
What can be cooked from frozen squid fillet. What can be cooked from squid? Several current recipes

In areas where there is no access to the sea or ocean, the only way to enjoy most seafood is to buy it in frozen in supermarkets. Squids are no exception. Moreover, they, along with shrimp, remain the most massively frozen marine life, and one of the most sought after. We will tell you about all aspects of how to cook frozen squid next.

How to cook frozen squid?

The process of cooking squid does not cover any special subtleties, if only because the peeled carcasses are generally cooked at lightning speed, especially if you decide to defrost them first. How much to cook peeled frozen squid? Literally 3-4 minutes, depending on the size, so that their meat does not acquire the “rubbery” characteristic of overcooked counterparts, but remains melting in the mouth.

If you bought unpeeled squid, then pre-defrosting is indispensable. Dip the defrosted carcass in boiling water for a second, peel off all the wrinkled film inside and out, remove the internal organs and start cooking.

Frozen squid salad

The most popular squid dishes were and remain cold appetizers, especially salads. We will try to move away from mayonnaise classics and bring to your attention unusual recipe salad with squid and grapefruit.


  • frozen squid - 650 g;
  • (sharp) - 180 g;
  • grapefruit (large) - 1 pc.;
  • a pinch of red pepper flakes;
  • dry white wine - 80 ml;
  • butter - 45 g;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • bunch of arugula


We throw the cleaned squid carcass without defrosting into salted boiling water for 30 seconds. We immediately dip the blanched cephalopod in ice water so that it does not digest. We cut the carcass into rings of one and a half centimeters thick.

Cut the rind and white flesh from the grapefruit. Using a sharp knife, cut out citrus segments and put them on a dish along with arugula greens. Squeeze out the remaining grapefruit pulp. As a result, about 60 ml of juice should come out.

Brown the bacon slices until crispy. Mix a couple of tablespoons of fat directly in the pan with grapefruit juice and wine. Put the squid rings in the sauce for 3 minutes. We take out the squid and lay it on a dish. Mix the rest of the sauce with a pinch of pepper and oil. We dress the salad.

How to cook frozen squid with Korean carrots?


  • vegetable oil - 55 ml;
  • onions - 70 g;
  • Korean carrot- 130 g;
  • canned white beans- 360 g;
  • frozen squid carcasses - 650 g;
  • a handful of green cilantro;
  • hot sauce - 10 ml;
  • - 35 ml;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.


Chop the onion as thin as possible in half rings and scald them to get rid of bitterness. Mix beans with carrots and onions, add cilantro to the mixture.

Throw the cleaned frozen squid into boiling water for 3 minutes. Pour ice water over the cephalopod and cut into rings. Add squid to vegetables.

Prepare oil dressing hot sauce, pureed garlic and soy. Season the dish before serving.

The gifts of the seas and oceans have confidently entered our lives for a long time and have taken a special place in our menu. Frankly, more often they still appear on the festive table, but now, probably, not a single family can do without sea animals. Many fans of diversity in food also have their own "suffered" recipes for how to cook frozen squid, mussels, or, say, octopuses. But some are faced with them for the first time, and for such - our article.

Correctly clean

Let's start with how exactly the ocean inhabitants get to our table. Since not all cities and villages are surrounded by salty waters, the gifts of the oceans are delivered to us, of course, in frozen form, otherwise they simply would not have reached us. It is worth considering that when buying the same squid, you need to pay attention to their preliminary preparation. If they are already cut, you are spared some extra work. If not, before you cook frozen squid, you will have to clean them. First of all, the skin is removed from these. Then the lateral outgrowths are cut off, similar to wings, which will also need to be cleaned. From the inside, transparent "inserts" of chitin are removed from the carcass - and your squid is ready for further manipulations.

We cook correctly

In most recipes describing how to cook frozen squid (for salad in particular), boil the carcasses. And here the recommendations differ. For example, many people think that the product does not even need to be defrosted - just put it in salted boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. Readiness is determined by white color who acquires the squid.

