
Salting cabbage according to the lunar calendar. When is the best time to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar?

When is the best time to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar?

Experts say that the growing moon, its 5-6 day is the best time to pickle cabbage. Also of particular importance is what days to ferment cabbage. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (the so-called men's days) are considered more suitable for this process. Delicious and crispy sauerkraut will turn out even when the Moon passes through such zodiac signs as Capricorn, Sagittarius, Leo, Taurus and Aries. Learning to ferment cabbage How to ferment cabbage for the winter? The recipe for harvesting this vegetable is quite simple and does not contain complex ingredients. For this you will need: white cabbage; carrot; spices (bay leaf, rock salt, black pepper in peas, horseradish and currant leaves, several branches of dill). How to ferment cabbage for the winter? Pretty easy if you follow these tips. Wash the cabbage, remove the upper leaves and chop about 5 mm thick. Wash and peel carrots. A large grater is perfect for grinding it. At the bottom of the container in which you will put the cabbage, you need to put some of the above seasonings. Mix cabbage and carrots, salt and knead with your hands. Then, in several layers, you need to tamp the vegetables in a barrel or tub. From above it is recommended to put oppression, the role of which can be perfectly played by a large ordinary stone. It is important not to forget to remove the foam that will form during the fermentation of cabbage. After a week, pickled vegetables can be safely eaten. Sauerkraut: some tips If you are interested in the question of when it is better to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar, remember the following recommendations: The full moon is the most inopportune moment for this process. Cabbage will turn out too sour and soft, quickly deteriorates. This vegetable will become moldy if it is fermented on the days of the week when the Moon passes through such signs of the zodiac as Pisces, Virgo and Cancer. Cabbage turns out to be completely tasteless and does not last long. It is not recommended to ferment cabbage on the days of women's menstruation. Non-iodized salt must not be used in this process. Sauerkraut in a barrel should not be opened frequently. This speeds up the fermentation process, in addition, the vegetable can simply dry out or, as the grandmothers say, “weather out”. On the days of Leo, Cancer and Virgo, it is not allowed to take cabbage out of the container. It is believed that this can contribute to the formation of bacteria and the rapid drying of the vegetable. Sauerkraut is extremely beneficial for the human body. In order to preserve its properties as much as possible, it is important to follow simple recommendations. First of all, it matters which days to ferment cabbage. Secondly, some mistakes in the cooking process itself should be avoided. Cooking method So the moment has come when you can salt the cabbage: the date is just right, all the kitchen utensils are in place, the products are also available. So, everything is ready to proceed directly to the cooking process. We take the cabbage and cut it with a knife or chop it on a large special grater. If you need to do everything as quickly as possible, then the second device is best suited. If aesthetics matter, not speed, then take a knife. Cut the heads of cabbage into two parts, and then chop against the leaves from the center. Now we put the crushed product in a prepared large bowl. We rub or cut carrots and other components: apples, berries, etc. All mix and salt. And now the most pleasant thing in the whole cooking process - you need to roll up your sleeves and mash the cabbage as if you were kneading dough. After that, put oppression on the future snack No. 1 and wait until it turns sour. Sauerkraut as medicine Many articles have been written about the beneficial and healing properties of this product. Such a salad plays the role of a kind of "intestinal tract orderly", because the acetic and lactic acids that are present in it inhibit the growth of putrefactive bacteria. And people who are overweight are simply obliged to add this low-calorie delicacy to their diet, which helps burn fat. It has a lot of fiber. It binds carbohydrates, which contributes to their rapid removal from the body. Having figured out when to salt cabbage, I would like to know what other useful properties it has. Pickled white vegetable promotes better digestion, regulates the acid-base balance, normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Carefully! Could be dangerous There are a number of diseases in which the use of sauerkraut can be dangerous. Such ailments include: pathologies of the pancreas, kidney failure, hypertension and the formation of stones in the gallbladder. The high content of acids of organic origin in this salad can provoke an exacerbation of all the above diseases. Also, experts do not advise those who have problems with the thyroid gland to feast on the traditional Russian delicacy.
Eat for health and get vitamins, especially now, when it is winter outside, and the body so needs the missing trace elements. In December 2015, the growing moon - from December 11 to December 25
The full moon will be December 25
the most favorable days when it is better to pickle cabbage - from December 12 to December 21
- Read more on FB.ru.

