
Classic fish soup - a recipe for the first course of small fish and large sea fish. Classic fish soup recipes with potatoes, vodka, spices

The national cuisines of many countries of the world have their own recipes for cooking fish soup. In Finland, it is customary to cook it from rainbow trout with the addition of full-fat milk or cream (and every self-respecting Finn is perfect at cooking fish soup). In Russia, various varieties of fish are used, both river and sea. And in Ukraine, millet or other cereals are added to the ear. This is probably why the question of how to cook fish soup at home is difficult to answer unambiguously. But we will still try to do it!

Fish soup technology

  • The key to a delicious fish soup is a strong broth. Cook it from ruffs, ide, whitefish, perch, zander or other favorite fish.
  • Use several varieties of fish, at least two.
  • If you cook fish soup from fresh fish, only potatoes and onions can be other ingredients.
  • It differs from soups in the minimal set and quantity of vegetables.
  • The spicy taste of the ear will be added by green onions, parsley, bitter and allspice, dill, tarragon, bay leaf.
  • The ear will acquire a rich taste when cooked over low heat. Keep the pot open at all times.
  • If the fish meat falls behind the bones, the fish soup is ready! Do not overcook the fish soup, as the fish will quickly lose its flavor and become tough.
  • The cooking time of fish soup depends on the type of fish. From river fish, soup will be ready in 15-20 minutes, and from sea fish - after 10.
  • If the ear has lost its transparency, use an egg-white brace to lighten it.
  • If you are preparing fish soup from frozen fish, put it in water immediately from the freezer.

How to cook fish soup from river fish

To prepare a real fish soup, any river fish is suitable, the main thing is that there should be a lot of it.

You will need:

  • river fish (small and large) - 1.5 kg,
  • water - 1.7 l,
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • onion - 1 large head,
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.,
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Rinse and gut small fish (perches, ruffs will do), leave the gills, eyes and scales - these ingredients will give the ear the necessary consistency. Separate the head, tail and spine from large fish.
  2. Place the fish pieces in a saucepan and cover with water. Cook until the bones begin to separate easily from the fish.
  3. Strain the broth. When cloudy, enter the protein of a chicken egg.
  4. In the finished broth, dip portioned pieces of large fish, onions, potatoes, salt and pepper. Cook until done.

How to cook trout fish soup

If you're still deciding how to cook your fish soup at home, and what kind of fish to use, take a look at this Finnish recipe. The ear will turn out transparent and amazingly tasty.

You will need:

  • trout - 500 g,
  • potatoes - 500 g,
  • onion - 3 heads of medium size,
  • cream - 200 ml,
  • boiled water,
  • salt and pepper,
  • greens - parsley, dill.

Cooking method

  1. Clean and wash the trout, leaving the skin intact. Cut the fish into large pieces.
  2. Prepare potatoes and onions: peel and chop. Lay potatoes, onions, trout pieces in layers at the bottom of the pan.
  3. Pour in cold boiled water so that it covers the fish by 3-4 cm. Add black peppercorns, salt and ground pepper.
  4. Cook until tender over medium heat. At the very end of cooking, add cream to the pan, stir and bring to a boil.
  5. On average, the cooking time is 15 minutes, after which the ear should be allowed to brew for 10 minutes.
  6. Serve the ear, garnishing with chopped herbs.

Ukha: recipe from pike perch

How to cook fish soup at home according to the classic Russian recipe? Of course, using the simplest and most affordable products!

You will need:

  • pike perch - 400 g,
  • onion - 2 heads of medium size,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.,
  • tomato - 1 pc.,
  • parsley root - 2 pcs.,
  • greenery,
  • bay leaf, salt, pepper,
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method

  1. Clean and fillet the fish. Place the heads, spines, bones, fins in a saucepan and boil the broth.
  2. When it boils, add parsley root, onion and carrot, bay leaf.
  3. Strain the broth, add chopped potatoes, onion and parsley root to it.
  4. After 10 minutes, put the fish fillet, tomato and spices.
  5. Add butter before turning off.
  6. You can serve the ear in plates or a deep dish, after decorating with herbs.

Try to cook fish soup according to a classic fisherman's, national Finnish or native Russian recipe. And every time you get a new, delicious dish for lunch!

