
How to make delicious minced meat for cutlets. Tender turkey cutlets with stuffing

Oksana 03.09.12
Appetizing meatballs. It is immediately clear that they are not fatty, you can eat and not get better.

Lada 03.09.12
And I pass the onion along with the meat through a meat grinder, quickly and conveniently. True, sometimes small pieces of onion come across in minced meat. I'll try on a small grater.

Be sure to try it, especially since it does not require much time. And it helps to deceive the children, who, as a horror, do not like to eat onions. Yes, some adults

Sveta 11/20/12
And according to your recipe, can you cook cutlets from other meat, such as fish or poultry?

Of course you can. Very tender and juicy cutlets are made from minced chicken. For the same amount of minced meat (700-800g), add the onion and all other ingredients. The only thing to keep in mind is that chicken meat cooks much faster than beef or pork. It is important not to overdry the cutlets. Can be fried covered.

Lida 15.02.13
To fry cutlets, how much oil should be poured and which one is better to use? Can you pour a little bit of oil so that the cutlets turn out not so fatty, which means high-calorie ones?

Linda, thanks for the feedback. Of course, the less vegetable oil is used when frying cutlets, the better, the less high-calorie the dish turns out. For this reason, it is better to use non-stick pans. Oil should be poured so that it covers the pan with a thin layer. It should be borne in mind that when the oil is heated, it becomes less viscous and spreads better on the surface.
What is the best oil for frying meatballs? The grade and brand is not of fundamental importance, but what is very important is that any oil cannot be used twice, since carcinogenic substances are formed in it at high temperatures. Therefore, for frying cutlets, meat, vegetables, we always use only fresh vegetable oil.

Katya 03/26/13
It turned out oh-oh-oh-very tasty cutlets, tender as promised. Thank you!

Evgeniya 02.05.13
I added some minced chicken to the beef. The cutlets turned out so delicious that even the mother-in-law could not resist and praised :)

Natalia 08.11.13
The recipe as a whole is classic, but I don’t quite understand why mayonnaise is added to cutlets, what it can give. Moreover, as far as I know, mayonnaise is generally not recommended to be heated. And I also like it when a little grated raw potatoes are added to the cutlets, just a little bit, they turn out juicy and tasty. And as for flour, 100% hit, crackers make cutlets prohibitively fat.

Natalia, thanks for the feedback. Try to somehow cook cutlets with mayonnaise, they turn out to be the most tender, and you don’t need to lay eggs, because mayonnaise serves as eggs. Regarding the heating of mayonnaise ... When heated, mayonnaise can delaminate, but in the case of meatballs this is not important, but in general for salads and not only I advise you to use home-made mayonnaise. This mayonnaise contains natural eggs and vegetable oil))).

Valya 23.02.14
Usually I cook meat cutlets only on eggs, but what else can I use and mayonnaise I learned for the first time ...?! And what does this product give to cutlets? Juiciness..?

And juiciness, and tenderness, and it is much easier to form such cutlets than with an egg.

Elizabeth 11/22/14
Very tender cutlets turned out, my men in one fell swoop knocked them down. Thanks for the good advice.

Victoria 21.01.15
Alena, I also add raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater, to the minced meat - this way the cutlets are better molded and do not fall apart when frying. It also turns out delicious if you roll cutlets not in breadcrumbs or flour, but in walnuts crushed into crumbs.

Delicious with walnuts

Vika 30.01.15
Yesterday I also decided to fry meatballs. I made them from minced chicken, but for some reason I didn’t manage to mold them beautifully. They came out a little clumsy, but they tasted great. In general, I still need to practice a little)). In the meantime, what is, then, as they say, we will eat. In general, here is my work.

Vika, the cutlets are very appetizing)))

Marina 16.05.18
Alena, hello. Tell me, please, I have minced pork and chicken, how long do I need to fry cutlets on each side? Thank you!

