
What can be put in the May battle. Delicious beauty: five recipes for My Bottle that you can't help but fall in love with

We all know that an adult needs to drink about 2 liters of water per day in order to maintain the water-salt balance in the body. But how many people adhere to this important rule? Me not. Until I bought this bottle.

I remember with horror those times when I went with ordinary plastic bottles from the shop. How did I not like them, how uncomfortable they are. Yes, and purchased water. What kind of taste does she have anyway? If you want to drink in a public place, you quickly take out a bottle, drink it, and put it back, back, before anyone sees it.

Now, my water bottle has been transformed into a fashion accessory, with which I am not ashamed to appear in front of people. And how much various recipes invented for her. For every taste and color. Well, how can you not fall in love with her?

How comfortable is it?
Yes, it's super convenient. It is easy to take with you both for study and for a regular walk. Fits perfectly in a bag and doesn't get in the way.
It costs me 100 rubles in my city. Ordered from this store on Aliexpress.

And now to the most interesting! Let's move on to the goodies for MY BOTTLE.

In fact, it all depends on your imagination. You can pour any liquid there, put pieces of fruit, sweets, marshmallows, whatever your heart desires.
It's the same with smoothies. You can mix everything: bananas, ice cream, milk, berries (frozen or fresh), lemon juice, apple, etc. The most important thing is to grind everything in a blender until smooth and your individual smoothie is ready!

Here is my favorite smoothie recipe:
strawberry smoothie
1) Milk 50 ml;
2) Ice cream 3 tablespoons with a slide;
3) fresh strawberries(you can also frozen);
4) Poppy 3 tbsp. spoons.
Mix everything in a blender until smooth.

banana smoothie
1) Milk 300 ml.
2) Powdered sugar 35 gr.
3) Banana 1 pc.
We also mix everything in a blender until smooth. If it's too thick, add more milk.

Fruit detox water.
1) Orange ½ pc.
2) Apple ½ pc.
3) Lemon juice 1 tbsp. l..
Cut the fruit into small cubes, pour water and lemon juice. Put in the refrigerator to infuse overnight. Instead of fruits, you can add cucumbers.

Size: px

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1 Original recipes for delicious drinks, cocktails and smoothies for your favorite bottle My Bottle Online Store useful gifts Fulmar.ru Have you bought the trendy My Bottle yet? Then use the stylish accessory to the maximum. Hurry up My Bottle is an original, stylish, fashionable and practical bottle for drinks, fruits and nuts, which has become a global trend in an instant. Very quickly gaining popularity among young people, My Battle has become an indispensable accessory for walking, training and Everyday life. But the unique bottle can be used for more than just transporting water or fruit. With the help of fantasy or already developed recipes, you can cook a battle in May various drinks, cocktails and smoothies, which will certainly allow you to use the original accessory to the fullest.

2 Invigorating orange Cheer up with May Battle! Drinks 1. Water 200 ml 2. Orange 2 pcs. 3. Instant coffee 1 teaspoon 4. Sugar (optional) 1. Cut an orange and squeeze the juice out of it. 2. Dilute coffee in warm water. 3. Add Orange juice in coffee. 4. Optionally, you can add sugar. 5. On a hot summer day, you can add ice to an invigorating drink.

3 Apple-ginger drink This drink is not only healthy, it also promotes weight loss. Lose weight with pleasure! 1. Apples - 2 pieces 2. Celery stalks - 2 pieces 3. Ginger root - 30 gr. 1. Peel the ginger. 2. Cut the apples and remove the core from them. 3. All ingredients should be put in a juicer and squeezed juice from them. 4. Juice should be poured into May Battle and enjoy a healthy drink. Non-alcoholic mojito Non-alcoholic mojito is very refreshing on a hot day! 1. Lime 1 pc 2. Sparkling water «Sprite» ml 3. Sugar - 1 teaspoon 4. Ice cubes 5. Fresh mint 1. Put a slice of lime or lemon and mint leaves on the bottom of the glass. 2. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and rub a little with a spoon to bring out the flavor. 3. Pour Sprite up to a level just above half of the bottle 4. Fill My Battle to the top with ice cubes.

