
How to thinly slice sausage at home. Simple cutting of sausage

Of course, a slicer is not an essential item in the kitchen, like a refrigerator or stove, but with its help you can always make perfectly even cuts: thick slices, medium thickness or thin, almost translucent slices. A lot can be put under the electric knife: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, bananas, citrus fruits, lettuce leaves, soft or semi-hard cheese, ham, boiled meat, sausage, bread. The main thing is to clean the products before cutting and remove the bones from them. You should not substitute only frozen foods, raw meat, jamon and fruits with hard bones like avocados or apricots under the slicer.
Who needs power?

Before you start choosing a slicer, decide how often you will use it. If you need a device to quickly chop sausage and sandwich bread in the morning or make beautiful cuts for the holidays, an inexpensive 100 watt machine is quite suitable for you.

If you plan to cut various products regularly and in large quantities (including for canning), stop at the unit, the performance of which is much higher and the power ranges from 150-200 watts.

Whatever electric slicer you choose, before you go to the store, see if you can find a place for it in your kitchen, because it is rather inconvenient to constantly get a unit weighing 3-5 kg ​​from the cabinet. By the way, if the worktop is not too large, you can choose a model with a folding body.

The knife sharpens itself

The main element of the device is a round knife. He will be engaged in cutting your delicacies. For perfect shredding, choose a unit with a self-sharpening blade made of high-quality stainless steel. And before buying, ask the seller how it is sharpened - straight or wavy. The first option is typical for democratic models that are able to cope with almost all products, however, too soft or too hard may not be cut perfectly. So if you're after top-notch tech, look for a slicer with a wavy blade. It is used in expensive units and is able to grind products of any density.

The most advanced models have removable knives with straight and wavy blades, as well as devices for cutting straws with a thickness of 4.7 and 10 mm.

From slice to piece

Any slicer has a very important characteristic called “product cutting thickness”. It is she who helps to grind bread into solid pieces, and cheese and ham - into transparent slices. If you want even slices but aren't a fan of precision, choose a model with a standard range of 1mm to 15-17mm. However, if you wish, you can find more advanced units on sale that will cut the sausage with an accuracy of half a millimeter, starting from the thinnest slices with a thickness of 0.5 mm and ending with slices of 22 mm.

If you plan to cut a lot and often, choose a device whose work table is tilted at an angle: this will make working with the slicer more convenient, and your hands will get much less tired.

Protected fingers

At first glance, it seems that the slicer is a very dangerous unit that strives to cut off a piece of your finger. In fact, manufacturers have done everything to make the use of the device safe. A round blade rotating at high speeds is installed in a protective niche, and products are fed to it using a pusher (caliper). Thanks to this, the cutting process becomes safer than with a conventional knife. In addition, the correct models provide a system of protection against accidental activation. It can be represented by two options: to activate the device, you must simultaneously press two buttons at once, or while the device is operating, constantly hold “on”.

If you have a curious baby growing up at home, choose a slicer model equipped with a "child protection" function. If it is present, the child under no circumstances will be able to independently turn on the electric knife.

Plastic or metal?

The slicer is one of the few kitchen appliances in which the body is aesthetic rather than practical. Therefore, for the sake of economy, you can safely choose an inexpensive model with a plastic case. If you want to surprise loved ones with a stylish kitchen gadget, buy a metal appliance. Of course, it costs more than its simple plastic counterpart.

Whichever slicer body you choose, it must be equipped with rubberized legs for greater stability during operation of the device. In addition, a special tray for sliced ​​​​products, which is included in the package of some models, will be a nice addition to the new gadget.


The slicer is very easy to care for. The most important thing is not to put it under water: the engine will immediately deteriorate from this. To clean the device after work, you need to remove the knife (this is easy to do), wash it and wipe it dry with a cloth. If you like perfect cleanliness, choose a slicer that removes the top panels of the body. In any case, during subsequent assembly, all elements must be well dried.

As has long been customary, this is one of the most anticipated and popular dishes on the festive table, especially now that buffet tables are starting to come into fashion. But how to cut sausage and cheese beautifully so that such a dish will please guests? All that is required for this is good taste, a flight of fancy, as well as the skill of the hostess.

To impress your guests and make the festive table chic, you need to think over the design of plates with cheese and sausage in advance. Don't be trite. It is not enough just to cut several types of sausages and cheeses and put all this variety on a large beautiful plate. As in the case of other dishes on the festive table, cold appetizers must be approached with imagination in order to pleasantly surprise guests and decorate the celebration.

