
Heh from the silver carp. Variations on the theme "Heh"

Fish on our table is the second most popular dish after meat products. One of them, which is eaten with pleasure, replacing the salted herring, is homemade snack from finely chopped fillet pieces, treated with salt and vinegar. It is made most often from large river fish: catfish, silver carp, pike perch, carp, chub. Try and cook such a spicy dish at home. We offer a description of how pickled silver carp is made. The recipe, photos of the dish will help you get the most delicious Heh snack, based on the rules Korean cuisine. Let's consider in detail all the stages of work. It should be borne in mind that the preparation of silver carp will take you from 6-7 hours to a day. The duration will depend on the size of the pieces - the finer the fish is chopped, the faster you will get a delicious dish.

Marinating silver carp: fish preparation

Usually this snack does not contain bones. Therefore, it is very important to properly cut the carcasses. The most delicious pickled silver carp is obtained from big fish. To do this, clean it from scales and gut. Very carefully remove the intestines with the gallbladder. After all, if it accidentally bursts, and its contents fall on the pulp, the fish can be considered spoiled. In this case, cut off the spoiled places with the capture of the nearby pulp. Next, remove the head, tail, large fins, remove the fillet from the ridge and skin, and then sharp knife cut crosswise into slices no more than 2 cm wide. Medium-sized fish are not processed so carefully. Divide it into thin pieces along with bones and skin. And boil the ear from the head and tail.

Marinating silver carp: salting

Sprinkle the prepared fish pieces with plenty of salt and refrigerate. For thin slices, 2-3 hours will be enough, for larger fillets - at least 10-12 hours.

Marinating silver carp: pickling

After the fish has passed the first stage of cooking, proceed to the second - the main one. To do this, first rinse the mass thoroughly from salt, changing the water several times. Then fill with a diluted 6% solution table vinegar and leave at room temperature. Usually take 3 parts of an acidic liquid and 1 part of water. It is very important that all the pieces are immersed in the marinade, for this, put a flat plate on top, which will press down the fish mass. Stir it occasionally with a spoon for better even soaking. The fillet will gradually begin to acquire a whitish hue. After 2.5 hours, thin plates will be completely ready, big pieces should lie down in the marinade for 4-5 hours.

Marinating silver carp: mixing with vegetables, oil and spices

When removing the fish from the marinade, you do not need to squeeze the solution very carefully. It should be juicy and moist. As a vegetable side dish, take onion, cut into half rings and fresh carrots, which are grated for carrots in Korean. The total volume ratio of products depends on taste preferences. Fry half of the onion in hot vegetable oil until golden brown and pour over the fish. Among the spices, be sure to use ground red pepper, Bay leaf and various Korean fragrant dressings. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, do not forget about the special seasoning for fish, which gives the dish a piquant and specific taste. After insisting in the refrigerator, the snack is ready!

How to cook heh from silver carp?

There are many cooking methods heh from silver carp(or other river fish).

We buy chilled fish. I cut into fillets with skin (with the help of my husband) - large specimens have a strong backbone, which is interrupted with an ax.

I cut it into strips, if possible, not small and put them in a jar, pour 2 tbsp there. vinegar essence close the lid and shake the jar. I'll leave it for an hour and a half.

In the meantime, cut into half rings 3 onions, 1 bell pepper straws, 1 sharp thin red (it can be dry, but it tastes better with fresh), 1 large carrot I rub with straws.

In a frying pan, I heat vegetable soybean oil or deodorized sunflower oil 3-4 tbsp. l., I throw a pinch of coriander seeds, black pepper, turn it off and put all the vegetables, mix, salt well and pour 1 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar (you can add ready-made dry mix for Korean carrots)

I mix it with marinated fish. And I put it in the fridge overnight.


Heh from silver carp

If you like to cook fish dishes and at the same time use different spices, That heh from silver carp will be an interesting discovery for you. Your family will love this appetizer served with beer or dry white wine.


  • Fish fillet (silver carp) - 1 kg.;
  • Onion - 4-5 heads;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 gr.;
  • Coriander (ground and whole) - 1 tsp each;
  • Dried chili pepper - 1 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper - 1/2 tsp;
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • Seasoning for fish (optional) - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar 9% - 5-6 tablespoons
  • Kitchens of the World:
    Korean cuisine
  • By preparation:
    On the stove
  • Type of dish:
    Cold snacks
  • Served on:
  • How to cook - Heh from silver carp

    Heh from silver carp: cooking recipe

    1. First you need to thoroughly clean the fish and completely wash it from the blood. Remove all bones, entrails and fins. It is important to strictly observe the proportions, because otherwise the dish may turn out either too spicy or, conversely, too bland. Occupation, you see, is not the most pleasant. But, fortunately, you can try to do without this preparatory step by buying already butchered silver carp. Take a close look at the fish counters in supermarkets. It is possible that on some you will see a fillet of silver carp, already fully prepared for your culinary process. All you have to do is buy it and bring it home. And then you can start cooking.
    2. Fish fillet cut into thin plates 1-1.5 cm thick. Place in a container and sprinkle with salt. Here we pour the fish with vinegar and mix everything gently.
    3. We crush the garlic and mix with the fish. Here we add all the spices and bay leaf. Once again, gently mix the pieces of silver carp.
    4. To fish heh silver carp turned out to be more fragrant, add onion sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto rings and grated carrots for Korean carrots.
    5. Heat vegetable oil well in a frying pan and pour it into the pieces of fish. Mix the fish in the container and cover with a lid.
    6. It is necessary to infuse the dish at room temperature for 3-4 hours.
    7. Heh from silver carp with step by step The recipe presented on our website is original in taste.
    8. To heh from silver carp at home had unusual taste, interpret with vegetables. You can add meaty straws bell pepper, pieces fresh cucumber or even beets. Everything to your taste.