4 Beetroot Grapefruit Juice With May Battle Juice is even tastier! 1. Red grapefruit 1 pc. 2. Beets - 4 pcs. 3. Ginger - 1 pc. 4. Lime 1 pc. 1. Wash and peel fruits and vegetables. 2. Squeeze out all the ingredients in the juicer. 3. Mix grapefruit, beetroot, ginger and lime juices. 4. Pour juice into May Battle and recharge with vitamins. Summer fresh 1. Pure water- 4 cups 2. Mint tea in bags 2-3 pcs 1. Prepare green tea. 2. Add sugar. 3. Pour into a bottle May

5 3. Sugar - 5 tablespoons 4. Mint leaves 5. Lemon or lime (slices or circles) 6. Battle ice cubes and leave in the refrigerator overnight. 4. In the morning, add ice cubes, mint and lemon or lime slices to the bottle) Refresh yourself with a delicious drink on a hot day! Coffee glass Wake up delicious! 1. Pure water ml 2. Black coffee - 2 tablespoons 3. Ice cream ice cream gr 1. Prepare black coffee. 2. Pour coffee into the My Battle bottle. 3. Cut the ice cream into pieces. 4. Put the ice cream in the bottle and let it melt. Blueberry lemonade A bright and fresh drink that can saturate your body with vitamins! 1. Lemon - 6 pcs. 2. Pure water - 2 cups 3. Sugar - 2 tablespoons 4. Blueberries mg 5. Water -400 ml 5. Chipped ice 1. Squeeze juice from 4 lemons. 2. Add water. 3. Pour sugar. 4. Stir. 5. Place the blueberries in a blender and chop. 6. Add blueberries to juice. 7. Pour everything into a bottle. 8. Add slices of the remaining lemons. 9. Chill the lemonade in the refrigerator.

6 Invigorating tea with berries Try the original and healthy tea from your favorite bottle! 1. Fresh berries (strawberries, currants or raspberries) - a handful 2. Black tea - one spoon or bag 3. Lemon 4. Fresh mint 5. Sugar to taste 1. Pour tea into a bottle. 2. Add berries and mint leaves. 3. Pour boiling water over. 4. Cut the lemon into rings and throw into the bottle. 5. In a separate bowl, mash the rest of the berries, sprinkle with sugar and stir. 6. Add the resulting mass to the bottle and let the drink infuse. Fresh lemon mint drink Refreshing drink! 1. Lemon 1 pc. 2. Raspberry - a handful 3. Mint leaves 4. Apricot - 1 pc. 5. Water 400 ml. 6. Sugar to taste 1. Cut apricot and lemon into slices. 2. Put the fruit pieces into the bottle. 3. Grind mint leaves. 4. Add raspberries and mint to May Battle. 5. Pour the ingredients with water. 6. Add sugar. 7. Mix well. 8. Cool and let it brew.

7 Mint soda 1. Soda 2 cups 2. Mint 6-7 leaves 3. Lemon 1 pc. 4. Sugar to taste 1. Cut the lemon into slices. 2. Mash the mint leaves. 3. Put the lemon and mint into the bottle. 4. Add sugar. 5. Fill with soda. 6. The drink is ready! Delicious drink for a hot day! Cucumber-lemon fresh Summer and healthy fresh to remove thirst! 1. Cucumber 1 pc. 2. Mint 5-7 leaves 3. Lemon 2 pcs. 4. Purified water ml. 1. Wash, peel and cut cucumber into thin rings. 2. Cut into small pieces one lemon. 3. Fill the My Battle bottle with water. 4. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the water. 5. Add cucumber and lemon base. 6. Close the bottle. 7. Cool in the refrigerator for two hours.

8 Hawaiian Lemonade Feel like Hawaii with gourmet drink! 1. Lemonade concentrate - 180 ml. 2. Apricot nectar - 180 ml. 3. Pineapple juice 350 ml. 4. Ginger ale 350 ml. 5. Purified water 1 cup 6. Ice cubes 1. Mix lemonade concentrate and water in a large bowl. 2. Add apricot nectar and pineapple juice. 3. Pour gently along the vessel wall ginger ale. 4. Mix from bottom to top. 5. Pour the drink into the bottle and add ice cubes. mint lemonade For people who follow the figure. It is recommended to drink before meals, because lemonade is not only tasty, but also able to moderate appetite. 1. Lemon 3 pcs. 2. Water 2.5 liters. 3. Mint small bunch 4. Sugar 0.5 cup 1. Squeeze juice from lemons. 2. Boil water with sugar and mint, you can add lemon peel for flavor. 3. Boil for 5 minutes. 4. Cool the liquid. 5. Remove mint and rinds from syrup. 6. Strain the syrup. 7. Add lemon juice. 8. Pour into bottles. 9. Enjoy minty and refreshing lemonade.

