
Corn flakes: good or bad. How it's done

In order to be active and cheerful, so that you have enough energy for the whole day, so that you do not feel empty already in the morning, you only need to adhere to the main rule - be sure to eat in the morning. Breakfast is the best useful technique food, which in no case should be skipped or replaced with a cup of coffee. Therefore, in this article we will tell you what is best to take for breakfast.

Just in the morning minerals and minerals are best absorbed. If you want to get in shape and lose required amount kilograms or just maintain your current weight, then you should stick to the following rules without fail.

TOP 5 healthy breakfast foods

Whole grain cereals

Why porridge - best dish for tomorrow? The answer is simple enough. Yes, all because porridge is complex carbohydrates that are absorbed by the body slowly, so you for a long time you will be full and will not soon feel hungry. It is best to eat cereals from unpeeled and unpolished grains, which are practically without any processing, as they contain a lot of fiber. The latter cleanses the body and removes toxins. For example, pearl barley, brown rice, wheat, and millet are also very rich in minerals and components, with which you will feel full of strength and energy. If in pure form it’s not quite tasty for you, you can diversify porridge with dried fruits or fresh fruit, berries and honey. You can also add healthy fats- nuts, seeds or sesame. Also great breakfast there will be flour toasts coarse grinding(wholegrain). We mix eggs, milk and salt, dip our bread and fry in sunflower oil.

Skim cheese

Cottage cheese is a product that supplies your body with calcium and protein. Of course, we take cottage cheese with a zero percent fat content or as little as possible. A very large variety of dishes can be prepared from cottage cheese. If you have a sweet tooth, you can treat yourself to cottage cheese with honey, fruits, dried fruits, you can also add a little jam or jam, sweet cottage cheese turns out very delicious cheesecakes. If you prefer salty, cottage cheese with fat-free sour cream and greens will suit you.


If you have breakfast in the morning, and after an hour or two you are hungry again, try to eat in the morning boiled eggs or scrambled eggs, the feeling of satiety will not leave you for a long time. You can add tomatoes, greens to the omelet bell pepper, basil and more. Such a breakfast will enrich you with protein for the whole day.

Berries and fruits

If you choose to comply proper nutrition and it is useful to have breakfast, berries and fruits must be present in your diet. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity. You can choose the fruits that you like best and have breakfast with them, or even better - do vegetable salad from different berries and fruits, dressing low-fat yogurt. All fruits contain fructose, so it is better to eat them in the morning.


Only yogurt should be natural, without sugar and other chemical additives. This product normalizes cholesterol. What could be more beautiful if in the morning you help the intestines wake up and work to their full potential. Yogurt contains beneficial fungi and lactobacilli, which stabilize the metabolism and help the gastrointestinal tract work. If you drink low-fat yogurt in the morning, gastric juice is produced, which contributes to the rapid absorption of food. It is very tasty to eat oatmeal with natural yogurt in the morning. The best breakfast and you can't imagine.

The healthiest breakfast recipes

Don't skip this important meal healthy breakfast Helps keep you energized and energized throughout the day. In order to diversify your menu and not think in the morning what to eat, write a menu for the whole week at once. Below are some simple recipes:

  • French Beauty Salad. 2 tbsp. l.i oatmeal fill in the 5th tbsp. l. cold boiled water, leave to stand for about an hour. Next add 3 tbsp. l. cold boiled milk, sugar to taste and previously grated on fine grater apple (can be with a peel). Salad seasoning lemon juice.
  • Cottage cheese with fruits, berries or herbs. Mix 200 g of cottage cheese with chopped fruits, berries or herbs (for example, parsley or dill). In the first option, you can optionally add honey and nuts, in the second - fat-free sour cream.
  • Protein omelet with herbs. We take 3 eggs and separate the whites from the yolks, then beat the whites until foam appears and add herbs, pepper, salt. We send it to the pan or, even better, to the slow cooker.
  • Salad with chicken. Cut into cubes about 150 g of chicken boiled fillet, in circles - Bulgarian pepper, in half - cherry tomatoes, divide the arugula into leaves. Dress the salad with olive oil.
Video about the TOP 10 most healthy breakfasts:

I hope you already have a desire to get up early tomorrow morning and cook yourself a delicious, nutritious and healthy breakfast for yourself.

