
Sterlet ear recipes for cooking at home. Sterlet ear with salmon

Fish dishes never cease to amaze true gourmets and seafood lovers with their taste possibilities. Each new fish delicacy gives admirers of fresh fish moments of pleasure and admiration, for example, as the amazing sterlet fish soup does. A completely ordinary dish, but made from expensive variety fish, and more original recipe, turns into a royal delicacy for a family meal.

royal ear


  • Sterlet - 2-3 pcs. (each 250 g) + -
  • 1 PC. medium size + -
  • — 2 l + -
  • - 1 tsp + -
  • - 2 pcs. (not large) + -
  • 3-4 pieces of medium size + -
  • Allspice - 4-6 pcs. + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1/2 tsp + -


Options for fantasy

In order for the ear to really become royal not only in taste, but also in appearance, it is necessary to decorate the dish beautifully and correctly. You can sprinkle fish food with ordinary greens, or you can develop a little culinary fantasy, and when serving, add a couple of slices of lemon to the dish. You get a pretty original flavor.

It will be especially delicious. a fish dish if you add wine (dry white or red) to it. This will only contribute to the fact that the ear will become even more delicate and amazingly appetizing.

You can eat sterlet ear with a piece fresh bread or with croutons. Some gourmets allow themselves to drink a glass of royal soup good wine or champagne. Lunch with such "accompaniment" will definitely succeed. However, if the taste fish soup if you don’t want to interrupt anything, then you can eat the dish without eating anything. pleasure from hearty lunch would be no less impressive.

Sterlet ear has many cooking variations. There are recipes for sterlet soup, including in their component composition, in addition to sterlet, several more varieties of fish, such as perch, pike perch, etc.

Festive ear

Often chicken meat is added to the royal ear, as well as champagne or vodka. We will now consider one of these unusually delicious recipes.


  • Chicken and sterlet - 1 kg each;
  • Perch - 400 gr.;
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.;
  • Celery and parsley roots - 100 gr each;
  • Lemon - ½ part;
  • dill greens;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Onion - 100 gr.;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Champagne - 300 gr.

Cooking method

  1. We choose a medium-sized chicken, clean it and wash it in clean water.
  2. Purified chicken carcass pour cold water and put the pan with the chicken on a large fire.
  3. Bring the poultry meat to a boil and reduce the flame speed.
  4. Cook chicken over low heat until cooked through.
  5. As soon as the chicken meat is cooked, the chicken can be taken out of the broth.
  6. Rinse parsley and celery roots running water and clean up.
  7. We take on the perches, and begin to clean and wash them.
  8. IN chicken bouillon pour out the roots of greens and put the pan with fragrant contents on a light fire for further cooking.

  9. When we see that the roots are almost ready, about 15 minutes before their final preparation, peeled perches should be added to the broth.
  10. Salt the broth to taste and leave the fish in the pan for 15 minutes to boil.
  11. After a quarter of an hour, we take out the fish from the broth and set it aside for a while.
  12. Beat the egg whites, add them to the hot chicken broth and boil. Thanks to the proteins, the broth will change its color, it will become lighter.
  13. After the whites boil, we carefully remove them from the pan with a slotted spoon.
  14. Let's start preparing the sterlet. To do this, we clean it from scales, gut it well, cut it into portions, wash it, dry it and place it in fragrant broth boiling on the stove.
  15. We wait until the pieces of sterlet begin to rise to the surface of the boiling broth, and we note the time on the clock.
  16. On low heat, the fish should boil for 15 minutes.
  17. When the sterlet is cooked, it will become soft and pliable, then cartilage can be easily removed from it. Thanks to this culinary stage, the royal ear has such a delicate delicate taste.
  18. We take 300 gr. champagne, pour it into a clean saucepan and begin to boil.
  19. While the champagne reaches a bubbling condition, we chop the dill.
  20. We take a medium-sized lemon and pour boiling water over it.
  21. We peel the sour fruit from the peel and cut it into beautiful appetizing slices.
  22. Finally, in the boiled ear, pour the chopped dill greens, and pour all this with boiled champagne.
  23. The ear is ready. If desired, we can add lemon slices to it, or simply serve them separately.

