
Healthy and tasty food for kids salads. Salads for a child - healthy and tasty

Nutrition for babies should be special. In an effort to feed a child, first of all think about the usefulness of the products. Today's topic is about salads.

Salads. Recipes for children

When cooking, try to use sour cream instead of mayonnaise, olive oil instead of vegetable oil.

for a child

Children need to be taught vegetables from an early age. Try one of the recipes below for your little one's salad. For example, children are very fond of salad with cabbage, pepper and cucumber. The amount of food should be small, because if the child does not eat the dish completely, then it is better not to leave it until the next meal, but to throw it away immediately.

So, finely chop white cabbage, A Bell pepper and cut the cucumber into small cubes. If the baby still has few teeth, then all the vegetables can be grated. Add finely chopped dill or parsley. Lightly salt the ingredients, add oil to them. Toss the salad and you're ready to feed your baby!

You can prepare a salad with cranberries / lingonberries for a child. To do this, you need to finely chop the white cabbage, add a couple of tablespoons of cranberries / lingonberries to it. Cut the olives into halves or rings, add a couple of drops to the ingredients lemon juice, salt and oil. Vegetable salads for a child are very useful, because they are rich in vitamins and minerals. cranberry salad especially good if the baby has diseases urinary tract.

for a child

Cook for your crumbs tomatoes with cheese. Use small ones for this. fresh tomatoes, onion, cheese and sour cream ( low-fat mayonnaise). Cut the tomatoes into circles, finely grate the cheese, scald the chopped onion. Mix cheese, sour cream (mayonnaise), onions and put this mixture on tomato mugs.

radish salad

Grate the radish. Boil the egg and chop it with a knife or grater. Cut the dill. Mix all the ingredients, lightly salt, add sour cream. Stir. Salad ready!

The vinaigrette

This salad is made with potato, tomato, beetroot, cucumber, carrot, apple, onion and butter. Boil potatoes, carrots, beets. Peel them and cut into small cubes. Add chopped tomato, apple, onion to the salad. Cucumbers can be used fresh, but with pickled cucumbers, the salad will be tastier. Can be used instead of cucumbers sauerkraut. Onions, when added to salads for a child, should be treated with boiling water so that bitterness disappears from it. It is advisable to pre-peel the apple. Mix all products. Add salt, a little sugar, vegetable (preferably olive) oil.

Salad with croutons

Prepare a salad with croutons. To do this, take White bread, milk, egg, salt, cheese and herbs. Thin pieces of white bun need to be toasted on butter. First dip the pieces in the egg and milk batter. Cut the finished croutons into pieces. Finely chop the cheese and apple. Dress the salad with parsley, sour cream. Salt to taste.

Fruit salad

In the summer it is very good to prepare a fruit salad for children. You can use strawberries, currants, apples, raspberries, other berries and fruits. Cut them into pieces, season with sour cream or yogurt, put a little sugar, and then mix the food. All is ready! Do not forget about decorating salads for children. For kids, how it looks is very important. ready meal. Dream up. For example, lay out the muzzle of an animal from vegetables, making a mouth out of pepper, and eyes out of olives.

Children's salads, in principle, are not much different from salads for adults. The main thing to take into account is the fact that the children's body will not be able to accept some dressings for it, for example, mayonnaise. Recipes for children should use natural products- lemon, olive oil. A various additives from the store will be able to negate everything useful that the child will receive from natural products.

What else is useful for children's salads? Receiving vitamins - the child strengthens his immunity. Thus, the basis of health for the rest of life is formed. natural vegetables, fruits and berries will protect your child from various viral diseases.

Your attention is invited to a selection of just such salads for children. However, each mother can come up with something of her own on our basis. But, in any case, the children will be happy!

The main thing is that you should not be afraid to do experiments. Nothing is perfect in this world. Having learned the recipes for children's salads, do not be afraid to come up with something new. Combine products so that it is healthy and tasty.

There is probably no child in the world who does not like sweets. Moreover, sometimes adults eat it in "tons" without noticing it at all. huge amount calories in it, which affects the extra fat deposits on the body. But not all sweet foods can be considered "so dangerous." Many dessert and sweet dishes can give you unreal pleasure and in no way spoil your figure. To this category of harmless desserts, we include a vitamin salad, consisting of fruits in combination with curd balls, his recipe especially for you is presented below.

