
Are cabbage soup useful? Sauerkraut soup: calories and recipe

Since ancient times in Rus', the basis of nutrition was natural and healthy food. The traditions of the ancestors have survived to this day. Therefore, it is not surprising that sauerkraut soup can often be found on the table of fans of Russian cuisine. Many people like this dish not only because of its rich taste and pleasant aroma. It is also incredibly healthy, because it uses vegetables that contain many useful substances for its preparation.

Benefits for the body

Traditionally, fresh or sauerkraut is used as the main ingredient for this soup. It is its presence in cabbage soup that makes them so beneficial to health:

Eating this soup, a person will be of great help to his body, since this dish can improve metabolism.

Therefore, cabbage soup can be cooked even with pork and be sure that eating the dish will not lead to a set extra pounds. Suffice it to say that the calorie content of this soup does not exceed 37 calories per 100 g. This is another reason to learn how to cook cabbage soup from sauerkraut.

Cook at home delicious and healthy soup from sour cabbage is not so difficult. Although there are still some subtleties, knowing about which the young hostess will not have to blush in front of the guests.

For cabbage soup that is planned to be cooked in winter, it is best to use crumbly potatoes. Then the soup will turn out more rich. In the summer months, new potatoes will do just fine.

When choosing the main ingredient - sauerkraut, you can completely rely on your own preferences. Some people like cabbage home cooking, others do not recognize any other than the store, others are used to buying it only from trusted sellers in the markets. To be satisfied with the end result, it is best to purchase one that the hostess has used more than once and is well acquainted with her taste.

The choice of cabbage can affect not only the taste of the dish, but also the features of its preparation. IN winter period It is best to use homemade cabbage. If someone at home regularly pickles cabbage to use it to make hodgepodge, then there will be no particular problems finding the main ingredient. In the summer, you can use a vegetable that is sold in the store.

The taste and aroma of the first course largely depends on the choice of meat. In order not to be mistaken, you need to know from which product the broth for soup is best obtained. Sour cabbage soup is best cooked with bone-in beef or can be used chicken breast. The final choice remains only with the hostess. The main thing is not to experiment. It is best to purchase the product, the taste of which is familiar to the hostess as part of the finished dish.

To make a richer broth, it is best to use more fatty species meat and less water.

During cooking, it is necessary to maintain correct temperature. Experienced chefs it is advised to cook the sauerkraut soup over low heat so that it barely boils. While adding fresh food you need to increase the fire at the same time. This will allow you to quickly equalize the temperature raw foods and broth.

Sometimes during the cooking of cabbage soup, even after setting the lowest fire, the soup continues to boil strongly. In this case, you can simply remove the lid and continue cooking cabbage soup without it.

Step by step recipes

For young housewives, the main problem is to pick up the right recipe. There are so many of them on the net that it is not so easy to understand which one is best for you. In order to prevent gross mistakes during the preparation of cabbage soup, it is best to choose the classic cooking option. It does not require deep knowledge in cooking, and even a novice hostess can cope with the preparation of this dish.

Classic variant

Its main advantage is very simple technology cooking. All that is required from the hostess is to make sure that the products necessary for cabbage soup are available.

To cook sour cabbage soup according to this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

The cooking process begins with the preparation of meat and cabbage. They must be thoroughly washed, put into a saucepan, add water to it, and after boiling, cook over low heat for about 1 hour.

While the meat and cabbage are languishing, you can do the rest of the vegetables. Carrots, onions and potatoes should be thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into cubes.

When 1 hour has passed since boiling, potatoes are added to the pan with meat and cabbage.

Put a frying pan on a free burner and heat it up. When it is hot, oil is poured on it, chopped carrots and onions are put, fried for 5 minutes, and then sent to the rest of the products.

At the very end, add salt, pepper, as well as laurel leaves.

During cooking, the water in the pot may boil away. Therefore, it is allowed to add a little water to it and let it boil for one hour over low heat.

This is a classic sauerkraut cabbage soup recipe that does not involve the use of potatoes or cereals. But experienced housewives very rarely cabbage soup is prepared without this root vegetable. Cereals will not be superfluous in this dish. For the preparation of cabbage soup, you can use barley or millet. They will make the dish even richer.

Mushroom soup

There is another fairly easy-to-make recipe for sour cabbage soup with sauerkraut, which you can please yourself and your family in the fall and winter months.

To prepare this dish you will need the following products:

The first step is to prepare mushrooms and cereals. They need to be filled with water and allowed to swell. If 3 hours is enough for mushrooms, then the grits can be used for making cabbage soup an hour after soaking.

After that, you need to take a suitable container, pour 1 liter of water into it, put cabbage in the container and simmer over low heat for about 60 minutes.

Then mushrooms are added to the soup and the soup continues to cook for another half hour.

Now you need to prepare the onions and carrots. They should be washed, peeled, cut into small cubes, and then fried in oil for 5 minutes.

Pre-prepare the potatoes, which are cut small pieces, and then added to the onion-carrot frying. After the vegetables are in the soup, you can add salt and pepper to taste.

While onions and carrots are being prepared, it is necessary to immediately boil pearl barley. When it reaches a state of semi-readiness, excess water you need to drain, and add the porridge to the main pan.

When the broth boils again, you must wait 10 minutes, after which the cabbage soup is removed from the heat and allowed to brew.

Shchi is especially tasty if you put a little chopped greens and a spoonful of sour cream on a plate.

With chicken meat

Although this option is somewhat different from the classic, it turns out to be no less tasty and fragrant. It is only necessary to follow the technology of its preparation exactly.

For this recipe you will need the following products:

The first step is to prepare the frying of onions and carrots. They must be cut into small pieces and sautéed for vegetable oil until half ready. After that, sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes are placed in the pan with the vegetables and the vegetables continue to simmer for another 4 minutes.