      Heh from silver carp in Korean

      The silver carp belongs to the family of cyprinid fish species. At the same time, it is able to grow to an impressive size, and for a very a short time compared to other fish species. Silver carp is found in the basins of the Volga River, the Dnieper River, the Don River. It appeared quite recently, when the dams of fish farms were destroyed in China. The fact is that silver carp was grown artificially in China. This was done because the silver carp quickly gains weight. The silver carp leads a predominantly flocking lifestyle. It is distinguished by its silvery coloration and its head is quite large sizes. After 3 years of life, the silver carp reaches a weight of 3 kilograms, and already adults can weigh all 16 kg.

      The choice of silver carp for salting and pickling

      The silver carp begins to be appreciated when it has gained at least 2 kg of weight. The smaller silver carp has less fat and big amount small bones, A big silver carp has fatty meat and is suitable for cooking various dishes. In any case, you should choose fresh silver carp or, in extreme cases, freshly frozen.

      Determine how much fresh fish, is not difficult if you follow these tips:

    9. Fresh silver carp has a resilient body.
    10. The eyes should be light, but not cloudy.
    11. The color of the scales is bright, and the scales themselves are smooth.
    12. The tail is straight and elastic.
    13. The gills should have a pink, fresh hue.
    14. The smell of fish is characterized as the smell of the river and algae.
    15. Fish storage rules

      The rules for storing silver carp are no different from the rules for storing other fish. Store fresh carcass preferably frozen. Store fresh fish in the refrigerator, without freezing, you can not more than 1 day. If the fish is salted, withered or smoked, then the shelf life increases, and significantly.

      Since the fish is not small, it is better to cut it into pieces for storage and so, gradually, use it without defrosting it entirely. If fish is often frozen and thawed, then it taste characteristics decrease quite significantly.

      Taste qualities of pickled silver carp

      Silver carp is considered a valuable commercial fish, although it is characterized by a low weight of clean meat. The basis of the fish is the head, tail, and bones. As a rule, the ratio of pure silver carp meat to its rest of the body is approximately 1:4.

      For cooking, it is better to give preference to a large carcass, since its meat is much fatter. Carcasses with low weight differ more dryish meat and unsuitable for cooking various dishes. Silver carp meat is healthy and tasty in any cooking options: when frying, boiling or steaming. From the silver carp are obtained very delicious canned food. But the most delicious is the silver carp cooked in the marinade.

      Silver carp recipes

      To cook silver carp, there are a large number various recipes. You can simply fry it in flour in a pan, and from such parts as the head and tail you can cook delicious, rich ear. Since silver carp meat is quite fatty, the cooked meat always turns out juicy, and the broths are rich. Salted silver carp it is stored the longest, and it is always in demand on the festive table.

      As a rule, all recipes do not contain deficient ingredients and are available for housewives.

      Heh from silver carp step by step recipe in Korean

      To salt a silver carp in Korean, you must have:

      1. Silver carp fillet, weighing 1.5 kilograms.
      2. Three tablespoons of sugar.
      3. Three medium sized bulbs.
      4. Two tablespoons of salt.
      5. Three medium sized carrots.
      6. Five cloves of garlic (although more is possible).
      7. 100 grams of vegetable oil.
      8. Three tablespoons of soy sauce.
      9. Three tablespoons of vinegar 9%.
      10. One tablespoon of chili pepper.
      11. Oil for cooking (frying).
      12. Black peppercorns - to taste.
      13. Various fresh herbs.
      14. For more convenient work with fish fillet, it should be divided into several pieces of small size. After that, the pieces of silver carp are well washed, dried and poured with oil and vinegar, leaving the pieces in this state for 2 hours. While the fish is marinating, finely chop the onion, carrot and garlic. After two hours, the previously chopped ingredients are added to the pieces of fish. In addition, sugar, salt and spices are also added here.

        Fish pieces are fried hot frying pan within 5 minutes. Silver carp is delicious both hot and cold.

        The second option for cooking silver carp is no less tasty and no more laborious

        Need to prepare:

      15. Several fish steaks.
      16. Half a teaspoon of sugar.
      17. Onion and garlic.
      18. Two tablespoons of vinegar.
      19. Black peppercorns.
      20. One tablespoon of salt.
      21. The fish is washed, dried and rolled in a mixture of sugar and salt, after which it is folded into a separate container. A small layer of the same mixture is poured on top. The fish is covered with a saucer on top, and a load is placed on top. Under the load, the fish must be at least 6 hours.

        After this time, the container opens and drains the liquid that has formed as a result of pickling. After that, proceed to the preparation of the marinade. Onions are cut into small pieces, garlic is also crushed and poured into a container with fish. Pepper and vinegar are also added here. Silver carp meat is marinated again for 5-6 hours. When the meat turns white, it can be considered that it is cooked.

        Pickled silver carp

        For this you need to prepare:

      22. Carcass of fish, weighing 1.5-2 kilograms.
      23. Three pieces of onion.
      24. Vegetable oil.
      25. To prepare the marinade you will need:

      26. You will need 1 liter of water.
      27. One glass of salt.
      28. Half a glass of sugar.
      29. Half a glass of vinegar.
      30. Peppercorns - to taste.
      31. Bay leaf.
      32. Coriander.
      33. Carnation.
      34. The fish is cut into pieces, washed and dried. When the water boils, bay leaves, salt, sugar, spices and vinegar are added to it. Having boiled a little, the fire is turned off and the marinade is allowed to cool.

        Pieces of fish are placed in a container and poured with marinade. A saucer is laid on top and a load is placed, for example, a can of water. In this state, the fish is from 8 to 10 hours. After that, the finished pieces of silver carp are transferred to a jar in layers, shifting each layer with chopped onions and watering vegetable oil. You can store such a dish in the refrigerator for 1 month.

