
Gourmet salad with ham. Salad with ham and cheese "Orchid"

Salad with ham, cucumber, egg and cheese (photo: frauklara.ru)

You want to eat healthy and tasty not only on weekdays, but also on holidays. And you need to do everything possible for this, starting with the search suitable recipes. We recommend paying special attention to salads. Simple in composition, but very tasty salad with ham, cheese and cucumbers will decorate any festive table and save a lot of time for the hostess. It looks especially impressive in portioned serving, in small baskets or tartlets. Harder recipe this does not make it, and the salad turns out to be as bright and colorful as in the photo. If there is very little time, then you can cut everything the day before, and before serving, add mayonnaise and spread the salad into tartlets. Garnish with herbs, pepper slices or cranberries - and festive snack ready.

What is good about such simple salads is that they are cooked very quickly and if something is missing, it is easy to find a replacement for this ingredient. For example - instead of ham, take sausage or boiled chicken, fresh cucumber replace with pickled or salted, and for lack of hard cheese add to lettuce. Well, if everything you need is available - proceed to cooking.

The easiest ham salad with cheese, cucumber and boiled eggs

Recipe from chopoel.ru


  • boiled ham - 200 grams;
  • hard cheese sharp varieties- 100g;
  • hard-boiled eggs - 3 pieces;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pieces or 1 large;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground pepper black - 2-3 pinches (optional);
  • waffle baskets or tartlets;
  • dill or any greens of your choice;
  • cranberries, lingonberries or red Bell pepper, tomato - for decoration.

How to cook:

We put the eggs to boil, pour them big amount cold water. We wait for the start of boiling, set the timer for 10 minutes, and cut the rest of the products. We cut the ham into small cubes, the cucumbers are a little larger - in this form they will not give much juice and remain crispy. We cut the cheese as finely as ham. During this time the eggs are cooked. We shift them into a bowl of ice water, and drain the boiling water. Once cooled, finely chop with an egg cutter or chop with a knife. We mix everything, season with mayonnaise to taste. Put as much as you like, but keep in mind that waffle tartlets may get wet from a large number sauce. It can be put on the table in a separate gravy boat so that your guests can add as much as they want. Season the salad of ham, cheese and cucumbers with salt and ground pepper. Again - to taste, given that ham, cheese and mayonnaise are already salty. Ready salad can be left for some time in the refrigerator, and laid out in tartlets just before serving. First, wash and dry the greens, cut red peppers, tomatoes into slices, or defrost cranberries and lingonberries. We fill the tartlets with salad, laying it out in a slide. Sprinkle with bright pieces of pepper or decorate with berries, sprigs of greens. Here you can think of different variants thematic design for the upcoming holiday. We serve a salad with ham, cheese and fresh cucumber slightly chilled to the table, on big platter or tray. For a party or new year holiday batch serving is the best solution. Original, tasty and small portions will not be allowed to sit too long at the table.

Based on basic recipe, you can diversify it by supplementing it with other ingredients. We decided to do useful selection ham salads with cheese and cucumbers various options, because in our traditions there is a lot and variety to cook for the holidays. See if you can find it suitable options and surprise your guests with new recipes.

Layered salad with ham, cucumber, egg and potatoes

Recipe from iamcook.ru


  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pieces;
  • ham - 100 grams;
  • green onions - 4-5 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 80 grams;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook:

I offer one of the options for a puff salad with ham and cheese, which turns out to be quite satisfying, since in addition to the main components it includes eggs, potatoes and carrots. Salad can be prepared in a deep salad bowl or on a flat plate using a cooking ring. If you use a ring, then all layers are very beautifully visible. Boil potatoes and cool, grate. Put the ring on a plate and put the potatoes on the bottom, grease with mayonnaise. Further, all layers are also greased with mayonnaise. grind green onion and cover the potatoes. The next layer is boiled eggs, grated. Cut the ham into cubes, lay out the next layer. boiled carrots grate, put on top of the ham. Carefully remove the mold and decorate the puff salad with ham and cheese at your discretion. The plate can be sprinkled green onions. The look and taste of the salad will surely please guests. The recipe is suitable for New Year.

Delicious salad with ham, cheese, pickled cucumbers and egg

Recipe from chopoel.ru


  • boiled ham - 100 grams;
  • pickled cucumber - 2 pieces;
  • cheese durum varieties- 70 grams;
  • hard boiled eggs - 3 pieces;
  • parsley or dill, green onions - a small bunch;
  • sour cream + mayonnaise (or only mayonnaise) - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt - if necessary (to taste).

How to cook:

Cut the ham and cucumbers into short strips. Please note that only small cuts, cubes, are suitable for portion serving. Finely chop the eggs, leaving one yolk for decoration. Cut the greens as small as possible, using only the leaves. For portioned salad grate cheese with large holes. In the usual cut into small cubes. Combine all ingredients, mixing gently. Salt, season with ground pepper. Prepare dressing from sour cream with mayonnaise or only from mayonnaise. For spiciness, you can add a little Russian mustard or grate garlic, if appropriate. Add dressing to salad, mix. Put on dessert plates with the help of a culinary ring or in a salad bowl with a slide. sprinkle top egg yolk, decorate with greenery.

Salad of ham, cucumbers, eggs and cheese "Tenderness"

Recipe from iamcook.ru


  • ham - 300 grams;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 piece;
  • boiled egg - 2 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • any greenery is suitable for decoration.

