
Salad Contest. Family specialty competition

Dear readers of the site site! It's time for the second culinary competition. Given the shortcomings of the previous contest, we have slightly changed the rules for participation and selection of winners, which will be discussed below.
So the first thing is the topic. The competition accepts works on the topic "Holiday Salads". What salads do you prepare for the festive table? What salad is a birthday not complete without? How do you decorate salads for the New Year? Perhaps you have a child and you also prepare special salads for children's holidays? Share your recipes with our readers and get a chance to win a prize!
Conditions of the competition:
Entries for the competition will be accepted from October 10 to November 20 inclusive. During this time, you must add recipes to the site. November 20 to November 27 The jury will select the best recipes and announce the winners. Important clarification - prizes will be sent ONLY in Russia except for cash. Cash prizes are paid to the phone or WebMoney, which can be sent to any country. That is, if you are a citizen of another country, then, of course, you can participate in the contest, but if you win, you must have relatives or friends to whom you can send the prize.

What works are accepted for the competition?

1. Your photos must be in the recipe, posting photos from the network is prohibited. All photos are checked for uniqueness.
2. Step-by-step photos of the preparation of the dish are attached to the recipe. If you have an interesting photographed recipe, but there are no step-by-step photos for them, you are allowed to post only the final photo, but also photograph the dishes, table or other things that prove that you are the author of the photo.
3. The text of the recipe must also be written by you. It is forbidden to copy the recipe from other sites or copy from a book (magazine, newspaper). A clear recipe schedule and your cooking tips in the text are very welcome, a good and understandable presentation will also be taken into account when choosing a winner.

Many thanks to the cookware store http://krizovnik.ru for the excellent prizes provided for the competition.

1st place – Rondell frying pan Mocco 28cm RDA-278
You can get acquainted with the technical characteristics of the pan by clicking on the link. You can also watch a video there.

2nd place -
A beautiful pan will be a godsend for any housewife.

3rd place -

As I already said, many thanks to the tableware store for the wonderful prizes and the idea of ​​holding a contest. These will be special nominations, the winners of which will receive 500 Russian rubles to their phone account or WebMoney wallet.

Additional nominations:

1. "An Unexpected Presentation". A dish will be chosen that is served very interestingly. First of all, it will be evaluated how you served it, in what dish, what shape you gave it, etc.
2. "Original design". You also need to be able to decorate the dish beautifully. The best dish in this nomination will also receive a prize.
3. "Hastily". Salads that can be quickly prepared on the festive table are a great find. Do you know a very beautiful salad that is prepared in minutes? This nomination is for you.
4. The most recommended salad on social media. This nomination is not chosen by a jury. As you can see, above and below each recipe there are social network buttons, by clicking on which you can recommend the recipe to your friends. Which recipe will be more advised - he will receive this prize.
5. The most popular recipe. This nomination will be given to the recipe that receives the most comments during the competition (from November 10 to November 27 inclusive). Only normal comments will be taken into account, not short phrases like: “Cool”, “Super”, “Good recipe”, etc.
6. Healthy holiday salad. The victory in this nomination will go to a salad that is not only beautiful, but also healthy.

Technical features of the competition

All recipes appear on the site after being checked by a moderator. As a result of the check, the moderator may slightly change the location of the photos in the recipe or gross violations of the publication. Recipes for the competition, the description of which consists of several phrases, are not allowed. The administration may refuse to publish a recipe by writing you a reason. Until the publication of the recipe, it is available in the "My menu" - "My recipes for verification" section.
When adding a recipe, indicate at the beginning that it is for a competition.
An unlimited number of recipes is allowed from one participant.
After the competition, recipes remain on the site and cannot be deleted.
Do you have any questions about prescriptions? Can't upload photos? Don't know how to write a prescription? All questions can be answered.
At the bottom of this article, recipes that are already participating in the competition will be published. Recipe updates may not occur immediately after publication, so do not panic ahead of time.