Everyone, good afternoon! Every housewife knows how to cook fish soup so that it comes out rich, fragrant, satisfying and tasty. My simple tips will help make this dish not only an everyday dish, but also a truly culinary masterpiece.

So, homemade fish soup is a strong, concentrated fish broth that can only be obtained from the head, fins and tail. From which fish it is better to cook it, this is decided by the hostess herself. The main thing is that the carcasses do not smell like river mud and give a rich broth. If the fish has a specific smell, then you can get rid of it by sprinkling it with lemon juice.

An important rule for preparing this first course is cooking over low heat. Then the broth will be transparent and rich.

But if the ear has lost transparency, then put an egg-white brace to lighten it. An unpeeled onion will give a beautiful color to the broth, taste - a piece of butter, aroma - fresh herbs.

Other ingredients for fish soup are usually potatoes and onions. However, there are recipes with the addition of cereals, carrots and other vegetables. How much to cook the broth, it depends on the type of fish used. River will be ready in 15-20 minutes, sea - 10.


  • Head, fins and tail from one fish (silver carp is used in this recipe)
  • Bay leaf with peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste
  • Seasoning for fish soup - 1 tsp
  • - 1 PC. (optional)

How to cook the ear:

Wash the head, fins and tail and lower into the cooking pot. Add the peeled onion, parsley, peppercorns.

Be sure to remove the gills and eyes from the head. They give the dish an unpleasant taste, and the broth is cloudy.

Fill the fish with drinking water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil over a high flame, then lower the temperature, close the lid and continue to cook.

When the meat begins to fall behind the bones, it means that the fish is ready. However, to make the broth more rich, it should be kept on low heat for up to one hour.

If you use frozen fish, then lower it into water without defrosting immediately from the freezer.

Remove the fish head, tail and fins with a slotted spoon from the pan and transfer to a colander.

Strain the broth through a filter (fine sieve or gauze) so that it is clean, without bones and spices.

From the head, tail, spine and other fish waste, remove the meat, sorting from the bones.

Peel and cut potatoes with carrots.

Put the vegetables in a clean broth and put them on the stove to cook.

Add the sorted meat to the pan and cook the dish until the vegetables are fully cooked. After about 20 minutes, the potatoes will be soft. A few minutes (approximately 5-7 minutes) before the end of cooking, season the dish with salt and pepper.

Homemade fish soup is usually served in a deep plate. Season each serving with finely chopped dill, if desired.

Despite the fact that the ear turns out to be rich and satisfying, it is considered a wonderful diet food. Therefore, it can be used without worrying about your figure.

  • If you cook fish soup in nature on a fire, do not forget to put a burning scorch into it at the end of cooking. This, firstly, will give the dish a unique smell of a fire, and secondly, it will remove the smell of freshwater fish that smells like a swamp.
  • If desired, you can pour a glass of vodka into your ear, which will improve the taste of the dish.

An even more budget option for fish soup is fish, it is not expensive and tasty.

The time for hiking in nature begins, I offer you a video recipe for cooking fish soup on a fire. Look, it's useful!

Your choice of fish when cooking fish soup is practically unlimited. You can use both river fish (perch, crucian carp, ruff, carp, pike perch, carp, pike, rudd) and marine life (cod, salmon, salmon, halibut, sea bass, pink salmon, chum salmon). And yet there are types of fish, from which it is not recommended to cook fish soup - these are roach, roach, bream, minnow, ram, mackerel and herring. The fresher the fish you choose, the better your soup will taste. The most delicious fish soup comes from freshly caught fish.

It should be remembered that the central place in the ear is given to the fish, while vegetables, broth and spices should be kept to a minimum - they are designed only to emphasize and shade the taste of the fish. Although any avid fisherman will tell you that if you have live fish, you don’t even need this - fresh fish already has an unsurpassed taste. Fish soup is traditionally prepared from 2-4 types of fish. Usually this is done in two stages - first, a rich broth is prepared from small fish, which is then removed, and then pieces of large fish are placed in the ear. At the same time, small fish can not be cleaned or gutted, but only washed well, wrapped in gauze and tied - so it will be convenient for you to remove the fish after preparing the broth. Large fish should be cleaned, gutted and cut into pieces. Another variant of the two-stage preparation of fish soup - you can first cook the broth from fish offal, then remove them, strain the broth and add fish fillets to it. If there are a lot of bones in the fish, then it is advisable to strain the resulting broth. Do not remove the head and fins from the fish, as they allow you to make the broth very rich.