9 Cooling cocktail Vitamin cocktail cools you down on a hot day! Cocktails 1. Grapes 3 cups 2. Apples 4 pieces 3. Orange juice - 2 cups 4. Ice - a few cubes 1. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into cubes. 2. Put all the ingredients in a blender and beat well. 3. Pour into a stylish bottle and enjoy a delicious cocktail. White Chocolate Mocha Treat yourself to a delicious cocktail! 1. Milk ml 2. Freshly made coffee ml 3. White chocolate - 55 g 4. Cinnamon sticks -1 pc. 5. Sugar - to taste 1. Make coffee. 2. Pour milk into a saucepan. 3. Break the chocolate into pieces and add to the milk. 4. Put cinnamon in the same place. 5. Put the milk on the fire. 6. Cook and stir the mixture until the chocolate melts. 7. Taste and add sugar if necessary. 8. Add coffee to milk with chocolate (preferably hot). 9. Pour the cocktail into bottles and enjoy its taste.

10 Creamy Strawberry cocktail 1. Frozen strawberries 1 1.5 cups 2. Milk or cream - 0.25 cups 3. Sugar or syrup - to taste 1. Put the strawberries in a blender. 2. Add cream or milk. 3. Beat the ingredients until smooth. 4. If necessary, add sugar or syrup to taste. Enjoy your favorite cocktails anytime! Banana cocktail with cabbage kale 1. Kale cabbage - 70 g. 2. Banana - 2 pcs. 3. Coconut milk - 2 cups 4. Agave syrup - 2 tbsp. l 1. Place all the ingredients for making a cocktail in a blender. 2. Beat until smooth. 3. Pour into bottles. Do you want to try something unusual? cook banana cocktail with kale!

11 Honey cocktail Hearty and healthy cocktail for active people who care about their figure! 1. Honey 1 tbsp. spoon 2. Oatmeal 2-3 tbsp. spoons 3. Low-fat yogurt 2 cups 4. berries (black or red currant, you can cherry) 1. Kefir pour into a blender. 2. Add berries and honey. 3. Beat until smooth. 4. Add cereal. 5. Beat the contents of the blender well again. 6. Cocktail is ready! Coconut Vanilla Chocolate Incredible delicious cocktail to create a tropical mood! 1. Bitter chocolate - 250 g 2. Coconut milk ml 3. Vanilla pod - 1 pc. 4. Vanilla sugar 1 tsp. 5. Coconut flakes - 1 tsp 6. Cream 38% ml 1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. 2. At the same time, add not much to it coconut milk. 3. When the chocolate melts, add vanilla to it. 4. Leave the chocolate in a water bath, while turning off the fire. 5. Beat vanilla sugar with cream. 6. Fill ¾ of the bottle with chocolate. 7. Put whipped cream on top of the chocolate. 8. Sprinkle coconut flakes.

12 Vitamin Paradise Replenish your body with fruit vitamins! 1.Kiwi 5 pcs. 2.Apple 1 piece 3. Lemon 1 pc. 4. Apple juice (without pulp) 100 g. 5. Cinnamon - to taste, a little 6. Sugar to taste 7. Ice cubes 1. Peel and cut into pieces the apple and kiwi. 2. Blend fruit in a blender. 3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add it to the whipped pulp. 4. Add Apple juice, sugar and cinnamon. 5. Mix well. 6. Pour the cocktail into the bottle. 7. Put ice cubes and recharge your vitamins at any time. Cocktail with Coca-Cola Favorite Coca-Cola in May Battle is even tastier! 1. Drink Coca-Cola ml. 2. Lemon or lime 1 pc. 3. Ice cubes. 1. Cut a lemon or lime (as you wish) into circles or triangles. 2. Put the pieces of fruit into the bottle. 3. Add ice cubes. 4. Pour lemon and ice with cola. 5. The cocktail is ready! 6. Enjoy your favorite drink on a hot day!

