
What can be cooked at home quickly. Macaroni and cheese in a mug

The same food gets boring very quickly, there is a desire to update the menu. But for the preparation of complex delights, as a rule, many housewives do not have the time, patience and strength. Therefore, the question often arises: “How to cook something tasty and unusual?” For such cases, recipes should be in the arsenal of any cook. simple meals, which can be made from the most common products.

IN modern world housewives have little time to maintain household. But at the same time, you need to feed your family every day. Therefore, the best option are simple recipes, the execution of which does not require a lot of effort. To cook something tasty and unusual, it is not necessary to have in the refrigerator exotic products. If you are tired of standard soups, borscht and Russian salad, you can diversify your diet with simple dishes, which even an inexperienced cook can handle. In our article, we want to offer recipes that will always help you cook something tasty and unusual from those products that are in the house. You should not focus on complex and expensive dishes, their preparation is not always justified by the time spent and the cost of the products.

Chicken with potatoes

IN winter time meat dishes are the most popular, they are incredibly tasty and nutritious. In cold weather, it is simply impossible to do without them. Light fragrance fried meat instantly stimulates the appetite. To cook something tasty and unusual from potatoes and meat, it is enough to have a chicken. Currently, chicken is considered an inexpensive meat product, and it cooks quickly enough.

So, to cook baked chicken with potatoes in the oven, we need:

  1. kilogram of potatoes.
  2. One chicken.
  3. Pepper.
  4. Vegetable oil.
  5. Salt.

Rinse the chicken carcass thoroughly and rub with pepper, oil and salt. We clean the potatoes, wash them, cut them into slices, salt and add a little vegetable oil. Put all the products on a baking sheet and put it in the oven (220 degrees). The chicken is baked for an hour and a half. Periodically it is necessary to water the meat with melted fat and turn the potatoes. The finished dish can be decorated with herbs, and in the summer also with fresh vegetables.

Homemade boiled pork

If you are planning to cook something tasty and unusual from pork, then you can recommend the recipe for boiled pork with garlic.


  1. Kilogram of pork (pulp).
  2. Garlic - 10 cloves.
  3. One carrot.
  4. A teaspoon of sugar.
  5. Flour (it is used for breading).
  6. Pepper.
  7. Vegetable oil.

To prepare a boiled pork, you must select good piece pulp without fat and layers. With a sharp knife, cuts are made throughout the piece of meat, where garlic and carrot circles are laid. The outside of the pork is rubbed with pepper, salt, garlic and sugar. In order to preserve the juiciness of the balyk, it is rolled in flour, after which it is fried a little in oil. Next, the meat is transferred to a baking sheet and baked in the oven at 180 degrees. If desired, vegetables can be cooked along with pork.

Pork in cheese breading

To cook something unusual tasty from meat, you do not need to rack your brains by inventing new recipes, it is enough to make small adjustments to existing dishes. Completely ordinary pork chops can be cooked in a new way, giving the food a whole new flavor. Meat in cheese breading - great option for the festive and everyday menu. The recipe is very simple.

The chops, breaded with cheese and breadcrumbs, are incredibly juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. Golden pieces of meat have an appetizing look and will decorate any table. The dish can be served with any side dish. Chops are delicious not only hot, but also cold.


  1. Several eggs.
  2. Pork - 0.5 kg.
  3. Cheese (you can use parmesan) - 50 g.
  4. Pepper.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Salt.
  7. Dried herbs.

Pork should be washed, dried and cut into not too thick pieces. Next, the meat must be beaten off, salt and pepper on both sides. In a bowl, beat a few eggs with a whisk, adding salt, dried herbs and pepper. In a bowl, mix grated cheese with breadcrumbs.

We put the pan on the fire and let it warm up a little, then pour vegetable oil. Now you can fry the meat. To do this, we dip each chop into the egg mass, and then bread in the mixture and fry in a pan. On each side, the meat should be cooked for at least five minutes (until golden brown). The finished dish can be served with any side dish, vegetables and salads. On top of hot meat, you can sprinkle a little more cheese. like this in a simple way you can cook something tasty and unusual from simple products.

Impromptu Potato

How to cook something tasty and unusual from potatoes? There are many original and simple recipes that allow you to make amazing dishes. Let's take one of them. It can be a great and quick solution if guests suddenly descend on you.

For cooking, you need to take potatoes of about the same size. They need to be washed and cut into halves, treating the slices with pepper, salt, spices and soft butter. Next, put the potatoes on a baking sheet with the unpeeled side down, add garlic on top and put in the oven for 30 minutes. So tasty and unusual side dish It is not difficult to cook at all, it is suitable for any meat or fish dish.

Potato baked with minced meat

To cook something tasty and unusual from potatoes and minced meat, just bake them in the oven. For cooking, you can take minced meat from any meat, add chopped onion, spices, pepper and salt to it, mix everything thoroughly.

We clean the potatoes, wash them, cut them into slices, then grease them with sour cream and mayonnaise. Next, we take a frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil, then lay out a layer of potatoes, a layer of minced meat on it, and put potatoes on top again. Now the dish can be put in the oven, where it will bake for about an hour.

Potato casserole

If you want to cook something tasty and unusual from minced meat, then you should remember the old dish called potato casserole. Cooked at home, it is incredibly satisfying and tasty, unlike its counterparts in sanatoriums and kindergartens.


  1. Minced meat - 0.5-0.8 kg.
  2. Potatoes - 0.5-0.8 kg.
  3. Several bulbs.
  4. Sour cream and one hundred grams of hard cheese.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Butter.

Potatoes should be peeled, washed and cut, then boiled. Ready potatoes knead with butter. As a result, we get a mass similar to mashed potatoes.

Chop the onion and fry it together with minced meat in a pan. Next, take a baking sheet, grease it with butter and spread half of the mashed potatoes. Put the whole stuffing on top, leveling its surface. Then cover the meat with a layer of the remaining potatoes. The top of the casserole can be greased with sour cream or sprinkled with grated cheese and sent to bake in the oven at 200 degrees. The dish is prepared no more than 20 minutes. You can serve it with sauces, ketchup, vegetables, snacks or pickles. The casserole goes well with all the ingredients.


If you are thinking about how to cook something tasty and unusual from potatoes and minced meat, then we suggest making a roast as one of the options. Do not be embarrassed that we will use minced meat instead of meat, the finished dish turns out to be no less tasty than with the usual way cooking.