How to cook:

I propose to cook hearty and nutritious salad"Tenderness" with ham and cucumbers, which are good for refreshment in the cold season. The salad is prepared quickly and easily. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use kefir for salad dressing. Such a salad can be served both on the festive table and on weekdays. Cut the ham into thin strips (leave 2 thin slices of ham to decorate the salad). I also cut a fresh cucumber into thin strips. Fresh cucumber is also cut into thin strips. Boiled eggs are peeled, rubbed on coarse grater(leave a few slices or egg slices for decoration). In a bowl, combine ham, cucumber, cheese, eggs, salt the salad to taste. Mix the ingredients and put in a bowl in which the salad will be served. Make a small indentation in the middle of the lettuce. We cover the salad with a net of mayonnaise. From thin slices of ham we roll up a rose, put it in a recess in the salad. We decorate the salad with egg slices and herbs.

Salad with ham, cucumber, cheese and corn

Recipe from iamcook.ru


  • ham - 100 grams;
  • corn - 80 grams;
  • hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • fresh cucumber - 150 grams;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • boiled egg for decoration - optional;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

How to cook:

Salads with ham are very popular. And the recipes great amount. I suggest you make a salad with ham and corn. It turns out quite satisfying, thanks to ham and cheese, with a touch of freshness that cucumber gives. This salad can be eaten for lunch or dinner, and you will leave the feeling of hunger for a long time. Let's prepare a simple set of products. Cut the ham and cucumber into strips. Grate the cheese. Put the ham, cucumber and cheese in a bowl. Add corn, stir. Add garlic, grated on a fine grater, and mayonnaise. Mix carefully. Salad with ham and corn is ready, you can sprinkle it with grated boiled egg for beauty or just put a sprig of parsley on top. For beauty, spread yummy on a dish using a culinary ring. I hope that you liked the salad recipes with ham, cucumber, cheese and egg.

The combination of ham and cheese in a salad will not leave anyone indifferent. With such an appetizer, you can be sure that your guests will definitely not go home hungry. And preparing a salad with ham and cheese is very simple from the most affordable products.

Ham and Cheese Salad - Basic Recipe

Ingredients: up to 200 grams of chicken ham, the same amount of cheese, a couple of boiled eggs, 3 strong fresh cucumbers, salt, sauce.

  1. Meat and vegetables are cut into elegant strips.
  2. The cheese rubs coarsely.
  3. Cooled eggs are cut into arbitrary pieces.
  4. The products are mixed.
  5. The appetizer is dressed with salted sauce. Mayonnaise on quail eggs is perfect for this purpose.

The traditional set for such a salad: ham, cheese, cucumber, egg. But you can change it to your liking by adding, for example, green lettuce, sweet peppers and other favorite ingredients.

with cucumbers

Ingredients: 2 large fresh cucumbers, 3 "cool" eggs, 160 g raw champignons, 80 g of cheese, turnip, 230 g of any ham, mayonnaise, fine salt.

  1. The ham is cut into medium cubes. Cooled eggs and cheese are also crushed.
  2. Onions and mushrooms are arbitrarily finely chopped, after which they are fried in any fat until cooked.
  3. Fried, egg cubes and ham are mixed. Topped with salted mayonnaise.
  4. Cucumbers are cut into thin circles.

The finished snack is laid out in a slide on a flat wide dish. Starting from the top of the salad, slices fresh cucumbers alternately pressed into the dish to the very bottom. You need to move clockwise. As a result, a beautiful and tasty “flower” will appear on the plate.

Salad "Cocktail"

Ingredients: 190 g pork ham, large fresh cucumber, sweet pepper pod, a couple of boiled eggs, 90 g classic mayonnaise, 70 g of cheese, a pinch of fresh herbs, salt.

  1. The ham is cut into thin strips.
  2. Washed, peeled, fresh cucumber is also cut.
  3. Washed and dried peppers are chopped into cubes. Cooled eggs are crushed in the same way.
  4. Cheese rubs on a grater medium-sized. You can use smoked product in this recipe.
  5. The bottom of the bowls is smeared with mayonnaise. Ham is laid out in them. Next, salted cucumbers are poured out and a net of classic mayonnaise is drawn.
  6. Then there are eggs with sauce and sweet peppers.

The appetizer is decorated with grated cheese. A pinch of fresh chopped herbs is also poured on top. A ready-made cocktail salad with ham and cheese is immediately served to guests.

Appetizer with tomatoes

Ingredients: 2 firm tomatoes, 160 g of any ham, 40 g of semi-hard cheese, 4 sour cucumbers, 2 boiled eggs, half chicken breast, a bunch of greens, sauce.

  1. The breast is boiled with seasonings and salt. Cools, randomly cut.
  2. The cooled eggs are coarsely rubbed, the ham is chopped into strips.
  3. Cubes are cut sour cucumbers and tomatoes with skins.
  4. The cheese rubs finely.
  5. The greens are washed and carefully chopped.

The ingredients are mixed, salted, poured with sauce. Best of all, a combination of sour cream and sweet mustard is suitable for such a salad with the addition of tomatoes.

Salad with ham, pineapple and cheese

Ingredients: 230 g chicken ham, 90 g hard cheese, 160 g pineapple in canned, 1 PC. lettuce pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, sea ​​salt fine grinding, olive mayonnaise.

