
Carrot is another name in Korean. carrot-cha

Korean carrots can be made in many ways, there are many cooking recipes. They differ in the composition of spices, the proportions of ingredients, the way the oil is processed. If you wish, you can try different recipes and choose the best one for yourself, because everyone has different tastes. In this article I will write a Korean carrot recipe at home that my family likes the most.

By the way, the amount of spices and vinegar can be changed to your liking. Taste the finished salad and add the ingredient you are missing. It's always better to put in less first, and then bring it to taste.

This is interesting! In Korea, there is no such salad, which we call Korean carrot. This recipe was invented in the USSR. In the markets, Koreans sold such carrots, which is why it got its name. It is believed that coriander must be put in Korean carrots. In store options, the composition always contains monosodium glutamate (flavor enhancer). It is considered unhealthy.

Carrots in Korean, as in the store.

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • carrots - 1 kg
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • paprika - 1 tsp
  • ground hot red pepper - 1/3 tsp
  • coriander - 2 tsp
  • sugar - 1.5 - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp.
  • refined vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • vinegar 70% - 0.5 tbsp. (or 3.5 tablespoons 9%)

How to cook successful Korean carrots.

1. It is better to take thick carrots for this salad, so it will be more convenient to rub it. You need to grate for Korean carrots. If you do not have such a grater, buy it. They are sold in all kitchenware stores. If done on a regular coarse grater, the taste of the salad will turn out different and the appearance will not be so presentable.

You can go a more complicated way: cut the carrots into slices with a vegetable peeler, and then cut these slices into thin strips with a knife. Grate the carrots into a large bowl for easy mixing.

2. When all the carrots are grated, put sugar and salt into it. Sugar first put 1.5 tablespoons, it is better to add later if necessary. Different carrots have different sweetness, so the amount of sugar in each individual case may vary. And salt the carrots.

3. With your hands, very gently, without kneading, mix the carrots with sugar and salt. Do it in such a way as if you were pouring carrots. If you crush the carrot, it will not be juicy. Stir until the salt and sugar dissolve, that is, their crystals will not be visible on the carrot.

4. It is better to take coriander in grains and grind it yourself in a mortar or coffee grinder. In this case, you will get a completely different flavor, much richer than that of ready-made ground coriander. Try grinding spices yourself and you will see a huge difference with ground spice bags.

So, grind the coriander in a mortar. Sprinkle them over carrots, and sprinkle them with paprika and hot peppers. Hot peppers should be taken to your liking, depending on how hot the carrots you want to get.

Gently toss the carrots with the spices until they are uniform in color.

5. Grate the garlic on a fine grater and put it in the salad too. Stir. While stirring, do not crush the carrots so that the juice remains inside.

1. Add spices, mix. 2. Add garlic, mix.

6. Now the carrots need to be seasoned with oil and vinegar. To mix well, pour vegetable oil into a tablespoon. Pour a little acetic acid (70%) into the same oil. And pour the resulting dressing on the orange root crop. Stir a little and pour in the rest of the oil. Spread the oil over the entire salad, you can toss the carrots a little.

7. Salad according to this recipe can be eaten immediately. After it has been sprinkled well with spices, it will already be delicious. Pour every time you need to carefully so that the carrots well absorb all the tastes and aromas.

If you want an even richer taste, put the carrot in a jar, cover and let it stand in the refrigerator for several hours. During this time, this Korean salad marinates very well and it will be very difficult to resist it.

In the process of cooking, you can add a little soy sauce to Korean carrots. Get a new flavor.

Another way to cook Korean carrots.

I will not now describe in detail the same thing that was written above. Carrots also need to be grated. But in this version, spices and oil are not added alternately, carrots are not poured several times.

It is known that all spices reveal their aroma in vegetable oil, especially in hot oil. Therefore, first the carrot is mixed with sugar and salt (as in the previous version). Next, spices are poured onto the carrots: pepper, coriander, paprika, garlic. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and pour hot spice oil over it. Then mix everything and add vinegar.

Place this carrot in the refrigerator to marinate for at least 2 hours.

This option for cooking Korean carrots is also quite popular. Try both of these options and choose the best one for you!

Write in the comments how you cook carrots in Korean. And visit my blog more often, there are a lot of interesting things here!