  1. Minced meat - 0.6 kg.
  2. Mayonnaise -3 tbsp. l.
  3. Potato - 0.8 kg.
  4. One bulb.
  5. Kefir or sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  6. Vegetable oil.
  7. Salt and pepper.

Eat and peel the potatoes, then cut into slices. Minced meat must first be salted and pepper added to it. Now you need to beat him off. To do this, we form balls with our hands and throw them with effort into a pan or other dish. This will give the meat juiciness and elasticity.

Cut the peeled onion into half rings. Next, take a baking sheet or a large frying pan, grease the bottom with oil and put the onion on the bottom. After that, we make several steaks from minced meat and put them on a layer of onions. Top it all with potatoes.

Mix sour cream or kefir with mayonnaise and pour roast with this sauce. We send it to the oven to cook at 200 degrees.


To cook something tasty and unusual (recipes with photos are given in the article), but at the same time hearty for lunch or dinner for the family, you can use the recipe of the Belarusian "sorcerers".


  1. One bulb.
  2. Minced meat - 300 grams.
  3. Tablespoon of sour cream.
  4. Potatoes - 7-8 pieces.
  5. One egg.
  6. Vegetable oil.
  7. Pepper, salt.

Washed peeled potatoes must be grated on fine grater, the task is greatly simplified if you have a food processor in your kitchen. The result should be a homogeneous, slightly liquid mass. It should be placed in a colander and allowed to drain. The potatoes remain slightly moist, but at the same time, “sorcerers” can be easily formed from it. Next, knead the dough by adding egg, salt and flour to the potato mass.

Add chopped onion, pepper and salt to minced meat. Mixed is best for the dish. meat product For example, beef and pork go well together.

Now that all the ingredients are prepared, you can start sculpting "sorcerers". And this is done in the following way. Each spoonful of minced meat is rolled into potato dough so that the meat is not visible. "Sorcerers" are obtained in size with good cutlet. What form to give the product, you decide. "Sorcerers" can be round, or they can resemble pies.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the blanks until a golden crust forms on the surface. After that, the "sorcerers" must be folded into a baking dish and pour sour cream on top. Next, we send the dish to cook in the oven on the slowest fire (for 30 minutes). It is served hot on the table.

As you can see, you can always cook something tasty and unusual from ordinary products. The recipes are simple to execute, but the result exceeds all expectations.

Candies with pistachios

If you want to impress your guests with an amazing dessert or just please your relatives, then you need to cook something tasty and unusual. A sweet dish in the form of soft candies with nuts will surely please any gourmet.


  1. Milk chocolate - 200 g.
  2. Butter - 25 g.
  3. Nuts (it is better to use pistachios) - 120 g.
  4. Condensed milk - 185 g.

To prepare sweets, you need to prepare nuts by coarsely chopping them. Next, in a saucepan in a water bath, melt chocolate with butter. Do not forget to stir the mass all the time. As soon as it becomes homogeneous. Take the pot off the heat and let it sit for a bit. Next, add condensed milk, nuts to chocolate and mix them.

We spread the mass on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and stretch the mass into an even layer. Cover the top with foil and refrigerate for 4 hours. In finished form, soft sweets can be cut into cubes and served as such. Dessert with tender creamy taste Surely not only kids, but also adults will like it.

Mandarin in syrup

How to cook something tasty and unusual? Recipes for sweet dishes are very diverse, but sometimes cold. winter evenings want something special. A wonderful and fragrant symbol of the New Year - mandarin can come to the rescue. From this fruit you can make an amazing dessert. so fragrant and tasty dish can be spectacular decoration any table.

If you do not belong to the category of amazingly talented chefs, but still sometimes you want to surprise guests and loved ones with something, then we recommend using our recipe. Tangerines in spicy sauce Can be prepared ahead of time and stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. At the right time, you can always serve sweets with a scoop of ice cream, decorating it with chocolate sauce.

To prepare a dessert, it is better to use sweet varieties of mandarin, in which there are fewer seeds. For syrup, you can use most different spices: vanilla, cardamom, star anise. A glass of cold champagne will certainly go well with such an amazing treat.


  1. Sugar - 170 g.
  2. Mandarin - 8-10 pcs.
  3. A pinch of saffron.
  4. Water - 210 g.
  5. Carnation - 2 pcs.
  6. Anise - 3 pcs.
  7. Cinnamon stick.
  8. Mint and ice cream to serve.

Tangerines must be peeled and white fibers removed. To prepare the syrup, mix sugar with water and bring to a boil. On low heat, cook the syrup until lightly thickened, adding saffron. Then we put the spices in the syrup and give them time to brew. Put prepared tangerines in a bowl and pour slightly warm syrup. In this form, the fruit is left to soak sweet mass Don't forget to turn them over from time to time. Dessert can be served with ice cream and a sprig of mint.

cottage cheese truffles

Those with a sweet tooth will certainly appreciate not only tasty, but also healthy curd truffles. Sweets with the most delicate taste will be a great addition to the festive table.


  1. Cream cheese (mascarpone) - 230 g.
  2. Almond flour - 85 g.
  3. Coconut flakes - 35 g.
  4. White chocolate - 195 g.

For dessert, you can use any soft cheese reminiscent of mascarpone. Chocolate must be crushed and melted in a water bath (you can also use a microwave). Then add cheese to it and mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add the almond flour to the resulting cream and mix again. From the finished mass, we form sweets of arbitrary size in the form of balls and roll them in coconut flakes. Here is the dessert. On top of the truffles, you can lightly decorate with confectionery sprinkles. Delicious and delicate sweets look very festive, and they are prepared quickly and simply, so you can treat yourself to such a dessert even on the simplest day.

Instead of an afterword

IN Everyday life sometimes you really want a holiday and variety. And after the festive abundance New Year's tables, it's hard to cook something interesting. In such cases, unusual and tasty dishes come to the rescue, which are prepared from simple products that are always available in the house. We hope you enjoy our recipes.

Culinary community Li.Ru -

In the conditions of constant lack of time, the question “what to cook for dinner quickly and tasty” is becoming more and more relevant. Well, let's learn how to cook simple delicious dishes for dinner - dishes that do not require endless spinning at the stove, but which are a full meal. Especially for you - a selection of recipes, having mastered which you will know how to quickly cook dinner in dozens of ways!