The constant companions of fish in the ear are onions, carrots and potatoes. They can be added to the broth both whole (except for potatoes) and coarsely chopped. The simplest spices and spices for the ear are suitable - bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice and parsley root. Coriander, tarragon, saffron and ginger also perfectly emphasize the taste of fish. You should not add an abundance of various ingredients and spices to your ear - in this way you can “drown out” the fishy aroma. Cook the fish soup over low heat without a lid, avoiding intense boiling. The ear should slowly languish. Watch the time carefully so that the fish does not overcook - it is usually ready in 10-20 minutes. To get rid of the characteristic smell of mud in freshwater fish, you can add a little lemon juice or vodka to your ear a few minutes before cooking.

When cooking fish soup, not only its taste is important, but also the appearance of the dish, which plays an important role in shaping the impression of what was eaten, so it is very important that the broth is transparent. To do this, be sure to remove the foam from the broth after boiling. If the broth still becomes dark, whipped protein will help to correct the situation - stir it in the broth, bring to a boil, then strain the broth.
The ear is salted at the very end. When the fish ear is ready, you can put a piece of butter in it and let it brew under the lid for 10-15 minutes. After that, pour the fish soup on plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve to the delight of everyone gathered at the table or by the fire.

Let's start our selection of recipes with traditional river fish soup. The most delicious fish soup is obtained from predatory species of river inhabitants, so perch, pike and pike perch are perfect for it.

1.5 kg of river fish,
1 onion
1 carrot
4 potatoes
3-4 bay leaves,
10 black peppercorns,
1 parsley root
50 g butter,
50 ml vodka,
dill and parsley,
salt to taste.

Cut off the head and tail of the fish, removing the eyes and gills. Gut the fillet, removing the backbone and ribs. Place the head and tail in a saucepan and pour 3 liters of water. Add the onion cut in half, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. Remove the fish parts and onion from the pan, add coarsely chopped potatoes and cook for 10 minutes. Add chopped carrots, parsley root, pieces of fish fillet and spices. Cook for about 10-15 minutes, then salt and pour in vodka to eliminate the smell of mud. Boil for about 2 more minutes and remove from the stove. Remove the bay leaf from the fish soup, add butter, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

The presence of fish trifles is not at all a reason to be upset. This is a great opportunity to cook a delicious fish soup.

Small fish ear

1 kg small fish
1 onion
1 carrot
3 potatoes
100 g millet,
1 parsley or celery root
6-7 peas of allspice,
4 bay leaves,
green onion,
salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Gut and rinse small fish, then wrap in a piece of gauze. Pour 2.5 liters of water into the pan, place the gauze in the water, securing its end to the pan. Bring to a boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Remove the fish and add chopped potatoes, fried onions with carrots, roots and spices to the broth. Cook 10 minutes. Add the washed millet and cook for about 10 minutes more until the potatoes are soft. Remove roots, bay leaf and peppercorns from the fish soup. Separate the fish from the bones, put it in the broth and sprinkle the fish soup with chopped green onions.

500 g of red fish,
3-4 potatoes
1 onion
1-2 carrots
8 black peppercorns,
3 bay leaves,
dill or parsley,
ground coriander,

Put coarsely chopped vegetables in a saucepan and pour 2.5 liters of water. Cook after boiling for 15 minutes. Add fish, cut into portions, bay leaf and peppercorns. Cook for about 10 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam. Salt the ear, add ground coriander, sprinkle with chopped herbs and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Remove the spices, let the ear brew under the lid for 10 minutes and serve.

Some fishermen believe that the most delicious and rich fish soup is obtained only when the broth for it is made from fish heads. We suggest you use our next recipe and see for yourself.

Fish head ear

3 large fish heads
200 g fish fillet,
3-4 potatoes
1 onion
1 carrot
100 g millet,
4 bay leaves,
5 peas of allspice,
salt and ground black pepper,

Clean the heads from the insides and gills, then rinse well and put in a saucepan, pouring 2 liters of water. Bring to a boil, remove foam, reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Remove the heads from the broth and set aside. Strain the broth. When the heads have cooled, take them apart and put the meat in the broth along with the fish fillet cut into pieces. Add diced potatoes, chopped onions and carrots (if desired, they can be lightly fried in oil beforehand), washed millet, bay leaf and allspice. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 15 minutes until the potatoes and cereals are ready. Salt the finished ear, sprinkle with black pepper and chopped herbs.

