
Thick plum jam without pits. Homemade Yellow Plum with Oranges and Apples

To make pitted plum jam, you will need:

  • Plum - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg
  • Water - 250 ml

Plums are the most unpretentious and fruitful among stone fruits. Moreover, it begins to please with its fruits from July to the end of September. But even such a long “plum” period still ends someday, so you should take care of the blanks in advance. Fruits can be dried, pickled, jam or pitted plum jam for the winter. Plum jam is delicious from any variety, but it is especially appetizing and rich from blue plums (Tulskaya Blue, Prunes or Hungarian varieties).

Moreover, to get a really tasty dessert, it is enough to use a completely simple recipe for pitted plum jam.

How to cook seedless plum jam?

First of all, boil the syrup for future jam. To do this, dissolve sugar in a glass of water, place the mass on a quiet fire and bring to a boil.

While the sugar syrup is cooking, sort the plums, remove spoiled and overripe fruits. Rinse them thoroughly under running cold water. Remove bones.

Dip the prepared plums into hot sugar syrup, shake the pan vigorously so that the fruits are completely mixed with the liquid, and cook the plum jam over low heat for an hour. Do not forget to remove the emerging foam and stir the mass from time to time.

When the plum slices are soft and the syrup is thick and rich, it's time to pour the pitted plum jam into clean, dry jars and roll up.

This jam is a versatile dessert. From plum syrup, you can cook delicious kissels and compotes, pour them over ice cream or sherbet. Fruit slices will fit into cakes and pies.

You can also make pitted plum jam in other ways - by adding various fruits, nuts, cocoa, chocolate, citrus fruits, spices to the jam, you can easily get sweet desserts with a variety of tastes.

Jam "Plum with nuts"

Walnuts not only perfectly complement plum jam with a pleasant light bitterness, but also make it nutritious and healthy. Wash the plums, remove the stones, place in a metal dish with a wide bottom, add a little water and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes until soft. Add nuts and sugar, cook the jam for another 25-30 minutes. 3 minutes before the end of cooking, add a spoonful of cognac to the mass, mix thoroughly.

Jam "Plum in chocolate"

Feels very comfortable plum in chocolate. Pitted blue plum jam with black bitter chocolate and orange zest is a real sweet treat!

Cut large plums in half and remove the pits. Pour them with sugar and leave for a while to form a syrup (usually 4-5 hours are enough). Bring the jam to a boil over medium heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Then remove the pan with plums from the stove and leave to cool completely. Add pieces of dark chocolate, orange zest to the jam and cook the jam for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end, pour in 5 - 10 ml of cognac or rum.

Plum with cocoa jam is prepared according to the same principle, only cocoa is used instead of dark chocolate, orange zest is replaced with vanilla or cinnamon.

Plum jam with oranges

Peeled and crushed orange, zest, orange juice are put in plum jam, but orange with peel sets off the most beneficial plum flavor.

Mix water with sugar, boil. Dip the orange, cut into thin slices, into the hot syrup. Let it simmer for 10 minutes and set aside to cool completely. Prepare the plums, wash them and remove the pits. Place the plums in the orange sugar syrup. Cook over medium heat for 40 - 50 minutes until thick (a drop of syrup should hold its shape). Roll the jam into sterile jars.

Apple and plum jam

An unusual fruit mix is ​​obtained by making plum jam with the addition of apples. For jam from apples and plums, autumn, late fruits with elastic pulp are suitable. Apples (unpeeled) cut into large pieces, sprinkle with sugar and add a little water. Boil the apples over low heat for 15-20 minutes until translucent. Then put the pitted plums into the saucepan with the jam. Continue to cook the mass for another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Leave the jam for 7-8 hours so that the fruit is well saturated with syrup. Then place the pot of jam on the stove, turn on medium heat and cook the dessert for 10 minutes.

Plum jam five minutes

Five-minute jam got its name due to the method of preparation. It is cooked in several approaches for only five minutes, and in between it is infused.

