
Unusual children's cocktails. Banana milkshake in a blender

Cooking for Kids: Seven Summer Milkshake Recipes

The first day of summer gives us two reasons for joy at once - World Milk Day and International Children's Day. We offer to celebrate both holidays by preparing delicious milkshakes for children according to our recipes.

Banana in the arms of blueberries

Thick will decorate with itself any holiday. Especially if you pair a sweet velvety banana with tender blueberries with a light refreshing sourness. We combine in a blender bowl 250 g of washed and dried blueberries, 200 g of ice cream and 500 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5%. Here we cut 3 ripe bananas into circles. Beat the ingredients with a blender at medium speed for 1-2 minutes until they turn into a smooth mass. If your children are avid sweet tooth, add some powdered sugar or honey. Don't forget to garnish the glass of treats with mint leaves and blueberries.

Strawberries in curd clouds

In summer, there is nothing better than a hearty strawberry instead of your usual breakfast. To prepare it, lightly fry 50 g of oatmeal in a dry frying pan. Pour them into a blender, mix with 200 g of cottage cheese, 300 g of fresh strawberries and 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey. Pour this mixture with 600 ml of milk and beat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Pour the drink into glasses, decorate with whipped cream and decorate with whole strawberries. Feel free to add to any other berries. Such a bright mix for breakfast will invigorate your children and charge you with a summer mood for the whole day.

Gooey peanut bliss

It will become a successful impromptu. Cut into cubes 2 ripe bananas and supplement them with 4 tbsp. l. peanut butter. Interesting chocolate notes will add 2-3 tsp to the drink. cocoa powder. We spread this mass in a blender bowl, pour 500 ml of milk and beat at medium speed for a couple of minutes. Pour the cocktail into glasses, decorate with crushed unsalted peanuts and lightly sprinkle with cinnamon. Similar milkshakes for children in a blender can be made from any nuts. And if you take almond milk instead of ordinary milk, there will be no limit to the admiration of little gourmets.

A sip of chocolate chill

Chocolate is the number one treat for any child. Therefore, a milkshake recipe for children with his participation will fall in love instantly. We take a bar of pure milk chocolate. We leave about 20 g for decoration, break the rest into pieces, pour 100 ml of hot water and beat with a blender. When the mixture has cooled, pour in 600 ml of milk, put 200 g of chocolate ice cream and continue to beat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Grate the reserved chocolate and sprinkle over the drink. You will find other variations of chocolate milkshakes for children at home on the Eat at Home! website.

The charm of fruity exotic

Do you want to please not only children, but also yourself? Cook with pineapple. Just remember, the fruit must be fresh, not canned, otherwise the desired effect will not be. So, cut 300 g of pineapple pulp into cubes. We clean the slices of half a grapefruit from white films, also chop and combine with pineapple. Add here 150 g of fresh raspberries and fill everything with a mixture of 150 ml of soy and 150 ml of coconut milk. It remains to beat the components into a homogeneous mass. Pour the cocktail into glasses, sprinkle with coconut flakes and enjoy the sweetness of the tropics together with the children.

Peach swim in yogurt

Wonder how good! And most importantly, they are combined with any fruit. We take a couple of large fleshy peaches, cut them in half, remove the stones and chop the pulp into cubes along with the peel. In a blender bowl, mix 500 g of fresh strawberries, 120 g of natural yogurt without additives and 120 ml of milk. Whisk the ingredients until they turn into a homogeneous cocktail. Now pour the peaches into it and continue to beat for another minute. For children, you can pour in a little maple syrup - this will only benefit the cocktail.

Sugar cherry in the snow

Even if there were no fresh fruits and berries on hand, there is a milkshake recipe for children that will do quite well without them. Pour 100 ml of milk, 150 ml of kefir into the blender bowl, put 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese and beat the mixture at medium speed for a minute. Next, we introduce 40–50 g of pitted cherry jam and beat for a couple more minutes. This cocktail can be treated even to kids. For older children, replace fermented baked milk with creamy ice cream, and instead of cherry, take any other jam that they prefer. In any case, they will not be able to refuse such a tempting delicacy.