Even when cooking fish soup, a multicooker can come to the aid of housewives. Take advantage of this miracle of technology and see how excellent the final result can be.

500 g fish
1 onion
1 carrot
5 potatoes
6 peas of allspice,
3 bay leaves,

Clean the fish from scales, gut and remove the gills. Rinse well and put in a multicooker bowl along with coarsely chopped vegetables and spices. Fill with water up to the “Maximum” mark and set the “Extinguishing” mode. In about an hour and a half, the ear will be ready. Salt the ear to taste and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

And in the end, we suggest you prepare an unusual alternative to the classic fish soup - the so-called milk fish soup, popular in Finland and Karelia. In these countries, this dish is called "calaqueitto" and can also be prepared from white fish - the main thing is that it has fewer bones. Despite its simplicity, milk ear is considered a festive dish in Finland. It is advisable to let the soup brew for a day.

500 g of red fish (salmon, salmon or pink salmon),
1 large onion
2 potatoes
1 liter of water
500 ml milk or low fat cream
40 g butter,
1 tablespoon flour
5 black peppercorns,
2 bay leaves,
salt and ground black pepper,
dill greens.

Cut the fish into pieces, add water, add half the peeled onion, black peppercorns and bay leaf. Prepare the fish broth by boiling the fish for 10 minutes. Salt the finished broth, remove the onion and bay leaf. Take out the fish and set aside. Cool and cut into pieces, separating from the bones.
Add the diced potatoes to the broth and cook for about 15 minutes. Fry the remaining half of the onion in butter (20 g) and add to the soup. Stir milk or cream with flour and gradually pour into the soup, mixing thoroughly. Add fish pieces and cook for another 8-10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished soup with chopped dill and serve hot.

As you can see, fish soup can be so different, but at the same time always tasty and deliciously fragrant. Use our tips and recipes, and your ear will certainly delight everyone who tries it. Bon appetit!

Ukha is considered to be a masterpiece of culinary art. The rich soup has received recognition in many countries of the world, and this is not surprising. The components included in the composition fully reveal the taste of the main ingredient - fish. Cooking fish soup at home includes a number of features, they must be taken into account. Experienced chefs have revealed the most delicious recipes, let's look at them in more detail. We highlight the main aspects, reveal the secrets of cooking, consider delicious recipes.

The right choice of fish

  1. Of course, in the first place is the correct selection of the main ingredients. According to numerous reviews, we can conclude that the most delicious fish soup is obtained from crucian carp, perch, pike perch, carp, pike, carp and salmon. In addition, ukha based on halibut, notothenia and cod is gaining wide popularity.
  2. Professional chefs categorically do not recommend preparing the first dish of roach, minnow, bream, herring and its subspecies, roach and roach. These species have a pronounced aroma that spoils the whole impression of use.

Additional Ingredients

  1. To fully reveal the taste of the finished dish, it must be supplemented with the appropriate ingredients. Among them are peas, parsley or dill, carrots, bay leaves, onions (both green and onion), salt and potatoes.
  2. In the process of cooking fish soup, it is important to always remember that the main ingredient is fish. In order not to spoil the taste and aroma, do not put too many additional components in the soup.
  3. To give the onion juice to the broth, do not cut it into thin slices. It is enough to cut the onion into 2-4 parts, then place in the soup. As for the rest of the vegetables, don't chop them too much.
  4. Depending on individual preferences, spices and spices of absolutely any orientation can be added to the ear. Everything will do: lemon, nutmeg, saffron, anise, dill, fennel, ginger, etc.

