
Hot appetizers for the holiday table recipes. Snacks on the festive table

Although New Year is not yet knocking at our doors, but we remember that its advance is getting closer and closer every day. You will not have time to turn around, and we will all fall into a fun cycle called "New Year's chores." And these troubles will swirl us in their pre-holiday whirlwind.

But, you must admit that these chores are very pleasant. After all, we all love to go shopping, choose gifts for relatives and friends. Think about what outfit to choose for New Year's Eve what hairstyle to do. Dream about where and with whom we will celebrate the holiday.

And of course, we will all think about what to cook for festive table.

And when on the table we will have the most delicious and beautiful dishes led by the salad Symbol of the Year, the Rooster will certainly pay attention to how we tried to prepare for a meeting with him. And then next year will be successful for us in all respects.

Bon appetit! And Happy New Year!

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The menu of hot appetizers can include many of the most different dishes: from gourmet to fast food. Cheese, fish, meat hot appetizers will be able to whet the appetite of guests before the start new year's dinner. This year try to put next to the traditional European hot appetizers in favor of the Russians. Think of trays of pies, portioned baked porridge or fried potatoes with cream and mushrooms.

If your company is predominantly male, then do not forget about delicious hot meat appetizers. For ladies, hot appetizers from pita bread and some kind of light stuffing: curd cheese, baked vegetables. Below you will find a collection step by step recipes with photos that will help you decide on your New Year's menu.

How to serve hot appetizers?

Recipes for hot appetizers on the festive table are varied. There are also different ways of presenting it. Depending on the method of preparation and the dishes in which they are cooked, hot snacks are served on a plate, on a dish, on a portioned frying pan, in heat-resistant glassware. Usually, hot, cooked snacks are served on plates on the right side of the visitor. Snacks are placed on the table first. Served on a plate different kinds hot sandwiches, fried zucchini, potato cutlets.

Omelettes are served on a metal or porcelain dish. When serving omelettes on a dish, cutlery, linen napkins and heated small dinner plates are placed on the visitor's table in advance. The plate is served on the right side of the visitor, and the omelette on the left. Transfer the omelet from the dish to the plate using a spreader. It is opened in the form of a spatula. Fried eggs, fried eggs, brains with butter, etc. are served in portioned pans. They are brought on a tray, placed on a stand-up plate covered with a paper napkin. Served on the right side of the visitor, in front of which snack devices are placed in advance. The handles of the pan should be directed to the right and left, so as not to create inconvenience for the visitor when eating.

Soufflé, festive hot appetizer, served immediately after its preparation, so that it does not settle. It is prepared in individual molds or in heat-resistant glassware for several servings. The soufflé prepared in individual molds is placed on stand-up plates with a paper napkin. Served on the right side of the visitor with a teaspoon. The soufflé, cooked in a heat-resistant glass dish, is served on the left side of the visitor “to carry out”. Before the visitor, a heated plate and snack devices are placed in advance.

Remove plates and cutlery using a tray or rune technique. Plates are placed on the tray from its inside, and cutlery is placed in a separate plate. Frying pans are placed one on top of the other in the second row. Cleaning plates and pans at the same time with a special technique occurs in the same way as when three plates are carried in the left hand, and empty pans are placed on the first plate, cutlery and leftovers on the second, and substitute plates on the third.

Diversify the festive table with savory and delicate snacks cold and hot serving. We have selected fast food recipes for a large number of people with different tastes and preferences. Snacks can be prepared with meat, poultry, vegetables, grains, seafood, and more. Instructions have been updated. colorful photo– standard correct filing dishes.

Herring on a fur coat

A simple and spectacular appetizer for the festive table is prepared in a matter of minutes, if the blanks are pre-made. You need to prepare:

  • boiled beets - 2-3 pcs.;
  • herring in preserves - 1 pack;
  • Borodino bread;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt, herbs.

