
Chicken liver with cherries. Chicken liver with cherries Chicken liver with cherries

Chicken liver is considered a dietary product, in addition, it is rich in trace elements, protein and vitamins. It makes wonderful salads, pates, soups.
Chicken liver can, as you know, be cooked in very different ways. And if the recipe is supplemented ... no, not with vegetables, but with fruits or berries, then the food turns out to be simply magical. The liver is especially tasty if it is fried and set off the special taste and delicate texture of pickled cherries.


  • dark cherry - 300 g
  • chicken liver - 300 g
  • lemon - quarter
  • olive oil - 1 teaspoon + for frying the liver
  • spices
  • flour - for breading
  • green salad leaves - for serving


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About chicken liver

In order for chicken liver dishes to always turn out delicious, an important condition is the right choice of product. The shiny and smooth surface of the chilled liver speaks of its high quality. When buying a frozen liver, you should pay attention to the appearance, which should not be yellowish and have green spots. The first means that the product is frozen, the second - the gallbladder was damaged.

If it is enough to thoroughly rinse the fresh liver with cold water for cooking, then the frozen offal must be given time for natural defrosting and further processed in the same way as fresh.

About cherry

When buying cherries, give preference to berries with dark red skin, this variety is tastier, sweeter and healthier.

Sweet cherries must look appetizing, that is, be elastic, not have dents and cuts, with shiny barrels and green twigs.

Sweet berries can be stored for up to 3 weeks if the stalks are removed and placed in the refrigerator, closer to the freezer.

  • location: beyond the Moscow Ring Road

Warm salad with chicken liver and cherries

While the cherry has not completely disappeared, and the hellish heat has already passed, it's time to please yourself, and not only, with such a simple salad. Warm salad. With cherry.

It turned out to be a very successful combination - cherries and chicken liver. Pineapple also works very well, but more on that another time.

I think it's not even worth mentioning that chicken liver should be fresh and beautiful. It should not be loose, should not fall apart in the hands, and even more so should not be frozen.

What do you need(serves 4): chicken liver - 500g, cherry-250g, lettuce - 2 bunches, green onions - 100g, red onions - 4 small onions, cognac - 1 glass. Olive oil for frying and dressing. Salt, sugar, freshly ground black and pink pepper, roasted sesame seeds.

Half an hour before cooking:

Remove the pits from the cherry and sprinkle it with 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.

Wash lettuce and green onions and pat dry on paper towels.

Before cooking:

Clear the chicken liver from the veins and duct. Divide each into 2 parts.

Peel the red onion, cut into thin slices and disassemble into feathers. Cut two thirds of the green onions into feathers, and the rest into small rings.

Tear the lettuce leaves and arrange on plates, put some aside.


Lightly fry the red onion in olive oil. Add the liver and fry it on all sides for 3-4 minutes. Salt, pepper and mix. After a few seconds, pour a glass of cognac into the pan and mix again.

Transfer the cherries and green onions, cut into feathers, into the pan. Stir and cook for 10 more seconds.

Arrange the contents of the pan on plates, on top of lettuce leaves. Place the remaining lettuce leaves on top.

Pour cherry juice into the same pan and reduce by half. Add a tablespoon of granulated sugar and, stirring, bring to a state of not very thick syrup.

Drizzle salad with cherry syrup and olive oil. Sprinkle with green onions and sesame seeds. Season with freshly ground pink pepper.

Serve immediately with a hot cake to tear off pieces from it and dip them into the syrup flowing to the bottom of the plate. Fuck glamor - salad is more important!

Somehow, on New Year's Eve ... a godfather came to visit us ... And she decided to surprise us, but not just surprise us, but cook a magnificent chicken liver in cherry sauce for the festive table. I had to take on the role of assistant cook, and this time my godfather turned out to be the chef.

Since I like to cook something new and tasty, I liked this experiment, but when a friend admitted that she was also training for a romantic dinner with her beloved, my interest doubled. The mission fell on us to taste this culinary masterpiece and give our assessments so that our godfather, so to speak, “does not hit her face in the dirt.”) What we did after cooking with pleasure and great appetite, but more on that later ...