Cooking process

  1. If you want to get an ear without a pronounced fish flavor, do not allow the composition to boil. Cook the soup over low heat, do not cover. In the end, the broth will turn out to be rich, transparent, fragrant and concentrated.
  2. In order for the fish to retain its consistency and open up, put it not in water, but in vegetable broth. In no case should you overcook seafood, otherwise the soup will look like porridge.
  3. If you cook fish soup from freshwater fish, simmer it over low heat for no longer than 8 minutes (in the case of small pieces). If we are talking about marine life, the duration of heat treatment must be increased to 10-15 minutes. Large Siberian fish is cooked for about 25 minutes.
  1. Whole fish can be used to make fish soup. If it has a lot of bones, strain the decoction before drinking.
  2. Sturgeon fish has a specific taste if you cook soup based on it without removing the skin.
  3. To make the ear look like "in nature", do not throw away the fins and heads. Send them to the soup, it will turn out more rich.
  4. If you feel that the fish has a specific smell, sprinkle it with lemon juice in large quantities.
  5. To prepare a golden broth, add onions along with the husks. After cooking, it can be removed.
  6. It is not recommended to stir the soup with a spoon or spatula, otherwise it will turn into porridge. Shake the pan lightly to keep the ingredients from sticking to the bottom and sides.
  7. If you are cooking fish soup based on sea fish, salt the dish just before serving. Otherwise, the salt will absorb the flavor and aroma.
  8. To make the ear hearty and soft, add a slice of butter to the plate, then sprinkle the soup with fresh herbs (parsley, dill).

  • fish of your choice (head and tail)
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • seasoning for soup
  • greenery for decoration
  1. Peel the potatoes, wash them and soak for half an hour, then chop the tubers into medium-sized cubes. Peel the onion from the husk, cut into 4 parts. Prepare a thick-walled pot or cauldron, pour in filtered water and put on the stove.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil, reduce the power to the minimum mark. Send the chopped potatoes and onions to the container, cook for 10 minutes. After this period, add spices to taste.
  3. Rinse the fish tails and heads, leave to dry. At this time, peel and cut the carrots into half rings, send to the pan and simmer for 10 minutes. Next, add the fish, cook the soup until tender. Sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley before serving.

Ear with celery

  • any fish (tail and head)
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • celery (root) - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • seasoning for soup
  • dill for decoration
  1. Prepare a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in drinking water, bring to the first bubbles. After that, turn down the power, add seasoning for fish soup and other components as desired (pepper, etc.).
  2. Wash the carrots, peel them, chop them into half rings about 3-5 mm wide. If you are using a large celery root, cut off 5 cm of the rhizome. Peel the onion from the husk, cut it into 2 parts. Send the listed vegetables to the pan, wait for the boil.
  3. Simmer the soup for about 10 minutes after the first bubbles appear, then remove the bay leaf and celery from the pot. Pass the garlic through a press, add to the soup. Cut potato tubers into cubes and also send for cooking.
  4. When the potatoes are half cooked, remove the onions, add pre-washed and dried fish. Boil the ear for another 10-15 minutes, do not let it boil. Before serving, salt, garnish with herbs.

  • fish at the discretion - 550 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • fresh parsley
  • seasonings
  1. Gut the fish, remove the dark film, entrails and gills. Wash the carcass, place on a paper towel to drain excess moisture. Cut the fish into pieces about 4-5 cm thick.
  2. Start cooking vegetables. Peel the carrots, cut them into rings. Remove the husk from the onion, cut it into 4 parts. Remove the peel from the potatoes, chop the tubers into cubes.
  3. Get your multi bowl ready. Send fish to it along with vegetables, fill it with drinking water so that it covers the ingredients by 7-10 cm. Pour salt at your discretion, add other components as desired. Set the “Extinguishing” function on the device, the dish will be ready in about 1 hour 25 minutes, it all depends on the technical characteristics of the multicooker.
  4. After turning off the timer, do not rush to open the lid, let the soup brew for about half an hour. Pour into portioned plates, sprinkle with herbs (preferably fresh).

Perch ear

  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • parsley (preferably root) - 1 pc.
  • perch - 1.2 kg.
  • vodka - 45 ml.
  • butter (fat content from 65%) - 65 gr.
  1. Remove the husk from the onion, cut into 2 parts. Peel the potato tubers, chop them into cubes. Prepare a thick-bottomed pan, pour water and send vegetables inside.
  2. Bring the broth to the appearance of the first bubbles, then reduce the power to a minimum. Cut the parsley root into small squares, peel the carrots and chop them into half rings. Place vegetables in a saucepan, cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash, gut and cut into pieces. Pour the spices for the fish soup into the pan, add the fish. After a quarter of an hour, salt the soup to taste, pour in vodka, it will eliminate the unpleasant odor.
  4. When the first dish is ready, remove the onion from it. Add oil, stir, cover, leave for 10 minutes. Serve sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Delicious fish soup is obtained if it is prepared from different varieties of fish. Experienced housewives brought out one important feature: when choosing the number of components, make sure that there is not too much water, fill most of the tank space with fish. Consider a recipe for making soup in a slow cooker or on the stove.