What can be cooked from a piece of ham?

Of course, a sandwich.

Well, if you try, then a huge bowl of salad. Simple but very tasty.

And instead of dry food, you can have a full dinner, lunch or get a wonderful addition to the main course.

Simple and Delicious Ham Salad - General Cooking Principles

Ham for salad does not require any pre-training except for cutting. Sometimes the product is fried, but very rarely. Usually, the packaging is removed from the piece, and simply cut into strips or cubes. Salads with ham are made mixed or flaky.

What is added with ham:

fresh or boiled vegetables, greenery;

eggs, cheese;

Canned food: corn, peas, beans, etc.;

Mushrooms fresh or pickled;

Crackers, chips.

Salads are dressed with mayonnaise, sour cream, sometimes butter. From spices, salt and pepper are added to them. If the composition includes fresh cabbage and other vegetables, then you can additionally pour in lemon juice. Decorate with herbs or products that are part of the composition.

Recipe 1: Simple salad with ham, beans and croutons

Very fast and simple salad with ham, the preparation of which will take no more than 10 minutes. We will use any beans, the color of the beans does not matter, but it is important that they are in their juice, without tomato.


200 grams of ham;

A pack of any crackers;

1 can of beans;

2 cloves of garlic;

½ bunch of dill;

80 grams of mayonnaise.


1. Cut the ham into cubes.

2. Open a can of beans, pour into a colander. Rinse under running water from the fill. Let drain while filling is being prepared.

3. Add chopped garlic, chopped dill (you can do without it) to the mayonnaise and mix.

4. We combine ham with beans, mayonnaise, crackers and you're done! This salad should not be allowed to stand, otherwise the croutons will go sour. We do just before use.

Recipe 2: Delicious Salad with Ham and Mushrooms

To prepare a delicious salad with ham, you need a jar canned champignons and 15 minutes of time. If there are no champignons, then you can use other pickled mushrooms.


200 grams of ham;

1 jar of champignons;

3 tablespoons of oil;

1 onion;

2 tomatoes;



1. Cut the ham into strips, throw into a salad bowl.

2. Shred the onion in half rings, fry in oil until transparent.

3. Drain the brine from the mushrooms, cut the mushrooms into strips and send them to fry with onions. Cook for a minute after evaporating the liquid and cool.

4. In tomatoes, we remove the place to which the stalk was attached, and cut into cubes. Mix with ham.

5. Add mushrooms with onions.

6. We salt the salad, season with mayonnaise and you're done!

Recipe 3: Simple Salad with Ham, Tomatoes and Cucumbers

Light and simple salad with ham, which will especially help out in summer time year, when it is full of fresh vegetables and herbs. Great option light dinner or additions to the main course.


350 grams of ham;

2 cucumbers;

2 tomatoes;

1 bunch of onions;

1 bunch of dill;

100 grams of cheese.

As a dressing, you can take mayonnaise, butter, sour cream or yogurt. We choose the option to your taste.


1. We wash and wipe the vegetables dry, cut into arbitrary pieces.

2. Add chopped greens.

3. Cut the ham into strips or cubes, add to the salad.

4. Salt and mix with any dressing to your taste. For piquancy, you can add a little lemon juice or mustard. And you can do both.

5. Top with three large chips of cheese and you're done!

Recipe 4: Delicious Salad with Ham and Korean Carrots

To please your loved ones with a delicious salad with ham, you can not even get a cutting board with a knife. Don't believe? We use the usual Korean carrot without meat, mushroom, fish additives.


200 grams of ham;

200 grams of carrots in Korean;

50 grams of mayonnaise;

100 grams of cheese;

1 bunch lettuce.


1. Take a coarse grater and rub the ham.

2. Next, we also rub hard cheese.

3. Add Korean carrots to them. It is not necessary to drain the marinade from it.

4. We tear the lettuce leaves with our hands, which need to be washed and shaken off the drops of water. Throw in a bowl.

5. Add mayonnaise, mix and you're done! Wonderful snack in 2 minutes from minimum set products.

Recipe 5: Simple Ham and Pineapple Salad

A variation on a simple ham salad that will require canned pineapple. You can take rings or pieces, it doesn’t really matter, since the product will still need to be cut.


200 grams of ham;

150 grams of pineapple;

100 grams of mayonnaise;

2 cucumbers (we take a fresh vegetable);

handful of cedar or walnuts.


1. We take out the pineapples from the marinade, let the liquid drain. Then cut into cubes.

2. We also cut the ham, send it to the pineapples.

3. Remove the tips from the cucumbers. Also cut into cubes.

5. Sprinkle nuts on top and you're done! If there is time, then the nuts can be lightly fried in a pan or in microwave oven will be even tastier.

Recipe 6: Delicious Salad with Ham, Tomatoes and Cheese

Recipe for an amazingly delicious ham salad that stacks in layers. You can do it on a flat dish, but it’s easier and easier to put all the products in a deep bowl.


200 grams of ham;

2-3 tomatoes;

150 grams of cheese;

1 onion;

Mayonnaise and greens.


1. Immediately set the eggs to boil. After cooking, clean and cut into cubes.

2. Finely chop the onion, scald with boiling water for a few seconds and cool. If we use a sweet salad onion, then you can not douse it with boiling water.

