
The best simple holiday salad recipes. Favorite pepper recipe for the holiday table

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Holiday salads

A refined and simple salad recipe with apple and cheese will be appreciated not only by vegetarians - this salad is eaten with pleasure by meat-eaters, and even on the festive table such a dish would be quite appropriate!

When for a short time I need to create something tasty and fast, I'm making a salad with beans and cheese. I take canned beans, grate the cheese, add a couple more ingredients and you're done!

A colorful salad with tuna and corn will decorate any holiday table. It has a lot of ingredients and they fit perfectly together. Plus, it can be refilled. olive oil or mayonnaise.

On the Internet I found very original salad from corn and mushrooms. It looks great on the table, combines interesting components and will be a discovery for guests at your holiday.

I tried a salad with avocado and oranges for the first time in a restaurant, and I liked it so much that I began to cook it all the time, but, of course, in my own way. Very appetizing, fresh and delicious salad.

Here's a simple chicken and tomato salad recipe. This salad can be safely attributed to small culinary masterpieces, but rather not for taste, but for interesting appearance.

I offer very interesting recipe salad with herring, which can decorate any festive and everyday table. The main ingredients for cooking are ordinary vegetables and, of course, herring.

Salad "Men's tears"

Salad " Man's tears"- hearty and high-calorie meat salad that your man will love. I bring to your attention a simple recipe for salad "Men's tears".

Salad "Russian Beauty"

Salad "Russian Beauty" is a very tasty, popular, spectacular salad worthy of your holiday table. I will tell you a very simple recipe for salad "Russian Beauty" - everyone will figure it out!

Salad with salted mushrooms - an original salad, for the preparation of which any salted mushrooms are suitable - champignons, mushrooms, chanterelles, etc. I tell you how to cook a salad with salted mushrooms.

Salad "Watermelon slice"

Salad " watermelon slice"- a fresh, not boring idea of ​​​​a beautifully decorated holiday salad. It turns out beautifully, original and tasty. A simple recipe for the Watermelon Slice salad is for your attention.

Salad "Royal"

An ingenious and at the same time simple recipe for the Tsarsky salad will allow you to prepare a truly royally delicious and luxurious salad that will not be ashamed to put on the table for dear guests.

Salad "Diplomat"

Salad "Diplomat" - a very popular and easy to prepare holiday salad. I'm telling you how to cook Diplomat salad so delicious that guests squeal with delight!

Salad "Death Number"

Salad " death number"- not only tasty, but also very effective salad, which will take its rightful place on your holiday table. I tell you how to cook the Death Number salad."

Salad "Lady's"

Salad "Ladies" is a very original and unusual salad in terms of taste. If you like to experiment in cooking - a simple recipe for "Lady's" salad can interest you.

Salad "Little Red Riding Hood"

Salad "Little Red Riding Hood" - very tasty and spectacular puff salad, the main ingredient of which is chicken. A simple recipe for salad "Little Red Riding Hood" will help you out on the eve of the festive feast.

Salad "Nice"

Very tasty french salad"Nice" (Salade Niçoise) with a delicious aroma, delicate and beautiful. As the French say, "Nice" salad is a salad for health and pleasure :)

Salad "White Nights"

Very quick and easy to prepare White Nights salad can be used both as an appetizer salad for gala dinner So for a weekday snack. Great combination ingredients.

Salad "Maestro"

The recipe for a savory, light and satisfying Maestro salad is to help everyone who sets the festive table and thinks about what kind of salad to cook. Very original salad - try it!

The recipe for a popular salad with cheese, eggs and cod liver, which was considered almost the height of luxury during the Soviet shortage. Today, cod liver is sold everywhere - we are cooking!

"Greek salad" classic recipe

The recipe for making a popular salad at home is a note to everyone who loves delicious vegetable salads. However, Greek salad- It is not simple vegetable salad, it has its secrets.

Most often, this dish is prepared on winter holidays- on New Year, For example. The salad looks very bright and will decorate any of your celebrations. And the simplicity of preparing a salad will delight every hostess.

I first tried this salad while visiting my school friend and was fascinated by the delicate taste and ease of preparation of this dish. Try and you cook a salad of mackerel - you will not regret it!