If you find it difficult to do this the first time, then before you cut the sausage and cheese nicely, you can sketch out what you want to end up with. Any good hostess will prefer to work a little harder, but at the same time create a masterpiece that guests can appreciate. After all, everyone can see snacks simply laid out on a plate every day. and not at all festive. Your painstaking work will be fully rewarded by the emotions of the guests, their admiring exclamations, admiration of the original

A good option

How to cut sausage and cheese beautifully? Now we'll tell you. We offer you one interesting and at the same time quite simple option - you can simply lay out all the available products in the form of flower petals. However, they can be completely different. For example, the middle can be laid out from pieces of something light, and everything else can be made darker. Such a dish must be decorated with greenery around the edges, which will imitate the leaves of a flower.

Kala are an excellent option, to create them, a very thinly sliced ​​​​sausage is rolled up like a bud, and the cheese squares inside resemble cores. Or you can put olives or black olives inside. In this case, the petal itself is best made from cheese. In the second version, the feces look much more realistic. But in order to cut cheese and sausage beautifully, you should do it very, very thinly. If feces are made from both improvised materials, you will get a chic festive bouquet on a plate.


If you work a little harder, you can create a more complex and impressive composition. For example, a rose. To make it, sausage pieces are rolled up and pressed tightly against one another. Many bandage the base with green onions. The second layer is made looser and slightly arched outward. And the third is laid out simply on a plate. How to cut sausage and cheese in this case? The cheese, which is the substrate here, is made in thin plates, and the sausage (it is better to take boiled) is simply not very thick circles. Thick enough to make it easy to roll.

Additional elements will also help to make a dish with a cold appetizer interesting. In addition to the already somewhat banal greens, many housewives add meager cherry tomatoes or bright berries and fruits, such as cherries, strawberries or kiwi. The appetizer can also be decorated with fresh flowers. Such an interesting composition will look very impressive and will become a truly culinary masterpiece.

Another idea of ​​​​how to cut cheese beautifully is to cut it into cubes and complete it with halves of grapes on special skewers. You can also use olives or any other fruits and vegetables you like.

You can make original cutting without resorting to the help of colors. You can roll everything into rolls and lay it in a slide. Another interesting option is to place the sausage around the edges, then closer to the center - cheese, and in the very middle - olives, pieces of fruit, tomatoes or gherkins.

How to cut sausage and cheese beautifully? Now we will give some fairly easy tips to make these products look interesting on a plate. Different varieties laid out in sectors look very impressive - in rows, squares, circles or triangles, as you think of it. Another interesting option is to cut the sausage and make a cone out of it, placing greens or half an olive inside. Fasten the slices so that they do not unfold, skewers or toothpicks will help you.

Various figures can be cut out of cheese with the help of special knives. Therefore, when working with him, hold back your imagination a little, otherwise you can do a lot of things. Well, if the holiday is associated with lovers, then you can serve cheese hearts, there are even special forms for this. Such an appetizer runs the risk of becoming a real decoration not only for the table, but for the whole celebration.


If you have enough time in reserve, as well as helpers, then you can make a real work of art, a culinary masterpiece from cutting.

In various cuisines of the world, there are as many types of cuts as there are dishes themselves. One can only admire the skill of eminent chefs to make a real show out of cooking!

According to amateurs, what could be easier than slicing food: we take a sharpened knife and let's go ... I can imagine how this “dexterity” would make skilled chefs laugh. Indeed, in honing professional skills, every little thing is important, even such as the perfect cutting of products. Slices, cubes, straws, sticks, plates - such terminology has nothing to do with true culinary art. What words can still designate the types of slicing products?

How to cut and why?

Cutting products and heat treatment are processes that are inextricably linked. After all, unevenly cut products during frying can also be cooked unevenly.

Let's talk about the most famous ways of cutting products.

Carpaccio is not only a world-famous dish that originated in Italy. Today, this term is also called the method of cutting. Thin slices of beef are seasoned with olive oil. To prepare a real carpaccio, the meat is burned and cut, but only across the grain, the thickness of the product should not exceed a sheet of paper.

Interestingly, the dish itself was invented in the year 61 of the last century, and it was named after the famous Renaissance painter Vittore Carpaccio, whose canvases abounded in various shades of red. There is also a legend that the chef Giuseppe Cipriani invented carpaccio especially for one countess. The lady was sick with anemia, and the doctor advised her to eat more meat. Carpaccio as a cutting method involves very delicate work, and in the truest sense of the word - the cut product should glow from its elegance.

Julienne is also not only mushrooms or fish in sauce, but also a well-known way of cutting vegetables or shoots into strips for making sauces and soups, which gives the most delicate texture and brings the dish closer to being ready. Cutting by the “julienne” method has its own parameters: thickness up to 2 mm and length up to 2.5 cm.

Blanket involves cutting products into even sticks intended for frying potatoes or cooking first courses.

In the brennoise way, chefs cut food into medium-sized cubes, for example, for stews. At the exit, the dish will turn out to be very tasty, everything will be stewed evenly.