At the same time, the broth begins to boil. First, pour 2 liters of water into the pan, put the chicken and cabbage. After boiling, it is necessary to collect the foam and reduce the temperature.

After 20 minutes, diced potatoes and onions and carrots stewed with tomatoes are thrown into the pan.

When the soup is almost ready, you need to salt it, add pepper and cook for another 15 minutes under the lid.

This variant of cabbage soup will be a good alternative classic recipe. Even though chicken was used to cook the soup, it turns out not only fragrant and rich, but also incredibly healthy due to the low calorie content of meat.

Pork dish

Unlike classic version cabbage soup, this recipe for soup with sauerkraut has one feature - before adding to the broth, the cabbage is first fried in butter.

To prepare this dish, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • pork on the bone - 600 g;
  • sauerkraut - 350 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • onion- 1 PC.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • ground pepper, garlic, butter, salt.

The preparation of cabbage soup according to this recipe begins with boiling the broth. The meat must be washed, sent to the pan and cooked from the moment of boiling over low heat for 1 hour.

At the same time, cabbage begins to cook. It is necessary to take a cauldron, heat it up, add butter, put cabbage and simmer it for about 2 hours.

When the cabbage is almost ready, chopped potatoes are placed in the meat broth.

Now they begin to cook the frying of onions, carrots and tomatoes.

After an hour, put in the broth stewed cabbage and roasted tomato. You can immediately add salt and spices.

The cabbage soup should be allowed to boil for 10 minutes with the lid closed, after which the pan should be removed from the heat and let it brew in the oven.

Sauerkraut soup is one of the favorite dishes of fans of Russian cuisine. Many are accustomed to often indulge themselves in this soup, since very available products, and it turns out incredibly rich and tasty.

Attention, only TODAY!

Sauerkraut is a product obtained by lactic acid fermentation of chopped or chopped cabbage leaves. The role of preservatives in this case is played by lactic acid and salt. mustard oils With high content sulfur gives the product a specific taste and aroma, turning it into a healthy and tasty snack.

Homeland of sauerkraut is China. There are archaeological data confirming that this dish began to be cooked in the Middle Kingdom almost 3 thousand years ago. Later, the simple technology of fermenting cabbage was mastered in Korea and Central Europe. In Rus', this dish became widespread only by the middle of the 16th century.

Sauerkraut is affordable and useful product. It is eaten as a snack or garnish, used to make salads, first courses or baking toppings. IN folk medicine with the help of sauerkraut and the brine released from it, a wide variety of disorders in the body are corrected.

Traditional recipe for sauerkraut

  • white cabbage - 5 kg;
  • sour apples - 4-5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 350–400 g;
  • table salt - 100 g;
  • cranberries and (or) lingonberries - 70–80 g.


  • Cabbage is cut into long noodle-like pieces, carrots are cut into thin strips, and apples are cut into large slices.
  • The resulting mass is sprinkled with salt, mixed with berries and poured into a wooden tub scalded with boiling water.
  • The mixture is tightly packed and pressed down with a yoke.
  • Cabbage fermentation lasts 5 days at a temperature of about 20 ° C. During this period, the escaping foam is regularly removed and the compacted mixture is pierced daily with a sharp wooden stick.
  • On day 5-6, a tub of sauerkraut is transferred to a cool place.
  • The dish comes to readiness after 1.5–2 weeks.

Rules for the selection and storage of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut can be purchased at the store or in the market. When choosing this product, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Before buying sauerkraut in the store, you need to carefully read the label on the package. The product must not contain vinegar essence, lemon juice or citric acid.
  • High-quality sauerkraut has a pronounced sour-salty taste, White color(sometimes with a pinkish-gold tint) and pleasant aroma pickles. From buying products that have musty or other bad smell, gray or dark spots, it is better to refrain.
  • The sauerkraut should be firm and crispy. If the product does not crunch, then the technology for its preparation has been violated.
  • Most vitamins are stored in coarsely chopped cabbage leaves.
  • The brine should have a viscous, slightly slimy consistency.

You need to store cabbage in the dark at a temperature of about 0 ° C: in the heat, the product begins to ferment vigorously, and in the cold, it freezes and loses its properties. nutritional properties. For storage, it is better to use wooden, ceramic or glass containers.

Nutritional value of the product

100 g of sauerkraut contains the following nutrients:

  • proteins - 1.511 g;
  • fats - 0.092 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.179 g;
  • dietary fiber - 3.891 g;
  • water - 87.414 g;
  • ash - 0.816 g.

Digestible carbohydrates in the composition of 100 g of the product are sugar (4.998 g), starch and dextrins (0.181 g).

Vitamins in sauerkraut

IN sauerkraut contains a whole complex of vitamins. When eating 100 g of this product, the following enters the gastrointestinal tract:

  • retinol equivalent (A) - 598.744 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.027 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.038 mg;
  • pantothenate (B5) - 0.179 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.074 mg;
  • folates (B9) - 8.816 mcg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - 38.064 mg;
  • alpha-tocopherol, tocopherol equivalent (E) - 0.166 mg;
  • nicotinic acid (PP) - 0.966 mg.

Sauerkraut also contains biotin - vitamin B7 or H. The concentration of this compound is 0.094 μg per 100 g of product.

Calorie content of the dish

The energy value of 100 g of sauerkraut is 26.813 kcal. A teaspoon of this snack contains 2.741 kcal, a tablespoon contains 7.819 kcal, and a glass contains 41.147 kcal.

Useful elements in sauerkraut

Trace elements in 100 g of sauerkraut:

  • zinc - 0.376 mg;
  • iodine - 2.805 mcg;
  • aluminum - 492.819 mcg;
  • chromium - 4.572 mcg;
  • manganese - 0.164 mg;
  • rubidium - 5.544 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 12.063 mcg;
  • cobalt - 2.966 mcg;
  • boron - 197.806 mcg;
  • lithium - 0.377 mcg;
  • nickel - 14.083 mcg;
  • fluorine - 12.173 mcg;
  • vanadium - 6.371 mcg;
  • copper - 81.293 mcg;
  • iron - 0.794 mg.