Other chefs advise that before you cook frozen squid, defrost them all the same, and in vivo without resorting to hot water or a microwave. Then, a whitish film is peeled off from the carcasses under water and they are sent to boiling water for the same time. And there is another opinion: the prepared product is dipped into boiling water, covered with a lid and the fire is immediately turned off. Moreover, in a sealed container, squids are left under the lid for ten minutes. It is believed that at the same time, gradually cooling water simultaneously prevents them from being digested and brings them to the desired condition. So it's up to you to choose how to cook frozen squid. You can try all three cooking methods and decide which one suits you best.

We fry correctly

There are interesting and varied ways to cook frozen squid carcasses by frying. There is also debate here as to whether they should be defrosted first. However most of authors are still inclined to what is necessary. But there is no wrangling over the methods: everyone is inclined to believe that the fire should be medium, the lid on the pan is removed, and the frying time is five minutes. If you bought not whole animals, but their rings, then the frying time is reduced to 3-4 minutes (depending on the thickness of the pieces).

in salads

If you know how to properly cook frozen squid and follow these rules correctly, you can build an abyss of delicious dishes. The most common salads with their "participation". And no wonder: these animals are combined with many products to taste and add piquancy and sophistication to the final dish. One of the most notable options is with crab sticks. For a pound of squid, 240 g of sticks and 300 g of low-fat and non-rigid ham will go. Cooked squid and meat-sausage should be chopped into strips, and the crab component - into cubes. Season with salt, mayonnaise and pepper - you get, consider it, a formal dish. And if the sticks are replaced with natural crabs, it will be much more expensive, but also much tastier.

Is there some more interesting way how to cook frozen squid fillet and salad from it. A quarter of a kilogram of the base will require three eggs, two sour apples, 50 g of cheese, an onion and mayonnaise for dressing. Eggs and peeled apples are rubbed (medium, not small and not large), the onion is cut into half rings, squid - into cubes. Everything is mixed, spilled with mayonnaise, and sprinkled with grated cheese on top. Delicious, juicy and beautiful!

Unusual and delicious

There are also ideas on how to cook peeled frozen squid as a main dish - instead of meat or poultry. We proceed from the fact that one portion accounts for 300 g of the gifts of the oceans. Then half a glass should join them orange juice(preferably pressed by yourself), soy sauce(preferably classic, without additional flavors), butter and olive oil, and leeks. The carcasses are cut into pieces convenient for you personally and fried in a mixture of oils. Remember: this should be done for a short time! After the allotted time, sauce and juice are poured into the pan, leek rings are added and the contents of the vessel are stewed for about ten minutes. Then everything is laid out on lettuce leaves- And Bon appetit! If you want a side dish - rice will be just right.

And you can stuff

No less curious is the way how to deliciously cook frozen squids by stuffing. The main thing here is not to damage them when cleaning the carcasses. Then they are boiled - the way you like it. A couple of onions are finely chopped, a large carrot is rubbed, and they are fried together. Crushed pickled mushrooms (100 g) and three chopped eggs are added to the vegetables. All components are mixed, flavored with mayonnaise, pepper and salt. This amount of filling is enough for 8-10 pieces marine life. The resulting mixture runs into squid carcasses, the edges can be chipped with toothpicks - and ask the guests to the table.

Grilled squid

On open fire usually pork, lamb or beef is cooked. Less commonly, a bird or fish goes to the grill. But if you know how to prepare seafood for the process, they can also be successfully baked. For squid, you need to make a special marinade, which includes vegetable oil (we give preference to olive oil), two cloves of garlic, a teaspoon ground paprika, a little sea ​​salt and a few sprigs of thyme. All this is mixed, the squids themselves are cleaned, washed and dried, after which they are smeared with marinade, put in plastic bag or wrapped in cling film and set aside for marinating for at least half an hour. If you continue to cook carcasses on an open fire, we recommend using a grate, and pre-lubricate it with vegetable oil. If it is supposed home cooking- Bake them in the oven for 10 minutes on each side. When serving squids, sprinkle them with lemon juice and sprinkle with herbs.