Be sure to save these recipes - you will need them more than once in the coming months. We look forward to hearing about your signature milkshakes in the comments. Spend the first day of summer with pleasure and health benefits!

Non-alcoholic cocktails are a real gift for every child. They will be appropriate for children's parties, and on a hot summer day. Such drinks are fraught with a lot of useful elements and a richness of taste. Their recipes include milk, fruits and berries, syrups and chocolate - in a word, those ingredients that a caring mother always has in the kitchen. You can cook goodies at home, you only need a blender, some free time and a good mood.

Milkshakes: Recipes

Milk is very beneficial for a growing body because it contains calcium. As part of all kinds of mixes, you can use not only it in its pure form, but also products based on it: kefir, cream and ice cream.

Classic recipe

The classic version of the drink, which is very popular with young sweet tooth, consists of a liter of milk and 250 g of vanilla ice cream. They are whipped in a blender until foamy. This is a very nutritious and tasty mix that delights children.

There are other equally interesting recipes for children:

Milk banana mix

Put in a blender one medium-sized banana, cut into circles, 100 g of ice cream, pour 300 ml of milk into it. Add some vanilla sugar and a couple of tablespoons of cocoa. Beat everything until smooth, serve in tall glasses, garnish with cinnamon and a slice of banana.

Strawberry mix for kids

Take 20 g of ice cream and mash it with a fork, add 50 ml of cool milk and 20 ml of strawberry syrup. Beat everything thoroughly with a blender, garnish with strawberries and whipped cream when serving.

berry miracle

Cocktails containing fresh berries and fruits can be given to children from one and a half years. Mix a glass of berries (strawberries, raspberries, cherries) with a cup of milk and two tablespoons of honey. Achieve uniformity, serve in tall glasses.

Vitamin cocktail recipes

Vitamins are simply necessary for a growing body, so in the summer it is imperative to replenish their reserves. There are interesting recipes for children that can be prepared based on fresh fruits and berries:

Orange-apple shake

Take 50 ml of apple and orange juice, 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, one spoon of honey and 50 ml of cream. Beat everything with a mixer or blender, serve chilled.

Explosive Vitamin Mix

Take a bunch of grapes, half a lemon, one kiwi, a tablespoon of honey and half a glass of filtered water. Beat everything thoroughly in a blender, garnish with fresh fruit on a skewer and a wide tube.


This drink is rich in vitamin A, which is perfectly absorbed by the body thanks to the right “accompaniment”. Grate 0.5 kg of carrots on a fine grater, combine with a liter of milk and 200 g of sugar. You can mix all the ingredients with a blender. It is recommended to drink this vitamin miracle through a thick tube.

Protein Shakes: Recipes

Such drinks contain egg white or low-fat cottage cheese, which can be very useful for children for weight gain and rapid growth.


Combine 250 g of cottage cheese and 150 ml of fermented baked milk, beat in a blender for half a minute. Then add 50 ml of milk and 50 g of jam and mix again. This drink is good even for the smallest sweet tooth.


Mix 50 g of cottage cheese, 150 ml of milk and one chopped medium-sized banana in a blender. A delicious and very healthy drink is ready!

Non-alcoholic cocktails are a favorite treat for children of all ages. They will be appropriate for the holiday, and on any weekday. Do not be afraid to connect your imagination: try new recipes that your beloved baby will definitely appreciate.

Milkshakes are liked by both adults and children. The drink can be prepared for the holidays and for daily use. It perfectly quenches thirst in the heat, replenishes the spent energy, gives vigor and restores strength. The presence of fruits, berries and milk will strengthen the immune system, cheer up and relieve stress.

Combine different ingredients and get new recipes every day. They diversify the diet of the baby and will not be able to get bored. In this case, the child will receive the necessary vitamins and elements. Let's learn how to make a milkshake at home.

Are there any benefits to milkshakes?

Milkshake is not only tasty, but also healthy. Milk is the basis of every drink. Kefir, fermented baked milk and other dairy or sour-milk products may also be present here. They strengthen and support the immune system, have a positive effect on the state of nerve cells.