Concasse in French means "small cube" and suggests a peculiar way of slicing, the meaning of which is the preliminary cleaning of vegetables from peel and seeds. Most often, tomatoes and sweet peppers are cut in the concasse method.

Crudite is another way to cut raw vegetables into small, uniform pieces. Meat delicacies, salmon and sturgeon are cut in this way.

Secrets of delicious cuts

The juiciness of the salad directly depends on the shape and size of the ingredients, as well as on the cooking time. The most delicious salad is the one that is prepared right before serving.

Spicy foods are cut finely or, conversely, coarsely: thus, the piquant taste is emphasized.

Stainless steel equipment is used for cutting vegetables.

Their manners

Chinese chefs, who have honed their skills in the art of slicing for centuries, scrupulously grind any kind of food. Chicken fillet is cut into cubes of exactly one cubic centimeter, and pork loin is cut into rhombuses 2 centimeters high, 1 centimeter thick and 7 centimeters long.

The Japanese outdid everyone with the variety and originality of cutting methods. For example, sainomegiri is a specific 1.5 × 1.5 cm cube cut, used for bamboo and potatoes.

Mijingiri - finely chopped onion. Sengiri - cutting into strips for vegetables. Koguchigiri is a method of cutting from a thin end not across, but perpendicular to the fibers. Onions cut in this way are served as a seasoning for soba noodles. The same thin cut used for carrots is called wagiri, and for cucumbers - usugiri.

Sasagaki is the planing of bamboo, as well as burdock and carrots. Men-tori is the smoothing of the corners of carrots and daikon. Kakushibocho means "hidden knife" in Japanese. In thick circles, cuts are made with a cross on one side so that the vegetables cook better.

The process of cutting as an art

Few people do not know about the world-famous dried meat jamon. The taste of this Spanish delicacy, by the way, largely depends on the cutting method, which requires unsurpassed skills from the master. The profession of a cortador, a professional ham cutter, is one of the most prestigious in the country. To feel the true taste of a real jamon, you need to cut it very thinly, and this, you see, is a whole art.

The chefs of the Roll Hall restaurant work masterfully, using professional slicing methods. See for yourself by visiting our banquet hall. Only for you gourmet dishes from different cuisines of the world, enchanting presentation and absolute service. You can book a table, as well as holding family and corporate holidays, by multi-channel phone in Moscow: 8-495-255-01-11.

Any feast, and even more so a buffet table, begins with a beautiful cut.

Dishes placed on the festive table (and in everyday life) should look appetizing. Cuts served at the very beginning, along with snacks - even more so. Their purpose is to interest the guests with their unusual appearance.

Cheese and sausage (its different varieties) can be mixed and create a whole work of art, which is certainly hard not to notice on the table among other treats.

How to cut sausage and cheese

For a beautiful dish, the product must be neatly and beautifully cut, always with a sharp knife and always on a clean separate cutting board. To make it easier to get a sliced ​​​​form, the product is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (but not in the freezer) - so the pieces will turn out not only smoother, but also thinner. For greater beauty, special knives are used. Neat thin plates come out from under their blades, fit into any pattern on the dish. Cheese is generally taken out of the cold at the last moment: otherwise it will soften and it will become problematic to cut it.

The nuance is the following: what shape to give cheese and sausage. With the latest clarity more. According to table etiquette, it is cut in circles perpendicular to the stick or cut obliquely and oblong ovals are obtained. The skin is naturally removed before cutting. The circles are cut evenly, retreating from the edge to half a centimeter. The rest is considered fat. With boiled sausage, a greater thickness is allowed, but for envelopes it is also reduced here.

Hard cheeses for slicing are cut into rectangles (this is the easiest way), triangles (according to the cut of the purchased piece) or rhombuses. Any of the options does not allow for large thicknesses. It is believed that the cheese should be a little translucent, but not crumble with a porous structure. The size of the slices should be small (about 5 - 6 cm).