        Useful properties of silver carp

        Silver carp is enough useful fish, like many others fish products. Using silver carp, you can:

      35. Minimize the likelihood of malignant neoplasms (tumors).
      36. Lower blood cholesterol levels.
      37. Reduce blood pressure.
      38. Strengthen blood vessels.
      39. Reduce irritability.
      40. Reduce blood sugar levels.
      41. Get rid of insomnia.
      42. Improve the condition of nails and hair.
      43. The presence of vitamins and minerals

        Silver carp meat is rich in both vitamins and microelements, such as:

    • B group vitamins.
    • Vitamin A.
    • Vitamin E.
    • Calcium.
    • Iron.
    • Sodium.
    • Phosphorus.
    • Sulfur.
    • Saturated amino acids.
    • As a rule, seafood is rich in B vitamins and phosphorus, which makes them indispensable product nutrition.


      Seafood and fish in particular are considered dietary product because they contain minimal amount calories. Therefore, it is desirable to use them for people with overweight. There are practically no carbohydrates in fish meat, but there is enough proteins and healthy fats which satisfies many athletes.

      There are only 86 kcal in 100 grams of silver carp meat. An adult needs about 2-2.5 thousand kcal per day for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, Korean dishes from silver carp are in demand for many categories of citizens.

      What else can you cook fish in Korean?

      For cooking fish dishes red fish, such as tuna, pollock or mockerel, is also suitable in Korean. In addition, for the preparation of fish dishes will fit and River fish, which differs fatty meat. As a rule, such fish is often boiled fish soup which is called ear.

      The silver carp is very delicious fish, the meat of which is fatty enough to cook any dish. However, it must always be remembered that after heat treatment fish loses some of its useful properties. To keep the maximum useful substances and vitamins it is better to cook dishes without heat treatment. As a last resort, either boil or bake it. Any dish made from silver carp will decorate the festive table.

      famous korean hye

      Heh fish recipes

      Hye is considered a dish of Korean national cuisine, which differs from any other cuisine in its use of a large number red pepper, i.e., exceptional spicy spiciness.
      Koreans also love carrots, so this root vegetable is also often found in Korean dishes. modern kitchen Koreans are noticeably different from their neighbors - Chinese and Japanese, however, according to experts in the history of culinary arts, it would be fairer to consider China as the homeland of heh. It was the Chinese, up to the 11th century, who used dishes popular in those days with raw meat and fish, until an epidemic of a contagious disease broke out in that country at the end of the 11th century, after which raw meat and fish gradually disappeared from the Chinese diet.
      The modern Korean heh is a kind of successor to the Chinese heh, although it has significant differences.

      Since Koreans do not have the classic division of dishes into salads, first, second, etc., hye is considered a kind of hybrid between a salad and a second course.
      Most often, the classic Korean hye is made from fish - this dish is most delicious from fresh mackerel, tuna, pollock and some other sea fish. However, meat hye is also very common, and these dishes are popular not only in Korea, but also in many other countries where hye is made from fish, beef, and poultry. But pork is not traditionally used to prepare this dish.
      characteristic feature of this dish is initially the lack of heat treatment of ingredients, which are only marinated in savory marinades and solutions.

      The classic version of the Korean hye recipe is very laborious, although such a dish practically does not differ in taste from the one prepared according to simplified recipes, therefore, even in restaurants, chefs and specialists often prepare hye using a simplified technology.
      Try to cook such a dish and you follow the recipes below.
      spicy lovers and savory dishes they will certainly appreciate heh, but do not forget: since this dish is spicy, you should not get too carried away with it - everything is good in moderation.

      What kind of fish is suitable for heh?

      Best for cooking heh sea ​​fish, ideally, as mentioned above − fresh tuna, pollock or mackerel, a good heh is obtained from salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon and mullet.
      Of river and lake fish, trout, sterlet, carp, catfish, silver carp, pike perch and pike are well suited for heh.
      Choosing fish for heh should take into account the size, the number of loins and the presence of bones.

      As for spices, traditionally red is used for heh hot pepper, black pepper, coriander, and also often added soy sauce. On sale you can see ready mixes spices for heh; whether to buy them, or choose a set of spices on your own is a matter of taste and preferences of the culinary specialist.

      Hye classic in Korean

      The fish is cleaned, washed thoroughly, freed from skeletal bones, then cut thin slices or straw.
      Sprinkle these slices with salt, add vinegar, mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator for about 1 hour to marinate.

      While the fish is marinating, prepare the vegetables. You can take any vegetables - onions, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, tomatoes, Bell pepper.
      We cut the onion into half rings, cucumbers, carrots and radish into strips (you can just chop them on a large Korean grater), it is better to cut the tomatoes into small cubes, and sweet pepper into thin half rings.

      Put red and black on top of the fish in a small slide ground pepper, ground coriander grains, garlic, then pour it all over with oil heated in a pan. Put the vegetables here and mix, adding a little sugar.
      If necessary, you can add more salt and vinegar.

      The finished dish is sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours for ripening and cooling.

      Heh from herring


    • fresh-frozen herring - 3 pcs.;
    • carrots - 3 pcs.;
    • onion - 2 pcs.;
    • vinegar 9% - 200 ml;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • sesame - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt - 1 teaspoon.
    • Cooking:

      Defrost the herring, remove the bones and cut into pieces.
      Place pieces of herring in enamel pan, pour vinegar and leave for 30 minutes.

      Cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots on a grater for Korean carrots (thin straws).
      Peel the garlic and pass through a press.

      Drain the vinegar from the herring (you can put it in a colander, or drain the vinegar over the edge of the pan so that some liquid remains in it). Then add onions, carrots, garlic, oil, soy sauce, salt and sesame seeds.
      Mix everything well and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
      The dish is ready!

      Heh from fish in Korean

    • loin of fish (catfish, silver carp, tuna, pollock, etc.) - 500 gr.;
    • onion - 4 heads;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • sweet pepper, herbs, coriander, spices, sugar, salt - to taste;
    • vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. spoon.
    • Rinse the fish fillet thoroughly, cut into thin long strips no more than 1 cm wide, pour over with vinegar and leave to marinate for half an hour.