This the perfect dish for your children, because fruits contain a large number of necessary for a growing organism useful and nutritional vitamins, which in combination with cottage cheese makes it almost perfect. Feel free to prepare it for your little ones and don't worry about anything.

So, what is the recipe for this wonderful dessert?

Salad Ingredients:

  • bananas
  • tangerines
  • apples
  • raspberries
  • currant berries
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • children's cottage cheese

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. At the very beginning, you need to peel 1 banana and cut it in half. Then, cut it lengthwise into two parts and cut into half rings so that their thickness does not exceed 5 millimeters.
  2. Stage 2. Peel the mandarin and separate the slices from each other.
  3. Stage 3. The apple is peeled, cut in half, cut out the middle, cut the apple into slices and soak it with lemon juice.
  4. Stage 4. All fruits are laid out in a bowl mixed or in layers.
  5. Stage 5 Then we make balls from the curd with a teaspoon and spread it on top of the fruit.
  6. Stage 6 At the end, decorate the salad with fresh or frozen berries raspberries and currants.

This salad is perfect for any holiday or celebration. Especially if your child has a birthday and was born in the year of the tiger. Salad will be very useful for children, as it contains healthy natural products. Store-bought mayonnaise can be easily replaced with homemade mayonnaise.

It is very easy to prepare, and this process will not take you much time. All of its ingredients are very accessible and cheap.


Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. Boil potatoes and grate them, top with mayonnaise
  2. Stage 2. Boil the chicken fillet, finely chop it and pour over the potatoes
  3. Stage 3. We cut the cucumbers and evenly cover the fillet. Apply a layer of mayonnaise on top
  4. Stage 4. Chop the onion and cover it last layer
  5. Stage 5 Grate 2 eggs, sprinkle on onions and coat with mayonnaise
  6. Stage 6 We rub the carrots and evenly cover the surface of the salad
  7. Stage 7. Decoration. The remaining egg is divided into white and yolk. We use protein, prunes and celery as a salad decoration and give it the look of a tiger cub

Video for the recipe:

There is a proposal to cook for your baby a spring vitamin salad with green onion. It is very simple and quick to prepare. It contains an irreplaceable protein-vitamin mixture, which will help fill the child's body with vitamins and protein. Good for growing body.


  • 3 boiled chicken eggs
  • 1 bunch green onions
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. boiled egg clean and cut
  2. Stage 2. Cut into small rings green onion
  3. Stage 3. Mix onions and eggs, season with sour cream and mix

This kind baby salad salt is not required. If you wish, you can add a little salt and mix. Serve this salad not as a main course, but as a side dish for lunch. He's also going for a snack.

A delicious salad for children is suitable for a holiday or birthday. Fruit will make it harmless. A large number of bright colors will make it even more appetizing.


Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. We take a special dish and put the pieces at the very bottom yellow orange
  2. Stage 2. Sprinkle kiwi sliced ​​on top of the orange
  3. Stage 3. Next, pour the peach, also diced
  4. Stage 4. To sprinkle powdered sugar for extra sweetness
  5. Stage 5 Put the raspberries on the surface, sprinkle it with powder and pour over with yogurt
  6. Stage 6 Put jelly on top in the form of cubes and our salad is ready.

Video for the article:

Spring is not only warm and sunny, but also the first spring Green and vegetables: dill, parsley, radish, sorrel, green onion and leaf lettuce. A salad made from a combination of these components is very suitable for your baby, as it is absolutely natural, harmless and contains many vitamins.


  • radish
  • leaf lettuce
  • dill
  • vegetable or olive oil

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. Everything is washed thoroughly warm water
  2. Stage 2. Cut off the tails and nose from the radish, finely chop. Dill and lettuce need to be chopped finely
  3. Stage 3. Salt, drizzle with oil and mix well.

This salad is great for whetting your appetite. This is important for parents if children do not like to eat a lot. This living complex of vitamins is useful for the stomach and intestines of the child by accelerating his metabolism.

If your baby's body perceives only natural and soft vegetables Then this salad is just for you. Its composition is very useful for gastrointestinal work small and unformed organism.