Carrots are a tasty and healthy vegetable. It is the main component of a wide variety of dishes: soups, side dishes, gravies and sauces, casseroles and salads. One of the most popular in our country is the Korean Carrot appetizer. She fell in love with consumers for her spicy taste and pleasant aroma. We will talk more about this dish in this article. You will learn the history of the origin of lettuce, recipes for its preparation at home. Let's not ignore in Korean, its energy value, which will be very useful for those who care about their health and watch their figure. We hope that this article will inspire you to cook with a healthy orange vegetable.

Historical facts

Before we tell you how to cook at home, let me introduce you to the history of this snack. Its "progenitor" is the "Kimchi" salad, which was prepared in restaurants. Besides carrots, Beijing cabbage was an obligatory ingredient in it. But since this vegetable was not grown in the Soviet Union, the culinary specialists of our country simply excluded it from the recipe. Thus, a completely new and very tasty salad was invented.

Today, this dish can be purchased ready-made in almost any store, and in the market too. And you can buy separately seasoning for preparing this snack, and conjure with the ingredients in the kitchen. It contains all the necessary components in a ground form. But many hostesses prefer to cook carrots (the so-called salad in Central Asia) from natural products and spices. Today we will look at a couple of recipes for this spicy snack, but first we will discuss the benefits and

Nutritional and energy value

The calorie content of Korean carrots is 112.6 kcal per 100 grams. proteins - 4%, fats - 66%, carbohydrates - 32%.

This dish can be safely called supervitaminized. It contains a huge amount of useful trace elements: starch, ash, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids. In addition, there are vitamins of groups PP, H (biotin), E, ​​C, B9 (folic acid), A, B2 (riboflavin). The minerals that make up the dish are almost the entire Mendeleev system: iron, nickel, aluminum, lithium, boron, chromium, manganese, cobalt, copper, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and others.

Benefits for the body

Carrots in Korean (homemade), or rather, its use, help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, increasing the secretion of gastric juice and increasing appetite. The fiber contained in the orange vegetable helps fight obesity and normalizes metabolism. Vitamins B and C help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Carrots are very rich in carotene. Once in the body, it turns into vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the skin, nails and hair. The use of carotene is necessary to maintain good vision. In addition, carrots should be taken during viral and infectious diseases as a means of strengthening the immune system.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude: hostesses who care about the health of their households just need to learn how to cook a vitamin carrot dish. In addition, it is not only healthy, but also tasty. So, how to cook Korean carrots at home? We offer a couple of simple recipes.

Method number 1 (classic)

The calorie content of carrots in Korean is small (you yourself saw this after studying the information in the previous part of the article), so you can safely eat it even for those who care about a slim figure. To prepare a spicy snack, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kilograms of fresh carrots;
  • 100 g of onions;
  • 100 g of refined sunflower oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 tsp. ground black and red pepper;
  • 1 tsp ground coriander;
  • 3 art. l. vinegar (6%);
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

Grind carrots on a special grater. Pour it into a deep container, salt and lightly knead with your hands. Leave the workpiece for half an hour so that the vegetable starts up the juice. Onion cut into pieces and fry in oil. Drain liquid from carrots. Squeeze garlic, sugar, pepper, vinegar and coriander into a container. Pour all the products with oil from the pan, while the overcooked onion itself does not need to be put in the salad. Stir the dish and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. If necessary, the snack can be salted. Serve chilled salad with meat, fish or vegetable dishes.

Method number 2 (holiday)

Korean-style carrots with asparagus are incredibly tasty and healthy. The interesting taste of the salad will surely appeal to everyone who tries it for the first time. To prepare it, you need the following products:

Boil the asparagus in salted water, strain and cool. We clean the raw carrots and rub them into strips. Sprinkle it with sugar and salt, knead with your hands. Drain the separated liquid. Pour a bag of seasoning onto the workpiece, squeeze the garlic here. Spray salad with vinegar. Finely chop the asparagus and mix with carrots. Chop the onion and fry in oil until golden brown. Pour hot liquid into salad. We mix the workpiece and leave to infuse for several hours. Despite the frying, the calorie content of Korean-style carrots prepared in this way is low, so use it without fear of ruining your figure. Bon appetit!

In fact: The Korean-style carrot dish was invented by ethnic Koreans in Central Asia.

Many believe that our popular dish - Korean carrots, or, as it is also called, Korean carrots, is the national dish of South Korea. However, the search for this dish in the menu of Korean restaurants will not be successful.

