
What is the most delicious salad in the world. Cold appetizers "time travel"

Salads are a dish that will decorate any table, which is why the theme of delicious salads, salad recipes is so popular. To meet the wishes of our readers, we are expanding the "Salads" section so that you can always find new recipe delicious dish and conquer your loved ones and guests with a new original taste.

We have collected a whole collection for you and offer delicious salads from around the world, several recipe options popular salads allow you to diversify usual salads- new sauces, new products added to the recipe you know will create a new dish. You will find vegetables and fruit salads, dietary salads, salads with meat, chicken, seafood, as well as exotic recipes. In addition - options for sauces that can transform any dish, as well as options for decorating salads. Our consultants will tell how to cook signature salads, which can only be tried in expensive restaurants will reveal secrets famous dishes and you will find out why the same salads from different hostesses have different tastes.

cod liver salad recipes . Salads with cod liver have long and firmly established themselves at the top of culinary ratings. The taste of cod liver is very unusual, which allows you to create not just salads, but real culinary masterpieces. Why don't you listen to the accolades.

salmon salads . Fish salads have always been considered an indicator of high culinary skill. We bring to your attention several recipes for salmon salad, with which you can easily surprise both home and guests. And we'll start with how to choose the right fish for such salads.

Salads with red caviar - recipes . Despite the fact that red caviar has become more accessible, its presence on the table still speaks of the sophistication of the dish. It doesn't matter if it's a festive table or romantic dinner, salads with red caviar - it's always luxurious and very tasty!

Salads with tongue - gourmet recipes . Salads, which include the tongue, enjoy well-deserved fame - this is a wonderful delicacy, known for its special taste, worthy of any table - festive, romantic and even dietary. We invite you to try and evaluate.

Salads with avocado . Tired of salads classic ingredients? Need unusual taste? We strongly advise you to pay attention to salads with avocados, and new taste emotions are provided. The main thing is to prepare the product so that it becomes soft, suitable for salad.

Caesar salad . To prepare real salad Caesar, you'll either need a professional chef to help you or our little secrets. But there is also sauce ... I am ready to give you a recipe for a delicious salad and Caesar sauce, which can be easily performed at home.

Greek salad . Greek salads And Greek cuisine are known all over the world as very healthy, tasty and healthy dishes. Having mastered one of the recipes, you can also claim a high rank professional chef. Or a beloved wife and the best mother in the world.

Mimosa salad . Have you noticed that Mimosa salad in every house is different in taste and appearance? This is because behind all sorts of varieties and additions, the true harmonious combination products that have been verified the best chefs. The real recipe is in our material.

Shrimp salads . Shrimps are rightfully a delicacy, a product haute cuisine. In China, it is believed that shrimp are the focus of yang energy - the masculine principle. How to please your loved one? We have salad recipes that will surely please him.

Salads with chicken . There are a lot of them, but there are names that are pronounced with special reverence. On our website you will find complete recipes most famous salads with Chiken - " Garnet bracelet"," Capercaillie's Nest", "Shanghai" - chicken and pineapples, "Capriccio" - chicken with prunes.

Salads with crab sticks . Crab sticks are remarkable in that they go well with many products - this allows hostesses to pamper guests and household members with new recipes for salads on a "crab" theme. Moreover, each salad is unlike the other, and often even ...

mushroom salad recipes . Salads with mushrooms have many advantages - they will fit perfectly into any, even festive, table, they have good taste They are low in calories and very easy to prepare. For information on which mushrooms are best to choose and what to combine them with, see here.

bean salad recipes . Want to put something tasty and unusual on the table, but don't have the time or energy for culinary masterpieces? Beans will help you - nutritious and healthy dish from this product you can create in just a few minutes. Here are some great recipes...

Pineapple Salad Recipes . If you are puzzling over what else to surprise your guests with, or just looking for an original recipe for a delicious, but not ordinary, Everyday life, salad, then try making a salad with pineapples. The combination of flavors will surprise even the gourmet.

Salads with squid . Squid as a food product has long been recognized as one of the most valuable and delicious seafood. In this topic - recipes for the most delicious salads with squid. But we will start by telling you how to cook squid so that it is not rubbery ...

Salads in a hurry. If time is running out, and the table should look decent, you can quickly solve the problem. Chefs famous restaurants tell how you can change salad recipes to hastily so that they are even worthy of a festive table.

Salads with quail eggs , very tasty and healthy, even connoisseurs will like it gourmet cuisine. In many ways, they are many times superior to chicken ones, forcing you to take a fresh look at recipes for salads with eggs. Original salad recipes - in our material.