13 Exotic Cocktail Now coconut paradise always at hand! Banana Strawberry Smoothie Nutritious and simply delicious! Definitely try it! 1. Black bitter chocolate 100 g. 2. Coconut milk 1 cup 3. Vanilla sugar 1 sachet 4. Coconut flakes 1 teaspoon 5. Cream ml. 1. Banana 2 pcs. 2. Strawberry 150 g. 3. drinking yogurt 1 package 4. Milk 200 ml. 1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath in a metal bowl. 2. At the same time, gradually pour in the coconut milk. 3. Stir all the time. 4. Leave the resulting mass in a water bath, but turn off the fire (this is necessary so that the chocolate does not cool down). 5. Whip cream with vanilla sugar. 6. First pour the chocolate, then the whipped cream into the May Battle bottle. 7. Sprinkle the cocktail with coconut flakes. 8. Enjoy anytime, at home or at work, with a delicious coconut treat! 1. Peel the banana and cut it into pieces. 2. Place all ingredients in a blender. 3. Beat well. 4. Pour the resulting cocktail into the May Battle bottle and enjoy its taste.

14 Cocoa Cocktail Enjoy a cool cocktail on a hot day! 1.Ice cream ice cream ball 2.Cocoa powder 3 tablespoons 3.Milk ml 4.Sugar - 1 tablespoon 5.Vanilla - 1 teaspoon 1. Put ice cream into the blender first. 2. Then pour in the milk. 3. Add cocoa, sugar and vanilla. 4. Beat all the ingredients until smooth. 5. Fill your favorite bottle of May Battle with cocoa. 6. Cool in the refrigerator. Milk chocolate Delicious, satisfying and healthy! Will surely please both adults and children. 1. Hot milk 500 ml. 2. Cocoa 2 teaspoons 3. Cinnamon to taste 1. Mix 250 ml of milk and cocoa. 2. Add 50 ml of milk and stir. 3. Pour the chocolate into the original bottle. 4. Pour in the remaining milk. 5. Add cinnamon. 6. The drink is ready!

15 Blueberry milkshake summer cocktail with fresh berries will give you energy and Have a good mood! 1. Blueberries ½ cup 2. Strawberries ½ cup 3. Milk 2 cups 4. Vanilla ice cream 100g 5. Sugar to taste 1. Place blueberries and strawberries in a bowl. 2. Add ice cream to the berries. 3. Pour in milk. 4. Add sugar if necessary. 5. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. 6. Don't forget to pour a cocktail in May Battle! After all, there it will become even tastier. Energy bottle with proteins Will give you strength and energize! 1. Banana 1 piece 2. Cherries (pitted) 5-10 pcs. 3. Drinking yogurt 2 tablespoons 4. Walnuts (peeled) 5-7 pcs. 5. Orange juice 150 ml. 6. Sunflower or pumpkin seeds pcs. 7. Ice Cubes 1. Place all ingredients in a blender. 2. Beat well to obtain a homogeneous mass. 3. Pour the cocktail into a fancy bottle.

16 Self-confidence With your favorite bottle of May Battle, you will definitely succeed! 1.Strawberry 5 pcs. 2. Banana 1 pc. 3. Raspberry handful 4. Orange juice 150 ml. 5.Cream 6.Ice cubes 1. Place all ingredients in a blender. 2. Beat everything until smooth. 3. Pour into a stylish bottle. 4. Charge yourself with faith in yourself at the right time with the help of My Battle. Fresh melon cocktail Feel all the delights of summer with My Battle! 1. Melon 2-3 pieces 2. Banana 1 pc. 3.Yogurt 300 ml. 1. Cut the melon and banana into pieces. 2. Put the fruit in a blender. 3. Pour in yogurt. 4. Beat thoroughly. 5. Pour a cocktail into the May Battle. 6. Fragrant cocktail ready!

17 Chocolate Banana Shake Bon appetit! 1. Banana 1 piece 2.Chocolate cookies 50 g. 3.Plombir ice cream. 4.Milk 1 glass 1. Cut the banana into pieces. 2. Place ice cream, cookies and banana in a blender. 3. Pour in milk. 4. Blend all ingredients in a blender. 5. And of course, pour the resulting cocktail into the May Battle. Coffee with ice cream in chocolate chips Incredibly delicious, cooling coffee! 1.Coffee 1 teaspoon 2.Hot water ml. 3. Milk half a glass 4. Ice cream ice cream with chocolate chips 100 g 1. Pour coffee hot water. 2. Stir. 3. Put ice cream in the blender. 4. Pour ice cream with milk. 5. Beat in a blender. 6. Add to the resulting mass of coffee. 7. Beat well again. 8. Pour your cocktail into your favorite My Battle bottle.