Snack for beer

Those who love foamy drink, do not neglect the spicy-salty concomitant additives. There may be croutons, and thinly sliced ​​smoked pork ears, and chips ... Or maybe squid! It remains to prepare a pinch of cardamom and coriander, a tablespoon and four - soy, 2 chili peppers (if you like very spicy, you can increase the number of peppers, but be careful not to overdo it) and the squid themselves - seven hundred grams. For the marinade, a little oil is poured into a heated frying pan, in which spices are allowed. Squid cut into small pieces are poured over with two sauces, sprinkled with fried seasonings and marinated in all this for half an hour. Then a deep frying pan is taken (ideally a wok), half a glass is poured vegetable oil and the future snack is fried in batches. Please note that spices can crumble from squid. If you notice this, change the oil to fresh - several times overcooked seasonings will give a little bad taste. Those who are not too lazy to make such an appetizer argue that there is no better accompaniment to beer.

Frankly, this is not all that can be "figured out" from such fertile material. It remains only to point out a couple of tricks. Some do not like that after cooking, squid seem to be pulled together. To avoid this, you can either lightly beat off the carcasses on both sides, or make shallow cuts with a very sharp knife - at the same time it will look more appetizing. And as an addition to any, lemon juice or garlic-cream sauce is suitable.

Squids are inhabitants of the open sea.

They are among the fastest swimmers, second only to such sprinters of the sea as swordfish, tuna and dolphins.

Fleeing from the chase, the squid can even fly out of the water and, like flying fish, swept over the waves tens of meters.

Sometimes the squid "shoots" so high that it hits the deck of a passing ship.

These squids are known to sailors as "flying squids".


The body of a squid cylindrical shape, strong and muscular, with symmetrical triangular fins at one end and a head at the other. Around the mouth opening are ten tentacles, equipped with many suction cups. Two tentacles differ from the rest in length and shape and serve as trapping.

The muscular mantle and tentacles of the squid are eaten. Squids belong to the order of decapod cephalopods.

This mollusk has been eaten for a long time. They are especially popular in coastal countries. The industrial catch of squid has long been established.

According to the place of catch, they are divided into Pacific and Atlantic. They are processed right on the vessel that is caught and frozen there. Since it perishable product, then you cannot re-freeze it, after defrosting the squids can deteriorate.


Squid meat is rich essential amino acids and is literally a pantry of protein. In terms of the content of easily digestible proteins and B vitamins, squids are several times superior to such familiar foods as fish or animal meat. In addition, squids are rich in polyunsaturated fats, which play an essential role in a properly balanced diet.

And, of course, like many other seafood, squids are extremely rich in such valuable minerals as iron, phosphorus, iodine, and copper. Another distinctive feature of squid is high content extractive substances in their meat that promote the release of digestive juices, which makes squid an important and useful product for everyone who suffers from diseases of the digestive tract.

The meat of this mollusk contains the substance taurine, which helps to lower blood cholesterol levels, stabilize blood pressure and also has an anti-sclerotic effect. Also, squid is rich in vitamin E and selenium, which remove salts of heavy metals from the body.

Squid meat is lean and considered dietary product. Also, this seafood contains iodine, which is necessary for a growing body, as well as for the normalization of the thyroid gland.

Squids are ideal for baby and diet food.

How to choose squids?

Squids are sold in canned and frozen form. With the first one, everything is clear, we look at the date of manufacture and expiration date, as well as the integrity of the package, and feel free to buy.

But with frozen squid you need to be extremely careful. Clams that were previously thawed and then re-frozen will taste bitter and spread when cooked.

To determine not defrosted the carcasses must first be seen to see if they stick together. Squid stuck together in one lump will tell you that they have already been defrosted. Easily separated from each other briquettes did not give in to repeated freezing.

The film on the squid carcass can be different color, from gray to purple, but the meat itself should only be white.

If the color of squid meat is different from white, this means that the squid has already been thawed, and their meat has absorbed the color of the shell.

The taste of such meat can be irreparably spoiled.

How to properly clean squid?

Cleaning squid is considered by many to be a troublesome and unpleasant task, however, this is not at all the case.

In order to quickly and easily clean the squid from the film covering them, put the frozen squid in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it.

Almost all of the squid skin will immediately curl up and move away from the meat. Immediately drain the boiling water and clean the squid from the remnants of the film under running water, then carefully remove the insides and the transparent chord (spine) with your fingers.

Your squids are completely ready for further cooking!