Macronutrients in a 100-gram serving of the dish:

  • sodium - 21.793 mg;
  • potassium - 283.361 mg;
  • chlorine - 1243.578 mg;
  • sulfur - 34.579 mg;
  • calcium - 49.721 mg;
  • phosphorus - 29.732 mg;
  • magnesium - 16.244 mg.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

  • Sauerkraut is a dietary product that has a low energy value. People who want to lose weight can diversify their diet with this snack without fear of consequences.
  • The brine released during the fermentation of cabbage has laxative properties. In order to cope with prolonged constipation, it is enough to drink half a glass of this remedy before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Sauerkraut - available source ascorbic acid and other vitamins. With the regular inclusion of this dish in the diet, the likelihood of developing colds, hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency, the general tone of the body and its ability to resist infections increase.
  • Sauerkraut is a real storehouse of antioxidant compounds that neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, slow down the aging of the body and reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.
  • The brine released during lactic acid fermentation of cabbage leaves helps women cope with toxicosis during the period of gestation. In order to get rid of nausea, it is enough to drink 3 tablespoons of this remedy every morning.
  • Cabbage, fermented without sweeteners, contains a complex of substances that reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood.
  • With regular consumption of fermented cabbage leaves, the composition of the intestinal microflora is normalized, the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract increases, and the risk of developing disorders in the digestive system is reduced.
  • Sauerkraut is rich in compounds that help increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
  • Substances that enter the body when consuming this product contribute to the acceleration of lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
  • Vitamin A and other compounds present in sauerkraut help improve vision, protect the visual apparatus during increased loads on the eyes.
  • Women who regularly include sauerkraut in their diet are more likely to tolerate the manifestations of menopausal syndrome.
  • Fermented cabbage leaves are an effective detoxifier. By eating 150 g of this product per day, you can accelerate the removal of toxins, poisons, salts of heavy metals and others. harmful substances from the body.
  • B vitamins, which are rich in sauerkraut, strengthen nervous system. People in whose diet this dish is constantly present rarely suffer from neurosis, depression, insomnia, and sudden mood swings.
  • Iron and other nutrients found in sauerkraut leaves improve blood formation. Therefore, this dish is recommended for people suffering from anemia.
  • Substances present in sauerkraut increase potency, improve the composition of the ejaculate and reduce the risk of developing disorders in work genitourinary system in men.
  • In folk medicine, sauerkraut is used to combat hemorrhoids. The product is ground in a mortar, the resulting slurry is wrapped in gauze and applied to the inflamed node for 2-3 hours.
  • Substances present in sauerkraut help remove excess cholesterol from the body, give elasticity and strength to the walls of capillaries, veins and arteries, strengthen the heart muscle, and regulate the heart rate. Thanks to this, people who daily include this dish in their menu reduce the risk of developing arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and other cardiac diseases.
  • results scientific research indicate that sauerkraut has antihistamine properties. People who consume this product daily have a reduced risk of developing allergic reactions and asthma attacks.
  • The juice released during the fermentation of cabbage leaves has analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. traditional healers I recommend rinsing with this product. oral cavity with angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis and stomatitis.
  • With congestion in gallbladder it is useful to drink cabbage brine, half diluted tomato juice. The remedy should be taken in a third of a glass 25 minutes before breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • Sauerkraut contains a complex of compounds that improve the condition of nails and hair, giving them a healthy shine and accelerating their growth.
  • In folk medicine, sauerkraut brine is used to treat superficial burns. A sterile cloth soaked with this agent is applied to the affected area. Lotion is changed every 20 minutes.
  • Juice that is released when pickling cabbage leaves - effective remedy hangover.

Cosmetic properties of sauerkraut

  • From fermented cabbage leaves, a mask is prepared that cleanses and whitens the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles. The product is squeezed, crushed in a blender and applied in a thin layer to problem areas. After 40 minutes, the cabbage mass is washed off, and any moisturizer is applied to the treated skin.
  • Pickled cabbage brine is an effective remedy for acne. Sterile gauze is impregnated with liquid and applied to problem areas for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily.
  • A mask is prepared from sauerkraut that regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, narrows enlarged pores and blocks the spread of inflammatory processes to too much oily skin. The product (4 tablespoons) is crushed in a blender, combined with whipped protein chicken egg and with 4 teaspoons potato starch. The mass is thoroughly mixed and distributed over the skin. After 25 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.
  • Sauerkraut can be the basis for the preparation of a mask that moisturizes dry and sensitive skin. The product (3 tablespoons) is mashed, combined with egg yolk And olive oil(1.5 teaspoons). The resulting mass is whipped and distributed over problematic skin. After 35 minutes, the composition is washed off with cool water.
  • The juice released when fermenting cabbage leaves helps strengthen hair follicles and slow down excessive hair loss. For cooking remedy½ cup of brine is combined with 1.5 teaspoons of honey, mixed and heated to 40 ° C. The resulting composition is rubbed into the scalp in a circular motion and left for 40 minutes. The procedure is carried out every 8-9 days.

Contraindications and harm of sauerkraut

  • Abuse of sauerkraut can provoke bloating, active gas formation, diarrhea.
  • Substances present in fermented cabbage leaves slow down the absorption of iodine. People who are at risk for thyroid disease should consult a doctor before including this snack on the menu.
  • Sauerkraut - a dish with high content salt. Therefore, people suffering from hypertension, gout and edema should limit their consumption of this product.
  • Sauerkraut is contraindicated in case of excessive acidity of gastric juice, severe diseases of the kidneys and pancreas, gastritis, in the presence of stones in the gallbladder.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend including this snack in the diet of children under 5 years old.