Sauerkraut is the favorite preparation for the winter for millions of people. And not only here in Russia, but also in other countries of Europe and Asia. As soon as the first frosts come on the street, then it's time to harvest for this vegetable.

Before starting the description of the recipe, let me tell you what happens during the sourdough process itself. This is important for understanding the process as a whole. When you do something consciously, knowing what it is for, it is much more difficult to make a mistake. And the result in this case is more predictable.

It is believed that if we salt a certain product, then salt is a preservative and helps to protect the product from spoilage. In part, this is true. But not in this case.

When we ferment it, the preservative is lactic acid, which accumulates in vegetables. And this acid is formed due to lactic acid bacteria that are on the surface of fresh cabbage leaves. Their food is sugar, which is also found in the leaves of the vegetable crop.

Therefore, for salting, you need to choose large heads of light color. They are juicy, tasty, and elastic at the same time. When you cut their leaves, fresh juice literally squirts out of them. The taste of such leaves is slightly sweet, they want to eat even fresh, without stopping.

And only autumn varieties are suitable for salting, best picked up by the first frost. Heads of cabbage all summer gained weight, juice, various vitamins and nutrients, and accumulated sugar. Which is simply necessary for a successful sourdough.

Therefore, when you buy cabbage, then choose large, always white forks. No wonder her name is white-headed. It is from this that the most delicious snack for the winter will turn out.

And so, now it is clear that sugar contributes to a good fermentation process. But this will not be enough, without the desired air temperature. In order for the fermentation processes to start and it to ferment in the best possible way, a temperature of 15-22 degrees is needed. If the temperature is below this value, the fermentation processes will proceed sluggishly and for a long time. The cabbage will overstay, and we will not get the desired taste. If the air temperature is higher than the desired value, then it will quickly soften, lose its appearance and become useless.

Delicious sauerkraut can be identified without even trying, namely, only by appearance and smell. It is light and elastic, has such an aroma that it will be difficult to pass by it.

This is the preparation I propose to cook today according to the simplest classical method.

I propose the calculation of products for 1 kg of cabbage. I do this for convenience. This way it will be easier to make a proportion for any weight. After all, everyone ferments it in different volumes, someone ferments a whole barrel, and someone only a three-liter jar.

We will need:

  • white cabbage - 1 kg
  • salt - 10 - 15 gr (1 - 1.5 teaspoons)
  • carrots - 1 pc (small)
  • bay leaf - 1 - 2 pcs
  • black allspice - 3 - 4 peas


At the beginning of the article, I already said that for pickling you need to choose large white forks. They should be tight and elastic to the touch. Now in the season there is just a huge offer of different varieties. So, you should separate the varieties, some of them are better suited for storage, while others are better for salting and sour.

Among the first there are varieties that are not particularly intended for salting. Some of them gain strength only a month or two after they were collected. These are the so-called hybrid varieties. Only by this time, the amount of sugars necessary for fermentation accumulates in their leaves. And it is clear that if you salt such a vegetable immediately after harvesting, then it will be difficult to get the desired taste, and even, probably, impossible.

Some varieties have thick, coarse veins and very little juice in the leaves. They are also well stored, but it is not possible to salt this deliciously. You can't even make a delicious salad out of it.

Such varieties as Slava, Gift, Gribovskaya, Belarus, Sibiryachka ... and others are considered traditional for salting. But, in principle, you can determine whether it is suitable for salting or not and without knowing the variety, but simply determine it by appearance and taste.

When they start selling this vegetable in large quantities, bringing it to the markets directly on cars, I look first of all at its appearance. If it suits me, I buy a head of cabbage and carry it home. I try it there, and if it is juicy, sweet and tasty, then you can go and buy as much as you need. Try to choose the largest and white specimens.

Why I explain this in such detail, because the right choice of cabbage is almost the main key to success in pickling. So pay close attention to your choice.

Now let's move on to the recipe itself.

1. Remove the top of the vegetable, the so-called outer leaves. Rinse the head of cabbage with cold water, holding the stalk with your hand. So the water will only wash the top layer and not get inside the fork. Place the heads on the table to drain the water, then wipe with a dry towel.

2. Cut the head of cabbage into two parts and chop each of them into long thin strips. To do this qualitatively, you need to stock up on a good sharp knife. And if you have a special shredder, in which there are two or three sharply sharpened knives at once, then in general everything can be chopped very quickly and without much difficulty. There are a lot of varieties of such shredders at the moment.