3. We cut the ham, put it on the bottom of the salad bowl, grease with mayonnaise.

4. Put the prepared onion on top.

5. Now lay the eggs in a layer, coat with mayonnaise. This layer can be lightly salted.

6. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, put them on the eggs. We apply a light mesh of mayonnaise, do not smear much.

7. Three cheese, grease well with mayonnaise.

8. Decorate the salad with herbs and you're done! It can be left to stand or consumed immediately.

Recipe 7: Simple Salad with Ham, Corn and Crackers

There are two versions of this salad: with and without garlic. We do it to your taste. We use croutons neutral or with meat flavors(barbecue, bacon, ham).


1 can of corn;

300 grams of ham;

1 pack of crackers;

150 grams of mayonnaise;

1 bunch of green onions;

120 grams of cheese.


1. Cut the ham into cubes, put in a bowl.

2. Add chopped onion.

3. Drain the marinade from the corn and send the grains to the salad.

4. Add diced cheese. You can also grate it, but cutting looks more beautiful in this salad.

5. Pour crackers, season with mayonnaise and serve immediately. Like other snacks with crackers, this one does not need to stand.

Recipe 8: Delicious Ham and Bell Pepper Salad

A variant of elegant and tasty ham salad. It is added to it bell pepper, it is better to use pods different colors, will be even more beautiful.


3 bell peppers;

200 grams of ham;

1 cucumber;


0.5 lemon;

150 grams of cheese.


1. Cut the Bulgarian pepper into cubes, put in a salad bowl.

2. We also cut the cucumber, send it to the pepper.

3. Boil the eggs, chop and throw into the salad.

4. Ham and cheese are also cut, combined with the rest of the ingredients.

5. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, add to the mayonnaise, mix.

Recipe 9: Simple Ham and Chinese Cabbage Salad

Lightweight but hearty salad from ham. Chinese cabbage can be replaced with white or red, but it is important that they are juicy, with tender leaves. Lying and winter cabbage won't fit.


400 grams of cabbage;

200 grams of ham;

½ lemon;

4 tablespoons of oil;

½ can of green peas;

1 Bulgarian pepper;

A pinch of black pepper;

5 quail eggs or 2 chicken.


1. First of all, boil hard-boiled eggs, let cool and peel.

2. Cut the cabbage into cubes, add salt, lemon juice and mix.

3. Cut the Bulgarian pepper in half, remove the insides and chop into strips. Mix with cabbage.

4. Add chopped ham.

5. We send peas to the salad.

6. Pour in the oil and mix.

7. We cut quail eggs put on the salad in four parts. If used chicken eggs, then we cut somewhere into 8 parts and also lay on top.

8. Sprinkle the eggs with black pepper on top and you can put it on the table!

Recipe 10: Delicious Salad with Ham, Cucumbers and Cheese

For cooking, you need pickled cucumbers. You can take any cheese, it turns out delicious even with sausage cheese. Puff salad, topped with olives. Those who don't like them can use green pea or corn, they also turn out delicious.


200 grams of ham;

3 cucumbers;

200 grams of cheese;

150 grams of mayonnaise;

20 olives;

1 onion;

A little bit of vinegar.


1. Cut the onion into cubes, pour 3% vinegar and leave to marinate until other ingredients are prepared.

2. Boil the eggs.

3. Cucumbers and ham are also chopped into small cubes.

4. Put a layer of grated eggs on the bottom of the salad bowl. Salt and grease with mayonnaise.

5. Now put the ham.

6. Onion squeezed from the marinade on top. Lubricate a little with mayonnaise.

7. Lay out the cucumbers. This layer is not smeared.

8. Rub the cheese on top and grease with mayonnaise.

9. Cut the olives into rings and sprinkle the salad on top.

Easy and Delicious Ham Salad - Tips and Tricks

For the preparation of cold ham appetizers, it is better to use a product with the minimum amount fat, as dressings will still be added to the salad. In addition, lean ham is easier to cut into neat pieces.

Mayonnaise is a common, but far from the only salad dressing. Pairs well with ham sour cream sauces with mustard lemon juice, pepper and garlic. In addition, they are much healthier for the body and less high-calorie.

Before adding the onion to the salad, pour boiling water over it, the bitterness will go away and it will become sweeter. You can also pickle the onion in vinegar (table, apple, wine) with the addition granulated sugar.

Salads with tomatoes let out a lot of juice that flows to the bottom of the bowl or to the edges of the dish. To prevent this from happening, you need to remove the watery part with seeds from the fruit and use only the fleshy areas.

Snacks with the addition of fresh vegetables should be salted and seasoned with sauces immediately before serving, otherwise the dish will have a lot of juice, and the look and taste will suffer. Without dressings, the dish can stand in the refrigerator for up to a day if it is stored in an airtight container.

Hi all! Most of us are very fond of salads, vegetable, fruit, fish, meat - which are not among them in the recipe book modern hostess. And among all this abundance, a rather high place is occupied by cold dishes and snacks prepared with the usual store-bought sausage, which can be bought in any relevant department.

And today I bring to your attention several options for preparing these rather tender dishes.

Ham is a dietary product, so snacks from it are light and low-fat. This is of course, provided that you do not get carried away with mayonnaise. And therefore they are loved to be cooked when several types of dishes in this category are served on the table.