      Cut the carrots into long strips, sauté in vegetable oil, lightly salting, then lay the carrots on top of the fish.

      Lay sliced ​​sweet pepper in layers on the carrots, then onion, cut into half rings, pour over the remaining vinegar, sprinkle with spices, sugar, salt, mix everything, add finely chopped garlic and cilantro. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for about a day and you can eat.

      Heh homemade fish

      Another recipe for making fish heh at home. Carp fillet is used as the main ingredient, while preferably fish large, with fewer bones.
      However, such a dish can also be prepared from other fish - sea, river or lake.

    • carp - 1. 1.5 kg;
    • vinegar 20% - 3.4 tbsp. spoons;
    • vegetable oil - 300 gr.;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • salt, red and black pepper - to taste.
    • Cooking homemade heh:

      Cut the fish carcass into fillets, cut the fillets into thin strips (like beef stroganoff), put in an enamel pan, pour over with vinegar, put in the refrigerator for 2 hours, covered with a lid.

      Put 3 onions cut into half rings, mix and send in the cold for another 2 hours.

      Heat the oil in a frying pan to a smoke, turn off the stove, pour in the remaining onion chopped in half rings.

      Salt the fish in a saucepan, add sugar, pepper, pour oil and onion from the pan, mix well and put in the refrigerator for another 3-4 hours, covered with a lid.

      Surely, many housewives have to periodically puzzle over the question of what to cook for dinner. Especially if you want something new, original and tasty. When such a situation arises again, you can try to make heh - a Korean dish. And as the main ingredient, we suggest using silver carp. It is inexpensive and quite useful.

      Dish features

      Heh (also called hwe or ho) is a dish that supposedly came from China, but became widespread among Koreans, especially those who lived in the USSR in Soviet time. It represents cold appetizer and does not require heat treatment of products, including meat and fish. Cooking takes place with the help of a marinade, the main component of which is usually vinegar. A feature of heh can be called its very spicy taste.

      Benefit and harm

      Because in this case the basis of the dish will be silver carp, it is worth talking in more detail about its beneficial properties. It's not too much oily fish, it does not contain carbohydrates (as in almost all other types of fish and seafood), so the calorie content is relatively low. The content of BJU and calories per 100 grams is approximately the following:

      • proteins - 19-20 g;
      • fats - 0.8-0.9 g;
      • carbohydrates - 0 g;
      • calorie content - 85-86 kcal.

      If we talk about vitamins, then the content of retinol (A) can be noted as the most significant. In addition, vitamins PP and E, as well as B1 and B2 are present in significant amounts in silver carp. Minerals in this fish, of course, too. Most of all, it contains potassium, phosphorus and sulfur (each element is more than 200 mg per 100 g of product). Thanks to this composition, the silver carp included in the diet can positively affect many areas of the body's activity, in particular:

      • activate the digestive tract;
      • support the nervous system;
      • increase immunity and strengthen protection against infections;
      • improve blood composition;
      • normalize the work of the heart.

      In addition to silver carp, the set of products for cooking heh includes various vegetables that enrich the dish with vitamins contained in plants, fiber, thereby increasing its benefits. Spices are also not only responsible for original taste but also have a beneficial effect on health. Judging by the composition, heh should be extremely useful. But do not forget that it is prepared without the use of heat treatment, and products aged in spicy marinade with vinegar, not everyone can eat without compromising health.

      How to choose the right fish?

      To make the dish tasty and healthy, all its components must be of high quality. If vegetables are usually easy to choose, then buying suitable fish sometimes causes problems. So, in order for the acquired silver carp to really serve as the basis for the correct heh, it is worth considering a few points when choosing.

      • First, in the literal sense, you should look the fish in the eyes. They shouldn't be cloudy. Their transparency is a guarantee of quality.
      • An indicator of freshness is the red color of the gills. If they are dark, it is better not to buy fish.
      • The surface must not be sticky.
      • The fish usually smells like algae. If there is a specific smell fish oil or, even worse, spoiled meat, this is a bad sign.
      • The freshness of the product can also be checked by pressing. Elastic surface quality fish straightens out quickly.

      It must also be taken into account that a small silver carp is not suitable for cooking heh. It is better to choose fish weighing from 2 kg.

      Such a carcass is less bony and more fatty, so the dish from it turns out tastier.

      Preparation of the silver carp

      Khe is made from fish fillets. It is more convenient to take ready. But it is easier to verify the freshness of the product if you buy the whole carcass, taking into account the above recommendations. And if you have purchased whole fish, then it must be properly and carefully cut. First, the silver carp must be washed and cleaned of scales. You can deal with this with a regular knife, but it will be quite troublesome and long. A special scraper will facilitate the task and save time. Moreover, the scales of the silver carp are small, you will have to try very hard so that they do not get into the dish being prepared.

      Then the fish needs to be gutted, that is, the insides are removed by opening the carcass with a sharp knife. This must be done very carefully so as not to hurt gallbladder. Washing up spilled bile can be very difficult, and it can ruin any dish, just making it bitter. Now you need to separate the head with an ax or cleaver. It will not take much effort to do this if you get between the vertebrae. Only the gills should be thrown away, and the head can be used to cook other dishes, such as fish soup.

      Then they cut the carcass along the ridge, remove the fins and separate the fillet from the bones, which is best done in the direction from head to tail. Other ingredients will be much easier to prepare. Each recipe implies, of course, its own characteristics, but there are general recommendations.

      General subtleties of cooking

      Buy Now ready meal no problem. But it is not always affordable to eat in a restaurant, and when buying in a store, there are often doubts about the quality. Therefore, it is better to cook very delicious snack at home, the more it will be easy to do it right. If we try to define heh without knowing what kind of dish it is, we will most likely call it a salad. And for the latter, it is often recommended to cut the components finely enough. The same for heh, moreover, the finer the fish is cut, the better it will soak in the marinade and the tastier it will be.

