
Salad "White birch" - a tandem of exquisite taste and original design. White birch salad will be required

Cooking: 45 minutes

Recipe for: 4 servings

Salad white birch hearty and very tasty. Its beautiful design will not go unnoticed by your guests. I don’t know why the salad was called “White Birch”, but I assume that because of the design. It will decorate the festive table and become the center of attention. Not a salad, but a painting. It would be a pity to eat it. This is at the beginning, and then it just flies off the table. White birch can be prepared by mixing all the ingredients and decorating. And you can make a layered salad. Next, we will talk about puff birch salad.

We also prepare the chicken in advance, separate the breast and boil in slightly salted water until tender. If you liked the birch salad with chicken and mushrooms and you want to cook it, then see the recipe with the photo below.

Salad "Birch" recipe with photo


  • Chicken breast - 300 gr.
  • Champignon mushrooms - 300 gr.
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs. small
  • Mayonnaise - 150 gr.
  • For clearance
  • Parsley - a couple of sprigs
  • Cheese - for decoration

Among the many holiday salads, special attention should be paid to the Birch salad with mushrooms. After all, this dish combines all the best. Contains only available products. Cooking is incredibly easy. The design is simply amazing, the guests will even be afraid to touch it at first, so as not to spoil this beauty. The taste is simply amazing. That is why this excellent dish simply must be on every holiday table.

Also on our website you can find other interesting options for making salads, for example, or.

In this case, "Birch" is tender and light. But its main feature is the design. Creating a whole picture on a cooked dish is exciting and mesmerizing. The delight of all guests is simply guaranteed.

For a white birch salad you will need:

  • 300 gr. Chicken;
  • 150 gr. champignons;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 gr. cheese;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 30 gr. oils;
  • 20 gr. green onions;
  • 30 gr. olives;
  • 510 gr. parsley.

Birch salad recipe with apple:

  1. The chicken is first washed and then boiled in slightly salted water. After cooking, it is cooled and separated from the bones. The resulting fillet is cut with a knife into small pieces.
  2. Boil the eggs in a pot of water for ten minutes. This time will be enough for them to cook hard-boiled. Then they are cooled and cleaned in water of the lowest possible temperature. It remains only to grate them on a small grater.
  3. Onions are peeled and finely chopped in the form of halves of rings. After cutting, it is fried.
  4. Mushrooms are washed and cut into thin slices. Shredded, they are also fried.
  5. The apple is peeled, cut and cut with a knife core with seeds. After cleaning, rub on a medium grater.
  6. Cheese is also grated on the same grater.
  7. In a flat, but large enough dish, products are laid out one by one and smeared with mayonnaise.
  8. Onions are laid out first, followed by chicken meat.
  9. Then the already cooled mushrooms and eggs are placed there.
  10. The final ingredients are apples and cheese.
  11. The most important thing is to create a real picture. Mayonnaise draw the trunk of the future birch.
  12. The olives are cut in half and then chopped into thin halves of the rings and randomly laid out on the trunk just drawn with mayonnaise.
  13. Green onions are washed, crushed and finely chopped. With its help, a crown is formed on the trunk, and grass appears under the birch itself.
  14. Some fried mushrooms are laid out under the newly “painted” tree.
  15. A few parsley leaves are also placed under the tree.
  16. The masterpiece is put in the refrigerator for three hours and served after that.

Tip: to make the chicken meat tender and juicy, it is better to immerse it already in boiling water, and cool directly in the broth, and not put it on a plate. Let it take a little longer to cool, but as a result, the meat will remain incredibly tender.

Salad white birch recipe

Perhaps, one should not even talk about how delicate the taste of Chinese cabbage is. This fact has long been well known to everyone. But how much this component transforms a simple dish is impossible to convey even in words. The taste is richer and even more delicate.

For white birch salad you will need:

  • 300 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 gr. mushrooms;
  • 200 gr. Beijing cabbage;
  • 1 apple;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 250 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 30 gr. soy sauce;
  • 10 gr. Dijon mustard.

