
How to make raspberry liqueur without vodka. Raspberry liqueur recipe without alcohol

The recipe for raspberry tincture on vodka does not require any rare ingredients from you, they are all accessible and understandable. And this greatly simplifies the process of preparing fragrant liqueurs at home.

Raspberry tincture is one of the most popular homemade alcoholic beverages.

  1. For raspberry tincture, choose only ripe and whole berries.
  2. If you do not have fresh raspberries, then frozen raspberries, which must first melt at room temperature, are quite suitable.
  3. Before use, the fruits must be sorted out, removing spoiled ones.
  4. Good vodka or cognac is best suited for an alcohol base. It is also allowed to use alcohol diluted to 40-45 °.


On vodka

Raspberry tincture on vodka has a pleasant sweet aftertaste. The strength of the finished drink is moderate.

Prepare ingredients:

  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • raspberries - 3.3 kg;
  • sugar - 250-260 g;
  • water - 250-260 ml.

Cooking process.

  1. To prepare raspberry liqueur with vodka, the berries must be put in a clean jar and filled with vodka.
  2. Close the container with a lid and transfer to a dark place.
  3. After 3 days, drain the liquid into another container.
  4. In a saucepan, combine water and sugar, put on fire and cook the syrup.
  5. When the sugar is completely dispersed, remove the saucepan from the stove and leave the syrup to cool completely.
  6. Add the cooled syrup to the raspberry vodka and mix.
  7. The tincture is bottled, corked tightly and sent to a cool place for 2-3 weeks.
  8. After the specified time, the drink is filtered and stored in the common compartment of the refrigerator or in the cellar.

On cognac

Raspberry liqueur on cognac, prepared at home, is very fragrant.

Prepare ingredients:

  • raspberries - 750-800 g;
  • cognac - 1 liter.

Cooking process.

  1. Rinse raspberries, drain excess liquid and put in a jar.
  2. Pour in all the cognac.

    Advice! The total mass of raspberries may be more or less than the indicated value, this will depend on the size of the berries. But during cooking, make sure that the cognac overlaps the fruits by 3 cm.

  3. We close the jar with a nylon lid and transfer it to heat, where it should spend about 2 months.
  4. After the specified time, the liquid is poured into another container and additionally filtered.
  5. Next, pour the fragrant liqueur into convenient bottles and store in the refrigerator.

Without vodka

Raspberry tincture can be prepared without the alcohol component. And it becomes hoppy as a result of natural fermentation.
Prepare ingredients:

  • raspberries - 2-2.2 kg;
  • sugar - 800-900 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

Cooking process.

  1. Prepare a three-liter jar.
  2. We put raspberries in it in layers and sprinkle each with sugar.
  3. We add water.

    Important! The amount of ingredients must be adjusted independently and ensure that there is about 3 cm of free space left in the jar for fermentation!

  4. Using a wooden rolling pin, gently crush the berries.
  5. We install a water seal on the neck of the can - a medical glove, on one of the fingers of which we make a hole.
  6. We put the jar in the sun, for example, on the windowsill.
  7. We follow the glove - at the beginning of fermentation, it should inflate, then fall off. And when air ceases to whistle out of the trapdoor, the liquor is almost ready.
  8. We filter the drink and close the lid, after which we leave it in a cool place for another 2 days.
  9. Next, pour the tincture into bottles, cork tightly and store in the basement or refrigerator.

When and how to apply

Raspberry tincture prepared at home is not only a decoration for the festive table, but also an excellent remedy for colds. It contains unique beneficial properties that will help cure a sore throat, eliminate a sore throat, cough and increase the body's defenses.

In addition, due to the properties of the berry, such a drink has a beneficial effect on capillaries, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. It can be an excellent assistant in the fight against diseases of the kidneys, stomach and save from anemia.

Of course, you can not abuse the liquor, thinking that it is guaranteed to save you from diseases. Nevertheless, it is an alcoholic drink, so it will bring benefits only with moderate use and will never be compared in its qualities with a fresh berry.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Raspberry liqueur is the most fragrant, most delicious drink that you can make at home. Raspberry wine, sung in a well-known song, is less common, because few of the lovers are ready to take on a multi-stage technological process. At the same time, making raspberry wine is not difficult if you follow exactly this recipe, which has been tested by two decades of home winemaking.

