
How to properly set a buffet table at home. Homemade chicken sausage

You are faced with the task of organizing a buffet table, and you do not know what to cook for a buffet table? You are welcome to the thematic section of the site with ideas and delicious recipes for the buffet table. For you, I have collected original, tasty and affordable recipes for the buffet table, so that you can prepare snacks for the buffet table on a special occasion.

All presented buffet snacks on the site are accompanied by step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the preparation of the recipe. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you are preparing a buffet table for a wedding, a buffet table at work, or a buffet table for a birthday - the buffet menu (recipes with photos) from the Home Restaurant website will definitely come in handy for you.

Look through the buffet snacks on the festive table (recipes with photos) and you will understand that you can cook buffet dishes at home without much hassle. Thanks to the recipes presented on the site, you can create a menu for the buffet table, and the dishes for the buffet table (recipes with photos) listed on the site will help you make the right choice.

Hearty, tasty and very beautiful - it's all about a wonderful snack: profiteroles with liver pate, cheese and cucumber. By itself, the liver pate also has the right to claim to be served on the festive table, but the hostesses know: it ...

Profiteroles stuffed with savory filling are a great option for buffets and festive feasts. Such an appetizer looks bright and unusual, and it turns out, as a rule, hearty and tasty. So if you want to surprise your guests, then by all means prepare snack profiteroles with stuffing ...

Appetizing and incredibly tasty canned tuna salad baskets are prepared in minutes. Therefore, this appetizer is suitable for both special occasions and unexpected guests. As a base, you can use shortcrust pastry tartlets, cheese or waffle baskets. …

Sandwiches with pieces of herring and melted cheese are a surprisingly simple and tasty snack in a hurry. It can be prepared both as a snack and for unexpected guests. Ready snack can be served on mugs of boiled potatoes, slices of fresh bread or ...

On the eve of the New Year, I hasten to please you with a new tasty and original recipe that will surely make your guests smile. We will prepare a delicious snack in tartlets in the form of cute pigs, as the next 2019 will be the year of the pig. The result is an appetizer…

Simple sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumber are perfect as an appetizer before the main course. They can be prepared in a hurry when the guests descended, and even a hearty snack. Favorite and familiar to many since childhood, the appetizer looks very elegant and appetizing, …

Today we will prepare beautiful sandwiches with red fish for the festive table. Such an original appetizer will delight your loved ones and guests not only with its amazing taste, but also with a beautiful design in the form of ladybugs. Preparing a beautiful appetizer for the festive table To prepare festive …

The older generation remembers well how difficult it was to get a jar of sprats. It is no coincidence that sandwiches with sprats were then considered a festive snack. A lot has changed since then. Now sprats can be bought at any grocery store. But sandwiches with this fragrant fish are still ...

Not a single festive or buffet table is complete without serving sandwiches. Today we will prepare sandwiches with sprats and eggs, they always turn out delicious, satisfying and beautiful. Crispy rye bread croutons smeared with mayonnaise and garlic, slices of fresh vegetables and fragrant …

If you once celebrated a birthday at work, you know how difficult it is. It is necessary to come up with, cook, cut, and still have strength for beauty, receiving gifts, listening to toasts and cleaning up after without a sorceress godmother. And no one canceled work duties.

How to make you want to celebrate this holiday every day, and not rest 2 weeks after? Secrets - the right organization and thoughtful menu!

In this article: birthday menu, ready-made and proven recipes, menu rules, shopping list. Bookmark this article, print (or rewrite your shopping list) and start making it easy, delicious and fun!

Rules for compiling a menu for a birthday:

1) Each organization has its own tradition of celebrating a birthday. Usually, there is an unwritten law: the smaller the person in the team, the more expectations from the hero of the occasion. If the participants of the holiday are 5-6 people, then there can be several salads, hot dishes, snacks, a cake on the table; if 10-12, then the table can consist of sausage and cheese cuts, fruits, vegetables and sweets, team members of more than 15 people celebrate with sweets. However, there can always be exceptions. We will present an option for each table.

2) Dishes that will be on the table should:

  • be prepared in advance
  • prepare a minimum amount of time;
  • easy to pack and be transportable.