Doll in bows (Irina) - site administrator site
Alena - from the sponsor of the competition, krizovnik.ru dishware store
Victoria (viki0884) - site administrator moj-malish.ru, site moderator
Oksana (vessna) - site administrator today-holiday.ru
Lyudmila (Alisia) - site administrator lady-day.ru

The offer of judging was also written to some other administrators of popular cooking sites. But so far there has been no response from them. Therefore, several more people may appear on the jury during the week.

We wish everyone good luck in the competition!

Members: 1.


So that the house is happy, filled with affection,
I will give you a recipe called "Fairy Tale".
Not difficult, but true, keep it.
Do you agree? Well then, get started.
Six cups of LOVE you mix with CARE,
Three spoons of TRUST, a cup of WORK,
Two cups of FORGIVENESS and a handful of KINDNESS,
Add a little FAITH, gentle DREAMS.
Three cups of HOPE and FRIENDSHIP half a bowl,
A glass of RESPECT for elders and loved ones.
Two spoons of LAUGHTER, a little LUCK,
A pinch of PATIENCE. And your task
Flavor everything with a hearty SMILE and TENDERING,
And with morning coffee serve this "Fairy Tale (C)


Cooking recipe

Here on the table is simple love,
It would seem, take and eat.
She will penetrate your soul,
On your tongue growing.

But we, gourmets, are unusual
Simple products charm,
We avoid coarse food
And we are looking for a combination of tastes.

Simple food for plebeians:
A piece of rye bread with butter.
And we will be able to conjure.
The recipe is exquisitely beautiful.

Let's start with. Let's leave love first
Seasoned with sweet promises
Let's salt with passion and fill
Wine of hopes and expectations.


Mask for the face:

Is taken

Placed on a plate.

It is watered with vegetable oil.

Vodka is poured.

Vodka is drunk, cabbage is eaten ...

The face smiles blissfully and freshens



Birds have always been in abundance in the village,
My relatives love chakhokhbili,
Everything is in this dish for strength and growth,
It's easy for me to make a Georgian dish.

We will chop the chicken first,
Pieces of grams forty and we pass the onion,
Sprinkle the roast with a little flour,
We add spices with generous flour.

Basil, parsley for flavor,
Garlic, salt and pepper, a little tomato,
Fried meat, pour into a saucepan,
There the frying, add the broth.

So that everything works out, a pinch of the soul,
Add to the dish, stew well,
The dish will decorate, will not be a hindrance,
A handful of chopped walnuts.

If the guests have forgotten the way to you, -
You call them for chakhokhbili.


Salad "Spring"

The land of Ukraine is rich in gifts,
In the forest and in the field there is everything for a salad,
Spring, the sun is shining, the grass has grown,
Sorrel is waiting in the garden, nettles in the forest.
Nettle leaves and sorrel leaves are tender,
Wash with water and cut into small pieces
Chop greens, boiled eggs,
Everything is in the salad to gain strength!
We put sorrel with nettles in layers,
Dividing eggs among themselves,
Salt, pepper, pour mayonnaise,
Eat people - it's good!


Pancakes with curd

There are a lot of sweets on the market today:
"Snickers", "Mars", chewing gum,
Against goods from Chinese country,
There is one remedy - pancakes.

Pancake is a symbol of the spring sun,
The recipe seems to be simple, but not so simple,
Eggs, salt, sugar - we need to beat,
Pour flour, pour milk over everything.

Beat the batter with a whisk
The smell of pancakes is familiar to everyone since childhood,
Everyone loves them - children and those who are older,
With honey they are good or with minced meat.

A lot of toppings, I will not dissemble,
I decided to add cottage cheese to them,
More raisins, a little vanilla,
Guests love it so much, they will come, they called!


And for breakfast we will have rain ....
a clean drop on the cheek ....
with a kiss in the bite ... do you want?
I will give it to you...

Instead of oil - a touch
gentle fingers on the back ...
there will be a taste of jam on the lips -
sweet dreams that you had...

my quiet whisper - instead of coffee ....
instead of bread - a light massage ....
I'm a pro at breakfast
you will give everything for breakfast with me ...

for dessert - there will be a light breeze ...
with the scent of your favorite flowers….
I'm the best cook in the world!
Are you ready for breakfast with me?


