
Recipe for turkey with quince in the oven. Turkey baked with apples and quince

Turkey with quince

Boneless turkey meat 500 g

Large quince 1 pc

2-3 bulbs

1 clove of garlic

1 tbsp ketchup

1 multi-glass of water

Salt pepper

Ground sweet paprika and curry 1 tsp each

Quince has an amazing aroma and is able to mask the specific smells of certain types of meat (for example, lamb, rabbit or turkey). Therefore, the combination with meat is considered a classic.

Wash the quince and cut into fairly thick slices, removing the core;

Pour a little vegetable oil into the bowl, put the quince, sprinkle with 1 tsp. sweet ground paprika and fry on the "brown" mode until the signal (about 10 minutes, depending on the amount of product);

Add the onion in half rings and the turkey cut into small pieces, mix and fry for another 10-15 minutes;

Pour in 1 multi-glass of water, add ketchup, minced garlic, curry, salt and pepper to taste, turn off the "brown" and turn on the "porridge" mode for 1 hour.

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Stuffed turkey with rice, raisins and quince Gut and wash the turkey. Boil rice until half cooked. Soak the raisins, peel the quince, peel, remove the seeds, cut into slices, mix with rice and raisins, fill the turkey belly with minced meat and sew it up. Turkey

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Quince jelly Quince - 500 g Sugar - 500 g Orange juice - 150 ml Water - 2 l Vanilla sugar - 10 g Ground cinnamon - 2 g1. Wash the quince, cut it in half, remove the stones, add water, add half of the orange juice and heat the resulting mass over high heat for 10

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Bream stewed with quince 600 g bream, 1 quince, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons margarine, 1–1 ? a glass of water, ground black pepper, salt. Cut the prepared fish into boneless fillets, cut into pieces. Cut the onion into half rings. Quince, peeled and core, chopped

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Roast with quince

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Quince pudding 2 cups of grated quince, 4 eggs, 160 g of sugar, 200 g of milk, 160 g of breadcrumbs, 100 g of melted butter, 40 g of burnt sugar. Beat the eggs with sugar into a loose foam. Enter milk, crackers, grated quince and hot milk. Mix well and

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Cake with quince 250 g quince, 200 g sugar, 4 eggs, 100 g butter, 250 g flour, 100 g milk, baking powder, lemon zest or rum. Stirring constantly, add eggs, lemon zest (or rum), milk and flour with baking powder one by one.

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Veal with quince Cut the veal as for a stew, salt, pepper, fry in oil until golden brown, add tomato juice, fried onion, pepper and boil for 15 minutes. Then put sliced ​​and fried in oil quince, salt, sugar and simmer for more minutes 7. When

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Tajine with quince? Lamb - 500 g? Quince - 2 pcs.? Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.? Melted butter - 2 tbsp. l.? Ground saffron - 0.5 tsp? Ground nutmeg on the tip of a knife? Salt to taste Quince cut into quarters, sprinkle with sugar, pour a little water and boil. Meat

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Pork with quince 400 g pork pulp, 400 g quince, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, parsley, dill, salt and pepper to taste. Prepare the meat, rinse, beat and cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan and fry on a creamy

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Meat with quince 400 g of meat, 400 g of quince, 1 onion, salt, pepper, dill to taste. Stew meat, as in the previous recipe. Cut the quince into slices, peel and core, put in a saucepan with meat, simmer until cooked. Sprinkle the meat with chopped herbs before serving.

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I have already told you with what pleasure I watch how truly enthusiastic chefs cook. Therefore, it is not surprising that I went to visit Svyatoslav Kasavchenko with special enthusiasm and anticipation.

Firstly, Svyatoslav is not just an amateur cook. Deputy editor-in-chief of the Krasnodarskiye Izvestiya newspaper, columnist for Yugopolis and a thousand-strong blogger, most recently he published the book Kuban Cuisine with a Taste of History, where he talks in detail and fascinatingly about the traditions and technologies for preparing Kuban dishes, their origin, modern adaptations and, of course, gives detailed recipes.