They are very easy to cook hastily, so to festive table, and all because it is quite simple and easy to do. Your family and guests will definitely enjoy today's unpretentious options and more complicated dishes. And I think that everyone can choose a recipe for themselves to taste.

This bright appetizing salad will not leave anyone indifferent at your table. It turns out juicy, beautiful and tasty! And how could it be otherwise, because it contains all the most delicious, even if you eat it separately.

What can we talk about if all these delicacies are collected in one bowl, and even seasoned with olive oil!

So write down the recipe! Or we can do it all together.

We will need:

  • One large or two small fresh cucumbers
  • Two medium pickled cucumbers
  • Jar of pitted olives
  • Can of sweet corn
  • Two hundred grams of ham
  • One hundred grams of finished Korean carrots
  • A little olive oil, to taste
  • Small bunch of green onions and herbs
  • Salt and spices to taste if desired


1. Wash fresh cucumbers and cut off the tips from them, if their skin is rough, then it is best to peel it too. Cut them into small strips, cut pickled cucumbers in the same way.

You can, of course, take some of the proposed ones, but when they are different, this improves the overall taste at times.

2. Cut the sausage into the same pieces. Try to choose her good quality and that it was delicious on its own, without any additives.

The tastier the ingredients in the dish, the tastier the dish itself is.

3. Fold the chopped straw into a deep bowl, in which it will later be convenient to stir all the contents folded there.

4. Wash the green onion and let the water drain, then finely chop. Add to the rest of the ingredients, but do not mix yet. It is not necessary to let the juice stand out ahead of time.

5. Open jars of corn and olives and drain all liquid from them. I like to drink the corn marinade right there ... And send the canned ingredients to the rest.

6. Send here Korean carrot, or carrot, as it is also called.

Salt and pepper as desired and to taste. I don't do either because there's enough of everything in the added products. But adding a little olive oil will be just right.

Now you can our components and gently mix. At the same time, each piece will be covered with a thin oil film, which will allow the juice not to stand out, and the salad will remain in the form we intended it to be.

You can immediately serve it to the table, while you can put it on a large flat dish and decorate fresh leaves greenery. Or leave it as is, in a deep bowl.

Fresh, vitamin salad ready! It looks beautiful on any table. Eat with pleasure!

Delicate salad with ham, cheese and Chinese cabbage

We have already talked with you more than once about the benefits of cabbage,. Oh oh delicious ham and so everyone knows. In this dish, we tried to combine the benefit and taste!

And who said that you can not combine business with pleasure? As for me, this is not only possible, but also necessary, and in any dish that we undertake to cook.

How we did it, you be the judge.

We will need:

  • Three hundred grams of ham
  • Two hundred grams of cheese
  • Four hundred grams of Chinese cabbage
  • one cucumber
  • one apple
  • one lime
  • one bulb
  • One hundred grams of canned corn
  • mayonnaise for dressing
  • Salt and pepper to taste


1. Thoroughly rinse the cucumber and apple and remove from them what we do not need - the core from the apple, the tips from the cucumber, and, if necessary, the skin. Cut everything randomly and put it in a bowl with high sides, in this it will be more convenient to mix the ingredients.

2. Cut the lime into two halves and sprinkle the apple with squeezed juice so that it does not darken.

You can take lemon for this purpose as a substitute. I just really like the scent of lime, there is something so special and spicy about it.

3. Cut the onion into very thin half rings or small cubes.

If you want to avoid bitterness in the dish, then chopped onion can be poured with boiling water for seven minutes, and then put on a sieve to glass the liquid.

For such gentle options I try to make sure to do this manipulation so that the onion does not clog all the other ingredients with its taste and smell.

And you can add it to a common bowl.

4. Chop the Chinese cabbage into strips and add to the rest of the ingredients. "Thick" veins are best cut.

By the way, I once prepared such a salad, where I cut cabbage into small squares, the same thing looked very attractive. In general, choose any cutting method, this is already according to your desire. It is clear that this will not affect the quality of taste in this embodiment.

5. Ham and cheese are also cut into thin strips and put on the waiting ingredients.

Add corn, and optionally salt and pepper, but do not forget that it enough in cheese and mayonnaise. Refuel cutting mayonnaise sauce and mix.

The same version of the dish is prepared with the addition of canned green peas. And in this case it simply replaces corn. And by and large, you can add one product and the other in equal quantities.

You can submit it on paper. Chinese cabbage sprinkled with grated cheese. Ready!

Cocktail salad with fresh cucumbers and a quick egg

This salad even has a beautiful name! And the presentation of such a dish is always simply delicious! And imagine how delicious it will turn out! Be sure to arrange such beautiful dinners for your loved ones.

By the way, and useful ... After all, there are a lot of vegetables in the composition, which means that it’s the most for serving for dinner!

We will need:

  • One hundred grams of ham
  • One hundred grams of cheese
  • Two eggs
  • two cucumbers
  • One red bell pepper
  • Half a glass of mayonnaise


1. Boil eggs, then cool in cold water for more quick cleaning, and peel off the shell. Next, cut them into thin strips.

If there is an egg cutter, then you can also get such a neat straw on it.

2. Wash and wipe the vegetables with a towel, preferably paper. Then remove the seed box from the peppers, and cut off the tips from the cucumbers, if necessary, peel the skin as well.