Mojito cocktail (rum, mint, lime)
breaks the evening in half.
And there is no reception against scrap.
At the bottom of the well is a parade of planets.
There, the stars lie thickly at the bottom.
That's where you and I need to be.
And I'm flying into the well in a bucket,
changing dates in the calendar:
I will change my heels on Sundays
to have a sip with you
"Mojito" on weekdays, in spite of business:
(because it's delicious - rum, mint, lime)
Let's say Wednesday. Then on Thursday.
And you are not a wolf to me, but a man.
Everything else is nothing and dust.
And I'm flying in your arms
and the stars are torn from under the eyelashes,
when I fly - then a stone down,
then I immediately soar up like a bird ...
And you are not a wolf to me, but a man.
First smoothness, then jerk.
And you are not a wolf to me, not a wolf, not a wolf!
Everything else is nothing and rubbish.
Mojito cocktail - rum, mint, lime.


blues cocktail recipe...

Take some tart wine
Autumn sadness and sadness
A dream that I lost as a child...
Shake for an hour and a half ...
Then add the pain of loss
A bit of separation pain...
Now pick up a glass
And pour out all this agony
Behind your door ... Behind the door!

Out the door!!!


Having taken out an almost finished base,
He poured a lot of sauce
And poured cheese, put vegetables, and again
Topped everything with grated cheese.

Then, at the end, laid out the circles
Sliced ​​olives, sausages,
Moved the whole pizza to the grate
Still unswitched stove...

When he saw that the cheese had melted
And it turned out just beauty
He turned off the stove. Now anyone will know
What to do for half an hour while the stove is on.

Leaves rustle underfoot.
I step on them at random.
Multi-colored, bright dots
Suddenly they changed the green outfit.
It's autumn after hot summer
Before the blue fog stands,
Warmed by the sleepy sun,
Noisy with red and yellow clothes.


There are days when pizza hunting,
And to eat surrogates - there is no strength,
On such days my knight went to the kitchen,
And he did not ask anyone to help.

He took yeast dough first
And with a rolling pin he rolled it into a tight circle,
And so that all this is not lost in vain -
I preheated the stove.

Then he this circle (diameter - 30)
Often pierced with an ordinary fork
And the foundation is the future of pizza
Drizzled with a tablespoon of oil.

And baked on a baking sheet in the oven,
And, since he was not at all tired,
Ter both cheeses, cut, everything that was,
But nothing mixed with each other!


I invite you for tea
Fragrant, hot, fragrant
Just don't get mad at me
It is from herbs, flowers and leaves.
I collected lime blossom.
It was July, the sun shone brightly,
Yes, and lindens are many years old,
It gave them gold.
And in the forest in the clearing thyme,
And all around there was only buzzing.
Pinkish, fragrant baby.
The bees surrounded him.
There is melissa, oregano in the garden,
I planted them myself in the spring.
I collect, only in color.
It's taste, it's smell and power.
St. John's wort perfume bouquet.
They are full of all forest edges.
The very first to meet the dawn,
Revealing golden flowers.
And now it's December outside.
The days are short, the nights are through.
You must be chilly and cold?
Come in, let's sit like family.
I invite you for tea
Aromatic, hot, fragrant.
I will treat, I will give by chance,
The look is perky, cheerful, radiant


I love roast pots
And now I'll tell you how to cook ...
Meat, onion, carrot and potato
That's all you need and some salt
Oil on the bottom - just a couple of spoons
It would not hurt to pepper everything too ...
Well, now everything accordingly
Put it in a container. Oh yes! and further!
Rub cheese on top, for example, Parmesan
Now for sure everything remains only for you
Put the pots in the oven for an hour
I hope you enjoyed the recipe...


Carrot salad with garlic
Dish for everyone!
Winter and cold behind glass.
It's delicious and beautiful here.

Grate the carrots quickly
On a small, small grater,
Behind her cheese, then garlic,
Mix then with carrots.

Pour some oil on top
Salt, beat with a fork.