Secondly, until the last moment I did not know what exactly Svyatoslav was going to cook for us and was rather intrigued. I will say right away that the surprise was a success: the turkey fillet baked with apples and quince exceeded all my expectations.

It should be noted here that, despite not quite Kuban seasonings, this dish can claim authenticity already by its method of preparation. Long languishing at a low temperature is, in principle, typical for local cuisine. The stove in the Kuban was heated mainly on business - in the winter for heating, so they cooked it on cooling coals in order to save fuel. This method of cooking makes any meat very soft, filling it with the juice and flavors of the seasonings used as much as possible. And since the recipe, for all the external attractiveness of the finished dish, does not require much effort and vigilant control, it is the best suited for the festive season.

For a New Year's Eve dinner for four, we need:

  • 700 g turkey fillet
  • 1 tsp zira seeds
  • 2 tbsp. l. seasonings for poultry
  • 3 art. l. sesame
  • 2 small quince
  • 5-6 medium apples
  • 1-2 tsp cinnamon
  • ground black pepper
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • vegetable oil for frying

1. Cut the apples into eight pieces, remove the core, but leave the peel:

2. We also remove the core from the quince and cut it into thin slices:

3. Sprinkle apples evenly with cinnamon, quince with black pepper:

4. In a dry frying pan, first fry the cumin for half a minute:

5. Then add sesame seeds to it and, stirring constantly, fry until golden brown:

6. Rub the turkey with poultry seasoning:

7. Then roll in a mixture of grains and put in a baking dish:

8. In heated vegetable oil, fry the quince until soft:

9. Add sugar (if the quince itself is sweet, sugar can be excluded). Stirring, fry for a couple more minutes:

10. Put the quince in a baking dish on top of the turkey:

11. In the same oil, fry the apples until golden brown and also put them in a mold along with the oil in which they were fried:

12. Bake for 3-5 hours at a temperature of 90 ° C. Serve the turkey on a large platter surrounded by baked fruit:

For example, rice can serve as a side dish, and the broth with seasonings formed during the baking process will serve as a sauce.

The turkey, baked in this way, turned out to be unexpectedly tender, juicy and incredibly fragrant, fruits and seasonings, perfectly combined, gave it a bright taste and a completely solemn look.

This is an ideal dish for any holiday, especially for the New Year, when the hostess does not have a single free minute. For you can prepare the ingredients and put them in a mold the day before, the meat will only marinate better overnight. And since the meat is baked at a low temperature, there is no danger that it will burn or dry out, a long languishing in the oven will only make it tastier, you can get it just before serving, without the need for warming up.

Prepared by Mirro Poison.

Step-by-step recipes for roasting turkey with quince in the oven in various ways - classic, quick with creamy garlic sauce, tomatoes and onions

Option 1: The classic recipe for turkey with quince in the oven

Despite the not quite familiar combination, the turkey with quince, roasted in the oven, turns out to be tasty and tender.


1 kg of turkey (any part of the carcass);
3 quince fruits;
3-4 garlic cloves;
100-120 g butter;
water or broth;
salt, pepper and seasonings;
cooking oil.

How to cook a classic turkey with quince in the oven

We divide the turkey into portions, wash, sprinkle with salt and seasonings, add crushed garlic and mix thoroughly.

Rinse the fruits of quince, remove the core and cut into slices.

We heat the butter in a frying pan, let the quince slices on it, and then remove them from the container.

In the same bowl where the quince was cooked, fry the turkey pieces, adding a little more oil if necessary.

We put the pieces of the bird in a refractory container, put the quince on top, pour a little liquid and send it to the oven.

Ready-made turkey with quince, baked in the oven, put in plates, sprinkle with herbs and put on the table.

Option 2: A quick recipe for turkey with quince in the oven

To cook a turkey with quince in the oven in a hurry, you should use the above method.


turkey fillet;
meat broth;
vegetable or animal fat;
salt and suitable seasonings.

How to quickly cook a turkey with quince in the oven

Cut the washed turkey fillet into portioned slices, mix with salt and seasonings.