The calorie content of cabbage soup per 100 grams depends on the recipe for preparing the dish. This note presents indicators of caloric content, fat, protein, carbohydrate content in soup with fresh, sauerkraut, lean cabbage soup and sour cream.

Calorie cabbage soup with fresh cabbage per 100 grams 28 kcal. A 100-gram serving of soup contains:

  • 0.43 g protein;
  • 2.1 g fat;
  • 2 g carbohydrates.

To prepare cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, we need:

  • 400 g fresh white cabbage;
  • 3 medium sized potatoes;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 Bay leaf;
  • 3 allspice peas;
  • 1 celery root;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 1 bunch of dill, parsley;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking steps:

  • chop white cabbage, transfer it to an empty pan;
  • cut potatoes into cubes, pour into a saucepan on cabbage;
  • chop finely onions, spread to potatoes and cabbage;
  • rub on coarse grater carrots and celery root, pour into a saucepan;
  • add bay leaf to other ingredients, allspice, tomato paste and 350 g of water;
  • cover the resulting mixture with a lid and simmer over the smallest fire;
  • turn off the gas, leave the vegetables to brew under a closed lid for 15 minutes;
  • pour vegetables 2 l hot water, we throw finely chopped greens into the soup, garlic squeezed through a press, chopped onion;
  • bring the soup to a boil.

Fresh cabbage soup is ready! Serve hot.

Sauerkraut soup: calories per 100 grams

Calorie cabbage soup from sauerkraut per 100 grams 43 kcal. In a 100-gram serving of soup:

  • 2.34 g protein;
  • 2.61 g fat;
  • 3.8 g of carbohydrates.

To make these soups, you need the following ingredients:

  • 300 g sour cabbage;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt to taste;
  • 700 g of millet;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • greenery.

Steps for making sauerkraut soup:

  • heat the pan over medium heat, add a little vegetable oil, squeeze the juice from sauerkraut, put the squeezed cabbage in the pan;
  • simmer the cabbage until tender over low heat, after stewing, simmer for 10 minutes under a closed lid;
  • chop the onion finely;
  • grate carrots on a coarse grater;
  • dice potatoes;
  • put carrots, onions, potatoes, washed millet, spices, salt in a saucepan;
  • add water flush with the products, simmer the ingredients in a saucepan over low heat, then insist under a closed lid with the heat turned off for 15 minutes;
  • add cabbage, boiling water to the pan. Bring the cabbage soup to a boil, add the chopped greens.

Calorie content of lean cabbage soup from fresh cabbage per 100 grams

calories lean cabbage soup per 100 grams 18 kcal. In a 100-gram serving of soup:

  • 0.5 g protein;
  • 0.8 g fat;
  • 2.3 g of carbohydrates.

To make lean cabbage soup, you need the following products:

  • 350 g of white mushrooms;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 300 g fresh white cabbage;
  • 2 small onions;
  • half 1 piece sweet pepper;
  • spices, salt to taste;
  • some sunflower oil.

Cooking steps:

  • cut into cubes peeled and washed potatoes;
  • pour the potatoes into a saucepan, fill with water, put on medium heat;
  • shred cabbage;
  • chop porcini mushrooms, onions, half of sweet pepper into small cubes;
  • grate carrots;
  • pour cabbage into boiled potatoes, cook for 10 minutes;
  • At this time, fry the onions and carrots in a pan in vegetable oil. A little later, add mushrooms to the fry;
  • pour the frying into a saucepan with cabbage and potatoes;
  • add pepper to boiled cabbage soup;
  • after boiling the vegetables, add seasoning and salt to the cabbage soup;
  • simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.

The soup is ready! Bon appetit.

Shchi with sour cream: calories per 100 grams

The calorie content of cabbage soup with sour cream per 100 grams depends on the soup recipe, the amount and type of sour cream added. Let's make simple calculations: in one serving of soup there are about 250 grams of cabbage soup, usually 1 tablespoon of sour cream is added.

Thus, the calorie content of cabbage soup with fresh cabbage and sour cream per 100 grams: for 10% fat sour cream - 37.1 kcal, for 20% fat sour cream - 44.48 kcal, for 25% fat sour cream - 47.92 kcal, for sour cream 30 % fat - 51.44 kcal.

Calorie values ​​for lean cabbage soup and soup with sauerkraut and sour cream differ slightly.

The benefits of cabbage soup

TO useful properties cabbage soup include:

  • despite the low calorie content, cabbage soup perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. Such soups are often included in the diet during weight loss and diet;
  • sour cabbage soup is saturated with vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, sodium, silicon, calcium, potassium and other vitamins and minerals;
  • soup stimulates the work of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, gallbladder;
  • the product normalizes metabolism, providing effective weight loss;
  • with regular use of cabbage soup, the level of bad cholesterol decreases, blood sugar levels normalize;
  • soup is recommended to eat to prevent constipation.

Damage to cabbage soup

TO harmful properties cabbage soup include:

  • due to the addition of cabbage to the soup, in some people cabbage soup provokes disorders in the digestive tract, including those accompanied by flatulence and bloating;
  • because of heat treatment soup vegetables lose a significant part of the nutrients. It is much healthier to eat raw vegetables;
  • cabbage soup should be eaten separately, not mixed with bread and other food. Otherwise, you can disrupt the work of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder and pancreas;
  • a dish with sauerkraut is excluded from the diet when hyperacidity gastric juice, peptic ulcer intestines, stomach, as well as gastritis;
  • if sorrel is added to cabbage soup, then ulcers, gout, exacerbated kidney diseases will be contraindications for use.

The benefits of dietary foods have been known for a long time. Such a diet should be followed so that health is strong, and they are also good for losing weight. Among numerous recipes diet dishes can be distinguished cabbage soup, cooked with sauerkraut. This dish has incredible taste which makes him revered by many.