For all that, five minutes, follow
Dexterous little hands!
We put everything on the table and eat:
Rejoice girls


And also dill and parsley -
A lot of! The greens add flavor to the dish.
You can pepper, spices, lavrushka
You create who in what much!

Mix everything and with a bold hand
Minced meat wrapped in a cabbage leaf
You are in a white enamel pan
Lay them out layer by layer.

That's all! You ask: is it all?
Yes, the brine recipe is very simple:
liter of water, one tbsp. a spoonful of salt.
3 days warm, 5 days cold


Stuffed cabbage - FROM THE INTERNET

You take loose cabbage,
Cut out the head with a funnel.
And throw, (so that she was empty!)
Having salted the water thickly before this,
In a vat of boiling water.

And then separate with a slotted spoon
(Leaves will fall off on their own)
Get them. Don't digest!
Put in a bowl to cool!

In the meantime, grate the carrots
Crush a lot of garlic
Put the hot pepper too
(Salt, so that the hand does not tremble!)


We put in the oven for 30 minutes.
We rub the cheese (we need it here).
We unfold the foil, spread it with mayonnaise,
Sprinkle with cheese. What's next? We'll tell you.

Let's return our roll to the oven again,
And bake the top until golden brown.
Let's cool down, wait patiently...
Delicious! In addition, it is also beautiful!













1 cup of sugar
2 cups dried fruits
1 glass of water
handful of nuts
4 eggs
250g butter
1 lemon
2 small liters of cognac!

Before you start kneading the dough, try cognac - is it good?
Beat the butter with a mixer until fluffy.
cognac again - is it really of the highest quality.? For this, pour
full glass and drink to the bottom (repeated 2 times).
Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and try again.
Break the eggs into a bowl and throw in those strange, shriveled fruits...
Try cognac for consistency...
Turn off the mixer.
Stuck fruit is good to pull out with scissors!
Throw the lemon into the mixer and squeeze the nuts into it.
Add sugar and whatever else you want.
Grease the oven with oil and turn it 360 degrees...
Throw the bowl out the window and finish your cognac
spit on the cake and go to sleep



In our gymnasium, traditionally every year in September a theme week is held dedicated to the autumn harvest festival “Gifts of Autumn”, which lasts 5 days.

Pupils from 1st to 11th grades take part in this holiday. An action plan is drawn up in advance.

Exhibition “Harvest Festival” grades 1-11

Legends and tales about vegetables (performance) 3rd grade

Competition "Ball of Flowers" (performance) 4th grade

Competition "Apple Spas" 5th grade

Culinary competition “Autumn table” 6th grade

Musical living room “Lyrical autumn” 7th grade

Oral magazine "Vegetables and Health" 8th grade

The organizers of the competitions are teachers of technology, music, fine arts, biology and chemistry.

Assistants and hosts of competitions are students of 9-10 grades.

The most striking and unforgettable event in the life of 6th grade students is culinary competition.

Culinary competition “Autumn abundance”

Competition goals:

– Expand knowledge about vegetables, fruits, cereals, which are used to obtain flour and cereals, their nutritional value, benefits for human health.

- To form children's ideas about the diversity of the range of plant products.

- Continue developing cooking skills.

- Expand your understanding of the culinary traditions of your people.

- To develop in children creative thinking, fantasy, imagination and ingenuity.

– To cultivate a sense of mutual assistance when working in groups, to develop an aesthetic taste in the design of dishes.

To organize and conduct the competition, the following preparatory work was carried out:

  1. In every 6th grade, a team of boys was formed, consisting of 5 people (teacher and class teacher)
  2. organized for them culinary duel

  3. The girls of each class were divided into 2-3 groups (pupils and teacher)
  4. The main products that will be included in the prepared dishes are distributed. The main products were offered, and the students chose them themselves at will.
  5. Recipes of dishes and their name (students) were chosen.
  6. It was necessary to come up with their own original names for dishes (pupils).
  7. Prepare for the defense of dishes - a musical and poetic performance (pupils and class teacher).
  8. Acquaintance with recipes of dishes of different nations (students)
  9. Preparation of proverbs, sayings, questions to groups of other classes.