With milk. But are breakfast cereals really healthy, as their manufacturers claim? In this article, we take a closer look at breakfast cereals and their impact on human health.

What is dry breakfast?

Such products are flakes made from processed grains. They are often eaten with milk, yogurt, fruits, or nuts.

These grain products are often fortified with vitamins and minerals. It means that nutrients added to them additionally to make the dish more useful.

How is the production of dry breakfasts?

As a rule, it includes the following stages:

Processing: grains are processed into flour and subjected to high temperatures.

Mixing: The resulting semi-finished product is then mixed with ingredients such as sugar, chocolate and water.

Extrusion: Many breakfast cereals are made using a high temperature process that uses a machine to form flakes.

Drying: the extraction of liquid under the influence of temperatures.

Molding: The product is molded into various shapes - balls, stars, figures or rectangles.

Breakfast cereals can also be airy - in the form of flakes or various geometric shapes. The snack can also be covered in chocolate or icing before drying.

Dry breakfast cereal is made from refined grains, most commonly through a process called extrusion. This technology represents a high degree of processing of the product, during which many ingredients are added. Most of these meals end up containing a lot of sugar and fast carbohydrates.

Potential Harm

The addition of sugar is the only but very significant drawback in the production of dry cereal snacks. This can lead to weight gain and other health problems if consumed regularly in large quantities. The main difficulty is that many people try to follow the principles of a healthy diet, eliminating sugar from their diet, but still get it from ready-made processed foods.

According to nutritionists, breakfast cereals are among the most commonly consumed processed foods high in added sugars.

At the same time, in most of these cereals, sugar is listed as the second or third ingredient, that is, if you read the label inattentively, it may not be noticed.

Than it can be fraught?

Starting the day with a high-sugar breakfast will cause sugar levels to spike and insulin levels to rise.

After a few hours, blood glucose levels will plummet, and the body will begin to crave other foods with an equally high carbohydrate content, thus creating a vicious cycle of overeating.

Excess sugar intake may also increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. cardiovascular disease and cancer.

What conclusion can be drawn from this?

Most breakfast cereals are high in sugar and made from refined grains. Excessive consumption this product can provide harmful effect and may increase the risk of a number of diseases.

As a rule, it is indicated on the front of the box that this is useful product enriched with vitamins. Often, packaging includes misleading labels such as "low fat" and "from whole grain».

But if you look full list ingredients, you can make sure that most The product consists of refined grains and sugar. Other useful components will be available, but their percentage is usually too small. This means that the benefits of breakfast cereals, which are promoted long time, is highly doubtful.

They are over-processed food products which are produced with added sugar. Not a large number of in the composition does not negate the harmful effects of other ingredients.

Impact on children

The huge problem is that the manufacturers of these foodstuffs carry out promotions aimed at children. Companies use bright colors, cartoon characters and various colorful figurines to attract the attention of little consumers.

Not surprisingly, this leads children to associate breakfast cereals with entertainment and fun. A classic example is the Nesquik breakfast cereal. Every child knows the funny bunny from the chocolate cereal ad.

This also affects taste preferences. Studies show that children prefer products that have images of popular cartoon characters on the packaging.

In addition to attracting children's attention, these products are often misleading about their health benefits. For example, Nestlé breakfast cereals are presented as a special food rich in vitamins and microelements. children's breakfast, which is doubly useful with milk. The claimed substances are indeed present in it, but the content of sugar and chocolate significantly reduces the benefits.

Does this mean that dry breakfast should not be eaten?

In fact, these snacks are not entirely harmful. Sometimes they can be used without any fear. If you want to eat breakfast cereal daily, you must adhere to certain rules.

Ideally, you should choose a cereal made from crushed whole grains that contains less than 5 grams of sugar per serving. Read the contents of the labels to find out what substances and in what quantities are contained in the product.