Then cut the vegetables into thin neat strips.

3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Of course, you can take this product of any kind to your taste, I like softer and yellower varieties in such combinations more. They are usually very gentle.

Sometimes for such a neighborhood, I even use processed cheese. I lightly freeze them in the freezer and rub them on a grater.

4. Be sure to cut the sausage into thin strips, the thinner and more accurate, the better. After all, we have today to submit exquisite cocktail all the same!

When choosing meat product for a dish, be sure to focus on its composition and manufacturer, you can also partly on the price. Taking it of poor quality, unnatural, you risk spoiling the whole dish.

5. So, we collect the composition.

To begin with, we take bowls, wide glasses or glasses and put the first layer in each of them cold cuts. Then we lightly cover the meat with a cobweb of mayonnaise, as well as each subsequent layer, except for the last one.

We decorate the finished salad with herbs. It turned out quite elegant! It is not a shame to serve such a dish even for the arrival of guests.

And you will agree that it is quite easy to prepare. You only need to boil two eggs, and the rest of the products can often be found in any refrigerator.

Salad "Tenderness" - a classic recipe

This dish even looks tender, despite the fact that it contains meat. Very delicious combination ingredients from cheese, ham and fresh cucumbers, allows me personally to eat it in large quantities!

So I want more, more...

It can be served both in a common bowl and on separate portioned plates.

We will need:

  • Three hundred grams of ham
  • Three cucumbers
  • Two eggs
  • One hundred grams of cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • parsley for garnish


1. Boil the eggs and place them in cold water to cool, and then peel them.

Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends. If the peel of the vegetable is bitter or thick, then of course you need to cut it off as well.

2. Cut the ham, eggs and cucumbers into small strips and place the whole thing in a large bowl in which it will be convenient to mix.

Here also grate cheese on a coarse grater.

3. Add mayonnaise and mix ready meal it is desirable only before serving, so that the cucumbers do not let the juice go and do not “turn sour”.

Put the seasoned contents in a beautiful bowl or tamp into molds. IN last version serve on a plate.

To make the dish more attractive, decorate with herbs.

As you probably noticed, this option can be prepared quite quickly. Do you know how soft and delicious it is? No?! Then try to cook it for sure!

Layered salad with ham and bell pepper

It's just a masterpiece, I tell you! So many delicious foods and all in one place, well, isn't it wonderful. Great option that will look great on your holiday table.

And sometimes you can treat yourself to this on weekdays.

Your loved ones will be delighted with such a presentation and taste!

We will need:

  • 250 grams of ham
  • 130 grams of cheese
  • 300 grams of tomatoes
  • 250 grams sweet bell pepper
  • 160 grams of mayonnaise


1. Rinse vegetables thoroughly and remove unnecessary parts from them. Seeds and stems from peppers. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the middle with juice and seeds with a spoon, and cut out the stalk.

The "insides" of a tomato, in the future, can be used in another dish, for example, for cooking a tomato.

The salad will be more beautiful and brighter if you take peppers of different colors, such as yellow and red.

2. Then cut the vegetables and ham into small strips and place in different bowls.

3. Grate the cheese into a separate plate on fine grater. Best of all, if you do it through a fine grill, it will be more tender and tasty.

4. Put a detachable form on the dish in which our salad will be based.

We will collect all the components on it in layers, where each, except for the last one, will be covered with a mesh of mayonnaise. So, first I put cold cuts on the bottom of the form, then pepper mixed - yellow and red, then tomatoes.

5. final layer lay out the cheese.

If you are planning some kind of vegetable decoration on top of it, then you can lightly season the cheese layer with mayonnaise so that this outfit stays on the surface better.

6. Put the completed form in the refrigerator so that when it is removed, nothing will fall apart. Stay there for about an hour. Then take out the dish and put it away.

Now you can decorate the top. I chose the easy way and garnished with the remaining pepper strips. In my opinion, it turned out quite well. And if you consider that I cooked it for dinner, it’s absolutely wonderful!

Here we have such a simple layered almost “cake”. Delicious, bright and beautiful! Your loved ones will definitely love it!

Recipe for a delicious salad with cheese and champignons

This dish is for those who love gentle combination mushrooms and meat. And how not to love when this neighborhood is amazingly tasty! Also laid in layers - just a delight!

I think that once you try this option, you will definitely want it again and again.

We will need:

  • five eggs
  • two potatoes
  • one carrot
  • Two hundred grams of ham
  • Three hundred grams of cheese
  • Two hundred grams of canned champignons
  • One small bunch of green onions
  • mayonnaise for dressing


1. First, bake the potatoes and carrots with the skin in the “batch” way in the microwave until cooked.

Then we cool the vegetables in cold water, peel off the uniform and chop on a coarse grater into different bowls, or simply leave them in two different piles on the cutting board.

2. Boil eggs and cool in cold water, peel. Now we pass them, as well as cheese, through a grater into separate plates.

3. Cut the ham and champignons (or other mushrooms) into small strips different dishes. Chop the onion into thin rings. All the ingredients are ready and we can start assembling our masterpiece. To do this, put a detachable form on a dish.

Leave a few mushrooms to decorate our "handsome".

And so each "floor" of the salad, except for the last. Next we spread the green onions, then the egg, mushrooms, meat and carrots. Finally pour the cheese.

