
New Year's salads without chicken: simple and tasty recipes, decorations for the year of the Rooster. Budget New Year's saury salad with egg and rice

Salads without chicken New Year 2017: recipes with photos, the most delicious and simple. The most long-awaited holiday is already on the threshold, which means that there is less and less time left to finally decide what will be on the table, notes NewsTut. Gone are the days when, besides Olivier, "Capital", "Vinaigret" and "Mimosa", and even herring under a fur coat, few of the housewives decided on culinary experiments. Now there is no shortage of information, and finding recipes that perfectly suit the culinary preferences of home is a breeze.

Salads without chicken for the New Year 2017: recipes with photos, the most delicious and simple

New Year's salads 2017 is an extravaganza of delicious, beautiful and healthy meals, which will not only decorate the holiday, perfectly saturate and do honor to any hostess, but will also endear you to the owner of the coming year - Fire Rooster.

Salads for the New Year 2017 It is not recommended to cook on the basis of chicken and eggs. It is better to replace these products with similar ones, for example, turkey meat and quail eggs. They can be added instead of chicken in recipes where there should be chicken. In the design, it is also better not to get carried away with the “bird theme”, if the Cockerel notices that guests are eating salad in the form of his fellows with appetite, he may flare up in earnest.

Italian salad with smoked sausage, mozzarella and mango

Original italian recipe this salad instead of sausage contains Parma ham, but the “marching” one is no worse and much more budgetary.

Try to cook it once, and it will take its rightful place among the favorite recipes of your guests.

What do you need for 4 servings?

300 gr any raw smoked sausage, cut into cubes no thicker than 5–7 mm;

200 gr mozzarella, cut into cubes no thicker than 5-7 mm;

250 g white beans, canned in a sweet marinade, drain, rinse and drain;

1 large ripe mango, peel and half cut into cubes; cut the other half thin slices For decoration;

200 g spinach, washed and torn with hands (do not cut with a knife!);

100 ml ordinary low-fat yogurt without flavor additives;

4 tablespoons Dijon mustard;

2 teaspoons maple syrup;

4 feathers green onion and 4 leaves of green basil.

How to cook?

Fry the chopped raw smoked sausage in a frying pan for big fire until browning (no more than 5 minutes), add the beans, mix and leave for another 5-6 minutes. Pour into a bowl and let cool.

Mix the fried sausage and beans with mango and mozzarella in a bowl.

Beat in a blender or whisk salad dressing: yogurt, mustard, maple syrup or honey, finely chopped green onions.

Flat dish or 4 portion plates line with torn spinach, top with a slide to lay out a salad and pour dressing.

Garnish with basil leaves and mango slices.

Salads without chicken for the New Year 2017: recipes with photos, the most delicious and simple. Salad from fresh tomatoes and cauliflower "Happy New Year!"

Fresh vegetables on the New Year's table will perfectly appease the owner of 2017, surprise guests, and will please the home. The recipes of a zealous hostess must also contain such a dish. For him, we need: a pound of cauliflower, 3 fresh tomatoes, a clove of garlic, a bunch of herbs, lemon, vegetable oil. The cooking algorithm is simple, just one, two, three (and the Rooster does not like troubles):

boil the cauliflower inflorescences, after salting the water,

cut the washed tomatoes into slices

mix the cooled cabbage and tomatoes, season with garlic squeezed through a press, and season vegetable oil and lemon, salt to taste. We decorate the treat with greens.

Having paid enough attention to the vegetarian component, let's turn to salads with meat or meat products. Such New Year's recipes festive dishes perfectly saturate and give a rich combination of tastes, and the owner of the year Rooster will not mind the presence of such a treat on the table.

Salads without chicken for the New Year 2017: recipes with photos, the most delicious and simple. "Surprise from Santa Claus" with pineapple in bowls

Treats served in separate vases look great and create the feeling that the hostess took care of each guest personally ... And this is nice, you see. To prepare "Surprise" you need: 390 g of ham or meat home smoked, 120 g hard cheese, 1 can canned pineapple and corn, one each fresh tomato and cucumber, olives, sour cream, mayonnaise, parsley and dill. Easy piquant note A clove of garlic will add flavor to the recipe.

Grind pineapple, tomato and cucumber;

rub the cheese on a grater;

pass garlic through a press;

mix cheese and garlic;

cut ham;

lay out the ingredients in layers in a transparent bowl, spreading each layer with sour cream and mayonnaise in equal number, in this order:


Bon appetit! With coming!


