
Cooking dishes from boiled squid. Simple and delicious squid salad

What can be cooked from squid? Yes, in fact, everything, starting with first courses, and ending with stuffed or stewed carcasses of this marine life. The main thing is to cook it correctly, because you won’t want to eat an unsuccessful dish!

Squid dishes (recipes)

For example, carcasses can be fried. Heat a little oil in a wok, add the onion sliced ​​into half rings and a minced garlic clove. Wait for the golden color of the first ingredient and put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200binto the pan. Add spices, as well as a spoonful of paste (tomato). Stew for a couple of minutes and you can serve the product with rice or boiled potatoes.

What can be cooked from squid?

A rather unusual dish is cutlets from marine life. Wash half a kilogram of carcasses well and pass through a fine-grained meat grinder. Soak a few slices of white bread in cream, peel an onion and a couple of cloves of garlic, boil an egg. Pass all the ingredients, including the already existing minced meat, again through the grinding device. Add spices, and also (optionally) your favorite herbs (rosemary is appropriate). Next, you need to mix a little crushed crackers and a couple of tablespoons of sesame seeds, roll cutlets formed with wet hands in them, and then send them to a hot frying pan. When the cutlets are fried, they can be stewed with any sauce. Serve with boiled cereals or pasta.

We stuff carcasses

For experienced housewives, a real find is squid dishes. Recipes with photos can be found everywhere. We offer to cook stuffed marine inhabitants. So, take the required number of carcasses, wash and clean them thoroughly, rub with salt and let them lie down for a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, chop cabbage, carrots and onions. Wash and cut the mushrooms. Fry foods with the addition of tomato paste. Then pin the edges together so that the filling doesn't fall out. Put the product on a greased baking sheet, add a little mayonnaise to each carcass, and then leave to bake for 15 minutes. Do not forget to add a little water to the sheet (otherwise the dish will be very dry).

What can be cooked from squid for the first time?

A wonderful hot dish for lunch is cream soup. It is very useful for the stomach due to its consistency, and is no less important for the body as a whole (because of the richness of various vitamins and trace elements contained in the ingredients). Wash a small fork of cauliflower, disassemble it into florets. Peel the carrots and onions, cut both components into 4 parts. Place everything in a saucepan and fill with enough water to just cover the vegetables. Boil the ingredients for 35-40 minutes, pour the broth into another container. Pass vegetables through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Add half a glass of cream and add a decoction of vegetables (to the desired thickness of the dish). Squid must be washed and cut (if desired, they can be pre-fried), and then put in the soup. They only need to boil for a few minutes. You can decorate the first dish with herbs and well-fried onion rings.


In addition to these recipes, you can also make carcasses in batter or grill, or you can fry deep-fried rings. In any case, the answer to the question of what can be cooked from squid has been found.

In recent years, seafood has been steadily replacing the classic meat delicacies of Russian cuisine from our table. There is no cholesterol in squids, they are less high-calorie, not at all harmful to health. Dishes will not leave marks on the waist, hips and inside the blood vessels. We offer delicious and simple recipes for cooking squid.

Sea inhabitants of squid - cephalopods - have not only excellent taste and tender meat. They are a storehouse of useful substances, such as polyunsaturated fats, potassium, copper, iodine, selenium (removes salts of heavy metals), protein, vitamins. Some medical books refer to squid as "ginseng from the sea." To use them, you need to know the rules of cooking in order to preserve the benefits, get a lot of different tastes.

You don’t have to mess around with them, like with other seafood, for a long time when cooking. Under certain conditions, clams fried in batter (cooked in just a few minutes), or stewed with vegetables, can replace fast food, sausages or, while the gain in benefits for well-being, a slim figure and mood is huge.

Salads and stews are the most popular of squids, however, due to their shape, mollusks are incredibly convenient for canning, and their delicate delicate taste and tender meat make it possible to combine them with a large number of products from cottage cheese to olives and pine nuts. Below we offer two stuffing recipes - one for the daily menu, and the second for the holiday, and the cooking process can be part of the entertainment program for guests.

Preparation for cooking

  1. You need to buy unpeeled carcasses, because. the peeled ones were probably subjected to repeated freezing.
  2. On the packaging of frozen squid, the date of production should be July or August, because. it is during these months that fishing takes place and one can hope that seafood has not been re-frozen and retained all the useful substances.
  3. under the film, the mollusk can only be white, unlike carcasses, which can be of different shades, from purple to light pink.
  4. There may be a thin crust of ice on the carcass (according to GOST, 8% of the weight is allowed).
  5. Frozen squids are thawed only in cold water; microwave and hot water cannot be used.
  6. To remove the skin, the shellfish in a bowl or colander is poured over with hot water (55-65 ° C), after which the skin should be removed with a stocking, it is best to do this under running water.
  7. It is not recommended to beat tender meat before cooking, but you can make cuts with a mesh before frying, which will speed up cooking, give an elegant look to the finished dish.
  8. Squids are cooked for 15-20 seconds after boiling water, and it is better to cook the carcasses in turn, and not at the same time. This will make it easier to remove them quickly from the pan.
  9. Stewing, frying, baking in the oven involves 2 options for obtaining soft meat in duration: 2-3 minutes or more than 40 minutes.