Corn Salad Recipes . Corn - what could be easier, you say. And you will be right, but only in part, because there are recipes that you do not know for sure. If you are interested, see what original salads can make cooks with dessert corn.

Vegetable diet salads . We bring to your attention vegetable recipes dietary salads which contain fiber, vitamins, trace elements, have low calorie are very beneficial for health and weight loss. You will especially like the fact that the salads on offer...

Tomato Salad Recipes . Tomatoes reddened under the sun are not only a storehouse beneficial trace elements and vitamins, it's always a delicious reminder of summer. In this regard, let me present to your attention the ten most original recipes salads with tomatoes.

Seafood Salad Recipes . It is no accident that seafood salads are among the top three most ordered salads in restaurants - they are almost impossible to spoil, but their appearance and taste are always on top. It remains only to choose the style and components.

Seaweed salads . Seaweed is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and especially iodine, which is often lacking in our polished food. salad recipes with sea ​​kale will solve this problem. They are easy to prepare and are enjoyed by both men and women.

Salads Sea cocktail . Salads with sea ​​cocktail- a real table decoration and a holiday for true gourmet. Their special advantage is several different tastes, which at the same time are able to give us combinations of seafood. What you should definitely try is...

Salads with tuna . Tuna salads are very popular not only because of the excellent taste of this fish, but also because of its many useful properties. At the same time, the recipes should not be complicated so that the ingredients of the salad do not overshadow the wonderful tuna.

Salads with apples - Slavic salad recipes . Apples can be used in the preparation of most various dishes, but they complement salads especially harmoniously - try the old Slavic recipes salads with apples and make sure that our ancestors also knew how to cook deliciously.

Celery salads . Celery is wonderful dietary product, salads with it help to lose excess weight, normalize hormonal background, cleanse the body, improve the quality of our hair and skin. Here are recipes that will allow you to get the most out of this vegetable.

Prune Salad Recipes . What do we want from a salad? Appearance? Extraordinary taste? All this and much more is in the recipes for salads with prunes - interesting ideas for those who like to please their taste buds in salads with an unusual taste.

Carrots in Korean - a real recipe . It would seem that it is easier to add butter, pepper to carrots and put on the table. But something is wrong ... Today we will tell you how real Koreans prepare carrot salad in Korean, what is the secret and specificity of the recipe.

. What to please children's table? Of course, turtle salad. It will appeal to both children and adults, and above it appearance it is quite possible to work hard with the whole family. A very simple salad recipe that will give your table a very original and tasty dish.

Salad Cap of Monomakh . There are not many salad recipes that look like holiday table always evokes admiration. And even among this illustrious cohort, the Monomakh's Hat salad stands apart thanks to palatability and original design.

Salad Recipes for the New Year . Soon New Year 2015, which means it's time for the holidays New Year's salads- let's see how you can cook salads at home, which will be an excellent decoration for the New Year's holiday table and will amaze great taste guests.

Before the holidays, we always face the question, what kind of salads to cook this time? I want them to be tasty, beautiful, not very expensive, and did not cook for a long time. We have selected for you the 12 most beautiful holiday salads, from this day on you will not have to start thinking about salads a week before a holiday. You will already have super-recipes in your arsenal that you can use at any time.

1. Salad "Royal Pork"

This salad is very refined taste, it will appeal to all gourmets. The combination of prunes with nuts and meat is perfect!


  • Pork fillet - 300 grams;
  • potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • walnuts- 50 grams;
  • prunes - 70 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • cheese - 200 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 1 pack

Royal Pork Salad. Step by step recipe

  1. Grind: meat, onion, potatoes and prunes soaked in boiling water in advance.
  2. Grate carrots and eggs.
  3. Pickle the onion with 1/3 tablespoon of sugar and vinegar.
  4. Now lay out all the ingredients in layers.
  5. 1 layer: potatoes, smear with mayonnaise.
  6. 2 layer: onion, meat, smear with mayonnaise.
  7. 3 layer: prunes, sprinkle with nuts, spread with mayonnaise.
  8. 4 layer: grated eggs, spread with mayonnaise.
  9. 5th layer: cheese.

Decorate as fantasy allows!

A hearty and nutritious salad ready to serve! The taste of this salad will remain in your memory for a long time, cook tasty and original.

2. Salad "Sea Queen"

I bring to your attention the Sea Queen salad for true seafood lovers. The composition contains squid, which is perfectly combined with red fish caviar.