Secondly, the fiber content is important. Breakfast cereals that contain at least 3 grams of fiber per serving are really healthy. Eating enough This substance has many health benefits.

Third, pay attention to portion size. Breakfast cereal is usually crunchy and tasty, which is the reason why you can eat a large number of calories at one time. Measure how much you eat and be sure to use the serving size information on the package.

Final verdict

Read the ingredient list very carefully. Ignore the listing of healthy arguments on the front of the box. Check out the full list of ingredients. The first two or three components are the most important, since the product mainly consists of them.

However, food manufacturers can sometimes use tricks to hide the amount of sugar present in a snack. If it is listed multiple times under different names, it may not be in the first three items.

You can make your breakfast healthier by adding some protein to it. This will help you feel full faster and reduce your appetite. tablespoon of nuts, seeds or natural yogurt are good choice to serve with cereal flakes. You can also add some fresh berries or pieces of juicy fruit.

In the first issue of the "Breakfast with Komsomolskaya Pravda" project, we compared yogurts from leading manufacturers. Today is the turn of dry breakfasts.

Of course, cereals filled with milk, kefir or yogurt are convenient, fast and tasty, but how useful is it? Are breakfast cereals meant for daily use V baby food? What is the difference between cereal for children and cereal for those who want to lose weight? Komsomolskaya Pravda found out the answers to these and other questions together with experts.

How it's done

Dry breakfasts are called products made from corn, wheat, rice and other crops in the form of sticks, flakes, puffed grains, rings, stars, pillows, etc., which can be consumed without any additional cooking. For improvement taste properties added to the mixture sugar syrup, caramel, nuts, dried fruits, pieces of chocolate, often mixtures are enriched with vitamins and mineral salts - calcium, phosphorus, iron. All this is designed to help the lazy, sleepy and always in a hurry in the morning consumer.

The technology for making flakes includes: removing shells from grains, separating germs, obtaining cereals, then boiling it in sugar-salt syrup, flattening into thin petals and roasting them in an oven until crispy, the head of the research center for product testing told Komsomolskaya Pravda "Ukrmetrteststandart" Volodymyr SEMENOVYCH. - Usually cereals are eaten, first filling them with milk or yogurt ...

What the manufacturer does not say

Flakes - fast and nutritious breakfast, and this, of course, is its pluses. But there are also disadvantages.

The main disadvantage is that, as a rule, flakes contain a lot of carbohydrates, including sugar. That is enough high-calorie foods and they should not be abused, - says our expert. - Today, when the consumer has a wide choice, I would recommend using unglazed flakes: they may not be so tasty, but they the nutritional value will be higher due to less sugar, which, as you know, contributes to the appearance of excess weight. In addition, domestic and foreign nutritionists have repeatedly said that this product contains a lot of salt, because, as mentioned above, according to technology, it is boiled in sugar-salt syrup.

The expert told Komsomolskaya Pravda about another point that worries him:

Let's consider two types of flakes produced under the brand name Nestle. Some with their whole appearance indicate that they are intended for children: a bright colorfully painted box, tasks for children, interesting information written in a language accessible to children. Other flakes are specialized: for those who want to lose weight. In "baby cereal" we see a carbohydrate content of 79.7 g per 100 g, of which 34.6 g is sugar (this is indicated on the label). In those that are for weight loss - 76.4 g per 100 g, but at the same time there is half as much sugar as in children's - 17.1 g. In my opinion, what is recommended for children should contain minimal amount Sahara…

We are already accustomed to the fact that the "simpler" the composition, the less dyes, emulsifiers and various food additives, all the better. And according to our comparative analysis(see table. - Ed.), among the investigated flakes, the product from Belarus compares favorably, on the packaging of which minimum set ingredients. However, Vladimir Semenovich has a slightly different opinion on this matter:

There is not enough information about the composition on cereals produced in Belarus - in my opinion, the manufacturer indicated far from everything that is really in this product. According to the technology, the flakes are fried, which means that the composition should contain fats. And in order for the fats not to go rancid, the manufacturer adds antioxidants (and this, by the way, is indicated on all other packages), but they are not indicated on the package from Belarus.