Recipe for stuffed squid with Thai sauce


  • 500 g squid;
  • 200 g fish fillet;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 bouillon cube;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt;


  1. Boil the peeled squids quickly in salted water.
  2. Onion cut into half rings and fry until golden brown.
  3. Cut the fish into small cubes, add to the onion and overcook with it.
  4. Finely chop the eggs, mix with finely chopped cheese. Add fish and onion to the mixture, mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Stuff the carcasses of mollusks with the minced meat and sew them up with a thread, put them in a deep shape.
  6. Dilute the bouillon cube in boiling water, add sour cream to it and boil everything together until a homogeneous sauce is obtained.
  7. Pour the squids with this sauce and put in a hot oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 190-210 ° C.

Video recipe

French stuffed calamari


  • 0.8-1 kg of squid;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1-2 bunches of fresh parsley;
  • 3 art. l. capers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2-3 slices of dry white bread without crust;
  • Milk;
  • Olive (vegetable) oil;
  • Yolks of 2 boiled eggs;
  • 100 ml cognac or brandy;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • 1.5 cups of dry white wine;
  • Optionally, you can add anchovy fillets (4 pcs.) to the minced meat.


  • Peel squids, finely chop 1-2 pieces (depending on size).
  • Finely chop the onion and fry quickly, add chopped clams to it.
  • Soak the bread in milk and squeeze. Scald tomatoes, peel and chop.
  • Very finely chop 2 cloves of garlic, 1 bunch of parsley and 2 tbsp. l. capers.
  • Mix the fried clams and other prepared foods together with egg yolks in a blender. Received to fill the carcasses of mollusks and sew up with a thread.
  • Fry them for a couple of minutes, turn off the fire, pour cognac or brandy over them, set them on fire. When the flame goes out, transfer the carcasses to a baking dish with high sides, sprinkle them with the remaining chopped parsley, capers and garlic, salt a little, gently sprinkle with flour and pour over with wine.
  • Close the form with foil, bring to a boil and put in the oven for 50-60 minutes at a temperature of 190-210 ° C. French recipe for stuffed squid "a la Provencale" is ready!

Video recipe

Cutlets from squid


  • 700-800 g squid;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200-250 g of white bread;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Salt pepper.


  1. Chop onion and peeled squid.
  2. Soak bread in water, squeeze.
  3. Mix bread, shellfish meat, onion, pass through a meat grinder, salt and pepper.
  4. Separate the yolks from the proteins, beat the yolks and proteins.
  5. Add the yolks to the minced meat first, mix, then the proteins, mix again.
  6. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in a hot pan.
  7. As a side dish, you can serve mashed potatoes or vegetable salad, asparagus, olives.

Video recipe

Very often, the first cooking experience is unsuccessful - it turns out hard "rubber" meat, which is difficult to chew. But gradually, if you study what types of squid are sold in stores, recipes and the subtleties of their preparation, you get dishes that are amazing in beauty and taste. As a last resort, you can buy canned clams for salads;).

How do you like to cook squid?

Squids belong to the order of decapod cephalopods. They seem unusual even against the background of their extraordinary counterparts - octopuses and cuttlefish. Squids are like aliens: high intelligence, cunning matrix eyes and a jet mode of movement.

For a long time there have been legends about giant squids that dragged ships along with sailors to the bottom. This has not been documented, although a 20-meter individual is quite capable of drowning a small boat. But now we are not interested in giant, but in Commander and Pacific squid. Due to their small size, they do not eat humans. Rather, the opposite is true.

Beneficial features

How to choose

Mostly frozen squids go on sale. You should choose carcasses that have never been thawed, otherwise they will spread, have a bitter taste and smell of old frozen fish.

If the squid is sold in briquettes, then a properly frozen carcass is easily separated from the briquette. Another criterion is appearance. The carcass should be dense, the upper skin of the squid can be pinkish, lilac, slightly brown, but the squid meat itself must be white. If it is yellow or purple, the squid has definitely been defrosted.

How to defrost

Best of all in the air, and even better - in the refrigerator.

How to clean

The squid has two skins: the outer, colored, and the second, transparent. You need to shoot both. If you are selling a squid with tentacles, cut them off at the very eyes of the squid, then remove the beak and ink sac.

The skin of the carcass will be easier to remove if, even before defrosting, it is scalded with boiling water. The outer skin will peel off on its own, and the second must be picked up from the wide end of the carcass and removed like a stocking. Then rinse the carcass and leave to continue to defrost.

Finally, turn the squid inside out, remove the chord and inner membrane, and rinse well again.

Soups from squid

There is a simple pattern: the first 3 minutes of cooking, the squid remains soft, then it becomes hard. After 30-40 minutes, it becomes soft again, but loses volume.