  • squid - 1 kilogram;
  • cheese - 300 grams;
  • salmon caviar - 100 grams;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 300 grams;

Salad "Sea Queen". Step by step recipe

  1. Boil squid.
  2. Cut into strips.
  3. Rub the eggs. Russian cheese and potatoes also rub on a coarse grater, but do not mix.
  4. Lay out in layers.
  5. 1 layer - squid, mayonnaise on top.
  6. 2 layer - caviar.
  7. 3 layer - potatoes, mayonnaise on top.
  8. 4 layer - Russian cheese, mayonnaise on top.
  9. 5 layer - caviar.
  10. 6 layer - squid, mayonnaise on top.
  11. Layer 7 - eggs.
  12. 8 layer - caviar.
  13. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak.

Bon appetit!

The Sea Queen salad, although it comes out a little more expensive than mimosa or olivier, will not remain indifferent to it. The salad will fly off the table first thing!

3. Salad "Curly"

Salad "Kucheryashka" - airy and uncomplicated. It will replace the usual fatty dishes and will delight you with an amazing taste!


  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • apples - 2 pieces;
  • chicken fillet - 300 grams;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • corn - 360 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 250 grams;

Salad "Curly". Step by step recipe

  1. Boil fillets and eggs.
  2. Peel carrots and apples. Grate.
  3. Mince the meat. Grate the eggs too.
  4. Lay in layers on a platter.
  5. 1 layer - mayonnaise mesh.
  6. 2 layer - grease carrots with mayonnaise.
  7. 3 layer - eggs and mayonnaise.
  8. 4 layer - apple and mayonnaise.
  9. 5 layer - chicken meat and mayonnaise.
  10. 6 layer - corn.
  11. Salt carrots and meat while picking up the salad.
  12. Leave for several hours in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

Salad "Kucheryashka" - a real taste explosion. Try to make such a magical salad that will amaze everyone with a fabulous taste.

4. Salad "Korean happiness"

The salad got its name because the Korean carrot was included in the composition, it gives not only spicy taste, but also wonderful with mushrooms and smoked chicken meat!


  • smoked chicken thigh- 3 pieces;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • champignon mushrooms - 400 grams;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • pickles - 3 pieces;
  • Korean carrots - 300 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 50 grams;

Salad "Korean happiness". Step by step recipe

  1. First, boil the eggs, then cool and chop.
  2. Mushrooms fried in a pan with onions.
  3. Smoked chicken thighs and crumble cucumbers.
  4. Lay out on a plate.
  5. 1 layer - smoked chicken thighs, spread with mayonnaise.
  6. 2 layer - mushrooms with onions.
  7. 3 layer - cucumbers.
  8. 4 layer - chopped eggs.
  9. Layer 5 - Korean carrot.
  10. Decorate with vegetable flowers.

Having tried this bewitching salad once, you will cook it again and again! An incomparable combination of flavors will please everyone, and the hand will reach for the supplement, so cook in advance so that everyone has enough!

5. Salad "Beets under a fur coat"

It's time to replace the herring under a fur coat. Beets under a fur coat very interesting salad the combination of beets and chicken is amazing. Preparation is lightning fast and elementary, and the presentation is original and not stereotyped. He is definitely worthy of your attention.


  • boiled beets - 4 pieces;
  • boiled carrots - 3 pieces;
  • prunes - 150 grams;
  • hard Russian cheese - 200 grams;
  • garlic - 4 teeth;
  • walnuts - 85 grams;
  • greenery;
  • mayonnaise - 250 grams;

Salad "Beets under a fur coat". Step by step recipe

  1. Grate beets and mix with mayonnaise. Add crushed garlic to the mixture.
  2. Grate carrots, and mix with cheese, also previously grated.
  3. Grind the fillet, mix with mayonnaise and nuts.
  4. Chop prunes as well.
  5. Arrange in layers on a platter.
  6. 1 layer - half of the beet mass.
  7. 2 layer - chicken meat with nuts.
  8. 3 layer - cheese with carrots.
  9. 4 layer - prunes and mayonnaise.
  10. 5 layer - the remaining beets

Decorate as desired.

Beetroot salad under a fur coat - great salad. It will freshen up your festive table! Original submission will not leave indifferent.

6. Salad "Pineapple Paradise"

Paradisaic delight will be right at your home if you prepare this salad. It turns out not expensive, but to prepare instantly. Salad "Pineapple Paradise" will enchant the beauty of all guests.