Decorate with parsley and mushrooms. Beauty turned out just not earthly. Very beautiful!

And when our dish stands a little in the refrigerator and each layer is soaked delicious sauce, then such beauty and deliciousness are eaten in no time!

A simple recipe with canned beans and croutons

And now I want to bring to your attention another very simple version of the snack for serving. If you have in the refrigerator desired products, then it will be possible to cook this dish simply in a jiffy.

Personally, I always keep strategic reserve canned legumes and corn, and if you dig deep enough, you'll find a pack of crackers.

Well, buying sausage and cucumbers is always easier than ever

We will need:

  • two hundred and fifty grams of ham
  • can of canned beans
  • jar canned corn
  • three hundred grams of fresh cucumbers
  • one pack of rye breadcrumbs
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt also to taste


In fact, the process of preparing the entire salad is minimized. To be honest, there is not much to describe here. But still, a recipe is a recipe, and it requires a careful attitude, so let's write it down as it should be.

1. Drain liquid from canned corn and beans. Try to drain it in such a way that there is no liquid left at all. I usually do this first thing. I drain it through a sieve, and leave it for a while right in it. That is, while I prepare the rest of the ingredients.

I like to use large red beans in this recipe. With her, the dish looks most impressive. But in general, of course, you can take the one that is available at that time.

2. Cut the ham into medium cubes. Send the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto a deep bowl, where we will collect all the other components of the dish.

3. Cut the cucumber in the same way. If the fruits are large and their skin is thick, then it is better to peel it. In this case, the dish will turn out to be more tender in perception.

4. Leave a few beans and corn kernels for decoration, send everything remaining to a bowl.

5. Add mayonnaise. If using only it is too nutritious for you, then you can take 50% sour cream and the same amount of mayonnaise.

Stir the contents and taste it for salinity. If desired, you can add salt to taste. And if you want the composition to be a little spicier, then you can also add ground pepper.

6. When the taste suits you completely, put the mixture on a plate in the form of a hillock. top decorate rye croutons, and on the sides lay out oval red beans and scatter bright corn.

It turns out very beautiful.

The dish can be served immediately to the table.

If you plan to serve later, then do not refuel it immediately. Let it stand in the refrigerator, not even mixed. It is most delicious when all spices and sauces are added just before eating.

Pasta spicy salad "Italy" with ham and tomatoes

This dish is prepared in sunny Italy. And having learned how it is done, you can plunge into this sunny atmosphere and cook a delicious hearty salad in your kitchen.

And then arrange an Italian-style dinner with the family.

Really great! Your loved ones will be delighted.

We will need:

  • two hundred grams of ham
  • one chicken fillet
  • two hundred grams of pasta
  • three tomatoes
  • small bunch of parsley
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • olive oil half a teaspoon


1. First of all, let's deal with pasta. Take products of firm grades so that they retain their shape after cooking. Spirals or bows look very nice. Although, see for yourself, you may want to change the tradition.

Of course they need to be boiled. Probably everyone knows how to do it, so I won’t talk about it here.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you cook them until fully prepared no need. They must be cooked to the state of "al dente", as it is called in Italy. That is, it is practically a state of semi-readiness, although not quite.

If there is one distance from half-readiness to readiness, then we need to stop about halfway.

2. At the end of cooking, put the products in a colander and let the water drain. Then pour in some olive oil and shake so the pasta doesn't stick to each other.

3. In the meantime, they are cooked to cut everything else. We must have pre-boiled chicken breast. It also needs to have time to cool by this time. It remains only to cut it into thin strips and that's it.

4. Cut the ham in the same way. In principle, you can get by with this option and it alone, without chicken meat. But when two types of meat product are used, the taste of the dish becomes richer.

5. Remove seeds and juice from two tomatoes. If you cut with all this economy, then the contents will turn out to be watery and will definitely “float”. We do not want such a result, therefore we remove the liquid component of the fetus.

The remaining whole tomato and the parts from which the core was pulled out, cut into cubes.

6. Combine all chopped ingredients in a deep bowl.

Put the chopped parsley in there too. I saw that such a salad is prepared with dill, maybe such an option. But in the original, it’s still worth cooking with parsley.

7. And finally, add the cooled pasta to the bowl.

8. At the end, salt and pepper our dish to taste and add 2 - 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

But see for yourself here as well. Maybe you want a little more sauce, or vice versa, slightly less. Rely on your taste, and everything will be fine.

9. That, in general, is all. The contents can be beautifully laid out on a dish and served at the table. Everyone puts on their plate as much as they need.

And if he comes back soon for more, that means italian dish was to your taste. What personally I am very, very happy!

Video on how to cook pancake "Stump with mushrooms"

And in conclusion, I can't leave this collection without it. delicious option lettuce. It is, of course, somewhat more difficult than all the others, but it's worth it.

Just look how beautiful it looks. A real stump with mushrooms.

This option is not for weekdays. Usually housewives prepare it for the holidays - for birthdays, for the New Year. He needs to bake pancakes. Then prepare some toppings. And then the fun begins...

However, I will not tell. Intrigue is important here, and, to be honest, even watching the cooking process is interesting, not something to do on your own! Such creativity!!!

In general, everything is possible, and if you have a desire to create such cooking masterpiece, then I am sure that you will succeed.