And before it was simply chopped in wooden troughs with a special cut. Yes, these tools are still in use today. I also have this somewhere. But I prefer chopped sauerkraut, so I don’t use these devices.

Do not chop the stump, just throw it away. Previously, when my mother salted cabbage, we, as children, stood in line for them. Now we do not give them to children. It is believed that they accumulate a large amount of nitrates, and this product is unhealthy. Maybe so, but no, no, I clean the stalk for myself and eat it with pleasure.

3. Salt the chopped vegetable and lightly crush it with your hands. But only lightly, so that the juice stands out. And some, especially juicy varieties, do not even require this. Such a head of cabbage is immediately visible, as soon as you start cutting it, the juice from under the knife splatters.

It is enough to simply salt and mix the cabbage of these varieties, then compact it tightly in a salting dish. After a very short time, a sufficient amount of juice will appear.

Other times it turns out to be salty. This is because some people believe that the more salt they put in, the better it will keep.

So, I know that you can ferment cabbage without salt at all. It is stored, of course, less than salted, and not so tasty. But still fermented and stored! We remember that the fermentation process is caused not by salt, but by sugar. Therefore, add salt not much, but exactly as much as required by the recipe. Or rely on your own taste. You can try the chopped product, it should taste like cabbage salad usually turns out.

4. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Add it to the total.

Do not crush cabbage with carrots. Without this procedure, it will remain white and beautiful for the entire shelf life.

5. Add allspice and bay leaf. Stir again.

6. It can be harvested in jars, large enamel pots, tubs and barrels. Later I will tell you how to prepare tubs and kegs for pickling.

Banks and pots just need to be thoroughly washed and dried. Pay attention to the fact that there are no chips in the pan and rust spots that have appeared in these places.

Remove the top leaves of the vegetable and line the bottom with them. You can skip this procedure. But I'm used to doing it, and I'm sharing my experience with you. In general, I consider this procedure necessary and mandatory for salting in barrels and tubs.

7. Put the cabbage in a container for salting, lightly pressing it down with your hands.

When you salt it too much, for example in large twenty-liter pots or tubs, it is better to do it in small batches. They cut one head of cabbage, salted it, slightly crushed it, mixed it with carrots, put it in a saucepan and tamped it tightly. Then we proceed to the next batch, and so on until the end.

A large volume will be more difficult to compact. It is important for us that the vegetable release juice, which will be enough for a good fermentation process. And for better juice formation, it is better to process it in not very large portions.

8. When all of it is in the container, it should be thoroughly pressed down with your hands, lay out the cabbage leaves and cover with a double or triple layer of gauze or a linen napkin. Tuck in the edges so that the chopped vegetable does not protrude.

Put a flat plate of a suitable volume on the gauze, the larger it is, the better. This will ensure that all contents are covered with juice. My grandmother had a wooden circle specially cut out according to the volume of the pan. He was both an oppression and a "cover". Thanks to him, one could not be afraid that mold would appear on the surface.

9. Put oppression on top. It can be a carefully washed and scalded cobblestone, or a jar of water. The cobblestone is good because later the pan can be closed with a lid. The jar can only be used for a few days while the fermentation process takes place. At this time, the pan can not be closed. Then it will be necessary to find something more suitable.

Oppression is needed so that all the juice constantly covers all the contents. It is important. If this is not done, then mold will appear from above, it will not take long to wait. And we don’t need it at all, it spoils the taste and appearance. From mold, the workpiece turns gray, that is, it loses its appearance. Naturally, this also affects its taste.

Therefore, do not ignore oppression. He is definitely needed. And preferably for the entire storage process.

10. Leave the pan with the workpiece at room temperature for 1 - 2 days. The time depends on the room temperature. If it is very hot, then one day is enough, but if it is cooler, then two days will be needed.

At this time, we should not forget about our preparation in any case. She will need to pay attention several times a day. Namely, armed with a long wooden stick, pierce it in several places to the very bottom three to four times a day. Little kids especially like to do it. They take full responsibility for this assignment. It is very interesting for them to observe how, after the next piercing, the bubbles formed from the fermentation processes rise outward.

In addition to emerging gas bubbles, foam also forms on the surface. Don't let that scare you, everything is fine with the workpiece. Take this as an excellent signal that the fermentation processes are proceeding as they should.

