
Juicy fish cutlets from pink salmon according to the recipe with a photo. Juicy pink salmon cutlets with herbs

Stuffing is a unique invention of mankind. It's hard to even imagine how many variety of dishes using minced meat. And most popular dish from minced meat - these are cutlets. However, it is worth chopped meat replace fish, you get a new dish.

Fish cakes are delicious dietary product. They are good served with rice, potatoes or pasta.

In the process of cooking cutlets, you can use a wide variety of spices. For example, ginger, garlic, oregano, etc. go well with fish.

Pollock fish cake recipe

  • starch
  • small zucchini or 150 g stale loaf
  • pepper
  • 5 tablespoons flour
  • 1 egg
  • bunch of dill
  • 700 pollock.
  1. Defrost pollock fillets.
  2. Soak a stale loaf in milk. If you have zucchini, then soaked bread can be omitted. In this case, you will need to peel the zucchini, remove all the seeds and grate it.
  3. Rinse and chop the dill.
  4. Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder or punch with a blender.
  5. Peel the onion and chop finely. If desired, you can skip it along with the fish through a meat grinder.
  6. After that, add grated zucchini or soaked bread to the minced meat. Salt, pepper, add chopped greens and beat in an egg. Knead homogeneous minced meat.
  7. From the resulting minced meat, form small cutlets. Then roll them in a mixture of flour and starch, and send them to the pan.

fry fish cakes on both sides in a small amount butter until crispy.

Pike fish cake recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • 500-700 g pike fillet
  • pepper
  • parsley
  • dill greens
  • oil (vegetable) - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • 3 tablespoons of crackers
  • half a lemon
  • a tablespoon of semolina
  • a glass of milk
  • 150 g wheat bread
  1. Soak bread in milk.
  2. Pass the fish through a meat grinder or punch with a blender.
  3. Add squeezed softened bread to minced meat, semolina, pepper and salt.
  4. Stir until smooth. Then shape the patties into round or oval shape. Roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in oil until cooked.

Serve hot pike fish cakes with mashed potatoes and fresh herbs.

Recipe for salmon fish cutlets

To prepare red fish cutlets, you will need:

  • 600 pink salmon
  • one egg
  • vegetable oil
  • seasoning for fish dishes
  • starch
  • breadcrumbs
  • mayonnaise
  • one bulb.
  1. Cut salmon fillet into very small pieces or scroll through a meat grinder.
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely. Add chopped onion, starch and a spoonful of mayonnaise to the fish.
  3. Salt, beat the egg, add seasoning and mix the minced meat until smooth.
  4. Put the minced meat in the refrigerator for half an hour. Form fish cakes from minced meat and roll them in flour.
  5. Heat a frying pan over high heat, add vegetable oil and fry the cutlets on each side until golden color.

canned fish cake recipe

To prepare meatballs canned fish you will need:

  • 1 can of canned food in oil
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 large onion
  • pepper
  • 5 st. spoons of semolina
  • 3 eggs.
  1. Put the canned food in a separate plate and mash with a fork.
  2. Whisk the eggs and finely chop the onion. Mix semolina and onion with eggs. Add salt, pepper, soda and canned food to the minced meat.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 15 minutes to swell the semolina.
  4. Then form cutlets from minced meat and fry them on both sides in vegetable oil.

Chopped fish cutlets

For cooking you will need:

  • cod fillet
  • 1 egg
  • vegetable oil
  • a tablespoon of mayonnaise
  • half a glass of milk
  • breadcrumbs
  • piece of loaf
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons chopped herbs
  • pepper
  • butter
  • onion
  • 1 egg.
  1. Rinse the cod fillet and finely chop with a knife.
  2. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter.
  3. Soak a slice of banana in milk.
  4. Combine in a deep bowl chopped fillet codfish, soaked loaf, fried onion.
  5. Salt, pepper and mix the minced meat. Then beat in the egg and add the mayonnaise. Stir again and put the minced meat in the refrigerator for 25 minutes.
  6. Form cod fish cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in oil.

