
Paneer cheese from kefir. Recipe based on milk and citric acid


Homemade cheese "Panir"

Paneer is a traditional Indian unleavened cheese, very similar to "Adyghe". Him delicious taste, so even a regular sandwich with "Panir" will be very tasty. It can be added to various dishes. This cheese is various salads Pairs well with spicy tomato sauce or spinach sauce. It can be fried, and at the same time it will not melt, but will be covered with a beautiful golden brown. With "Panir" you can cook more than a hundred variety of dishes from snacks to Indian sweets. In terms of nutritional value, it successfully replaces animal protein, gives the body strength and a feeling of satiety.
Paneer can be prepared at home. For your first cheese making experience, this recipe will suit you best. Paneer can be prepared in 30 minutes. Cheese yield - 11-13%. Approximately 280 g of excellent quality Paneer comes out of 2.5 liters of curdled milk.


✵ fresh milk - 2.5 l;
lemon juice‒ 5 tbsp. spoons (or 2 teaspoons citric acid diluted in 50 ml of water).
To calculate the weight of a particular product, a comparative table of measures and weights will help you.

It is important!

✵ about 100 g of soft and 75 g of dense cheese comes out of 0.5 l of milk;
✵ from 1.5 liters of milk - about 250 g of soft and 200 g of dense cheese;
✵ from 3 liters of milk - approximately 400 g of soft 350 g of dense cheese.


1. Squeeze juice from lemon and strain. Citric acid can be used instead. To do this, the crystals must be dissolved in boiled water.
2. Pour milk into a heavy-bottomed saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly so that the milk does not stick to the bottom and walls of the pan.
3. Reduce the heat and add lemon juice to the boiling milk slowly in a thin stream, boil for a few seconds, stirring constantly, and then turn off the heat.

4. The milk will immediately begin to curdle before your eyes. You need to gently shake the pan several times so that the curdling process takes place more actively.
5. In a colander (sieve) put a muslin cheesecloth or gauze in several layers, strain the curdled milk and drain the whey. Carefully gather the edges of the fabric together and hang over the sink to drain excess liquid.
6. After 5-10 minutes of intensive separation of whey, you can install the load. For juicy cheese you need to keep Paneer under load for 30 minutes or 1 hour if you want a dense cheese that can be cut into sticks and added to your favorite dishes or fried.

● Sometimes the milk sold in stores cannot always be made to curdle in the above way. This is due to the various preservatives added to the milk to keep it from sour. In this case, the milk should be left for several hours. Then, after a few hours, all solid particles will rise to the surface, and they can be collected.
● Lemon juice (acid) should be added in such an amount that the milk curdles, and in the translucent whey were visible cottage cheese flakes. This process must be monitored very carefully, stirring constantly. Because if too much juice (acid) is added, then the curd grains will become too hard, which will not be desirable for this type of cheese.
● Store cheese in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. You can sprinkle it with salt and spices, you can send it to swim in salty whey. It already depends on your desires and preferences.

Cook with pleasure!

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Friends, paneer is a traditional homemade cheese. It is easy to find in stores, but you cannot be sure of the quality of the product. Therefore, it is worth learning how to cook fresh and natural home product. This is paneer cheese, it is very easy to cook it at home, in just two hours it reaches the desired hardness. Therefore, I advise everyone to cook a tasty and healthy cold appetizer on their own to be sure of its composition.
Apply product home production you can for any dish, because homemade paneer cheese is universal. It can be used not only in salads or as a filling on, but also added to hot dishes. Since when heated, it does not melt and does not lose shape, and when fried, a golden crust forms.

You can diversify paneer by adding any spices, herbs and spices to your taste and preference. For example, chopped greens, crushed nuts, pieces of sweet and hot pepper etc. Today we will cook homemade paneer cheese on our own. simple recipe with just two ingredients. But before proceeding to the recipe itself, let's take a look at what products you can make paneer cheese at home and how much you can get at the exit.