Salad birch step by step recipe:

  1. The first task is to prepare the dressing. To do this, do the following. The apple is peeled and rubbed on the smallest grater.
  2. The eggs are boiled.
  3. Garlic is also peeled and pressed with a press.
  4. The apple is laid out in a bowl and mixed in it with garlic, soy sauce, mayonnaise and mustard. At this stage, the sauce can be considered ready.
  5. The onion is cleaned and chopped into thin slices.
  6. Mushrooms are washed, randomly cut and combined with onions.
  7. Onion-mushroom mixture is fried.
  8. The chicken is cut into several pieces and also fried. After frying, immediately cut into small pieces.
  9. Cabbage is simply thinly chopped with a knife.
  10. Cabbage is placed in the dish in the first layer and, like all others, is slightly smeared with the original sauce.
  11. Spread meat and mushrooms on cabbage.
  12. Sprinkle everything on top with the remaining cabbage.
  13. The dish is sprinkled with a grated egg and decorated to the taste of the hostess.

Tip: to make the cabbage more juicy and even more tender, after chopping it, you need to crush it a little with your hands, salt it and let it brew for about fifteen minutes. Only after that already lay out in a salad.

birch salad recipe

Smoked chicken meat gives this easy-to-prepare dish a pleasant spicy flavor. It is with the help of it that the perfect flavor range is achieved. In addition, the aroma of the salad becomes simply unusual.

For a birch grove salad you will need:

  • 300 gr. smoked chicken;
  • 300 gr. mushrooms;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 apple;
  • 200 gr. cheese;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 20 gr. greens;
  • 30 gr. olives;
  • 30 gr. oils.

How to make birch salad:

  1. Smoked chicken is separated from the bones and then cut into thin strips. Immediately spread in a dish and coat with mayonnaise, which is later done with other products.
  2. Onions are pre-peeled and finely chopped.
  3. Mushrooms are washed and cut with a knife into small plates.
  4. Onions and mushrooms are poured into a frying pan and fried. Then give them time to cool and place on the chicken.
  5. The apple is peeled, the middle is cut out of it and rubbed smaller. Then squeeze a little with your hands and spread on top of the mushrooms.
  6. Cheese is rubbed in the same way and then placed in a salad bowl.
  7. The eggs are boiled until they are hard boiled. This process will take about ten minutes. After cooking, they are cooled and cleaned of shells. Then they are crushed only on a grater and spread on top of the cheese, decorate to your liking.

Tip: To prevent the apple from turning dark, it is advisable to sprinkle it with a little freshly squeezed lemon juice.

birch salad recipe

Most often, when preparing Beryozka, carrots are simply replaced with an apple, but this recipe involves a combination of these simple and healthy products. Naturally, the dish thus turns out to be multifaceted and even more refined.

For a birch salad with an apple you will need:

  • 200 gr. Chicken;
  • 200 gr. champignons;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 gr. cheese;
  • 2 apples;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 potato;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1 cucumber.

How to cook birch salad:

  1. Mushrooms and onions are chopped with a knife, after which they are transferred to a frying pan and fried.
  2. Potato tubers and carrots are laid out in a saucepan, poured with water and boiled.
  3. The chicken is laid out in a saucepan with already boiling and salted water, in which they are boiled.
  4. Potatoes are peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater.
  5. Carrots are peeled and finely chopped with a knife.
  6. Cucumbers are cut in the same way.
  7. The cooled chicken is finely and thinly sliced.
  8. The apple must be peeled of the skin and seeds, then tinder on a fine grater.
  9. Boil eggs in a saucepan with water. Be sure to chill first and then clean. After complete cleaning, they are crushed with a grater.
  10. Cheese as well as eggs are rubbed.
  11. All pre-prepared products must be placed in order on a wide dish, the first of which are mushrooms, which are soaked in mayonnaise, as well as all subsequent components.
  12. Then potatoes and cucumbers.
  13. After only carrots, chicken and an apple.
  14. The final in this case will be eggs and cheese. You can decorate in the form of a birch.

Birch salad with apple, mushrooms and sausage

Of course, this dish cannot be called traditional. But this is not at all a reason to refuse to cook it. After all, it is precisely such a non-standard interpretation that deserves special attention.

You will need:

  • 400 gr. champignons;
  • 1 apple;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 300 gr. boiled sausage;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise.

Cooking steps and decoration of birch salad:

  1. The potatoes are initially boiled, after which they are cooled under cold water and cut into small squares.
  2. By the same method, eggs are boiled, then they are peeled and cut into cubes.
  3. Shredded very finely pre-peeled onion. Already crushed, it is poured with vinegar and marinated for about fifteen minutes. Then it is squeezed out quite a bit.
  4. Mushrooms are chopped with a knife, poured into a frying pan and fried.
  5. Peel the apples and cut out the core with seeds from them. Then they are just cut into cubes.
  6. Sausage is cut into the same cubes.
  7. All cooked foods are placed in a festive large salad bowl, soaked with mayonnaise through one.
  8. Potatoes are placed there first, followed by mushrooms.
  9. Then comes sausage and eggs.
  10. A pickled and hand-wrung onion is also placed there.
  11. Again the turn of mushrooms and potatoes.
  12. The remains of sausage and an apple are also laid out.
  13. Sprinkle the top with plenty of egg and decorate as you wish.