Dairy products contain an increased amount of calcium, phosphorus and iron. In addition, the composition includes, which is especially necessary for children's organisms. It strengthens bones and muscle tissues, prevents the development of rickets and increases endurance.

Milkshakes for children are the best source of good mood, cheerfulness and energy. It restores strength, helps to cope with great physical and mental stress. The cocktail effectively relieves stress and fatigue.

From what age to give

A simple milkshake, which consists of two or three components, can be given to a baby after 1-1.5 years. Since milk causes severe allergies, it is forbidden for children at least up to a year. In the first cocktail, add fruits that do not cause an allergic reaction. These are bananas, pears, apples.

A suitable option for the first sample would be a banana smoothie, which includes only a banana and milk. Give a teaspoon of the drink a try and watch the children for signs of a food allergy or other adverse reaction. What to do with food allergies in infants, see.

A milkshake with ice cream, berries and fruits of bright colors, chocolate, honey and cocoa, it is better not to give children under three years old. These are strong allergens. In addition, modern chocolate and ice cream often contain dangerous preservatives, dyes, thickeners and other chemicals.

About 98% of ice creams contain over 205 sugars, palm oil and other vegetable oils. They make the dessert extremely fatty and sweet. Such a product adversely affects the work of digestion, the pancreas and the endocrine system, causes increased gas formation and pain in the stomach. It is difficult and takes a long time to digest, leading to excess weight and even obesity.

A similar chemical composition, as well as expired or spoiled products, lead to severe poisoning, fermentation processes in the body and intestinal infections. Therefore, use only high-quality, fresh and natural ingredients.

Do not give your baby cocktails too often, as a sweet and fatty drink can cause allergies and diathesis, provoke indigestion and stool disorders, and lead to caries. In addition, it is not recommended for individual intolerance to any components in the recipe, diabetes and overweight.

How to prepare a cocktail

To tasty and properly prepare a drink at home, use only cold milk with a fat content of 3.2%, preferably pasteurized, not sterilized. Such milk is healthier, but it is stored no longer than three days. If you are allergic to cow's milk, use natural yogurt, soy or low lactose, oatmeal or buckwheat or.

Do not take warm milk, as it is difficult to whip, it does not turn out thick and airy. Therefore, before cooking, we keep the drink in the refrigerator. When preparing a cocktail with ice cream, choose a natural ice cream or cream product with a GOST sign. Do not use popsicles as they contain a high amount of preservatives.

When preparing a cocktail, it is not recommended to take kiwi, orange, pineapple and other citrus fruits. The acid in these fruits destroys lactic ferments, which can cause increased flatulence and severe indigestion in the baby. Do not add nuts either, as they will clog the straw when crushed. You can decorate the cocktail with nuts on top.

If you add cocoa, it must be cooked separately, otherwise the powder will swell in cold milk, but will not completely dissolve. As a result, it will float up and become stuck in the straw. When using chocolate, the latter must be melted in advance, otherwise it will become hard in cold milk, and the cocktail will not work.

For milkshakes, it is more convenient and practical to use blenders with a bowl. Immerse the ingredients in the bowl and beat for one to three minutes. You can take a classic mixer, but it complicates the procedure due to the need for manual labor.

Make proportions depending on the desired consistency. The less milk and liquid base, the thicker the cocktail will be. Instead of fresh fruits and berries, you can make a drink with fruit or berry syrup or even jam. Next, we offer a variety of recipes that will tell you how to make children's cocktails.


  • Milk - 350 ml;
  • Cream - 200 ml;
  • Cocoa - 2 table. spoons;
  • Banana - 2 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - 2 table. spoons;
  • Sugar - 2 table. spoons.

Sweet chocolate cocktail will appeal to every child. This is a great drink or dessert for a holiday. It is suitable for children over three years old, whose diet already includes cocoa and cow's milk. To prepare cocoa, mix with sugar, pour cream and put on a small fire. Cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

As a result, you will get a mixture similar to melted chocolate. Peel and cut bananas, beat together with milk in a blender until smooth. Pour two or three chocolate mixtures into a blender and beat again. Pour the finished drink into glasses and pour the remaining mass of cocoa and cream on top.