  • chicken fillet - half a kilogram;
  • onions - 4 pieces;
  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • marinated champignons - 1 jar;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 250 grams;
  • chopped pineapples - 1 can;
  • mayonnaise - 1 pack;

Salad "Pineapple Paradise". Step by step recipe

  1. Boil chicken fillet, chop.
  2. Cut the onion, marinate with 1/3 tablespoon of sugar and vinegar.
  3. Grate cheese with eggs.
  4. Mushrooms cut into slices.
  5. Lay out in layers.
  6. 1 layer - onion, mayonnaise on top.
  7. 2nd layer - grease the chicken meat with mayonnaise.
  8. 3 layer - potatoes and mayonnaise on top.
  9. 4 layer - champignons.
  10. 5 layer - eggs, mayonnaise on top.
  11. 6 layer - cheese, mayonnaise on top.
  12. 7 layer - pineapples.
  13. Decorate with greenery.

The sweetness of pineapple adds to this salad that is pleasant in every way, delicate taste one that cannot be described in words. Need to try it urgently!

7. Salad "Funny lights"

Lettuce will give the brightest colors and bring a real solemn mood to your home.


  • chicken fillet - 1/2 kilogram;
  • Korean carrot - 120 grams;
  • eggs - 5 pieces;
  • Russian cheese - 200 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 1 pack (200 grams);
  • canned corn - 100 grams;

Salad "Funny lights". Step by step recipe

  1. Cut the fillet into squares.
  2. Boil five eggs first. Divide them into whites and yolks. Crumble.
  3. Grate Russian cheese.
  4. Spread each layer with mayonnaise.
  5. 1 layer - fillet.
  6. 2 layer - half a carrot.
  7. 3 layer - chopped yolks.
  8. 4 layer - cheese.
  9. 5 layer - the rest of the carrot.
  10. 6 layer - grated proteins.
  11. Garnish with canned corn

Prepare the dish "Funny Lights" and feel all the charm of a quick, juicy and extremely appetizing salad!

8. Salad in a cheese dish

When the soul calls for beauty, then for the occasion there is a salad that you can prepare in portions in cheese dishes, and serve to each guest. Salad will be a highlight on the ceremonial table.


  • Russian cheese - 150 grams;
  • chicken meat (fillet) - 350 grams;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • kiwi - 1 piece;
  • apple - 1 piece;
  • canned peas- 360 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • carrot - 1 piece;

Portion salad in a cheese dish. Step by step recipe

  1. To start, let's prepare cheese dish.
  2. Grate the cheese and send it to the heated pan.
  3. After the cheese has melted, remove from the pan and transfer to a jar. We send to solidification in the cold.
  4. Meat, crumble into strips, carrots, eggs, potatoes, kiwi and apples - into cubes.
  5. Add canned peas and mayonnaise.
  6. Pour into a cheese dish.
  7. Salad ready!

Try this salad in a cheese dish, your guests will be delighted. And you won’t even have to wash the plates, because the cheese dish is very tasty and you can also eat it. Cook like in the best restaurants, along with "I love to cook"

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Hello dear readers. If you came across this article today, it means that you or your loved ones are approaching fun party, birthday. Today we will not talk about the holiday itself, but about its preparatory part, that is, about salads that you can quickly and easily prepare. I chose, in my opinion, the most delicious and easy-to-prepare salads that you can make for your birthday. I'll tell you a little history and then we'll get started.

Birthdays have been celebrated since time immemorial. First, this tradition appeared in Europe, but then it became popular in all countries of the world. It used to be believed that on a birthday, a person accumulates a lot of negative energy and evil forces come out, so on this wonderful holiday, all friends and relatives gathered under one roof to protect and protect the birthday person from evil spirits with their good thoughts and wishes.

Before starting the article, I also wanted to say that one of the ingredients for today's salads will be crab sticks. But separately about this salad, I have not written in such detail yet, and therefore I want to recommend this site: http://kopilpremudrosti.ru/salat-iz-krabovyx-palochek.html - very tasty crab stick salads. On a note!

So, TOP 10 birthday salads:

Salad with croutons "Royal"

This is one of the quickest and tastiest salads you can make for the holidays.