You can eat such "fish happiness" day and night. fragrant smell And unforgettable taste the fish soup simply “does not let go” from its captivity. Ear from, beloved by many, sterlet this is a dish that can be cooked not only at home on the stove, but also on campfires while hiking. With the smell of haze, in the bosom of pure nature, but under a glass fine wine, tucked into a fish dish will be for a sweet soul.

Sterlet is a commercial river fish from the sturgeon family. It is found in almost all rivers of our country. This is a unique fish because there are no carbohydrates in the composition. Cooked meals are rich in protein and amino acids, which human body replenishes from food. The inclusion of sterlet in the diet will help improve metabolism, lower cholesterol and protect against cardiovascular diseases. The content of omega-3 helps to cope with depression by affecting the level of the hormone of happiness in the blood of a person.

How to cut a sterlet

To cut the fish, you should prepare scissors and gloves to protect your hands from the sharp spikes that cover the carcass. Another feature of the sterlet is the mucus on the outside. You can get rid of it by simply pouring boiling water over it. Then wipe the fish and rinse under water. After such a procedure, it will be possible to remove the bone plate. Then you can move on to the section. It is not necessary to clean, it is enough to cut off the fins, tail and head. Remove gills and intestines. After half an hour of simmering, the scales will slide off and dissolve. Sterlet ear will receive a special aroma and richness. If you use a frozen carcass, potatoes are added to the soup while boiling.


Required products:

  • Sterlet weighing about 1 kg.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Medium sized bow.
  • Black pepper.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Vodka.

Recipe with photo step by step:
1. Cut the fresh carcass, rinse and cut into medium-sized steaks. Put the pieces, sterlet heads and greens in a cauldron or in a saucepan. To put on medium fire, cook no more than an hour.

2. As soon as the broth boils, add spices: pepper and salt. Boil for 4 more minutes.

3. Remove the finished dish from the stove and leave to languish for another 30 minutes.

5.Now the most interesting point: 1 glass of vodka must be added to the soup. Sterlet ear cooked in nature using river water requires disinfection. In this recipe for sterlet soup, alcohol will add piquancy, strength and whiteness to the broth.

6. The final stage is the serving of the finished dish to the table. For decoration, chop the parsley and onion, put the fish steak in each plate and pour the broth from the cauldron.


Necessary products for cooking royal soup:

  • Fish carcasses.
  • Carrot.
  • Bulb.
  • Potato.
  • Salt / spices.

1. Cut the fish, rinse. Then cut into medium sized steaks.

2. Prepare vegetables with spices. Coarsely cut the potatoes into cubes, cut the carrots into slices, chop the onion. Together with the greens, put everything in a cauldron or in a saucepan. Fill everything with water to hide the food.

3. In a separate larger container, boil water with the addition of salt.

4. Now place the cauldron in the saucepan from point 3, close the lid, reduce the heat, and soak in a water bath for another 3 hours. In this case, you need to monitor the level of liquid in a large container. If necessary, top up.

5. When the royal ear is ready, decorate fresh parsley and dill.

fish head soup

Required products:

  • Sturgeon heads.
  • Potatoes.
  • Greenery
  • Wine, preferably dry white.
  • Carrot.
  • Spices/salt.
  • Fish bastard.

1. Sterlet soup at home can easily be made even from the head.

It is important to wash this part well, because there is mucus, blood clots on it.

2. You should also cut out the gills, eyes. Put everything in a pot filled with water. Wash fish fines and wrap in cotton cloth. You can skip the cleaning procedure - so the fish will taste the broth and make it rich.

3. Boil the fish on a not very strong fire. In this case, you should often remove the foam with a spoon. After a quarter of an hour, place a mix of spices and salt in the broth. Cook for another 35-45 minutes. During this time, you need to clean and cut the vegetables. The ear will be with potatoes, carrots and onions, chopped into cubes.

4. Get the welded trifle out of the broth. She's worn out and is no longer useful. Then pull out the fish head. Instead, put chopped vegetables into the pan.

5. Now peel off the sterlet meat from the heads and add to the ear. Pour after 10-15 minutes dry wine and take the pot off the heat.

6. Darken the soup closed with a lid for several minutes, then add chopped greens.

Economy Recipe

Required products:

  • Parts of a sterlet: heads, spine.
  • Potatoes.
  • Carrot.
  • Tomato/paste.
  • Pepper/salt.

1. Remove the gills and eyes from the heads, rinse, place with the ridge in a cauldron with water. Put on the stove. When the liquid boils, a foam will appear, which should be removed. After an hour, pull out the ridge with the heads.