  • Oatmeal - 50 grams;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Strawberries - 300 grams;
  • Honey - 1 table. spoon;
  • Milk - 0.6 l.

Lightly fry the flakes in a dry frying pan, mix with cottage cheese in a blender, add washed berries and honey. Pour the ingredients with milk and beat until smooth. The finished cocktail with strawberries garnishes with whole berries or whipped cream. The drink is suitable for babies over two years old. By the way, instead of strawberries, you can use raspberries, blueberries, blackberries or a berry mix.

pumpkin milkshake

  • Pumpkin - 120 grams;
  • Milk - 300 ml;
  • Cinnamon - 1⁄5 tsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tsp. spoons;
  • Vanilla - 1⁄2 tsp. spoons;
  • Whipped cream for decoration.

This is a vitamin and healthy cocktail, because pumpkin contains a lot of useful minerals and important nutrients. And due to the orange color of the vegetable, the drink turns out to be bright, rich and beautiful. By the way, this is a great solution for children who.

Boil pumpkin pulp separately until tender and beat until puree. Mix with in a blender with milk, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. Whisk thoroughly, pour into glasses and garnish with whipped cream. You can not add cinnamon during cooking, but sprinkle the finished drink on top.


  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Kefir - 150 ml;
  • Cottage cheese - 50 grams;
  • Cherry syrup or pitted jam - 50 grams.

We mix milk and kefir, put cottage cheese and beat the mixture. Add cherry jam or syrup and beat in a blender or mixer again. For older children, ice cream can be used instead of kefir.

with persimmon

  • Milk - 0.4 l;
  • Persimmon - 2 pcs.

This is a thick, tasty and extraordinary cocktail that will appeal to both children and adults. For cooking, choose a soft and ripe persimmon. We clean the skin from the persimmon, remove the seeds and the stalk. We pass the pulp through a blender, then pour in the milk and beat again.

with avocado

  • Milk - 0.4 l;
  • Honey - 2 tables. spoons;
  • Avocado - 1 pc.;
  • Ice to taste.

Choose a soft and ripe avocado, peel and cut. Beat the pulp in a blender, add honey, milk and some ice. Whisk again. after three years. However, in the absence of digestive problems and a predisposition to allergies, avocado puree can be given to a one-year-old baby to try.

Banana + blueberry

  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Blueberries - 50 grams;
  • Honey - 3 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 1.5 stack.

Banana milkshake is the most popular variant of this drink. Adding blueberries will help diversify recipes. To prepare the banana, peel and cut into circles. Rinse blueberries, you can also use frozen berries. Put all the ingredients in a mixer, pour milk and beat until smooth.

Cocktail cupcake

  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Vanilla ice cream - 200 grams;
  • Cupcake - 1 pc.;
  • Whipped cream and confiture to taste.

Milk, ice cream and cake are whipped in a blender until an airy homogeneous mass is obtained. Instead of a classic cupcake, you can take cookies (like Oreo), brownies or even the Italian dessert Tiramisu. Pour the finished mass into portions, add confiture and mix. Then add a layer of cream.

with pear

  • Milk - 200 ml;
  • Pear - 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice - 1 table. spoon;
  • Honey - 1 table. spoon;
  • Cinnamon - 1⁄2 tsp. spoons.

Children love everything bright and tasty! By the age of two, poor mothers no longer have enough imagination for the wishes of their beloved child. What else can surprise and please your child. Prepare him delicious, and most importantly healthy cocktails for children.

Varieties of children's cocktails

There are a lot of varieties of children's cocktails. Every mother has her own signature recipe that the baby likes. But still, they can be divided into 5 main types, which differ from each other in the main component.
1. Dairy (the basis is milk and its varieties: kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidokefir),
2. Berry (base - fresh or frozen berries with the addition of milk, syrup, juice or water),
3. Fruit (base - fruit),
4. Protein (base - raw egg whites)
5. Curd (base - cottage cheese)


The benefits of milkshakes cannot be overestimated. Milk and other products based on it contain a lot of calcium, trace elements and vitamins necessary for the health, growth and development of the child. If the baby refuses to drink milk, then a milkshake is the only way out of this situation. In addition, it perfectly quenches thirst, especially in hot weather.
The classic milkshake is made from chilled milk and ice cream. To improve its taste and give it a colorful, bright color, you can add a variety of berries, fruits, chocolate malt or jam to it.