Fast food for lunch

Mushrooms in sour cream are probably the simplest dish in the world. But no! Add a twist - and you get a completely new interesting taste. Read the recipe with a twist;)

Everyone should know the recipe for cooking meatballs with gravy in a pan - after all, this is a time-tested classic, inexpensive and hearty snack to any side dish! And also the taste of childhood ... try it :)

Pilaf with mushrooms is an easy and quick main dish to prepare. You can cook hot in just half an hour! For this dish, I use mushrooms, but any other mushrooms will work.

Pork chops in batter go well with mashed potatoes. They can also be used in sandwiches, go well with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Don't you think the combination of seafood and legumes in one dish is too daring? Then you should learn how to cook crab salad with beans! A dish for those who are not afraid to take risks;)

For an appetizer or as a main course - battered cod will always be yours win-win. Read how to cook cod in batter!

Fried fish in batter is a great dish for lazy or in a hurry people. Quick and easy to prepare, served with any side dish. I tell and show how to cook!

Mushroom boletus soup is very easy to prepare. You can cook it with or without meat. My simple recipe mushroom soup- without meat. Add potatoes, carrots, onions, some greens and the soup is ready!

I will share a method on how to cook new potatoes with sour cream exactly the way they are cooked in European restaurants. Try the usual boiled potatoes turn it into a dish of the day! :)

Grilled Italian sausages, peppers, onions and garlic create an amazing flavor that will definitely not let you resist this wonderful combination. So, pasta with sausages and vegetables - cooking!

Personally, my casserole with potatoes and fish at home always turns out to be very juicy, which is why it ranks high in the ranking of my favorite dishes. Try it, simple, economical and delicious!

To the delight of mushroom pickers - a simple recipe for fried mushrooms. Delicious, simple, fast - just what you need. Perhaps the easiest way to cook mushrooms.

braised cabbage

In addition to the side dish (or instead of it), cook stewed cauliflower. This cabbage is easy and quick to prepare. In addition, cauliflower is very useful; it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Cauliflower breaded more like fluffy pies which go great with different sauces to cold. Do not be ashamed to serve such a dish as an appetizer on festive table. Prepares quickly.

When I want to have a light and tasty snack, but not really strain myself, I cook zucchini in the oven. While the oven is heating, I cut the zucchini, shake out the contents of the refrigerator and - voila! - the dish is ready!

Your attention - a classic recipe for chops with tomatoes. The chops are tender, satisfying and juicy - this is thanks to the tomatoes. Never burn. Great recipe!

Your attention - original way how to cook sausages with tomatoes so that they turn into an elegant and mouth-watering dish. Even gourmets will appreciate such an original presentation. Shall we try? :)

A simple recipe for tomatoes with ham personally takes my top place among quick snacks - hearty, fragrant and very appetizing, ready in a matter of minutes. In short, a great option for a snack :)

Salad "Obzhorka" with chicken

Salad "Obzhorka" with chicken is, as the name implies, very satisfying, high-calorie salad suitable for a substantial lunch or dinner. A simple salad recipe "Obzhorka" - salvation for bachelors :)

Delicious variation on the topic of combining vegetables with minced meat. I strongly recommend that you cook such a zucchini casserole with minced meat - it is eaten in one sitting!

Sterlet is very delicious fish which fits perfectly in the ear. It is rich in vitamins and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, so sterlet fish soup is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish.

Recipe for cabbage soup in pots. Delight your loved ones with a traditional Russian dish for lunch or dinner. Shchi in pots requires some skill, but it's worth it!

Shchi with bell pepper delights at any time of the year. Especially delicious cabbage soup is obtained during the season of vegetables. This is useful and hearty meal for the whole family. Shchi with bell peppers remain delicious for several days.

Shchi with mushrooms and beans is an unusual variation of this dish, very popular in Ukraine and Poland. These soups are easy to make and can be served hot or cold. Discover Transcarpathian cuisine!

They say that cabbage soup is a traditional national Russian dish that won't surprise anyone. Not true :) Well-cooked cabbage soup is a real extravaganza of taste. I'll tell you how to cook!

I suggest you learn how to make cabbage soup from sorrel in a slow cooker. The taste is excellent, and you don’t need to stand at the stove, removing the foam and stirring - the slow cooker can handle itself.

Green cabbage soup with sorrel - classic, a traditional dish, which is very popular in many Slavic countries where fresh sorrel grows. A very tasty, rich and healthy hot soup is obtained.

Simple and snack - fried zucchini with garlic. Zucchini is served both cold and hot. An appetizer is prepared - a little over 20 minutes. You can serve fried zucchini with garlic as a side dish.

Do you want to recharge your body? nutrients for all day? Grab a bowl of this hearty soup! How to cook soup with mushrooms and meat, you will learn from this recipe!

Lagman - soup from Central Asia, which includes homemade noodles (preferably), beef, onion, bell pepper, potatoes, garlic, tomato and spices. It takes about two hours to prepare.

Soup with meatballs is loved by both adults and children. This dish is for perfect lunch that stays delicious the next day. The soup turns out bright, fragrant and healthy. Let's add vegetables to it.

This soup in Vietnam is cooked very often for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is cooked with beef and fish sauce. Pho soup is different unique taste, which is formed by beef and spices.

I offer very cool recipe cooking pea soup with bacon! We cook this soup on the base pork broth with peas and other vegetables. The soup is very rich and incredibly tasty.

Rich borscht, seasoned with fresh herbs and sour cream - one of the most popular dishes in modern Russian cuisine. Today I will tell you how to cook borscht using a miracle device - a slow cooker.

popular recipe Georgian soup Kharcho. Every self-respecting home cook should know how to cook Kharcho soup.

Tver stew - a dish, as the name suggests, is primordially Russian. Well, let's cook, eat and pretend to be the big landlords of the 18th century.

Do you love KFC? At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to repeat the famous chicken from this restaurant, but I tried it, and I got chicken like in KFC. I give you the recipe!

This Thai Chicken Recipe will help you prepare a dish no worse than in real restaurants. Thai cuisine. Perhaps the Thais themselves prepare the dish a little differently, but in any case, the recipe is very similar.

Chicken in batter - the recipe for this dish is completely unusual. But the taste of the chicken is special. The chicken is tender, soft and delicious. I give a recipe for chicken in batter - use it!