2. Peel and cut vegetables into cubes or cubes. Put everything in the broth, cook for half an hour.

3. During this time, wash the tomato. Then make holes with a toothpick. Throw in soup. The vegetable will add sourness to the taste and appetizing color to the broth.

4. After 10 minutes, pull out the tomato, add spices and salt. The soup is ready.

Like a fisherman

Required products:

  • Sterlet.
  • Potato.
  • Carrot.
  • Greenery. Parsley, you can use dill.
  • Vodka.
  • Spices/salt.

How to cook:
1. Wash the cut carcass and cut into large steaks.

2. Wash and peel vegetables. Leave the onion whole, cut the carrots and potatoes into bars.

3. Pour water into the pot and bring to a boil over a strong fire. Put onion, potatoes and carrots in a container. Add after 5 minutes fish steaks. Boil for another quarter of an hour.

4. Finely chop the greens and throw into the bubbling water. Then add all the spices

5. Important step - adding a shot of vodka for disinfection of water, giving transparency and piquancy to the broth.

4. Put pieces of fish in a double boiler, put a piece of butter on each steak. Top with lemon slices.

5. Close the lid and turn on the “Steam” function and set the time to 20 minutes. In this mode, you do not have to remove the foam.

6. After cooking, you will get a broth with potatoes and steamed steaks.

7. You can serve fish separately on a plate or add it to the broth.

Delicious ear will turn out if you follow simple advice and prepare it properly:

  • When preparing sterlet soup, do not stir or use a fork. The meat of this fish is tender and can fall apart. To catch steaks, it is better to use a special slotted spoon.
  • Do not add a lot of spices. It is recommended to limit yourself to bay leaf, pepper and salt.
  • Added lemon juice and dry white wine will add spice and flavor to the dish.
  • It is better to serve the ear when it is sweated and infused for several minutes.
  • Fish soups go great with tomatoes. Therefore, it is recommended to add fresh vegetables or tomato paste.
  • When cooking royal fish soup you can add other fish - pike perch or salmon.

The right ear is cooked on the fire. But sterlet soup turns out to be delicious at home, cooked on a regular stove.

Step 1. Sterlet preparation.

Usually the sterlet is sold as a whole, with the insides. First, the fish is cut along the stomach and the insides are taken out, leaving milk or caviar and fatty ribbons. Next, cut off the tail and head, clean the head from the remnants of the insides, cut out the gills with scissors and rinse thoroughly under cold water. Don't clean the fish! Rinse with cold water, cut across into pieces of 5-6 cm. As a result, 3 bowls are obtained: with milk, caviar and yellow fat, with heads-tails and actually with fish.

Step 2. Boiling the broth.

small fish rinse with cold water and without guts put in a piece of gauze folded in half. We tie the ends of the gauze with a knot and lower it into the pan. Pour in cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat. We remove the foam. Then put the head and tail of the sterlet into the pan. Then add some salt Bay leaf and black peppercorns. Cook for 30-40 minutes. During the cooking process, vigorous boiling should be avoided.

Step 3. Preparing vegetables.

While the broth is cooking, prepare the vegetables. Wash potatoes, peel, cut into small cubes. We clean the onion, cut it finely or in half rings. The greens are washed, tied into a bundle.

Step 4. The final stage.

So, it remains only to fill ready broth. We get the head of the sterlet on a plate. Tail and gauze with small fish throw away. Strain the broth through two layers of gauze. Pour it back into the pan, put onions, potatoes and greens in a bunch there. Bring to a boil. Cook for 7-8 minutes, add pieces of sterlet, milk, caviar and fat to the broth. Cook for another 7 minutes. Yes, one more nuance: after putting pieces of sterlet into the broth, you can pour a glass of vodka or half a glass of dry white wine into it. This is done in order to tender fish didn't break down. We try the ear, add salt. Turn off the heat and leave the prepared fish soup under the lid for 15 minutes.

Step 5. Serve the sterlet soup to the table.

The ear is ready. Open the lid, enjoy the fragrant aroma. We take out a bunch of greens and throw it away. We serve the fish soup to the fiery table, first we pour the removed fat on plates, then the fish soup itself is poured, and only then we lay out the pieces of fish. Separately put in bowls chopped green onion, Borodino bread and sterlet's head (optional)! Bon appetit!