Aug 27, 2013 LittleTOXA

Everyone in our family loves fish. Sons do not eat meat at all, so they have to somehow get out. Once again I bought pink salmon fillets. I bought 700 grams, after the fish thawed, 520 remained. I removed the bones and peel, it turned out that there weren’t enough fish. Then I decided to make meatballs. I share with you great recipe pink salmon cutlet.

For this I took:
Pink salmon ( loin) - 0.5 kg
Large onion - 1 pc.
Egg - 2 pcs.
Flour - ¾ cup
Milk - ½ cup
Salt, pepper, seasoning for fish - to taste
Sunflower oil refined for frying

Photo recipe for pink salmon cutlets

I cleaned the fillet of bones (although they should not be, but everyone knows that fish is not sausage) and removed the skin.
cut into small pieces. Get juicy chopped pink salmon cutlets.
I put it in a deep bowl, where it will be convenient to knead minced fish.
I peeled the onion and cut it as small as possible so that it was well fried in cutlets. Salted and peppered the salmon.
She broke the eggs, added to the chopped fish.
Well mixed.
I poured milk into the bowl with the ingredients (it gives a special softness to pink salmon). Instead of milk, you can take low-fat kefir or sour cream.
There is a special seasoning for fish, I added it for flavor.
Add flour, mix well. The consistency of the dough turned out a little softer than for ordinary meatballs.
Advice: If the dough spreads, then it is better to mix flour.
She poured vegetable oil into the pan, laid out the minced meat with a spoon and fried it on both sides.
In principle, the fish is fried quite quickly. Pink salmon cutlets turned out tasty, juicy, appetizing. I highly recommend trying!

I myself like to eat these cutlets with fish sauce or just with sour cream. For my men, I add a side dish of vegetables or rice. Bon appetit!

And for connoisseurs of fish dishes, I advise you to pay attention to.

Minced meat is made only from fresh pink salmon, stale fish with a smell is rejected immediately.

Defrost the fish in the refrigerator or in ice water.

To be sure of fully prepared dishes, cutlets after frying, it does not hurt to steam for several minutes under the lid. And lovers of gravy can be advised to stew in sour cream or in tomato paste diluted with water.

If you experiment with spices for fish, cutlets will have a new flavor every time.

Pink salmon goes well with seafood, any cereal, poultry meat, cheese, cottage cheese and herbs, so minced meat for cutlets does not have to be from a single ingredient, try to combine other products in it.

To make cutlets more juicy, scroll your favorite vegetables along with fish in a meat grinder.

Today, dear cooks, we will cook very delicious dinner using this recipe for pink salmon fish cakes. To do this, you can take a frozen fish carcass or already minced meat at your discretion. Certainly, The most delicious cutlets are made from freshly caught fish, but you can also cook a real one with frozen cooking masterpiece. These meatballs cook quickly and are very tender and tasty. You can serve them for lunch or dinner, as well as treat your guests with food.

Recipe for minced pink salmon cutlets

Kitchen appliances and utensils: frying pan, hob, cutting board, knife, deep bowl, meat grinder.

  • You you can use ready-made stuffing, in this case, pass the garlic through the garlic, and you can simply chop the onion finely. But the best minced meat there will be one you make yourself.
  • Instead of oatmeal you can use White bread in the same amount.
  • If desired, in minced meat you can add fresh herbs, for example dill. It is easy to combine with any kind of fish.

Step by step recipe

video recipe

Dear readers, I invite you to look very detailed video, in which the entire process of preparing pink salmon fish cakes according to this recipe with a photo is revealed step by step. You will see what the flakes will look like after swelling, how the minced meat will turn out and how the fully prepared dish will look like.