Spaghetti with chicken and mushrooms is suitable for everyday and gala dinner. I like chicken breast and mushrooms - they are affordable and quick to prepare. Add broccoli to the dish.

Italian chicken served with mushrooms, vegetables and pasta. Marinate the chicken and then fry it. Vegetables can be chosen to your taste, I have artichoke and broccoli. Pasta - fettuccine, you can spaghetti.

The same food from day to day quickly gets bored, there is a desire to try something new, original, but often difficult to cook. culinary products lack of time, patience and strength. For such cases, always have on hand simple recipes nutritious and delicious meals. In this collection you will find many useful cooking options. fragrant food based on simple products.

What can you cook for lunch or dinner quickly and tasty

Housewives often have a limited amount of time to cook lunch or dinner, and they want to pamper their relatives with new goodies every day. There are many recipes that allow you to cook food quickly, but they need to be selected taking into account the seasonality of certain products and taste preferences your family. So, in winter it will be meat dishes, flour products and food from frozen vegetables, in summer - light salads with fresh fruits, vegetable stews, barbecue. A delicious romantic dinner for a husband or lunch for a child is prepared from their favorite products.

Simple and delicious family recipes with photos

Do you think that soup for every day is borscht, which is heated five days a week, salads are “Olivier” or vegetable “spring”, and porridge or mashed potatoes for dinner? Not always. A lot of original salads can be prepared in a matter of minutes, a bunch of recipes for first courses will not force you to endlessly stand at the stove. Take advantage of the selection simple options cooking delicious meals.

From meat

In our country, meat dishes are very popular and loved, they are tasty, nutritious and fragrant. Even the faint smell of freshly baked or fried meat instantly stimulates the appetite. I often include meat dishes from pork or chicken in lunch menus. These types of meat are the most inexpensive, affordable and quickly prepared. Explore a couple below step by step recipes baked chicken and pork loin.

Fragrant chicken with potatoes in the oven

For a delicious dinner for 4 people you will need:

  • chicken - 2-2.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - by eye;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. washed chicken carcass rub well in the middle and outside with salt, pepper, vegetable oil.
  2. We clean the potatoes, wash and cut into small slices, salt and lightly pour sunflower oil.
  3. Put the whole dish on a baking sheet and send it to a preheated oven with a temperature of 220 degrees. We bake for an hour and a half, sometimes it takes a little longer.
  4. Periodically, you need to stir the potatoes and water the chicken with the released fat.
  5. After the time has elapsed, we take out a baking sheet with a cooked dish, decorate with herbs and serve hot.

Check out other recipes.

Homemade ham with garlic

For cooking you need:

  • pork pulp - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 8-10 cloves;
  • flour - for breading;
  • rock salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • pepper - by eye;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. We choose for a large whole piece of pork without fat and layers.
  2. With a sharp thin knife or a knitting needle, we pierce a thin hole along the entire meat piece, which we stuff with peeled garlic cloves and carrot rings.
  3. Wipe the stuffed balyk from the outside with garlic, salt, pepper and sugar squeezed through a press.
  4. To preserve the meat juice, roll the balyk in flour, fry for several minutes in hot pan with sunflower oil.
  5. Then we shift the dish to a baking sheet, if you wish, you can put any vegetables next to it.
  6. Meat dish bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

From fish

To be young and healthy, you need to eat once every five days, containing a lot of fatty acids. Even if you have never made such a fish, try whipping up tender pike (or hake) meat in tomato for your family. quick snack- pepper, stuffed with tuna- will be unexpected delicious surprise for guests who suddenly ran into your house.

Fish in tomato sauce


  • fish (pike, hake) - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato juice - 1.5 cups;
  • seasoning for fish - to taste;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • lavrushka - 2-3 leaves;
  • allspice black pepper - 5-6 peas;
  • sunflower oil - for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the fish, cut off the head, tail and fins. What is cut off, put in a separate pan, pour 1.5 cups of water, add parsley and pepper, salt. Cook like broth for 20 minutes.
  2. Divide the remaining fish carcass into pieces, sprinkle with seasoning, salt and pepper. Let it brew for half an hour.
  3. Cooking tomato sauce for a fish dish. Finely grate carrots. bow and Bell pepper grind with a knife.
  4. Stew vegetables in a pan with hot vegetable oil. When finished, add flour tomato juice, salt.
  5. Fry the fish in another pan.
  6. Next, on the bottom of the stewpan, put the onion rings, lavrushka in the first layer, the second - fried fish, the third - tomato sauce. Pour everything with the broth prepared earlier. Bring to a boil, simmer the dish for 20-30 minutes, reducing the heat.

Peppers stuffed with tuna

For cooking you need:

  • canned pepper- 10-12 pieces;
  • tuna (canned) - 300g;
  • bow -1 pc.;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • olive oil;
  • mayonnaise -2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the boiled eggs from the shell, cut into squares. Open the jar of fish and drain the oil.
  2. Onion finely cut into cubes.
  3. Mix well onions, eggs, tuna, add mayonnaise, salt.
  4. Stuff the peppers with the finished mixture, put on a dish.

With mushrooms

special flavor and refined taste have mushrooms, so dishes from them are cooked only on holidays. They have not only valuable taste qualities, but also bring great benefits to the body. The composition of mushrooms includes protein, B vitamins, carbohydrates, so it is recommended to use mushroom dishes not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. Below are some great recipes.

Stuffed champignons


  • mushrooms - 30 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • hard cheese (grated) - 100 g;
  • herbs, pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. From the hats of the young and fresh champignons separate the legs. Wash in water.
  2. Mushroom legs, finely chop the onion with a knife, mix together, fry in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes. Salt.
  3. Add grated cheese to the cooled filling, mix, fill mushroom caps.
  4. stuffed mushrooms put on a baking sheet, previously greased with salted butter.
  5. We bake the dish in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 25-30 minutes.

Stewed mushrooms with cabbage


  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • mushrooms - 300-400 g;
  • vegetable oil - for stewing;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt - by eye.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop fresh juicy cabbage, simmer in a saucepan for 15-20 minutes.
  2. My mushrooms, cut into plates, finely chop the onion.
  3. Pour oil into a frying pan, add onion, simmer over low heat.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, add the mushrooms, fry until half cooked, pour them into the cabbage. Simmer the whole dish for another 5 minutes.