Salad with squid "Lasso"

Salad with squid "Lasso" - one of the most popular holiday salads In my family. Perhaps no other salad leaves the festive table as quickly as the delicious Lasso salad.

Salad "Caesar" with salmon

Salad "Caesar" with salmon - worthy alternative the traditional version of this salad. A simple recipe for Caesar salad with salmon is almost no different from the classic one, but the taste is completely different.

Salad "White Swan"

Salad " White Swan"is not only tasty, but also spectacular salad that looks attractive on any holiday table. A simple recipe for White Swan salad with photos is for your attention.

Salad "Chrysanthemum"

Salad "Chrysanthemum" - easy to prepare, but very effective and tasty salad for the festive table, decorated with a beautiful edible chrysanthemum. Everyone will like a simple Chrysanthemum salad recipe!

Salad "Tiger"

Tiger Salad is an easy-to-prepare and very cute salad that children especially like. I tell you how to cook the Tiger Cub salad so that it is both tasty and beautiful.

Salad "Hedgehog"

Salad "Hedgehog", a recipe with a photo of which I put up for your review, original presentation and a range of flavors will please and surprise everyone from young to old. I tell you how to cook salad "Hedgehog".

Salad "Starfish"

Salad " Starfish"- a very spectacular red fish salad that will look great on any holiday table. The recipe contains my version of how to make a Starfish salad."

Salad with mushrooms and chicken - easy to prepare and accustomed to taste a salad worthy of serving both on a festive and everyday table. I tell you how to cook a salad with mushrooms and chicken.

Salad "Pine cone"

Salad " Pine cone"very original winter salad in the shape of a pine cone. If you want to put something spectacular on the festive table, a simple Pine Cone Salad recipe will help you.

Salad "Fantasy"

Fantasy salad is a rather original salad in terms of taste, since a simple Fantasy salad recipe involves the use of ingredients that are very unusual to see in a salad.

Salad "Ladybug"

Salad " Ladybug"- an original and spectacular salad to festive table. Eaters will love the taste and appearance of the salad itself, cooks will love the incredibly simple Ladybug salad recipe.

Salad "Bride"

Salad "Bride" is perfect for a festive table, and for everyday lunch or dinner. A very simple salad recipe "Bride" will not cause difficulties even for an inexperienced chef.

Salad "Fairy Tale"

Very tasty salad "Fairy Tale" has many variations, but I want to tell you the simplest recipe for salad "Fairy Tale". An organic combination of chicken, mushrooms and nuts.

Salad "Gentle" with chicken

Salad "Gentle" with chicken is a magical combination of chicken breast, grapes, apples, nuts and mayonnaise. The salad is really tender. I tell you how to cook the salad "Gentle" with chicken.

Salad "Lady's Caprice"

Salad " Ladies whim"- incredibly easy to prepare, but delicious salad. A simple salad recipe "Lady's Caprice" will be mastered even by men who rarely take up cooking.

Salad with red caviar is a temptation that cannot be resisted. Expensive to prepare, but really luxurious salad for the holiday table. Learn how to make red caviar salad!

Salad with chicken and champignons is a delicious and easy-to-prepare salad that is suitable for both a festive table and every day. A simple recipe for salad with chicken and champignons - for you.

Salad with squid and egg - surprisingly tender, tasty salad with a pleasant soft texture. It is good both on a festive and on an everyday table. A simple squid and egg salad recipe will come in handy.

Salad "Tulips"

If you do not know how to decorate the festive table, be sure to try Tulips salad. If you don't know how to cook Tulip salad, my recipe will help you figure it out.

Squid salad - versatile salad because both children and adults like it (especially for men squid salad- beer salad number one). Suitable for a festive table.

Salad "Chicken Ryaba"

I share the secret of how to cook the Ryaba Chicken salad - not only tasty, but also a very effective and beautiful salad that will impress everyone gathered at the festive table.

Salad with green peas- a delicious salad that can become one of the elements of your festive feast. A simple green pea salad recipe vaguely resembles Olivier, but it is not.

Salad "Fox coat"

Salad " Fox coat"- a very effective and original salad from simple ingredients. Looks festive, tastes great. Intrigued? Then I tell you how to cook a salad "Fox coat".

Squid Salad with Cheese - a salad with a surprisingly tender and soft texture that your guests will love. A simple recipe for squid salad with cheese is a salvation on the eve of the holidays.