We remove the core from the quince and cut the fruit into slices of medium thickness.

We put a little fat in the pan and fry the quince, then pour the broth and simmer the mass for a short time, adding a little salt.

We put slices of meat in a deep baking dish, pour the contents of the pan there and send the dish to the oven.

If desired, you can make a turkey in the oven in a quick way in portions, finely chopping the fillet and spreading it into pots, and put stewed quince slices on top and pour the broth.

Option 3: Roasted Turkey with Garlic Cream Sauce and Quince

Cream gives meat dishes a special, delicate taste, and garlic makes them richer and more savory.

Will be required:

poultry meat;
several quince fruits;
pepper and seasonings;
some water;
cooking oil;

How to cook

We cut the turkey meat into portions, add salt, seasonings, then mix and send to fry in a pan.

We remove the cores and stalks from the quince, cut into slices and fry in the same fat where the turkey was cooked.

We clean the garlic and pass it through a press, cut the washed greens.

We put the pieces of poultry in a bowl with high walls, place slices of quince on top and level them over the surface.

Sprinkle the dish with garlic and herbs, pour in the cream, diluting it with a little water if necessary, and send it to bake.

You can bake a turkey in a creamy garlic sauce with quince in the oven without adding herbs, but sprinkle it on a dish that is already prepared and divided into portions.

Option 4: Turkey with tomatoes, onions and quince in the oven

Another cooking option is roasting a turkey in the oven with tomatoes, onions and quince.

During the work you will need:

several large bulbs;
Bulgarian pepper;
seasonings suitable for poultry;
some wheat flour;
table vinegar;
vegetable fat for frying.

How to cook

We cut the turkey into pieces and fry a little, sprinkled with salt and seasonings.

We clean the onion heads, cut into wide half rings and put in a bowl, pouring vinegar on top.

We chop the bell peppers and carrots, chop the garlic and fry the components in vegetable fat, and then add the diced quince and keep on fire for a short time.

We finely cut the cilantro with a knife and cut the tomatoes into circles or semicircular slices.

We put the components in layers in a deep dish. First we put the pieces of meat, then pickled onions, roast garlic, pepper and quince, lay out circles of tomatoes on top, and then throw greens. Sprinkle each layer with a little flour, after which we put the container in the oven.

Since the dish contains a sufficient amount of vegetables, it is not necessary to make a side dish for a turkey with tomatoes, onions and quince baked in the oven.

Option 5: Turkey with quince, honey and prunes in the oven

If you marinate meat in liquid honey, it will become soft and tender, and sour prunes will decorate the taste of the dish.

Required for cooking:

turkey fillet;
quince fruits;
garlic cloves;
liquid honey;
salt and seasonings;
broth or water;
fat for frying.

How to cook

We chop the bird fillet, sprinkle with salt, spices, crushed garlic and add a few tablespoons of liquid honey, then mix thoroughly and leave to marinate.

We release the quince from the core and stalk, cut into slices and fry a little.

We wash the prunes under strong pressure of cold water and let it dry a little.

We put pieces of turkey, quince slices and dried fruits in a deep bowl, add to the broth or water, pour over and send to the oven compartment.

To create this dish, you can replace prunes with dried apricots or make a turkey with quince in the oven, putting assorted dried fruits.

Option 6: Turkey marinated in soy sauce and baked with rice and quince in the oven

To cook a side dish with meat at the same time, you can make turkey marinated in soy sauce and baked with rice and quince in the oven.

Will be required:

poultry meat;
long grain rice;
quince fruits;
bulb onions;
soy sauce;
a little butter;
salt and black pepper;
seasonings for poultry and rice;
broth or water;
fat for frying.

How to cook

We cut the turkey meat into portions, sprinkle with spices for poultry, pour soy sauce and leave to soak.

We put the sorted rice grains in a colander, rinse under a strong stream of cold water and let it drain.

We clean the onion and carrot, chop and fry in lean fat until tender, salt and pepper the vegetables.

We clean the fruits of quince from the cores and cut into slices.