  • 35 grams boiled beets
  • 22 grams fresh apples
  • 10 grams of sour cream

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. Boil the beetroot, peel it and grate it
  2. Stage 2. Peel the apple and rub it on coarse grater
  3. Stage 3. All ingredients are mixed and obtained ready salad ik


Pumpkin is good not only because it can be stored all winter and does not deteriorate, but also because it contains a lot of useful and nutrients, protein, fiber and vitamins. It is well suited for the prevention of diseases of the kidneys and intestines. Children need these salads.


  • 1 piece raw pumpkin
  • 1 tablespoon lemon
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 apple

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. A piece of pumpkin and an apple, peel and pulp
  2. Stage 2. Grate the pumpkin with an apple, add lemon juice and honey to this mixture. Everything is mixed and put on a plate.

A very simple and tasty salad that even your child can make. It does not contain expensive and inaccessible ingredients. Healthy, simple and delicious!


  • orange
  • banana
  • apple
  • natural yogurt

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. Banana is peeled, cut in half and then half rings are made
  2. Stage 2. Peel the orange and cut into slices
  3. Stage 3. Cut the apple in half, clean the middle and cut it into medium pieces
  4. Stage 4. Add yogurt and mix everything


Carrots are very helpful. It contains a large number of trace elements, vitamins and minerals. It improves the eyesight of children, as it contains vitamin A. It also protects the children's body from viruses and diseases.


  • 3 carrots
  • 2 tablespoons raisins
  • 2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. Wash, peel and grate carrots
  2. Stage 2. Add clean and steamed raisins to grated carrots
  3. Stage 3. Mix everything and season the salad with oil

Be sure to add oil to this salad. This is necessary so that the vitamins contained in carrots are well absorbed. Do not fill it with sugar, there is plenty of it in carrots.

Excellent and tasty solution for your table. Minimal amount products and the simplicity of its preparation will be a surprise not only for your children, but also for your soul mates.


  1. sea ​​kale
  2. sweet corn
  3. crab sticks
  4. mayonnaise (salad or homemade)

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. Crab sticks cut into cubes
  2. Stage 2. We cut sea ​​kale into small pieces
  3. Stage 3. Mix all the ingredients and season them with mayonnaise


Dilute all children's meals with salads. They have a lot of useful and tasty. Thanks to them, carbohydrate-protein foods are better absorbed. Beets have a laxative property. Therefore, if a child has problems of this kind, then such a salad is vital for you!


  • 1 boiled beetroot
  • 5-7 pieces of dried prunes
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. Boil the beetroot, then grate it
  2. Stage 2. Washed prunes are finely chopped and added to the already prepared beets
  3. Stage 3. All ingredients are seasoned with sour cream and everything is mixed

A very creative looking salad. At the end it should look like watermelon slice. All products are in the store, there is nothing unusual in its composition. This salad will please the child and will decorate the table for any holiday.


Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. boiled chicken breast finely chopped
  2. Stage 2. Grated boiled eggs
  3. Stage 3. Grate cheese on fine grater
  4. Stage 4. Cut olives small pieces
  5. Stage 5 We combine all the ingredients, salt, add mayonnaise and mix
  6. Stage 6 After that, we rub the cucumbers on a fine grater, and cut the tomatoes finely with a knife
  7. Stage 7. After that, put the salad on a plate in the form of a slice of watermelon and use all the remaining ingredients as decoration


Such a dish can be prepared at any time of the year, however, it will come in handy in early summer. vitamin salad comprises natural ingredients and will become great solution for your baby's lunch or breakfast. It is recommended for children over three years of age.


  • 5-7 radishes
  • a small bunch of any greens
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower oil

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. Peeled and washed radishes should be finely chopped on a plate
  2. Stage 2. Chop any greens
  3. Stage 3. We mix everything and pour oil

This salad is suitable for an older child. It is not very easy to prepare, but incredibly tasty. Decorate the table for any children's holiday.