Salad "Lilac"

A fairly simple recipe for Lilac salad is a salvation for men who want to set a romantic table for their lady in honor of March 8 or just like that, as a sign of their love and care. Simple and very effective.

Very tasty and easy to prepare squid salad with onions and pickled champignons. If a feast is approaching - try making a squid salad, everyone will like it!

Mimosa salad"

A familiar salad, suitable for a festive table for any occasion. Mimosa salad" - classic salad easy to prepare and incredibly delicate in taste.

Salad "Orange slice"

Another salad that stands out more for its design than its taste. No, it is also very tasty, but the main thing in it is its very original appearance. Easy salad recipe orange slice".

Salad "Bullfinch"

Salad "Bullfinch" - a very spectacular, beautifully decorated salad that will look great on any holiday table. Both adults and children will appreciate it. I tell you how to cook the salad "Bullfinch".

Salad "Yin-Yang"

The decoration of salads knows no bounds, and the Yin-Yang salad (more correctly, Yin-Yang) is one of the most original salads I have ever seen. Lately. How to make Yin-Yang salad.

Salad "Forest glade"

In our family, salad is the most popular on holiday tables. Forest Glade", the recipe of which I want to show you. For everyone who does not know how to cook the "Forest Glade" salad.

Crab salad with cheese and corn, perhaps the most familiar and favorite salad. In many families, not a single birthday or New Year is complete without this wonderful salad.

Salad "Sunflower"

Recipe for sunflower salad with chicken, mushrooms, cheese and olives. Potato chips used as a decoration that resembles sunflower petals.

A classic recipe for crab stick salad with corn and rice. Salad with crab sticks will be a great decoration for a festive table for any occasion.

Salad "Olivier"

A classic Olivier salad recipe. traditional salad on our holiday tables. I tell you how to cook salad "Olivier" so that everyone is satisfied!

Salad "Caprice"

A simple recipe for the popular Caprice salad.

Salad "Pina colada"

Recipe cooking lung, tasty and affordable salad Pina Colada, which is quite possible to put on the festive table. .


The recipe for a salad with hot smoked pink salmon, thanks to which the dish acquires a special delicate taste.

Salad "Christmas tree"

Salad christmas tree- another very tasty and beautiful salad that can decorate your table in new year's eve. Delicious and very effective!

Salad "Pomegranate Bracelet"

The recipe for a delicious, juicy and beautifully decorated with pomegranate salad, which can often be found under the name " Garnet bracelet».

Kholodets is one of those dishes that has a long history. It is loved by everyone even today, it can be prepared from different varieties meat. Today it is often added colorful vegetables- carrots, corn, olives, as well as various greens and seasonings.

Crab stick tarts are a delicious aperitif before the main course. This appetizer is able to attract the attention of anyone. The peculiarity of the dish lies not only in the original serving, but also in gastronomic diversity.

When hospitable feasts are replaced by light receptions, an abundance high-calorie meals replace tartlets! This dish provides a lot of options that can take on any menu item.

Cheese balls- a relatively new dish for our man. They can be conditionally divided into two categories: those requiring cooking or frying and those that do not require heat treatment. What unites them is that both the first and the second are not particularly difficult to cook.

Pork roll - tasty snack with beautiful presentation and juicy stuffing. The dish is famous for its fast and simple cooking, excellent palatability and versatility of flavors. Try to cook pork roll in the oven.

Liver paste - versatile snack for any menu. Such hearty meal perfect complement and festive feast and everyday lunch. Cooking will not take much time, and the result will definitely surprise you!

Pate from chicken liver - hearty snack fast food With excellent taste and magical fragrance. The dish will delight you with its delicate texture and naturalness, because this is a real homemade pate!

Marinated champignons - classic snack, without which every feast is not complete. dish to be famous spicy aroma And delicious taste. It doesn't take long to prepare a snack, and the result will definitely not disappoint!