Necessary products for cooking:

  • eggs - 4 pieces
  • cheese (hard) - 300-350 grams
  • crab sticks (crab meat) - 1 pack (240g.)
  • crackers - 100 grams
  • half a lemon
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • mayonnaise to taste

1. We prepare the products you need on the table.

2. Cut crab sticks into rings if you decide to cook from crab meat, finely chop it.

3. Boil the eggs in a steep boil, cool in cold water and cut.

4. Take coarse grater and grate cheese on it.

6. Put all the croutons in a deep plate. Spray gently lemon juice. Mix well by adding mayonnaise.

7. That's basically all, crab salad ready with crackers. You can set the table and treat guests.

“Obzhorka” with chicken

"Glutton" in my opinion, a good fit for your table. I recommend this simple and hearty salad. There are several varieties, but since the topic today is “quick and easy”, I’ll tell you the classic recipe.

Products for cooking:

  • chicken meat - 350 grams
  • the bottom of a large onion
  • one large carrot
  • pickled cucumbers - 3-4 pieces
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • garlic optional - 3-4 cloves

1. We lay out the products on the table.

2. Under cold water wash the chicken

3. Place the meat in a saucepan and cook for about twenty minutes until tender. Salt the water.

4. Wash the onion and chop finely.

5. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into strips, you can also grate it (large).

6. Remove the chicken meat from the pan and cut into pieces.

7. Pour oil into the pan, put on fire and fry the chopped carrots for 5 minutes.

8. Onions, as well as carrots, fry separately in a pan. Cool down.

9. Finely chop the garlic.

10. Cut the pickles into strips.

11. Put all cooked and chopped foods in a deep plate and add mayonnaise.

12. Mix everything thoroughly.

"Glutton" is ready to eat.

Salad “Birthday”

This masterpiece, like “Glutton” cooked with chicken, is simple and original. Prepare for one, two, three and is very well suited for a child's holiday.

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken fillet - 350 gr.
  • apples - 100 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pieces
  • fresh cucumbers - 300 gr.
  • tomatoes (tomatoes) - 100 gr.
  • greens - 25 gr.
  • mayonnaise
  • lemon juice - 15 gr.

1. Boil eggs and chicken meat in advance, peel apples and cucumbers.

2. Cut up the chicken.

3. After finely chop the eggs.

4. Cut the apple into strips and pour over the lemon juice.

5. Cucumbers are also cut into strips, you can cubes (optional).

6. In a deep bowl, mix the chopped ingredients.

7. Add mayonnaise to taste.

8. Tomatoes should be cut into circles.

Salad "Venice" - a step by step recipe

Extraordinarily soft and gourmet salad"Venice" will go well with meat and potatoes on your festive or New Year's table.


  • smoked sausage - 120 gr.
  • cheese (hard varieties) - 150 gr.
  • one carrot
  • one cucumber
  • corn - 1 can
  • mayonnaise.

1. We get necessary products

2. We cut all products equally into strips. The main thing is not to salt, this is the highlight. Sausage first

3. Then hard cheese

4. Cucumbers.

5. Carrots, don't forget to wash them.

6. Take a can of corn and drain the juice. We put it in a bowl.

7. Pour all products into a bowl.

8. Add mayonnaise.

9. And mixes well.

Salad is ready. Bon appetit!

Caesar at home

"Caesar" has many varieties of cooking. I will tell you the recipe for Caesar with chicken.


  • chicken breast (boiled) - 350 grams
  • cheese (hard) - 200 grams
  • eggs (boiled) - 4-5 pieces
  • one pack of crackers with cheese
  • tomatoes (cherry) - 200 grams
  • salad - 200 grams
  • half a lemon
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • olive oil- 100 ml.
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

  1. The breast should be washed well in cold water, put on fire in salted water and boil.
  2. Wash and dry lettuce leaves.
  3. Boil the eggs, let them cool and cut into half rings.
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Wash tomatoes.

Caesar should be laid out in five layers:

  • crackers
  • tomatoes

We put lettuce leaves on a plate, on which we lay out all the layers. Sprinkle with spices on top.

Snack "Tomato Tulip"

Quite simple and original snack for your table, will delight your guests on their birthdays and beyond. It can be prepared for the New Year and other holidays.

Required products:

  • tomatoes (not large) - 30 pieces
  • a bunch of green onions
  • cheese - 200 grams
  • crab sticks - 1 pack (240 gr.)
  • three cloves of garlic
  • fresh cucumber
  • mayonnaise

How to cook and stuff tomatoes with cheese and crab sticks look at the video below.

Salad "Tiffany" with chicken and grapes

No birthday is complete without such a wonderful treat. Salad "Tiffany" will perfectly decorate your holiday table. Now I will tell you how to cook it step by step.