For garnish

Nothing brings out the flavor of a main dish quite like a side dish. It is served with meat, fish, sometimes eaten just like that. Often, potatoes, vegetables, cereals are prepared as a side dish. To make such dishes beautiful, tasty and unusual, experiment, add greens, seasonings, dried fruits, nuts. cook vegetable garnish according to the recipes below.

Zucchini with cheese and tomatoes in the oven


  • hard cheese - 150g;
  • young zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 40 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic -2-3 cloves;
  • dried basil - 1 teaspoon;
  • pepper, salt - by eye;
  • greens - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash vegetables, dry, cut into thin rings.
  2. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Mix olive oil with salt, pepper, crushed garlic, chopped herbs, basil.
  4. Put on a baking sheet, alternating, rings of zucchini, tomatoes, cheese. Top the dish with a dressing of olive oil.
  5. Bake 35-40 min. at a temperature of 175-180 degrees.

Beans with mushrooms


  • black Eyed Peas-150 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mushrooms - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • soy sauce - 20g;
  • sesame seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, pepper - by eye.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled onion, washed mushrooms into small slices. Fry them in hot oil for a few minutes.
  2. We wash the beans, remove the dry tips, pour over the onions and mushrooms. Fry the whole dish for another 3-5 minutes.


Without delicious salads not a single event is missing. Such dishes are prepared from different components: vegetables, meat, fruits, seafood. Salad can be sweet, bitter, sour, salty. Nutritionists advise eating such a dish every day, because it contains the most vitamins, mineral salts. Use a couple of recipes simple salads for everyday use.

Cabbage salad with apples


  • White cabbage- 300g;
  • celery - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - by eye.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage, salt, grind with your hands.
  2. Cut the peeled apple into cubes, after removing the core.
  3. We clean the celery and carrots, chop on a fine grater.
  4. Pour all the ingredients of the dish into a bowl, mix, season lemon juice, vegetable oil.

Crab salad with oranges


  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • canned corn - 1 can;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • crab sticks- 200 g;
  • greens, mayonnaise, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs for the dish, peel, cut into cubes.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage, put in a salad bowl.
  3. Peel the orange, divide into slices, remove the film, cut into pieces.
  4. Finely chop the garlic and herbs with a knife.
  5. Crab shelves cut into cubes.
  6. Combine all the components of the dish in a salad bowl, mix, season with mayonnaise.

Sweet for tea

Dessert is not the main course, but it is important as the final part of the meal. Sweets served at the end of the meal give a feeling of complete satiety, a small holiday. Nice and easy to eat with tea or other drink delicious dessert ik. Do not deprive yourself and your family of a sweet dish. No need to invent labor-intensive or baking. Try cooking some alternative recipes simple dessert for every day.

Cottage cheese cookies


  • butter - 100g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Put butter (softened), cottage cheese, sugar, egg, salt in a bowl. Grind with a blender until a liquid mass is formed.
  2. We extinguish the soda with vinegar, put it in the curd mass, add flour, mix everything.
  3. It turns out a soft dough that needs to be rolled out into cakes up to a centimeter thick.
  4. Squeeze out the cookies with a mold, put them on a greased baking sheet, far from each other.
  5. We send the sweet dish to the oven preheated to 170 degrees, bake for 35 minutes.

Cake "House" of cookies and curd cheese


  • butter - 200 g;
  • curd mass - 400 g;
  • cookies "Baked milk" - 400 g (2 packs);
  • granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Divide the slightly melted butter into two halves. Beat one part with sugar, the other with cocoa and sugar.
  2. We hide the resulting chocolate butter in the refrigerator. To the rest of the butter, add the curd mass. Thoroughly rub everything.
  3. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, grease around the perimeter chocolate mass, on top in three rows lay out cookies.
  4. Cover the middle row of cookies.
  5. Raise the sides of the parchment so that the first and third row of cookies form a triangle.
  6. We fix the parchment in this position and send the dish to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  7. WITH finished cake remove the parchment.


Unusual and delicious dishes can be cooked at home, for this it is not necessary to visit restaurants. Everything original is simple and does not require large financial costs, special ingredients. For creating mouth-watering dishes need standard set products that can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. Check out the videos below for tips on preparing delicious meals for breakfast, dinner, lunch and tea.

Chakhokhbilli from chicken in a slow cooker

Pizza in the oven

Potato casserole with minced meat

Light dietary seafood dish

Delicious salad for breakfast “Crazy”

Italian dessert "Panna Cota"

For your family to be happy and healthy, it must be well-fed. During the day, any hostess begins to be tormented by the question: What to cook for dinner? And she wants to cook something enchanting and unusual, with a minimum expenditure of money.

We won't cook today overseas dishes and feed ourselves and our families simple vegetables from our garden and inexpensive products from the shop. Let me tell you right now, I will be there.

What to cook minced meat for dinner?

From minced meat you can make an original and non-standard dish. In simple words- surprise.

We will need:

  • Noodles "Nest"
  • 500 g mixed minced meat(pork + beef)
  • 2 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 potato
  • cheese plates
  • Salt, parsley, tomato paste, sunflower oil

Preparing the Meat in the Nests Recipe

  1. As small as possible, cut the onion and potatoes into pieces, put in a cup and mix with minced meat. Add salt, pepper and seasonings for meat. We mix everything well.

2. We have prepared minced meat to fill the noodle nests.

3. We take nests from noodles and fill them with cooked minced meat, as in the photo.

4. Put the filled nests with minced meat on a plate.

5. For frying, cut the second onion into pieces and chop the carrots on a coarse grater.

5. We put the pan on the fire, pour in the sunflower oil and fry the prepared onions and carrots. Salt a little.

6. After a while, add tomato paste and fry for another 1-2 minutes.

7. We spread the filled nests on top of the roast.

8. Then pour hot water to cover the nests. Close the lid and cook for 20-25 minutes.

9. Put the finished nests with minced meat on a plate and cover with cheese from the plates on top.

You can eat it without cheese if you like. Bon appetit!

Quick Dinner in a Hurry - Chicken Wings with Tomatoes

We will need:

  • 10 pieces. chicken wings, cut in half
  • 1 bulb
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 5 tomatoes
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon ground red pepper
  • 2 green onions, parsley, salt to taste


  1. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and fry the chopped wings until crispy.