How to make paneer cheese at home

homemade cheese Paneer is obtained from curdled milk, followed by the fermentation of the pressed mass. For curdling in industrial production use any enzyme. For example, natural or microbiological (non-natural) abomasum. At home, most often use any other sour product:

  • kefir,
  • lemon,
  • yogurt,
  • lemon acid,
  • table vinegar 9%,
  • serum.

It is useful to know the properties of the most commonly used clotting agents in order to understand which of the acidic foods is best to use for making paneer cheese at home.
Lemon juice. The juice of a freshly squeezed lemon gives the cheese a sour taste. light taste. In order to curdle 0.5 liters of milk, you need about 1 tbsp. l. juice.
Lemon acid. Too much citric acid crystals will make the cheese grainier, making it difficult to form. To curdle 0.5 liters of milk, you need 1/2 tsp. product.
Yogurt. Yogurt allows you to get a soft and thick paneer. For 0.5 liters of milk, it requires 4-5 tablespoons.
Serum. The whey remaining from curdled milk must be kept warm for several days. It gives the product a slight sour taste. To curdle half a liter of milk, take 150 ml of whey.

How much can you get homemade paneer cheese from milk?

Which acidifier you have not chosen for curdling milk, you also need to know how much milk to take in order to get right amount homemade cheese. The output of the obtained pressed cheese from a certain amount of milk is as follows:

  • From 0.5 l of milk, we will get 75 g of paneer at the exit;
  • From 1.5 l of milk - 200 g of homemade cheese;
  • From 3 liters of milk - 350 g of paneer cheese.

How to cook paneer cheese at home, recipe with photo


Milk - 1 l
Citric acid - 1 teaspoon
Salt - to taste


1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, put it on the stove, turn on the fire and boil.

2. As soon as the first bubbles appear, the milk begins to boil and rise, add salt and citric acid (or another sour product of your choice) to the pan.

3. We will continue to heat the milk for 3-5 minutes. It will begin to curd before our eyes and acquire a yellow-green color, forming separable curd clots.

4. Prepare a piece of gauze folded in half, which is lined in a sieve installed on a container for draining whey. With a slotted spoon, remove the curdled curdled substance from the pan and place it in gauze.

5. Gather the ends of the gauze, twist it and wring it out well, ridding the product of excess whey. The remaining whey can be used for cooking (, okroshka) or for the production of the next batch of cheese.

6. Compactly roll the cottage cheese, giving it a neat shape and put it in a sieve.

7. We will install any weighting agent on top of the product, for example, glass jar or plastic bottle with water.

8. Let the cheese be pressed for 2 hours. Moreover, the longer the paneer will be under oppression, the harder it will turn out. After carefully unfold it and send it to cool in the refrigerator.

9. Ready cheese cut the paneer into slices and use as directed. For example, you can rub it on a grater or cut it into squares, add it to a salad, cook cheese with it, or just make a delicious and nutritious sandwich, just like with melted homemade.

Bon appetit!

I suggest watching a video about the benefits of paneer cheese.

And the second video from the step-by-step homemade snack slideshow.

Friends, if you like the recipe, then vote for it by clicking the buttons social networks. And also do not forget to subscribe to new sweets, the subscription form is on the right side of the site. I'm waiting for you among the members of the group Delicious cuisine in contact with.
Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

Paneer - Indian fermented milk product prepared both with and without spices. Such cottage cheese used in recipes for pastries, desserts and second hot dishes. How to make paneer cheese at home? What ingredients are used for this? Recommendations for cooking homemade cheese, recipes based on it can be found in this article.

Paneer cheese is easy to make at home


Milk 3 liters

  • Servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 2 minutes

Basic Paneer Cheese Recipe

A fermented milk product is prepared from fresh rustic or purchased milk, the fat content of which should be at least 3.5%. For sourdough use sour cream, kefir, natural yogurt, acetic (9%) and malic acid and also lemon juice.