The meat of this mollusk is very fastidious in cooking.

by the most in a simple way cooking squid is boiling.

You need to cook squid correctly like this.

Boil water in a saucepan, salt it, add peppercorns and Bay leaf, then take one squid carcass and lower it into boiling water, take it out after 15 seconds, wait until the water boils again and lower the next carcass.

So the squids will turn out tasty and tender.

Even in boiling water, where squid is boiled, it is recommended to place half a lemon or lower a bag of black tea.

Only if the squid is cooked together with various seasonings and products or with sauce (for example, hodgepodge, pilaf, squid in sour cream or tomato sauce, with vegetable or other stuffing, etc.), it may take 10-15 minutes.

Many dishes are prepared from squid.

The main one is an excellent ingredient for various salads. Squids are also fried, stewed and even stuffed with both cooked and raw fillings.

You can also make sushi from this shellfish.

Dishes of frozen squid fillet.

First of all, fillet ice cream should be thawed in air or in slightly salted cold water.

Then remove the skin from the fillet.

This can be done in two ways: with a knife, peel off the upper, i.e., darker skin layer, from the fillet, or quickly dip raw fillet V hot water and then scrape the dark layer of the skin strongly with a knife.

After this treatment, thoroughly rinse the fillet with cold water, then beat it off on both sides so that the strong ring muscles of the squid soften.

If this is not done, then the squid fillet will shrink and become tough during cooking and frying. The cleaned and beaten fillet can be cut into large or small pieces, depending on which dish will be prepared.

raw fillet squid fried in small pieces 1.5-2 cm long and weighing about 25 g. You can also cook squid fillet halves.

Cooking squid by frying can be done in in kind(just fry salted squids), or you can fry in breading, i.e. sprinkle chopped and beaten fillet with salt and pepper, moisten with beaten egg, roll in ground breadcrumbs and quickly fry on both sides in a hot frying pan vegetable oil or other fat.

It is easy to cook minced meat from fillet, head and tentacles.

Peeled squid meat must be passed through a meat grinder twice, season with onion, ground pepper and, if desired, nutmeg. You can also add some minced garlic.

To make it more juicy and lush minced meat add some water or broth.

Minced meat can also be used to make cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, stuffing for dumplings, etc. (These dishes are also prepared from natural canned squid.)

How to cook squid

Extraordinarily delicate taste and the aroma of squid is completely devoid of a pronounced fishy taste, and rather resembles the taste of lobster meat.

Squids are great not only for making salads, but also for frying, stewing, making soups.

Squid meat has found the widest use in Mediterranean dishes. sea ​​food and Asian cuisines. The specifics of cooking squid meat requires knowledge of some simple secrets and tips.

Boiled squid can be eaten as a main dish, watering them with any white sauce, or can be used to make salads.

SALAD with squid

Refreshingly gentle mediterranean salad with squids.

Cut half a bunch of lettuce leaves not too finely, put in a deep salad bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix.

150 gr. feta cheese (or Adyghe cheese) cut into cubes.

One boiled squid cut into thin strips.

100 gr. Seedless green grapes are separated from the branches and cut each berry in half.

Put the cheese, squid and grapes in a salad bowl with lettuce, salt, season with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and mix gently.

Fried calamari as a main hot dish

Easy and very simple. Slice two small squids into rings. Cut two heads of onions into half rings, and two cloves of garlic into thin petals. In a deep frying pan, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and fry the onion and garlic in it until golden color.

Then add squid, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato paste, salt, black and red pepper to taste. Mix everything and fry over medium heat for 2 minutes. Remove from heat immediately and serve with a side dish of boiled potatoes or rice.

Cutlets from squid

Cutlets made from squid meat are unusually tasty, tender and fragrant.

cooked in the usual way, they will please you with delicate taste and delicate aroma, steamed, such cutlets will serve as an exquisite dietary dish.

Rinse and clean ½ kg. squid. Pass them once through a meat grinder with a fine grate. Then mince the minced squid through a meat grinder a second time, along with 2 slices of white bread soaked in cream, one hard-boiled egg, one onion and 1 to 2 cloves of garlic.

TO minced meat add salt, black pepper and ground rosemary to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and beat lightly with a whisk or mixer.