2. Peel the onion, cut into rings. Mince the garlic.

3. Wash the tomatoes and cut each into 4 parts.

4. In another pan, lightly fry the onion and chopped garlic in oil. Add tomatoes, peppers, chopped green onion and salt. Simmer, stirring, for a few minutes.

Then put to stewed tomatoes fried wings and simmer for another 3 - 4 minutes.

Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.

Pork chops - recipe in a pan with grapes


  • 700 g pork meat
  • 1 st. a spoonful of melted butter, pepper, salt
  • For the sauce: 200 g green and black grapes, 300 ml water, 1 onion, 1 garlic clove, 100 ml dry white wine, 70 ml broth, 1.5 tsp. starch
  • For garnish: 160 g of rice, 1 sprig of lemon balm, parsley, 1 tsp. curry

Cooking and solving the question: What to cook for dinner?

  1. Garnish in boiling salted water.
  2. Cut the washed grapes in half, remove the seeds.
  3. Peel the garlic and onion and finely chop.
  4. Cut the meat into 4 pieces, lightly beat off and fry in a pan in melted butter. Salt and pepper. Put the onion, garlic and curry into the pan with the meat. Mix everything and fry a little. Mix 4 tbsp. tablespoons of wine and broth, put grapes in this mixture and pour into a pan with meat. Boil for 5 minutes, then remove the meat and put in a warm place.
  5. Dilute starch in the remaining wine and pour this mixture into the sauce. Then bring to a boil.

Chops, rice, sauce spread out on plates, garnish with parsley and lemon balm leaves.

How to cook delicious chicken liver - video recipe

After watching the video, you will learn what to cook for dinner in a budget option.

Dinner in a hurry from simple products - chicken fillet in the oven


  • Chicken fillet - 700 g
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Garlic cloves - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil, dill, pepper, paprika, salt to taste


  1. Cut across the grain chicken breast on small pieces. The thickness of the piece is 5 mm.

2. Cut the onion into half rings.

3. Prepare the sauce. Put mayonnaise and sour cream in a bowl. Squeeze the garlic and sprinkle with paprika.

4. Add black pepper and grated cheese.

5. Mix all the products for the sauce in a cup well.

6. Add dill greens to the sauce and mix.

7. Pour oil into the bottom of the baking dish and grease the sides and bottom with a brush. Spread the chicken pieces in an even layer on the oil. Salt and pepper it.

8. Put chopped on a layer of sauce onion. Pepper the onion a little and salt to taste.

9. Put the remaining pieces of fillet on the onion layer, which we spread with the remaining sauce.

10. Cover again with a layer of onion, which is covered with grated hard cheese.

11. In such a finished form, we send it to the oven heated to 190 degrees C for 25 minutes.

12. Chicken fillet in the oven is ready.

Cooking chicken fillet for dinner is quick and easy.

Minced meat and vegetable casserole recipe


  • 300 g minced meat
  • 6 potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 zucchini
  • Mayonnaise, cheese, vegetable oil, pepper, salt - to taste

How to cook casserole for dinner - recipe

  1. Grind onions and carrots, sauté in vegetable oil.
  2. Separately fry the diced zucchini.
  3. Pour a little oil into a deep frying pan, layer half the chopped potatoes, onions and carrots, salted and peppered minced meat, fried zucchini, potatoes.
  4. Pour everything with mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese on a coarse grater. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 30-40 minutes.

Casserole is a hearty and quick meal. What is your opinion?

Fish in the oven - a delicious fish recipe for dinner

In this recipe, you will learn how to cook crispy breaded fish for dinner. This method is suitable for fish from any fillet. The fish is juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. Cooking recipe without oil.


  • Fish fillet - 600 g
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Marjoram - 1 teaspoon
  • Dry ground garlic - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Dry breadcrumbs - 1/3 cup
  • Sweet paprika - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste


  1. Wash the fish and pat dry with a paper towel.

2. Cut the fish fillet into portioned pieces. Then salt and pepper the fish on both sides.

3. Add dry garlic and marjoram to a cup with mayonnaise. We mix everything until smooth.

4. Pour paprika into dry bread crumbs and mix.

5. Spread each piece with sauce and roll in a dry mixture.

6. Put the breaded pieces of fish on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and put in the oven preheated to 190 degrees C for 20 minutes.

7. We take out the finished fish from the oven and see a beautiful crispy crust.

You can serve salad or mashed potatoes as a side dish for fish.

Merchant buckwheat - a simple and delicious recipe


  • 200 g - buckwheat
  • 300 g - meat
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons - ketchup
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


  1. Onion cut into small pieces. Carrot cut into narrow strips. Fry with oil in a pan.

2. Cut the meat into small pieces and spread to the carrots and onions. We continue to fry everything together. Then salt, pepper and add a little ketchup.

3. Pour buckwheat to meat and vegetables and fry together for 2 minutes.

4. Then add water, cover with a lid, and simmer until the meat and cereals are ready.

5. When finished, the content looks like in the photo.

This recipe removes the question: What to cook for dinner?

How to cook delicious buckwheat with minced meat and vegetables - video

Dinner is fast and tasty - pasta casserole

We will need:

  • Pasta - 250 g
  • Ham (meat) - 250 g
  • Milk - 300 g
  • Water - 300 g
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Salt, spices


  1. Grease a baking dish with sunflower oil. Pour the dry pasta into the mold. Cut the ham into small strips.

2. Pour the chopped ham on top of the pasta. Sprinkle the top of the ham with fried green onions.

3. Making the fill. Break 2 eggs into a cup, salt, pour turmeric, dry garlic and pepper. We stir everything.

4. Then pour water and milk. We mix everything.

5. Pour the fill into the mold.

6. And top with grated cheese.

7. So that the cheese does not brown ahead of time, and the pasta is well baked, we close the form with foil. We put the form in the oven preheated to 200 degrees C for 40 minutes.

8. Then remove the foil and bake for another 10 - 15 minutes to brown the crust.

Pasta casserole is ready.

Stewed potatoes with meat and green beans

Please don't be surprised. Now we will solve the problem of what to cook for dinner quickly and according to the recipe of a neighbor from Greece. According to him, we take the products by eye, at will.