From this proceed, preparing squid soup. Most often, squids are boiled separately, then set aside, vegetables, cereals, pasta and other ingredients are boiled in the resulting broth, and when served, squids, cut into rings or strips, are added again. Below we give a simple but delicious example of such a soup.

Homemade soup with squid


500 g potatoes

250 g frozen squid

1 onion

1 carrot

1 parsley root

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Salt, spices and herbs to taste.

Defrost, clean and rinse the squid. Throw them into boiling salted water and cook for no more than 3-5 minutes. Cut the boiled and chilled squids into strips. Finely chop the onion, carrot and parsley root and fry in vegetable oil until the onion is translucent. Throw the vegetables and diced potatoes into the squid broth, salt and pepper, cook the soup until the potatoes are ready. When serving, put the squid in each plate, pour over the soup and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

Raw squid can also be added 2-3 minutes before the soup is turned off, as in the recipe below.

Mushroom soup with squid


250 g squid fillet

4-5 medium potatoes

2 medium carrots

1 onion

50 g dried mushrooms

20 g vegetable oil

2 teaspoons flour

5 glasses of water

Salt, pepper, herbs to taste

Soak dried mushrooms for 3-4 hours and cook in the same water until soft. Strain the finished broth and rinse the mushrooms. Prepare a pass. Fry finely chopped carrots and onions in vegetable oil with the addition of tomato paste and flour until the mass is smooth and the onion is transparent. Peel the potatoes and cook in the broth until cooked, then salt, pepper, put the chopped squid fillet without skin, boiled chopped mushrooms, season the soup with a pass, cook for 2-3 minutes and serve. However, squid can be boiled in soup for a longer time. To do this, they are first fried so that the crust does not allow them to decrease in volume. After 30 minutes, the squids become soft again. You can verify this by preparing a hodgepodge according to the following recipe.

Solyanka with squid


300 g squid

1 onion

2 pickles

1 tablespoon tomato paste

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

2-3 garlic cloves

ground black pepper, parsley or dill, salt to taste

Lightly beat off the peeled and washed squids, cut into small pieces and fry in oil. Lightly fry the chopped onion and put it together with the squid in a saucepan, add tomato paste, peeled and sliced ​​pickles, finely chopped garlic, salt, ground black pepper, water. Cook covered for 30-40 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle the hodgepodge with finely chopped parsley or dill.

And finally, the Thai recipe

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Thai stuffed squid soup


500 g small squid

200 g minced pork

1 teaspoon garlic, salt, pepper and coriander root crushed together

1.2 liters fish stock or water

3 lemon leaves

2 tablespoons spicy sweet and sour sauce

1 teaspoon lemon zest

Lemon juice, cilantro for seasoning, salt, crushed capsicum to taste

Clean the squids, remove the ink bag. Stuff the carcasses with a mixture of minced pork, garlic, pepper, salt and coriander root. Boil water or fish broth, add lemon zest and chopped lemon leaves. Boil for a few minutes, put stuffed squids in a saucepan and salt.

Before serving, squeeze a little lemon juice into each bowl, season with crushed capsicum and finely chopped cilantro. The soup should be sour-salty and spicy.

Second courses of squid, cut into pieces

Pieces of squid are boiled, fried and stewed. At the same time, squids are often boiled before frying, and fried before stewing to form a protective crust, under which the meat remains tender.

Below is one of classic squid salads


300 g squid (fillet)

3 medium potatoes

3 medium carrots

3 pickled cucumbers

200-250 g canned green peas

salt, sugar, pepper - to taste

lettuce leaves for garnish

Boil potatoes and carrots and let cool. Defrost and clean the squids, boil in salted water for 4 minutes, then let cool. Cut the fillets, potatoes, carrots and peeled cucumbers into strips.

Add salt, sugar, pepper to mayonnaise, pour over the mixture of cooked foods and stir gently. Garnish with lettuce, cucumber, squid pieces.

And here is the recipe squid fried in breadcrumbs:


700 g squid fillet

3-4 tablespoons of milk

3-4 tablespoons breadcrumbs

4-5 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 tablespoon flour

parsley or dill for garnish

salt, pepper to taste.

Mix the breadcrumbs with the egg.

Defrost squid carcasses, boil and clean. Boil in salted water for 3-4 minutes and cut into small pieces. Salt these pieces, sprinkle with pepper and roll in flour, then dip in egg with breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil. Serve squid hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

The following recipe shows that when stewing together, squids can ennoble such a simple vegetable as onions.

Calamari stewed with vegetables


500 g frozen squid meat

2 medium onions

1.5 cups of milk

2.5 cups flour

3 tablespoons butter

salt and ground pepper to taste

Defrost and clean squid carcasses. Chop lengthwise strips, salt to taste, roll in flour and fry.

Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in vegetable oil until translucent. Then sprinkle it with flour and continue to fry for another 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly.

Put the onion in a saucepan, add milk, bring to a boil and add the fried squid. Sprinkle all this with salt, ground pepper and simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes, closing the saucepan with a lid.