The unusualness of this recipe is that the salad contains an apple, which at first glance does not quite fit with Chinese cabbage, chicken meat and eggs. The dressing is no less original dressing of sour cream, mustard, honey and garlic. But, I can assure you, you will be satisfied with the result. Personally, this salad with chicken, Chinese cabbage and apple surprised and conquered me!

cabbage, chicken fillet, apple, eggs, onion, lemon juice, green onion, salt, sour cream, mustard, honey, garlic, sunflower oil, lemon juice, salt

Salad with chicken fillet, carrots and egg pancakes- very tasty, but in an ordinary serving it will look boring. One has only to show imagination, decorating it with flowers from carrots, beets and cheese, as the salad will immediately turn into a very beautiful and eye-catching appetizer, worthy of the most exquisite holiday table!

chicken fillet, hard cheese, beets, carrots, eggs, onions, sunflower oil, parsley, garlic, mayonnaise, salt, water

A delicious salad with chicken, festively decorated in the form of a bouquet of flowers, will always be relevant for a festive feast. Chicken salad is not only beautiful, but tasty and healthy. It has all the perfect ingredients. Even the mint leaves decorating the salad give it freshness and a special charm.

chicken breast, carrots, sour apple, eggs, walnuts, garlic, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper, olives, fresh mint, cabbage

Smoked perch salad with eggs and onions is suitable as an appetizer for the festive table. The salad is nice fresh taste but not a bright appearance. Therefore, for beautiful presentation you can use tartlets.

sea ​​bass, purple onion, boiled eggs, dill, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper, tartlet

Layered salad "White" - cold appetizer, which includes chicken, rice, beans, radishes and eggs. As you understand, all the ingredients are light in color, which is why the salad has such a simple name. The recipe for puff salad with chicken will fit perfectly into the holiday menu. Guests will remember the delicate taste of this salad with chicken meat for a long time. Be sure to cook!

chicken fillet, white beans, rice, boiled rice, radish, eggs, green onion, mayonnaise, cream cheese, garlic, salt

An interesting in its design puff salad "Hat", which presents an ideal and beloved by many combination of products: chicken fillet, cheese, champignons. It's tender, savory and very tasty. Such a salad with chicken, mushrooms and cheese will definitely not go unnoticed by your guests!

chicken fillet, fresh mushrooms, hard cheese, chicken egg, onion, mayonnaise, salt, carrots, green onion

bright and light salad from Chinese cabbage With salted herring, sweet peppers, beans and onions will surprise you with an unbroken combination of ingredients and, as a result, a new and very original taste! This salad is perfect for holiday menu as well as for a regular lunch.

Chinese cabbage, red onion, red bell pepper, salted herring, boiled beans, sunflower oil, salt, ground black pepper

Beautifully designed, intriguing puff salad"Lover" with beets, carrots and cheese. This beetroot salad has both sweetness and spiciness. Layered salad "Lover" will become unusual dish on your holiday table on Valentine's Day. It is better to prepare such a salad on the eve of February 14, so that it has time to soak.

beets, carrots, hard cheese, prunes, walnuts, mayonnaise, salt, sugar, garlic, olives

Recipe interesting salad with beans, corn and avocado for those who love unusual combinations! Lung, nutritious dish from extraordinary ingredients!

beans, canned corn, red onion, avocado, red bell pepper, parsley, lime juice, wine vinegar, lime juice, honey...

Layered salad "Two hearts" is distinguished not only by its original serving, but also by its convenience, because it will satisfy the taste of both meat-eaters and people who prefer fish dishes. Of course, you will have to tinker a bit, but you will get two salads in one at once - meat and fish. And this is a great reason for romantic dinner or lunch.

beef, pink salmon, carrots, pickled cucumbers, canned beans, eggs, rice, onion, vinegar, sugar, mayonnaise, salt, pomegranate

Such a salad sea ​​kale will appeal to those who do not like herring under a fur coat for various reasons or want variety. It turns out no less tasty and nutritious!

boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, boiled beets, sea cabbage, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper

Puff salad with chicken, carrots and daikon will appeal to lovers of hearty salads with mayonnaise. The salad recipe is simple, but the result is the perfect snack To strong drinks at any party!

chicken fillet, carrot, daikon ( white radish), onion, vegetable oil, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper, parsley

Classic Mimosa salad recipe with canned fish probably familiar to everyone. But as an experiment, you can cook this salad with herring. Thanks to salted fish, the taste of Mimosa salad becomes more saturated. The salad is quite budgetary, which allows it to be prepared both on weekdays and on the festive table.