Secrets of winemaking at home

A lot of the same type of recipes are published on the network, how to make wine from raspberries. It turns out that it doesn’t get any easier: I mixed the berries with sugar, let it stand, poured the mash, poured it into the bottles, plugged it with a cork - and in a month the wine with a strength of 16-18 degrees is ready. These recipes are copied from the 1990 edition of the brochure Making Alcoholic Beverages at Home. Author V.D. Balobanov, apparently, is a great inventor and a lover of debauchery. Not everything is so simple. Ripening wine will have to be looked after, inspected. Any violation of technology, missing the deadlines for draining from the sediment or getting oxygen during fermentation is fraught with the fact that instead of a unique aromatic drink you will get an analogue of a fruit and berry mixture, which is sold for one hundred rubles in liter bags. To make homemade wine from raspberries, we need:

  • the best juicer of the most common centrifugal type;
  • glass or plastic bottle, 5-10 liters;
  • hose for draining PVA with a diameter of 1–1.2 cm and a length of one and a half meters
  • water seal (hydraulic seal).

Good homemade wine will not work without a water seal - a device in the form of a glass with a curved tube. Water locks are usually sold in club stores such as Teddy Beer, found in Ogorodnik stores. You can make a water seal yourself by making a hole in the lid of the bottle and threading a thin PVA hose through it so that the short end of the hose does not touch the surface of the wine. Leave the long end 30 centimeters and lower it into a bottle of water. Seal the hole with the hose at least with plasticine. The task of the water seal is to prevent oxygen from passing through and release fermentation gases. In addition, the water seal is an indicator of the stage of fermentation. As soon as the water stops gurgling, this is a signal for the winemaker that the young wine is ready and it’s time to drain it. Comment from Zoya Bukhteeva: there were no locks in times of shortage. Wine was made in three- and five-liter jars, and a rubber glove was put on the neck. From fermentation gases, the glove rose and swelled.

What you need to get started: photo gallery

Bottle for the future drink

How to make wine from raspberries - cooking steps

For wine, berries are taken that are not suitable for jam - crumpled, torn, with dried edges, but in no case with mold and rot. It is not necessary to thoroughly rinse and sort out, just be careful not to catch a forest bug, it will kill the smell of all the aroma of raspberries. Juice is squeezed out of the berries. Centrifugal juicers allow a lot of pulp into the juice, up to 30 percent, but it is not necessary to filter and defend the juice. Together with the pulp, the juice is poured into a bottle. Pure unboiled water is mixed with sugar and added to raspberries in the proportion: 700 ml of water per 1 liter of juice. Sugar is added according to the scheme:

  • On the first day - 290 gr per 1 liter of juice
  • On the fourth day - 60 gr per 1 liter of juice
  • On the seventh day - 60 grams per 1 liter of juice
  • On the tenth day - 60 grams per 1 liter of juice

The bottle is filled no more than three-quarters of the volume, otherwise, during fermentation, the foam will rise and flood the water seal. If you want to get real wine from fresh raspberries, the recipe and schedule must be followed strictly. For these ten days, the bottle is placed in a dark place with a temperature of 20–25 degrees and covered with gauze or a thin cloth on top. After the last loading of sugar, a water seal is installed and poured onto the neck of the bottle. The bottle is again removed to a shaded place so that for one and a half to two months it should not be touched, not moved, but you can hear the bubbles gurgling in the water seal.

Cooking process step by step

Master class on making raspberry wine on video

Recipe for good taste

When the fermentation process ends and the water in the water seal stops bubbling, you can proceed to the procedures for draining and finishing the wine. The bottle must be very carefully lifted and placed on the table. If the recipe for raspberry wine is aged exactly, by this time the sediment should sink to the bottom, and the wine should acquire relative transparency. To remove from the sediment, it is necessary to prepare:

  • Wine aging containers (jars, bottles, barrels);
  • A saucepan with a volume of at least 4-5 liters;
  • Colander;
  • Gauze or linen cloth;
  • PVA hose for draining wine, 0.8 - 1.2 mm in diameter and 1.5 m long.