It is imperative to pierce the contents with a stick. If the gas bubbles do not have an outlet to the surface, they will make the finished product taste bitter.

Do not store at this temperature longer than this time. Just one extra day is enough and the cabbage will peroxide. And there will be no saving her. It will become soft, it will have an unpleasant aftertaste. You can’t even cook stew from such a product, all this will be felt.

11. After these 1 - 2 days of standing at room temperature, the pan with the workpiece will need to be placed in a cooler room, where the temperature should be 16 - 18 degrees. This is the ideal temperature for further fermentation. It ends in 2-3 weeks. During this time, you can pierce the contents with a stick at least 1-2 times a day.

Each time, while removing oppression and gauze. And then putting everything back in place.

If, nevertheless, such a nuisance happened, and mold appeared on the surface, then it must be carefully removed. And wash the napkin, oppression and plate in hot salted water.

12. When the fermentation process is over, and this will be seen from the fact that the bubbles will stop rising and foam will form, the contents must be moved to a cold place and kept at a temperature of 0 - 2 degrees all the time.

Usually they store it on loggias and balconies, and if there are no such conditions, then they transfer it to three-liter jars and store it in the refrigerator. It should also be stored by covering the contents with gauze, and having figured out how to organize oppression.

In the refrigerator, the approximate temperature is 4 degrees. For storage, this is somewhat more than necessary. But if there is a sufficient amount of brine and a good oppression in the bank, then it will be stored.

By the way, for cans, such a tricky way of using oppression is used. They simply put the nylon lid into the jar and press the contents with it.

The snack prepared in this way is delicious without any additives. It can be eaten simply without anything. Well, if you chop onions into it, and season with vegetable oil, then you simply cannot find a better salad.

It is also indispensable for the preparation of vinaigrettes, many first and second courses. Should I remind you that it is a source of various vitamins and nutrients? Probably not, everyone knows this already, from early childhood. And no one even has to be persuaded to eat it. As soon as she appears on the table, she becomes his queen. And so all winter ... She does not get bored either in autumn, or in winter, or in spring.

Now, of course, very tasty cabbage can be bought both in the market and in the store. The specialists who prepare it know a lot about it. But not all! If you have already found a path to a good supplier, then you can buy and buy. But this path is not always available. It may be half the winter before we trample it.

And having prepared it yourself, you can not even waste time searching. Simply, when you wanted to, I took cabbages from the loggia or from the refrigerator, and enjoy its taste as much as our body requires.

The proposed method is not the only classical option. This is the so-called method without the use of brine. But you can cook it using brine.

Pickled cabbage in brine in a 3 liter jar

This method is often used for sauerkraut in an apartment. It is very convenient for salting the product in jars. It is most convenient to harvest it in a three-liter jar. It is convenient to store it in the refrigerator, and cook in not very large batches.

Basically, this cooking method differs little from the first recipe. The main difference is that the brine is also prepared, and the cabbage, pre-cut and placed in a jar, is poured into it. Since the brine contains both salt and sugar, it is he who contributes to the start of fermentation. It also makes it possible to ferment the entire workpiece faster.

And I must say that this method is quite fast. Already on the third day, the product is completely ready for use. You don't have to wait two or three weeks to enjoy its taste.

That is, in the first version, natural fermentation occurs, and here we help him in this.

This recipe is very much loved by housewives, and men are not averse to using it for cooking. We are now living in a fast time, and it is highly valued. Therefore, if the same product can be cooked faster, then it is often chosen.

A recipe that has stood the test of time. The result is always predictable and always happy. Therefore, choose it and prepare a snack for it. He will definitely not disappoint you!

What can you sour

In different regions of Russia, pickling methods may vary. The recipe is almost the same, but the methods are different. In the European part of Russia, quite a bit of carrots are added, and the final product has a pronounced white color. Often, bright cranberries are used as an additive for taste and color.

In the Far East and Siberia, more carrots are added. Cabbage is sweeter in taste and has a light carrot shade in color. By the way, in Central Asia, more carrots are also added (this is how we salted it when we lived there).

However, these are not all the ingredients that are used in salting. They ferment it with such additional ingredients

  • apples, the Antonovka variety is best suited. Put them whole, and halves, and quarters. In general, who likes more.
  • carrots
  • hot capsicum
  • beetroot
  • parsnip. It can be used with or instead of carrots. It turns out very tasty!