Video: classic Astrakhan fish soup from carp

What an ear! Yes, how fat
As if she was covered with amber.
Have fun, little friend!
Here is a bream, offal, here is a piece of sterlet.
I. A. Krylov, Demyanov's Ear

Well, tell me, which of you does not like a rich, fragrant fish soup that smells of the sea, relaxation, good mood, expanses of meadows and ocean shores? Wuhu, which contains all the happiness of picnics, morning fishing on the river bank and family outdoor recreation? Ukha, which shimmers with amber fat beads, captivates with the mother-of-pearl luster of the broth, beckons fish skins with gold and silver?

A small historical excursion

The best rooster ear.

Few people know that initially, from the time of their birth until the end of the 18th century, all the first courses were hidden behind the word “ukha” in Rus', it was a common name for soups, however, over time, broth appeared in the lexicon under the influence of French fashion trends, and the meaning of fish soup narrowed down to designating only a fish first course.

However, this is not the whole underwater part of the iceberg. Again, before fish soup was only concentrated fish broth - it was cooked for a long time and carefully, but they tried to preserve everything valuable that is in fish. There were no cereals, let alone potatoes with carrots in the ear - a thick rich broth was served with fresh soft pies and pies and was always accompanied by a glass of ice-cold vodka.

The culture of food, like any other branch of culture, fortunately, does not stand still, and therefore the ear eventually transformed into a fish soup of varying degrees of saturation. Double ear - the one that is cooked with double laying of fish, triple - respectively, the fish is added to the broth three times. In addition, there are royal, fisherman's, peasant, Hungarian, sterlet, catfish, sturgeon, silver carp, cod, pink salmon and dozens of other soups with fish.

Fish soup classification

In order not to stupidly blink your eyes in a restaurant, seeing the incomprehensible names of an understandable fish soup, let's figure out how such a popular dish as fish soup is classified.

Depending on the fish used to prepare the first course, the ear is divided into:

- white fish soup (cooked from such varieties of fish as burbot, pike perch, perch, whitefish, ruff and the like. It is characterized by a particularly light broth and delicate taste);

- black ear (prepared from carp, rudd, carp, crucian carp. As a rule, it turns out a little darker than white ear);

- red ear (to prepare it, you need salmon, trout, sturgeon, beluga. In some cases, saffron is added to the broth, and then the red ear is called amber);

- triple (double) fish soup is prepared from different types of fish, and the first (first two) bookmark is used only for making broth, and the last type of fish, as a rule, the most delicious and valuable, gets into the plate.

In addition, there are varieties of fish soup depending on the method of preparation:
- prefabricated ear (everything that is in the kitchen gets into the pan);
- sweet ear (there are a lot, a lot of carrots in the broth);
- sluggish ear (base - dried fish);
- layered fish soup (for cooking, they take salted fish, which was cut into thin layers for salting);
- baked ear (an egg is added to the finished soup, and then baked in an oven or oven);
- bulk ear (for cooking, live fish is used, which is poured with boiling water).

Another common classification of soup is based on the place in which this or that recipe was invented. Ukha in Arkhangelsk involves the use of cod and halibut and the addition of milk at the end of cooking. The Volga fish soup is prepared from sterlet, the Prinarovskaya fish soup is made from lamprey, fresh tomatoes are added to the Don fish soup, and mushrooms are added to the Onega fish soup.

There are a lot of recipes, fish soup lovers will never be bored! Let's start with the basics, shall we?

Fish head ear

Many housewives know that it is cheaper to buy a large carcass of trout or salmon, cut it up and store it in the freezer, taking out the necessary pieces as needed, than running to the store every time for steaks, fillets or a soup set. After the carcass is divided into parts and packaged in bags, think about whether you would like the simplest fish soup from fish heads today. It's easy to make and the result is incomparable!

1 head of a large fish;
200 g fish fillet;
2 liters of water or prepared broth;
3-4 potatoes;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
1/3 cup millet;
3-4 bay leaves;
salt, black pepper, allspice, herbs to taste.