The hose is carefully lowered along the wall into the wine, not reaching 3-5 cm to the level of sediment. A pan with a colander, with a rag or gauze in two layers, is placed one level lower, for example, on a stool. Using a hose, the wine material is poured into a colander, from there into a pan so that the wine is saturated with oxygen as much as possible - the end of the hose must be held quite high (but not higher than the level of the wine, of course) and pinched with your fingers so that the stream is thin. After that, the wine is bottled for maturation. What container to take for this? If plastic bottles were allowed at the fermentation stage, then at the ripening stage of raspberry wine, plastic is the enemy of good taste. It can be poured into glass bottles, loosely closed until the final ripening, so that it does not explode, it can be in jars, and especially advanced ones pour wine into wooden barrels, if they find it. In this form, the wine is placed in a cool dark place. Raspberry wine finally ripens by spring, and then, if you have enough patience, a couple of bottles can be poured, closed with tight corks and stored. Drink the rest as table wine. Advice from Zoya Bukhteeva: it is best to store young wine in ordinary three-liter jars until the bubbles stop going along the walls, and then bottle it. Further procedures: clarification, oxygenation, freezing are home aerobatics winemaking, this can be discussed in another article.

How is the procedure going on

Raspberry wine bottled for aging

Residents of Western Europe prefer liqueurs to all other sweet alcoholic drinks. In Eastern Europe, of which we are also a part, they do not refuse liqueurs, but prefer to make them from their own berry and fruit raw materials. sweet liqueurs, including those without the addition of alcohol. Raspberry in this sense ranks first in popularity. Homemade raspberry liqueur can be found in every farmer who cultivates raspberries. An important technological point in the manufacture of raspberry liqueur, common to other drinks from this series, is the use of ceramics at home as the necessary containers. In the technological process, glassware will also be needed, and ceramics, in extreme cases, can be replaced with enamel.

How to make raspberry liqueur at home

The main concern of the manufacturer of raspberry liqueur is the quality of the raw materials. Berries, jam, alcohol-containing drinks, water - everything must meet the standards and be used in clean dishes.

Preparing berries

In the classic version, when raspberries are going to be used immediately, they are carefully sorted out, clearing any debris. Then the berries are slightly kneaded and poured into a glass container. But there are other possibilities when the liqueur is going to be made from raspberry jam or from frozen berries, which is also quite simple at home.

Did you know? Raspberries should be frozen no later than two hours after harvest.

How to make raspberry liqueur at home (without adding alcohol)

The liqueur, which is prepared without the addition of vodka, alcohol or other strong drinks, can be called liqueur very conditionally. It would be more correct to talk about raspberry wine, since the technology is quite consistent with the production of homemade wine by traditional fermentation. The advantage (or disadvantage - as you like) of raspberry liqueur, made according to the "wine" recipe, is in the low alcohol content. Required Ingredients:

  • 2 kg raspberries;
  • 0.8 kg of sugar;
  • 0.2 l of water.
First, raspberries and sugar are placed in a glass jar (3 l) in layers, after adding water, all this is crushed with a wooden spoon (you can use a rolling pin). Exhibited in a warm place (where, for example, there is more sun), the container should be closed with a lid that has a water seal. If this is not the case, you can pull on an ordinary rubber glove by making a puncture in it. When the mixture ferments, the resulting liquor is carefully filtered and, poured into a clean dish, left closed in the cellar or in another place where it is dark and cool. After two or three days, the final bottling can be done for subsequent storage at a lower temperature or immediately used for its intended purpose.

Alcohol-based raspberry liqueur recipe

Raspberries already in glassware are poured with vodka (or food alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees) so that they are about 3 cm below the liquid level. After that, the bottle closed with a dense cloth should spend a week warm.

Then the resulting liquid is drained, and the precipitate is squeezed out, moved to another container suitable for heating, and mixed with water and sugar. The resulting substance is brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes over low heat, freeing itself from the periodically occurring foam. After the thick syrup reaches room temperature, it is mixed with the previously drained raspberry tincture.

The final stage consists of straining through cheesecloth, pouring into prepared glassware and simmering for a month to reach final maturity, in coolness and darkness. The process is crowned by filtration, bottling (or other preferred containers). The optimal storage conditions for raspberry liqueur on vodka, the recipe of which has just been described, is considered to be a plus temperature of 6 to 16 degrees. The quantitative proportions of the ingredients used are as follows: raspberries / sugar = 5 kg / 1 kg, vodka / water = 1.5 l / 1 l.