Excellent options for simple and not so simple, but a must delicious salads, is not it?

We noticed that many of them are prepared for one or two, without any special problems, easily, simply, quickly. Great Options for a festive feast or just for dinner with your beloved family.

Ready-made options can be served either simply in a beautiful deep bowl, or laid in the form of a puff circle with exquisite design, onto a large flat dish. Or serve personally to each on a plate, for their decoration they are now sold culinary rings small diameter.

Cocktail salads are also a great idea for portion serving. Always out of place, very elegant, in my opinion and always nice!

Be sure to decorate your delicious dishes for yourself and your loved ones! See how beautifully you can decorate one of them for the New Year. Quite simply, but looks so elegant. If you want to see the recipe, there is also a video.

I hope you have chosen something interesting from our recipes that you liked the most. If you like the whole collection, then it's generally great!

In general, friends, always cook only with love! And you will always succeed!

Bon appetit everyone!

Ham is an excellent ingredient for salad, the use of which makes the dish more satisfying and nutritious. This product goes well with cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes and sweet red peppers, it is not surprising that these ingredients are present in most recipes.

Salads with ham are prepared very quickly, since the product does not require additional processing, as is the case with the same chicken, beef or fish. If among the ingredients for the salad there are fresh vegetables they just cut pretty small pieces.

Mayonnaise is traditionally used to dress the dish, sometimes kefir can serve as an alternative to it. For lovers of salads with butter, a mixture of mustard, black pepper, vinegar, olive oil and salt is perfect.

Salads with ham - food preparation

The process of preparing a salad with ham is incredibly simple, no preliminary preparation of products is required, it is enough that all the ingredients are finely chopped or grated ( we are talking about hard cheese) and stacked in special containers for serving.

Recipe 1: Salad with Cheese and Ham

Hearty and nutritious salad. The recipe has long been adopted by Russian housewives, who do not forget about it on the eve of the solemn meeting of guests.

- 150 grams of ham;
- 2 eggs;
- 1 bell pepper;
- 250 grams of cherry tomatoes;
- 100 grams of hard cheese;
- 150 grams of lettuce;
- 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
- 1 teaspoon french mustard;
- 2 tablespoons wine vinegar;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Cooking method

We cut the ham into small cubes or strips, we do the same with pepper and boiled eggs. You can do with cheese as you like, for example, cut into slices or grate on a coarse grater. Cherry tomatoes should be cut in half.

We proceed to the salad, in no case should it be cut, otherwise the taste and aroma will be lost, beautiful green pieces will darken. We tear the salad with our hands.

The dressing for our ham salad will be a specially prepared sauce. Mix until uniform consistency vinegar, olive oil, mustard, black pepper and salt.

We mix all the ingredients of the salad with ham and season with the sauce.

Recipe 2: Salad with Ham and Mushrooms

Mushrooms wonderfully complement the ham, giving it a special taste and aroma.

- 200 grams of ham (you can take balyk, brisket or ham);
- 300 grams of champignons;
- 3 eggs;
- 2 onions;
- 250 grams of tomatoes;
- 250 grams of mayonnaise;
- ground black pepper;
- a few tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- salt.

Cooking method

Boil the mushrooms in advance, cut into small pieces, fry for vegetable oil within 10-15 minutes.
Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil.

Cut the ham into cubes or strips.

Grate the eggs.

Separately, cut the tomatoes into small pieces, after which it is necessary to drain the juice (if it appears), otherwise the salad will not look very presentable.

Mix all salad ingredients, season with salt and pepper.

Finishing touch- add Mayo.

Recipe 3: Ham Cocktail Salad

It would seem that, regular products, But sweet taste added fruit completely changes the attitude to the salad, makes it incredibly juicy, allowing you to call it a beautiful word "cocktail".

- 300 grams of boiled chicken fillet(too dry meat should not be taken, it is better to mix the legs and breast);
- 150 grams of ham;
- 50 grams of hard cheese;
- 3 eggs;
- 1 fresh cucumber;
- 2 ripe kiwis;
- 50 grams of canned corn;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise or sour cream;
- greens (dill, parsley);
- salt.

Cooking method

Cut the ham and chicken meat into small strips, do the same with boiled eggs and kiwi, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Prepare a sauce of mayonnaise or sour cream, you can mix the ingredients in a ratio of 50x50.

We lay out the ingredients in bowls or salad bowls in such a way that the products create a harmony of color. The sauce is poured over the products.

In order for all layers to be saturated, it is necessary to put the cocktail salad in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

Recipe 4: Ham and Cucumber Salad

Slavs quite often put pickles in a salad, it is worth noting that this product looks very advantageous with ham.

- 300 grams of ham;
- 150 grams of hard cheese;
- 2 pickled cucumbers of medium size;
— 2 boiled eggs;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- dill or parsley;
- salt.

Cooking method

Cut the ham into small strips, the cucumber strips should be about the same size. Cheese does not have to be chopped by hand, you can grate it. By the same principle as with cheese, we work with eggs. Mix the prepared salad ingredients, salt, season with mayonnaise. After the salad with ham and cucumbers is in the salad bowl, it should be sprinkled with cheese and herbs on top.

Try to use dry ham in salads. If water oozes out of it (this happens), wring out the product a little before slicing.

As a rule, ham is cut into small strips in a salad, so its taste is more refined.