  • 200 grams of chicken fillet
  • 4 eggs
  • 250 grams of apples
  • 150 grams of onion
  • 100 grams of cheese
  • 100g walnuts
  • mayonnaise

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. Boil and cut the fillet
  2. Stage 2. Finely chop the onion and wash it in cold water
  3. Stage 3. Separate the yolk from the proteins. Grate whites and yolks separately
  4. Stage 4. Grate cheese and apple separately
  5. Stage 5 grind nuts
  6. Stage 6 Put the whites on a saucer, give them oval shape, salt and grease with mayonnaise
  7. Stage 7. Put the fillet and onion on the squirrels
  8. Stage 8. Next, cover the dish with apples and grease
  9. Stage 9 From grated cheese make the next layer and cover it all with yolks and grease with mayonnaise
  10. 10 stage. Top with nuts
  11. 11 stage. Make paws from the remaining nuts, a head from cheese, and eyes from black peppercorns


In order for your child to have a lot of vitamins in his body, he is invited to prepare a salad of carrots, nuts and honey. Honey can also be replaced with sugar.


  • 1 small carrot
  • 2 walnuts
  • 0.5 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon sour cream

Cooking steps:

  1. Stage 1. raw carrot washed, cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater
  2. Stage 2. Walnuts need to be crushed
  3. Stage 3. Mix nuts and carrots and add honey to them
  4. Stage 4. Add sour cream and stir

In order for children to be healthy, it is necessary to make sure that they eat salads every day. For a child, this is extremely important! Do not accustom them from childhood to unhealthy eating.

Incompatible products

It should be remembered that salads for a child should include only healthy ones. child's body Ingredients. Therefore, you should immediately abandon the mayonnaise bought in the store as a dressing, from the "kirieshki" and their analogues, which are made using chemical flavor additives, mushrooms in any form, as they are poorly digested by children, sausages.

You can add boiled lean meat, poultry, boiled eggs if the baby is not allergic to them. But then in no case should you crumble into a dish boiled potatoes, since it is a storage of carbohydrates, which are in no way combined with proteins and fats.

Many kids just love fruit and berry salads. Sometimes moms experiment by making their own compositions from vegetables and fruits, adding nuts, raisins, crushed crackers.

Ideally, salads for a child are seasoned with sour cream, yogurt, vegetable oil, or simply sprinkled with lemon juice.

Simple salads for one-year-olds

Acquaintance with such dishes begins in the very early age. The very first baby salads are usually made with a single ingredient. Most often it is a grated apple, as it is best absorbed by the children's digestive system.

Then mommy tries to give the baby a salad from grated carrot. For the first acquaintance with this root crop, of course, after the juice, you just need to chop it as finely as possible, sprinkle with sugar and knead well so that the juice stands out.

Then you can try to cook such simple salads for children, like carrot-apple. A little sugar and a drop of lemon juice will make the taste of the dish much more interesting. Banana is also a highly digestible product, so it should be included in the first salads.

Carrot-curd salad

If the baby is already accustomed to such food, you can diversify the salad for the child. 1 year of life is the foundation for health for all subsequent years. And at this time it is very important to include cottage cheese in the diet. Unfortunately, many children ignore this useful product and refuse to eat it. Very tasty tender salad from grated carrots with cottage cheese. You can fill it with your favorite yogurt. The original color and taste make the dish completely different from regular cottage cheese and will surely delight the child. Such a dish will be much more useful than chocolate-covered curds, with which parents try to accustom the baby to this super-healthy fermented milk product.

Salads with carrots, apples and raisins

But now the child has grown up. Salads for him can be made, including in their composition significantly more ingredients. And now it’s not worth rubbing carrots on a very fine grater. Exist wonderful recipes salads for children based on carrots and apples. These products are a pantry of vitamins and minerals.

The most common salad is made only from shredded carrots and chopped apples, sprinkled with lemon juice and (optionally) sugar syrup. Addendum orange juice or pieces of this citrus fruit will improve the taste. But you should be careful and careful - oranges cause allergies in some children. Some mothers put steamed raisins in this salad. savory and amazing taste Almost all kids and adults like this dish.

Salads based on carrots and beets

By the age of three, children should already be eating beets not only in boiled but also in cheese. After all, when cooking, many are lost beneficial features this truly magical root vegetable. However raw beets has some specific tart taste, which can push the baby away. But if you cook this delicious salad for children, including additional carrots, golden raisins, mint, orange and crushed nuts, then it can become the most favorite for the whole family. Of course, the recipe can be changed at will, not necessarily all of the listed ingredients should be part of this dish. You can, for example, replace an orange with an apple, and completely exclude mint. And some people make this salad with fennel or kiwi fruit.