Raspberry liqueur is not necessarily made with ordinary state-owned vodka. Owners who prefer natural products can use homemade vodka, that is, moonshine, to make it. For this, there is a wonderful recipe for frozen raspberry liqueur. It will need 2.5 kg per quarter kilogram of sugar and half a liter of 45-50-degree moonshine. Raspberry liqueur according to this recipe is prepared as follows:

  • thawed raspberry berries placed in a bowl are covered with sugar and poured with homemade vodka;
  • after an hour, the ingredients are mixed (the berries are crushed) until a homogeneous mass is formed;
  • the resulting mixture is preserved (you can just close it very tightly) in jars, which are then kept in the dark for a month;
  • after a month, the finished liquor is filtered and poured into suitable containers for subsequent use.

Important! Make sure that homemade vodka is well purified.

For lovers of old exotics, we can recommend a recipe for raspberry vodka liqueur, which was practiced in rural noble estates 1.5-3 centuries ago. Summer residents and villagers can use the oven for this, if there is one, while others will have to be content with the oven.

A ceramic (clay) pot is placed in it, in which a kilogram of raspberries is pre-filled with a quarter of vodka. The neck of the pot should be tied with paper with thin holes pierced (a fork is enough for this). When slowly heated, the berries should turn brown. The resulting composition, after passing through a colander, is mixed with another quarter of vodka and sugar (from 100 to 300 g). Such a liquor for unprepared people can be strong(you should try it right away), which is eliminated by adding squeezed juice from the berries remaining in the colander to it.

Did you know? Liqueurs, which in the old days were cooked in the oven, were called casseroles.

Finally, a quick recipe for making liqueur, which will be ready in a day:
  • high-temperature-resistant sealed containers with berries are set on fire in a basin of cold water;
  • after boiling, the potion languishes on a minimum fire for 1.5 hours;
  • well-strained juice after this procedure is mixed with vodka and sugar (all ingredients are used in proportion corresponding to real circumstances, with an eye to the classic version);
  • the bottled drink takes another 24 hours to reach the desired maturity.

How to make raspberry jam

Freshly harvested raspberry liqueurs may not be enough for the entire autumn-winter period. This is where technology will come in handy, how to make raspberry liqueur when there are no more fresh berries. And jam will replace fresh berries in both cooking options - with and without alcohol.

Recipe for making liquor without alcohol

No matter how much you want to make a drink from raspberries without the use of strong drinks, you cannot do without the natural fermentation process. A curious recipe is very good, involving the use of fresh raisins (0.1 kg) as one of the ingredients (wild yeast). Instead, you can use unwashed grapes, strawberries, or just wine yeast. The other two components are traditional: a liter of jam and a liter of water.

Important! The sugar content of the water-jam mixture should not be higher than 30% and not less than 20%.

The cooking technology is as follows:
  • one and a half months to store the liquor in a dark place at a temperature of 18-25 degrees;
  • filter liquids through gauze, pour it into another, hermetically sealed container and keep it in a cold place for 3-4 months;
  • Pour into bottles or other sealed containers.
If you cook a lot of such liquor, the strength of which reaches 12 degrees, then you can enjoy it for up to 3 years, maintaining the tightness of the dishes and the temperature regime - from 6 to 16 degrees.

Pouring jam at home on alcohol or vodka

The proposed method for making raspberry liqueur from jam is, in fact, universal in nature, that is, it can also be used when jam is made from other berries. After preparing the usual sugar syrup (100 g of water and sugar each), it is added to 0.4 liters of jam and boiled over low heat for half an hour after boiling. A liter of vodka (diluted alcohol) is added when the temperature of the future liquor has dropped to +20 degrees. Infusion takes at least a week, during its course the container with the drink is shaken from time to time. It is desirable to drain from the sediment as many times as necessary so that there is no sediment at all, and the last infusion lasting a month and a half takes place in the dark and cold in a tightly closed container.

Raspberry tincture is a tasty healthy drink that can be prepared all year round from fresh and frozen berries. There are many recipes for obtaining it, but regardless of their characteristics, the berries are always sorted out, getting rid of spoiled fruits and twigs - they worsen the taste of the drink. An ideal liquid base for raspberry tincture is quality spirits from the store, refined moonshine and natural alcohol diluted to 45 ° C.

Classic raspberry recipe

To prepare the drink, you need to collect the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 500 g;
  • berries - 1.3 kg;
  • water - 400 and 300 g;
  • vodka - 1 l.

