakes with cottage cheese.

    Cottage cheese breakfast can be alternated with oatmeal. Porridge, boiled or fried egg and sausage - an incredibly tasty combination. For breakfast, we often eat or take sandwiches with us to work / school.

    To prepare them, you need to prepare 2 small plastic containers: cheese should be cut into one, and sausage should be cut into the other. In the morning, each member of the family can independently make their favorite sandwich.

  2. Saturday, Sunday, Monday
    For dinner these days, you need to prepare chicken fillet chops in advance. Half of the chops must be cooked immediately, and the rest can be roasted for a week.

    As a side dish, we recommend cooking baked vegetables with mushrooms. To do this, cut mushrooms, zucchini and carrots, add your favorite spices and seasonings, and then bake in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. While vegetables are in season, don't forget to prepare fresh salads!

  3. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
    These days, our editors offer baked meat for dinner. One of the items on the list is a whole chicken. It must be cut, separating the brisket. The rest of the chicken must be marinated and frozen. Within three days, you need to defrost a small amount of meat and bake in the oven.

    For a side dish, we suggest cooking rice with spinach. To do this, boil the rice in the usual way and fry the onion with spinach in butter. When the rice is ready, you should combine it with frying by adding another 100 g of butter.

    Chicken breast must be ground and minced for meatballs. In the future, you can cook any vegetable.

  4. Friday Saturday
    For dinner these days, we suggest cooking, and boiled potatoes for a side dish.

  5. Sweet
    In order not to spend a lot of time preparing complex desserts, we recommend baking a quick one. It can be prepared with any fruits and berries.

And here is the list of products for the week!


  • 2 liters of milk
  • 1 l kefir
  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 600 ml sour cream
  • 400 g butter
  • 1 kg oatmeal
  • 5 kg of fruits (strawberries, cherries, apricots)
  • 2 kg cucumbers
  • 2 kg tomatoes
  • 300 g dill
  • 300 g spinach
  • 200 g lettuce leaves (for sandwiches)
  • 0.5 kg of onion
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 15 eggs
  • 1 kg flour
  • 2 loaves of bread (guided by your family)
  • 1 stick of sausage
  • 500 g hard cheese
  • 0.5 kg sausages
  • 2 kg zucchini
  • 1 kg carrots
  • 300 g mushrooms
  • 1 chicken
  • 2 kg chicken breasts
  • 1 kg of rice
  • 0.5 kg minced meat (pork or beef)

We hope you enjoy our menu and grocery list! Be sure to tell your friends about these practical tips.