If you are preparing fish soup for children, then you can separate the sterlet meat from the bones, and put the bones in cheesecloth with fish fines.

It is very good to lighten the finished fish stock - with the help of egg white. Egg white is poured into the prepared broth before straining.

When serving fish soup on the table, you can put a slice of lemon on each plate.

Sterlet ear - according to a long Russian tradition, it was prepared exclusively from live or fresh fish. This dish was highly valued and has always been considered "royal". Therefore, now, when the kings "live" only in fairy tales, the sturgeon yushka is cooked royally. Modern housewives more often they prepare a recipe for sterlet soup at home from chilled or freshly frozen fish. Oily tender fish cooks quickly, giving off all its flavors. The main task of the cook is to make the yushka transparent and leave the fish pieces whole. Sterlet soup is no less tasty, to which vegetable frying, cereals, and spices are added. Let's cook a royal ear and soup with a photo.

Servings: 5-6.

Time: 3 hours.

Calories per 100 grams: 17 kcal.


  • 1 fish (0.5 kg);
  • 1 young cockerel (0.5 kg);
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 liters of drinking water;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • 5 peas of black pepper;
  • 0.5 bunch of dill;
  • 1-2 pinches of salt.
  • Cooking soup step by step:

    The real correct ear is cooked on a fire without unnecessary additives and vegetable frying. We will cook the ear at home from frozen fish. But believe me, such a recipe for fish soup with sterlet will turn out to be very satisfying, rich, fragrant.

    The royal sterlet ear is cooked on a double broth from small fish or from heads. IN this recipe We will use rooster broth.

    First you need to boil the chicken broth. The washed cockerel is immersed in cold water, bring to a boil. After removing the foam, cook over low heat for a couple of hours. In the process of cooking fish soup, add a whole peeled onion, coarsely chopped parsley root, lavrushka, peppercorns.

    In the meantime, we wash, butcher the fish, cut off the head and tail, and use the carcass for other purposes.
    When the cockerel is almost ready, add the head and tail. Cook until all components are ready. We take out the rooster, parts of the fish, and filter the broth.

    We clean the root crops: cut the potatoes into medium slices, and the carrots into thin slices. Put the vegetables into the boiling broth. The recipe for sterlet with potatoes is cooked until the vegetables are half cooked.

    We continue cooking the dish shown in the photo by adding pieces of chopped fish to the pan. And if you don’t know how much to cook sterlet in your ear, then you can cook it in a quarter of an hour. The main thing is that it does not boil.

    Pour vodka, chopped greens into an almost finished ear and put it aside. old recipe royal fish soup is best served with a slice of lemon.

    Sterlet soup recipe at home

    Servings: 5-6.

    Time: 40-60 minutes.

    Calories per 100 grams: 45 kcal.


  • 2 carcasses of 500 gr.;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 liters of drinking water;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 100 gr. rice
  • 10 peas of allspice;
  • 0.5 bunch of greens;
  • 1-2 pinches of salt and black pepper.
  • Cooking process with photo:

    Before cooking sterlet soup, thoroughly wash the carcass, gut it, cut off the tails and heads. From the head of the sterlet we remove the gills, the sucker mouth. We lower the fish into a saucepan, fill it with cold water, warm it to a boil. We drain the water, wash the fish. Pour two liters of cold water, add lavrushka, a whole unpeeled onion, carrot, spices. It will take no more than half an hour to cook the broth.

    The resulting broth is filtered, heated again. In the meantime, we clean, cut the vegetables, and wash the rice many times. You can cook vegetable frying in any vegetable oil.

    In boiling fish soup put rice. When the cereal is half cooked, add the potatoes. After the root vegetables are cooked, we flavor the dish with fried vegetables.

    A simple soup with sterlet is supplemented with chopped herbs, fish heads and put aside. Serve with a slice of lemon and chopped parsley.

    Bon appetit everyone!

    An amazing first course can be made even tastier if:

  • pour in almost ready meal 50 ml dry white wine;
  • add other valuable varieties of fish to the recipe: trout, pike perch, perch;
  • add some fresh or canned tomatoes to the dish.
  • Fish soups are found in all cuisines of the world, and Russian cuisine also boasts many a variety of recipes. We cook both botvinya, and yurma, and kalya, and hodgepodge, but the ear is more popular and more beloved.