From the minced meat, form small cutlets, roll in the mixture breadcrumbs and sesame seeds, and then fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Serve with a salad fresh vegetables and cream sauce.

Soups from squid

There is a simple pattern: the first 3 minutes of cooking, the squid remains soft, then it becomes hard. After 30-40 minutes, it becomes soft again, but loses volume.

From this proceed, preparing squid soup. Most often, squids are boiled separately, then set aside, vegetables, cereals, pasta and other ingredients are boiled in the resulting broth, and when served, squids, cut into rings or strips, are added again. Below we give a simple but delicious example of such a soup.

Homemade soup with squid


  • 500 g potatoes
  • 250 g frozen squid
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 parsley root
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • Salt, spices and herbs to taste.


Defrost, clean and rinse the squid. Throw them into boiling salted water and cook for no more than 3-5 minutes. welded and chilled squids cut into strips.

Finely chop the onion, carrot and parsley root and fry in vegetable oil until the onion is translucent. Throw the vegetables and diced potatoes into the squid broth, salt and pepper, cook the soup until the potatoes are ready.

When serving, put the squid in each plate, pour over the soup and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

Raw squid can also be added 2-3 minutes before the soup is turned off, as in the recipe below.

Mushroom soup with squid


  • 250 g squid fillet
  • 4-5 medium potatoes
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 50 g dried mushrooms
  • 20 g vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons flour
  • 5 glasses of water
  • Salt, pepper, herbs to taste


soak dried mushrooms for 3-4 hours and cook in the same water until soft. Ready broth strain and rinse the mushrooms.

Prepare a pass. Fry finely chopped carrots and onions in vegetable oil with the addition of tomato paste and flour until the mass is smooth and the onion is transparent.

Peel the potatoes and cook in the broth until cooked, then salt, pepper, put the chopped squid fillet without skin, boiled chopped mushrooms, season the soup with a pass, cook for 2-3 minutes and serve.

However, squid can be boiled in soup and more long time. To do this, they are first fried so that the crust does not allow them to decrease in volume.

After 30 minutes, the squids become soft again. You can verify this by preparing a hodgepodge according to the following recipe.

Solyanka with squid


  • 300 g squid
  • 1 onion
  • 2 pickles
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • ground black pepper,
  • parsley or dill,
  • salt to taste

Lightly beat off the peeled and washed squids, cut into small pieces and fry in oil.

Lightly fry the chopped onion and put it together with the squid in a saucepan, add tomato paste, peeled and sliced ​​pickles, finely chopped garlic, salt, ground black pepper, water.

Cook covered for 30-40 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle the hodgepodge with finely chopped parsley or dill.

And finally , thai recipe

Thai stuffed squid soup


  • 500 g small squid
  • 200 g minced pork
  • 1 teaspoon garlic, salt, pepper and coriander root crushed together
  • 1.2 liters fish stock or water
  • 3 lemon leaves
  • 2 tablespoons spicy sweet and sour sauce
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • Lemon juice, cilantro for seasoning, salt, crushed Bell pepper taste

Clean the squids, remove the ink bag. Stuff the carcasses with a mixture of minced pork, garlic, pepper, salt and coriander root. Boil water or fish broth, add lemon zest and chopped lemon leaves. Boil for a few minutes, put in a saucepan stuffed squid and salt.

Before serving, squeeze a little lemon juice into each bowl, season with crushed capsicum and finely chopped cilantro. The soup should be sour-salty and spicy.

Soup - mashed cauliflower with squid

For real delicacy dish it turns out a puree soup made from cauliflower and squid.

With its delicate combination of light texture and charming aroma, this soup is able to captivate anyone.

Put 500 gr. in a small saucepan. cauliflower, broken into florets.

Add one carrot, chopped large pieces, and one onion, cut into four parts. Pour the vegetables with water so that it only slightly breaks them, add salt and cook over moderate heat for 30 - 35 minutes.

Drain the broth into a separate bowl, and boiled vegetables chop in a blender or meat grinder. Shift vegetable puree back to the pan, add 100 gr. heavy cream and dilute with vegetable broth to the desired density.

In the finished vegetable soup, add two small squids, cut into rings. Put the pot of soup on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes.

Serve immediately.