Serve on a platter, garnished with chopped parsley or dill. Boiled or fried potatoes are good as a side dish.

Stuffed squid

Squids are most often stuffed





Here is a recipe for squid stuffed with onions, eggs and champignons.


6 squid carcasses

150 g ham

200 g champignons

2 medium onions

0.5 cup rice

100 hard cheese

4 tablespoons of mayonnaise

Vegetable oil for frying

Defrost, clean the squid carcasses and boil in salted water for 3 minutes. Hard boil eggs, cut into cubes. Cut the ham into cubes too. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry with onions, boil the rice and cool, grate the cheese, mix everything and add mayonnaise.
Fill the squid carcasses with the resulting minced meat, put on a baking sheet, grease with mayonnaise, cover with foil, place in the oven, heated to 200 C, and bake for 15 minutes. After that, remove the foil and bake for another 5-10 minutes.
Helpful Hints

To make the squid meat more tender, you can pre-beat it. Squids are better undercooked than overcooked. For greater softness, instead of boiling, squids are blanched with steam for 3-4 minutes. Even in boiling water, where squid is boiled, it is recommended to place half a lemon or lower a bag of black tea.

Squids are inhabitants of the open sea.

They are among the fastest swimmers, second only to such sprinters of the sea as swordfish, tuna and dolphins.

Fleeing from the chase, the squid can even fly out of the water and, like flying fish, rush over the waves for tens of meters.

Sometimes the squid "shoots" so high that it hits the deck of a passing ship.

These squids are known to sailors as "flying squids".


The body of the squid is cylindrical, strong and muscular, with symmetrical triangular fins at one end and a head at the other. Around the mouth opening are ten tentacles, equipped with many suction cups. Two tentacles differ from the rest in length and shape and serve as trapping.

The muscular mantle and tentacles of the squid are eaten. Squids belong to the order of decapod cephalopods.

This mollusk has been eaten for a long time. They are especially popular in coastal countries. The industrial catch of squid has long been established.

According to the place of catch, they are divided into Pacific and Atlantic. They are processed right on the vessel that is caught and frozen there. Since this is a perishable product, it cannot be re-frozen, after defrosting, squids can deteriorate.


Squid meat is rich in essential amino acids and is literally a pantry of protein. In terms of the content of easily digestible proteins and B vitamins, squids are several times superior to such familiar foods as fish or animal meat. In addition, squids are rich in polyunsaturated fats, which play an essential role in a properly balanced diet.

And, of course, like many other seafood, squids are extremely rich in such valuable minerals as iron, phosphorus, iodine, and copper. Another distinctive feature of squid is the high content of extractive substances in their meat, which promote the release of digestive juices, which makes squid an important and useful product for everyone who suffers from diseases of the digestive tract.

The meat of this mollusk contains the substance taurine, which helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, stabilize blood pressure, and also has an anti-sclerotic effect. Also, squid is rich in vitamin E and selenium, which remove salts of heavy metals from the body.

Squid meat is lean and is considered a dietary product. Also, this seafood contains iodine, which is necessary for a growing body, as well as for the normalization of the thyroid gland.

Squids are ideal for baby and diet food.

How to choose squids?

Squids are sold in canned and frozen form. With the first one, everything is clear, we look at the date of manufacture and expiration date, as well as the integrity of the package, and feel free to buy.

But with frozen squid you need to be extremely careful. Clams that were previously thawed and then re-frozen will taste bitter and spread when cooked.

To determine not defrosted the carcasses must first be seen to see if they stick together. Squid stuck together in one lump will tell you that they have already been defrosted. Easily separated from each other briquettes did not give in to repeated freezing.

The film on the squid carcass can be of different colors, from gray to purple, but the meat itself should only be white.

If the color of squid meat is different from white, this means that the squid has already been thawed, and their meat has absorbed the color of the shell.

The taste of such meat can be irreparably spoiled.

How to properly clean squid?

Cleaning squid is considered by many to be a troublesome and unpleasant task, however, this is not at all the case.

In order to quickly and easily clean the squid from the film covering them, put the frozen squid in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it.

Almost all of the squid skin will immediately curl up and move away from the meat. Immediately drain the boiling water and clean the squid from the remnants of the film under running water, then carefully remove the insides and the transparent chord (spine) with your fingers.

Your squids are completely ready for further cooking!

The meat of this mollusk is very fastidious in cooking.

The easiest way to cook squid is boiling.

You need to cook squid correctly like this.

Boil water in a saucepan, salt it, add peppercorns and bay leaf, then take one squid carcass and dip it in boiling water, take it out after 15 seconds, wait until the water boils again and lower the next carcass.

So the squids will turn out tasty and tender.

Even in boiling water, where squid is boiled, it is recommended to place half a lemon or lower a bag of black tea.

Only if the squid is cooked together with various seasonings and products or with sauce (for example, saltwort, pilaf, squid in sour cream or tomato sauce, with vegetable or other stuffing, etc.), it may take 10-15 minutes.