The peculiarity of the salad "Birch" is that it is not only easy to cook, but also very interesting. You can change not only the order of the layers, but also the design. Each hostess, without exception, can come up with her own, original variation, in which a thin, slender tree will look especially interesting and attract the eyes of others. Accordingly, the prepared masterpiece will be unique, one that cannot be found anywhere else.

We want to bring to your attention other salads, and.

If you figure out what a salad is, then according to the modern dictionary, it is a cold dish of finely chopped vegetables, eggs, poultry and fish, fruits, mushrooms, and so on. Therefore, two main characteristics of this dish can be distinguished, namely, "cold" and "sliced". But today, in our understanding, "salad" is any combined dish from various ingredients, and besides, it is not necessarily cold. Most often prepared in haste.

In this article, I would like to offer several ways to prepare a very tasty and called "White Birch", since products can change in its composition.

Salad "White birch" - recipe number 1



Chicken (boiled);


Cucumber (fresh);

The chicken should be boiled in salt water, then carefully separate the meat from the bones. Then cut into strips. Then put in a salad bowl and grease with mayonnaise. Now you need to rinse the mushrooms, cut them into slices and fry in a pan along with chopped onions. Then put all this on the chicken and again grease with a little mayonnaise. After that, cut the cucumber into strips and also put in a salad bowl. Now take the pitted prunes and put on top of the mayonnaise so that you get a birch. Salad white birch is ready! As you can see, the cooking process is quite simple. Bon appetit!

"White birch" salad - recipe number 2

Chicken fillet - 340 g;

Champignons - 220 g;


Egg - 2-3 pieces;


Initially, eggs and chicken should be boiled. Then fill the fillet with warm water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then dry the meat and cut into thin strips. After that, chop the mushrooms and onions, then fry them in oil. Finely chop the eggs or use a grater. Cucumbers also cut into small pieces. Now you should start laying out the salad. To do this, it is desirable to take a rectangular dish. First put mushrooms with onions, then meat, prunes, cucumbers, eggs. At the same time, grease each layer with a little mayonnaise. Decorate the top layer of mayonnaise with pieces of prunes in the form of birch bark. Salad ready!

Salad "White birch" - recipe number 3

Products for cooking:

Carrots - 2-3 pieces;


Potatoes - 2-3 pieces;

Apple - 1 piece;

Chicken (you can take smoked) - 230 g;

Korean cuisine is replete with spicy and exotic snacks, Japanese chefs surprise with a variety of sushi, the French are proud of creamy soups, croissants, American nutritionists glorify hamburgers with french fries. Russian cuisine is so diverse that listing national dishes would take several books. What are cabbage soup alone worth: more than a hundred varieties and recipes. As for salads, a week is not enough to read the entire selection. However, in the host of various snacks, there is one dish, just by looking at which, you can immediately determine the nationality of the cook. Salad "Birch" is a real Russian dish. Firstly, the composition: the basis is white mushrooms - practically a national product. Secondly, the design and decoration of the salad will immediately bring a warm smile to the face of a Russian person. The white beauties so beloved by all are strongly associated with the Russian region.

What is so difficult here, to make a puff dish, lay out birch trees, complete the crown of a tree with green herbs? But no, each dish has its own little cooking secrets. Even a simple salad has secrets that are revealed only to hardworking chefs. But still, one secret is known to almost everyone: you need to love the cooking process, invest your soul, strive to please capricious gourmets. Returning to Russian motives, you can reassure the housewives: a selection of various recipes for a “woody” salad will allow you to choose your favorite option.