3) It is important to think over all the necessary little things (napkins, disposable tableware, corkscrew, knives, board). On the table, it will be especially beautiful not the usual disposable white plastic utensils, but colored paper utensils. If finances allow, you can purchase 1-2 sets of inexpensive glasses. It is budgetary, but it looks completely different than disposable tableware, and colleagues will say “thank you” more than once.

4) The number and types of drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) should be determined taking into account the tastes and capabilities of all those participating in the celebration.

5) Purchase List to be drawn up and implemented no later than 2 days before the birthday.

Considering all of the above, we propose an option


from quick, tasty and proven recipes for 5-6 people:

Active cooking time each recipe takes 10-15 min t, cake preparation-35 minutes. Total time active preparation of a birthday menu in the office of 5 courses: 2 hours.

The number of products indicated in the menu, calculated for a company of 4 people(except for the cake, it is designed for 8 people). If you plan that there will be more people at the birthday party, then simply multiply the number of products you need by 2, 3, 4 times.

In order for the holiday to be a joy, and you have time for everything, you need to observe


3 days before birthday:

Determine the number of people present at the celebration, the required number and types of drinks, necessary important little things. Add this information to your shopping list.

2 days before birthday:

1 day before birthday:

In the morning: take out of the refrigerator and put butter and eggs to warm up, pour cognac or vodka over cherries for

In the evening: boil squid and eggs, leave to cool.

Prepare all ingredients for salads (cut squids, wash cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, greens).

On the day of the holiday:

Cake and main course are ready. It remains only to prepare salads, cut snacks, vegetables, fruits, stuff eggs. It is convenient to use the help of colleagues, usually they respond with pleasure to a request for support in such a situation.


Vegetables, fruits, herbs

Lettuce leaves - 400 gr.
Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
Sweet pepper - 3 pcs. (It is better to take peppers of different colors)
Onion in feathers -1 bunch + 1 pc.
Dill -2 bunches + 3 sprigs
Parsley -2 bunches + 3 sprigs
Garlic - 5 cloves
Cherry - 200 gr. (you can use frozen)

Nuts, seeds, dried fruits

Walnuts - 50 gr.

Meat, fish, eggs

Eggs - 15 pcs.
Squids - 900 g
Red caviar - for decoration


Cheese - 150 gr.
Milk - 2 tablespoons
Cottage cheese - 100 g.
Butter - 300 gr.
Sour cream - 200 gr.
Condensed milk - 0.3 cans

Grocery and others

Cocoa powder - 7 tbsp
Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
Olive oil - 5 tbsp.
Yeast puff pastry - 1 pack (500 g). There should be 2 layers in the package of dough.
Mayonnaise - 150 gr.
Mushrooms - 300 g frozen porcini. If there are no forest mushrooms, then you can replace with champignons.
Sugar - 255 gr.
Cognac or vodka - 100 gr.
Soda - 1/2 tsp

Spices and seasonings

Vinegar - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste
Black pepper - to taste


Alcoholic drinks
Carbonated drinks

Important little things:

Kitchen towels
Disposable plates

Disposable forks and spoons
Cutting board


from snacks and fruits and vegetables for 9-12 people :

The format of such a table for employees involves a large number of snacks, cheese and ham and sausage slices and for sweets:. This menu option is simpler than the previous one, but it involves more effort to decorate the festive table.


3 days before birthday:

Determine the exact number of those present at the celebration, the required number and types of drinks, and the necessary important little things. Add information to the shopping list.

2 days before birthday:

Buy groceries, drinks, important little things according to the shopping list, the basis for which is given below.

1 day before birthday:

On the day of the holiday:

1 hour before the start of the holiday, asking colleagues for help, cut cheese and sausage, fruits, vegetables, put olives and / or olives, mushrooms, decorate with herbs.


(for 12 people)

Main snacks:

Bread (2-3 varieties): white, Borodino, etc. - 2 loaves of Borodino, 2 loaves of white bread.

Sausage cuts (sausage, ham and other smoked meats) - 1.2 kg

Cheese 2-3 varieties. -1.2 kg.