The emblem of the culinary competition, which was invented by the students.

Criteria for evaluating teams of boys and girls were developed

Table 1. Criteria for evaluating teams of boys

Criteria 6a class 6b class 6th grade 6g class
Workplace organization
Sleight of hand
Cleanliness of work
Originality of design
The best palatability

Table 2. Criteria for evaluating girls' teams


1gr. 2gr. 3 p.

1gr. 2gr. 3gr.

1gr. 2gr. 3gr.

1gr. 2gr. 3gr.

Compliance with safety regulations
Number of dishes
Original titles
Aesthetic design
Taste qualities
Provision, protection of dishes

The jury selected students from the same classes (Fig. 1)

Tasks for the boys' teams

1. Originality. The task is carried out collectively.

Prepare sandwiches from the proposed products:

(Toast bread, sliced ​​cheese, sliced ​​sausage, tomatoes, greens).

2. Quickness of hands and quality


The task is performed by one boy, and the rest are a support group.

Who will peel the potatoes faster and better.

3. Aesthetic appearance and taste.

On the common table there are products for making salads: greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, boiled eggs, mayonnaise, sausage, cheese, walnuts, carrots, garlic (Fig. 2).

Prepare salad and decorate it

4.Who will eat the apple faster.

After the culinary duel with the boys, the jury sums up

The girls' teams prepared a wide variety of dishes. Each class chose products and dishes from them at their own request. A total of 18 dishes were prepared: bread, vegetable and fruit pies, pizza, sandwiches, fruit and vegetable salads, vegetable and fruit cuts.

“Bread is the head of everything” theme of grade 6a.
“Variety of dishes using tomato” topic 6b grade.
"Fruit abundance" theme 6th grade.
“Vegetable splendor” theme of the 6th grade.

Representation and protection

The contestants present a sheaf of wheat, bread baked with their own hands, various pies (Fig. 3.)

Pupils show bread, pies. They talk about the importance of the product “bread”, talk about the method of baking bread at home.

There are concepts in the world, the value of which is not measured in anything. These are air, earth, sun, water. These include the “gift of God” – bread, an ancient and eternally young product of human labor. In the human mind, bread is presented not only as a loaf on the table, but also as a measure of morality. It is no coincidence that people composed many songs, poems, proverbs and sayings about bread: “Where there is bread and warmth, there is good life”, “Fed up with bread, bread and drunk”, “Bread and salt - and dinner went”, “Not a piece of bread - and a board table.

This testifies to the boundless respect and love for bread, which he enjoyed throughout the history of mankind.

And the discovery of bread was made in ancient times over 15 thousand years ago. It was in those distant times that man first began to collect and cultivate cereals. The very first bread was born in the form of liquid cereal porridge.

Bread is not only one of the most important food products, not only table decoration on holidays and weekdays, but also a good assistant to nutritionists in their struggle for human health.

From time immemorial, it has been customary in Rus' to meet dear guests and newlyweds in the parental home with bread and salt.

Presentation and defense of dishes using tomato

Rice. 4. Participants of the competition

Rice. 5. Pupils prepare meals

The girls cooked pizza, stuffed tomatoes, “Ladybug” sandwiches with tomatoes (Fig. 6)

The history of the tomato (tomatoes.) Homeland - South America, where wild semi-cultivated forms of the plant are still found.

In the middle of the 16th century, the tomato came to Spain, Portugal, and then to Italy, France and other European countries, and at the end of the 18th century to Russia. The tomato was recognized as a vegetable food crop thanks to the Russian agronomist A. G. Bolotov.

Tomatoes contain organic acids, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Tomatoes help to remove cholesterol from the body, have a preventive therapeutic effect in atherosclerosis, regulate the functioning of the nervous system, and improve mood.

The cosmetic, rejuvenating property of tomato is also important: it improves complexion, rejuvenates the skin, and smoothes wrinkles.

From a tomato, tomato juice, tomato paste are obtained, used for cooking first and second courses, salads, snacks.

The students wrote poems:
tomato, tomato,
They sit together on a bush,
Like dad, like mom.
Little kids around
All such colors
Yellow is, green too,
Everyone is like each other.