In no case do not add kiwi, pineapple and orange to the milkshake. They destroy milk enzymes and can cause indigestion.

Berry and fruit cocktails

If your baby is tired of the berries and fruits that you stubbornly stuff him with, then make him a delicious and colorful children's cocktail based on them. This will add variety to the child's diet.
Berry and fruit cocktails for children are both dairy and non-dairy. They retain all the benefits of regular berries and fruits that you decide to use for their preparation. Moreover, you can make a cocktail from one type, or you can make an assortment, it will be even tastier and healthier.
You can prepare a berry cocktail for your child at any time of the year: in the summer you need to use fresh berries for the season for him, and in winter you can take frozen berries or jam. They can also be prepared year-round from fresh seasonal or canned fruits.
Juice, syrup, water, lemon and other ingredients are added to berry and fruit cocktails at the discretion of the mother and the taste preferences of the child.

Protein shakes

Protein shakes are very useful for children with low weight, lethargic and inactive in that they well compensate for the lack of protein in the body. It will invigorate the baby and charge him with energy for the whole day. But remember, such a cocktail is contraindicated for children under one year old due to a possible allergy to chicken protein.
To prepare the protein, it is necessary to beat with a mixer until a dense mass, and then add the components to taste: honey, berries and fruits, syrup or juice, chocolate chips.

Curd cocktails

Most children do not want to eat cottage cheese under any pretext. No need to force the baby, you just need to outwit him by preparing a curd cocktail. For it, you can use cottage cheese, curd mass and children's cottage cheese from the package.

Surprise your child, give him a good mood by preparing a delicious and healthy cocktail!

This section periodically publishes cocktail recipes for children.

Every mother should be able to prepare children's cocktails. A tasty and healthy drink will please the baby on a hot day, decorate his birthday or just give pleasure on a gloomy morning. From our article you will learn several recipes that you can then easily repeat at home.

vanilla milkshake

Does your baby not like milk or is he tired of seasonal berries and fruits? Then make a delicious drink with ice cream that even the pickiest kid can't refuse. The recipes that you will read below are prepared in just a few minutes. And if you complement the treat with toast or a traditional sandwich with butter or cheese, you will get a full breakfast or afternoon snack. So, for two servings of vanilla cocktail you will need the following products:

  • Medium fat milk - 400 ml.
  • Vanillin - to taste.
  • Ice cream - 30 grams.
  • Fruits or berries - optional.

How to make a baby cocktail from simple products:

  • Pour milk into a blender bowl, add vanilla and ice cream.
  • Beat products at low speed, gradually increasing speed.
  • If you decide to use fruits or berries, then add pieces of peeled fruits gradually.

Pour the finished drink into tall glasses and decorate it with bright straws. Your little one won't be able to resist the temptation to taste a beautiful and delicious cocktail and may even ask for a refill.

Yogurt drink

Cocktails for children should be not only tasty, but also healthy. Every mother knows this rule by heart. As you know, dairy products contain the protein necessary for the child's body, and bananas are a source of potassium and magnesium. Therefore, we recommend you a recipe for a bright drink made from yogurt, berries and fruits.


  • Natural yogurt - 500 grams.
  • Strawberries - 500 grams.
  • Banana - two pieces.
  • Lemon juice - one teaspoon.
  • Milk - 600 ml.
  • Sugar - to taste.

Like all children's cocktails, our drink is prepared quickly and simply:

  • Wash strawberries and remove leaves. Place the berries in the bowl of a food processor and pour over the yogurt.
  • Peel the bananas, cut into circles, and then send to the rest of the products.
  • Pour milk and lemon juice into a bowl. Add some sugar if desired.