This divine dish is seasoned with lemon juice. Then the container with the ingredients is tightly closed with a lid and shaken vigorously so that the vegetables give juice and mix well with the rest of the products.

Vegetables in a child's diet

How healthy is it for children to eat the most variety of vegetables, known to all. That is why it is so important to offer your baby vegetable salads for lunch before the first course. For children, they usually try not to put onions and garlic in them at first, since not everyone loves them. But almost everyone likes cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, sweet bell peppers. Children's salads can be prepared from one vegetable. And you can gradually increase the number of ingredients from two to several. They also include carrots, radishes, dill, parsley, white cabbage and red cabbage, leaf salad.

Vegetable dishes are seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, lightly salted. But you can do without refueling. If you put the chopped ingredients in a bowl with a lid and shake the dishes well several times, then the released juice will completely replace it.

White cabbage is tasty and healthy

You can teach a child to eat cabbage from the moment he has all his milk teeth, that is, by the age of three. Usually, mothers give the baby a piece of this vegetable to gnaw, choosing the most juicy places.

Cabbage salads are prepared with carrots and apples. It is best to sprinkle chopped vegetables with sugar and sprinkle with lemon juice, and then knead well with your hands. Only after that, an apple is added to the salad and mixed.

Older children can make cabbage salad with onions, onions or greens. Before dressing this dish, it is also recommended to knead the ingredients with your hands so that the cabbage gives juice. Pour the salad with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Cauliflower in salads for children

This vegetable is very useful for both adults and children. But not all kids are happy to eat it. Perhaps they do not like the specific smell that cabbage acquires during the cooking process. Therefore, it is recommended to put a bay leaf in a saucepan with boiling water and cabbage inflorescences.

A hard stem, which is not always boiled, can also repel children, especially if the cabbage is large. That is why it is better to use only inflorescences for children's salads.

  • The simplest cauliflower salad consists of chopped inflorescences boiled in salted water, sprinkled with parsley and dill. You can add lettuce and green onions, if, of course, the child loves them. It is recommended to fill this salad with lemon juice, you can add vegetable oil.
  • If you sprinkle a ready-made salad on top with ground breadcrumbs, you get a different dish.
  • IN next recipe added a component such as boiled and diced potatoes.
  • And some add green to a salad of cabbage and potatoes canned peas- it's an amateur.
  • A well-known summer salad from tomatoes and cucumbers can be varied and made more saturated with vitamins. To do this, add chopped boiled cauliflower inflorescences to it.
  • An amazing salad is obtained from boiled carrots, sweet bell pepper and lettuce leaves. Of course, you can't do without cauliflower. She is the main ingredient in this dish.
  • Having boiled additionally green beans and slicing it, you can based on previous prescription create a completely different dish.
  • There is also a recipe for sweet cauliflower salad. He is also extremely useful, but quite creative. Therefore, this option is not suitable for every child. But if the baby eats with pleasure various salads, then you can bravely cook this original dish. It consists of: cauliflower, tomatoes, fresh carrot, apples, cucumbers and plums. Only cabbage is boiled. It can be taken 200 grams. Tomatoes, apples, carrots and cucumbers for this amount are enough for 100 grams, plums are 2 times less. Plums are cut in half and stones are removed, carrots are cut into strips or chopped on a coarse grater. Everything else is cut into cubes, poured with dressing from vegetable oil with a small amount lemon juice, mix and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. It is enough for such a salad 50 grams.

You can wake up a child’s desire to try a new dish with the help of an interesting salad display. Having built a cheerful muzzle from the product or decorating the slide with "eyes" from olives, halves small tomatoes, pieces of sweet pepper, "noses" and "mouths" of carrots or a piece of cucumber, it is easy to interest not only the baby, but also the younger student. Yes, and to try such a dish for sure will be more pleasant than usual.

Sweet salads

Particularly loved by kids fruit salad. For children, yogurt is usually a dressing, you can take fruit and sweet. But sour cream, whipped with powdered sugar, is quite appropriate here. And you can even cook mint sugar syrup Or use melted ice cream. Some people prepare their favorite cream, the one that decorates homemade cakes.