The New Year is rushing towards us, as they say, already at full speed. And now is the time to pick up delicious salads for the New Year 2017. Recipes with photos, new, interesting and easy to prepare. I will tell you how best to select them on the menu, so that cooking does not take much time, and the table turned out to be budgetary in terms of money, and New Year's salads 2017 looked spectacular.

I advise you to draw up the menu now, before the pre-holiday week has begun to spin with New Year's fuss, the purchase of gifts, the painful choice of outfits, the obligatory general cleaning with scraping and tearing the apartment from floor to ceiling. By December 31, the steeplechase reaches its climax and, it would seem, it would be logical to want only one thing - to hide somewhere behind the plinth or curl up under the New Year tree, where you can spend the New Year 2017 calmly in a sweet slumber. But no matter how ! Having straightened fragile shoulders, the country proudly marches into the kitchen to indulge in the most important New Year's activity - the construction of salads. And in that question, the main thing is not at all strong hands, ready to plan, grind, crumble, cut into cubes, circles, rings or thin straws for five hours in a row, but a bright head not clouded with doubts. All the agony of choice delicious salads for the new year 2016 must be finished before December 31st! Mandatory! The menu with New Year's salads must be fully compiled, products purchased. Impromptu with running out to the supermarket a couple of hours before the chiming clock is an activity for real extreme people. Not only are you unlikely to buy something from the list (there was a case when, by 10 pm on December 31, all the eggs were sold out in a large chain supermarket!), But you still stand for 40 minutes in line at the checkout in the company of fellow minds . This is what I'm telling you. For several years in a row I practiced a similar method of preparing for New Year's feast. Although, in fairness, I’ll clarify that I usually ran out for something unimportant like bread, which for some reason was not found in the house, where all the New Year’s salads had long been cut and were waiting in the fridge in all the splendor of festive decoration.

Now it's time to move on to the practical part. Let's see what we have on the menu. I believe that there should be no more than four bowls of salads on the table, one from each category

Chicken salad with pineapple in a new edition

I doubt that you have ever tried such a salad. Improvisation on the theme of the already familiar festive combination chicken and pineapples with the addition of fresh celery, raisins in an unusual light dressing - mayonnaise is mixed with pineapple syrup and mustard. .

Portion salad for the New Year of Teriyaki chicken with pineapple and baked peppers

Salad with bacon, blue cheese and roasted pears

A dizzying combination of ingredients, sweet and sour sharp fill- a delicacy salad made from products that are quite accessible to everyone (including the blue cheese that I now see on most food counters). And most importantly - the taste is balanced. Which is not surprising, because the recipe was created a good chef. I filmed it in detail, step by step. So you can cook it without any pre-training, the first time. Bacon can be substituted for thinly sliced ​​brisket.

Salad Nicoise

If you are trying to keep up (or rather run) in step with modern culinary trends, Nicoise will not surprise you. But if you want to cause legitimate amazement among the guests, prepare this simple fish salad. It is traditionally made with tuna, but the fried red fish version is even tastier. Look, you will see that everything is easy. And the taste is very unusual.

New Year's salads from inexpensive products

Cheapness and angry holiday menu- for many, alas, such a requirement for the New Year's feast has become the main one. But cheap doesn't mean bad. Or tasteless. Here are some recipes for you to choose from.

Budget New Year's saury salad with egg and rice

New Year's dish, as they say, "for three kopecks." And speaking less figuratively, then a can of saury - 47 rubles and a handful of rice, three eggs, two tablespoons of mayonnaise and onion. A little cheese for decoration and half a cucumber for freshness - you get a great New Year's salad. It is also very tasty. Detailed -.

Salad with tuna and cucumber in New Year's serving

Such a salad can be safely served in portions - make a bunch of cucumber cups and in each - a spoonful of salad, which tastes like Olivier, only expensive meat is replaced with canned tuna (80 rubles a bank). In such a festive serving, a salad is enough to treat the residents of a couple of floors of a student dormitory. .

Salad "Red Sea"

Another wonderful cheap salad which, most likely, you yourself have never tried. Relatively, the recipe is a combination of crab sticks with tomatoes, eggs and cheese.

New Year's salads in a spectacular serving

Bunch of grapes

One of the easiest New Year's salads to make. He's not puffy. Everything is mixed in a salad bowl, laid out in a slide on a dish and covered with a dense layer of halves of grapes. In addition to grapes and chicken, the salad contains pistachios and fresh lettuce leaves. Recipe .

Crab rafaallo

Another well-known salad of crab sticks with cheese and mayonnaise. You won’t surprise anyone with this, unless you roll it into balls and roll it in finely grated surimi. It turns out a great decoration for the New Year's table! .