Pure pitted plums mix with sugar and leave to form a syrup. Boil the plum mass over medium heat in four sets of five minutes each (after boiling), with an interval of 7 - 8 hours. At the same time, do not interfere with the fruit, but immerse it in the syrup with gentle movements.

Real oriental notes add spices to the jam, such as ginger (ground or fresh), cinnamon, cloves, anise, black allspice. It is very important not to overdo it with spices. Only a few grams of fragrant seasonings are enough for a kilogram of fruit.

Plum jam with cinnamon

Cook jam according to the main recipe. At the end of cooking (for 5-10 minutes), add powder or cinnamon stick to the plum mass.

Plum jam, depending on the type of berry and the method of cooking, has a different taste, color, aroma and texture. Sometimes it even seems that the jam is made from other berries. I like thick, tender, transparent and airy sweet and sour plum jam, with a delicate fruity aroma. And today I will tell you how to cook thick plum jam pitted, so that it turns out just like that. Making plum jam is not a difficult process, only in our case you have to tinker a little, but the result is worth it.


Sort the ripe plum, remove the spoiled, stalks and leaves. Wash the berries, spread them on a towel and let them dry. It is desirable that the plum berries are ripe, but not soft, but dense.

With a sharp knife, cut the plums into two halves, remove the seeds, and remove the skins from the halves of the plum. Then we cut the peeled halves of the plums into 4 - 6 parts, and put them in a saucepan with a thick bottom in layers of 2 centimeters, sprinkling the layers with sugar. Leave for 3 - 4 hours, so that she gives juice, you can leave it overnight.

Many housewives, in the process of cooking plum jam, in order to prepare syrup. I don’t like liquid jam, and I don’t want to boil the jam for a long time so that it thickens properly. Therefore, we will cover the peeled and chopped plums with sugar. It will give enough juice to make the jam the desired density without long cooking.

After the plum gives juice, put the pan with the future jam on a slow fire and bring it to a boil, stirring often enough so that it does not burn and stick to the bottom of the pan. As soon as the jam boils, remove the foam from it, mix it and remove the jam from the heat.

Let it cool, then put it on a slow fire again, boil it, not forgetting to stir constantly, remove the foam again, let the jam boil for 5-10 minutes, turn off the fire and pour the jam into pre-prepared sterilized jars. Delicious thick pitted plum jam is ready. It can be served with tea or sent to a cool place for storage. Bon appetit!

Plum tree fruits go well with many spices, fruits or citrus fruits. By mixing ordinary products, the taste of plum jam can be diversified - the resulting dessert can be added to pastries or simply served with tea. Plum delicacy is a popular preparation for the winter, because this berry-fruit grows well in our climate.

How to choose and prepare a plum for harvesting for the winter

Like any other dish, plum jam has its own subtleties of preparation:

  1. Choose only ripe plums for harvesting for the winter. They should be free of wormholes or any damage.
  2. Before cooking, the fruits of the plum tree must be thoroughly washed, and the stalks removed. Whole berries or halves are suitable for cooking.
  3. If whole ones are used, then before cooking they must be pierced with a needle in several places. In this case, they will not burst during heat treatment and will evenly absorb sugar syrup.
  4. When whole small plums are boiled, it is recommended to pre-blanch them for about 3 minutes in water, the temperature of which is 70 degrees. Large fruits do not need such an action. They are simply cut in half, the bones are removed.
  5. Fruits with a thin skin should be boiled in several bookmarks, before each of which they should be kept in sugar syrup. This is done so that the plums remain intact. You do not need to withstand cherry plum and tkemali.

What utensils do you need

To cook pitted plum jam for the winter, you will need:

  • pot;
  • dishes;
  • knife for cutting and preparing products;
  • cutting board;
  • colander;
  • slow cooker, bread machine or pressure cooker (for making jam according to special recipes);
  • jars and lids for twisting;
  • soda for sterilization of containers;
  • a blanket (it will be needed to wrap jars with rolled up jam);
  • kitchen scales (to maintain the proportions of all ingredients).