Of course, berries in this process do not occupy the last place, it is

  • already mentioned cranberry
  • cowberry
  • juniper berries

Added as spices

  • allspice peas
  • Bay leaf

Very - very - very tasty pickled cabbages are obtained. Never prepared like this? Then take note. Cook once, and then you will always cook only with them. I tell you how to do it.

Everything is done exactly as described in the recipe. The only thing is that a kilogram of a vegetable in this case is not enough. You need to salt the heads of cabbage in a saucepan of at least 5 liter volume, and of course a larger volume is also welcome.

Cabbage must be laid out as the first layer. It is better that the layer is at least 10 cm thick.

Then cut the head of cabbage into large pieces, at least 15 cm in size. And if the heads of cabbage are small in size initially, then you can cut them only into two halves, or even cut them crosswise. Each of them should be rubbed with a small amount of salt, rubbing it literally inward. Then lay down tightly with the next layer. Press well.

And the next layer is again ordinary, cut into strips of cabbage and mixed with carrots.

So you can alternate layers, as long as the capacity for salting allows. Pack everything tightly. Achieve the formation of juice. In the same way, cover the top layer with cabbage leaves, gauze or a napkin. Put a flat plate on top and put oppression.

Also pierce with a stick, carefully bypassing the forks.

How to prepare a container for salting

In the villages, they used to salt in tubs and small barrels. There were no refrigerators, and the cold cellar was the only place for storage. Moreover, the barrel was buried in the ground by 30-40 centimeters in order to maintain the required temperature.

But since they did this from year to year, and the barrel served its purpose for many years, the container had to be treated in a special way before salting.

Although we do not live in a village now, I have two oak barrels. In one of them I salt and in the other cabbage. And every year I process the container in the way that I found in one of my books. And now I will share the methods that I know with you. Someday it will come in handy for someone.

To begin with, I want to note the fact that in barrels and wooden tubs you get just incredibly tasty sauerkraut. In addition to taste, it also receives an incomparable aroma.

But new barrels, and even old ones, often dry out, and brine can flow through the cracks. Oak barrels are better in this regard, the wood is more durable and less dry out. But they also require processing so that mold does not appear.

Therefore, the container must be processed on the subject so that it does not dry out, and that it is thoroughly disinfected.

So that all the brine does not flow out of the barrel, they need to be soaked in order for the tree to swell. To do this, you need to put the barrel in the basin and pour water into it. Leave for a while. If water flows out through the cracks, then add it again. So withstand until the tree absorbs water and the flow stops. At the final stage, you can bring a few branches of heather from the forest. Put them in a barrel and pour boiling water over them. It is useful for fragrance and disinfection.

To disinfect barrels, you can still fumigate with sulfur. Just like pits before laying vegetables there for storage, they are fumigated with sulfur bombs. And in the case of a barrel, special wicks are used, which are set on fire and left in the container until complete combustion.

Also, the barrel can be disinfected by putting cobblestones red-hot on a fire, or one large stone inside. This should be done very carefully so as not to burn yourself. And so that the cobblestone does not cool down longer, it is still poured with boiling water, and the tub is tightly closed with a lid.

In the future, this stone can be used as oppression.

So tubs and barrels are a good thing, but they require careful attitude and attention.

At the end of the article I want to tell you that in addition to the methods of pickling described above, there are also other ways to prepare it. For example, they can be attributed. There are many such methods, and I can offer you 7 of them in the article, which you can find by clicking on the link.

These are also fairly quick cooking methods that are also delicious. One "Pelyustka" with beets is worth something!

I hope that the recipes written today, and most importantly, the advice, will serve you well, and you will always be able to prepare very tasty and fragrant cabbage for the winter.

I wish you excellent preparations and bon appetit!

With the advent of cold weather, many housewives are wondering: when to salt the cabbage? After all, it is important to choose a good day according to popular signs, so that it turns out not only tasty and fragrant, but also healthy and not spoiled by frost. This article will tell you when and how to salt cabbage according to the lunar and ordinary calendar.

Salting cabbage for the winter

Mid-November is considered the best time to salt the cabbage. During this period, most summer residents and gardeners are already finishing harvesting and starting to prepare it for winter storage. And at this time it is necessary to choose the right moment for pickling cabbage so that it turns out crispy and tasty and is stored for a long time without losing its taste and useful properties.