Products for cooking:

  • chicken breast - 2 pieces
  • cheese (hard) - 180 grams
  • eggs - 5 pieces
  • half a kilogram of large grapes
  • curry seasoning - 0.5 tsp
  • almonds or walnuts - half a glass
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • mayonnaise, salt, parsley - to taste

1. We take the necessary products

2. Wash the meat and boil it, then cut it into fibers.

3. Pour oil into a heated pan, put crumbled on top chicken breast and sprinkle with curry seasoning. Fry for five minutes.

4. Hard boil the eggs and cool them in cool water.

5. Grind eggs on a grater.

6. Roast the nuts and chop.

7. Cut the grapes into halves, removing all the seeds. You can use "kishmish", it is pitted.

8. Open the mayonnaise and draw the shape of a bunch of grapes on the plate.

9. Put the first layer, chicken breast, sprinkle with nuts or almonds. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

10. We lay the eggs on top and also sprinkle with nuts and smear with mayonnaise.

12. Put the halves of the grapes on top by dipping them in mayonnaise.

Place in the refrigerator and let it brew for a while, usually about two hours. We get a salad, surprise and treat guests.

Salad "Sunflower"

This masterpiece, in the shape of a flower, has long been popular with housewives. It is often prepared for the New Year.


  • chicken breast - 250 grams
  • potatoes - 2 pieces
  • cucumbers gherkins - 5 pieces
  • eggs - 3 pieces
  • olives - 10 pieces
  • one carrot
  • chips (large) and mayonnaise

1. We take the necessary products. Boil meat, potatoes and carrots in salted water. Potatoes boiled in their uniforms.

2. Grate potatoes and put the first layer in a deep bowl, sprinkle with mayonnaise.

3. The second layer, lay out the gherkins.

4. Cut the chicken breast and lay out the third layer.

5. The fourth layer is grated carrots.

6. Separate the whites from the yolks, grate them and lay out the fifth layer.

7. Lubricate the resulting layers with mayonnaise.

8. Grate the yolks and sprinkle on top of the mayonnaise.

9. Cut the olives, each into four parts and decorate the salad with them.

10. Insert chips around the edges.

Let it brew a little, the “sunflower” is ready for the festive table.

Snack "Mushroom Glade" - step by step recipe

A very original and quick-to-cook appetizer that should please your guests and decorate your holiday table.

Required Ingredients:

  • pickled champignons - 300 grams
  • fresh cucumber - 300 grams
  • cheese ( hard grade) - 120 grams
  • eggs (boiled) - 3 pieces
  • olives, mayonnaise, salt, pepper
  • wooden skewers

1. We take the necessary products.

2. Grate cheese, eggs, and mix them with mayonnaise and pepper. Salt.

3. Mix in a deep plate.

4. We cut fresh cucumbers in circles of 4-5 mm.

5. We take with a spoon the resulting cheese mass and spread it on the cucumber.

6. We pierce the cucumber with a skewer and put a mushroom with an olive on top.

Bon appetit!

Festive salad "Three Little Pigs" for children

If it's coming children's holiday, then the “Three Little Pigs” salad must be on your table. Because it is delicious, original in design and easy to prepare.

Products for cooking:

  • chicken meat (breast) - half
  • one fresh cucumber
  • one egg (chicken)
  • quail eggs- 3 pieces
  • one apple
  • hard cheese - 80 grams
  • a few cranberries
  • one radish
  • sour cream and dill

1. We lay out all the necessary products for cooking

2. Boil the breast and cut or tear into fibers.

3. boiled egg rub on a coarse grater

4. Put the egg and breast on a plate

5. Grate a fresh cucumber on a coarse grater

6. The apple should also be grated

7. Mix all the products in a bowl.

8. Rub the cheese.

9. And add it to the common plate.

10. Mix the resulting mixture with sour cream.

11. We make a slide from a salad.

12. Sprinkle with chopped dill. It turned out the so-called glade.

13. Boil quail eggs (throw in boiling water for 5 minutes).

14. We clean the eggs and make them funny piglets. Ears and ponytails, cut out their radishes. To connect them, we make holes with a toothpick. We plant heels on mayonnaise. We make eyes. We also cut out the arms and legs from the radish (milk part). We make hooves from any dark berry and glue on mayonnaise.

Salad making is one of the most ancient occupations in the world. And the salad got its name in Italy. In the beginning, the chefs called this an appetizer made from lettuce leaves and herbs. Currently, salad is a very famous and everyone's favorite dish.