Price spread

The cost of dry breakfasts differs more than twice: 100 g of dry mixes can cost the consumer from 3.20 to 7.48 UAH. Those that are more expensive, as indicated on the package, are intended for weight loss, however, from the calorie content declared on the same package, it is difficult to conclude how easy it is to lose weight. overweight. Judge for yourself: the calorie content of slimming flakes made from whole wheat Fitness, much higher than the calorie content of regular glazed cereal.

Only on the basis of the energy value it is difficult to conclude how much this or that product is intended for weight loss, explained Komsomolskaya Pravda specialist in healthy eating, fitness nutritionist Vladislav SLASTIN.- Agree: if there are more calories in a serving of salad than in a small bun, we will not conclude that the bun contributes to weight loss! Therefore, everything must be taken into account: the enrichment of the product with minerals and vitamins, recommendations for correct use, other factors...

In addition, the expert debunked the myth that people who want to lose weight should limit their carbohydrate intake. According to him, fats burn in the flame of carbohydrates, so for people involved in fitness, for example, the use of carbohydrates is necessary. Only it should be the so-called slow carbohydrates (see GOOD TO KNOW) , that is, those that are absorbed by the body gradually, sugar is released slowly, which means that the brain will not signal hunger for longer.


  • wholemeal bread,
  • whole wheat pasta,
  • all beans,
  • porridge (except semolina),
  • vegetables (especially zucchini, spinach, cabbage),
  • non-sugar fruits (apples, kiwi, grapefruit, cherries),
  • mushrooms,
  • onion.

Fast carbs:


The main advice - read the packaging carefully - remains valid! Many manufacturers honestly warn that their products are not intended for everyone. For example, whole wheat cereal maker Fitness advises consulting a physician before using the product if:

you are pregnant or breastfeeding,

You are not yet 18 years old,

You are taking medication

You want to lose more than 20 percent of your weight.


Cereals in breakfast cereals are changed beyond recognition: they are often ground into flour and turned into flakes or various crunchy figures, says nutritionist Larisa BUTKOVA.- And, as you know, the more grain is crushed, the less useful it is. Whole grains retain more vitamins, minerals, oils and, of course, fiber. I must say that modern man is sorely lacking in fiber: we eat a lot of refined and processed food, in which there is almost no fiber. Many consumers mistakenly believe that fiber is in breakfast cereals, but this statement is only true if the cereal is made from whole grains.

There are so many cereals and only one per day! Approximately 400 types of cereal appeared on the market last year. This will surely make you think between the shelves in the supermarket - nutritional value among different brands is so different that no product can be compared with them, experts say.

Some cereals are as healthy as salads, while others are equal in benefits. chocolate eclair. While there are many cereals with added sugar, fortunately there are some that are really healthy.

In addition to knowing what your breakfast box of sugar is disguised as, you'll be able to choose a cereal that tastes just as good if you know how to look.

New among cereals

More whole grains. Quinoa, spelt, amaranth, and kamut now also appear in cereal boxes, along with traditional oatmeal, wheat, and brown rice. Although Various types flakes can taste different and contain different nutrients, for example quinoa is high in protein, don't worry about what's on your plate. It's much more important that your cereal contains at least 16 grams of whole grains - 1/3 of your daily value.

Studies show that eating 48 grams of whole grains a day reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 25%, heart disease by a third, and cancer by 40%. This amount also has a positive effect on your weight: a review of 13 studies by the American Society for Nutrition found that people who consumed whole grains had more low index body weight. Look for the word "whole grains" on the package.

Extra fiber

All whole grains contain fiber: soluble fiber in oatmeal, barley and brown rice can clear cholesterol from your body, reducing your risk of heart disease.

Any grains rich in fiber will fill you up for a long period of time. One of the studies carried out by the Ministry Agriculture The US found that women who doubled their fiber intake (from 12 to 24 grams) consumed 90 fewer calories per day than those who had less fiber in their diets.

Additional Nutrients

Iron (for energy) folic acid(for a heart and a healthy pregnancy), magnesium (for a heart and bones) is now added by most brands, and about a third of cereal contains omega-3s for your heart health.