18 Smoothies Smoothies "Breakfast-Dinner" 1. Low-fat cottage cheese ml 2. Frozen berries (at your discretion) - a handful 3. Milk, not fat, 1.5% ml 1. Place cottage cheese in a blender. 2. Add berries. 3. Pour in the same milk. 4. Beat the ingredients in a blender. 5. Pour the finished smoothie into the May Battle. You can drink at any time of the day. It is recommended to drink 1 time per day. Smoothie " Cheerful morning» hearty breakfast in your favorite bottle will give you energy and strength for the whole day! 1. Cookies (preferably shortbread) 30 g. 2. Muesli or cereals 3 tablespoons 3. Powdered sugar ½ teaspoon 4. Drinking yogurt 400 ml. 1. Crush cookies into a bottle. 2. Add muesli and powdered sugar. 3. Pour in yogurt. 4. Stir with a straw or a long spoon. 5. Can be consumed as breakfast or as a hearty snack.

19 Watermelon smoothie 1.Watermelon pulp 500 g. 2.Lemon juice 1 tablespoon 3.Honey 1 tablespoon 4.Ice 2-3 cubes 1. Place all ingredients in a blender. 2. Beat well. 3. Pour into a trendy bottle. 4. Add ice cubes for freshness. Enjoy summer treats to the fullest! Fruit and pumpkin smoothie May Battle will help you to keep useful properties this cocktail! 1. Green apple - half 2. Orange - half 3. Banana - half 4. Mineral water without gas 5. Ground cinnamon 1 pinch 6. Cardamom - 2 pods 7. Honey - 1 teaspoon 8. Pumpkin gr 1. Peel the pumpkin from the skin and cut into pieces. 2. Pour pumpkin slices water and put in the microwave for 3 minutes. 3. Peel the fruit. 4. Mix all ingredients. 5. Put them in a blender and beat well. 6. Pour into a bottle and enjoy your vitamin smoothie.

20 Banana-currant smoothie Drinking smoothies with May Battle is even tastier! 1. Blackcurrant 1 glass 2. Banana 2 pcs. 3. Yogurt or kefir 200 ml. 1. Cut the banana into pieces. 2. Place the berries and banana in a blender. 3. Pour in yogurt or kefir. 4. Beat well. 5. Pour the smoothie into a stylish bottle and enjoy it incredible taste. Smoothies with cookies Hearty, healthy, tasty. And thanks to My Bottle it is also convenient. 1. Shortbread 60 g. 2. Milk ml. 3. Banana - 1 pc. 4. Cinnamon - to taste 5. Raisins - 1 teaspoon 6. Cream optional 1. Grind cookies into pieces. 2. Boil milk. 3. Put all the ingredients in a blender. 4. Pour in milk. 5. Beat well in a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass. 6. Place the finished smoothie in your favorite bottle. 7. You can add whipped cream on top.

21 Berry Smoothie 1. Orange juice 1 cup 2. Berries (your choice) 2 cups 3. Low-fat yogurt 1 cup - 1. Pour the berries into a blender. 2. Add yogurt and juice. 3. Beat thoroughly. 4. Pour a diet smoothie into a wonderful May Battle. In combination with My Battle, your favorite berries will become even tastier and healthier! Nutritious smoothie 1. Low-fat yogurt 200 ml. 2. Berries (frozen) handful 3. Skimmed milk 1 cup 1. Place all ingredients in a blender. 2. Shake thoroughly. 3. Pour the resulting smoothie into a priceless bottle! Super diet smoothie that can replace breakfast, lunch or dinner!

22 Fruit smoothie 1. Strawberry 5 pcs. 2. Banana - 1 pc. 3.Kiwi 1 pc. 4. Pineapple juice half a glass 5. Sugar 3 tablespoons 6. Ice 5 cubes 1. Place all the ingredients in a blender. 2. Shake well. 3. And of course, pour the finished smoothie into an irreplaceable bottle. All the beauty of fruit in one bottle! Cherry Flip Try an unusual flip from original bottle! 1. Yolk 1 pc. 2. Cherry juice 50 ml. 3. Milk 100 ml. 4. Cream 10 ml. 5. Ice of your choice 1. Put the yolk into the blender. 2. Pour in the same cherry juice, milk and cream. 3. Mix well. 4. Pour into a My Battle bottle, because in it any drink and smoothies become even tastier.