Olives, black olives - 3 cans

Pickles, Korean salads -1.5 kg.

Pickled mushrooms-600 gr.

Greens: 2-3 bunches

Fruits (apples, kiwi, bananas, oranges) -2.5 kg.

Vegetables (tomatoes in the winter season can be replaced with cherry tomatoes, cucumbers) -1.5 kg.

For the cake:

Oranges - 3 pcs.
Bananas - 2 pcs.
Muesli - 1 glass
Corn flakes - 1 cup
White chocolate - 250 gr.
Kefir - 500 gr.
Fatty cream - 200 ml. (fat content not less than 33%, otherwise they will not whip)
Gelatin - 40 gr.
Sugar - 250 gr.


Alcoholic drinks
Carbonated drinks

Important little things:

Kitchen towels
Disposable plates
Disposable cups (or goblets)
Disposable forks and spoons
Cutting board


Sweet table for 15 people

If you decide to celebrate your birthday at work with a sweet table, then there is also something to surprise your colleagues with. You can cook (in fact, these are 4 pies with the same dough, but different contents), the cooking technology allows you to do it quickly, different fillings will please any taste.


3 days before birthday:

Determine the amount and types of drinks (if necessary), important little things. Add information to the shopping list.

2 days before birthday:

Buy food for the cake, drinks, important little things according to the shopping list.

1 day before birthday:

On the day of the holiday:

Cut pies, announce the beginning of the holiday :)


For the French king pie:

Puff pastry - 2 kg
Chicken egg - 7 pcs
Brown sugar - 350 g
Butter - 245 g
Egg yolk (for lubrication) - 2 pcs
Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
Pistachios (unsalted, ground) - 100 g
Pineapple (fresh) - 60 g
Coconut shavings - 60 g
Almonds (ground) - 250 g
Raspberries (frozen) - 125 g
Black currant (frozen) - 125 g
Milk (for lubrication) - 4 tbsp. l.


Alcoholic drinks
Carbonated drinks

Important little things:

Disposable plates
Disposable cups (or goblets)
Disposable forks
Cutting board

Happy birthday!

P.S. If you need to prepare a birthday at home, then the principle of organizing a holiday will be different. You can learn how to celebrate a birthday without sacrifice.

The buffet menu at work always includes a variety of snacks and salads - this is its basis, which is the easiest to prepare. What can you come up with in a hurry and at no extra cost? Of course, any meat, cheese and fish cuts, decorated in an unusual way, or salads in tartlets or wide chips. We must not forget about sandwiches, which have a huge number of varieties.

The main snacks at any buffet table are sandwiches of all stripes: they can be both light and familiar options with cheese and sausage additions, as well as more multi-layered and unusual flavor combinations. In addition, it is not always necessary to use bread as a base: why not replace it with other flour or starch products: crackers, chips, crispbread? And on the surface there may be not just plastic bacon, but a whole small salad.

  • Do you want originality? The basis of the sandwich will be chips (large and wide, such as Lays), and they will be complemented by a mixture of grated soft cheese, herbs, mayonnaise, ham and olives.

  • Need something very satisfying? Take rye bread with sesame topping, put bacon folded in four on it, place lettuce and parsley between layers, put half a cherry tomato on top.

  • Even easier? Dry the slices of a white loaf in the oven, put a layer of soft cheese, a slice of tomato, a chopped clove of garlic, a new layer of cheese on top, and sprinkle with chopped green onions. Put in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes so that the cheese floats a little.

  • Change the usual form? Mix curd cheese with greens and chopped pear, put it in a dense layer on pita bread, roll it into a roll and cut into slices 1-1.5 cm thick.

Chef's tip: even a simple creamy filling can be given a twist by squeezing it onto the surface of a sandwich from a pastry syringe through a carved mold.

Read also:

The simplest buffet snacks that can be whipped up from almost any product are, of course, canapes: this is a kind of subspecies of sandwiches, but in most cases they are made without bread. Canapes do not have a base as such - they are just small pieces of food strung on a skewer or even a toothpick. They are used as an aperitif for alcoholic beverages and do not satisfy the appetite at all. The only rule-recommendation when creating such a quick snack is tasty, attractive and not layered. What options can you come up with?