The unusualness of this recipe is that the salad contains an apple, which at first glance does not quite fit with Beijing cabbage, chicken meat and eggs. The dressing is no less original dressing made from sour cream, mustard, honey and garlic. But, I can assure you, you will be satisfied with the result. Personally, this salad with chicken, Chinese cabbage and apple surprised and conquered me!

Beijing cabbage, chicken fillet, apple, eggs, onion, lemon juice, green onion, salt, sour cream, mustard, honey, garlic, sunflower oil, lemon juice, salt

Salad with chicken fillet, carrots and egg pancakes is very tasty, but in an ordinary serving it will look boring. One has only to show imagination, decorating it with flowers from carrots, beets and cheese, as the salad will immediately turn into a very beautiful and eye-catching appetizer, worthy of the most exquisite holiday table!

chicken fillet, hard cheese, beets, carrots, eggs, onions, sunflower oil, parsley, garlic, mayonnaise, salt, water

A delicious salad with chicken, festively decorated in the form of a bouquet of flowers, will always be relevant for a festive feast. Chicken salad is not only beautiful, but tasty and healthy. It has all the perfect ingredients. Even the mint leaves decorating the salad give it freshness and a special charm.

chicken breast, carrot, sour apple, eggs, walnut, garlic, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper, olives, fresh mint, cabbage

Smoked perch salad with eggs and onions is suitable as an appetizer for the festive table. The salad has a pleasant fresh taste, but not a bright appearance. Therefore, for a beautiful presentation, you can use tartlets.

sea ​​bass, purple onion, boiled eggs, dill, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper, tartlet

Layered salad "White" - a cold appetizer, which includes chicken meat, rice, beans, radish and eggs. As you understand, all the ingredients are light in color, which is why the salad has such a simple name. The recipe for puff salad with chicken will fit perfectly into the holiday menu. Guests will remember the delicate taste of this salad with chicken meat for a long time. Be sure to cook!

chicken fillet, white beans, rice, boiled rice, radish, eggs, green onion, mayonnaise, cream cheese, garlic, salt

An interesting in its design puff salad "Hat", which presents an ideal and beloved by many combination of products: chicken fillet, cheese, champignons. It's tender, savory and very tasty. Such a salad with chicken, mushrooms and cheese will definitely not go unnoticed by your guests!

chicken fillet, fresh mushrooms, hard cheese, chicken egg, onion, mayonnaise, salt, carrots, green onion

A bright and light Chinese cabbage salad with salted herring, sweet peppers, beans and onions will surprise you with an unbroken combination of ingredients and, as a result, a new and very original taste! Such a salad is suitable for both a festive menu and an ordinary lunch.

Chinese cabbage, red onion, red bell pepper, salted herring, boiled beans, sunflower oil, salt, ground black pepper

Beautifully decorated, intriguing puff salad "Lover" with beets, carrots and cheese. This beetroot salad has both sweetness and spiciness. Layered salad "Lover" will become an unusual dish on your holiday table on Valentine's Day. It is better to prepare such a salad on the eve of February 14, so that it has time to soak.

beets, carrots, hard cheese, prunes, walnuts, mayonnaise, salt, sugar, garlic, olives

An interesting salad recipe with beans, corn and avocado for those who love unusual combinations! A light, nutritious dish made from outstanding ingredients!

beans, canned corn, red onion, avocado, red bell pepper, parsley, lime juice, wine vinegar, lime juice, honey...

Layered salad "Two Hearts" is distinguished not only by its original serving, but also by its convenience, because it will satisfy the taste of both meat-eaters and people who prefer fish dishes. Of course, you will have to tinker a bit, but you will get two salads in one at once - meat and fish. And this is a great occasion for a romantic dinner or lunch.

beef, pink salmon, carrots, pickled cucumbers, canned beans, eggs, rice, onion, vinegar, sugar, mayonnaise, salt, pomegranate

Such a salad with sea kale will appeal to those who do not like herring under a fur coat for various reasons or want variety. It turns out no less tasty and nutritious!

boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, boiled beets, sea cabbage, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper

Puff salad with chicken, carrots and daikon will appeal to lovers of hearty salads with mayonnaise. The salad recipe is simple, and the result is the perfect snack for strong drinks at any feast!

chicken fillet, carrots, daikon (white radish), onion, vegetable oil, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper, parsley

The classic recipe for Mimosa salad with canned fish is probably familiar to everyone. But as an experiment, you can cook this salad with herring. Thanks to salted fish, the taste of Mimosa salad becomes more saturated. The salad is quite budgetary, which allows it to be prepared both on weekdays and on the festive table.