I will tell you about the 5 most delicious salads in the world. These are real masterpieces. Which you should definitely try to cook.

Salad from rye bread with baked vegetables

This salad is extremely tender and very tasty. The simplicity of its preparation will not leave you indifferent.


  • tomatoes - 5 pieces;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pieces;
  • eggplant - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • red onion - 1 piece;
  • olive oil - 30 milligrams;
  • rye bread - 2 slices;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • salt/pepper to taste;
  • mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • white balsamic vinegar - at the tip of a teaspoon.

Salad of rye bread with baked vegetables. Step by step recipe

  1. Lubricate the eggplant and bell pepper oil and bake in the oven until fully prepared. At a temperature of 180 degrees.
  2. We cook potatoes in uniform.
  3. When the vegetables are ready, peel them.
  4. Cut potatoes and tomatoes into small cubes.
  5. Place chopped vegetables on a plate.
  6. Cut the bread into small squares.
  7. Onion cut into thin rings.
  8. Add lettuce, salt, pepper, onion.
  9. Mix mustard with balsamic vinegar, water the salad.
  10. We mix everything.

Salad Copenhagen

Our next salad takes its roots from Scandinavian countries, and an integral feature of Scandinavian cuisine is fish cooked different ways: boiled, dried, fried, smoked, dried, etc. The countries of Scandinavia are located near the Baltic Sea, and this directs their cuisine to seafood. This salad is a prime example scandinavian cuisine. Salad is unusually easy to prepare, and originality flavor ranges will surely surprise you.


  • fish - 250 grams;
  • salted cucumbers - 150 grams;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • green apples - 2 pieces;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • tomato - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 150 grams
  • mustard - 1 teaspoon.

Salad Copenhagen. Step by step recipe

  1. We boil the fish.
  2. We separate the fish from the bones.
  3. Boil potatoes in their skins.
  4. Peeled potatoes cut into cubes.
  5. Cut cucumbers, fish, apples, tomatoes into cubes.
  6. Onion cut into small cubes.
  7. Salt, pepper.
  8. Add mustard and mayonnaise.
  9. We mix everything thoroughly.

This salad will become a favorite in your kitchen and a decoration on any holiday table.

Caprice salad

Our third salad is very popular for its ease of preparation. In 15 minutes you will get a salad that you simply cannot tear yourself away from, and its color scheme will decorate your table at any time of the year. This salad is just a lifesaver for any housewife.


  • feta cheese - 300 grams;
  • tomatoes (red, yellow) - 300 grams;
  • cherry - 300 grams;
  • hunting sausage - 300 grams;
  • arugula - 100 grams;
  • pine nuts - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lemon - 1 half;
  • olive oil - 70 milligrams;
  • salt / pepper to taste;

Caprice salad. Step by step recipe

  1. Place the arugula, peeled garlic, nuts, and half of the olive oil in a blender.
  2. Whisk for 1 minute.
  3. Pour the sauce into a bowl.
  4. We cut the cheese into large cubes.
  5. Tomatoes are cut into pieces identical to cheese.
  6. Cherry cut into 2 parts.
  7. Saute the sausage for 5 minutes
  8. At the end, salt, pepper, sprinkle with olive oil.
  9. Mix everything.

You will want to make this salad over and over again. While spending a minimum of time. As a result, you will get maximum pleasure. Well, your friends will definitely ask for his recipe.

Extraordinarily delicious salad ready!

Salmon salad with red caviar

Salmon salad with red caviar will fit perfectly on any holiday table, and the composition of its ingredients will truly make it royal salad. This salad is very easy to prepare and will not take you much time in the kitchen. Well, if you want to surprise your family or your guests, then this salad is exactly what you need.


  • salmon - 400 grams;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • eggs - 8 pieces;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • mozzarella cheese - 150 grams;
  • caviar - 80 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 250 grams;
  • salt pepper;
  • vegetable oil - 40 milligrams;
  • dill.

Salmon salad with red caviar. Step by step recipe

  1. Boil salmon fillet.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in vegetable oil.
  3. Boil the eggs, then separate the protein from the yolk.
  4. Boil the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.
  5. Eggs are also three on a coarse grater.
  6. Three butter and cheese on a fine grater.
  7. After you rub butter, put it in the refrigerator so that it does not melt.
  8. Put the ingredients on the plate in order. Put the salmon in the first layer, after which comes the fried onion. Our third layer will be mayonnaise. Take a spoon and spread it evenly over the onion. Sprinkle the grated protein on top of the mayonnaise, then again lay out a layer of mayonnaise and evenly distribute it over the protein. On top of the protein lay out a layer of carrots, then a layer of cheese. Put the butter on the cheese, and then the yolk. Salt and pepper to taste.
  9. Top beautifully decorate with caviar and dill.
  10. This is just an amazing salad. Be sure to make it and you won't regret it.