Feed options

  • This dish can be supplemented with any fresh salad.
  • Boiled rice, mashed potatoes or mushrooms will great side dish to pink salmon cutlets.
  • They can be served both hot and cold.

cooking options

  • No one will be able to refuse "cod in the oven" cooked according to this simple recipe. You will get an insanely tasty, low-calorie and healthy dish that guests will first of all sweep off the table, and households will ask for more.
  • But very interesting recipe cooking — cod in Polish —. Many of you have prepared such a product, but did not even know that its recipe came from Poland. This is a very high-quality dish, because the fish in it is boiled, without carcinogens, which is very useful for our stomach.
  • And using this recipe, you will get a very juicy - pink salmon in the oven -. Salad from fresh vegetables, mashed potatoes and baked pink salmon - what else do you need for happiness?
  • Probably, one of the first fish dishes is fish soup, so let's not break the traditions and be sure to use the recipe - pink salmon soup -. Of course, cook it in a cauldron for open fire it would be great, but when this is not possible, soup on the stove also makes a great, easy first course for the whole family.
  • I like to have frozen fish on hand because it's super easy and quick to prepare. So save from unexpected guests a very affordable recipe for every housewife - fried pollock—. This is very delicious fish which is easy to combine with absolutely any products.
  • And for more holiday table you can cook. Lightweight and hearty dinner provided for you and your guests.

Dear readers, today I have shared with you a very simple recipes delicious and healthy fish dishes. I hope I was able to be useful to you, and delicious, tender meatballs from pink salmon according to this recipe with a photo. If you have any comments or recommendations, write them in the comments, I will definitely take them into account. And now I wish you more delicious and healthy meals on the table and bon appetit!

Fish of the salmon family is one of the most useful seafood. It contains many polyunsaturated acids necessary for the body, beneficial trace elements, squirrel. small energy value of such products allows you to include them in the menu for people on a diet. Fasting people also often prefer these snacks. Pink salmon is one of the most affordable representatives of the salmon family. It is distinguished from other varieties of fish not only by its relatively low price, but also low calorie. But precisely because this product is no different high fat content, many housewives do not risk cooking pink salmon cutlets, believing that they will come out dry. Fear is unfounded: proper preparation This dish is tender and juicy.

Cooking features

Fish cutlets are prepared in approximately the same way. It is even easier to make them from pink salmon than from river fish: its meat contains less bones, is tender, juicy. Pink color meat makes pink salmon cutlets especially appetizing. Keep these items and unique taste characteristic of salmon. However, knowing several features of cooking pink salmon cutlets will facilitate the task and make the result predictable.

  • Fresh fish dishes are tastier, but frozen pink salmon or its fillets are more often sold. You can also buy a frozen product for cutlets. The main thing is to let it thaw in the refrigerator to avoid a sharp temperature drop.
  • On sale you can find both a whole pink salmon and finished fillet. If you don't have the skills primary processing fish, you should prefer the second option. If this task does not scare you, it is more profitable to take a whole fish. It will not be difficult to cut it into fillets at home, and with some luck, your work will be rewarded with a hefty portion of red caviar.
  • You can grind pink salmon fillet with a meat grinder, blender or manually. Using kitchen appliances cutlets will turn out more tender, especially if the minced meat is scrolled twice. If you chop the pink salmon fillet with a knife, the cutlets will come out more juicy. Which option you prefer depends on your taste.
  • To increase the juiciness of minced meat, it is not forbidden to add vegetables, lard to it.
  • Cutlets will keep their shape better if they are rolled in an egg, and then breaded in breadcrumbs. In some cases, one breading is enough.
  • Forming cutlets will be easier if you wet your hands with cold water.
  • Fry cutlets over medium heat enough boiling oil. When they are covered on both sides appetizing crust, the fire is reduced, the pan is covered with a lid and the cutlets are steamed for 5 minutes. If at this time a little broth or sauce is poured into the pan, the products will turn out to be more juicy.

Pink salmon cutlets can be cooked not only in a pan. They are steamed, fried in the oven. A large number of recipes allows you to choose an option to your liking.

Classic recipe for pink salmon cutlets

  • pink salmon fillet - 1 kg;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs, vegetable oil - how much will it take.

Cooking method:

  • Roll salmon fillet twice through a meat grinder.
  • Peel and finely chop the onion, mix with minced fish.
  • Grind the fat using a blender or meat grinder.
  • Crush the garlic with a hand press.
  • Finely chop the greens with a knife.
  • Add garlic, lard and greens to minced meat, mix thoroughly.
  • Break an egg into a bowl with minced meat, add salt and pepper. Stir.
  • Add some breadcrumbs and knead the minced meat so that it becomes dense and viscous.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan.
  • Wetting your hands with water, form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs. Put in the pan at a small distance from each other.
  • Fry over medium heat for 3 minutes on each side.
  • Add some warm water cover the pan with a lid and lower the heat. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Pink salmon cutlets are usually served with a side dish. Mashed potatoes, rice are good. The dish can be supplemented with sour cream or any sauce suitable for fish dishes.