Salads are one of my favorite appetizers. There must be several salads on the festive table - these are traditional for our regions "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat", "Caesar", and salads prepared according to new recipes. Each housewife has her own favorite recipes, but sometimes you want variety, you want to cook something new. In this article, 20 have been selected for you. best recipes holiday salads.

1. Salad "Festive"
Light salad with original taste. Suitable for both adults and children.
Ingredients: chicken breast - 500 g, eggs - 5 pcs, apple - 1 pc., fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs., mayonnaise, tomatoes - 1 pc.
- greenery.
Cooking: Boil chicken breast and eggs and set aside. Peel cucumbers and apples.
Cut out the core from the apple. Boiled breast divide by hand into fibers. Apple, cucumbers cut into strips. Eggs cut not very large. Mix all the ingredients, season the salad with mayonnaise. Add salt to taste. Cut the tomato into slices.
Lay the salad on a flat plate. Decorate with tomatoes and herbs.

2. Salad "Herring under a fur coat"
“Herring under a fur coat” is a classic salad that has not lost its popularity even today and remains one of the favorite dishes.
Ingredients: slightly salted herring - 2 pcs., potatoes 3 pcs., carrots 3 pcs., beets - 2 pcs., onions - 1 pc.
Cooking: Cut the herring into fillets and cut into small pieces. Wash potatoes, carrots and beets and boil in their skins until tender. Let cool. Peel all vegetables and apple and grate separately on coarse grater, onion grind. Hard boil an egg and grate fine grater.
On big dish lay out half the potatoes, then a layer of herring and onions, grease with mayonnaise. Next, lay out a layer of carrots, half of the beets, eggs. Lightly salt each layer and soak with mayonnaise. Last layer put the remaining potatoes, apples. Top and sides put the remaining beets. Smooth the surface, grease with mayonnaise and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

3. Salad "Protein"
Delicious and nutritious salad for a festive feast.
Ingredients: turkey fillet (1 breast), bell pepper-1 pc., eggs - 5 pcs., cheese - 200 gr., green onion, mayonnaise or olive oil.
Cooking: Divide boiled turkey meat into fibers. Remove seeds from bell pepper and cut into strips. Chop eggs and onions. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Mix all ingredients, add salt. Dress the salad with mayonnaise or olive oil to taste.

4. Salad "Shrimp"
This salad is quick and easy to prepare, but it turns out beautiful and appetizing.
Ingredients: frozen shrimp - 500 gr, lettuce, white loaf, 2 eggs, mayonnaise, butter.
Cooking: Boil shrimp and eggs, peel them. Baton cut into cubes and fry on butter. Chop eggs, lettuce. Mix all ingredients. Add salt and mayonnaise.

5. Salad "Isabella"

This layered salad is tasty and satisfying, perfect for any holiday.
Ingredients: smoked chicken breast - 1 pc., mushrooms - 250g., onion - 1 pc., eggs - 4 pcs., pickles, Korean-style carrots.
Cooking: Mushrooms and onion finely chopped and sautéed vegetable oil. Divide the breast into fibers. Finely chop the eggs and cucumbers. We spread the salad on a flat plate in layers and coat each layer with mayonnaise: 1) smoked breast; 2) mushrooms and onions; 3 eggs; 4) pickles; 5) Korean carrot. Black grapes and a sprig of dill are used to decorate the salad.

6. Salad "Orange Slice"
This salad looks very impressive and will decorate your holiday table.
Ingredients: carrots - 2 pcs., chicken eggs - 4 pcs., onion - 1 pc., chicken fillet - 300g, pickled champignons - 200g, cheese - 150g, garlic - 3 cloves, mayonnaise
Cooking: Boil one carrot, grate on a fine grater and leave for decoration.
Grate another carrot on a coarse grater, lightly fry together with finely chopped onion.
Boil eggs and chicken breast. Separate the chicken breast into fibers, separate the eggs into proteins and yolks. Grate the yolks and whites on a coarse grater. Finely chop the mushrooms. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix with chopped garlic.
We spread the salad in layers on a flat plate and coat each layer with mayonnaise:
1) fried carrots with onion.
2) chicken breast
3) champignons
4) cheese with garlic
5) yolks, grease with mayonnaise.
6) squirrels (leave some for decoration)
7) post boiled carrots.
From the deposited protein, form orange "veins".