We heat the butter in a frying pan and pass the quince until soft, after which we remove it from the container.

Using the same oil in which the quince was fried, we add rice grains.

When the cereal dries and becomes transparent, soaked in fat, pour filtered water into the container, sprinkle the grains with salt, seasonings, and simmer until the liquid evaporates.

We mix the cooked rice with onion-carrot frying until smooth, and then put it in a deep refractory dish, greased with vegetable fat.

On top of the mixture of rice and vegetables, lay out the turkey marinated in soy sauce, and place quince slices on it.

Pour purified water or broth into the container and send it to the baking compartment.

When the meat is ready, take the dishes out of the oven and serve the turkey baked with rice and quince, sprinkled with herbs. Additionally, you can put sliced ​​​​fresh vegetables or pickled cucumbers and tomatoes on the table.

Cooking a turkey with quince in the oven is not difficult at all. You can create many variations of dishes based on these components, combining them with cereals, vegetables, mushrooms and various sauces.

This is a Thai chicken recipe. In Asian cuisine, quince is often used in the preparation of meat dishes. Quince with its delicate sourness and aroma complements the taste of meat and itself becomes a great side dish soaked in meat juice. Instead of chicken, I used turkey thighs. It takes a little longer to simmer them. It turned out very tasty.

What to cook from:

Quince - 1-2 pcs.

Turkey thighs - 2 pcs. - 800g

Fresh ginger - root 3 cm long

Onion - 1-2 pcs.

Butter - 75g

Sweet paprika - 1 teaspoon

Turmeric - 1 teaspoon (or a pinch of saffron)


Broth or water - 350ml


Remove the bone and skin from the thighs (use them for broth). Cut the pulp into large pieces. Fry in oil until golden brown and transfer to a saucepan.

Quince cut into four parts, remove the core. Cut quince into slices.

In the remaining oil in the pan, fry the quince slices until lightly browned. Put in a saucepan over the meat.

Fry them in a pan after the quince until the onion is transparent. Add salt, paprika and turmeric. Mix.

Pour in broth or water and bring to a boil.

Pour the contents of the skillet into a saucepan. The liquid should reach the edge of the meat.

Cover the saucepan with a lid. You can simmer on the stove over low heat until the meat is cooked. You can put the stewpan in the oven, heated to 175 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

Prepare rice for this meat as a side dish.

Bon appetit!

Turkey with quince and prunes

You will need:
Turkey fillet - 700-800g
Quince large - 1-2 pieces, if small then more
Prunes - 15-20 pieces, in general, to taste
Garlic - 4 cloves
Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
Butter - 2 tbsp. spoons
White wine (dry) - 100-120g
Salt, freshly ground pink pepper.

Let's cook?!

1. My turkey fillet, cut into large pieces, dry with a paper towel,
rub with salt and freshly ground pink pepper.

2. Pour prunes with warm water.

3. We clean the garlic, crush it with a knife.

4. We heat the pan with olive oil, send the garlic there.

5. As soon as the garlic begins to give off flavor, place the fillet pieces in the pan.

6. Fry on all sides until light golden brown.

7. While the fillet is fried, cut the quince into slices, remove the core (there is no photo, I did not have time to take it).

8. When the fillet is fried, transfer it to a suitable baking dish.

9. Remove the garlic from the pan, put the quince in it and fry for 4-5 minutes.
When the quince is lightly browned, add butter to it, fry for another minute,
until the butter melts and remove from heat.

10. We spread the quince to the meat, add the squeezed prunes there.

11. Pour the sauce that has formed in the pan onto the meat and add the wine.

12. Cover the form with a lid or foil and send it to the oven, preheated to 180 ° C for 50-55 minutes.
Then remove the lid and cook in an open form for another 15-20 minutes. We take out of the oven.

You can serve meat cut into slices, adding quince and prunes as a side dish.

And you can use a whole piece, of course, also with quince and prunes.

Do not forget to pour the meat and garnish with the sauce formed during cooking.

Very fragrant, spicy dish.

Bon appetit!