Next, put the raspberries in a colander, rinse with water and allow the liquid to drain. Crushed berries that have released juice are not washed. In any case, the product is poured into a jar and crushed with a rolling pin to a mushy state. At the next stage, water and alcohol are poured into the container and the composition is thoroughly mixed. The dishes are cleaned in a warm place for 10 days, and its contents are periodically shaken.

On the 11th day, they begin to filter the infusion. The product is passed through several layers of gauze and the cake is squeezed out. The liquid is combined with a syrup made from sugar and 300 ml of water, and removed for repeated infusion, but already for 2 to 3 weeks. As soon as the precipitate falls, the drink is drained. At the exit, it turns out to be strong, but it does not leave an alcohol aftertaste after use.

Fragrant cake can be poured with moonshine and let it stand for a couple of weeks. So from one set of components you get two different drinks.

Unsweetened Raspberry Pie Recipe

Having collected ripe clean berries in a bottle, they are poured with such an amount of vodka that they are completely covered with an alcoholic component. Then the container is gently shaken, achieving the dissolution of air bubbles. The jar is corked with a nylon lid and cleaned in a dark place for a 2-month infusion. The temperature in the room should be room temperature.

After the specified time, the liqueur is passed through a thick sieve. For 2 months, the berries should completely lose their color, and the cooked product should be saturated with raspberry juice and acquire a beautiful shade. If the drink seems sour, it can be diluted with honey or sugar syrup the day before drinking.

A surprisingly tasty drink is obtained from berries (750 g) and cognac (1 l). The absence of sugar in the recipe allows the liqueur to retain the specific taste of noble alcohol. Consider the cooking process step by step.

  1. Carefully selected berries are placed in a bottle.
  2. Cognac is added so much that its level exceeds the berry layer by 3 cm.
  3. The dishes are closed with a tight lid and removed for 2 months. in warm conditions.
  4. The drink is removed from the sediment and filtered through cotton wool.
  5. The finished drink is bottled.

Raspberry jam liqueur

The following recipe will help give new life to unnecessary raspberry jam. An important condition for obtaining a quality drink is the absence of mold in a jar of jam or jam. Otherwise, instead of tincture, you get mash.

The recipe for making jam liqueur is as follows:

  • 300 g of jam is put in a jar and poured with an alcoholic drink (300 g).
  • The contents of the bottle are well mixed and closed with a lid.
  • The dishes are cleaned for 4 days in a dark corner. If the jam has strayed into crystals, then it is recommended to visit the tincture a couple of times a day and shake the mass.
  • The drink is passed through a cotton-gauze bandage.

If you want to lower the strength of the finished liquor, add a little water to it.

Liquor "Fruit Mix"

The so-called blended tincture is obtained from an equal amount of ripe berries:

  1. blackberry;
  2. raspberries;
  3. currant;
  4. sour cherries.

The berries are ground on a sieve and the juice is collected, which is subsequently combined with moonshine (0.5 l), crushed black peppercorns (10 pieces) and 400 g of sugar (can be replaced with purified molasses).

The resulting mass is thoroughly stirred and poured into prepared containers. The drink is allowed to settle well, and then proceed to the tasting.

Raspberry ratafia

The recipe for this drink is also simple. 1 kg of berries are crushed and mixed with 3 liters of moonshine. The dishes are closed and left in a room where the mode is maintained at 19 - 21 ° C. After a few days, the mixture is filtered and 250 g of sugar are stirred into the liquid. Cinnamon, white pepper and nutmeg are sprinkled in a pinch.

Red currant and raspberry liqueur

The recipe for this drink requires the hostess:

  • berries of both shrubs - 300 g each;
  • moonshine - half a liter;
  • orange and lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar syrup - 1 glass;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • vanillin - 2 tsp

The sorted and washed berries are poured into a convenient jar and cinnamon with citrus is added. In the process of peeling oranges and lemons, they try to remove the white skin as much as possible. The whole mass is poured with moonshine and insisted for 1.5 months, periodically shaking the jar. The work is completed by filtering the product, adding syrup and vanilla sugar.