Marina, minced meat cutlets (pork + chicken) are fried a little faster than just pork. Fry as usual until golden brown. It is impossible to say the exact time, it depends on the size of the cutlet, frying pan, stove, fire strength, etc. Notice when you fry the patty on one side and then the other side, there comes a point where the patty sort of "fits" and becomes rounder. This is the signal that the protein inside the patty has curled up, i.e. the meat is already cooked. Just in case, you can fry for a couple more minutes over medium heat))))

Ekaterina 19.01.19
Alena, tell me, please, do you scroll the meat once through a meat grinder or twice?

Ekaterina, I scroll once. If the meat contains a lot of veins, and the meat grinder does not cope with it the first time, then you should scroll twice.

Homemade cutlets are, undoubtedly, a symbol of a happy family life. There will be no wife rut cutlets in the house where ca rit discord and constant quarrels! This meat dish is prepared only for loved ones and loved ones. Today we will be good housewives and create home comfort, p having prepared The most delicious homemade meatballs!

It is noticed that cutlets are eaten faster than any other meat dish. Sandwiches are made with them, they are delicious both hot and cold, any side dish will suit them. If there is soup and meatballs in the refrigerator, then the man and children will first of all eat delicious homemade meatballs!

Cutlet is the most popular and uncomplicated meat dish made from minced meat. Although initially the cutlet was just a piece of meat on the costal bone. They made this dish in Europe, and now it is believed that the word "cutlet" comes from the French côte and côtele - rib and ribbed, respectively.

In Russia, they learned how to cook cutlets thanks to Peter I, who, as you know, loved everything European and in every way introduced into Russian everyday life not only foreign customs, but also culinary recipes.

By the end of the 19th century, the cutlet in Russia had changed and turned into the same minced meat flatbread. And then not only meat dishes, but also fish, vegetable, poultry, and rice dishes began to be considered a cutlet.

Needless to say, there are many recipes for cutlets, but nothing better than homemade cutlets has been invented yet! No cutlets of the best restaurateurs in the world can compare with those that have just left the frying pan of a good housewife.

The main secret of cooking cutlets is to fry them correctly. Perhaps you have encountered such a problem more than once, when the top of the cutlet is already well fried, but inside it remains raw. To prevent this from happening, you need to know simple rules:

  • Do not start cooking in a warm pan! The pan for frying cutlets must be hot!
  • If you fry breadcrumbs in cutlets, then do not throw them immediately into the pan. Roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs and put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes and then fry. Then the crackers will not crumble and burn.
  • It is better to fry not in sunflower oil, but in melted fat.
  • When the cutlets are fried on both sides, add a little water to the pan, cover with a lid and simmer until tender.

Following these simple rules, your cutlets will always be fried, juicy and mouth-watering!

Are you ready to twist minced meat and sculpt cutlets? Wait a little more! Read a few more of our tips, as well as study the recipes for cutlets that are on our website. Perhaps you will find something new.

The advice is actually very simple:

  • To make the cutlets more tender, add a little water to the minced meat.
  • To make the cutlets more juicy, butter can be added to the minced meat.
  • It turns out that it is not necessary to add eggs to cutlets. Moreover, because of the eggs, cutlets can become tough.
  • Do not be afraid to add vegetables to your taste - potatoes, carrots, cabbage!
  • The best stuffing is the one that you just scrolled yourself in a meat grinder. Minced meat from a blender is worse. Naturally, one can only hope for the quality of purchased minced meat.
  • It is best to mix different types of minced meat.
  • You can add grated cheese to the cutlets! Then the dish will only taste better.

And now let's start cooking!

Homemade minced beef cutlets

You will need: half a kilogram of minced beef, 1 onion, 1 egg, 2-3 pieces of white bread, 150 ml of milk, salt, flour (or breadcrumbs).

Preparation: Break the bread into pieces and soak in milk. After it is soaked, it is good to knead it with your hands until a homogeneous slurry of milk and bread is obtained. Grate onion on a grater. Put the ground beef in a bowl, add the grated onion, put the slurry of milk and bread, break the egg into it, salt. Mix well with your hands minced meat along with all the ingredients. Blind cutlets from the resulting minced meat. Roll cutlets in flour or breadcrumbs. Fry cutlets in vegetable oil in a frying pan until tender.

Homemade cutlets with potatoes

You will need: half a kilogram of minced beef or pork, 200 grams of potatoes, 50 grams of onions, 2 tablespoons of milk, 2 eggs, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs, vegetable oil.