Layered chicken salad with walnuts

Layered salads are good because there is no need to decorate them in any special way. They look like snack cakes due to the fact that their sides are already such a picturesque picture that all that remains is to decorate the top with grated yolk, as we used to do when we serve the traditional “Mimosa” or “Fur Coat” with herring, only here in that salad, besides impressive appearance the contents are also amazing - crispy walnuts, completely not soaked from the sauce. How to make such a salad? But simply, there are tricks that you can reproduce by going to.

Salad "Christmas Tree"

For those who like to tinker with organization beautiful presentation salads, a very easy-to-prepare decor - I took everything off. And how to cut and how to "dress up". Everyone's favorite hid under the vegetable outfit puff salad with chicken, mushrooms, prunes and fresh cucumber. A combination that everyone usually likes very much. Prunes are not perceived at all as dried fruit in this salad, rather like something sweet and sour and smoked. Usually rarely, who can guess what exactly is included in the salad.

New Year's salad "Cornucopia"

The most common, without exception, familiar salad of crab sticks with corn and fresh cucumber is perceived in a completely different way in puff pastry tubes, which are not difficult to bake. And just fill them with salad (instead of the usual cream). .

Light New Year's salads without mayonnaise

Shrimp cocktail salad without mayonnaise

A simple shrimp salad with cucumber and egg in an exquisite and spicy sauce without mayonnaise. Delicious sauce, impossible to break away. You have absolutely never tried anything like this before. Continue reading.

Greek salad

The salad is quite easy to prepare, if you know how to properly prepare the sauce for it - it is thanks to the sauce that the salad turns out to be so recognizable in taste. .

Chicken with pineapple in mustard sauce

Fried in a dry pan chicken breast, pineapple, from which not only do not get fat, but on the contrary - they lose weight, Bell pepper and delicious mustard-honey-lemon sauce. .

Soft cheese salad with pears and walnuts

Original lung recipe festive salad without mayonnaise with roasted walnuts, soft cheese and fresh juicy pears which are now readily available in stores. Mustard sauce with lemon and some honey. .

New Year's shrimp salad with mango and avocado

A traditional combination of products for Western countries, which gives an excellent taste result. Personally, I cannot be torn off by the ears from such a salad. And rather everything new year's eve 2016 I will put it on the table. .

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To favorites

Which new year holidays without a rich table bursting with food? And what New Year's treat without the main attribute of a solemn feast - salads? Gone are the days when, apart from Olivier, Stolichny, Vinaigrette and Mimosa, and even herring under a fur coat, few of the housewives decided on culinary experiments. Now there is no shortage of information, and finding recipes that perfectly suit the culinary preferences of home is a breeze.

The New Year's menu is an extravaganza of delicious, beautiful and healthy dishes that will not only decorate the holiday, perfectly satiate and honor any hostess, but will also endear you to the owner of the upcoming 2019 - the Yellow Earth Pig. The main products from which you need to prepare salads for the New Year are vegetables.

Ready to replenish the piggy bank own ideas a couple of three interesting recipes dishes shown in the photo? Then go ahead!

These are real favorites of the feast in the upcoming New Year holidays. Moreover, preparing them will not require much time or money, and they will bring great benefits to the health of loved ones.

Italian salad with raw smoked chicken, mozzarella and mango

The original Italian recipe for this salad contains Parma ham instead of chicken, but the "camping" one is no worse and much more budgetary.

Try to cook it once, and it will take its rightful place among the favorite recipes of your guests.

What do you need for 4 servings?

  • 300 gr of any raw smoked sausage, cut into cubes no thicker than 5-7 mm;
  • 200 gr mozzarella, cut into cubes no thicker than 5-7 mm;
  • 250 g white beans, canned in a sweet marinade, drain, rinse and drain;
  • 1 large ripe mango, peeled and half diced cut the second half into thin slices for decoration;
  • 200 g spinach, washed and torn with hands (do not cut with a knife!);
  • 100 ml of plain low-fat unflavored yogurt;
  • 4 tablespoons Dijon mustard;
  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup;
  • 4 green onions and 4 green basil leaves.

How to cook?

Fry the chopped raw smoked chicken in a pan over high heat until browning (no more than 5 minutes), add the beans, mix and leave for another 5-6 minutes. Pour into a bowl and let cool. Mix the fried sausage and beans with mango and mozzarella in a bowl. Whisk salad dressing: yogurt, mustard, maple syrup or honey, finely chopped green onions in a blender or whisk.

Line a flat dish or 4 serving plates with torn spinach, put a salad on top and pour dressing over. Garnish with basil leaves and mango slices.