Put the prepared head (washed and cleaned of gills) into a saucepan, pour water or broth, bring to a boil, remove the foam, then reduce the heat and cook for 15-20 minutes on minimum heat. After that, we take the head out of the broth, leave it to cool, and filter the broth. We disassemble the head, return the meat to the broth, add the fillet cut into medium pieces, peeled and grated carrots, onion and potatoes cut into small cubes, millet, allspice. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cook until the cereals and vegetables are ready (about 15 minutes). At the end, salt, add bay leaf, boil for a few more minutes, turn off. If desired, add black pepper and herbs to the ear.

Ear from river fish

If your family has a fisherman who regularly brings home a catch of small river fish, you know that the issue of its disposal constantly turns into an acute problematic moment. Ukha is a great way out: fragrant, satisfying and simple.

1 kg of river fish;
2 liters of broth or water;
1 onion;
1/3 cup millet;
4-5 potatoes;
salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Small river fish should be thoroughly washed, scaled and gutted. Place in a saucepan, then add water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, skim off foam and simmer until bones begin to separate well from meat (7-10 minutes). Remove the pot from the stove, strain the broth, deal with the fish: if you don't like to fight with the bones in the plate, try to immediately mill what can be milled; if you don't mind removing the bones directly during dinner, just remove the large ridges if they come off the meat well.
Add finely chopped onion, millet, potatoes into small cubes in a saucepan with broth. Cook until the potatoes and cereals are ready, then put the fish, boil for another 3-5 minutes, at the end salt, pepper, add greens.

Simple homemade carp ear

Of course, one can say that this is not fish soup at all, but just fish soup, but, you see, with the passage of time and the constant change in culinary realities, it is unrealistic to say how a real fish soup should differ from fish soup today. And so - prepare the ear! From carp. Rich in flavor and very filling.

1 head of a large carp;
1 large carp tail;
3-4 pieces of carp carcass;
2.5 liters of water or broth;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
3-4 potatoes;
1 parsley root;
salt, pepper, bay leaf, peppercorns, herbs to taste.

Unpeeled onion, parsley root, bay leaf, peppercorns, head with gills removed, tail and pieces of carp carcass put in a saucepan, pour water or broth, bring to a boil. Be sure to remove the foam, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for about 15 minutes, after which we remove the pan from the heat, filter the broth, throw away everything that was in it, except for the fish. We divide the last one into parts, disassemble the head and leave only the necessary, put everything in the pan. Add potatoes cut into small cubes and carrots cut into cubes. Bring to a boil again, reduce the heat to a minimum, salt, pepper to taste and cook until the vegetables are ready. At the end, add greens.

Ear in Finnish

The Scandinavian peoples are not in vain considered experts in the preparation of fish dishes - for centuries, the developed culture of fishing, of course, left its mark on the cuisine, giving the local population hundreds of recipes from salmon, trout and other delicacies that are found in abundance in coastal waters. Try Finnish fish soup - you'll be surprised how great a regular fish soup can turn out!

500 g trout;
2 tbsp. l. butter;
1.5 liters of water or pre-cooked broth;
3-4 large potatoes;
250 ml low-fat cream;
bunch of parsley;
1 carrot;
2 onions;
2-3 bay leaves;
salt, pepper to taste.

Wash the fish, remove the bones, clean the scales, do not remove the skin. Cut into fairly large pieces, put in a single layer a pan in which you previously melted the butter.
Cut the peeled carrots into circles, sprinkle over the fish.
If you have nothing against onions in the first courses, peel it, cut it into the smallest possible cubes, put it on carrots. If for some reason you do not add chopped onions to soups, cut the heads in half and put them in the pan in this form - after the ear is ready, just remove the onion: it will have time to give the broth its flavor, but will not spoil the appearance of the soup .
Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes, lay out the next layer after carrots or onions.
Add salt, pepper, bay leaf, pour in the broth and, without stirring, cook until the vegetables are ready - about 15 minutes. Turn off the heat, pour the cream into the pan, add the chopped parsley and let it brew for 10 minutes under the lid, after which you can serve Finnish fish soup.

How to cook an ear in a slow cooker

The modern pace and speed of life is gradually approaching infinity. No one has time for anything, everyone is in a hurry, flying and rushing, saving time on everything that can be saved on. Family nutrition often comes under attack - it is for this reason that many housewives switch to preparing breakfasts, lunches and dinners in a slow cooker. By the way, fish soup can also be cooked in a miracle pot!