Many dishes are prepared from squid.

The main one is an excellent ingredient for various salads. Squids are also fried, stewed and even stuffed with both cooked and raw fillings.

You can also make sushi from this shellfish.

Dishes of frozen squid fillet.

First of all, fillet ice cream should be thawed in air or in slightly salted cold water.

Then remove the skin from the fillet.

This can be done in two ways: with a knife, peel off the upper, i.e., darker skin layer from the fillet, or quickly dip the raw fillet in hot water and then scrape the dark skin layer strongly with a knife.

After this treatment, thoroughly rinse the fillet with cold water, then beat it off on both sides so that the strong ring muscles of the squid soften.

If this is not done, then the squid fillet will shrink and become tough during cooking and frying. The cleaned and beaten fillet can be cut into large or small pieces, depending on which dish will be prepared.

raw fillet squid fried in small pieces 1.5-2 cm long and weighing about 25 g. You can also cook squid fillet halves.

Cooking squids by frying can be carried out in its natural form (we just fry salted squids), or it can be fried in breading, that is, sprinkle chopped and beaten fillet with salt and pepper, moisten with a beaten egg, roll in ground breadcrumbs and quickly fry on both sides on frying pan in hot vegetable oil or other fat.

It is easy to cook minced meat from fillet, head and tentacles.

The squid meat, peeled from the skin, must be passed through a meat grinder twice, seasoned with onion, ground pepper and, if desired, nutmeg. You can also add some minced garlic.

To get a more juicy and lush minced meat, add a little water or broth.

Minced meat can also be used to make cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, stuffing for dumplings, etc. (These dishes are also prepared from natural canned squid.)

How to cook squid

The unusually delicate taste and aroma of squid is completely devoid of a pronounced fishy taste and rather resembles the taste of lobster meat.

Squids are great not only for making salads, but also for frying, stewing, making soups.

Squid meat has found the widest application in Mediterranean cuisine and cuisines of Asian countries. The specifics of cooking squid meat requires knowledge of some simple secrets and tips.

Boiled squid can be eaten as a main dish, watering them with any white sauce, or can be used to make salads.

SALAD with squid

Refreshingly tender Mediterranean salad with squid.

Cut half a bunch of lettuce leaves not too finely, put in a deep salad bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix.

150 gr. feta cheese (or Adyghe cheese) cut into cubes.

Cut one boiled squid into thin strips.

100 gr. Seedless green grapes are separated from the branches and cut each berry in half.

Put the cheese, squid and grapes in a salad bowl with lettuce, salt, season with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and mix gently.

Fried calamari as a main hot dish

Easy and very simple. Slice two small squids into rings. Cut two heads of onions into half rings, and two cloves of garlic into thin petals. In a deep frying pan, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and fry the onion and garlic in it until golden brown.

Then add squid, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato paste, salt, black and red pepper to taste. Mix everything and fry over medium heat for 2 minutes. Remove from heat immediately and serve with a side dish of boiled potatoes or rice.

Cutlets from squid

Cutlets made from squid meat are unusually tasty, tender and fragrant.

Cooked in the usual way, they will delight you with a delicate taste and delicate aroma, while steamed, these cutlets will serve as an exquisite dietary dish.

Rinse and clean ½ kg. squid. Pass them once through a meat grinder with a fine grate. Then mince the minced squid through a meat grinder a second time, along with 2 slices of white bread soaked in cream, one hard-boiled egg, one onion and 1 to 2 cloves of garlic.

Add salt, black pepper and ground rosemary to the finished minced meat to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and beat lightly with a whisk or mixer.

From the minced meat, form small cutlets, roll in a mixture of breadcrumbs and sesame seeds, and then fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Serve with fresh vegetable salad and creamy sauce.

Soups from squid

There is a simple pattern: the first 3 minutes of cooking, the squid remains soft, then it becomes hard. After 30-40 minutes, it becomes soft again, but loses volume.

From this proceed, preparing squid soup. Most often, squids are boiled separately, then set aside, vegetables, cereals, pasta and other ingredients are boiled in the resulting broth, and when served, squids, cut into rings or strips, are added again. Below we give a simple but delicious example of such a soup.

Homemade soup with squid


  • 500 g potatoes
  • 250 g frozen squid
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 parsley root
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • Salt, spices and herbs to taste.


Defrost, clean and rinse the squid. Throw them into boiling salted water and cook for no more than 3-5 minutes. Cut the boiled and chilled squids into strips.

Finely chop the onion, carrot and parsley root and fry in vegetable oil until the onion is translucent. Throw the vegetables and diced potatoes into the squid broth, salt and pepper, cook the soup until the potatoes are ready.

When serving, put the squid in each plate, pour over the soup and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

Raw squid can also be added 2-3 minutes before the soup is turned off, as in the recipe below.

Mushroom soup with squid


  • 250 g squid fillet
  • 4-5 medium potatoes
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 50 g dried mushrooms
  • 20 g vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons flour
  • 5 glasses of water
  • Salt, pepper, herbs to taste


Soak dried mushrooms for 3-4 hours and cook in the same water until soft. Strain the finished broth and rinse the mushrooms.