  • milk - 3 liters;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp.

Pour milk into a deep saucepan with a thick bottom and put on fire. When it begins to boil, you need to gradually pour in the lemon juice and remove the pan from the heat, stirring the mixture constantly. Cover the bottom of the colander with gauze folded in 2-3 layers, put the curdled mass inside, drain the remaining whey.

Stir the cottage cheese with a spoon and wait until excess liquid drains from it. Wrap the gauze with future cheese in a knot, place in a saucepan, place a load on top. Clean the workpiece in a cold place for 2-3 hours.

Ready cheese is stored for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator and no more than a month in the freezer.

Paneer cheese with spices

With the addition of spices, herbs and dried (fresh) vegetables, homemade cheese acquires bright taste, color and aroma. The ingredients in the recipe can be changed according to your own preferences.

To make paneer with spices you will need:

  • cow's milk - 2.5 liters;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • ground paprika - 1 tsp;
  • dried dill - 1 tsp;
  • dried parsley - 1 tsp;
  • pieces of dried tomato - 1 tsp;
  • salt;
  • basil - 1 tsp

Put the milk in a saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil, squeeze the juice from the lemon, gradually pour it into the milk removed from the heat. Pour the resulting curd mass into a colander lined with gauze. Stir the future cottage cheese with a spoon, drain all the liquid.

Add spices and salt (to taste) to the mass, mix thoroughly. Fold the cheesecloth and tie it in a knot, place a jar of water (3 liters) on top, put the workpiece in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Ready cheese can be used in pure form, and add to salads, hot dishes.

Paneer cheese dishes

Homemade cheese is universal, used in the preparation of hot dishes, desserts and cold appetizers. Delicious and easy to prepare dishes with paneer:

  • give paneer;
  • Indian fried cheese.

Kadai paneer - hot stew with spices and vegetables. Due to its light sharpness, it helps to warm up on cold autumn and winter evenings.

To make kadai paneer you will need:

  • bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • ginger - 50 gr.;
  • sour cream - 200 gr.;
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tsp;
  • curry - 2 tsp;
  • paprika - 2 tsp;
  • turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • cumin - 1 tsp;
  • half a chili pepper;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • coriander - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • onion turnip - 1 pc.;
  • paneer cheese - 400 gr.

Heat oil in a frying pan, add coriander, chili pepper, grated garlic and ginger, spices. Then chop the bell pepper and tomatoes, onion in half rings, put in a pan and fry.

Add diced paneer to vegetables, pour over tomato paste diluted in a glass of water, salt and add sugar. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Put sour cream into the finished dish and serve with cakes or thin pita bread.

Fried Indian cheese is prepared quickly, the recipe contains available ingredients.

Grocery list:

  • paneer - 300 gr.;
  • curry - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • zira - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • paprika - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • basil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cut the cheese into slices 1-2 cm thick, roll in fragrant spices. Pour into the pan olive oil and reheat, then fry the cheese until golden brown. Serve with a salad fresh vegetables.

Paneer made at home from natural fresh milk, exceeds palatability purchased cottage cheese. Treat your guests and family fragrant dishes from paneer.

Indian cuisine has its own special characteristics. Many dishes are peculiar only to this country. Homemade paneer cheese, which is fresh homemade pressed cottage cheese, is very popular in Indian cuisine. The population of this country prefers dairy fresh produce, so other cheeses produced in the West are not popular in India. This product can be consumed as a separate dish or snack, as well as cook various amazing dishes with it, for example, bake in an oven called tandoor.

Before cooking dishes, excess moisture must be removed from the cheese. You can try to change it to, although in terms of taste it is an inferior replacement. Consider step by step and with a photo how to cook paneer cheese yourself in two versions.