Risotto with squid

Of course, speaking of seafood, it is difficult to ignore such a popular all over the world dish of Mediterranean cuisine as risotto.

Let's try to cook squid risotto?

Peel and cut into long thin strips 430 gr. squid.

In a small skillet, heat 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, add to it one teaspoon of oregano and rosemary leaves (fresh or dry), a little red pepper flakes and 1 teaspoon of finely chopped garlic. Fry all 30 seconds and then add the squid.

Roast for 1 more minute. Remove from heat and drain the juice that the squid have released. Combine squid juice with 5 cups of fish broth in a separate saucepan and bring to a boil. In a deep skillet over high heat, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, add 3 finely chopped garlic cloves and saute until golden brown, 2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Then add 1 ¼ cups of long grain rice and fry for another 4 to 5 minutes while stirring constantly. Pour 1 cup of dry white wine into the rice and cook until completely absorbed. Don't forget to stir!

Add ½ cup at a time. Add each subsequent portion only when the rice has completely absorbed the previous one. Don't forget to stir the rice thoroughly and keep the heat on!

Cook the rice in this way until it is almost soft, only slightly crispy (al dente). This will take you 18 - 20 minutes.

TO cooked rice add your squid, 3 tbsp. spoons of chopped parsley, mix everything thoroughly and heat over low heat for 1 minute.

Before serving, add salt, black pepper and a little lemon juice.

If previous recipe seemed too complicated for you - do not worry, but try to cook another dish of Mediterranean cuisine.

Calamari with raisins and pine nuts cooked in Italy on Christmas Eve.

700 gr. Cut the squid into small pieces.

In a skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, add 2 finely chopped cloves of garlic and fry until golden brown. Then add the squid, 2 cups finely chopped canned or fresh tomatoes, ½ cup water, and salt and pepper to taste.

Cover the pan with a lid and simmer everything together for 10 minutes. Add ½ cup black olives, ¼ cup raisins and 2 tbsp. spoons of pine nuts.

Mix everything thoroughly and simmer under the lid for another 10-15 minutes. Serve with crispbread or croutons.

Stuffed squid

We will need several squid carcasses (preferably larger), butter, mushrooms (champignons are also possible), onions, eggs, cheese of any kind, green onions, herbs for the filling, sour cream, mayonnaise, flour, salt, black pepper

Clean the carcasses in the "cold" way - that is, put the squid in cold water(in no case do not pour boiling water over the carcasses, as is commonly believed!) and sharp knife remove the top white-pink skin and take out the insides. The process is quite painstaking, but it's worth it - everything will be preserved during cooking useful material and delicate taste.

Saute onions for butter until golden brown, add mushrooms, fry until half cooked and mix it all with pre-grated cheese, finely chopped boiled eggs, green onions and herbs.

We start with the prepared squid mixture.

The open edges of the carcasses are either sewn up or stabbed with toothpicks (if you are reluctant to mess around). We spread the carcasses in a deep dish such as a brazier or pan with thick walls.

We prepare the sauce: sour cream and mayonnaise are mixed in a one-to-one ratio - that is, a glass of sour cream to a glass of mayonnaise, add a little flour, salt and pepper to taste. Pour the squid sauce over and put on medium fire.

You can stuff squids with anything, show your imagination, but most often squids are stuffed:

  • rice
  • egg
  • vegetables
  • mushrooms
  • Pork
  • fish
  • bow
  • Cheese
  • salom
  • greenery

Fried squid rings

Ingredients: 1 kg squid, 250 g breadcrumbs, vegetable oil, 4 eggs (optional).

Rinse squid carcasses (if frozen - defrost) in cold water and cut into rings

Break 4 eggs into a plate and mix them until smooth and add a little salt. First, dip the squid rings in eggs, and then in breadcrumbs - and send them to a frying pan in which vegetable oil is already heated. And fry on both sides!

You can use potato starch instead of breadcrumbs.

Attention: squids cook quickly - 1.5-2 minutes on each side!!!

Take them out on a plate, you can add chopped greens.

One more recipe Fried squid rings.

Thaw and peel 1 kg. squid. Cut them into thin rings.

Mix well to make the batter.