Experts are also enthusiastic about plant sterols that can lower cholesterol levels. If you are concerned about this problem, you can take 2 grams of sterol per day.


In addition to raisins, cereals are now also added flax-seed, chiu, dried berries. In addition to taste, they also add fiber and protein.

But at the same time sugar appears in the form maple syrup, honey or molasses. These sources of unrefined sugar have an advantage over refined sugar in that they may help fight cancer and heart disease.

The right cereal for you

If you have a sweet tooth...

Add your sweeteners. Start cereal with low or no sugar and add pomegranate. Or mix half a banana and half a cup of milk and add to cereal.

If you want to lose weight...

Choose cereal that contains less than 150 calories per serving (they contain between 60 and 350 calories). After all, you don't want to eat 600 calories for breakfast and then consume only 900 for the rest of the day.

If you don't eat red meat...

Most likely, you do not have enough iron. The study shows that most women consume about 13 mg per day, which is less than the recommended 18 mg. Choose iron-fortified cereal and add vitamin C-rich berries like strawberries to improve absorption of the mineral.

If you don't like milk...

Try not to leave the milk that you poured into the plate. Additional nutrients are found in the flakes and dissolve in milk. So if you don't drink all that milk, you'll lose nutrients. If you can't stand the taste of milk, try adding Greek yogurt or low-calorie cottage cheese. Or just eat cereal without anything, and get calcium from other sources.

IN modern world people are always in a hurry. They don't have time to cook full breakfasts. Therefore, in many families in the morning, instead of omelettes or oatmeal ready-made breakfast cereals made from corn flakes are used. But how useful this food is, it is worth understanding.

Composition and benefits

The history of corn flakes dates back to 1894. For such a long time of its existence, this product has not lost its popularity, but, on the contrary, has gained a large number of fans, thanks to its good taste and crunchy properties. Many manufacturers claim in their advertisements that corn flakes carry maximum benefit, because they are saturated with useful components.

To talk about how useful this product is, you should study its composition and consider the nutritional value.

Table: chemical composition and nutritional value per 100 g of product

NutrientQuantity% of norm in 100 g
calories 325.3 kcal19.3%
Squirrels8.3 g10.9%
Fats1.2 g2%
Carbohydrates75 g35.5%
Alimentary fiber0.8 g4%
Water14 g0.6%
Ash0.7 g
Vitamin A, RE200 mcg22.2%
Retinol0.2 mg
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.1 mg6.7%
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.07 mg3.9%
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.3 mg6%
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.3 mg15%
Vitamin B9, folate19 mcg4.8%
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE2.7 mg18%
Vitamin H, biotin6.6 mcg13.2%
Vitamin PP, NE2.4778 mg12.4%
Niacin1.1 mg
Potassium, K147 mg5.9%
Calcium Ca20 mg2%
Magnesium36 mg9%
Sodium, Na55 mg4.2%
Sulfur, S63 mg6.3%
Phosphorus, Ph109 mg13.6%
trace elements
Aluminium, Al29 mcg
Bor, B215 mcg
Iron, Fe2.7 mg15%
cobalt, co4.5 mcg45%
Manganese, Mn0.4 mg20%
Copper, Cu210 mcg21%
Molybdenum, Mo11.6 mcg16.6%
Nickel, Ni23.4 mcg
Tin, Sn19.6 mcg
Titanium, Ti27 mcg
Chrome, Cr22.7 mcg45.4%
Zinc, Zn0.5 mg4.2%
digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins70.4 g
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)2 g

The health benefits of corn flakes are as follows:

  • the product contains vitamins (A, B6, E, H, PP), macroelements (magnesium, phosphorus) and microelements (cobalt, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, chromium);
  • in the composition of corn flakes there are fibers that normalize the processes of digestion;
  • the content of the amino acid tryptophan leads to the synthesis of the hormone serotonin. Consequently, after eating flakes, the mood improves, positive emotions appear;
  • the product is able to improve memory and brain activity due to its constituent glutamic acid;
  • pectins prevent the development of tumors;
  • starch helps to strengthen muscle tissue and nerve cells;
  • flakes provide a large supply of energy to the body.