On a note:

  • for lovers of spicy: you can add red to the dressing ground pepper or fresh chopped chili peppers, as well as beans in a spicy marinade;
  • for fans of spicy: add chopped walnuts or blue cheese with mold;
  • if you don't have canned beans, then it can be replaced with boiled, and maple syrup with buckwheat honey;
  • choose a ripe, but not overripe mango for a salad; otherwise, it will turn into a mushy paste and spoil the aesthetic appearance of the dish;
  • to prevent the spinach from turning brown, do not cut it with a knife, tear it with your hands and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Crab salad with beets

To prepare the New Year's beetroot salad correctly, you will need simple ingredients:
3-4 medium-sized beets;
150 g crab sticks;
1 onion;
dill greens;
3 eggs;

To make the dish quick to prepare, you will have to boil root vegetables and eggs ahead of time. By the right moment, they will have time to cool down, which is also important for those who are in a hurry, having come home from work, to feed their families.

For salad, small root crops with a rich color are selected. They will be much juicier and sweeter. It is convenient to grind the prepared vegetable on a grater.

It is advisable to purchase the sticks chilled. They should be removed from the package, cut, as in the photo, with a knife. Eggs are also cut into roughly equal-sized pieces. It remains to peel the onion and chop it finely so that the children do not throw out the bitter pieces. Greens according to the recipe are cut last. In this order, dill will retain the smell and nutrients longer.

It's time for the mayonnaise. Check from the photo that all the ingredients stated in the recipe are together in a common plate before dressing. The contents are thoroughly but gently mixed. It is important that the salad with beets and crab sticks became juicy, but did not turn into a burgundy porridge.

Quite a simple salad, but tasty, so it can be prepared as new year dish. If vegetables and eggs were boiled in advance, then it took no more than 20 minutes to create yummy. Bon appetit!

Fresh tomato and cauliflower salad

Fresh vegetables on the New Year's table will not offend the owner of 2019, they will surprise guests, and they will please the family. The recipes of a zealous hostess must also contain such a dish. For him, we need: a pound of cauliflower, 3 fresh tomatoes, a clove of garlic, a bunch of herbs, lemon, vegetable oil. The cooking algorithm is simple, just one, two, three (and the Dog does not like troubles):

  • boil the cauliflower inflorescences, after salting the water,
  • cut the washed tomatoes into slices
  • mix the cooled cabbage and tomatoes, season with garlic squeezed through a press, and season with vegetable oil and lemon, salt to taste. We decorate the treat with greenery.

"Surprise from Santa Claus" with pineapple in bowls

New Year's salads, served in separate vases, look great, and create the feeling that the hostess took care of each guest personally ... And this is nice, you see. To prepare "Surprise" you need: 390 g boiled chicken, 120 g of hard cheese, 1 can of canned pineapple and corn, 1 fresh tomato and cucumber, olives, sour cream, mayonnaise, parsley and dill. A clove of garlic will add a light spicy note of taste to the recipe. Next, we act in the following sequence, focusing on the photo:

  • chop pineapple, tomato and cucumber;
  • rub the cheese on a grater;
  • pass garlic through a press;
  • mix cheese and garlic;
  • cut chicken;
  • layer-by-layer lay out the ingredients in a transparent bowl, spreading each layer with sour cream and mayonnaise in equal amounts, in this order:
  • chicken,
  • cucumber,
  • corn,
  • tomato,
  • a pineapple,

"New Year's joy" with beef and cucumbers

This dish is served chilled, has a thin interesting taste, which will especially please beef lovers, and Piggy will not mind him.

To begin, we compose next set products: 200 g boiled lean beef, half a can canned peas, sweet and sour apple, half an onion head, 2 boiled potatoes, 5 pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise, pine nuts. Then we proceed to the actual preparation, sequentially placing in a bowl:

  • minced meat,
  • diced apples,
  • green pea,
  • potatoes, also diced
  • chopped pickled cucumbers,
  • finely chopped onion,
  • mayonnaise.

Everything is mixed and sent to the refrigerator. The finished dish is laid out on a plate with the help of a ring, the top is sprinkled pine nuts. An example of design is in the picture.

Salad with beef, green radish and sautéed onion "Snowball"

"Snowball" is very popular and has many variations when poultry is used instead of beef. But we will consider the option with beef, it is more appropriate for our case. So, we prepare: 120 g boiled veal, kernels walnuts(about 90 g), green radish, mayonnaise (3 tablespoons), spices. The dish is prepared like this:

  • veal fillet is boiled and cut into thin slices or strips;
  • walnuts are crushed;
  • radish is rubbed on a coarse grater;
  • the listed ingredients are mixed;
  • onion is added, cut into rings and fried in vegetable oil;
  • topped with mayonnaise.