Preparation: Grate the onion, peel the potatoes and grate them too. Mix meat with onions, potatoes, add milk (so that the potatoes do not darken), eggs, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, pepper and salt. You can add chopped garlic. Mix everything thoroughly. If the stuffing turned out to be liquid, then add flour. Form cutlets, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Fry in a pan on both sides. Then reduce the heat, cover and simmer
cutlets 10 minutes. You can fry without breadcrumbs!

Jul 19, 2016 luna.kenny

How to cook meatballs? There are a lot of recipes for their preparation today. For every taste and color. From the most complex and powdered recipes to simple ones. In our article we will tell you easy recipes for meatballs. They will become indispensable helpers for experienced housewives and for those who decide to cook cutlets for the first time in their lives.

Varieties of cutlets

For the preparation of cutlets, absolutely any meat, chopped to the state of minced meat, is suitable. For cutlets you can use this meat:

  • Chicken's meat
  • Pork
  • Mutton
  • Beef
  • Turkey meat
  • Liver (preferably beef - it has the best effect on your hemoglobin)

Also, cutlets can be prepared not only from meat, but from fish, canned fish and even crab sticks. Pike would be a great option. To taste, these cutlets will remind you of stuffed fish, but the cooking technology is very simple.

Can easily make meatballs from vegetables. Cabbage, carrot, potato cutlets are a great option not only for people who eat meat cutlets, but also for vegetarians.

Cooking options for cutlets

Cutlets are the easiest and most delicious dish to prepare. The most common cooking option for cutlets is fry them in a pan. Many housewives, it turns out, fry the cutlets well on the outside, but leave them raw inside. There are also situations when they are very dry, after which both smell and taste are lost. To do this, you need to learn the correct roasting technology. See our tips below.

You can also cook your cutlets in the oven, double boiler or slow cooker.

What to add to minced meat for "zest"?

How to make cutlets tasty and juicy? For the best taste - better minced meat in a meat grinder independently and mix several types of meat. You can add a small amount of water to the scarf - this will give the cutlets tenderness, they will be soft and break off perfectly.

For juiciness - does not hurt piece of butter. If you add hard cheese, the cutlets will acquire a wonderful aftertaste. When bread is added to minced meat, cutlets become very juicy, but only if this bread is initially soaked in cold boiled water. If you take white bread, then your product will swell and increase significantly in size, and if you add stale wheat bread, then the cutlets will become sticky.

For flavor, you can put finely chopped onions. Also, to taste, you can add any porridge to the cutlets, be it rice or buckwheat. And yet, let's tell you a little secret, if you put a few tablespoons of sour cream in minced meat, it will become soft and juicy.

Remember, it is not necessary to add eggs to the cutlets - because of this, they can become slightly tough.

What do you need to successfully cook meatballs? First of all, you need to be good heat up the pan.

If you are making your cutlets in breadcrumbs, we advise you to put them in the freezer for fifteen minutes. Thus, the breading will stick well, and will not crumble when frying.

We also recommend using non-vegetable oil when frying cutlets, which of course will protect your cutlets from burning, but will take away their juiciness, but well melted fat. Cutlets cooked on it will be appetizing and tender.

First, fry the cutlets over high heat until crispy and crispy, then add water, reduce the gas and simmer them until cooked through.

When you want to please yourself and your family - cook cutlets for them, in any way convenient for you. If you follow our advice, your cutlets will always be well-done, juicy, tasty and smelling appetizing.

Sometimes letters come to the site on how to cook this or that, if there is no culinary experience at all. Strictly speaking, we try to make and explain all the recipes in as much detail as possible. But probably, they mean very simple, basic dishes. For example, homemade meatballs. Today is just such a topic - dedicated to novice cooks.

Such cutlets are best cooked from minced meat. You can store-bought, if you are sure of the quality and freshness of meat, or made yourself, if you have a meat grinder or other suitable equipment. In the second case, we simply buy a piece of meat and grind it in a convenient way.