Fruity splendor. Provision and protection of fruit dishes

The students prepared dishes with fruits: bananas “Blonde in Chocolate” (Fig. 7), salad “Fruit Mix” (Fig. 8), fruit pie (Fig. 9)

The students provided their meals. They talked about the benefits and nutritional composition of fruits.

Berries and fruits are the main source of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but come only with food. That is why berries, fruits and vegetables should always be in the diet of children.

In addition to nutrients and vitamins, berries and fruits contain other beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. Organic acids - malic, citric, oxalic - enhance the secretion of digestive juices. Berries and fruits, which have a characteristic astringent, tart taste, contain tannins. They have an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa, slow down its motor activity.

Berries and fruits are used to produce juices, compotes, and desserts. Used to make ice cream, yogurt. Best taken fresh.

Vegetable splendor. Cooking dishes from vegetables.

Rice. 10. Participants of the competition

Rice. 11. Salad “Vegetable Abundance”

Pupils demonstrate vegetables and dishes from them. They tell about the history of growing vegetables, eating them and cooking vegetable dishes in the past.

All vegetables are practically suppliers of vitamins. Our ancient ancestors, knowing nothing about vitamins and the chemical composition of plants, nevertheless widely used them as food for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

Of the cultivated plants, few are present in our diet.

It is not often that we see turnips, turnips, Brussels sprouts or Savoy sprouts on our table.

A healthy diet is not complete without vegetables. Scientists say: “There is no digestion without vegetables.” On average, an adult should consume about 500-700 grams per day. vegetables.

There were no stewed and fried vegetables in the peasant cuisine. Food languished in cast iron pots in their own juices. They cooked food in a Russian oven. In order to preserve its aromatic and taste qualities and reduce losses during boiling, they resorted to various tricks - the top of the cast iron was smeared with tough rye dough.

Modern cooking is based on thermal methods of processing: stewing, stewing, frying. During heat treatment, some of the nutrients and vitamins are lost. Eat more fresh vegetables.

Four students played a vegetable dispute.

vegetable dispute

1. Once had a heated argument
peas, carrots and tomatoes.
Who is most important to people
who is healthier, who is tastier?

2. Red-cheeked tomato
said to everyone else in reproach:
- From all known vegetables
I am the most necessary for people!

3. Peas did not object to him
I don't understand, what's wrong with me?
I'm haunted by mice
And the kids are very fond of it.
I'm sweeter than honey and candy.
I don't have a replacement today!

4. Carrot said with dignity:
- I have a lot of merit
I have a special vitamin
- irreplaceable carotene.
So that the skin is velvet,
so that blindness does not fail,
I will always remain in value
Everyone needs me, trust me!

Each group defended their dishes, talking about the history of origin, certain products, nutritional composition, the process of preparing and decorating dishes.

The children came up with the names of the prepared dishes themselves.

During the defense, children presented dishes, sang songs, danced, recited poems.

The jury members tasted, evaluated the dishes according to all criteria.

After the announcement of the results, everyone was invited to the table.

There was enough food for everyone. All classes were winners in different categories.

The defense of the collective project turned into a real celebration of culinary excellence.

All participants of the competition were satisfied.

Rice. 12. Closing of the competition

The school-wide event allows you to unite the team, as students of all grades from 1 to 11 participate and compete in it, and in many nominations, first graders compete on equal terms with tenth graders.

The competition dates are from September 10 to October 10 (inclusive).
The winners will be selected by voting on the site, which will take place from 11 to 19 October.
The results of the competition will be announced on October 20.

And now about the most interesting. What will be the prizes?
1st place according to the voting results (at least 50 votes) - a coupon for the amount of 2500 rubles for purchases in the Artskills.ru gift shop
2nd place according to the results of voting (at least 49 votes) - the same coupon for the amount of 2000 rubles.
3rd place according to the results of voting (at least 48 votes) - the same coupon for the amount of 1500 rubles.

We will also choose the most interesting dish according to the jury. The participant who wins this nomination will receive a unique personalized apron of their choice. This one or this one.