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Yuliya VYSOTSKAYA quick breakfasts UDC 641\642 BBK 36.99 V93 Layout design: Irina Borisova Photo: Igor Koroteev, Vyacheslav Pozdnyakov, Igor Ryabtsev, Ekaterina Morgunova Cover photo: Vlad Loktev Food stylist:

Quality - the best recipe. Ginger pumpkin cake Short description Ingredients Flour 135 gr. Ginger grated 1/2 tsp Ginger dry 1 tsp, if Cocoa Dr. Oetker 1 tbsp. l. no fresh 1/2 tsp. Sugar with cinnamon

The My Bottle overnight became a global trend. A seemingly ordinary bottle of half a liter and made of environmental plastic won the recognition of young people for its versatility and simplicity. Transparent My Bottle weighs a ridiculous 90 grams and is able to withstand temperatures from -40C to +110C, making it ideal for storing almost any drinking liquid. Also My Bottle is great for carrying nuts, candies or any other bulk products nutrition!

1. Delicious banana-currant smoothie

You will need:

A glass of blackcurrant;

Two bananas;

Kefir or yogurt.


We put both bananas in a blender, add currants and pour fresh kefir or yogurt on top (to your taste). Grind the mixture in a blender, and your currant smoothie is ready!

Bon appetit!

2. Fresh melon cocktail for My Bottle

You will need:

Two or three pieces of melon;

One banana;

Some water or yogurt.


We put banana and melon slices in a blender, add water (or yogurt) and beat thoroughly. Ready!

Refresh with a melon smoothie!

3. Coffee with chocolate chip ice cream

You will need:

Half a glass of milk;

Ice cream with chocolate chips.


Prepare coffee by pouring half a cup of hot water and the remaining half cup of milk. Put the ice cream in a blender and pour milk, beat until smooth. Then add coffee to the blender and mix again. Pour the cocktail into the My Bottle and top with more ice cream and stir a little. Cappuccino is ready!

Enjoy an invigorating coffee cocktail!

4. Fresh lemon-mint drink for My Bottle

You will need:

5-7 mint leaves;

One apricot (optional)


Cut lemon and apricot into slices, throw them into a bottle. Next, chop the mint and add, along with a handful of raspberries, to My Bottle. Pour water (add sugar to taste), shake and refrigerate. The drink is ready!

Enjoy freshness in your My Bottle!

5.Berry smoothie for My Bottle

You will need:

One glass of orange juice;

Two glasses of any berries;

A glass of low-fat yogurt.


Pour the berries into a blender, add yogurt and pour the mixture with juice. Whisk thoroughly until smooth and the drink is ready!

Diet smoothie for health and good mood!

6.Invigorating tea with berries for My Bottle

You will need:

A handful of fresh berries(strawberry, currant or raspberry);

Black tea (one spoon or bag);

Fresh mint.


We fall asleep in a bottle of tea, then we throw a third of the berries and mint leaves. Fill with boiling water. Cut the lemon into rings, throw into the bottle. Next, in a separate bowl, knead the remaining berries and sprinkle with sugar to taste, stir and add to My Bottle. We shake, we wait until it is infused.

Quench your thirst with My Bottle!

7. Honey cocktail for My Bottle

You will need:

One tablespoon of honey;

Oatmeal (2-3 tablespoons);

Half a liter of low-fat kefir;

Red currant or any other berries.


Pour kefir into a blender, adding berries and honey. Blend until smooth, then add cereal and mix again. The cocktail is ready!

Enjoy your honey cocktail!

8. Lemon-cucumber juice for My Bottle!

You will need:

One cucumber;

A few mint leaves;

2 lemons.


Peel the cucumber and cut into rings. Cut one lemon into slices, squeeze the second into water in a My Bottle. Add cucumber with lemon and leave to cool for an hour or two. Fresh is ready!

Bon appetit!

9. Milk Choco for My Bottle

You will need:

Half a liter of hot milk;

Two tablespoons of cocoa (tea);


Mix half the milk and cocoa in a bowl. Add some milk and stir again. Pour mixture into My Bottle and top with remaining milk. Add cinnamon to taste and stir. Chocolate is ready!


10. Chocolate banana smoothie for My Bottle

You will need:

Chocolate chip cookies;

One banana;


A glass of milk.


Put ice cream in a blender, then add finely chopped banana and pour over milk. Throw cookies into a blender and grind. The cocktail is ready to drink!

Bon appetit!