What are the cons and harms of the product

According to studies conducted by British experts, it turned out that there are not so few disadvantages of corn flakes.

  1. The biggest and main disadvantage is that this is a high-carb product (75 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of cereal). It is made from higher grades cornmeal, i.e. before grinding, corn grains are completely cleared of the shell and germs, and almost only carbohydrates remain.
  2. In the production of corn flakes, a lot of sugar is added to the flour, and then the finished product is coated sweet icing. As a result, 100 g of the product may contain 40 g of sugar (8 tsp).
  3. The technology for preparing corn flakes involves roasting them. Therefore, in finished product contains trans fats, which, when ingested, displace useful fatty acid from cell membranes. As a result, metabolic processes are disturbed in the cells, and this can lead to various pathologies.
  4. In the manufacture of corn flakes, manufacturers often use artificial flavors, flavor additives, preservatives and other chemical components that are not the best way affects the state of health.
  5. The product has high calorie content- 325.3 kcal. This means that with its uncontrolled use, there is a risk of gaining excess weight.

This is interesting. Scientists have observed children aged 5 to 10 years who ate corn flakes for breakfast every day. After a year of such nutrition, the whole group developed the problem of obesity.

Contraindications for use

  1. Chronic caries, because high content sugar destroys tooth enamel.
  2. Allergic reactions, because corn flakes contain a lot of chemical components.
  3. Type 2 diabetes - with this disease, you can not eat foods with a high glycemic index.
  4. Increased blood clotting and a tendency to thrombophlebitis.
  5. Obesity, because carbohydrate foods contribute to the accumulation of body fat.
  6. Disorders in gastrointestinal tract(additives can cause colic, constipation).
  7. Individual intolerance.

The right choice of product

As it turned out from the above, corn flakes can cause certain harm to health. However, this means that they should not be eaten at all. It is only necessary to choose them correctly and use them correctly.

When buying a product, you should carefully study the composition and packaging.

It is advisable to purchase the product from minimum content sugar or no sugar at all.

On sale you can find corn flakes that are made from whole grains or in which coarse grains are specially added. vegetable fibers. The benefits of such cereals will be much higher, since they are rich in vitamins (especially group B) and healthy fiber.

It is advisable to study on your own appearance corn petals. They should not have large swellings, which indicates violations in the manufacturing process. The surface of the flakes should be covered with small bubbles.

When buying a product, you should pay attention to the packaging itself. It is better if it is not transparent, but made of a metallized film. This will keep all vitamins and other useful components until the end of the expiration date.

After opening the package, corn flakes should be transferred to a bowl with tight lid and put in a dark place. Otherwise, on outdoors fats begin to oxidize, and vitamins are destroyed in the light.

How to eat corn flakes

Most often, people use breakfast cereal. However, paradoxically, this product, for all its high calorie content, does not give a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Corn flakes have a high glycemic index(85 units). Consequently, the carbohydrates in this product are quickly absorbed and blood sugar levels rise sharply. This entails excessive production of insulin, which rapidly reduces the amount of sugar. As a result, the feeling of hunger comes again. That is why experts do not recommend eating corn flakes for breakfast. It is better to use them as a snack between main meals in the morning.

In order for cereals to bring maximum benefit to the body, nutritionists advise pouring them with low-fat yogurt, kefir, and adding chopped fruits and berries containing vegetable fiber to them. This will significantly slow down the absorption processes and prolong the feeling of satiety for a long time.

Video: corn flakes

Nuances of use

Pregnancy period

During the bearing of a child, a woman should be very careful and attentive to the choice of products, since the future health of the baby directly depends on her diet. Corn flakes - not the best best product for pregnant women, because it has a high calorie content, contains a lot of sugar and additives. All this contributes to the set extra pounds and development allergic reactions. Therefore, during pregnancy, if there is an irresistible desire to eat cereal, you need to choose an unglazed product and preferably from whole grains, while the daily rate should not exceed 1 tbsp. l.