Prepare a pass. Fry finely chopped carrots and onions in vegetable oil with the addition of tomato paste and flour until the mass is smooth and the onion is transparent.

Peel the potatoes and cook in the broth until cooked, then salt, pepper, put the chopped squid fillet without skin, boiled chopped mushrooms, season the soup with a pass, cook for 2-3 minutes and serve.

However, squid can be boiled in soup for a longer time. To do this, they are first fried so that the crust does not allow them to decrease in volume.

After 30 minutes, the squids become soft again. You can verify this by preparing a hodgepodge according to the following recipe.

Solyanka with squid


  • 300 g squid
  • 1 onion
  • 2 pickles
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • ground black pepper,
  • parsley or dill,
  • salt to taste

Lightly beat off the peeled and washed squids, cut into small pieces and fry in oil.

Lightly fry the chopped onion and put it together with the squid in a saucepan, add tomato paste, peeled and sliced ​​pickles, finely chopped garlic, salt, ground black pepper, water.

Cook covered for 30-40 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle the hodgepodge with finely chopped parsley or dill.

And finally , thai recipe

Thai stuffed squid soup


  • 500 g small squid
  • 200 g minced pork
  • 1 teaspoon garlic, salt, pepper and coriander root crushed together
  • 1.2 liters fish stock or water
  • 3 lemon leaves
  • 2 tablespoons spicy sweet and sour sauce
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • Lemon juice, cilantro for seasoning, salt, crushed capsicum to taste

Clean the squids, remove the ink bag. Stuff the carcasses with a mixture of minced pork, garlic, pepper, salt and coriander root. Boil water or fish broth, add lemon zest and chopped lemon leaves. Boil for a few minutes, put stuffed squids in a saucepan and salt.

Before serving, squeeze a little lemon juice into each bowl, season with crushed capsicum and finely chopped cilantro. The soup should be sour-salty and spicy.

Soup - mashed cauliflower with squid

A real delicacy is a puree soup made from cauliflower and squid.

With its delicate combination of light texture and charming aroma, this soup is able to captivate anyone.

Put 500 gr. in a small saucepan. cauliflower, broken into florets.

Add one carrot, cut into large pieces, and one onion, cut into quarters. Pour the vegetables with water so that it only slightly breaks them, add salt and cook over moderate heat for 30 - 35 minutes.

Drain the broth into a separate bowl, and chop the boiled vegetables in a blender or meat grinder. Transfer the vegetable puree back to the pan, add 100 gr. heavy cream and dilute with vegetable broth to the desired density.

In the finished vegetable soup, add two small squids, cut into rings. Put the pot of soup on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes.

Serve immediately.

Risotto with squid

Of course, speaking of seafood, it is difficult to ignore such a popular all over the world dish of Mediterranean cuisine as risotto.

Let's try to cook squid risotto?

Peel and cut into long thin strips 430 gr. squid.

In a small skillet, heat 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, add to it one teaspoon of oregano and rosemary leaves (fresh or dry), a little red pepper flakes and 1 teaspoon of finely chopped garlic. Fry all 30 seconds and then add the squid.

Roast for 1 more minute. Remove from heat and drain the juice that the squid have released. Combine squid juice with 5 cups of fish broth in a separate saucepan and bring to a boil. In a deep skillet over high heat, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, add 3 finely chopped garlic cloves and saute until golden brown, 2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Then add 1 ¼ cups of long grain rice and fry for another 4 to 5 minutes while stirring constantly. Pour 1 cup of dry white wine into the rice and cook until completely absorbed. Don't forget to stir!

Add ½ cup at a time. Add each subsequent portion only when the rice has completely absorbed the previous one. Don't forget to stir the rice thoroughly and keep the heat on!

Cook the rice in this way until it is almost soft, only slightly crispy (al dente). This will take you 18 - 20 minutes.

To the finished rice, add your squid, 3 tbsp. spoons of chopped parsley, mix everything thoroughly and heat over low heat for 1 minute.

Before serving, add salt, black pepper and a little lemon juice.

If the previous recipe seemed too complicated for you - don't worry, but try to cook another Mediterranean dish.

Calamari with raisins and pine nuts cooked in Italy on Christmas Eve.

700 gr. Cut the squid into small pieces.

In a skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, add 2 finely chopped cloves of garlic and fry until golden brown. Then add the squid, 2 cups finely chopped canned or fresh tomatoes, ½ cup water, and salt and pepper to taste.

Cover the pan with a lid and simmer everything together for 10 minutes. Add ½ cup black olives, ¼ cup raisins and 2 tbsp. spoons of pine nuts.

Mix everything thoroughly and simmer under the lid for another 10-15 minutes. Serve with crispbread or croutons.