  • Take cubes of cheese as a basis (feta or feta cheese will be especially good, but hard cheese with large holes can also be used), fasten it with a skewer with bacon, prunes, half a cherry tomato or even dried cherries. Cheese is universal, and any product can become a “tandem member”. The most traditional union is cheese, olive and basil leaf.

  • More complex and satisfying canapes, almost like sandwiches: a piece of avocado, canned sprats, cherry tomatoes and quail eggs, with a small leaf of parsley. Or rolled salmon, capers, olives and a mint leaf.

  • If there are sweet teeth among the guests, you can make fruit canapes: from any pieces of fruits and berries, which will be complemented by lemon slices and nuts in a small bowl.

Do you want to organize a buffet table at work? This method of admission is very convenient, because at the same time you do not have to solve many organizational issues. At the buffet table, guests do not sit at tables, but move freely around the hall with small plates in their hands, which does not prevent them from feeling comfortable and communicating with each other.

Recipes for a buffet at work can be very different. Usually salads, appetizers and desserts are served. And traditionally served soups and main hot dishes are not offered at such receptions.

How to set a buffet table in the office?

We will tell you in more detail what is better to cook for a buffet table at work. You can offer your guests cold snacks: sandwiches, sandwiches, canapes, stuffed vegetables, tartlets, rolls and mini-rolls with various fillings, etc., and serve fruit and desserts at the end.

All meals should be in portions so that guests do not have to cut or separate dishes in an attempt to take a piece. It should be convenient for guests to put dishes for a buffet table, which is held in the office, on a plate and eat them with just a fork (after all, la fourchette means “fork” in French), knives are not served at such a table.

The buffet table, which is set at work, is not complete without meat and sausage cuts, cheese plates, as well as fruit platters. The cheese plateau looks very impressive: for this, several types of cheese are cut in different ways: hard cheese is cut into plates or triangles, and soft cheeses are cut into cubes. The ingredients are beautifully laid out on a plate and decorated with nuts and grapes.

Snacks can also be fastened with skewers to keep their shape better. Meat cubes, pieces of ham and cheese, miniature pickled mushrooms and gherkins, cheese with grapes, various seafood - mussels, shrimp, etc. are strung on skewers. You can serve separately the ingredients for making canapes and, in addition to them, skewers.

We offer a simple recipe for a buffet table at work - canape with salmon.

For 12 servings you will need:

  • bread 6 slices,
  • smoked salmon, sliced, 360 g,
  • butter 6 teaspoons,
  • green onion 6 feathers,
  • lemon 2 pcs.,
  • dill greens.

How to cook this dish:

  1. Cut out circles 5 mm thick from slices of loaf and grease them with butter.
  2. Green onions need to be scalded, cut into strips and laid on the surface of the circles.
  3. Slices of salmon should be cut into strips, put in the center of the circles in the form of a flower.
  4. Decorate the canape with lemon slices and dill sprigs.

Recipes for buffet meals at work

What can be prepared for an office buffet? We offer a recipe for another original and tasty dish for a buffet table in the office - canape with mushrooms and cheese.

For 8 servings:

  • loaf 1 pc.,
  • fresh or frozen mushrooms 90 g,
  • butter 85 g,
  • onion 1 large head,
  • spicy cheese chips 200 g,
  • cheese 50 g,
  • sweet peppers of different colors,
  • olives of different colors, pitted,
  • ground pepper,
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the crusts from the loaf, cut it lengthwise into wide slices 5 mm thick, cut out circles with a cookie cutter. Fry the slices for
    butter until crispy.
  2. Finely chop the mushrooms and onion. Fry onions in oil, add mushrooms and fry everything together for 15-20 minutes (the mass should turn out juicy). Salt, pepper and add crushed chips.
  3. Lubricate the bread circles with mushroom mass, decorate with chopped olives, pepper slices and sprinkle with grated cheese.

As already mentioned, stuffed dishes are often served at such receptions. For a buffet table at work, you can cook eggs stuffed with mushrooms.