      A few more pro tips:

      • it is not always possible to cut fresh fish beautifully into thin slices, so it is better to keep it in the freezer for a while, then cutting is easy;
      • in order for the fish to marinate better, the dish needs to be mixed more often;
      • keep the components in the marinade as long as possible, but it is recommended to store the dish for no more than 10 days;
      • readiness can be tracked by changing the color of the plates, the fish should become whitish, even a little transparent.


      Cooking heh is a very simple process. If you follow the step-by-step recipe, there should be no difficulties. There are several options, the choice will depend only on your taste.


      • silver carp fillet - 2 kg;
      • onion turnip - 2 pcs.;
      • garlic - 2-2.5 medium heads;
      • medium-sized carrots - 3 pcs.;
      • vinegar (essence) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
      • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons;
      • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
      • salt - 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
      • spices (ground black pepper and coriander) - 1 teaspoon each.

      The cooking process consists of several stages.

      1. Prepared first fish fillet you need to cut into thin slices, put in a separate bowl. Add sugar, vinegar, salt to it and mix well. The slices must be left to marinate for three hours or a little longer, while stirring every half hour.
      2. Carrots are traditionally cut into strips using a special Korean grater, but if one is not available, you can use the usual one. It may not turn out quite Korean, but the taste will definitely not suffer from this. The onion can be cut into half rings, the garlic finely chopped, but it is better not to push through the press.
      3. When the silver carp has already stood in the marinade for the required time, from vegetables to this recipe will need to be roasted. To do this, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, put chopped onions, carrots, garlic in it and add spices. Everything is fried only slightly, literally a few seconds.
      4. In the same container where the pickled silver carp is located, spread the vegetable mixture, mix everything. Now the dish is sent to the refrigerator or another cool place 10 hours, maybe overnight.

      A slight difficulty is that in adding salt and spices it is difficult to immediately focus on your taste, since hardly anyone will try raw fish. But after combining with vegetables, a semi-finished dish can be tasted a little and it is already possible to add salt. Recommendations usually give average rate suitable for most people. Yes and after multiple cooking you will adapt to the dishes and will already at the very beginning put as much salt and seasonings as you need.

      With soy sauce

      Many people prefer to marinate fish with soy sauce, there is also such a recipe heh. For him, for 1 kg of silver carp fillet, you will need to take:

      • table vinegar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
      • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. spoons;
      • 1 medium onion;
      • 4 large cloves of garlic;
      • vegetable oil - half a glass;
      • salt and spices to taste.

      Cooking process of hye with soy sauce easier cooking By previous recipe. You just need to mix chopped vegetables and fish in a deep container with vinegar, spices, salt and vegetable oil. Send the resulting mass to the refrigerator for about 6 hours. During this time, you need to mix the dish thoroughly several times.

      with mustard

      There is another original recipe heh. It proposes to add mustard instead of soy sauce, 10 g of this seasoning will be needed for 1 kg of silver carp fillet. The rest of the ingredients are the same. Another nuance - instead of vegetables, they put a rather large amount of chopped greens, for example, dill, but this will depend only on your taste. Cooking is similar.

      I must say that it is quite acceptable to add other vegetables to the heh, in addition to those suggested. For example, this dish is often prepared with cucumbers. You can also put a tomato. Other vegetables, such as zucchini or eggplant, are also suitable, but it would be better to sauté them a little in oil in a pan. Heh will help bring variety to the usual family dinner. It will successfully complement main dishes or simple side dishes.

      Fantasize, experiment and you can often pamper yourself and your family original snack unless, of course, there are no contraindications.

      The video recipe for making heh from silver carp in Korean, see below.

      heh one of the most delicious meals Korean cuisine. Used for cooking different kinds fish and meat. The most popular both in Korea itself and in the CIS countries is heh from silver carp. It has long been known that in Korean national cuisine there are no second courses, so heh is something between an appetizer and the usual, for a former Soviet person, understanding of a side dish.

      Heh from silver carp in Korean - pieces of fish and vegetables in spicy marinade. The main ingredient does not require heat treatment at all. Thanks to the marinade, which consists of vinegar, oil, onion, garlic, coriander, pepper and sugar, the dish is by no means raw. Even though it's very delicious food, you should not get carried away with it, because it contains a lot of vinegar and it turns out to be very sharp.

      He never acts as self-dish, because it is quite problematic to get enough of them. Korean food - delicious snack, which serves great addition to side dishes or meat products.

      Heh - incredibly tasty, spicy and original dish. Any person who is at least somewhat familiar with cooking fish can cook it. Such an appetizer will surely surprise and delight everyone who was lucky enough to taste it. So that the dish always turns out tasty and beautiful, you need to follow some rules:

      Heh reaches its best taste a day after the start of pickling. If there is a solemn event ahead and you want to surprise guests with a snack, it is better to prepare the dish in advance.

      Preparation for work

      To cook heh at home, you will need to cut the fish into fillets. To begin with, the silver carp should be cleaned, adhering to the standard direction from tail to head. Next, you need to cut open the stomach with a sharp knife and remove all the insides.

      This process should be done with the utmost care, because if the gallbladder is touched, the whole carcass will acquire an unpleasant bitterness.

      Now you need to cut off the head and you can begin to separate the fillet from the ridge. Having made an incision along the spine, you should gently, without sudden movements, pull the meat towards you. It is better to do this from the side where the head was previously. The result is two whole pieces of fish fillet.

      After cutting the fish and preparing the main spices, you can start cooking delicious Korean food- heh from silver carp. Step-by-step recipes will help you create an unusually tasty and appetizing snack without much effort.