We will need:

  • pork meat
  • Carrot
  • Tomatoes
  • Bulb onions
  • String beans (young)
  • Potato
  • Tomato paste, salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking stewed potatoes with Greek meat

  1. Cut all ingredients with a knife small pieces: tomatoes, carrots, green beans and cut the onion into half rings.

2. Cut the pork meat into pieces and put the cauldron on the fire.

3. Pour sunflower oil in a cauldron and start frying pieces of meat.

4. Salt the meat and lay all the vegetables cut with a knife. We fry everything well and add dry spices. Add tomato paste and continue to stew vegetables with meat.

5. Then add chopped potatoes and mix.

6. After a few minutes, pour hot water and simmer until tender.

We taste the broth, for readiness - potatoes and meat. Turn off the fire and sit down to eat.

Delicious dinner. Pork ribs in a pan with rice - video

The recipes provided undoubtedly solve the question: What to cook for dinner. The choice is yours.

Original post by povarru

Li.Ru Culinary Community - Quick Recipes

Quick Recipes

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Solyanka in a hurry

Delicious and hearty soup especially good in winter when you need a lot of calories. And this soup goes well after a big party :) I give you a quick recipe for hodgepodge!

Smetannik in a hurry

Smetannik in a hurry - very tasty and delicate cake. Cooking it is easy and fast. Eat with tea and pleasure :) I share the recipe.

Cheesecakes in a hurry

These cheesecakes are perfect for quick breakfast or for capricious children who do not like to eat cottage cheese. Everyone eats hot and fragrant cheesecakes in a hurry!

Gingerbread in a hurry

Very delicious gingerbread hastily. Cooking is easy and simple available products, a minimum of time for baking and a decent result.

Pilaf in a hurry

Pilaf in a hurry cannot be called real, but it is also pilaf in terms of the composition of the ingredients. Yes, and the taste, in general, is very close. A quick pilaf recipe helps out when there is absolutely no time.

Donuts in a hurry

Such delicious and ruddy donuts will always be welcome in your family. They are prepared quickly and you can involve the kids in the process. Interesting? Then read how to cook crumpets in a hurry;)

Belyashi in a hurry

Airy and soft whites with delicious stuffing and breathtaking smell :) These belyashi are prepared really quickly, in haste, although they are from yeast dough. I share a secret.

Quick dumplings

There are just no dumplings. And with cottage cheese and cherries and cabbage. My family loves dumplings with potatoes. When I have very little time, I make quick or lazy dumplings. Just!

Mannik in a hurry

Delicious semolina cake for evening tea in a hurry will succeed in any housewife. This recipe will never fail.

Cheese cakes in a hurry

Cheese cakes in a hurry - an incredibly tasty and satisfying addition to tea. Cook them, and your breakfast will become much brighter and more fun :) Fortunately, they are prepared very simply and quickly.

Cutlets in a hurry

Juicy and tender meatballs for dinner in half an hour. Virtually no effort - and a delicious dish on the table. I tell you how to make meatballs in a hurry!

Biscuit in a hurry

A biscuit is an indispensable thing for any housewife, you can cook it in half an hour, and even with fillings - it all depends on your imagination. Easy, fluffy biscuit hastily.

Chebureks in a hurry

Who doesn't love pasties? thin, puff pastry, hot juicy stuffing. Everyone loves it, but cooking is a hassle. And long and troublesome. But this recipe is the opposite. Cooking chebureks in a hurry!

Sweet buns in a hurry

Curd cake in a hurry

Delicious, tender and beautiful Cheesecake hastily. And yes, it's also useful. Easy to make and a masterpiece!

Bread in a hurry

The light and unique smell of freshly baked bread will fill your home with aromas of warmth and comfort. It will not be difficult for anyone to bake such bread - the recipe for whipped bread is extremely simple!

Quick honey cookies

Incredibly tender and delicious honey biscuits in haste will not leave indifferent. Prepare it for children, guests or just for yourself, it won't take you much time.

Quick homemade cookies

That's why simple recipe It turns out very tasty and crispy homemade cookies in a hurry. Children can and should be involved in the process :) Preparing very quickly!

Liver in a hurry

For those who really want to eat, but are in a hurry on business, very tender and soft chicken liver, which we will prepare in half an hour. The rest of the time can be spent relaxing.

Rolls in a hurry

These bagels refute the prevailing opinion that nothing delicious is obtained in haste. Learn the recipe for bagels in a hurry and break the stereotypes!

Curd casserole in a hurry

The most delicate taste of this casserole will conquer you and your children. Very healthy dish, quick and easy to prepare. We are studying the recipe for curd casserole in a hurry!

Quick Cheesecake

Cheesecake is a delicious dessert that is loved all over the world. The classic cheesecake is baked and takes a lot of time. There are options for cheesecake without baking. I want to propose a lighter and simpler one. Try!

Quick honey cake

Delicious and delicate cake with honey flavor is good dessert to anyone family holiday. I tell you how to do honey cake hastily.

Quick cheese pie

Are guests on the doorstep or do you want something tasty and unusual? Prepare delicious and nutritious cheese pie hastily. It's easy and simple!

Yeast dough in a hurry

Yeast dough for pies, pizza, bagels and buns for a record a short time. Products from such a test will be appreciated by the whole family, and, of course, by you. Making yeast dough in a hurry!

Honey cake in a hurry

If you want to cook something really tasty with my own hands then this easy honey cake recipe is just what you need.

Quick Biscuit Roll

If you have free 20 minutes and really want homemade sweets, then this wonderful recipe created for you. Just take your favorite jam from the pantry and start cooking.

Cake "Napoleon" in a hurry

Everyone knows the cake. But the recipe is simplified for those who do not have time for classic performance this masterpiece. The taste will not suffer :) So, we are preparing the Napoleon cake in a hurry!

Pancakes in a hurry

Wonderful plump pancakes have been a traditional Sunday morning dish in my family for many years. Quick and tasty, ruddy and fragrant - what could be tastier.

Fritters in a hurry

This is a great option for a quick and delicious breakfast, which can be safely prepared before work or for children before school. Very tasty and satisfying and does not take much time.

Buns in a hurry

Quick, fragrant and tasty buns for tea. Fill your home with the smell of cinnamon, comfort and tranquility. The recipe for quick buns is extremely simple and understandable - so everyone will figure it out.

Muffins in a hurry

Pies are good for everyone, but they have a small drawback - it is not very convenient to eat. Especially for children. Another conversation is muffins. There's only something to do - a couple of bites. Let's make it quick? You'll like it!