Cut the bread into small square-shaped slices and dry in the oven or fry in a pan. At this time, grind the beets on a grater, salt and season with mayonnaise. Put some beetroot on top of the toast, put the herring on top. An example of the correct filing is in the photo.

Canape with salmon: serving options

This snack is considered gourmet dish modern feast, and can be produced in several ways of serving. As a basis, you can use special toast, bread and crackers. As additional ingredients you may need:

  • caviar;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • mayonnaise or butter;
  • Philadelphia cheese;
  • quail or chicken eggs;
  • greenery.

Numerical serving options are shown in the photo, which also shows the combination of ingredients and the interpretation of serving the finished dish.

Colored eggs stuffed with herring

An amazing appetizer with a colorful presentation will appeal to guests with an open mind, as well as true gourmets. The recipe is simple, the list of products is appropriate:

  • boiled beets - 1 pc.;
  • fillet slightly salted herring- 1 PC.;
  • boiled chicken eggs- 5 pieces. or 10 even halves;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice- ½ piece;
  • red caviar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dill, salt, pepper - to taste;

Carefully peel the boiled eggs from the shell and cut into two even parts. Remove the yolks and set them aside in a separate plate (they are included in the minced meat). Chop the beetroot into several pieces and pour boiling water over it, where you put the halves of the proteins for 1 hour. At this time, grind ¾ of the herring fillet in a blender or in a meat grinder, adding yolks and sour cream. On final stage add lemon juice, spices and herbs. Place the mixture in the refrigerator while removing the eggs. Dry them for paper towel, put on a serving dish and fill with minced meat. Before serving, garnish with caviar and herring slices.

Lavash snacks

The combination of acidity and delicate taste base ingredients for pita bread will become great alternative laborious complex dishes for the holiday table. We suggest filling pita bread with the following ingredients:

  • canned cucumber - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Korean carrot - 150 g;
  • crab sticks - 250 g;
  • canned corn - 100 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • boiled eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 300 g.

Spread a sheet of pita bread and grease it with mayonnaise. On top, evenly distribute chopped coarse grater crab sticks and eggs. Cover with a new sheet of pita bread, which is also greased with mayonnaise. For this layer, combine the corn filling, Korean carrot and pickled cucumbers. Distribute the mass and lay the third sheet. Lubricate it with mayonnaise and finish the filling with a combination of eggs, crab sticks, canned cucumber and bow. The fourth sheet is the final one. Repeat the procedure with applying mayonnaise, and proceed to twisting the roll. wrap it around cling film and refrigerate for at least an hour to soak. Cut into neat pieces and place on a serving platter.

Hot snack

Skewers on a skewer or grilled vegetables will equally please guests at the festive table. We invite you to prepare an express snack from simple products. You will need:

  • bamboo skewers;
  • foil;
  • white bread toasts;
  • bacon;
  • Bell pepper;
  • canned pineapple.

String the product on the skewer in the sequence shown in the photo below. Grind the cheese on a grater and sprinkle the "skewers". Line a baking sheet with foil so you can cover the contents. Send the dish to the oven for 15-18 minutes, subject to temperature regime at 160-180 degrees.

Spicy cherry tomato appetizer

The taste and presentation of this dish is equally good. The advantage of this savory snack V instant cooking and effective presentation. So, prepare the following components:

Cut off the tops of the tomatoes, and carefully scrape out the middle. On fine grater chop the processed cheese and garlic, combine into a single mass and season with mayonnaise. Add greens and stuff the tomatoes with the resulting mass, placing a crouton on top. The dish is ready to serve!

Vegetable cutting on the festive table

As it turns out, even simple cutting can be very useful on the festive table, given the specification of snack dishes. For cutting, you can take tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, Korean-style carrots, eggplants, if they are pre-baked or fried in a pan, onions, sauerkraut.

We hope that we were able to present useful ideas variety of snacks to decorate the holiday table. Cook with passion and enjoy!