After cooking, cabbage soup can be eaten immediately. At the same time, if desired, it is recommended to serve the dish either with sour cream or with a slice of lemon. It should be borne in mind that if sour cream is added, then it is better to take the one that has the lowest percentage of fat content.

Diet cooking recipes various dishes possess most useful than other food. At the same time, it should be noted that the taste of such dishes is in no way inferior, and besides, such food is considered correct and is preferred by those who adhere to healthy eating.

Shchi cooked with sauerkraut is one of the most popular dietary dishes. The benefits, as well as the taste of this dish, are simply excellent. By her own sour cabbage, this is one product that has the uniqueness of containing both probiotics and prebiotics. Due to these properties, sauerkraut helps to improve digestion, and also increases the immune forces of the body. In addition, sauerkraut is useful for obesity, for diseases diabetes, helps to reduce the likelihood of such terrible diseases as cancer and coronary heart disease.

Eating a dish such as cabbage soup with sauerkraut effectively helps to solve the problem. excess weight, while unlike numerous diets that involve the use of lean foods, they have great taste and they don't come. In addition, a dish such as cabbage soup with sauerkraut receives the highest ratings and points among gourmets and amateurs alike. If you are guided by the table of caloric content of products, then sauerkraut contains only 25 kcal. That's why this product you can eat in any quantity, without fear of getting better.

Shchi from sauerkraut and chicken is quite tasty. To prepare such a dish, you need to thoroughly rinse 200 grams chicken fillet. For the preparation of a dietary dish, it is better to use fillet, because it does not contain fat. After the fillet is washed, it must be filled with water and put on fire. After boiling, the meat should cook for a couple of minutes, and then the broth is drained. After water is added again and the broth is already preparing in the usual way. Its cooking time will be about 10 minutes.

While the broth is cooking, you need to grate the carrots, chop the onion, and then add them to the saucepan with the broth. Vegetables should cook for about five minutes. After the specified period of time, sauerkraut is also added, which, if desired, can be cut into small pieces. Then the dish continues to cook for another 7 minutes. Then rice is added to the contents of the saucepan, which is cooked for 20 minutes. At the very end, it is recommended to add a lot of greens, which will give the dish even more flavor and richness. As for salt, it is added at will, it all depends on how salty the cabbage was.

You can use another recipe for cooking cabbage soup using sour cabbage. This dish also contains calories in minimum quantity, so it can be eaten in any quantity.

Sauerkraut, if necessary, can be cut. It is advisable to do this if it is too large. Then the cabbage is placed in a cast iron or other utensils intended for cooking in the oven. To the cabbage, you will need to add half a glass of water and a little less vegetable oil. After that, the dishes are placed in a preheated oven and cooked at a temperature of 130 degrees for two hours.

In parallel with the preparation of cabbage, mushrooms should be prepared. It is best to take dried, but you can also fresh, then the cooking time of this product will be less. Mushrooms are poured with water and boiled over a small fire for about an hour, as for dried mushrooms. After the mushrooms are ready, the broth will need to be drained.

Then you need to cut or grate the carrot, and also cut the onion. Mushrooms, as well as chopped vegetables, are fried in oil. After, this mixture is added to the cabbage. This should be done about 30 minutes before the cabbage is ready.

After the mixture in the oven is ready, you need to take it out and add the drained mushroom broth. After that, on a small fire, cabbage soup is cooked for another 20 minutes.

Before serving such a dish to the table, you need to sprinkle the cabbage soup with herbs and, if desired, add a little garlic, but this is already an amateur. You can also add lemon or sour cream.

As for the amount of products that will be needed to prepare this dish, 50 grams of dried mushrooms are taken per 700 grams of sour cabbage. All other ingredients are added as desired.

This recipe for sour cabbage soup can be slightly changed if you add a little more during the cooking process. pearl barley or potatoes. You can add both at once.

There is such a tradition as serving sour cabbage soup with buckwheat cakes, which are prepared quite quickly. You just need to cook buckwheat porridge, which should turn out to be smeared. Then this porridge is laid out on a baking sheet, which is covered with parchment paper and after cooling, triangles are cut off, which are then fried in oil. A dish such as buckwheat cakes is also dietary and useful during weight loss. In addition, buckwheat contains a lot useful components that are needed by the body. And in combination with sour cabbage soup, the dish will become not only tasty, but also several times healthier.

If a person is trying to solve the problem of excess weight, then the plate model is not recommended when added to sour soup cabbage use sour cream for dressing. Here you need to either not put potatoes in the dish, and then put sour cream, or put potatoes, but add lemon to the dish.

Everyone wants to eat delicious food and still get a lot of benefit from it. A dish such as cabbage soup with sauerkraut can satisfy this requirement. Knowing and knowing how to cook such cabbage soup correctly, it will be possible to pamper yourself with it at least every day, since their use is not limited.


Sauerkraut - a traditional dish in many countries, the recipes of which have been kept since ancient times. Vigorous, with a smell soaked apples, it supplies the body with mass nutrients in the winter, when they are so scarce.

IN Lately they started talking about the fact that it is very useful for losing weight, since there are even fewer calories in it than in a fresh vegetable. However, not all nutritionists approve of this way to get rid of excess weight. Is it worth trying this technique and how will it affect health?

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Mechanism of action

Sauerkraut is used for weight loss, usually in winter, when fresh vegetables and fruits are not enough for appropriate diets (read about fresh cabbage as an assistant in losing weight). Despite all the disadvantages of such an unusual hunger strike, many achieve good results, because even 500 grams of this product daily starts processes in the body that contribute to weight loss. It happens in the following way.