  • ½ kg. wheat flour,
  • ½ liter light weak beer,
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

The finished batter should resemble sour cream in thickness. Heat 1 liter of vegetable oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan. Bread each squid ring in flour, dip in batter and fry in boiling oil until golden brown. Fry no more than 2 - 3 minutes!

Remove the finished rings with a slotted spoon from the oil and put in a colander or on paper towel to get rid of oil residue. Serve with two to three different types of sauces.

Appetizer of squid in tartlets

A quick recipe that can become a decoration of the festive table, as it is prepared quickly and served in portions.

For cooking you will need:

  • tartlet (from sweet dough) - 6 pcs.
  • squid (canned) - 250g
  • carrots (boiled) - 1 pc.
  • egg (boiled) - 2 pcs.
  • green peas (canned) - 3 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise - 1/2 cup
  • parsley (chopped greens) - 2 tbsp.
  • black pepper (ground) - to taste.

Squid and carrots cut into cubes, combine with chopped eggs, green peas, herbs, pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix. Fill the tartlets with the prepared mass, sprinkle with herbs.

And finally, the recipe squid skewers

For the recipe you will need:

  • squid (tentacles) - 450g
  • chili pepper (chopped) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • cilantro or mint greens - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • wine vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • green onions - 1 bunch
  • lime - 1 pc.

Combine chili, cilantro or mint, sugar, vinegar, and olive oil. Peel the squids, cut into pieces of 15-20 cm and marinate in this sauce. Leave for 1-1.5 hours.

Thread the tentacles onto 4 skewers. Grill for 3-4 minutes, turning the skewers constantly. Squids should not be overcooked, otherwise they will be tough. Lightly roast green onions on a wire rack. Warm up the sauce in which the squids were marinated. Serve with roasted green onions, halved limes and sauce.

Bon appetit!

How delicious to cook squid? How to cook and fry squids? TOP 4 recipes. Video recipes.
The content of the article:

Seafood on our tables are rare guests, in particular squid. But they are distinguished by incredible tenderness, high palatability, nutritional value And healing properties. Despite their low cost and ease of preparation, tender and delicious squid never became a popular product in the preparation of seafood dishes. Since in most recipes, cooking squid often leads to the wrong result. Therefore, in today's story, we will correct frequently made mistakes, correctly and skillfully prepare delicious squid dishes.

Many different dishes are prepared from squid: salads, soups, meatballs, meatballs, hedgehogs, etc. Seafood meat is grilled, stuffed, dried ... In cooking, the squid body, head and tentacles are used. However, most often used ready-made squid carcasses, which are called fillets. We will talk about them below.
  • Squid fillets are sold with or without skin. Untreated individuals are considered to be of higher quality, tk. after factory cleaning, the clams are cooked and become tough.
  • Seafood can be frozen and chilled.
  • In the freezer, squids are stored for more than a month.
  • Squid carcasses should not be glued. They should be easily separated from each other.
  • If the squids are stuck together, then they have already been thawed, which leads to spoilage of the product.
  • Fresh squids have a film of pink or purple and the meat itself is exceptionally white.
  • To cleanse them, frozen marine reptiles pour boiling water for one minute. During this time, the skin will curl up. After they are quickly transferred to cold water and easily cleaned under running water.
  • Inside the squid there is a flexible transparent spine (chord), which is also removed.
  • It is not necessary to pre-thaw squids, this will complicate their cleaning.

The main reason for the rare appearance of squid on our tables is that not all housewives know how long it takes to cook squid. If this process is not done correctly, then the meat will be irretrievably spoiled.

Most often we buy frozen squids. They need to be cooked without prior defrosting. To do this, seafood is dipped in boiling water for 1 minute, the fire is turned off and kept in boiling water for 3 minutes. It is a long heat treatment(3-5 minutes or more) deprives squid of taste and nutritional properties. They turn into rubber and cannot be chewed.

Recipes with squid

Each national cuisine has its own secrets of cooking squid. At the same time, everyone adheres to the main rule: do not overload squids with spices and spices. Seafood intensively absorbs the aroma of the surrounding ingredients, from which the dish turns out to be very saturated.