For 6 servings you will need:

  • boiled eggs 12 pcs.,
  • pickled mushrooms 200 g,
  • mayonnaise 150 g,
  • chopped parsley 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • sugar 1 teaspoon,
  • salt.

How to cook this buffet dish:

  1. Cut the eggs in half and take out the yolk.
  2. Mix part of mayonnaise with sugar and salt. Finely chop the mushrooms, mix with mayonnaise and pounded yolks, setting aside two yolks for decoration.
  3. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs, put stuffed eggs on it. Pour with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated yolks.

Another recipe that can be used for a buffet table at work is cheese balls.

You will need:

  • cheese 200 g,
  • eggs 3 pcs.,
  • garlic 2-3 cloves,
  • wheat flour 1-2 tbsp. spoons,
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • salt.

It is easy to prepare a dish according to this buffet recipe:

  1. Grate the cheese, salt and pepper to taste, mix with eggs, crushed garlic and flour. You should have a fairly stiff dough, add more flour if needed.
  2. Roll the dough into balls and roll them in flour or breadcrumbs.
  3. Fry the balls until golden brown in a pan with plenty of oil.
  4. We shift the balls into a colander or on a paper towel to drain excess fat, and then put it on a dish and decorate.

Another idea for a buffet table in the office is serving dishes in tartlets. These small baskets of rich, unleavened, puff or shortbread dough can be prepared by yourself, or you can buy in stores. Unsweetened salads and pates, berry jam, custard, and fresh fruits are also suitable for filling.

Preparing the filling for cottage cheese tartlets with herbs is quite simple.

For 100 g of curd cheese (Feta, Almette), take 1 clove of crushed garlic, 1/2 cup of chopped dill. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency, put in tartlets, garnish with slices of sweet pepper (preferably different colors).

And in conclusion, we offer you perhaps the most popular recipe that is used for a buffet table at work - salmon tartlets.

You will need:

  • salmon cut,
  • butter,
  • cream cheese (possible with herbs),
  • sour cream.

This buffet dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Put a thin piece of butter on the bottom of the tartlet, then place the fish.
  2. Mix cream cheese with a small amount of sour cream until the consistency of thick mayonnaise.
  3. Using a pastry syringe, decorate the middle of the tartlets with a creamy mass.

What else, as a rule, is prepared for a buffet table in the office? You can offer guests small puff pastry or yeast dough pies with a variety of fillings, various fruits and portioned desserts. As you can see, there are many options for dishes for a buffet at work, and you can organize such a reception without any problems.

A buffet is when:

  • eat standing up
  • choose your own food
  • serve (mostly) themselves
  • the purpose of the meeting is communication, not food.

A very convenient form of holding a holiday, especially when there are many guests and little time for cooking. I'm such a holiday! Of course, this is not a barbecue holiday, when you can surprise guests with marvelously marinated meat or grilled vegetables, and this is not a banquet at which the assortment of salads is amazing. Of course not, but you can surprise and of course please with something tasty at the buffet table.

For an independent buffet reception, the hostess only needs an idea !!! Here are my ideas to share. Firstly: what snacks for a buffet table with a photo can be prepared, and secondly (as you view the photo) - you will find interesting ideas for decorating a buffet table.

So: snacks for a buffet table with a photo

The 1st type of appetizer is, of course, a canape for a buffet table . They are just related like twin brothers. The site has a large article in which it is laid out, the most diverse and most delicious.

Very convenient and very tasty various types of pies . On the one hand, this will bring Slavic originality to your holiday, and on the other hand, it will add variety. Pies can be made with a wide variety of fillings. As for my taste, the ideal size is small.

Mini buns with filling !!! Great idea for a buffet. This will be the fastest buffet at home. There are buns in any supermarket, but you can choose any filling. Can:

  • fry mini cutlets (as in the photo)
  • put ham and cheese in the middle
  • take out the crumbs of the bottom half of the buns and stuff them
  • spread with exotic butter (peanut, herring, etc.)

Another idea is to put any filling (even finely chopped lettuce) on the hats from the buns.

buffet sandwiches . This is the simplest, but the most easily decorated way of serving buffet tables. This is where versatility is important. It can be achieved through a large assortment of meat, ham and cheese. And it is possible due to various cutting and laying out methods.