So, for a romantic liver, we need:

1 kilogram of chicken liver;

0.5 kilograms of cherries (you can use frozen cherries);

0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon;

0.5 tablespoon of cocoa;

1-1.5 glasses of vodka;

1 tablespoon of honey;

30 grams of sesame seeds;

30 grams of pumpkin seeds;

lettuce leaves;

vegetable oil;

First, gently fry the chicken liver in vegetable oil, about 3-4 minutes. When you see that the ichor has come out, immediately turn the liver over to another barrel and wait for the ichor to appear again. Salt at the end. That's all - the liver is ready! In order for the dish to have a beautiful and decent appearance, place the pieces of liver in the pan not tightly, but leaving space between them.

And do not forget that the liver loves medium or low heat, otherwise its taste may deteriorate.

Now on to the cherry sauce. First, remove the pits from the cherries. Then pour vodka into a container, pour cherries into it and put on a small fire.

When the volume of the liquid decreases, it's time to add cinnamon (its taste is almost not felt, but the taste of cherries is more expressive), honey (honey can be replaced with sugar)

and cocoa. The sauce will be ready when the berries are wrinkled. If necessary, do not be afraid to add an additional portion of vodka, because you should get a sauce, not a "drunk" cherry.)

To be honest, it seemed to me that after such a volume of “fuel” used, we would sing well after this liver with cherries, but as it turned out, the alcohol successfully evaporated and everyone remained sober as glass, but the cherry came out incomparable.

And the final step. Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate

carefully lay the liver pieces on them, pour over the sauce and garnish with sesame and pumpkin seeds. Gotooovo!

And as expected, the young man of our kuma was delighted with the romantic liver, and we cooked it again for the New Year for our friends.) Of course, the dish turned out to be very juicy and tender, and the cherry sauce gave it the necessary zest and piquancy . In general, what can I say for a long time - the liver turned out to be simply delicious!

Bon appetit to you too!

We got hooked on one dish here - because of its cheapness (a kilo of the freshest chicken liver costs around 55 Russian rubles), unusual taste and ease of preparation. For me, the symbiosis of meat with fruit is the norm. I love meat cooked with fresh fruits, dried fruits (for example, with dried apricots), in syrup ... and I suggest everyone to try it at least once in their life.
Moreover, the following recipe is easy and quick to make.


Composition of products:

600 grams of fresh chicken liver,
200 grams of pitted cherries,
2 sugar onions (bright white!)
100 grams of butter,
coarsely ground pepper mixed with coriander,
3 cloves
2 pinches of cinnamon.

Peel the liver, wash, dry in a colander, sprinkle with flour.
Onion cut into half rings. Melt half the butter in a frying pan, fry the onion in it, adding a pinch of salt and sugar. When the onion is soft, add the cinnamon and ground cloves. Simmer everything together for about 1 minute. Then add cherries, mix well, simmer for 2 minutes. Transfer the onion and cherries to a bowl. In the same pan, melt the remaining butter, put the liver and fry for about 8 minutes. Then add cherries with onions and simmer for 2 minutes. All!

The combination is as tasty as it is unusual :) And you definitely need to try such a liver too :)
Thank you for this amazing idea. badboy20001 :)

600-700 gr chicken liver
1 jar of cherry compote (700 gr and so that pitted cherries! otherwise hello to your teeth :))
1 tsp grated ginger (or 1/4 tsp ground)
2 shallots
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
olive oil
salt, favorite spices for chicken

1. Salt the liver, add seasonings, fry in olive oil until it turns brown. As soon as we achieve the desired result, we put it on a plate.

2. Fry the onion and ginger until the onion is golden.

3. Remove the cherries from the compote, squeeze a little and add to the onion. Pour vinegar and 150 ml of cherry compote there. Simmer for about 5 minutes, add the liver, cover and cook over low heat for about 10-12 minutes

As soon as everything is ready, do not waste any more time in vain, but start immediately to treat yourself :)

Something neutral will do. For example, rice is what you need :)
Bon appetit!