The Birch salad recipe is quite simple to prepare. All that is required of the chef is calmness when decorating a dish: jewelry does not tolerate shaking hands or tense nerves. Preparing "White Birch" as follows:

  1. We prepare products. Boil a few potato tubers in salted water, first put laurel leaves, a few small cloves of garlic into the water. Usually boiled potatoes give off an unpleasant bitterness, and spices will help get rid of an unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. The second in line in boiling water are eggs. It’s not worth saving here, because part will go into the dish, and part must definitely remain for decoration, and two pieces can’t be enough.
  3. Boiled chicken meat. Preferably breast. White meat has always been valued: it has a minimum of fat, but a maximum of nutrition. First, you should remove the fatty skin, cut the breast in several places, fill the “pockets” with garlic, salt, pepper. The stuffing allows the spices to penetrate deep into the fibers. Cooking time is about 30 - 35 minutes. Cooking longer will turn tender fillets into dry, hard soles.
  4. Choose a variety of mushrooms. Since the dish will be with salty gifts of the forest, it is recommended to take delicious mushrooms. Drain the marinade, lightly sprinkle with vegetable oil, cut large specimens.
  5. Marinate the onion with a mixture of lemon juice, vegetable oil, sugar, salt. The liquid gradually released by the vegetable should be drained, otherwise the salad will float away and fall apart.
  6. Cut some of the cheese into small cubes, and grate the other on a fine fraction of a grater, it will be for decoration.
  7. Put some mayonnaise, sour cream, heavy cream into a confectionery syringe or a plastic bag - this is the future tree trunk. Prepare a few black olives, cut into thin strips - these are improvised black tree notches.

Next, grate the vegetables on a grater, tear the meat with your hands into thin fibers, choose an oval dish and start laying the layered salad. Potatoes, meat, eggs, mushrooms. All layers are smeared with sauce, deco will help to cope with this task. The last layer is cheese, cover the entire surface with it. Line a clearing with yolks, squeeze out a tree trunk with twigs with a syringe, lay out strips with olives. Make a crown with green parsley leaves. Mark the frame with egg white. Does the white birch seem lonely? Leave a few mushrooms, plant them in an egg clearing. Let it brew, put in the center of the festive table.

Other options

Salad "Birch" may seem insipid. Then it should be made with mushrooms, which are well fried in fragrant oil, or with assorted. The step by step recipe will look like this:

  • put champignons on a hot frying pan, fry all unnecessary, bitter liquid. Then add a piece of butter and brown the mushrooms;
  • boil the meat over low heat, cool, cut into small cubes;
  • pickled cucumbers clean, chop, put in a colander;
  • boil eggs, potatoes, carrots, grate a block of Dutch cheese on a grater, cut the sweet “Yalta” onion variety into half rings. It can be lightly pickled or left as is;
  • lay out layers on a dish: potatoes, onions, meat, cucumbers, eggs, carrots, mushrooms, cheese;
  • Lubricate all layers with mayonnaise, proceed to decorate the dish.

If it is not possible to put a breast in a snack, then you can get by with chicken thighs. "White birch" will rejoice in Korean-style carrots, if you first drain the brine, chop long strips of the root crop. The spiciness will only add piquancy to a delicate salad. An appetizer with chicken and mushrooms will be more interesting if you include assorted mushrooms, fried porcini mushrooms and marinated champignons in the salad. They will turn the appetizer into a royal dish.

Secrets of the dish

Layered salad, as already mentioned, has its own cooking secrets.

Rule #1

All wet ingredients should be thoroughly squeezed. This applies to salted, barrel, pickled cucumbers. Throw a sharp carrot into a sieve or colander. Pickled mushrooms, especially small varieties, are quite difficult to get rid of the brine, rinsing with purified water will help solve the problem.

Rule #2

White birch should grow in a clearing, and layers of products can spread, so each should be tamped with palms or a spatula. Food wrap can also come in handy in this case.

Rule #3

Boiled carrots sometimes have an unpleasant aftertaste, allspice will help get rid of it. It is enough to lightly crush the root crop layer with pepper and dried dill. These two components will add a light flavor to the forest salad.

Rule #4

Many housewives are very fond of adding nuts and prunes to salads. It is perfectly. The last ingredient can be used instead of olives to decorate a tree, and grated nuts will look great on a parsley crown, depicting birch catkins. Unfortunately, the sweetish taste of dried fruit can spoil the taste of the main dish. Garlic will help fix this, it is added to mayonnaise or egg layer.

Last Rule

Even a simple salad requires attention, patience, kindness. Agree, a nervous, evil hostess is unlikely to be able to cook a tasty, appetizing and healthy dish. "White birch" is prepared in a calm, cheerful atmosphere. You can attract children when the decoration process begins, because their inexhaustible imagination can suggest amazing options for decorating a salad.

Advice has been taken into account, recipes have been chosen, fantasy is already mentally drawing the appearance of a thin tree. It remains only to start preparing for the creation of a delicious, unusual, tender salad.