In truth, no one in South Korea has even heard of the existence of a spiced carrot dish. And once in Russia or Ukraine, the Koreans themselves are surprised to learn that this salad, completely unknown to them, is very popular in the post-Soviet space.

In fact, this dish has a very indirect relationship to Korea. It was invented by kore-saram - Soviet Koreans - in Central Asia. Until the first half of the 20th century, they lived in Primorye, and then were deported by Stalin to Central Asia. The Soviet leader feared that in the event of a war with the Japanese, they would go over to the side of the enemy. Here, the Koryo-Saram had to adapt the national cuisine to local conditions.

The traditional Korean meal consists of rice or barley, which is served with a variety of additional snacks - panchang. Usually it is soup, meat or fish, as well as several vegetable dishes. As a rule, they are prepared from pickled, boiled or fried vegetables with a lot of red pepper and other spices.

It was extremely difficult for Koreans in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to get or even grow the necessary vegetables (for example, bechu cabbage or white radish), so they had to replace these products. Carrots, ordinary cabbage and other "natives" were used. Over time, traditional Korean panchkhans evolved into the spicy salads we know.

In Korean cuisine, there are a lot of pickled vegetable dishes, and almost any of them could become the progenitor of Korean carrots. There is a lot of controversy about this. Some argue that Korean-style carrots are a variation of Korea's most popular dish, kimchi. For Koreans, kimchi is a part of their national identity, a taste of home, a cure for all diseases and a product without which they cannot imagine their lives. Kimchi is made from bechu cabbage (Chinese salad) that is sour in a very spicy sauce of mu radish, red pepper, salt, garlic, ginger, and additives (such as shrimp and mussels).

Others believe that Korean-style carrot kimchi has no common ingredient other than salt. In addition, the cooking method is completely different - carrots are marinated with vinegar, and kimchi is fermented, like our chefs - Ukrainian cabbage.

Most of all, Korean carrots are similar to the Korean dish of thinly sliced ​​pickled radishes. True, today there are so many options for its preparation, far from even the original recipe for kore-saram, that only the name remains of Korean cuisine.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carrot in Korean(Korean carrots, carrots) - Koryo-saram salad (Soviet Koreans) made from finely chopped carrots, garlic, sunflower oil and seasonings (for example, cilantro). It is the invention of Koryo-saram, having developed from traditional Korean cuisine. The creation of this dish was led by a shortage in the places of residence of the Koryo-saram of typical ingredients of kimchi and other panchkhans.

History of occurrence

Korean-style carrots originated from the traditional Korean dish kimchi (spiced cabbage). Since in the USSR it was difficult to get Beijing cabbage, which was necessary according to the recipe, they began to add carrots to the dish. Over time, carrots completely replaced cabbage, so only carrots with spices remained from the dish.


  • ground coriander (that is, ground seeds of the cilantro plant); sometimes replaced by sesame;
  • ground red pepper;
  • black pepper (may not be used);
  • cottonseed oil or, in its absence, other vegetable oil (corn, sunflower);
  • sugar (may not be used);
  • onions - used when calcining oil, not in the finished dish. (may not be used)

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An excerpt characterizing Carrots in Korean

- C "est bien, mais ne demenagez pas de chez le prince Basile. Il est bon d" avoir un ami comme le prince, she said, smiling at Prince Vasily. - J "en sais quelque chose. N" est ce pas? [That's good, but don't move away from Prince Vasily. It's good to have such a friend. I know something about it. Isn't it?] And you're still so young. You need advice. You are not angry with me that I use the rights of old women. - She fell silent, as women are always silent, waiting for something after they say about their years. - If you marry, then another matter. And she put them together in one look. Pierre did not look at Helen, and she at him. But she was still terribly close to him. He mumbled something and blushed.
Returning home, Pierre could not sleep for a long time, thinking about what had happened to him. What happened to him? Nothing. He only realized that the woman he knew as a child, about whom he absentmindedly said: “Yes, good,” when he was told that Helen was beautiful, he realized that this woman could belong to him.
“But she is stupid, I myself said she was stupid,” he thought. - There is something nasty in the feeling that she aroused in me, something forbidden. I was told that her brother Anatole was in love with her, and she was in love with him, that there was a whole story, and that Anatole was expelled from this. Her brother is Ippolit... Her father is Prince Vasily... This is not good, he thought; and at the same time as he was reasoning like this (these reasonings were still unfinished), he forced himself to smile and realized that another series of reasonings had surfaced because of the first ones, that at the same time he was thinking about her insignificance and dreaming about how she would be his wife, how she could love him, how she could be completely different, and how everything he thought and heard about her could be untrue. And he again saw her not as some kind of daughter of Prince Vasily, but saw her whole body, only covered with a gray dress. “But no, why didn’t this thought occur to me before?” And again he told himself that it was impossible; that something nasty, unnatural, as it seemed to him, dishonest would be in this marriage. He remembered her former words, looks, and the words and looks of those who had seen them together. He remembered the words and looks of Anna Pavlovna when she told him about the house, remembered thousands of such hints from Prince Vasily and others, and he was horrified that he had not bound himself in any way in the performance of such a thing, which, obviously, was not good. and which he must not do. But at the same time as he was expressing this decision to himself, from the other side of his soul her image surfaced with all its feminine beauty.