Stuffed squid

We will need several squid carcasses (preferably larger), butter, mushrooms (champignons are also possible), onions, eggs, cheese of any kind, green onions, herbs for the filling, sour cream, mayonnaise, flour, salt, black pepper

Clean the carcasses in a "cold" way - that is, put the squids in cold water (in no case do not pour boiling water over the carcasses, as is commonly believed!) And with a sharp knife, remove the upper white-pink skin and take out the insides. The process is quite painstaking, but it's worth it - all the useful substances and delicate taste will be preserved during cooking.

We pass the onion in butter until golden brown, add the mushrooms, fry until half cooked and mix it all with pre-grated cheese, finely chopped boiled eggs, green onions and herbs.

We start with the prepared squid mixture.

The open edges of the carcasses are either sewn up or stabbed with toothpicks (if you are reluctant to mess around). We spread the carcasses in a deep dish such as a brazier or pan with thick walls.

We prepare the sauce: sour cream and mayonnaise are mixed in a one-to-one ratio - that is, a glass of sour cream to a glass of mayonnaise, add a little flour, salt and pepper to taste. Pour the squid sauce over and place over medium heat.

You can stuff squids with anything, show your imagination, but most often squids are stuffed:

  • rice
  • egg
  • vegetables
  • mushrooms
  • Pork
  • fish
  • bow
  • Cheese
  • salom
  • greenery

Fried squid rings

Ingredients: 1 kg squid, 250 g breadcrumbs, vegetable oil, 4 eggs (optional).

Rinse squid carcasses (if frozen - defrost) in cold water and cut into rings

Break 4 eggs into a plate and mix them until smooth and add a little salt. First, dip the squid rings in eggs, and then in breadcrumbs - and send them to a frying pan in which vegetable oil is already heated. And fry on both sides!

You can use potato starch instead of breadcrumbs.

Attention: squids cook quickly - 1.5-2 minutes on each side!!!

Take them out on a plate, you can add chopped greens.

One more recipe Fried squid rings.

Thaw and peel 1 kg. squid. Cut them into thin rings.

Mix well to make the batter.

  • ½ kg. wheat flour
  • ½ liter light weak beer,
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

The finished batter should resemble sour cream in thickness. Heat 1 liter of vegetable oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan. Bread each squid ring in flour, dip in batter and fry in boiling oil until golden brown. Fry no more than 2 - 3 minutes!

Remove the finished rings with a slotted spoon from the oil and put in a colander or on a paper towel to get rid of the remaining oil. Serve with two to three different types of sauces.

Appetizer of squid in tartlets

A quick recipe that can become a decoration of the festive table, as it is prepared quickly and served in portions.

For cooking you will need:

  • tartlet (from pastry) - 6 pcs.
  • squid (canned) - 250g
  • carrots (boiled) - 1 pc.
  • egg (boiled) - 2 pcs.
  • green peas (canned) - 3 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise - 1/2 cup
  • parsley (chopped greens) - 2 tbsp.
  • black pepper (ground) - to taste.

Squid and carrots cut into cubes, combine with chopped eggs, green peas, herbs, pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix. Fill the tartlets with the prepared mass, sprinkle with herbs.

And finally, the recipe squid skewers

For the recipe you will need:

  • squid (tentacles) - 450g
  • chili pepper (chopped) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • cilantro or mint greens - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • wine vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • green onions - 1 bunch
  • lime - 1 pc.

Combine chili, cilantro or mint, sugar, vinegar, and olive oil. Peel the squids, cut into pieces of 15-20 cm and marinate in this sauce. Leave for 1-1.5 hours.

Thread the tentacles onto 4 skewers. Grill for 3-4 minutes, turning the skewers constantly. Squids should not be overcooked, otherwise they will be tough. Lightly roast green onions on a wire rack. Warm up the sauce in which the squids were marinated. Serve with roasted green onions, halved limes and sauce.

Bon appetit!

Who said that squids need to be boiled in boiling water for 15 minutes? Forget it! For such a period of time, you will receive a rubber piece of inedible meat that cannot be used for its intended purpose. In order not to spoil the seafood, you must have basic skills in cooking squid. Let's talk about everything in order.

How to choose squid

There are uniform aspects that will allow you to purchase a good product without signs of deterioration.

  1. So, pay attention to the color of the meat. A quality product is light, almost whitish, but by no means yellow. This shade indicates the low quality of raw materials and its freezing and thawing several times in a row.
  2. If you buy squid carcasses in a single package, evaluate the very structure of the product. Squids should not be glued together with a block of ice. This indicates that the composition was defrosted. High-quality raw materials assume that the carcasses will be easily separated from each other. This feature is achieved when manufacturers freeze the goods individually, then put them in one pack.
  3. You should pay attention to the coating - ice glaze. If there is a crust of frozen water on the surface, it is likely that you will overpay 1/3 of the total amount for unnecessary liquid.
  4. Be sure to read the storage conditions and expiration date. And look not at the sticker that was stuck directly in the store, but at the transparent packaging itself. It is marked from the moment of packaging. Often the dates on the two elements are different.
  5. If possible, buy squid carcasses of relatively equal and small size. The meat of such seafood after cooking comes out juicy and tender, eliminating the possibility of getting a rubber piece.