  1. The low calorie content of this dish (19 kcal per 100 g of product) reduces the energy value of the diet. This is a vegetable with negative calorie”, since the body spends more energy on its digestion than it receives. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to eat sauerkraut while losing weight (as part of any diet) is only positively resolved.
  2. This leads to the body burning its own fat cells.
  3. The vegetable has a lot of fiber, so this diet is a kind of detoxification course for the digestive organs.
  4. The high content of vitamins and microelements helps to avoid their deficiency.
  5. Lactic acid bacteria contained in sauerkraut preserve vitamins and trace elements in the vegetable.
  6. Just 15 grams of this dish contains a daily portion of vitamin K, useful for blood clotting. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. B vitamins are essential for the nervous system.
  7. Tartronic acid contained in this product prevents carbohydrates from turning into fat.

Given this mechanism for losing weight, you can safely sit on this unusual diet and lose those unwanted pounds. There are many options for hunger strikes: from a three-day mono-diet to a ten-day protein diet.

However, eating only sauerkraut for several days is dangerous to health. Acids can corrode the gastric mucosa up to gastritis, the lack of proteins and fats will adversely affect the work of many organs, and flatulence simply torments. Therefore, the diet must be made balanced, following the basic principles of the diet and the recommendations of specialists.

through the pages of the past. James Cook attributes the success of the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands to sauerkraut, as a daily portion of this product saved his sailors from a deadly scurvy epidemic.

Basic principles

In order for the sauerkraut diet to be effective for weight loss and beneficial, without causing any harm to health, it is advisable to follow its basic principles, without which the process of getting rid of excess fat simply will not start.

  1. Many mistakenly consider such weight loss a mono-diet. This is wrong. You do not have to eat only one product in the morning, afternoon and evening. In fact, the diet is quite rich and includes a variety of dishes.
  2. As part of such a diet, you need to eat foods rich in protein. Then the metabolism will not slow down, and the protein that requires long digestion will be absorbed much faster.
  3. Before starting a diet, it is advisable to make a fasting day to start the process of intestinal detoxification. It will help you lose weight more effectively.
  4. You can not sit on such a diet for a long time. Its duration should be from 3 to 10 days.
  5. This method of losing weight can be used no more than once a year as an emergency measure.
  6. Do not forget to grind your slimming body daily physical activity. They should not be excessive, as there will not be so many carbohydrates in the diet. It can be morning exercises, walking before going to bed, cycling, swimming pool.
  7. It is forbidden to consume fatty foods as part of the diet, fried foods. Salt and sugar - limit. Carbohydrates - at a minimum.
  8. Unsweetened fruits, vegetables are allowed, protein food(low-fat dairy, chicken, beef, fish).
  9. All dishes are recommended to be stewed, boiled, steamed, but not fried.

The low calorie content of sauerkraut and other foods consumed as part of this diet will force the body to use up fat stores. This will lead to the desired weight loss. However, not everyone will be able to choose this way of getting rid of excess weight. For certain health problems regular use sauerkraut can cause irreparable harm body.

This is interesting! It is believed that if you pickle cabbage in a bad mood, it will be bitter.


Thanks to a huge number vitamins, acids and minerals in this unique product, the benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss are beyond doubt. But in large quantities(and during the diet you will have to eat a lot of it) it is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney problems;
  • diabetes;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • hypertension;
  • stones in the gallbladder.

And even healthy people it is not recommended to eat it at night, as this will cause fermentation in the stomach, which can turn into the process of rotting food. The result is nausea, indigestion, discomfort and pain in the abdomen, bloating and flatulence. Avoid it. But if you strictly follow all the recommendations of experts, the question of whether sauerkraut is useful for losing weight will not even arise. Extra pounds will go away quickly, and well-being will only improve.

Leaven secrets. According to lunar calendar, fermentation is best done on the 5th or 6th day after the new moon. If this is done on a full moon, the dish will quickly deteriorate.

sample menu

Knowing how sauerkraut is useful for weight loss, you can start compiling a menu. Ideally, there should be three meals a day, so that the results after a week of fasting are impressive. But if you really want to eat, you can eat any unsweetened fruit between breakfast and lunch, and drink 250 ml of something from skimmed milk (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt, just milk) for an afternoon snack.

When it comes to serving size, follow these guidelines:

150 gr for breakfast;
- 200 ml of soup for lunch and no more than 200 g of the second course;
- 150-200 gr for dinner.

First day

Second day

The third day

  • Morning: egg, bread coarse grinding, coffee.
  • Lunch: borsch, buckwheat with chicken, tea.
  • Evening: salad, juice.

Fourth day

  • Morning: yogurt, crackers, coffee.
  • Lunch: chicken broth, salad, tea.
  • Evening: sauerkraut with vegetables, juice.

Fifth day

  • Morning: cottage cheese, coffee.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup, stew, tea.
  • Evening: fish, sauerkraut salad, juice.

Sixth day

  • Morning: scrambled eggs, coffee.
  • Lunch: borscht, diet vegetable salad, tea.
  • Evening: stewed sauerkraut, chicken, juice.

Seventh day

Sauerkraut for weight loss - excellent tool. Allows you to saturate the body and start the process of dissolving fat reserves in it. Many complain about the scarcity of the diet of such a diet and from time to time an oppressive feeling of hunger. But if you find different recipes dishes, there will be no such problems.

Curious fact. So that the cabbage does not peroxide, you need to put an aspen log (or a branch) in it.


To fill the diet menu with delicious and healthy meals, you need to know how to cook sauerkraut for weight loss. We offer you several dietary recipes.

Recipe number 1: Diet sauerkraut soup


  • 300 gr sauerkraut;
  • 150 gr carrots;
  • 50 gr onions;
  • 30 gr fat-free sour cream;
  • 1.5 liters of water.


  1. Drop cabbage into boiling water.
  2. Add chopped onions, grated carrots to it.
  3. Bring to a boil, cook until tender.
  4. Insist 20 minutes.
  5. Top with sour cream before serving.

Recipe number 2: Diet stewed vegetable stew


  • 250 gr mushrooms;
  • 2 medium potatoes;
  • 500 gr sauerkraut;
  • cumin, turmeric, bay leaf, paprika, vegetable oil to taste.