New Year's salad recipes with fish and seafood

The meeting of 2019 will not do without the New Year's Caesar salad! Only we won't use traditional recipes With chicken meat, and add slightly salted salmon. It will turn out interesting and tasty (see photo).

New Year's "Caesar" with salmon

Need to prepare 3 slices white bread, lightly salted salmon, lettuce (Iceberg is better), 2 large tomatoes, olive oil, garlic clove. You also need to separately prepare the sauce for dressing from the following components: 3 tablespoons olive oil, garlic cloves, half a teaspoon of mustard, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, 15 g parmesan cheese. Having collected everything you need, we proceed to assemble the dish:

  • cut the bread into cubes and fry in a pan with a little olive oil and garlic until golden brown;
  • prepare the sauce by combining and stirring oil, garlic, vinegar, mustard, a little (5 g) grated cheese;
  • put lettuce leaves on a dish;
  • put the salmon there;
  • pour everything with sauce;
  • top with breadcrumbs.

Salad with tuna "New Year's miracle"

To please your loved ones for the New Year 2019, this wonderful delicacy will not take much time and special, exotic products. And the result will be even better than in the photo.

Judge for yourself, for cooking you need to stock up: a jar canned tuna, one bell pepper, olives, one tomato, lettuce. We make a dressing based on vinegar and olive oil. Suitable and regular mayonnaise. To obtain ready meal as in the photo, we act like this:

  • the leaves are washed and thoroughly dried, torn and folded into a bowl;
  • liquid is drained from canned food, tuna is crushed with a fork and sent to the leaves;
  • pepper and tomato are cut into equal-sized pieces and added to the rest of the ingredients;
  • olives, oil and vinegar are added last. Spices - to taste.

"Gift of Poseidon" with cod liver

Despite the fact that the ingredients for this treat can be easily found, if not in every refrigerator, then in any supermarket, this New Year's salad surprises with a delicate and balanced taste and is ideal for festive feast in honor of 2019 Year of the Pig.

As everyone already knows, the upcoming 2019 will be held under the sign of the Yellow Earth Pig. And therefore, according to the already established tradition, we began to take this fact into account when preparing for the solemn day.

We are trying to find out better what to expect from the coming period. We read horoscopes, we try to figure out how the Symbol of the next 365 days can affect our lives. And of course, we are first of all preparing for the celebration, taking into account what the Master of the Year loves! To appease him, and to help him make the next segment of life successful for us in every way!

And for this we select for ourselves the appropriate festive attire. For friends and relatives, we purchase the necessary and beautiful gifts, and of course we cover a beautiful festive table.

And there is not a single hostess or host who would not ask himself the question “What to cook for the festive table?” After all, this question is by no means rhetorical. All of us on December 30, 31 will put on aprons and settle down in our kitchen for a long time. After all, you need to have time to cook appetizers, and salads, and main dishes, and desserts.

And in order not to forget anything, and not to cook anything superfluous, you need to make a menu in advance. It will help you plan what you need to buy. What can be stored for a long time, purchase in advance, and perishable products buy the day before.

When compiling the menu for the Year of the Yellow Pig, some features must be taken into account. Let's look at the wishes for the holiday menu.

  • Firstly, Pig is omnivorous, which means we will cook completely different and delicious dishes.
  • secondly, Boar does not mind different types meat, and he will be happy with beef, lamb, chicken, fish and seafood. Do not forget that pork in any form is not served this evening.
  • thirdly, the image of the Master of the Year in the design of dishes will be very useful.
  • fourthly, the bright, colorful design of the dishes will please Piggy. Who will refuse when such a holiday is arranged in his honor.
  • fifthly, dishes should be homemade, tasty and cooked with love. It is always more pleasant to deal with a domestic calm Boar than with a hungry furious boar.
  • sixth, do not abuse strong drinks. And then by chance you can fall asleep at the table, burying your face in a salad. And then everyone will not be the best way to compare you with a Pig !!!

However, you can spend the outgoing year with dignity. To say thank you to the owner of the passed segment of life - to thank yellow dog for all the good things she has done for us. Therefore, you can spend it by making a small salad with her image.

Here are the main wishes for the menu. If you manage to comply with them, then it will be just great! The Boar and the Pig will not leave this unattended. They will understand that this respect and respect we render to them.