As ingredients, any fruits and berries are suitable. It is only important to carefully clean them from the seeds and peel. If oranges are taken, then you need to remove only the orange skin with a knife, leaving white layer. Scientists have proven that it contains vitamins and useful substances even more than in the peeled slices themselves.

Pieces of watermelon laid out in the form of a flower with an empty middle will help to decorate the dish. Salad, placed inside these “petals”, is poured over with sweet syrup or ice cream.

Vegetable salads are introduced into the menu for children who have passed complementary foods, from about 1 year and older. They well cause appetite, promote digestion, fill the body with various vitamins, macro and microelements, acids, and fats.

General cooking rules vegetable salads for children:

1. You need to cook them only from natural, quality products containing no chemicals.

2. Before use, it is better to soak well-washed raw vegetables for 10-15 minutes in cold water to come out harmful substances accumulating in the skin. And after that, it is desirable to pour boiling water over them.

3. It is better to make salads from a mixed, but small set of vegetables, so that it includes 2-3 types of fruits.

4. Basically, salads are prepared from boiled or steamed, as well as raw vegetables.

5. You can add others to salads healthy foods: cottage cheese, eggs, fruits, cheeses, boiled meat, poultry or fish, etc.

6. Chopping vegetables for salads depends on the age criterion of the child: from the 1st year - shredding on a fine grater, from 1.5 years old - shredding on a coarse grater, from 2 years old - fine cutting.

7. Salads should be cut and seasoned 7-10 minutes before eating so that they do not lose their beneficial properties and pleasant aftertaste.

8. It is better to serve salads before dinner or lunch for better absorption of protein foods.

10. As a dressing for salads, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, low-fat cream or refined vegetable oils, for example, olive, sunflower or corn.

11. In order for the baby to like such a dish, and he ate it with pleasure, it is worth giving it an attractive appearance, that is, lay out in the form of any geometric figure, in the form of a man, insect, animal or plant. And you can decorate this miracle with crushed nuts and herbs. A child will definitely appreciate such a salad and will definitely eat it.

Recipes useful and very delicious salads there are quite a few for children, but there are a few that almost all kids like.

beetroot salad


Boiled beets - 30 g;

Prunes soaked in boiling water (without bone) - 10 g;

Sugar - 1.5 g;

boiled chicken yolk- 1 PC.;

crushed Walnut- 2 years;

Sour cream - 10 g.


Chop the boiled beets on a fine grater. Chop the soaked dried prunes with a knife into small pieces. Combine these ingredients. Add chicken yolk mashed with a fork, crushed nuts, sour cream, granulated sugar and mix everything until smooth - the salad is ready.

Salad "Golden Autumn"


White cabbage - 30 g;

Pumpkin - 10 g;

Apple - 10 g;

Carrots - 10 g;

Sour cream - 15 g;

Sugar - 1 g;

Salt - a pinch.


Chop the pulp of soaked vegetables and fruits on a fine or medium grater, combine with the yolk, mashed with a table fork in mashed potatoes, sour cream, sugar, salt, mix everything until smooth - the salad is ready.

Salad "Spring"


Radish - 10 g;

Young cabbage - 10 g;

Fresh cucumber - 10 g;

Green onions - 1-2 feathers;

Rhubarb - 10 g;

Hard-boiled chicken yolk - 1 pc.;

Sour cream - 15 g;

Salt - a pinch.


Rinse the soaked vegetables again, remove the roots, dry and chop. Chop radish, cabbage, cucumber and rhubarb on a fine or coarse grater, finely chop the onion, mash the yolk with a fork. Combine these products in a bowl, season with sour cream, salt and mix until smooth - the salad is ready.

Cucumber salad with eggs


Cucumber - 1 pc.;

Chicken egg (hard-boiled) - 1 pc.;

Dill - 2 branches;

Sour cream - 3 tablespoons;

Salt - to taste.


Dry the cucumber soaked in water, remove the dense green skin and cut into small cubes, chop the dill, and finely chop the eggs. Combine these products in a bowl, season with sour cream, salt, mix - the salad is ready!

Do not be afraid to experiment, combine vegetables so that it is tasty and healthy. It is the fresh gifts of nature - berries and fruits - that will increase your child's immunity, thereby reducing the possibility of viral infections.
Cook with love and stay healthy!