Recipe based on milk and citric acid

Paneer cheese at home will turn out soft and tender if you follow the cooking instructions correctly. It can be added to soups or dishes with vegetables, diced, fried or raw, or served with various sauces and your favorite spices. At the same time, in ready dish the flavor and texture immediately change. This makes the food amazing. You will need the following components:

  • Milk - 2.3 liters;
  • Citric acid - 1 small spoon. You can replace it with another agent for curdling milk formula, for example, lemon juice in an amount of 5 large spoons, sour whey (600 ml), or yogurt (300 ml).

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

The scheme is as follows:

  1. Put the pot of milk on medium fire and make sure that it does not run away when it starts to rise. Dishes should be large and roomy;
  2. It is necessary to prepare a coagulating agent and a colander by laying two layers of gauze in it and put it in a bowl where the whey will drain;
  3. When milk boils, add a curtailing agent to it;
  4. Immediately, the cheese mass is quickly separated from the yellowish-green whey. You have to take the pot off the stove. If the serum turned out to be opaque, the dishes must be put on gas again and a little more coagulant added. On fire, a milk product cannot be kept very for a long time because it will become tough. Pay special attention to this;
  5. Turmeric seasoning can be added if desired. Then the product turns out to be very crumbly, yellowish and original in taste.
  6. Now in stores they sell milk, to which they add a large number of components for preservation, not allowing to curl. Therefore, even if there is a lot of clotting agent, milk still does not reach the required degree of clotting and turns whitish. In this case, the product is left to "rest" for several hours. During this time, solid particles rise to the surface and form a curd, very dense layer;
  7. As soon as the cottage cheese and whey are completely separated, it is necessary to remove the saucepan from the heat and throw everything into a cheesecloth, then rinse it under water for half a minute. cold water. This procedure removes the curdling mass, which can drastically spoil the taste of the product;
  8. Now final stage, on which it is necessary to squeeze out the remainder of the liquid. There are several methods for this, depending on what result you want to get. The first option: tie the gauze in which the cheese lies and put it under the press for a while. This method is suitable to make the final dish dense. The more you keep it under pressure, the harder it will be. The second way is to hang it in gauze and leave it for a while until all the moisture drains and the mass becomes solid. You can also tighten the gauze tighter and squeeze out the water. This results in the production of paneer cheese with a softer consistency.

Unfold gauze, cut ready product and enjoy delicate taste.

Clotting agents and their properties

Can also be used to make paneer cheese:

  • Lemon juice. Gives a sour taste. In order for 0.6 liters of milk to curdle well, you need 1 large spoonful of lemon juice;
  • Yogurt. When using it, the snack is soft and thick. Before you need to add yogurt to boiling milk, you can dilute it with warm milk. 4-5 large spoons of this ingredient will be required to coagulate 0.6 liters of milk;
  • Serum. It should have a sour taste, while the milk curdles better. It is advisable for him to stand for two days or more. This will give a sour taste. 150 ml of whey is needed to curdle 0.6 liters of milk.

Variant of milk and kefir

This recipe for paneer cheese, where kefir acts as an ingredient for folding. You do not need to spend a lot of time on the cooking process, and the result will be a dish that has a delicate, delicate taste. The algorithm is similar to the previous scheme. The following ingredients are required for one serving:

  • Kefir - 150 ml;
  • Milk - 1 liter. (Very good suitable home or expensive and high-quality from the store, which has a shelf life of several days).

Now let's look at how to make paneer cheese from kefir and milk.

  1. We take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour milk into it and put it on fire;
  2. When boiling occurs, take kefir and pour in a thin stream. Don't forget to stir. Two minutes will pass and the process of separating the curd from the whey will begin, after which the curd will float to the surface;
  3. Now we take out the marlechka and filter all the ingredients from our saucepan. With this procedure, the curd is separated from the whey;
  4. You need to tie the gauze very tightly. Take a pot and fill it to the top with water. This will serve us as a makeshift press under which we place our product;
  5. It will take several hours, and all the curd particles will unite into one;
  6. As a result, we got the most beautiful delicious cheese homemade paneer, which Indian cuisine cooked as a separate dish, and it also serves as the basis for many dishes.