  1. Rinse the cabbage running water. Throw away in a colander.
  2. Clean the mushrooms, chop.
  3. Peel potatoes, cut into small cubes.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into a deep saucepan.
  5. Sprinkle in turmeric and paprika.
  6. After a minute, add the mushrooms. Keep on fire until fully prepared. Put on a plate.
  7. There also put sauerkraut, bay leaf, cumin. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  8. Add potatoes. Simmer another 10 minutes.
  9. Add mushrooms. Remove from heat after 5 minutes.

Recipe number 3: Diet salad


  • 300 gr sauerkraut;
  • 100 gr fresh champignons;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • vegetable oil, herbs to taste.


  1. Boil champignons with spices, cool, chop.
  2. Finely chop the onion.
  3. Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, cut into cubes.
  4. Mix all ingredients.
  5. Season with oil and herbs.

Losing weight with sauerkraut should be done very carefully. a lot about her negative feedback including dietitians. But for the most part, they relate to a mono-diet, which, of course, is very harmful to the body. Combine this product with protein food - and overweight dissolve in the air in a matter of days.


Light and tasty, lean and rich, with meat and mushrooms - cabbage soup has always been a main dish on the Russian table. Shchi can be cooked at any time of the year, served both as an everyday hot dish and as a first for the festive table.

To cook fresh cabbage soup, you definitely need vegetables: cabbage, root vegetables, spices, but there are many options for combining these vegetables both with each other and with other products: meat, fish, mushrooms.

How to cook cabbage soup for weight loss

IN different cuisines world there are recipes for soups with cabbage, prepared in their own style, with national flavor, with a certain "zest". In Russian cuisine, cabbage soup and borscht are also very diverse.

So, in the southern regions they prefer more lean options cabbage soups, in the north, on the contrary, they love rich meat cabbage soup.

cabbage soup

Delicious cabbage soup from fresh cabbage will turn out if you take vegetables directly from the garden: new potatoes, juicy cabbage, sorrel, greens.

This summer version cold soup, it is better not to make it heavier with protein foods and fats. IN hot weather it must be eaten cold.

You can cook cabbage soup from fresh cabbage and with meat, if you cannot do without it. Then first boil the lean pieces and prepare small cubes from them, add them to the finished refrigerator. Further recipes are the same.

Take the following products for cooking the refrigerator:

  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • one onion, carrot, tomato;
  • stalk of celery;
  • small bunches of sorrel, dill, green onion.

  1. In boiling water, put the cubes of purified young potatoes, 3 medium tubers are enough.
  2. After boiling, salt, add half a cup of fresh sweet cabbage, finely chopped with a knife or food processor.
  3. Place small onion rings and thin, almost transparent circles of carrots cut with a knife with a curly blade into the cabbage soup along with round pieces of celery stalk.
  4. Then you can add grated or diced fresh red tomato.
  5. Cut the sorrel (both the leaves and the stem), throw it into the boiling soup and immediately remove from the heat.
  6. Chill the chilled soup in the refrigerator. Add sour cream, dill, green onions when serving.
  7. Vegetables do not need to be digested, they should be with a slight “crunch”.

Summer cabbage soup recipe

In hot summer days Appetite decreases and you want to eat less. At this time it is good to use fresh vegetables and fruits, prepare light salads and soups. For example, cook summer cabbage soup.

Cooking cabbage soup according to this recipe does not take much time. Only fresh vegetables are used for it:

  • one carrot;
  • 200 g of white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli;
  • red and yellow tomatoes six to seven cherry tomatoes, depending on size;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • green peas - half a glass;
  • parsley and lettuce leaves;
  • lemon.

Summer cabbage soup from fresh cabbage - photo:

  1. Chop cabbage into long strips. Lightly add salt and knead with your hands until it gives juice.
  2. Boil cauliflower, carrot slices and broccoli in boiling salted water for about 3 minutes, remove, filter the broth.
  3. Fold white and red cabbage in a tureen and pour hot broth.
  4. Squeeze lemon juice into it.
  5. Remove the skin from the tomato, dousing them with boiling water beforehand.
  6. Tear lettuce and parsley leaves with your hands.
  7. Pour cabbage soup into each portioned deep plate, put boiled cabbage with carrots, three or four tomatoes different color, a spoonful of green peas, lettuce and parsley.

Lean cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

For lean cabbage soup you need to take:

  • two tubers of potatoes;
  • a quarter of a head of cabbage;
  • two tomatoes;
  • small zucchini;
  • onion and carrot;
  • a sprig of celery;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • spices.

How to cook lean cabbage soup from fresh cabbage - video:

Mushroom soup with fresh cabbage

Mushroom soup is prepared from both fresh and salted or sauerkraut. Mushrooms are used in any form: fresh, frozen, dried, even pickled.

delicious mushroom soup it is obtained from chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, boletus, milk mushrooms, champignons. If you want to cook soup from fresh cabbage with mushrooms, and you have your own special preferences, you can use any edible mushrooms, while making an amendment to the recipe regarding their heat treatment.

To cook mushroom soup with fresh cabbage, you will need:

  • meat bones - 350 g;
  • cabbage - 350 g;
  • fresh mushrooms - 450 g;
  • red Bell pepper- 1 PC.
  • carrot - 1 root crop;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • spicy greens;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

  1. Boil 1.7 l bone broth, remove the bones, strain.
  2. Stew shredded cabbage, sweet peppers and spices in a saucepan with oil and add a little broth.
  3. Boil the mushrooms, put them in a colander, cool and cut.
  4. Mushroom broth and the rest of the broth add to the cabbage, bring to a boil.
  5. Spasserovat finely chopped root vegetables in oil.
  6. Passerovka, mushrooms, lavrushka put in the soup at the end of cooking.
  7. Serving, decorate with greens.