The most common recipes with squid are salads. Below is a classic version of the clam salad.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 89 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 3-4
  • Cooking time - 1 hour 15 minutes


  • Squid fillet - 300 g
  • Carrot - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Black ground pepper - to taste
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Canned green pea- 200-250 g

Step by step cooking salad with squid:

  1. Boil potatoes and carrots in uniforms. Cool, peel and cut into cubes.
  2. Boil squids in salted water, cool and cut into strips.
  3. Cucumbers cut into cubes.
  4. Combine all products, add canned peas season with salt, ground pepper and mayonnaise.
  5. Mix and you can serve.

In many recipes, there are unexpected combinations of products for stuffing squid. For example, minced meat with bread and sprat, crab sticks with corn and dried fruits. At the same time, mushrooms with eggs, vegetables with rice, shrimp with cheese, apples with cottage cheese, etc. remain unchanged. consider the most successful combination of products - mushrooms with rice and ham.


  • Squids - 6 carcasses
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Ham - 150 g
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Rice - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp or to taste
Step by step cooking stuffed squid:
  1. Defrost squid carcasses, peel and boil, as described above. Also remove the film and remove the backbone.
  2. Hard boil the eggs, cool and cut into cubes.
  3. Cut the ham into cubes.
  4. Wash the mushrooms and finely chop.
  5. Clean the onion and chop.
  6. Fry mushrooms with onions in a pan.
  7. Boil rice and cool.
  8. Grate the cheese.
  9. Combine all products (except squid), add mayonnaise and mix.
  10. Fill the squid carcasses with the resulting minced meat in 2/3 parts and fasten the edges with toothpicks.
  11. Put the seafood on a baking sheet, grease it with mayonnaise and cover the form with foil.
  12. Send the baking sheet to a preheated oven to 200 degrees and bake for 15 minutes.
  13. Then remove the foil and bake for another 5 minutes.

Some novice housewives are interested in how to properly cook squid fried in batter. It's actually very simple. The dish is prepared in the same way: first, the clams are boiled, cut, dipped in batter and fried in in large numbers oils. Learn more about the recipe.


  • Fresh squid - 500 g
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp.
  • Flour - 3 tbsp
  • Greens - 3 branches
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Cheese - 150 g
Step by step cooking squid in batter:
  1. Boil squids, as described above in the article. Cool and cut into 1 cm rings. Leave them to dry well.
  2. Combine eggs with milk and beat with a whisk. Salt, pepper.
  3. Mix breadcrumbs with flour.
  4. Dip squids in batter and quickly move to breading.
  5. Dip the squids in a pan with heated vegetable oil and fry them over medium heat until golden brown for 5-7 minutes.
  6. For the sauce, grate the cheese on a medium grater and combine it with sour cream, finely chopped herbs and garlic passed through a press.
  7. Serve squids to the table with sauce, in which they should be dipped before eating.

Out of many a variety of recipes cooking squid, it should be noted delicious fried squid. This is original and quick snack, which will go both for a festive feast and a friendly gathering over a glass of beer.


  • Unpeeled squid - 500 g
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Olive oil - for frying
Step by step cooking fried squid:
  1. Cut off the tail and blades from the squid.
  2. Wash the carcass, remove the insides and the cartilaginous "arrow" that runs along the body.
  3. Dry the clams inside and out with a paper towel.
  4. Cut the carcasses into rings 1.5-2 cm wide.
  5. Roll them in the flour and salt mixture.
  6. Heat a frying pan with olive oil and put squids in parts. If you throw all the carcasses into the pan at once, the temperature of the oil will drop dramatically.
  7. Fry the clams for 1 minute on each side, until browned.
  8. Ready squids Place on paper towels to soak up the oil and serve.

Few people realize that squid can be cooked amazingly tasty soup. This recipe has its own peculiarities. Consider all the subtleties and simple, but delicious recipe hot first course.


  • Potato - 500 g
  • Frozen squid - 250 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Parsley - 1 root
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Black ground pepper - a pinch
Step by step cooking squid soup:
  1. Peel the squids and boil for no longer than 3 minutes.
  2. Cut cooked and chilled clams into strips.
  3. Finely chop the onion and parsley root. Grate carrots. Sauté vegetables in vegetable oil until onions are translucent.