      Heh from silver carp classic recipe will be appreciated by all adherents of real Korean cuisine. This option is very popular in the homeland of the dish. The dish is prepared very simply, but it looks incredibly appetizing and flies off the table in a matter of minutes.

      You will need:


      1. Wash and cut the fish. Cut the resulting fillet in small pieces(about 1 cm).
      2. Put in a convenient container, add salt, sugar and vinegar essence. Mix thoroughly and leave at room temperature for 3 hours. Every 30 minutes, the fillet should be mixed well, then the fish will be well saturated with spices.
      3. Peel, rinse and chop carrots with Korean grater. If there is no such device, you can cut the vegetable into thin long straws.
      4. Free the onion from the husk, wash and chop into thin half rings.
      5. Peel the garlic, wash and cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape.
      6. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat well. Place all prepared vegetables, coriander and ground pepper into hot fat. Immediately remove the pan from the heat, stirring its contents.
      7. Combine marinated fish with vegetable mixture. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 10-12 hours.

      The taste of the dish will be brighter and richer if you use fragrant vegetable oil.

      Such a popular soy sauce can also be used to make silver carp heh. Very delicious recipe will appeal to all connoisseurs of this unusual product. The dish is suitable for daily menu or will be a wonderful treat for a festive table.



      1. Rinse the fillet and cut into thin slices.
      2. Chop the peeled onion into strips.
      3. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.
      4. Place the fillet in a deep bowl. Add onion, garlic, coriander, salt and pepper. The number of the latter should be adjusted at your discretion.
      5. Pour oil, vinegar and soy sauce into the rest of the ingredients.
      6. Mix thoroughly with your hands. Put the container with hex in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours. Every 30 minutes, the snack should be stirred for best results.

      For more bright taste and elegant look in heh, you can add finely chopped parsley.

      mustard recipe

      Another original fish recipe is heh from silver carp with mustard. With a new ingredient, the dish takes on bright colors. Heh looks very appetizing thanks fresh dill. The more greens used, the tastier the appetizer will be.

      You will need:

      • silver carp meat (1 kg);
      • fresh dill (large bunch);
      • mustard (10 g);
      • table vinegar (50 ml);
      • vegetable oil (60 ml);
      • coriander (4 g);
      • coarse salt (60-70 g);
      • granulated sugar(15 g).


      1. Cut the fish fillet into very thin slices (about 1 mm).
      2. Rinse the dill, pat dry and chop finely.
      3. In a bowl convenient for marinating, combine chopped greens and fish fillet.
      4. Add sugar, salt, coriander, mustard, vinegar and oil. Mix all ingredients well.
      5. Send the container with a snack to the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. Stir every 30-60 minutes if possible.

      The recipe does not contain garlic and onions. But this does not mean at all that these vegetables cannot be used. If you add these ingredients, the dish will turn out tastier and more original.

      Spicy appetizer with cucumber

      In the understanding of a Slavic person, heh is a salad. Accordingly, you can experiment with the ingredients. Absolutely unusual products you shouldn’t add it, but using cucumber is not only possible, but also necessary. Such a dish turns out to be unusually juicy, fragrant and spicy. Heh with cucumber will become great alternative traditional salads, which is customary to prepare for any celebration.



      1. Rinse the peeled onion and chop into thin half rings.
      2. Peel and wash the carrots, then cut them into thin strips. You can use a special grater.
      3. Peel the garlic, rinse and cut into small cubes.
      4. Wash the cucumbers, remove the tails and cut into thin longitudinal plates. Cut each resulting slice into long thin strips.
      5. Wash the fish fillet thoroughly and cut into thin long pieces.
      6. Place the chopped fillet in a deep container and pour vinegar essence. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
      7. Put onion, carrot and cucumber on top.
      8. Add garlic, paprika, red and black pepper, coriander, sugar, soy sauce and vegetable oil. Salt to taste.
      9. Mix the appetizer with your hands, achieving an even distribution of all components.
      10. Cover the bowl with heh cling film or cover. Place in refrigerator for 12 hours.

      If the family does not like too much spicy dishes, red pepper can be excluded from the list of necessary products.

      Heh you can cook with various vegetables. Assorted cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers and cilantro make the dish unusually juicy, colorful and refreshing. Such an appetizer will be a great addition to the main dishes or decorate any holiday table.

      You will need:

      • silver carp fillet (1.5 kg);
      • tomatoes (300 g);
      • cucumbers (200 g);
      • large carrots (275 g);
      • Bell pepper yellow color(300 g);
      • onions (250 g);
      • cilantro (large bunch);
      • seasoning for carrots in Korean (1 pack);
      • vinegar essence (45 ml);
      • sunflower oil (150 ml);
      • salt;
      • garlic (3-5 cloves).


      Attention, only TODAY!

      The silver carp belongs to the family of cyprinid fish species. At the same time, it is able to grow to an impressive size, and in a very short time, compared to other types of fish. Silver carp is found in the basins of the Volga River, the Dnieper River, the Don River. It appeared quite recently, when the dams of fish farms were destroyed in China. The fact is that silver carp was grown artificially in China. This was done because the silver carp quickly gains weight. The silver carp leads a predominantly flocking lifestyle. It is distinguished by a silvery color and a rather large head. After 3 years of life, the silver carp reaches a weight of 3 kilograms, and already adults can weigh all 16 kg.

      The silver carp begins to be appreciated when it has gained at least 2 kg of weight. The smaller silver carp has less fat and more small bones, while the larger silver carp has fatty meat and is suitable for cooking various dishes. In any case, you should choose fresh silver carp or, in extreme cases, freshly frozen.

      Determining how fresh a fish is is not difficult if you follow these tips:

      • Fresh silver carp has a resilient body.
      • The eyes should be light, but not cloudy.
      • The color of the scales is bright, and the scales themselves are smooth.
      • The tail is straight and elastic.
      • The gills should have a pink, fresh hue.
      • The smell of fish is characterized as the smell of the river and algae.