    It is correct to cook fish soup from freshly caught fish in a cauldron over a fire, but believe me, home-cooked fish soup is not inferior to the real one either in taste or in taste. useful qualities, and proof of this is the fragrant sterlet ear. Let's cook?

    Sterlet ear - general principles of cooking

    Sterlet is a fish of the sturgeon family, one of its smallest representatives. The weight of one does not exceed a kilogram, although, for sure, there are exceptional specimens.

    It is quite difficult to cut such a fish, you will need gloves and special scissors, since the sterlet has sharp bone plates on the sides. In addition, the sterlet is covered with mucus that is unpleasant to the touch, but it is not difficult to remove it - just pour boiling water over the fish before cutting, then carefully rub the carcass with your hands right in gloves, rinse. Thanks to this simple procedure, ideally, bone plates will also be removed along with the mucus. Next, remove the insides, not forgetting to take out the elm, cut off the head, tail, remove the gills with scissors. But the fish does not have scales as such, so you don’t have to worry about this stage. Rinse the chopped sterlet and cut into large pieces.

    When the cutting of the main ingredient is finished, you can safely proceed to the preparation of sterlet soup. Main principle consists in slowly languishing the fish in water, as a result of which, literally in 15-20 minutes, the existing “scales” of the sterlet will completely dissolve, which, by the way, will add a special taste and fat to the broth. After boiling and the first removal of the foam, celery and parsley roots, as well as a thoroughly washed whole young onion directly with the husk, can be put into the broth. After half an hour, the fish is carefully removed with a slotted spoon, and the broth is filtered, getting rid of the roots. As a result of such languor, a rich fish broth with a pronounced aroma.

    There is another way to cook delicious broth from sterlet, first simmer for 30 minutes with the same roots and onions the illiquid part of the fish: tail, head, skeleton, then filter the broth, lay the prepared sterlet fillet and cook for another ten minutes.

    1. Classic sterlet ear

    1 big fish fresh (sterlet);

    celery root and parsley root;

    onion head;

    A few peas of allspice;

    Lavrushka leaf;

    Salt - optional;

    Vodka - 20 ml;

    Purified water - 2 liters.

    1. We clean the fresh sterlet, take out the insides, cut into small pieces.

    2. Put the fish meat and all the components of the fish in a metal container.

    3. Put peeled parsley and celery roots to the fish, fill everything with water and boil for 60 minutes.

    4. After boiling, add a little salt, allspice, lavrushka and boil for another 3 minutes. If the fish is frozen, then while cooking the fish, you need to add potatoes, cut into bars.

    5. We remove the finished fish soup from the heat, close the lid and insist for half an hour.

    6. After insisting, we take out the fish meat, and filter the fish soup.

    7. Pour some vodka into the strained soup.

    8. When serving, pour the fish soup into plates, put a piece of fish in each, sprinkle with fresh herbs, put a separate plate next to it with bread made from second-grade flour.

    2. Budget ear from sterlet

    5 small sterlet fish;

    Celery root and parsley;

    onion head;

    3 liters of purified water;

    Salt - optional;

    A pinch of allspice peas;

    1 leaf of lavrushka;

    Lemon - 1 circle.

    1. We gut all the sterlet fish, wash them.

    2. In a saucepan with purified water, put the peeled roots of parsley, celery, onion in half rings, lavrushka, peppercorns, add a little salt and boil for 60 minutes.

    3. After boiling, remove the foam.

    4. When the vegetables are all cooked, we take out the bay leaf, peppercorns with a slotted spoon and filter the broth.

    5. Put the fish, cleaned and without entrails, into the broth and boil over moderate heat, removing scale.

    6. When the fish meat turns white, remove the pan from the heat and leave for a few minutes with the lid closed.

    7. Remove the pieces of fish from the pan, put them in portion plates, pour the broth, put a circle of lemon on top, sprinkle with chopped dill.

    3. Sterlet ear with salmon

    4 medium sterlets;

    Half a kilogram of salmon belly;

    Potato - 5 medium tubers;

    2 onion heads;

    1 carrot;

    Salt - 10 g;

    Lavrushka - 2 sheets;

    Allspice - 7 peas;

    Vodka - 100 ml;

    A bunch of green onions.

    1. We do not completely fill the enameled three-liter container with cold water, boil over moderate heat.

    2. In the seething water, put the potatoes, cut into medium bars, washed onions directly in the peel, carrots, cut into thin strips, cook until boiling.