Pink salmon cutlets in tomato sauce

  • pink salmon fillet - 1 kg;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • white bread - 150 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • bitter Bell pepper- 50 g;
  • tomatoes - 0.6 kg;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • breadcrumbs - how much will go;
  • cilantro greens - 30 g;
  • dill greens - 30 g;
  • fresh parsley - 30 g;
  • white dry wine- 150 ml;
  • olive oil - how much will go;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the onion, chop one onion with a meat grinder or blender, finely chop the rest.
  • Grind the pink salmon fillet with a meat grinder or finely chop with a knife.
  • Mix minced fish with minced onion.
  • Add a long loaf soaked in milk, squeezing it out and chopping it with a meat grinder.
  • Break 2 eggs into a bowl, knead the minced meat. Remove for a while in the refrigerator.
  • Finely chop the herbs and garlic with a knife.
  • Cut the tomatoes, dip in boiling water for 3 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon and cool. Peel off the skin, cut into 4 parts, remove the seals in the stalk area. Crush the tomatoes with a blender or puree with a meat grinder.
  • mix tomato puree with salt, spices, garlic and herbs.
  • Pour 50 ml into the pan olive oil, fry the chopped onion in it until golden brown.
  • Add wine, wait until it has almost completely evaporated.
  • Add tomato puree, bring to a boil, remove from heat.
  • Heat up a new batch of oil in a clean skillet. Shape into patties, roll in beaten egg, then breadcrumbs, brown on both sides in boiling oil. It is not necessary to bring to readiness, it is enough to wait until a crust appears.
  • Put the cutlets in a baking dish, pour over the sauce and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  • Cook 15 minutes.

Pink salmon cutlets tomato sauce are soft, juicy and fragrant. When serving them to the table, do not forget to pour the sauce in which they were stewed.

Pink salmon cutlets are an easy dish to prepare. It is inexpensive, it turns out hearty and tasty.

Delicious pink salmon fish cakes classic recipe requires a minimum of time to cook. These cutlets can be served with mashed potatoes or simply served boiled potatoes, A light vegetable salad will complement dinner, making it healthy and low-calorie.

Fish 1.3 kg (or ready-made fillet 1 kg)

Bulb onion 200 gr

Milk or cream 100 ml

White loaf 150 gr

Greens: dill, parsley

Breading: crackers, flour or semolina

Vegetable oil 70 gr

Spices "For fish"

Salt 1 tsp

Pepper to taste

sugar pinch

Salo 70-100 gr optional

Step-by-step recipe with a photo of pink salmon fish cutlets

1. Cut off the crusts from the loaf and put it to soak in cream or milk.

2. We cut the fish, separate the fillet.

3. Using a meat grinder or chopper, we make minced meat.

4. We clean and chop the onion. Onions for cutlets can be used raw, but for a softer and interesting taste, I advise you to fry half the onion in vegetable or butter.

6. In a deep bowl, combine minced fish, raw and fried onion, herbs, egg, spices, salt and a pinch of sugar. We mix everything well. Further, if possible, it is better to let the minced meat stand for 15-20 minutes, putting it in the refrigerator.

7. We form cutlets, rolling them in breading.

8. We heat the pan with oil, put the cutlets and fry over medium heat on both sides for 5 minutes, then close the lid and let the cutlets reach for another 10 minutes, while reducing the heat to a minimum.

9. These are such lush, mouth-watering pink salmon cutlets. You can, if desired, pour cutlets with milk or kefir with the addition of flour and let it stew a little more, and you will get an excellent sauce. Or make the sauce separately.

Sauce to fish dishes

Ingredients: Two eggs + garlic clove + two pickled cucumbers + a teaspoon of mustard + a small bunch of dill + yogurt or low-fat sour cream + salt. Blend everything in a blender until smooth.