Corn flakes while breastfeeding

After birth, the child receives all the necessary nutritional components from breast milk. However, harmful substances also enter the body of the baby. Since cereals contain a lot of sugar and chemical components, a nursing mother should think about what this product will bring to her child. more harm than good. In the first months of life digestive system the baby is still developing, and each New Product can cause unbearable colic, bloating, rashes, etc. in an infant. It makes sense to completely abandon corn flakes. The first time they can be tried by a nursing woman 6 months after the birth of a child. In this case, the dose should not exceed a few petals. You need to use the product in the morning. After that, it is necessary to monitor the health of the baby for 2 days. If no negative reactions appear, then the product is allowed in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. with low-fat yogurt or kefir once a week.

Introduction to complementary foods

Children are not allowed to give corn flakes until they are 2 years old. In this case, you should choose an unglazed product from whole grains. A child can eat the product 1-2 times a week, while the daily rate is 1 tsp.

Is it possible to eat corn flakes with some diseases

With pancreatitis, this product should be forgotten forever, because it contains many chemical components that adversely affect the state of the pancreas.

At diabetes of the first type, it is possible to use corn flakes no more than once a week, while the daily rate should not exceed 3 tsp.

weight loss and diet

Those who want to lose weight often believe that the product will help them in this matter. However, for those who wish to discard excess weight, you should not use this product, because the high content of sugar and carbohydrates only contributes to the accumulation of fat.

But if there is not enough willpower to refuse corn flakes, then you can mix them in a 1: 1 ratio with bran and dilute Greek yogurt. As a result, protein coarse fibers significantly reduce the glycemic index, i.e., slow down the absorption processes in the intestine. At the same time, cereals can be consumed an hour before exercise, so that all the accumulated calories are used up during training. Daily rate should not exceed 1 tbsp. l.

Recipes with cornflakes

diet salad

The salad is extremely light, and the flakes give it an appetizing crunch.


  • corn flakes - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • cucumber - ½ pc.;
  • canned chickpeas - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • germinated wheat sprouts - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • granular cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the tomatoes and cucumber into cubes, add wheat germ and chickpeas to the vegetables, salt, pepper, dress the salad olive oil and lemon juice. Mix everything well. After that, add corn flakes and cottage cheese and mix everything again.

Chicken fillet in corn flakes

To prepare one chicken fillet you need to prepare the marinade and breading.

For the marinade you will need:

  • low-fat cream - 100 ml;
  • soy sauce - 0.5 tsp;
  • hot sauce - 0.5 tsp;
  • garlic - 0.5 cloves;
  • chopped greens - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • green onions - 5–6 arrows;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Breading Ingredients:

  • corn flakes - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • paprika - ¼ tsp;
  • salt, red pepper - to taste.

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in one bowl and put the chicken fillet in it. Leave to marinate for 4 hours.

Corn flakes should be crushed. To do this, it is enough to crush them with a rolling pin. Mix the cereal with the rest of the breading ingredients.

Line a baking sheet with foil and grease it vegetable oil. Remove the chicken fillet from the marinade and immediately roll in the prepared breading. Put the meat on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Cooking time - 40-45 minutes. If the flakes begin to fry too much, then the chicken can be covered with foil on top.

fruit dessert

This dessert is low calorie (only 83 kcal per 100 g of product) and delicate taste. To prepare it, you should take:

  • strawberries - 8 pcs.;
  • kiwi - 4 pcs.;
  • low-fat natural yogurt - 400 ml;
  • corn flakes - 100 g;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Fruit cut into cubes. Then the ingredients should be laid out in the creamer in layers in the following sequence:

  • yogurt;
  • strawberry;
  • yogurt;
  • kiwi and cereal;
  • yogurt;
  • flakes;
  • kiwi;
  • strawberry.

Honey can be added for taste if desired.

Corn flakes have useful properties, however, they are much less than in fresh corn, since they are made from refined flour. In the manufacture of the product, a lot of sugar, flavors, and flavors are added. All together, this leads to the fact that the benefits of the product declared by the manufacturers fade, and the harm increases. Therefore, they must be used with caution.