The options on the right are:

bread + butter + ham

bread + butter + minced smoked meat

bread + cheese and mayonnaise pasta

bread + butter + red fish slices

bread + butter + mushroom caviar

bread + butter + grated cheese.

You can experiment a lot with butter. You can add herring, shrimp, assorted greens, garlic, salmon to it ... All this, of course, is added in grated form. And you have the most original butter to taste, on the simplest sandwiches.

Of course, you can try and prepare original snacks for a buffet table. For example - a sandwich "ladybug". Simple: bread + cherry tomatoes + olives + thin knife and craftsmanship. The dots on the backs are made from very small pieces of the same olives.

Lavash buffet recipes . This is just a versatile product! If you have not yet appreciated all the possibilities of thin Armenian lavash, hurry up. Absolutely all options can be wrapped in pita bread and cut into small pieces. here you can definitely fantasize ad infinitum. I have prepared several of these. All of them are posted on the site and all of them can be called -.

You can also use yeast pita bread. It is cut into pieces and a “pillow” is made from it for various fillings.

New Year's snack from yeast pita bread.

  • Lavash cut into small triangles
  • smeared with mayonnaise or cheese paste
  • sliced ​​cabbage leaves
  • lined with tomato slices
  • straw sticks (edible) are inserted into the wide part

Stuffed eggs and stuffed tomatoes . This is a classic of the genre, but always loved and always eaten. In summer, of course, you want more freshness and stuffed tomatoes - the bomb of your holiday.

Delicious buffet snacks are obtained from fresh sweet pepper . Classic Bulgarian filling: cheese, sour cream, garlic and greens. But you can dream up. Shrimp paste or boiled rice with greens, ham and mayonnaise will be just great.

Special attention! boiled rice will increase the amount of ANY filling and make it soft and tender.

It is impossible to make a menu for a buffet table and not include cuttings from fresh vegetables. Everything is simple here:

  • fresh vegetables are indispensable, especially if there is hot meat
  • the quantity depends on the preferences of your guests
  • vegetables should be very diverse (someone does not like sweet peppers)
  • it is important to decorate the buffet table beautifully.

Found some creative ideas for the vegetable part. Vegetable mix.

Vegetables are laid out in the form of a Christmas tree and served on a separate large plate along with the sauce. Of course, before serving, the cabbage must be lowered for 1 minute in boiling water.

You can also serve ham with cheese in a very original way. Of course, this design requires skill, but anything is possible. True, you need to remember that next to such a plate there should be a large plate with various slices of bread.

But the traditional set of fresh vegetables for the table is served in the form of a colorful rooster. What does it consist of:

  • cucumbers
  • sweet red pepper
  • sweet yellow pepper
  • lettuce
  • carrot
  • olives (for eyes)

Grilled corn ! It will be a spicy highlight of your holiday. It’s good not to put it on the table right away, but to serve it already during the buffet table. It will be unexpected and pleasant. Hot with sauce and salt, it will simply fly away from your table.

For grilling, it is better to choose the smallest and youngest. If you have a buffet at home, cook corn in foil in the oven. By the way, this is a very chic idea for a youth party. Kids today are popcorn lovers.

Skewers for buffet . You can alternate on sticks for kebabs all products that are combined to taste. And first of all, of course:

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • mozzarella cheese.

Financially, mozzarella is an expensive product. But the same small balls can be replaced with diced cheese or other white cheese. Although you can certainly use regular hard cheese.

And you can make kebabs and vegetables. It will be just a wonderful refreshing motif on your buffet table.

Portion buffet

And at the end, another interesting idea for a buffet table: small portioned plates. Takei mini-bowls are sold in the dishes section as sauce containers. But if you get creative with them, they're a great way to treat your guests to any meal that calls for (for example) a specific sauce.

Lettuce leaves are placed at the bottom, then pieces of meat (or sausages), and sauce on top.

Simple and tasteful!

One option for such portioning can be small plastic transparent cups. You can also make the fruit part of the buffet table in such cups.