Last tip: don't throw away the serum. It is versatile in use. It is added instead of water to the dough, all kinds of healthy drinks, used as the basis for delicious soups or borscht. If it turns a little sour, then it is used for curdling.

You can fry the finished Indian cheese in butter, using different spices(black pepper, turmeric). Then boil it in special sauce with the addition of spices (). It is imperative that the food is infused, and the paneer absorbs the sauce. You will receive an unparalleled taste cooking masterpiece, the taste of which will be unforgettable.

Video: Homemade Paneer Cheese Recipe

Some prefer to cook sausages, pâtés and other foods with my own hands. It turns out often much tastier than store-bought options. This article will discuss how to make paneer cheese at home. It is prepared according to the Adyghe principle and can be used in many dishes.

Indian paneer cheese is one of the most famous and popular. Made from homemade cottage cheese, pressed to a dense mass. Classic paneer should have a fresh taste. Cheese can be served as cold appetizer, be used in salads, soups or desserts.

Benefits of homemade cheese

Homemade paneer cheese is easy and quick to make. Cooking requires village milk (or with a high fat content, closer to the present) and an acidic product, which can be in the form of:

  • yogurt;
  • lemon juice;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream.

Paneer does not melt or lose its shape during heat treatment. Cheese belongs to the variety of dense, therefore, when cut, it does not crumble. Paneer made at home is much better and cheaper than store-bought.

Paneer cheese made from milk and citric acid

Most often, they prefer to cook paneer at home with citric acid. It can be replaced with lemon juice, which is required large quantity. IN this recipe stated minimal amount lemons. You can add more if you wish. For homemade cheese you will need:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 1 tsp citric acid;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

Milk is best taken at home. If you use the store, it is desirable with a short shelf life. Super pasteurized will not work. Milk is poured into large saucepan and brought almost to a boil. Then citric acid is poured into it. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

As soon as the foam begins to rise, the pan is removed from the heat. Or it is reduced to a minimum, and the milk warms up for another 3 minutes. All this time the mixture must be stirred. It will be clearly seen how milk is divided into curd and whey.

A sieve or colander is taken and covered with a dense layer of gauze. The contents of the pan are poured into it. After the moisture drains, the gauze is twisted into a knot. All the liquid is squeezed out as much as possible. Any shape is taken (jar, deep bowl, etc.) and the appearance of the cheese is formed.

Then the gauze with it is placed back in a colander or sieve. A press is applied on top of the cheese mass. You can use normal three-liter jar filled with water. Curd aged under pressure for at least 60 minutes. The cheese is then taken out and rinsed. running water to smooth the surface of the product.

Paneer from milk and kefir

You can often cook at home quality products. One of my favorite treats is paneer cheese. The recipe for cooking on kefir will require the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of milk with maximum fat content;
  • 150 ml of kefir.

Milk is poured into the pan and put on fire until it boils. Then kefir is poured in a thin stream. In this case, the mass is constantly stirred. After a couple of minutes, the process of separating the whey from the curd will begin. After that, dense pieces will float to the surface.

A colander is lined with gauze in several layers. The contents of the pan are poured onto the cloth. You must wait until the serum is completely drained. Then the gauze is tightly tightened and placed in a deep bowl. Pressed on top. As it can be used any large container filled with water.

Paneer (cheese) cooked with spices

The recipe for cooking with spices differs little from classic version. For the dish you will need:

  • 2 liters of milk (with the highest fat content);
  • juice squeezed from half a lemon;
  • 30 g dried spices (cloves of tomato, paprika, dill, etc.);
  • salt to taste.

The milk is poured into a large saucepan and heated, but not brought to a boil. In this case, the liquid is constantly stirred. Then the burner turns off and the juice from the half survives into the heated milk. big lemon. It will be better if this is done in advance and the juice is filtered through a strainer or gauze.