11. Blueberry milkshake for My Bottle!

You will need:

1/2 cup blueberries;

1/2 cup strawberries;

Two glasses of milk;

Vanilla ice cream.


Pour the berries into a separate bowl, put the ice cream and pour over the milk. You can add sugar to taste. Whisk the mixture in a blender and pour ready-made cocktail into your My Bottle. Wow la!

Enjoy summer berries!

12. Mint soda for My Bottle!

You will need:



Mash the mint leaves in a bottle. Cut lemon into triangles, throw into My Bottle and mash there. Add sugar and fill with soda. Ready!

Feel the summer freshness!

My Bottle is a useful and convenient bottle for drinks, desserts, light breakfasts, fruits, berries and vegetables.

Water is the source vitality so you should always carry a bottle of water with you. The “My Bottle” bottle is made of high-quality, durable TRITAN plastic, which does not contain harmful impurities, so the water in it will always remain crystal clear. The material can withstand even extreme temperatures.

The special design of the cap ensures a snug fit to the bottle, eliminating the possibility of leakage. Unusual appearance attracts attention and turns the bottle into a real designer find.

The bottle comes with a pouch that says “Don’t touch. This is my bottle.” (Do not touch. This is my bottle). The bag must be washed by hand.

Use a soft sponge to clean the bottle.

One of the clear advantages of the My Bottle bottle is its stylish and original appearance. The design is made in such a way that when you take it out of your bag and pouch, you will instantly attract the attention of others. Due to the fact that the bottle is completely transparent, you can make colored cocktails that are not only tasty and healthy, but also bright, emphasizing your originality. It is also worth paying tribute to the popularity of this bottle. In any in social networks, and especially on Instagram, the hashtag #mybottle is just hugely popular! You can find this hashtag huge variety pictures of bottles in hand. Perhaps this bottle is worth buying at least in order to show off bright and juicy photo in social networks. Experiment with cocktails delicious photos and cause the envy of others!

Convenience and functionality.

The most important advantage of the My Bottle bottle is its convenience. Agree, it often happens when you are going for a walk, a concert, or a trip, you start frantically looking for a container to pour some kind of drink into it. Now, with My bottle, this problem will no longer exist for you. The bottle is so stylish that you won't want to pour ordinary water into it. You have a huge variety of cocktail recipes at your fingertips. It may be ordinary cold tea with fruit, berry smoothie, milk shake or coffee with ice cream. Everything to your taste!

Especially for you, we have collected the most delicious and current recipes for My Bottle.

The bottle is equipped with a special drinker-dispenser, which will protect you from spilling water on yourself. plastic cover fits snugly to the bottle, which ensures complete tightness of the contents and will not allow it to spill. Another small bonus - if suddenly you forgot to tighten the lid and the drink spilled a little - it does not matter, the linen bag will absorb all the liquid and keep your things dry and unharmed. My Bottle fits comfortably in the hand, does not slip.

Thanks to its compact dimensions - only 19.5 x 6.5 cm - it fits perfectly into even the smallest handbag.

However, a 500ml bottle is enough to keep you drinking throughout the day.

So, Tritan plastic first appeared in 2007, when the American company Eastman announced an innovative development - a transparent, strong, heat-resistant plastic called Tritan.

It surpasses other types of plastic in all its properties and environmental friendliness. First of all, Tritan plastic is light, and its presence in your bag is almost imperceptible.

Secondly, it is safe for human health, as it does not contain the toxic admixture of Bisphenol-A. Thirdly, it is impact resistant.

Such plastic is hard to break or split, and if your bottle suddenly falls, then the probability that nothing will happen to it is 99.9%. Fourth, Tritan withstands incredible temperatures - from -40 to 100 degrees Celsius. Whether it's iced juice or freshly brewed coffee, My Bottle doesn't care!

And one more advantage of Tritan plastic in our piggy bank: the bottle is easy to clean, does not paint and does not absorb any odors. Clearly, Tritan has an arsenal of advantages over conventional plastics.

That is why, taking care of your comfort and health, My Bottle is made from this material.


    Weight: 120 gr

    Volume: 500 ml

    Material: TRITAN Plastic

    Height: 19.5 cm

    Diameter: 6.5cm

    Min. and max. temperature: -40 to 100 degrees Celsius

We deliver orders throughout Russia.

Wherever you are in Russia, you can order a My Bottle drink bottle in the online store and receive it as soon as possible.