Well, it's good for us too. We also want our festive table to be beautiful, and tasty "home-style" is covered. Therefore, in this our desires coincide with him!

Let me offer you options for dishes from which you can create an excellent menu for your table without special trouble and long searches.

The menu, as expected, includes snacks, salads (moreover, pay attention to the link that will lead you to the most beloved and most sought after - there are a lot of them!).

The main dishes are presented with recipes of tasty and beautiful meat, fish, duck.

I also paid a lot of attention to desserts and drinks. 'Cause we're getting ready for the real thing big holiday. Therefore, you need to think about everything!

For the festive table, we usually cook several different options appetizers, put out meat, fish and vegetable plates, prepare two or three salads, one main hot dish and dessert, it can be a cake, mousse, jelly, soufflé. Pies are often baked, dumplings are molded and boiled. Alcoholic drinks are also served on the table. non-alcoholic cocktails, strong alcohol.

Of course, all the dishes in one article cannot be covered, but let's look at at least some of them, the most delicious and beautiful.

Profiteroles with cream cheese and salmon

We will need:

  • creamy cottage cheese— 300 gr
  • cream 35% -50 ml
  • slightly salted salmon - 300 gr
  • red caviar - for decoration
  • dill - bunch
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Profiteroles can be baked in advance, or you can buy ready-made ones.

2. Cream cheese can be used with Hohland or Almette brands. Beat cheese with curd. Add chopped dill, leave a little for decoration, salt and pepper to taste. Beat until smooth.

3. Cut off the tops of the profiteroles. Using a pastry bag, fill them with the resulting mixture.

4. Slice the salmon thinly (you can also use salmon) and roll it into a rose shape.

5. Decorate the appetizer with red fish, red caviar and herbs.

It turns out beautiful, tasty and quick snack that your guests will surely love.

The same appetizer can be prepared using tartlets. And instead of red fish, they can be decorated with boiled shrimp.

Shells with red and black caviar

We will need:

  • black caviar - 0.5 cans
  • red caviar - 0.5 cans
  • large shells - 100-150 gr
  • cucumbers, tomatoes, greens - for decoration

Caviar is always welcome on any festive table. And therefore it is desirable to have it in some dishes. And here is one of the options. But instead of the usual laying it out on a piece of loaf, you can improvise a little and serve caviar in this form.

Since everything is clear here and without words, we will not describe the whole process. Well, it’s clear to everyone that the shells must first be boiled and then cooled.

Julienne with meat and mushrooms

Well, what is a winter holiday without julienne. Classic variant involves its preparation chicken fillet but we can also cook it with meat.

We will need:

  • boiled meat - 500-700 gr.
  • fresh mushrooms - 250 gr. (or other mushrooms)
  • onion - 2-3 pcs.
  • cheese hard varieties- 150-200 gr.
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon

You can choose any of the recipes to your taste. Both of them are tasty and beautiful, so you can safely cook one and the other. The recipes are proven and they will not let you down.

Cottage cheese and cheese paste "Snowman"

How can December and January be complete without your favorite winter characters? Therefore, we are preparing delicious snack"Snowman". This option will not leave indifferent neither adults nor children!

We will need:

  • cottage cheese - 150 gr
  • processed cheese - 1 pc.
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs
  • butter - 50 gr (2.5 tablespoons)
  • mayonnaise - 2 teaspoons
  • walnuts - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • french fries, black bread, cracker And bell pepper- For decoration
  • garlic - 1 pc.
  • dill - for decoration
  • salt - to taste


1. Boil eggs and cool. Separate whites from yolks.

2. Grate the yolks and one third of the processed cheese chilled in the freezer on fine grater. Grind nuts with a mixer. Add mayonnaise and mix.

3. Moisten your hands in water and form balls from the yolk mass.

4. Grind the cottage cheese and the remaining cheese through a sieve, add chopped garlic, butter. Salt to taste and stir.

5. Stick around curd mass yolks and form a snowman.

6. Rub the squirrels on a fine grater. They can additionally stick around a snowman, or you can put it on a plate, making impromptu snow out of it.

7. Cut out hats from black bread. From vegetables - eyes and mouth. Fry french fries and make pens. Decorate. Put on a circle of cookies.

You can decorate a snowman with boiled carrots. A bucket hat can be cut out of it, as well as a nose. From dill you can make twigs.

How to decorate meat, fish and vegetable plates beautifully

The next topic is the design of meat, fish and vegetable plates. Of course, every housewife has experience in decorating such plates. But you can peep some ideas from others.

Here's an example of how you can arrange a fish plate.

What do you think of meat plates?