7. Salad "Italian"
This salad is quite easy to prepare, it is hearty and tasty.
Ingredients: cheese -200 gr., ham 200 gr., Bulgarian yellow pepper - 1 pc., tomatoes -1 pc., tagliatelle (pasta - noodles) 200 gr., olives 30 gr., mayonnaise, greens.
Cooking: Boil the pasta. Cut cheese, ham and pepper into strips. Cut tomatoes into small slices. Mix all the ingredients, season the salad with mayonnaise and garnish with herbs and olives.

8. Salad "Watermelon slice"
This unusual salad will decorate any table and will definitely attract the attention of your guests.
Ingredients: boiled chicken fillet - 300 g, hard cheese- 200 g, pitted olives - 100 gr, cucumber - 2 pcs., tomatoes - 3 pcs., mayonnaise.
Cooking: Finely chop the boiled chicken fillet. Cheese grate on a fine grater. Cut olives into slices. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise. Leave some cheese and olives for decoration. We spread the salad on a flat plate in the form of a slice of watermelon. We clean the cucumber from the core with seeds and rub it on a grater. We also remove the soft core from the tomato, cut the rest into small cubes. Cut the olive lengthwise into 4 pieces. We spread the tomatoes on our salad. Next, create a light strip of grated cheese, and then a cucumber strip that looks like a watermelon rind. Olives will replace watermelon seeds.

9. Salad "5 stars"
A festive salad with an original taste will not go unnoticed on your table.
Ingredients: Chicken fillet - 400g, lettuce, apple - 1 pc., pistachios - 30 gr., kiwi - 1-2 pcs., strawberries - 200 gr, cheese - 150 gr.
Cooking: The salad is served in portions in small salad bowls. Put lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl, then boiled chicken fillet, cut into cubes. Salt, spread with mayonnaise. Next add the diced apple. Then peeled pistachios. Kiwi cut into semicircles and put on top. Garnish with strawberries, cut lengthwise into 4 pieces. Top with grated cheese.

10. Salad "Olivier"
This classic recipe, a salad loved by many, which is especially popular on the New Year's table.
Ingredients: boiled sausage- 300 gr, potatoes - 4 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., eggs - 4 pcs., onions - 1 pc., pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs., green peas - 200 gr., mayonnaise.
Cooking: Boil carrots, potatoes and eggs. Then peel them and cut into small cubes. Salted cucumbers and sausage are also cut into medium-sized pieces. Mix all ingredients, add salt, mayonnaise.

11. Salad "Chicken"
This salad is quick and easy to prepare, tasty and filling. Perfect for a holiday.
Ingredients: chicken breast - 1 pc., carrots - 2-3 pcs., cheese -200 gr., mayonnaise.
Cooking: Boil chicken breast. Peel the carrots and grate on a fine grater. Cheese also grate on a fine grater. Divide the breast into fibers. We spread the salad in a salad bowl in layers: the first layer is chicken, then cheese, upper layer- carrot. Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise. Decorate with greenery.

12. Appetizing salad
This hearty salad With rich taste. Preparing is quite easy and simple.
Ingredients: eggs - 3 pcs., champignons - 4 pcs., boiled sausage - 150 gr., pickles - 2 pcs., mayonnaise.
Cooking: Boil eggs. Champignons, cucumbers, eggs and sausage cut into small cubes. Mix everything, add salt and mayonnaise. Decorate with greenery.

13. Salad with pineapple
This salad looks beautiful and tastes good. Guests will definitely appreciate it.
Ingredients: iceberg lettuce, chicken breast - 2 pieces, bell pepper - 1 piece, 5 rings canned pineapple, cranberries - 1 handful. For the sauce: oil grape seeds- 4 tablespoons, lemon juice - 1.5 tablespoons, mustard - 1 tablespoon, sugar -1.5 tablespoons, a pinch of salt.
Cooking: Prepare the sauce, for this you need to mix all the ingredients for the sauce. We are preparing a salad. Chicken fillet cut into pieces and fry in oil. Iceberg lettuce leaves, chopped small pieces. Cut pineapple and pepper into cubes. Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate. Put chicken on them. Drizzle with sauce. Then we spread the pepper, and after - the pineapple. We decorate the salad with cranberries.