500 g soup fish set (ridges, tails, heads, bellies, ugly fillet pieces);
1/3 head of celery root;
1 bell pepper;
3-4 potatoes;
2 carrots;
1 onion;
2 tbsp. l. rice
salt, herbs, allspice and black pepper, bay leaf to taste.

Soup set (washed, peeled, without gills), unpeeled and cut in half onion, one whole carrot, one carrot sliced ​​​​in circles, celery, bell pepper without stalk and seeds, diced potatoes, rice, spices and salt put in a multicooker bowl, add about 1.5 liters of water (this fish soup will turn out rich and quite thick; if you prefer liquid soups, increase the amount of liquid, in addition, you can cook fish soup without cereals). We close the lid of the multicooker, set the “quenching” program. After the readiness signal, we take out the whole carrot, bell pepper, celery, bay leaf - throw it away. We take out the fish, separate it from the bones, return the pieces cleaned from the bones to the bowl. Pour finely chopped greens, pour into plates and serve. If desired, you can add a spoonful of heavy cream or sour cream to the ear.

How to cook an ear on a fire

Of course, most often we cook fish soup at home - on the stove or in a slow cooker. However, you will agree that this dish is the most delicious after cooking on a fire - with the smell of smoke, pine needles that accidentally fell into the pot, with a fish caught an hour ago with your own hands. In nature, to the unobtrusive music of a fire and the singing of forest birds, with good company and excellent mood.

1.5 kg of fresh fish;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
parsley root, parsnip;
3-4 potatoes;
salt, allspice and black pepper to taste, bay leaf, a bunch of herbs.

Having installed a pot over the fire, pour 2 liters of water into it, wait for it to boil. Pour in diced potatoes, sliced ​​carrots, a whole onion (can be unpeeled, cut in half not completely), parsnip root and parsley, cook for 15 minutes.
Clean the fish, cut it into pieces, put the heads and tails in a pot, cook for another 10-15 minutes, then remove them, cool, separate from the bones, return the meat to the pot, put the remaining large pieces of fish with it. Add allspice, bay leaf, remove parsley root and parsnip, discard onion. Finely chop the greens, pour into a pot, remove from heat and pour into plates.

10 secrets of delicious fish soup

  1. The basis of all first courses is the broth: the more successful it is, the tastier the soup will be. Ukha is no exception: if you want to get a royal treat, you should make sure that the boiled broth is rich. Traditionally, it is cooked on cheap small fish, which always falls for the bait along with the real catch - crucians, ruffs, whitefish, perches, roach, small pike perch and any other small things caught or bought are suitable. The more types of fish you put in the pan, the more interesting the result will be. In addition, do not forget to add aromatic herbs and roots to the pan - celery, parsley, parsnips, bay leaves, allspice, dill, tarragon and everything else that you find can be safely thrown into the broth.
  1. If you add freshly caught small river fish to the soup broth, you don’t need to gut it and peel off the scales, you just need to remove the gills.
  1. If suddenly your broth “bucks up” and becomes cloudy, it can be clarified by adding liquid egg white - when curdling, it will “take away” with it what spoiled the appearance of the soup.
  1. A couple of onions added to the pan in an unpeeled form, fish peel (which is often removed by everyone), carrots can improve the color of the broth.
  1. When choosing fish for broth, give preference to fatty varieties - carp, salmon, pike perch, carp, pike. Do not even look at herring fish, minnows, roach, ram - they are in no way suitable for broth.
  1. The secret to a successful fish soup is not to bring the soup to a boil. Optimally - slow languishing under an open lid, it is in this version that you will get the most delicious, solid, rich fish soup.
  1. So that the ear does not turn into porridge, try not to stir it - rich fish soups are cooked without interfering in the process without unnecessary necessity.
  1. If you cook your fish soup outdoors, at the very end, try lowering a smoldering firebrand from the fire directly into the soup pot for a few seconds - it will bring elusive notes into your ear, giving your dinner absolutely amazing aromas.
  1. Any connoisseur of this dish will always add a glass of vodka to the “correct” ear - the alcohol evaporates, and the soup acquires an interesting spicy note.
  1. Fish soup is traditionally salted at the very end. It is believed that otherwise salt "pulls" aromas and flavors from the soup, which will simply evaporate or dissolve during further cooking.