It should be noted that homemade cutlets are tastier if you add a piece to the minced meat. This will make them slightly fatter (and higher in calories, unfortunately), and much tastier. However, this is also a matter of personal preference: if you like lean meat, cook dietary ones, you can do it at all.

Homemade cutlets according to this recipe are tender, juicy inside and crispy on the outside.


To cook meatballs at home, we need

  • minced meat -600 g
  • bulb -1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk -1 glass
  • loaf or white bread - 5 slices
  • salt pepper
  • vegetable oil for frying meatballs

How to cook delicious homemade meatballs

We clean the onion from the husk and grind it in a blender. You can also scroll it through a meat grinder or just grate it on a fine grater. Do not forget to moisten both the onion and the knife more often in cold water - this “folk remedy” will save you from tears.

Pour the bread with milk and leave for 10 minutes to swell. An important point, and necessary, if we want to get lush cutlets.

Then, in a large bowl, combine minced meat, onion, bread, which must be thoroughly squeezed from milk, salt, pepper. Let's put an egg in there.

Thoroughly mix the entire workpiece and beat off the minced meat. It should be homogeneous, so we work with handles. One more piece of advice: you need to “beat off” the minced meat literally, that is, a small forceful action (without fanaticism) is suitable for the preparation for the future cutlet, for example, throwing pieces of meat on a hard surface or at least just in a bowl of minced meat. This is a proprietary technique with, but it can be used in relation to any others: the meat becomes elastic, “alive”, excess liquid leaves it, and softness increases in return.

We form small meatballs.

Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan (I use olive oil) and fry the cutlets first on one side and then on the other until golden brown.

OK it's all over Now. Cutlets are ready. It was the right recipe for homemade cutlets, use it to your health!

When serving, they can be decorated with herbs and vegetables. It is recommended to eat it hot, especially if you added lard. If cutlets are dietary, then they are tasty both hot and cold.

An everyday and well-known dish, like homemade minced meat cutlets, is more tasty than cutlets related to semi-finished products.

Minced meat for cutlets can be prepared from any meat - pork, beef, chicken, lamb, both individually and from its mixture. Cutlets from any minced meat have their own positive taste qualities. Cutlets made from pork, beef or mixed minced meat are considered the most common in cooking. Minced meat can be purchased at the store, although the best option is to cook it yourself.

Minced meat patties - recipe

The principles of cooking cutlets from any minced meat are very similar. Optionally, they can add potatoes, greens, mushrooms, cheese, vegetables and much more. We bring to your attention the easiest recipe for cutlets. Keeping it as a basis, you can experiment with the ingredients.


  • about 5 kg. meat;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 slices of bread;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • breadcrumbs and flour.

1. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, after cutting it into suitable particles. Onions can be skipped along with meat, but cutlets will turn out more juicy if you make mashed potatoes from it using a blender.

2. Break the bread and pour over the milk.

3. Combine minced meat with onion puree, soaked bread. Break the egg, send salt and pepper there. Mix well.

4. Form cutlets from the resulting mass, giving a flat and rounded shape.

5. Dip cutlets in flour or breadcrumbs, then fry in vegetable oil on both sides. If a non-stick frying pan is involved in the preparation, breading can be omitted.

Secrets of perfect cutlets

  • In the process of preparing minced meat, it is recommended to scroll the meat for 1-3 in a meat grinder. During manual processing of meat, internal juices are preserved in the meat fibers.
  • Bread perfectly absorbs meat juice into itself, so cutlets with bread come out more tender and juicy. It is better to take stale bread (crumb). Fresh bread will give the patties extra stickiness. Rye bread or wheat bread is just a matter of taste.
  • Because of the egg, the cutlets are tougher, so adding them is not necessary.
  • Cinnamon, mustard, coriander, garlic and other ingredients will make the cutlets more savory.
  • The juiciness of cutlets is given by the addition of beef fat or lard. Adding butter will prevent the cutlets from losing splendor.
  • For an interesting dish, add potatoes, zucchini, beets, pumpkins, cabbage, carrots, greens, a little kefir or sour cream to them.
  • When the time has come to turn the cutlets, you need to reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. You can determine the readiness of cutlets if you consider the juice coming from them. The juice is clear, and the inside of the patty is gray - the patties are ready!