While the lemon liquid is slowly pouring in, constant stirring is necessary for five minutes. You will immediately see how the milk begins to curdle. After that, it will separate into whey and curd. The bottom of the colander is lined with gauze. The contents of the pan are poured out and left for a while until the excess whey drains.

If at the same time the mass is constantly stirred, the process will go much faster. During it, salt and dried spices are added. After all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the gauze is tightly twisted into a knot. The latter is pressed with oppression. Two hours is enough to form the cheese. It is better if the product under oppression is in the cold.

fried paneer

Making paneer cheese, as it turns out, is a simple matter. Here's how to fry it right finished product not everyone can. Paneer doesn't melt at all. high temperature and therefore does not lose its shape. But properly fried cheese acquires an unusual, unique taste.

Again, a lot depends on the consistency of the product. Hard paneer is easy to fry. It is cut into small slices, rolled in spices and fried in a pan with vegetable oil. Soft cheese prepared a little differently. For fried paneer you will need:

  • 200 g cheese (soft);
  • 1 tsp melted butter;
  • 0.5 st. l. cumin;
  • a pinch of black ground pepper;
  • a quarter teaspoon of turmeric;
  • 1 st. l. sour cream;
  • 0.5 bunch of parsley;
  • a quarter teaspoon of salt.

Ghee butter(if it is not available) can be replaced with regular olive oil. On it, on big fire, roasted cumin. At the same time, it must be constantly mixed. The cumin is fried until it turns golden brown. It is then that the seasoning gives the oil all its flavor.

Pieces of paneer are added to the pan, then sprinkled with turmeric and salt. Everything cooks for a few minutes. At the same time, it is constantly mixed. Then the dish is removed from the fire, pepper and sour cream are added. Everything is mixed and sprinkled with chopped herbs on top.

How much citric acid is needed for cheese?

The amount of citric acid used to make paneer depends on the quality of the milk. There are many types of it sold in stores. Many have added special ingredients that prevent milk from curdling quickly. Therefore, more than one teaspoon of citric acid may be required. But even in this case, the milk still turns out whitish instead of yellow.

Features of making cheese

After a coagulant has been added to the milk, the resulting product cannot be kept on fire for a long time. Otherwise, the paneer cheese will become very tough. If you want to get crumbly cheese, then turmeric seasoning is added during cooking. The remaining whey is a secondary product that can be used to prepare other dishes (pancakes, okroshka, etc.).

If, despite the large amount of coagulant added to the milk, the expected dense solid layer does not form, then the product is removed from the heat and left to “rest” for several hours. During this period, solid particles will rise above the whey and a curd layer will appear.

Citric acid, with which paneer cheese is usually made, is easily replaced by other components. For example, on fermented milk whey. It will take 150 ml to curdle 600 ml of milk. The second option is yogurt. With its use, the sourdough turns out to be thick and very tasty. To curdle 600 ml of milk, 5 tablespoons of yogurt are needed.

But the easiest option is squeezed lemon juice. It gives a sour taste. It will need at least 5 tablespoons per 2 liters of milk. After the cheese is ready, it can be served as a separately sliced ​​\u200b\u200bdish (with or without sauce), or overcooked with spices.

The higher the fat content of milk, the tastier the final product will be. If gauze is not available, it is replaced with a clean white cotton fabric (without print and paint). Salt or granulated sugar can be added before the curdling of milk has begun.

Exist special devices and containers for making cheese. If the milk does not curdle in any way, then you can try to boil it. This requires constant stirring. Stale or sour milk is not suitable for paneer. It is also problematic to make low-fat cheese.

How to achieve the desired density of cheese?

Paneer cheese can be made hard or not so hard. For this, there are two different methods. In order to make the cheese dense, you need to tie the gauze in which the product lies and press it down with a press.

Paneer should lie until all the whey has drained. The longer it sits, the tighter it will become. For a soft consistency, the paneer is placed in gauze. It is tied tightly and left in a colander until all the moisture drains and the cheese becomes hard.