But that is not all. If there are 50 or more works in the competition, "A set of honey For a good person" will be raffled among the participants.
And one more prize, which you can influence directly. The recipe, which will be watched by more people all the time, will receive a book from the MYTH publishing house "Food without rules. Simple principles of good cuisine" as a gift. Post links to your recipes on social networks, forums, send to friends and increase your chances of winning in this nomination. Unique views from September 10 to October 19 inclusive will be taken into account.

Competition Jury:
Irina - website hostess
Lyubov is the sponsor of the competition, the leader of the Artskills.ru partnership program

Delivery of all prizes to the pickup point is free. Prizes are sent only to the following countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus. The book can be sent to any country.

Also for all participants and guests of the site there is a 10% discount on purchases in the Artskills.ru gift shop. You can use the offer in the period from 10.09. to 31.12.2016. A great opportunity to save on gifts for the New Year holidays. To receive a discount, enter the promo code "recipe".

Good luck in the competition!


The presentation of dishes is the stage that chefs do not always pay attention to, and sometimes completely ignore it. And in vain - even the simplest dish can be served interestingly and earn extra “points”.

Why is it customary to “not bother” with a presentation? Because it is three main myths that we will debunk.

Myth 1 - "It's long and complicated."

Not at all. In order to serve unusually decorated dishes, it is not necessary to have a huge staff of chefs in the kitchen. Jewelry blanks are made in advance and stored for several days. The main thing is to work out the presentation itself to automatism.

Myth 2 - “It is expensive and increases the cost of the dish”

Baguette chips, earth from bread, and deep-fried basil are definitely not the ingredients that can affect the cost of a dish. For decor, ordinary products are used, processed by not quite ordinary methods.

Myth 3 - “It is pointless and no one needs it”

Caviar from cherry juice


  • Cherry juice 80 ml
  • Agar-agar 1 g
  • Vegetable oil 150 ml

How to cook:

Mix cherry juice with agar-agar, put on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook for 2-3 minutes. Remove from stove.
Cool vegetable oil thoroughly. Drop the caviar in the form of drops into the oil using a syringe. After a couple of minutes, remove the caviar with a perforated spoon and rinse in water.
Store under cling film at a temperature of +1 - +10 degrees Celsius.


Prepare caviar according to the same proportion of ingredients from orange, pomegranate or other fruit juice.

Basil fries

Dip the basil leaves one by one with tweezers into the hot fryer for a couple of seconds.

cheese chips

How to cook:

  • Grate hard cheese (parmesan, grana padano, dzhugas and/or analogues) on a fine grater.
  • Heat a dry frying pan and pour a thin layer of cheese on it. Let it melt for a couple of seconds and remove with a spatula.
  • Break into pieces of desired size.


Mix grated cheese with a little turmeric or ground sweet paprika for color and extra flavor.

Baguette chips

Freeze the baguette and cut on a slicer into slices 2 mm thick. Dry in an oven at 180 degrees for 3-4 minutes.
Store in a closed container in a dry place at room temperature.

earth from bread

Bake bread according to any recipe with the addition of cuttlefish ink. Dry to a state of crackers and grind into small crumbs.

Store in a closed container in a dry place at room temperature.


Prepare the land from the finished Borodino bread.

potato pie

How to cook:

  • Grate potatoes on a Korean grater.
  • Dip in small portions into hot deep-fryer and fry for a couple of minutes until golden brown and crispy.
  • Transfer onto paper towels. Salt.

Store in a closed container in a dry place at room temperature.


Soak grated potatoes in beetroot juice for 20-30 minutes. Dry and then deep fry. The output is a bright red potato pie.


In our experiment, we used mini arugula sprouts. Microgreens can be grown from radishes, sunflowers, beets, peas, alfalfa, and many other food plants.

How can these decorations be used?

We took a popular dish - pork tenderloin medallion with mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce, - and prepared six presentations with the participation of all decor elements. The color and taste of mashed potatoes were diversified by adding pumpkin and green peas with cream to it.

We remind you that the decor is prepared in advance and is well stored.

Save and enjoy!