Fish soup

Required for cooking fish soup products:

  • fish, fish fillet- 270 g;
  • white cabbage - 550 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • root parsley - 1 pc;
  • leek - 1 stalk;
  • salt, spices.

  1. Cut the washed, cleaned, gutted fish, cut the fillets, put the rest in a soup pot, pour cold water.
  2. cook fish broth from the head, fins and bones with the addition of spices.
  3. Pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into a saucepan, put on it cubes of carrots, parsley and onions.
  4. Cut the cabbage into cubes, remember a little, put in a saute and mix.
  5. When the vegetables are soft, pour over the hot fish broth.
  6. Boil, lower the pieces of fish.
  7. After three minutes of boiling, turn off. The soup is infused for 25-30 minutes.
  8. When serving, put chopped greens in plates.

Cabbage meat soup - recipe

Sour cabbage soup is made from sauerkraut. To cook low-calorie cabbage soup with meat, take:

  • sauerkraut - 570 g;
  • lean beef - 250 g;
  • brain bones - 500 g;
  • root vegetables per piece: onions, carrots, parsley root, turnips;
  • tomato paste - 55 g;
  • vegetable oil - 55 g;
  • spices;
  • parsley, dill, cilantro - 50 g each;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • sour cream - 1 cup.

  1. Boil the meat with bones for about an hour and a half, then remove and strain the broth.
  2. Cabbage, if strongly sour, rinse in cold water and squeeze large pieces cut.
  3. Simmer for an hour in vegetable oil with the addition of broth.
  4. Chop the root crops with a knife or on a grater, fry with butter and tomato in a pan.
  5. Place everything in a pot of simmering beef broth.
  6. Add bay leaf, peas, salt to the same place, remove from heat immediately after boiling.
  7. Serve with soup sour cream dressing made from finely chopped greens, 2 cloves of garlic and a glass of sour cream.

How to cook cabbage soup in a slow cooker

If you have a slow cooker, fresh cabbage soup is even easier to cook.

Russian cabbage soup from fresh cabbage - recipe

Take it all necessary ingredients in the following quantity:

  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • cabbage - half a small head or a quarter of a medium one;
  • carrots - one large;
  • onion - one medium head;
  • red beans - half a glass;
  • tomatoes - 2 large;
  • bay leaves - three;
  • black pepper - 5 large peas;
  • salt - a tablespoon.

  1. Soak the beans in cold water for four hours.
  2. Clean and chop vegetables.
  3. Place all ingredients in a bowl.
  4. Fill with water.
  5. Close the lid, select the soup or stew mode.
  6. Adjust time: 59 minutes.
  7. Pour the finished cabbage soup into a tureen.
  8. Serve to the table, decorating to your taste.

Fresh cabbage soup - calories

The calorie content of cabbage soup depends on the recipe and, accordingly, the products included in it. Since the main product of cabbage soup is cabbage, rich in fiber, and most recipes use root vegetables, vegetables and herbs that contain vitamins and useful macro- and microelements, this dish is low-calorie.

Due to its composition, cabbage soup is quite easily digested, contributes to the burning of fats, and at the same time perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, saturating the body well.

The calorie content of cabbage soup from fresh cabbage is:

  • in 100 g - 31 kcal,
  • proteins - 3 kcal,
  • fats - 17 kcal,
  • carbohydrates - 11 kcal.

A little more calories in cabbage soup cooked on meat broth: 54-73 kcal. To reduce the number of calories, reduce or eliminate potatoes, butter, sour cream. Use lean meats and fish.


Cabbage takes pride of place in the list dietary products. This vegetable, available to everyone, has a unique multivitamin composition, cabbage-based dishes are tasty and quite nutritious. On the basis of cabbage prepare main dishes, salads and soups.

cabbage soup recipe for weight loss

Preparing cabbage soup, which has a fat-burning effect, is as easy as shelling pears. Here is his recipe:

We take a pound of white cabbage, one bell pepper, 2 medium tomatoes, 2 small onions, a bunch of celery leaves.

We wash all the ingredients properly, chop finely. We send everything except celery to a deep saucepan with boiling salted water (1.5-2 liters) and cook until tender. We add celery greens to our soup at the very end, remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid for 5 minutes.

If desired, you can cook cabbage soup in a similar way. IN this case we take less water (about a liter) and ready meal beat with a blender.

Low calorie sauerkraut and celery soup

It's delicious diet dish will appeal not only to vegetarians, but also to all adherents of a healthy diet. The taste of such cabbage soup is not much different from the traditional cabbage soup cooked in meat broth.

To prepare light cabbage soup, you need to take (one and a half liters of water): 500 grams of sauerkraut, 400 grams of celery root, 2 medium carrots, 2-3 potatoes, 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, two tablespoons of sugar, a little vegetable oil and spices taste.

Rinse sauerkraut in cold water and transfer to a deep saucepan. Pour 1.5 liters of water (about 6 glasses) and simmer over low heat for at least one and a half hours. Then add tomato paste, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to low-calorie cabbage soup.

While the cabbage is cooking, the rest of the vegetables - celery root, carrots and potatoes - are cleaned, cut into small cubes and sauted all together in a pan with vegetable oil within 10 minutes.

When the cabbage becomes soft, add fried vegetables, spices to our lean cabbage soup from sauerkraut and cook until tender (about 20 minutes).

Diet cauliflower soup

For this recipe, you need to take: 400-500 grams of fresh cauliflower, 3 tomatoes, 2 medium carrots, one small onion, spices (to taste).

We divide the cabbage into inflorescences, clean and chop the onion and carrot in small pieces. Dip in boiling salted water (1.5 liters), first carrots and onions, after 5-7 minutes add cabbage to the broth. We release the tomatoes from the skin, finely chop and also send them to the pan. Cook for about 10 minutes over low heat.

Then remove the pan from the stove, let the contents cool slightly and beat everything with a blender until puree. Our gazpacho soup is ready! Bon appetit!