      Fish storage rules

      The rules for storing silver carp are no different from the rules for storing other fish. Store fresh carcass preferably frozen. Store fresh fish in the refrigerator, without freezing, you can not more than 1 day. If the fish is salted, withered or smoked, then the shelf life increases, and significantly.

      Since the fish is not small, it is better to cut it into pieces for storage and so, gradually, use it without defrosting it entirely. If the fish is often frozen and thawed, then its taste characteristics are reduced and very significantly.

      Taste qualities of pickled silver carp

      Silver carp is considered a valuable commercial fish, although it is characterized by a low weight of clean meat. The basis of the fish is the head, tail, and bones. As a rule, the ratio of pure silver carp meat to its rest of the body is approximately 1:4.

      For cooking, it is better to give preference to a large carcass, since its meat is much fatter. Carcasses with low weight are more dryish meat and unsuitable for cooking various dishes. Silver carp meat is healthy and tasty in any cooking options: when frying, boiling or steaming. From the silver carp, very tasty canned food is obtained. But the most delicious is the silver carp cooked in the marinade.

      Silver carp recipes

      To cook silver carp, there are a large number of different recipes. You can simply fry it in flour in a pan, and from such parts as the head and tail you can cook a delicious, rich fish soup. Since silver carp meat is quite fatty, the cooked meat always turns out juicy, and the broths are rich. Salted silver carp is stored the longest, and it is always in demand on the festive table.

      As a rule, all recipes do not contain deficient ingredients and are available for housewives.

      Heh from silver carp step by step recipe in Korean

      To salt a silver carp in Korean, you must have:

      1. Silver carp fillet, weighing 1.5 kilograms.
      2. Three tablespoons of sugar.
      3. Three medium sized bulbs.
      4. Two tablespoons of salt.
      5. Three medium sized carrots.
      6. Five cloves of garlic (although more is possible).
      7. 100 grams of vegetable oil.
      8. Three tablespoons of soy sauce.
      9. Coriander.
      10. Three tablespoons of vinegar 9%.
      11. One tablespoon of chili pepper.
      12. Oil for cooking (frying).
      13. Black peppercorns - to taste.
      14. Various fresh herbs.

      For more convenient work with fish fillet, it should be divided into several pieces of small size. After that, the pieces of silver carp are well washed, dried and poured with oil and vinegar, leaving the pieces in this state for 2 hours. While the fish is marinating, finely chop the onion, carrot and garlic. After two hours, the previously chopped ingredients are added to the pieces of fish. In addition, sugar, salt and spices are also added here.

      Pieces of fish are fried in a hot pan for 5 minutes. Silver carp is delicious both hot and cold.

      The second option for cooking silver carp is no less tasty and no more laborious

      Need to prepare:

      • Several fish steaks.
      • Half a teaspoon of sugar.
      • Onion and garlic.
      • Two tablespoons of vinegar.
      • Black peppercorns.
      • One tablespoon of salt.

      The fish is washed, dried and rolled in a mixture of sugar and salt, after which it is folded into a separate container. A small layer of the same mixture is poured on top. The fish is covered with a saucer on top, and a load is placed on top. Under the load, the fish must be at least 6 hours.

      After this time, the container opens and drains the liquid that has formed as a result of pickling. After that, proceed to the preparation of the marinade. The onion is cut into small pieces, garlic is also crushed and poured into a container with fish. Pepper and vinegar are also added here. Silver carp meat is marinated again for 5-6 hours. When the meat turns white, it can be considered that it is cooked.

      Pickled silver carp

      For this you need to prepare:

      1. Carcass of fish, weighing 1.5-2 kilograms.
      2. Three pieces of onion.
      3. Vegetable oil.

      To prepare the marinade you will need:

      • You will need 1 liter of water.
      • One glass of salt.
      • Half a glass of sugar.
      • Half a glass of vinegar.
      • Peppercorns - to taste.
      • Bay leaf.
      • Coriander.
      • Carnation.

      The fish is cut into pieces, washed and dried. When the water boils, bay leaves, salt, sugar, spices and vinegar are added to it. Having boiled a little, the fire is turned off and the marinade is allowed to cool.

      Pieces of fish are placed in a container and poured with marinade. A saucer is laid on top and a load is placed, for example, a can of water. In this state, the fish is from 8 to 10 hours. After that, the finished pieces of silver carp are transferred to a jar in layers, shifting each layer with chopped onions and pouring vegetable oil. You can store such a dish in the refrigerator for 1 month.

      Useful properties of silver carp

      Silver carp is a fairly healthy fish, like many other fish products. Using silver carp, you can:

      • Minimize the likelihood of malignant neoplasms (tumors).
      • Lower blood cholesterol levels.
      • Reduce blood pressure.
      • Strengthen blood vessels.
      • Reduce irritability.
      • Reduce blood sugar levels.
      • Get rid of insomnia.
      • Improve the condition of nails and hair.

      The presence of vitamins and minerals

      Silver carp meat is rich in both vitamins and microelements, such as:

      • B group vitamins.
      • Vitamin A.
      • Vitamin E.
      • Calcium.
      • Iron.
      • Sodium.
      • Phosphorus.
      • Sulfur.
      • Saturated amino acids.

      As a rule, seafood is rich in B vitamins and phosphorus, which makes them an indispensable food product.


      Seafood and, in particular, fish are considered a dietary product because they contain a minimum amount of calories. Therefore, it is desirable to use them for people who are overweight. There are practically no carbohydrates in fish meat, but there is a sufficient amount of proteins and healthy fats, which satisfies many athletes.

      There are only 86 kcal in 100 grams of silver carp meat. An adult needs about 2-2.5 thousand kcal per day for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, Korean dishes from silver carp are in demand for many categories of citizens.

      What else can you cook fish in Korean?