Carrot-cha. Salad with history (Carrot in Korean)

Calling this dish "Korean salad" is actually not correct. Well, they don't cook it in Korea. Neither in the South nor in the North. "We swam - we know."

"Carrot in Korean" comes from the Soviet Union. This dish is popular among “Koryo-saram” (Soviet Koreans), immigrants from North Korea who moved to Russia before the revolution, and deported under Stalin (as unreliable) to Central Asia from Primorye. As well as Sakhalin Koreans, exported by Japanese colonists as a labor force from South Korea to Karafuto Prefecture (the southern part of Sakhalin Island, owned by the Japanese from 1905 until the surrender of Japan in World War II in 1945). Some of the Japanese Koreans did not have time to return to their homeland and still live in Russia.


In traditional Korean cuisine, it is customary to marinate fresh meat or fish with radishes or radishes and vinegar, with the addition of hot spices. But since carrots were more accessible than radishes in the USSR, they gradually replaced the usual vegetable.

And since there was tension with fresh fish and even more so with fresh meat in the Soviet years, then gradually from the components of the salad heh ( or hwe) only one carrot left.

Among Russians, carrots prepared in this way have become very popular ever since Korean spice and salad vendors appeared on the markets. Remember those narrow plastic bags with all kinds of salads? Here on Sakhalin, the Koreans marinated surprisingly tasty, probably everything that grows and floats. Including burdock and carrot - beet tops.

Which of us did not then try to reproduce this salad at home, and admitted with chagrin that it was delicious, but not at all the same. Store bought is tastier.

In fact, there is no correct recipe for making salad. There are some rules and technological features. But in general - it all depends on individual tastes and your attachments. It's like pickling cabbage. No matter how closely you follow the recipe, you will still get your taste. And as when pickling cabbage, cooking carrot-chu you can choose the spices to your taste. Someone likes a very hot salad, while someone prefers a more delicate taste.

The main components of this salad are carrots, sugar, salt, vinegar, vegetable oil and red hot peppers. Moreover, Koreans use coarse peppers.

In no case do not rub carrots on a regular grater. For cutting carrots, a special device is used. If you do not have it, you will have to be patient and cut the carrots into thin strips in length with an ordinary knife.

After the carrots are cut according to all the rules, salt, granulated sugar and vinegar are added. These are the components of the marinade - it is these products that allow the salad to be stored for a long time, and give the main taste.

Stir, rubbing the carrots with the marinade a little with your hands. The main thing at the same time is not to grind the vegetables themselves into porridge - your task is only to evenly distribute the marinade. Set the salad aside for 10-15 minutes - during this time, the carrots should give juice.

Then it's time for the spices. The main seasoning is red hot pepper. Add it very carefully.

In addition to pepper, based on your taste preferences, you can add a few coriander seeds (although this seasoning is not typical of Korean cuisine). But it is best to fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan until light brown. Or add a few drops of sesame oil.

Then mix the salad well again - stir the spices. Lastly, add oil. It is customary to heat salad oil to a high temperature, but not to a boil. Pour the oil into a dry frying pan, heat well and immediately pour into the salad.


If you are going to add chopped garlic to the salad, then do it at the very end, after the oil in the salad has cooled. Otherwise, your garlic will turn bright green and ruin the whole look. carrot-chi .