Khachapuri in a hurry

If in half an hour you expect guests, and there is absolutely no time to cook something delicious, then quick khachapuri will undoubtedly come to the rescue and pleasantly surprise your guests.

Sweet cake in a hurry

For those who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time, but at the same time like to treat themselves to sweets. This is a very simple and quick pie, and you can safely come up with the filling for it yourself.

Lasagna in a hurry

When there is very little time for cooking, but you want to cook something unconventional, whip up lasagna according to this recipe. Unusual, tasty and most importantly - fast!

Quick biscuit cake

When you want something tasty and festive, and you are running out of time to cook - this recipe sponge cake will help you out quickly.

Meat pancakes in a hurry

Fast and unusual pancakes will help to feed the whole family tasty and at no extra cost. I tell you how to make meat pancakes in a hurry!

Chocolate cake in a hurry

This cake is perfect for a surprise celebration or if you just want to make yourself something tasty quickly. In any case, its taste will unexpectedly and pleasantly surprise you.

Cheesecake in a hurry

I tell you how a tasty and tender cheesecake is made for those who sorely do not have enough time to cook. Everyone can whip up a cheesecake!

Caesar salad in a hurry

It happens like this - you know exactly what dish you want. And you also know for sure that there is no time to cook it according to the classic recipe. Or strength. Or both. Let's try the same recipe, but accelerated.

Chocolate Cake in a Hurry

Well, who has not had such a state when you want something tasty? Or again, unexpectedly, guests are on the doorstep ... This is where this recipe will help you!

Sweet roll in a hurry

In the evening, when the whole family is together, it's great to drink tea. Yes, not just a seagull, but with something tasty. AND sweet roll will come in handy here. Ready!

Soup in a hurry

If you urgently need to feed the whole family, and time is sorely lacking, then this wonderful recipe is your salvation. It will take you 30 minutes to cook it, and you will get a hearty, rich soup.

Quick cabbage pie

If you think that pies are long and troublesome, then you are deeply mistaken! This recipe will show you how to cook cabbage pie in haste, and to please family and friends with fragrant fresh pastries without unnecessary troubles.

Quick homemade biscuit

Delicious homemade biscuit suitable for making cakes, pastries and desserts. It is much tastier than store-bought, because love and warmth of beloved hands are invested in it.

Biscuit cake in a hurry

Ah, this cozy smell of home, a warm blanket, a cup of tea and fresh biscuit... What could be better? And, if you have a blanket and tea, let's do a biscuit.

Borscht in a hurry

Yes, do not be surprised, it is possible - indeed, borscht can be cooked in haste. And very delicious borscht it works, believe me!

Quick oatmeal cookies

Healthy, sweet and delicious treat for the sweet tooth - oatmeal cookies in a hurry. Very quick recipe- see for yourself!

Charlotte in a hurry

Delicious and fragrant autumn cake lift your spirits in inclement weather. It's easy to cook and delicious to eat. I tell you how to make charlotte in a hurry!

Quick Meat Pie

Delicious and hearty pie everyone will like it, especially men. And most importantly, this is being prepared meat pie in haste - you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on its preparation!

Donuts in a hurry

golden and fluffy donuts will certainly please your children, and rarely any adult will refuse such deliciousness. How to make donuts in a hurry!

Hot sandwiches in a hurry

A wonderful option for a quick breakfast for those who do not have time in the morning. Very quickly and easily you can cook delicious and crispy sandwiches in a hurry, which even children will appreciate.

Cold sandwiches in a hurry

Cold sandwiches in a hurry are very relevant for students! Fast, beautiful, satisfying and for big company. Sharing the recipe ;)

Pancakes in a hurry

Everyone loves pancakes, both children and adults, and there are a great many recipes for making them. This recipe is wonderful, delicious and fluffy pancakes which you will cook in 15-20 minutes.

Quick fish pie

The pie is prepared very quickly, because ready-made puff pastry and canned fish are used. It turns out a very tasty cake that your whole family will love.

Homemade pizza in a hurry

simple and easy option Everyone's favorite pizza. Just use what we have at home and make dough without yeast - and we are ready to come. unexpected guests and the family will be happy too.

Quick Apple Pie

Excellent taste and aroma, ease of preparation and availability of ingredients - these are the main advantages of this pie. cook this Apple pie quickly and enjoy the result!

Buns in a hurry

A very simple and quick recipe for making buns in a hurry. The dough is prepared without butter and without yeast, and therefore very quickly.

Cakes in a hurry

A hot tortilla in a hurry will make your Sunday breakfast much tastier and more varied. Products - a minimum, pleasure - a maximum :) I share the recipe!

Easy quick sandwiches

In fact, this is probably the most simple sandwiches with salmon, the preparation of which will take 10 minutes at most. Three simple steps and we get delicious and beautiful holiday sandwiches.

Quick peasant soup

Delicious and easy soup, very inexpensive and prepared quickly. Peasant - because without meat and with big amount vegetables. Cooking peasant soup hastily!

Quick fried pies

Delicious homemade pies are made very quickly. A recipe for the very busy or for those who love to eat, but are too lazy to cook :)

Sweet buns in a hurry

Amazing, fragrant and delicious sweet buns made in a hurry with this recipe. Take a little of your time and bake this miracle, you will love the result!

Mini pizza in a hurry

If you do not have time, but you want to pamper your loved ones with something tasty and hot, the recipe for this dish will come in handy. Fast, simple and very tasty.

Dough in a hurry

Great option quick test which is good for making pies and savory pies, and is also a great option for baking during Lent.

Pickled cucumbers in a hurry

Lightly salted cucumbers in a hurry - a delicious addition to lunch or dinner. They are prepared quickly, look unusual and practically no hassle.

Julien in a frying pan

Julien in a frying pan signature dish my dad. Pairs very well with mashed potatoes. I cook julienne in a frying pan with chicken fillet. Try it.

Salad "Beloved Woman"

The salad recipe "beloved woman" will be very popular with men. After all, it will take a maximum of 10 minutes to prepare it. Simple, quick and few ingredients.

Salad "Favorite" with chicken

Salad "favorite" with chicken, I cook with open chicken fillet or smoked. Both options are very tasty. Try it.

Pizza in a pan

Delicious, juicy pizza in a pan in 10 minutes - lovely dish for a quick lunch or dinner. A simple recipe for pizza in a pan is especially good for beginner cooks.