A vegetable platter would also come in handy. With it, the table always becomes especially bright and festive, as well as creating a festive mood.

Okay, this is what we did. Let's move on to salads.

But not all fish bake. Many people like to cook fried fish for the festive table.

Fish in batter "Delightful"

This fish can be served both hot and cold. And believe me, despite the abundance of dishes and snacks, such a fish will fly apart just once or twice.

We will need:

  • fish (any) - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying

For test:

  • light beer - 1 glass
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Separate the fish from the bones or use ready-made fish fillet. Drizzle with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes.

2. Prepare the dough. Mix beer, egg, sour cream. Slowly add flour, stirring the contents. The dough should be quite thick and should not drip when you dip the fish in it.

3. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the fish in batter.

The dish has its name for a reason. The fish is truly amazing. And it's really easy to prepare!

This batter recipe is based on beer, but is on separately whipped whites and yolks. There is also a video on how to make it.

Well, a lot of recipes have already been written, it's time to move on to desserts. Throughout the year, we collected various desserts on the pages of the blog, cooked according to them, and ate with great pleasure. Let's repeat some of them, especially since they are world famous and loved.

Fruit and berry jelly cake without baking "Winter Snowdrift"

A delicious cake, which, despite the abundance tasty food on a magical winter night, will not go unnoticed.

Berries and fruits can be used according to the season, whatever you want!

We will need:

  • banana - 1 pc
  • kiwi - 1 pc.
  • peaches - 2 pcs
  • apricots - 5-6 pcs
  • strawberries - 0.5 tbsp
  • raspberries - 0.5 tbsp
  • sour cream - 0.5 l
  • gelatin - 3 tbsp. spoons (30 gr)
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • biscuit -250-300 gr

The preparation of such a cake can not be called difficult. It is prepared with great pleasure, however, as it is eaten. That is why you want to cook such a cake again and again.

The only difficulty is that you have to wait all night for it to freeze. And when he stands in the refrigerator and teases with his appearance, it is simply impossible to endure! So I want to try it as soon as possible. The difficulty of preparing such a cake before the holiday may lie in the fact that it may simply not lie before the magical winter night. Especially in those families who have already prepared it.

The cake is delicious and light at the same time. White and just right for winter holiday. That is why it got its name - winter snowdrift". We put a big bold checkmark next to this recipe. And those who want to put such a tick, go to the page with the recipe, it's called

Dessert Eaton Mess with berries and cream

We will need (for 6 servings):

  • cream (33%) - 750 ml.
  • raspberries or strawberries - 300-400 gr
  • soufflé (or meringue) 200 gr
  • mint for decoration
  • redcurrant - for decoration

This dessert will take the most worthy place on your holiday table!

Dessert "Sweet tree"

We will need:

  • butter - 250 gr
  • powdered sugar - 500 gr
  • milk - 5-8 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife
  • salt - a pinch
  • food coloring Green colour

For cupcakes (22-24 pieces):

  • flour - 3 cups
  • water - 2 glasses
  • sugar - 1.5-2 cups
  • cocoa - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil -3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons
  • soda -2 tsp
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • vanilla sugar- 2 teaspoons

Stuffing, decoration:

  • strawberry
  • M&Mdens dragee packaging


1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. Beat it with a mixer into a thick white mass. Add powdered sugar, vanilla, salt, food coloring and beat everything until smooth.

2. Add milk, first 5 tablespoons, beat, and gradually add more to achieve desired consistency cream. Beat the finished mass for 5 - 7 minutes.

3. For cupcakes, mix flour, sugar, cocoa, soda, salt and vanilla sugar. Sift through a sieve, preferably twice.

4. Pour in the vinegar, mix with a fork. Then butter, and mix again with a fork. No need to beat!

5. Pour in water and continue whisking with a fork until smooth. Don't whip!

6. Put the dough into molds and bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

7. Now let's decorate. Lubricate the cupcake with cream and place a berry in the center so that it stands steadily.

8. Put the cream in pastry bag with the smallest nozzle in the form of an asterisk.

9. Starting from the bottom, we form spruce branches from the cream. To do this, you need to attach the end of the nozzle to the berry and squeeze out the cream about 1 cm. After we stop pressing, we take our hand away. And we do the same for the next branch.

Arranging branches in checkerboard pattern in relation to the bottom row.

10. We decorate Christmas trees with dragees and asterisks-cookies.

Such a dessert is enjoyed by both adults and children. It is very tasty and, without a doubt, festive! Prepare it and please yourself and your loved ones.

Well, the last topic is drinks! What a holiday without them!