Beat the ingredients for one minute, then pour them into glasses and decorate the sides of the dishes with whole berries. Serve chilled.

in a blender

Recipes for drinks made from vegetables are not often found on the children's menu. And this is a big mistake! Thanks to this cooking method, you can mask not too favorite, but very healthy products. Bright vitamin cocktails from broccoli, carrots, cauliflower or tomatoes will certainly attract the attention of the baby. He will be happy to try a drink decorated with a straw, an umbrella or whole vegetable slices. And we invite you to try a delicious home-made cocktail called "Vegetable Mix". For it you will need:

  • Cauliflower inflorescences - four pieces.
  • One carrot.
  • Two tomatoes.
  • Tabasco sauce - to taste.
  • Sweet pepper slices (for garnish)
  • Ground pepper and salt - to taste.

The recipe for a vegetable drink is very simple:

  • Peel and wash carrots. Squeeze juice out of it with a juicer. If you do not have this necessary device in the household, then use a grater.
  • Boil cauliflower in boiling water until tender.
  • Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and cut the flesh into pieces.
  • Transfer the prepared products to the blender bowl, pour carrot juice into them. Add a few drops of Tabasco, salt and pepper (adjust to your own taste).

Whisk the ingredients and then pour the finished cocktail. Garnish with sweet bell pepper slices before serving.

Banana cocktail

In kindergarten, kids are sometimes offered delicious ready-made drinks from well-known manufacturers. Children enjoy drinking sweets almost every day. In the evening, they ask their parents to buy the same drink for them at the nearest supermarket. If you doubt that the composition of the finished product is good enough, or you do not like that the child gets too much sugar along with the juice, then learn how to cook a delicious treat at home.


  • Two bananas.
  • 100 ml of milk.
  • A teaspoon of cocoa.

Children's cocktails are often served chilled to toddlers. But we will make an exception and prepare a warm drink that is not scary to offer a child even in winter. Recipe:

  • Boil the milk and then let it cool down a bit.
  • Peel bananas, mash with a fork or chop with a blender. Mix the resulting puree with cocoa.

Combine the fruit mixture with milk, beat it with a blender and offer a drink to the child.

tropical cocktail

This bright and tasty drink is ideal for a children's holiday. Its rich taste, pleasant aroma and attractive appearance will not go unnoticed. However, it is important to remember that cocktails for children should not be hazardous to health. Before preparing it, make sure that the kids are not allergic to the components included in its composition. So, this time we will need:

  • Kiwi is one thing.
  • Mango is one thing.
  • Pineapple juice - 200 ml.

Tropical cocktail recipe:

  • Peel the fruit from the peel, remove the stone from the mango.
  • Chop the flesh and transfer the pieces to a food processor.
  • Pour over and whisk the drink.

Pour the drink into small glasses and serve it to the kids right away.

Smoothie with oatmeal

From simple and inexpensive products, you can make an amazing treat for children and their parents. The cocktail recipes for kids that we have compiled for you in this article can be made for breakfast for the whole family. Kids will be happy to try a new drink that will satisfy not only thirst, but also hunger.


  • Two tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • One banana.
  • Two tangerines or one orange.
  • without additives - 150 grams.
  • Water - two or three tablespoons.

Healthy smoothie recipe:

  • Pour the flakes with boiling water and let them brew for five minutes.
  • Release the tangerines from the peel, seeds and films. Banana cut into rings.
  • Place fruit in a blender, add cereal and yogurt.

Beat the drink at medium speed for about five minutes, and then immediately offer it to the kids.

Smoothie "Charlotte"

Make a delicious treat for the kids for breakfast. The taste of apples and cinnamon will evoke the memory of a delicious pie prepared by the caring hands of a mother or grandmother. Children's cocktails perfectly saturate and energize kids for the whole day. For our drink you will need:

  • Three small apples.
  • One frozen banana.
  • 200 ml ryazhenka.
  • One spoonful of honey.
  • Whole grain oatmeal - two tablespoons.
  • Cinnamon - half a teaspoon.

Baby drink recipe:

  • Grind the hercules into small crumbs with a blender.
  • Bake peeled apples in the oven or microwave.
  • Put all prepared ingredients in a bowl, add fermented baked milk, honey and sliced ​​​​banana.

Mix the ingredients and pour the cocktail into glasses


We hope you find the cocktail recipes for kids that we have collected in this article useful. Surprise kids with new flavors and instill in them a love of healthy foods.