How to cook seedless plum jam

There are many ways to make plum jam for the winter, which all housewives successfully use. Most make a delicacy following the classic recipe. And for those who want to try a new taste, there is good news - plum goes well with almost any product: cocoa, citrus fruits, fruits. Here it is only necessary to know how and in what order to add the ingredients to the fruits of the plum tree.

Classic recipe

To cook plum jam, you only need fruits, sugar and a little ordinary water (preferably filtered). Preparing a delicacy is simple and does not take much time:

  1. Whole dense plums are taken, without any kind of damage.
  2. Rinse under cold water, remove the bones.
  3. Each piece is cut in half.
  4. All halves are placed in a container for cooking, covered with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. It is advisable to wait a while before putting on fire so that the plums give juice. For a rich taste, you can add a little more citric acid.
  5. The blank is boiled for the winter for 40-50 minutes until caramelization occurs.
  6. Glass jars are sterilized until the mass reaches readiness. Then the jam is laid out in containers and hermetically rolled up.

A simple and quick five-minute recipe

The method got its name due to the fact that it takes no more than 5 minutes to cook plums. Preparing plum jam for the winter is easy, for this you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the seeds from them, cut each one in half.
  2. For each kilogram of fruit, add 300 g of sugar, half a liter of water and two pieces of orange to the pan.
  3. Citruses are crushed or cut into small pieces - as you like more, but the peel must be left.
  4. Put all the fruits and berries in a saucepan over a small fire. At the same time, the mixture should be cooked constantly in a state, as if it were about to boil.
  5. Seedless plum jam for the winter requires constant monitoring by the hostess - you need to stir and prevent it from bubbling. Keep the mass for about 5 minutes, then remove from the stove.
  6. We lay out the contents of the pan on the prepared jars and roll up. It is worth noting that the day before use, the container should be boiled, wiped and, wrapped in a blanket, put upside down until completely dry and cool.

Recipe with cocoa and butter

It turns out a very unusual dish for the winter, suitable for those who like to try new combinations of flavors. For cooking, you need the following set of products:

  • plums - 3 kg;
  • cocoa - 100 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • walnuts - 200 g.

Step by step we prepare for the winter:

  1. Put the peeled nuts in a bag and knead with a rolling pin so that the pieces become very small. You can also detail with a knife, but it will be more difficult.
  2. We sort out the plums, leave only those that are undamaged, rinse, and pit.
  3. We put the fruit tree product in a blender or scroll through a meat grinder to end up with plum puree.
  4. Put the mass in a saucepan, put on the smallest fire for 10 minutes.
  5. In a well-heated plum puree, add butter, sugar, nuts and cook for another 30 minutes.
  6. In a separate container, mix cocoa powder with part of the sugar, add to the jam. To enhance the aroma, you can pour 4 tablespoons of cognac. We leave for 10 min.
  7. After waiting all the allotted time, pitted plum jam with chocolate can be twisted into a dry, sterilized container.
  8. It is necessary to cool it in a warm place, after which it can be transferred to the cellar, pantry or other place where they will be before serving.

Aromatic plum jam with ginger and lemon

The recipe is suitable for those who love sweets, but at the same time consider the calorie content of products. You can prepare dietary jam from pitted plums for the winter from the following products:

  • drain - 2 kg;
  • ginger root - 30 g;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water - 3 tbsp.;
  • pectin - 15 g.

We make a delicacy in sequence:

  1. We choose juicy, but dense plums. We wash, make a pair of cuts in each, keep in boiling water for 2 minutes to remove the skin.
  2. Remove the seeds, cut each fruit into four parts.
  3. Ginger rubbed on a fine grater.
  4. Cut the lemon into small pieces along with the zest.
  5. We put the fruits in a saucepan, cover with sugar, immediately add pectin, fill everything with water. Bring to a boil over low heat, but do not stir.
  6. When the mass boils, put ginger and lemon, mix everything thoroughly, simmer until it thickens.
  7. Pour the resulting thick mixture into pre-sterilized jars and roll up. It is recommended to store in the refrigerator or cellar.