      Red fish, such as tuna, pollock or mockerel, are also suitable for cooking fish dishes in Korean. In addition, for the preparation of fish dishes, river fish, which is distinguished by fatty meat, will also fit. As a rule, fish soup, which is called ear, is often boiled from such fish.

      Silver carp is a very tasty fish, the meat of which is fatty enough to cook any dish. At the same time, you should always remember that after heat treatment, the fish loses some of its useful properties. To preserve the maximum of useful substances and vitamins, it is better to cook dishes without heat treatment. As a last resort, either boil or bake it. Any dish made from silver carp will decorate the festive table.

      Silver carps belong to the carp fish family. They are quite large in size. This type fish is found in the waters of the Volga, Dnieper, Don, having originally come to us from Chinese fish farms, destroyed due to powerful floods.

      The silver carp lives in flocks, has silvery scales and a large head.
      By the age of three years, silver carps reach about three kilograms of weight, and adults can weigh 16 kilograms.

      How to choose a silver carp for salting and pickling?

      When choosing fish for the table, you should give preference to large carcasses, weighing from two kilograms. Small carcasses have less fat and more small bones. It is best if the choice lies among chilled or fresh fish.

      Determining their quality becomes a very simple matter, and consists of the following points:

      • Fresh silver carp has a dense body;
      • The eyes should not be cloudy or sunken;
      • The scales are smooth, bright;
      • The tail is elastic, straight;
      • The gills are pinkish in color;
      • The carcass smells of algae, the river.

      Fish storage

      Storage conditions for silver carp are the same as for any other fish. It is best to freeze a fresh carcass, in an unfrozen form, and it is recommended to store fish only in refrigeration conditions for no more than a day. Of course, the shelf life for dried, smoked or salted fish increases significantly.

      In addition, it is recommended to divide the carcass (if it is large) into several portions so that you do not have to constantly defrost and freeze the entire carcass. The constant change in the state of fish from frozen to defrosted significantly affects its condition and taste.

      Taste qualities of pickled silver carp

      Having a great commercial value, nevertheless, the silver carp is distinguished by the presence of a small weight of meat. The main mass is the head, tail and bones of the fish. If you look in a fractional ratio, then the amount of meat to the mass of all carcasses is usually 1 to 4.

      Do not choose too large a carcass for cooking. The larger the carcass, the fatter it is, and, accordingly, fish with a small weight will be a bit dry. Silver carp can be cooked in any way - boiling, frying, steaming. Canned food is made from this fish on a large scale. But pickled silver carp has indescribable taste properties.

      Silver carp recipes

      There are many recipes for. You can just fry in flour and salt, you can boil the ear. Due to the large amount of fat in fish, dishes always turn out juicy, and soup broths rich.

      How to catch more fish?

      For 13 years of employment active fishing I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
      1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
      2. More sensitive gear. Read the relevant manuals for the particular type of tackle on the pages of my website.
      3. Lures based pheromones.
      You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

      Silver carp in Korean

      For salting silver carp in Korean, the following ingredients are needed:

      1. Silver carcass - 1.5 kg in fillet form;
      2. Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
      3. Onions - 3 medium heads;
      4. Salt - 2 tablespoons;
      5. Carrots - 3 medium pieces;
      6. Garlic - 5 cloves (more can be, everything tastes);
      7. Lean oil - 100 grams;
      8. Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;
      9. Coriander;
      10. Vinegar 9% - 3 tablespoons;
      11. Chili pepper - 1 tablespoon;
      12. Oil for frying;
      13. Black peppercorns - to your taste;
      14. Fresh greens.

      The carcass needs to be cut into several steaks, for a more convenient pickling. The resulting pieces must be washed well, dried, and, smeared with oil and vinegar, left to infuse for two hours. Meanwhile, the onion heads must be finely chopped, rub the carrots on coarse grater and chop the garlic cloves.

      After the required 2 hours, add our vegetables to the fish steaks. To three tablespoons of vinegar, you need to add granulated sugar, salt and spices, and then add all this to the container with the fish.

      Put the steaks on a hot skillet and hold them for five minutes. Fish can be served both cold and hot. This is one of the ways to cook silver carp using the Korean method.

      The second method is also very tasty and will not cause any special difficulties.


      • A couple of fish steaks;
      • Half a teaspoon of sugar;
      • Onion and garlic to taste;
      • A couple of tablespoons of vinegar;
      • Black peppercorns to taste;
      • Tablespoon of salt.

      We also wash the fish, dry it and roll it in a sugar-salt mixture. We spread it in a bowl and sprinkle again with a mixture of salt and sugar on top. Putting everything like this fish steaks. Cover with a saucer on top and put under the press to infuse for at least 6 hours.

      After the time has elapsed, open the dishes with the fish and drain the resulting liquid from it. We are preparing the marinade. We chop the onion, chop the garlic cloves and add all this to the dishes with steaks.

      We throw our pepper there and pour vinegar. We leave to marinate for another 5-6 hours. The readiness of the product can be recognized by the color of the meat - it should turn white.

      Marinated silver carp

      For cooking you will need:

      1. Fish - 1.5-2 kg;
      2. Onions - 3 pieces;
      3. Vegetable oil.

      To prepare the marinade you need:

      • Water - 1 l;
      • Salt - 1 cup;
      • Sugar - ½ cup;
      • Vinegar - ½ cup;
      • Peppercorns - to taste;
      • Bay leaf;
      • Coriander;
      • Carnation.

      We again cut the fish into steaks, wash and dry. Add bay leaf, salt, sugar, spices and vinegar to boiling water. Give a good boil and leave to cool completely.

      Put the fish pieces in a bowl and pour over the marinade. Cover with a saucer on top and put under oppression for 8-10 hours. When ready, put the pieces of fish in a jar mixed with onions and periodically watering sunflower oil. This dish will keep in the refrigerator for about a month.

      Useful properties of silver carp

      Like many fish products, this one has many useful properties.