Cocktail "Homemade Baileys"

We will need:

  • egg yolks - 5 pieces
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • sweetened condensed milk - 1 can
  • vodka - 200 ml
  • instant coffee - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. To prepare a cocktail, you only need fresh eggs. Wash them with soap and dry with paper towel. Separate the yolks from the whites.

2. Grind the yolks with sugar. Blend with condensed milk.

3. Dilute instant coffee in vodka.

4. Combine two mixtures into one using a mixer. Pour into a bottle. homemade baileys ready! You can't tell from the real one! Yes, and it is made of only one natural ingredients!

Cocktail "Royal Delight"

We will need:

  • blackcurrant liqueur - 10 ml
  • dry champagne - 100 ml

In the absence of blackcurrant liqueur, it can be replaced with any other berry liqueur.


Pour liqueur into a champagne glass. Then pour champagne. Garnish the rim of the glass with a strawberry or orange slice. You can add ice cubes.

Cocktail "Azure Blues"

We will need:

  • white rum - 1 part
  • orange juice - 2 parts
  • pineapple juice - 2 parts
  • juice of half a lime
  • fresh mint
  • crushed ice


Mix all ingredients with a shaker. Pour into a tall glass, add crushed ice, garnish with mint leaves.

We all had adult cocktails. But you also need to prepare a delicious children's cocktail. And I have one in mind.

Children's cocktail "Morozko"

We will need:

  • three different types of ice cream
  • cream
  • mineral water
  • sugar
  • lemon juice


1. Dip the edge of the glass in lemon juice. Dip in sugar so that the edge of the glass turns out to be slightly “snowy”.

2. Gently put 1 full tablespoon of different ice cream into a glass. You can use vanilla, strawberry, pineapple, pistachio. The main thing is that each of them has its own taste.

3. Pour up to half a glass of cream. Mix gently with a spoon.

4. Top up mineral water, but so that the glass is only 3/4 filled. A foam should form.

Children love this cocktail. So be prepared for them to ask for extras too!

As you can see, there are quite a few ideas for the holiday menu! But after all, a lot is not a little! It's always good to have a choice. And in today's material you can choose a recipe for every taste. There are appetizers, salads, main courses, desserts, and even cocktails.

All recipes are tested and should not let you down! And it remains for me to wish you good mood!

Happy New Year! And may your holiday table be the best!

Before each New Year, we all try to find out which year of which animal is coming. We need to know this in order to dress properly, apply appropriate makeup, do the right hairstyle and, of course, how to serve New Year's table. But the main question that worries all housewives, meeting this beloved holiday at home, in the family circle, what to serve to the table. Search for new holiday recipes It is a very exciting and exciting process. Of course, many do not cancel the traditional “Herring under a fur coat” and “Olivier” salad, but I always want to cook something unusual and new.
The Year of the Red Fire Rooster is coming, so let's immediately forget all the dishes that use chicken products. Or, if possible, replace them with other meat. Even Olivier will be made with sausage, not chicken breasts.

To begin with, I offer you 2 salads with kiwi for a sample. This fruit is for sale all year round. It will add exquisite notes of hot tropics to our salads. In addition, the fruit is extremely beneficial for health.

Exotic fruit is underestimated in our country, and this situation must be corrected immediately. Sweet and sour taste kiwi is ideal not only for desserts, but also for salads, so if you don’t know what to cook for the New Year and want to impress your guests with fresh culinary idea check out this recipe.

Festive dishes should be beautifully served and decorated, and a kiwi salad always turns out bright and solemn, thanks to its emerald sheen. In addition, it is easy and quick to cook, which is very important during the New Year's race. Yes, I almost forgot! In recipe 2 chicken eggs I replaced it with quail. What to do if without eggs anywhere?! And you put what you want. Talked! Let's start making salad!

Helpful advice : Prepare this salad just before the feast, it turns out wet and may “drain” prematurely.

New Year's layered veal salad with mushrooms


Kiwi 4 pieces.

Veal 500 grams.

Quail egg 4 pieces.

Hard cheese 150-170 grams.

Canned champignons 350 grams.

Salt, oil for frying.

Mayonnaise 70-80 ml.


1. Boil the veal until cooked, and then cut into thin strips.

2. Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry until tender.

3. Boil eggs and grate finely.

4. Cheese also grate.

5. Peel and cut the kiwi into rings, and then divide each of them into 6-8 parts to make small triangles.

6. Spread the salad in layers, spreading thinly with mayonnaise. The first layer is chopped veal, then an egg, then champignons, cheese and the final one is kiwi. Level each of the layers, pressing them down with a spoon.