How to cook plum jam with slices in a slow cooker

This method is much easier than cooking on the stove. To cook in a slow cooker, you need to have a minimum number of ingredients: the main product and sugar. The cooking process takes time, but not laborious:

  1. We take small fruits with dense pulp, rinse thoroughly.
  2. We cut each piece along the groove, after which we remove the bone, trying not to particularly damage the berry. Cut into thin slices lengthwise.
  3. Put chopped plums into the multicooker bowl.
  4. We fall asleep sugar, but do not mix everything together, but just gently shake the bowl. Leave the bowl and its contents for 6-8 hours.
  5. After the plums give juice, and the sugar begins to dissolve, add vanilla and lemon juice if desired. We set the slow cooker to the "Extinguishing" mode and leave it for 20 minutes. This amount of time is necessary so that the slices do not fall apart.
  6. After the signal of the technique, signaling the end of cooking, we take out the bowl.
  7. Banks need to be prepared in advance: wash, treat with soda, wipe dry with a paper towel. It is also recommended to pour boiling water over the lids before seaming.
  8. We fill the containers with the resulting one, roll it up. Leave the jars to cool upside down and wrapped in a towel. Fragrant and healthy plums for the winter are ready!

Homemade Yellow Plum with Oranges and Apples

To prepare the treat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe yellow plums of any variety - 500 g;
  • apples (sour-sweet or sweet) - 2 pcs.;
  • orange (medium size) - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.

From this amount of homemade jam products for the winter, 1 liter is obtained. To do it is simple, for this you need:

  1. Wash the plums and, cutting in half or smaller, remove the seeds from them. Put in a saucepan and cover with a glass of sugar.
  2. Cut the oranges together with the peel into small cubes, remove the seeds. Arrange on top of sugared fruits. If oranges are not available, lemons can be used instead.
  3. Apples, peeled, cut into cubes or slices, depending on preference. Add to the rest of the ingredients and cover everything with the remaining sugar.
  4. Cook over low heat for 1 - 1.5 hours, stirring constantly. Then let the jam cool down and boil again for at least 1.5 hours.
  5. It is necessary to spread the resulting mass into pre-prepared jars and roll up with disinfected lids. After that, you need to let the plum jam cool at room temperature, and then put it in the pantry.


Hello everyone, hello! Today we will cook jam from a very tasty and healthy berry - plums. To prepare a fragrant dessert, you can use any variety, both yellow and blue fruits. Plus, you can add a variety of toppings to the treat, ranging from citrus fruits to nuts or even chocolate.

Anyone can cook such a sweet, since all the recipes are simple. I like to cook pitted plum jam the most. Therefore, I want to introduce you to my favorite cooking options. I hope you enjoy it, as always.

In fact, in preparing any delicacy for the winter, whether it is jam from, plums or, it is best to choose those recipes that contain the least amount of ingredients. So you save all the benefits of berries and fruits.

Of course, I want any dessert to always turn out to be not very liquid and keep well on toast or in the filling. Therefore, I advise adding pectin or gelatin to fruit puree.

Be sure to thoroughly rinse the fruits with clean water before starting cooking.


  • Plum - 2 kg;
  • Pectin - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 0.8 -1 kg;
  • Butter - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Be sure to rinse the fruits well first and remove the tails.

2. Then carefully, from each plum, cut off the pulp, thereby separating it from the stone.

3. Cut the prepared fruit into medium pieces.

4. Take a deep container and mix the plum pieces with pectin in it. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 8 hours.

5. The necessary time for rest is necessary in order for the workpiece to release the juice.

6. After 8 hours, grind the pieces through a meat grinder or in a blender until puree.

7. Transfer the resulting puree to a saucepan and add sugar. Put on fire.

8. When the jam boils, foam will appear, remove it.

9. Cook the treat to the desired consistency over low heat, 20-25 minutes. It should be thick, like sour cream.

10. At the very end, put a piece of butter. Then sterilize the jars.

11. Pour the brew into jars.

12. Roll up the blanks and cool. Store in your usual place.

How to make Pitted Plum Jam with Cocoa

For chocolate lovers, I want to suggest preparing the following treat. Let me tell you a secret, this is my favorite recipe. It turns out very tasty!