    3. We clean the sterlet, take out the insides, put them to the potatoes along with the bellies of the salmon, boil for 40 minutes.

    4. Add lavrushka, peppercorns to the pan, add some salt and boil for a few more minutes.

    5. From the finished fish soup we take out the carrots and onion heads with a slotted spoon.

    6. Pour in vodka, close the lid, insist.

    7. Pour into plates, pour some chopped green onion feathers on top.

    4. Sterlet ear with champagne in chicken broth

    Chicken drumstick - 3 pcs.;

    Pressed caviar - 300 g;

    2 medium sterlets;

    Any champagne - 300 ml;

    Lemon - 1 pc.

    1. Put in a container with cold water chicken drumsticks, cook for 50 minutes, with constant descaling.

    2. Remove the drumsticks from the broth, and clarify the broth pressed caviar, which is pre-rubbed with cold water.

    3. Strain the broth, pour it back into the pan and boil for 15 minutes.

    4. When the broth boils, put the processed sterlet fish in it, boil after boiling for a little more than half an hour.

    5. After the fish is ready, pour champagne into the soup and warm it up a little.

    6. We insist on the finished fish soup for several minutes.

    7. Serve in bowls with a slice of lemon.

    5. Royal sterlet ear

    3 sterlet carcasses;

    1 small carrot;

    Salt - half a teaspoon;

    2 small onions;

    4 potato tubers;

    A few peas of allspice;

    Lavrushka - 2 sheets;

    Fresh dill - 1 bunch.

    1. We gut the sterlet carcasses, cut off the heads, cut into small pieces.

    2. We put the pieces of fish in a small metal container with cold water, and also put the coarsely chopped potatoes, carrots in rounds and onions cut into 4 parts, peppercorns, parsley and a bunch of dill, fill everything with purified water so that the water completely hides all the ingredients .

    3. To another large saucepan Pour in water, add a little salt and bring to a boil over medium heat.

    4. As soon as the water in a large saucepan boils, put a saucepan with fish, vegetables and all spices into it, reduce the heat, close the lid and cook for 3 hours.

    5. During cooking, we observe the amount of water large pot, in case of boiling, add hot water.

    6. Pour the finished fish soup into portioned plates, lay sprigs of fresh dill beautifully on top.

    6. Sterlet ear with corn grits

    Allspice - 10 peas;

    7 leaves of lavrushka;

    Sterlet heads - a little less than a kilogram.

    Without a head, a sterlet carcass is a little more than a kilogram;

    Corn grits - 3 tbsp. spoons;

    1 onion;

    1 tomato;

    Salt - half a teaspoon;

    Greenery bouquet.

    1. fish heads mine, put in a container with water, add peppercorns, parsley and boil for 1 hour.

    2. We take out the heads, filter the broth.

    3. In the hot strained broth, lay the prepared corn grits, boil for a few minutes.

    4. After the cereal, put the potatoes - with a medium cube and onions - with medium half rings.

    5. After softening the potatoes, add ground allspice, salt and prepared chopped in small pieces sterlet carcasses, cook for 30 minutes.

    6. Add the peeled tomato chopped with a knife, cook again for 20 minutes.

    7. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour it into the ear.

    And yet it's amazing tasty soup You can make it even tastier by following some tips:

    Pour 50-70 grams of dry white wine into the soup a few minutes before it is ready, it will give the dish an interesting gourmet taste.

    You can use not only this type of fish, but also others when cooking sterlet fish soup, making an assortment of royal fish soup, for example, perch, pike perch, trout.

    Sterlet is a fish that goes well with tomatoes, so you can safely put tomato paste or fresh tomatoes when cooking.

    Do not put a lot of spices and spices, use them in minimum quantities and only the essentials: allspice and black pepper, laurel leaves.

    A little lemon juice from fresh fruit adds aroma and a pleasant aftertaste to the soup.

    If you want the pieces of fish to retain their integrity - do not stir the broth during cooking, take out the finished sterlet not with a fork, but with a slotted spoon.

    The ear is especially tasty if it stands and brews for some time after cooking.

    Serve fragrant sterlet fish soup with crackers and a glass of white wine. If you are an adherent of Russian traditions - with a slice of lemon and a white glass. Bon appetit.