How to lay out the slices beautifully

  • Sliced ​​cheese and sausage parts are laid out on a dish, alternating, creating a pattern and a contrast of colors. It may turn out to be a flower, a fan, a circular solution.
  • Another of the popular ways of cutting cheese and sausages is with straws. From such blanks, chrysanthemums and huts are created, hedgehogs are laid out for a children's feast.
  • Large sheets of cheese and sausages are filled with salads. Rolled envelopes can be turned into callas, putting sausage sticks into cheese ones, and cheese into sausage ones.
  • Having given free rein to your imagination, you can put together anything from pieces of sausage and cheese: from a flower meadow to cute little animals.
  • You can roll the cut slices into various rolls, tubes, roses, etc. Inside the sausage tube, you can put sprigs of greens, olives or lemon. Sausages of small diameter can simply be beautifully laid out on a plate.
  • To make the cut look beautiful on the plate, put lettuce leaves on the bottom. Sausage cuts should take up 2/3 of the plate, and cheese cuts should take 1/3. Meat tubes and rolls are placed at the bottom of the plate. Thin slices are laid out on top. You can put a small amount of vegetables on top of the sausage. Spread the shredded cheese over the rest of the plate. This is a fairly simple way to beautifully arrange the cut.
  • To give the cutting an original look, you can add additional elements. In addition to greens, olives and lettuce, you can use cherry tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, lemons, mushrooms, nuts, candied fruits, etc.
  • If you work a little harder, you can create a more complex and impressive composition. For example, a rose. To make it, sausage pieces are rolled up and pressed tightly against one another. Many bandage the base with green onions. The second layer is made looser and slightly arched outward. And the third is laid out simply on a plate.
  • Another idea of ​​​​how to cut cheese beautifully is to cut it into cubes and complete it with halves of grapes on special skewers. You can also use olives or any other fruits and vegetables you like.
  • Sliced ​​​​sausage and cheese can be served in the form of canapés. String pieces of sausage, meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits on a toothpick or skewer. Alternate the ingredients to make a really interesting cut that is easy to grab and eat.

If you are going to cut sausage, then you need to do it beautifully, and it doesn’t matter if you cook for a festive table or an ordinary one. Photos will help you see with your own eyes how bright and easy it is to make a festive mood in a few minutes.

Often, vegetables, fruits, herbs and cheese help to decorate a sausage plate beautifully. Smoked sausage is best cut obliquely (diagonally) into thin slices. For cutting sausages, it is better to use several varieties of sausages, and you can also add loin, meat balyk. Yes, and do not forget to peel the sausage from the film before slicing. And now let's look at several options for cutting sausages for a festive mood.

Smoked sausage should be cut across, slightly obliquely. The more you open the angle (the stronger you make the diagonal), the longer the slices are. Long slices can be wrapped in bags, rolls or folded in half. Long slices are often used for interesting decoration.

We take four varieties of smoked sausage and cut it a little obliquely. We cut the Bulgarian pepper, radish, cucumber, tomato into rings. And right on a small cutting board, we beautifully lay out vegetables around the edges, and then cut slices of sausage in rows. This design option for cutting sausages is perfect for evening gatherings with friends.

This cutting option looks great, but not everyone can cut it. Therefore, I propose the simplest option, namely, contact the seller in the supermarket when you buy sausage, so that she cuts it for you right away. They will be able to cut according to your desire with a special slicing machine. You can also ask and cut the cheese, when buying. This option is very convenient. All you need to do at home is arrange the sausage on a platter and top with cherry tomatoes and basil tops if you like.

We cut the smoked sausage into slices and roll it into tubes, we do the same with ham. We cut the hunting sausages into sticks of 4-5 cm each. We lay out the tubes of ham and sausages on one side of the dish, and on the other side the sticks of hunting sausages, and in the middle, beautifully stack the halves of cherry tomatoes, olives or black olives, curly parsley leaves, pieces of Adyghe cheese And .

We cut the ham and smoked sausage into slices, the cheese into triangular slices and small cubes. In the center of the dish, spread the smoked sausage with a fan, and the edges with ham and triangles of cheese. From one side of the ham add cubes of cheese and grapes, and from the other side we lay out a hill of grapes with a leaf of parsley.

We cut meat balyk, smoked sausage and dried meat into thin slices. Spread slices around the edge of the dish. We cut the ham into slices and form tubes out of them, fastening them with toothpicks, which we lay out in a circle in the center. We beautifully place pickled chili tomatoes and olives on toothpicks on the tubes. This beautiful bouquet can be prepared in 15 minutes.

Cut several types of smoked sausage and ham with nuts into slices. Spread on a dish with a fan several slices of sausage, and roll the ham into tubes and spread next to the sausage. In the middle, stick a few slices of raw smoked sausage rolled into a tube.

We cut hard cheese into triangles, sausage and ham into slices. Beautifully on a square dish, lay out the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfan. First, slices of sausage, half-cover with slices of ham, half-cover with slices of cheese and finish with slices of sausage.

On the edge of all the plates we lay out the slices of ham rolled into tubes, on the tubes with the second tier we spread the raw smoked sausage with a fan. We lay out the center with slices of cheese, rolled into little bags. Place a quarter of an olive in each bag.

Cut smoked and raw smoked sausage into slices. We place the first layer around the plate with smoked sausage, and lay out the center with raw smoked sausage.

In a circle of the dish, lay out slices of smoked sausage, ham, dry meat. For meat slices of several types of hard cheese, and for cheese parsley leaves and in the middle a rosette of slices of smoked sausage.