14. Salad "Crab"
This hearty and tasty salad diversifies the festive table.
Ingredients: crab sticks - 300 gr, canned white beans - 1 can, eggs - 4 pcs., red pepper -0.5 pcs., yellow pepper -0.5 pcs., mayonnaise, greens.
Cooking: Boil eggs and cut into cubes. Pepper cut into strips. Crab sticks cut into cubes. Mix all the ingredients, add salt, dress the salad with mayonnaise.

15. Mimosa salad
This salad has been popular for many years, it has a bright and delicate taste.
Ingredients: canned pink salmon- 1 jar, eggs - 4 pcs., cheese - 100 gr., onion - 1 pc., mayonnaise.
Cooking: Boil eggs, divide into whites and yolks. Grate them on a fine grater. Cheese also grate on a fine grater. Mash pink salmon with a fork. Chop the onion. We spread the salad in layers: proteins, cheese, pink salmon, mayonnaise, onions, pink salmon, mayonnaise, yolks.

16. Salad "Sunflower"
Unusual salad with a beautiful design.
Ingredients: chicken fillet - 250g, champignons - 200g, chips, eggs - 3pcs, cheese - 100g, mayonnaise, pitted olives - 1 can.
Cooking: Boil chicken fillet. Hard boil eggs and grate. Cut mushrooms into small pieces and fry in oil. Grate the cheese. On flat dish lay out the salad in layers: chopped chicken fillet, mushrooms, eggs, cheese. Spread each layer with mayonnaise. From lettuce we form the middle of a sunflower. The chips will act as leaves, we lay them out from the edge, in a circle. Decorate the salad with olives all over the salad.

17. Salad in tartlets
This is a tasty and satisfying salad, which is convenient for a snack - because it is served in portions in tartlets.
Ingredients: tuna - 1 can, egg - 2 pcs., pickled cucumber - 1 pc., lettuce, dill, green onions, tartlets, mayonnaise.
Cooking: Remove bones from tuna, chop with a fork. Boil eggs, cut into small pieces. Cucumber also cut into small pieces. Mix everything, add greens and mayonnaise. Put a leaf of green salad in each tartlet, put the prepared salad on it.

18. Salad in pita bread
Comfortable appetizer on the holiday table. Unusual design Salad your guests will love.
Ingredients: Lavash, crab meat - 250g, corn - 1 can, egg - 2 pcs., greens (onion, dill, lettuce), mayonnaise, melted cheese.
Cooking: Boil eggs, cut into small pieces. Cucumber, crab meat, greens also cut into small pieces. Mix everything, add mayonnaise. Put the salad on a sheet of pita bread. Carefully form a roll. Spread the edges with melted cheese so that the roll does not open. Cut the roll into pieces of 2-3 cm.

19. Caesar salad
This is a popular salad with an original taste.
Ingredients: green salad, loaf, garlic, chicken breast, cherry tomatoes, olive oil - 100g, lemon juice, parmesan cheese.
Cooking: Bread cut into cubes and bake croutons in the oven. Grate crackers with garlic. Boil the breast, cut into cubes. Put the lettuce leaves, chopped by hand, on a plate. Then chicken, cherry tomatoes, croutons. Grate the cheese, sprinkle the salad with cheese. Dress the salad with olive oil, add lemon juice to taste.

20. Fruit salad
This salad has a pleasant, delicate taste, it will add variety to your festive table.
Ingredients: apricots - 500 gr., strawberries - 250 gr., currants - 200 gr., kiwi - 4 pcs., cornflakes- 50g, sugar - 50g, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons, champagne - 100g.
Cooking: Cut apricots lengthwise into 4 pieces.
Dissolve sugar in lemon juice, cook on low heat for 5-7 minutes. Add champagne, add heat, bring to a boil. Add apricots to the mixture, cook for 1 minute. Cut strawberries in half, kiwi - into 8 pieces. Put currants, strawberries, kiwi and apricots on a plate. Add cereal and pour over the resulting syrup.