Vanilla raspberry liqueur

To enjoy this delicious drink, you need to pour half a kilo of high-quality berries with diluted alcohol (700 g) and leave for 2 weeks with continuous stirring. Next, the product is passed through gauze and cotton wool until completely clarified. The syrup is prepared from an equal amount of water and sugar, after which it is introduced into the liqueur along with vanilla sugar (20 g). The drink is aged for 1 week (or longer) and served at the table.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the recipes for alcoholic beverages. Their benefit lies in the content of essential oils, pectins, vitamins A, B, C, tannins, zinc, iron, cobalt, and other minerals. Periodic use of liqueurs and vodka infusions improves mood and relieves stress.

Contraindications to taking "hot" raspberry drinks are kidney problems, diabetes, gastritis, bronchial asthma, urolithiasis, gout and stomach ulcers. People with allergies are also not recommended to drink aromatic berry liquid. Other consumers can indulge in pleasure and indulge in a glass or two.

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One of the most attractive drinks due to the fragrant aroma and pleasant sweet and sour tart taste is raspberry liqueur which is home cooked. It can be made at home, filling the berries with strong alcohol, or prepared like liquor wine when the berry juice is fermented with sugar.

Useful properties of raspberry liqueur

Homemade raspberry liqueur can be drunk as an alcoholic drink, for example, with sweet desserts, fruits, pastries. And if you wish, you can stock up on a bottle or two of liquor to use it for medicinal purposes. Such a liqueur is especially relevant in the cold season, in the spring and autumn periods, when the body needs to be supported with a natural vitamin remedy. Raspberry liqueur contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP. The drink is rich in iron, calcium, sodium, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, copper. The composition of the healing liquid contains salicylic acid, essential oils, tannins.

Raspberry liqueur is used as a remedy for elevated temperature, beriberi, iron deficiency. The liqueur removes toxins in case of ailments of a viral and bacterial nature. And it is also a wonderful (and tasty) remedy for increasing the level of immunity and strengthening the body after suffering ailments of any nature. Raspberry liqueur for treatment is drunk in very moderate doses - only 2 tablespoons before meals three times a day. If desired, you can drink the liquor in its pure form or add it to warm tea (black or herbal), water.

But you can make raspberry liqueur as a delicious drink for the festive table. It will replace with dignity any store-bought drink, especially if berries from your garden were used - ripe, high-quality, grown without harmful chemicals. You can make a drink even in the cold season, if you take frozen instead of fresh fruits.

Raspberries for liqueur

It does not matter which raspberry to use - early, medium ripening or late. The size and color of the berries also does not matter, however, the liqueur from yellow varieties (for example, Yellow Giant, Fugitive, Golden-domed) will come out light, often less fragrant (usually the smell of red varieties is brighter). True, allergy sufferers appreciate the liquor from yellow-fruited raspberries (in such varieties there are fewer anthocyanins - vegetable coloring substances). Popular varieties in Russia are those that bear fruit well, are resistant to diseases, whose berries have a sweet and sour or sweet taste (for example, Patricia, Scarlet Sails, Meteor, Vera, Mirage, etc.).

Raspberry picking is carried out from the end of June (for early varieties) to August-September. In the morning, as soon as the dew subsides, you can pick berries in a small container with a hard bottom. It is desirable that the volume of the container be no more than 2 liters, otherwise the berries may be damaged. It is better not to collect raspberries in the rain, otherwise they will fall apart and become watery. In addition, if you plan to make liquor by fermenting berries with sugar, there should be yeast on its surface. And after precipitation, they will be washed away, so such a must either does not ferment, or ferments weakly. If the liqueur is from purchased raspberries, you need to consider the integrity of the berries, their color. It is advisable to ask the seller about the place for picking berries. Rotten, unripe or disease-damaged berries should not be used. By the way, forest raspberries are also suitable. Its aroma and taste is often even stronger than that of the garden. True, the opportunity to get out into the forest is not available to everyone.

As soon as the raspberry crop is harvested, you should decide on the recipe according to which the liqueur will be prepared. In some cases, the berries are washed, in others they are not. If the berries should be washed according to the recipe, they are sorted out, poured into a colander in a small layer and washed with cool running water. All accidentally plucked leaves and stalks are removed. They process raspberries right away, because they are stored even in the cold for a very short time - they let the juice out, it becomes wilted.

In most cases, when raspberries are poured with strong alcohol (diluted alcohol or pure moonshine), granulated sugar is added for sweetness. Although you can make an unsweetened tincture, focusing on the sourness and pleasant smell of the drink. By the way, an already tasty raspberry liqueur can be given a special “zest” by adding a pinch of spices (cumin, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger) or a few fresh mint leaves to the berries.