Be sure to use only ripe fruits, as green plums will not give up juice and the delicacy will turn out to be tasteless.


  • Plum - 500 gr.;
  • Sugar - 250 gr.;
  • Nuts - 100 gr.;
  • Cocoa - 30 gr.;
  • Butter - 30 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut into halves and remove the stone. Then pass through a meat grinder.

2. In a separate cup, chop the nuts, and in another, mix the cocoa with the sugar.

3. Transfer the plum puree to the multicooker bowl and add the sugar and cocoa mixture. Stir. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 15 minutes.

Instead of a slow cooker, you can use the usual method of cooking over a fire.

4. Cook the treat while constantly stirring the mass so that there are no lumps. Add butter 5 minutes before the end of the program.

5. And at the very end, put chopped nuts. You can also add a dark chocolate bar if you like.

6. Pour the finished dessert into sterilized jars and roll up. Then cool and send to be stored in the cellar.

Thick yellow plum jam for the winter

Also, for a change, you can add grapes to the plum dessert, and if you don’t want to, then simply exclude it from the list of products, and then do everything according to the recipe described in the photo.

Do not use overripe fruit, otherwise the sweetness will not store well and eventually ferment.


  • Yellow plum - 200 gr.;
  • Green grapes - 200 gr.;
  • Sugar - 400 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Wash cherry plum and grapes, remove garbage and bad berries. Grapes need to be separated from the branches. Then remove the seeds from the grapes and plums.

2. Add sugar to fruit and stir. Leave the mass until juice appears, for about 1.5-2 hours.

Here is what you should end up with:

3. Now put the workpiece on medium heat and bring to a boil. When the delicacy boils, remove the foam and boil for a few minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to cool completely.

4. Then bring the mixture back to a boil and boil for 5 minutes already. Spread the hot dessert in a sterile jar and roll up. Turn the lids down, wrap with a blanket. Wait for it to cool completely and then take it to a storage place.

How to cook pitted plum jam in a slow cooker

I also want to note that in the preparation of treats, a different amount of sugar is always used, since it all depends on the type of plum. Well, of course, you are guided by your taste.

And especially for you I found a video clip on cooking goodies in the Redmond m800s multicooker. Indeed, now many cooks use kitchen appliances, although it is easier for me to cook everything in the usual way, on the stove).

Classic homemade plum jam recipe

Lemon juice or citric acid can be added to plum jam. It will improve the taste characteristics of the treat.


  • Plum - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the berries thoroughly and remove the seeds.

2. Sprinkle the plum with sugar.

3. Leave the fruit in this form for several hours so that the cherry plum starts juice and the sugar dissolves.

5. Sterilize jars and lids. Pour hot treat and roll up. Cool the blanks and store in a dark and cool place.

A simple recipe for Pitted Plum Jam "Five Minute"

And here is the fastest way to prepare dessert. To be honest, I have never made jam with it. It confuses me that it takes only 5 minutes to cook, and therefore I doubt how long such a sweetness will be stored. Who cooked using this technology, respond). I think that it is certainly tasty and healthy, but what is the expiration date? Who knows, tell me.


  • Plum - 600 gr.;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • Water - 1 glass.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse fruit well. Transfer them to a colander to drain excess water.

2. Cut each plum into two halves lengthwise.

3. Now remove the bones.

4. Transfer the slices to the pan.

5. Fill them with clean water.

7. After boiling, bring granulated sugar.

8. Boil the treat for 5 minutes so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

9. Turn off the heat and cool the brew. Then pour into sterile jars and roll up. Store the dessert in the cellar or refrigerator.

This is where I end my story. Share recipes with friends, put classes and do not forget to write comments. And finally, I will say that the most delicious jam is obtained from homemade plums, and not from a store. So wait for the harvest and start harvesting jars for the winter!