Cauliflower salad with pistachios

Very often I want to cook such a salad so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy. But how we used to think that everything that is tasty cannot be healthy, or vice versa. These are just delusions. Today we will cook with you not only delicious, but also very healthy salad. Cauliflower salad with pistachios combines just a storehouse of vitamins.


  • red onion - 1 head;
  • cauliflower - 500 grams;
  • mozzarella cheese - 250 grams;
  • pistachios - 100 grams;
  • apples - 2 pieces;
  • olives - 5 pieces;
  • salt pepper;
  • olive oil - 40 milligrams;
  • red vinegar- on the tip of a teaspoon.

Cauliflower salad with pistachios. Step by step recipe

  1. We divide the cabbage into small inflorescences.
  2. Boil in boiling, salted water for a minute.
  3. Rinse cabbage under cold water and set aside.
  4. Cut the onion into small cubes.
  5. Pour red wine vinegar, olive oil into a saucepan, and add chopped onion. Cook everything over medium heat
  6. As soon as the onion begins to fry and gives a shade to the mixture, you need to remove the pan from the heat.
  7. Cut cheese and apples into small, but equal pieces.
  8. Cut olives into rings.
  9. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  10. Drizzle with prepared sauce.
  11. Salt, pepper to taste.
  12. Salad ready!

Try to cook this salad and you will definitely get a real masterpiece.

This is a compilation best salads only for you, dear readers of our portal "Very tasty". And be sure to try to cook and.

Salad is usually snack dish, consisting of several sliced ​​\u200b\u200bproducts, and seasoned with some kind of sauce or vegetable oil. Sour cream, yogurt, mayonnaise, etc. can be used as a sauce. To make the salad tasty, it is important to correctly observe the proportions of the ingredients, as well as to know their compatibility with each other. The requirement of time is the simplest salads that are prepared quickly, and the products require the most ordinary. Today these recipes simple salads can be found in abundance on the pages of specialized sites, in literature, on television. Any housewife has in her arsenal a couple of "salads as simple as shelling pears" that help her out at the right moment.

Such salads can be prepared from both vegetables and fruits. There are also a large number of interesting solutions from meat, cheeses, seafood. Proper selection of ingredients sometimes allows conventional products create a real cooking masterpiece. For example, take a simple combination - carrot, apple, sour cream - and you will have a wonderful "quick" snack on your table, just a delicious salad. Or even easier - cucumbers with sour cream. This is a salad "simple and delicious"!

Simple chicken salads are very good and nutritious. Use of chicken fillet sausage products in salads is now very common throughout the world. Mix chicken fillet, herbs, olive oil and vinegar - and you have a simple birthday salad ready. For any holiday, recipes for simple and delicious salads can be invented on the go, from what you currently have in the refrigerator. And don't try to impress your guests. big amount salad products. How fewer ingredients, the better and brighter the flavors of each product will be “heard”, and they will not clog each other. To make a birthday salad simple and tasty, it is enough to show ingenuity and imagination, to mix the simplest products correctly and beautifully in one dish.

If you still can’t make the salad simple, the photo from the site will help you understand the principles of making such dishes. The presentation of the salad is one of the main requirements for these dishes. Therefore, master the recipes for simple salads with photos, immediately make a high-quality presentation of your creation.

Take a look at our other tips for making simple salads:

Do not overload salads with a large number of ingredients, let each of them give its maximum taste to the final dish;

Simple classic salads can be served as a side dish to any main dish of meat, fish, poultry;

Pay attention to the aesthetic appearance of the salad. Do not forget that the salad is the decoration of your table;

Keep your salad ingredients fresh. Bad smell you can’t hide a stale vegetable anymore, it will ruin the whole dish;

Perishable salad products should be purchased immediately before cooking;

It is very important to follow the gradual addition of some products. Crackers, if they are provided for in the recipe, are added immediately before serving. Salad with greens is also seasoned with sauce or oil before serving, otherwise the salad will become sluggish, ugly;

Salad cheese should be spicy, slightly spicy, with a bright taste;

Simple fruit salads are a dessert and are served at the end of the celebration.