Recipe for raspberry liqueur on vodka (strength about 15%)

If the raspberry season is over, you can pay attention to frozen fruits. Berries from the freezer must first be thawed at room temperature.


  • Raspberries - 2 kg;
  • Vodka (or other 40% alcoholic drink) - 1 l;
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • Water - 500 ml.

Cooking process

  1. Sort and wash raspberries. Slightly crush it with your hands (masher) in a bowl with high sides so that the juice does not flow out. Pour the crushed raspberry mass into a glass bottle, pour vodka on top. Alcohol should cover the berries completely by several centimeters;
  2. Close the bottle hermetically, shake it and take it to a warm place where there is no access to light for a week. Shake daily raspberry vodka;
  3. Filter the infusion through clean gauze, carefully squeezing out the pulp (it does not need to be thrown away yet). Set aside the container with the filtered drink for a while;
  4. Transfer the raspberry pomace (cake) into a saucepan, pour water, add sugar. On low heat, wait for a boil, boil for about 5 minutes, removing the foam that appears. Remove from fire, cool;
  5. When the temperature of the sweetened raspberry liquid is about 25-30 degrees, pour the raspberry vodka obtained earlier into it;
  6. Stir the contents of the pan, and then filter through cheesecloth. Pour into a clean bottle, cork and put in cool for 1 month;
  7. After the month allowed for aging, filter the drink again, bottle it in the desired volume, cork and place in a cool dark place without light. Store raspberry liqueur prepared according to this recipe for 1 year.

Classic raspberry liqueur recipe (strength about 10%)


  • Raspberries (fresh, unwashed) - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Water - 200 ml.

Cooking process

  1. Sort the unwashed raspberries, pour the first layer (about 3 cm) into the balloon, cover with the same layer of sugar. Alternate raspberries and sugar until the ingredients run out. Pour in water (necessarily unboiled, otherwise there will be no oxygen in it, which will negatively affect fermentation). It is important that there is free space in the cylinder for the foam that will soon appear;
  2. Taking a wooden crush, gently mash the berries in sugar with water;
  3. Put a water seal (or a pierced medical glove) on the neck of the cylinder. Transfer the balloon to a sunny place for 20-50 days;
  4. Fermentation will be over when the bubbles stop coming out of the shutter (the glove, previously inflated, should fall), a sediment will appear. Then you have to drain the liquor into another clean container, filtering through cheesecloth. To ripen, move the container with the liqueur for 1-3 months in coolness (refrigerator, cellar). Store up to 2 years in a cool, dark place.

A simple recipe for sugar-free raspberry liqueur (about 25% ABV)


  • Raspberries - 1.5 kg;
  • Vodka - 2 liters.

Cooking process

  1. Sort and wash raspberries. Fold on the bottom of the cylinder, pour alcohol. Close tightly and shake well a couple of times;
  2. Move the balloon to a dark place with room temperature for a period of 1 to 2 months;
  3. Filter the filling through a sieve or gauze. Store in a cool place for 2 years. If desired, after filtering, you can add a little honey to the drink (about 250-300 g), mix and let it brew for another 2-3 days.

Quick raspberry frosting recipe

The strength of the raspberry liqueur quickly depends on the amount of alcohol added. It happens that you want to please yourself and your family or friends with a delicious drink, but there is no time to prepare it. Then you can make a raspberry liqueur according to such a simple recipe.


  • Raspberries - 1 kg;
  • Vodka - 1.5 liters (less or more, depending on the desired amount of the finished drink);
  • Sugar - 250 g (if you want the drink to be sweet, you can double the amount of sugar).

Cooking process

  1. Send clean berries to a bowl of heat-resistant glass, cork;
  2. Dial cold water into a saucepan (large basin), put a container with raspberries in the center of the container. Boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and cook for another 1.5 hours. If necessary, add a little water;
  3. Remove the pan (basin) from the fire, let the water cool (as the water cools, the contents of the container with the resulting berry juice will also cool);
  4. Strain the raspberry juice (the pulp can be discarded). Pour it into a glass container (bottle or bottle), add vodka and sugar, shake well, cork;
  5. Let the liqueur infuse for a day.