Squid preparation

  1. Before you start cooking seafood, you need to remove the skin. It spoils not only the taste of the finished dish, but also the aesthetic appearance. If this is not done, you eat squid with a bitter or sour taste.
  2. To make the skin peel off easily, send the carcasses to a container of boiling water (temperature about 70 degrees), leave for 1 minute. Then pour cold water over, the skin will quickly come off.
  3. The squid carcass has a backbone, or chord, which must be removed. The cartilage is easy to remove from the cavity of the meat, just pull on the free edge.
  4. After all the manipulations, the seafood is rinsed with room temperature water and dried on towels. Then you can start cooking according to the chosen method.

Cooking squid in a double boiler

  • pea pepper - 3 pcs.
  • laurel - 2-4 pcs.
  • squid carcasses (small) - 2-3 pcs.
  1. After preparing, place the seafood in the steamer bowl. Pour water into a special compartment, supply it with peas and laurel (you can not add it).
  2. Set the device timer for 9 minutes, wait for the program to complete. Do not open the lid, the steamer cooks in a closed container. Upon completion of the process, remove the soft seafood, taste it.
  3. If you don't have a steamer, use a steam bath. Prepare the appliance: take a saucepan and a sieve / colander, place the second appliance on the sides of a heat-resistant dish. Pour water into the pan, and pour the squids into a sieve. Simmer after boiling water for 6 minutes.

Cooking squid in the microwave

  • water - 80-90 ml.
  • salt - to your taste
  • squid (carcass) - 2 pcs.
  • lemon fresh - 20-25 ml.
  1. First, prepare the carcasses (excluding the spine, removing the skin). Then rinse the product and leave to dry. Put the squid in a container suitable for cooking in a microwave oven.
  2. Mix fresh lime with drinking water according to the recipe, add salt and mix. Pour seafood with this composition, cover with a tight lid with steam removal.
  3. Place the dishes in the microwave, set the power to 700 watts on the device. As for the duration of cooking, 2.5-3 minutes is enough. If the power is higher than specified, the time is reduced accordingly.

Cooking squid on the stove

  • salt - 25 gr.
  • drinking water - 1.9-2 liters.
  • squid (carcasses) - 900 gr.
  1. Pour water into a fireproof cooking pot, add salt and put on fire. Simmer until the grains dissolve. At this time, prepare the squid.
  2. Dip them in boiling water, then immediately put them under a stream of cold water. Remove the skin. Place the seafood in boiling water with salt, cook for 1.5-2 minutes.

Cooking frozen squid (with defrosting)

  • frozen squid - 700 gr.
  • seasonings (any) - at the discretion
  • table water - 1.8 l.
  1. Remove the squid carcasses from the freezer, remove from the packaging and place in a bowl to thaw. Leave at room temperature or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  2. After thawing, drain the liquid, rinse the squid with cool water, let it drain. Scald seafood with boiling water and dip in ice water, remove the skin.
  3. Prepare a pot for cooking, pour water into it and add spices. Wait until it boils, send squids to the bubbling liquid. Boil them for 2 minutes, then remove and cool.

Cooking frozen squid (without defrosting)

  • filtered water - 2 l.
  • salt - 20 gr.
  • frozen squid - 900-1000 gr.
  • seasoning - optional
  1. Remove the carcasses from the freezer, put them side by side in the sink. Boil the kettle, pour hot water over the seafood on both sides. Then immediately rinse the carcasses under the tap, get rid of the skin.
  2. Send the prepared squids to a pot of boiled salted water. Cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. After the expiration date, remove and cool.

Cooking squid soft in 10 seconds

  • drinking water - 1.7 l.
  • squid - 800 gr.
  • salt - 15 gr.
  1. Prepare seafood for further manipulations. Squid must be freed from the skin and spine. After cleaning, rinse the carcasses and let them dry.
  2. Pour water into the pan, add salt and boil until the crystals dissolve. When the solution boils intensely, start lowering one squid into it.
  3. Count to 10, then remove and cool. Repeat manipulations with each carcass separately. At the end, cool, cut into rings and send to the salad.

  • squid carcasses - 3-4 pcs.
  • table water - 2 l.
  • salt - 30 gr.
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.
  • greens (any) - 20 gr.
  1. Peel the squid from the skin and chord, then rinse, dry and chop into rings about 1 cm thick. Boil water according to the recipe, add lemon juice, salt and chopped herbs to it.
  2. Start pouring squid rings into the boiling water, do not turn off the fire. Simmer for 1-1.5 minutes, then remove and cool.
  3. If seafood is cut into smaller pieces, then the cooking time is reduced to 45-60 seconds. After all the manipulations, drain the seafood through a colander.

In order to ultimately find a juicy and healthy seafood, you need to adhere to the main principles of cooking. Squid can be boiled on the stove, in a double boiler or microwave.

Video: how to cook squid