Pickle Basic Rules

Most housewives are of the opinion that you can salt cabbage for the winter at any time. But let's turn to folk signs. Since ancient times, it was believed that the tenth day after the first frost was considered the best time to salt cabbage. Most often this period occurs in late October - early November. It is believed that it is best to take vegetables for pickling directly from the garden. It is then that reactions occur in cabbage leaves that turn acid into sugar, thanks to which a tasty, fragrant and tender dish is obtained.

For salting, it is better to choose the "male" day of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to salt cabbage for women on critical days. It is also very important to do salting in accordance with the lunar calendar. You will learn how to do this below.

When to salt cabbage according to the lunar calendar?

No matter how skeptics argue, it has long been noticed that the moon plays a significant role in the daily life of every person. So our ancestors have long observed the movement of the night beauty and its influence on all living things. Thanks to these observations, most signs were created, and a special calendar was also compiled. When to salt cabbage according to the moon? The best moments for this are the new moon and the first five or six days of the waxing moon. It is then that salted cabbage turns out to be as crispy and juicy as possible, and the product is stored longer.

Unfavorable lunar days

According to popular observations, the full moon is considered the worst period when pickling cabbage is strongly discouraged. In addition, it is better to avoid any salting in the first few days of the waning moon. During this period, vegetables are sour and soft, as well as perishable. On the waning moon, you should not do any conservation at all. Indeed, at this moment there is a huge risk that your banks will explode, and the product will turn out to be far from ideal.

Salting and zodiac signs

When salting cabbage, they also attach particular importance to the position of the Moon relative to the signs of the zodiac. So if you want to know when to salt cabbage, then you should take a closer look at which zodiac constellation the heavenly body is located in. It is not recommended to salt vegetables when the Moon is under the sign of Pisces, Virgo and Cancer. At this point, there is a high risk that your pickles will become moldy or spoil quickly.

The most favorable days for conservation are when the heavenly body is under the influence of Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, Leo or Capricorn. These zodiac constellations contribute to the fact that your cabbage turns out to be crispy and retains its freshness and juiciness for a long time.

What cabbage to choose for pickling?

Having decided on the time when to salt the cabbage, you need to move on to the process itself. And here, in order to achieve a good result, it is very important to choose the best heads. To get a tasty and aromatic product, it is better to choose varieties with a high sugar content.

Particular attention should be paid to the head of cabbage. It is better to choose a snow-white, with a slightly flattened form of forks of late varieties, with leaves that are fragile at a break. In this case, the pickle will delight you with its excellent taste and unforgettable aroma. Of course, now such varieties are quite difficult to find. After all, most farmers prefer to grow a greenish-looking vegetable with hard leaves. The fact is that such varieties are easier to preserve, but, alas, they are not very suitable for salting.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of vegetables. If you see that the forks inside are a little rotten, then you should stop using it in salting. After all, trimming "bad" places will not save you from the taste of rot. So such savings can only spoil the whole taste of the finished dish.

The choice of dishes for salting

Since ancient times, wooden barrels or tubs have been considered the best dishes in which cabbage is salted. After all, such a container not only perfectly preserves the product, but also gives the dish a specific flavor. Besides, this ware is the most environmentally friendly, not causing harm to a human body. All this leads to the fact that now most housewives are returning to the use of wooden utensils in salting.

If you prefer to use an enameled container, then carefully inspect its inner surface. It should not be chipped or damaged, because the vegetables will be in contact with this dish for quite a long time, thereby causing the metal to oxidize. And there is a chance that harmful substances will get into the products. In addition, the taste of the product will deteriorate significantly.

Glass jars can also be used for salting. Vegetables are stored in this dish for quite a long time, and at the same time their taste and nutritional value practically do not change. The only utensil that is highly discouraged from using cabbage pickles is aluminum containers. The fact is that this metal is oxidized under the influence of lactic acid, which vegetables secrete. Which is extremely harmful to the body. In addition, storage in this container gives the dish a grayish tint and a metallic taste.

How to salt cabbage at home

There are many methods for salting this vegetable, both whole and chopped. And probably, every housewife knows her own, inherited original recipe on how to harvest cabbage for future use. You can salt this vegetable both independently, using only salt, and with the addition of sugar, spices and other vegetables, such as carrots and beets.

Sweet and sour apples, such as Antonovka or Semerenko, will help add flavor and taste to the dish. In addition, cranberries, which can be replaced with lingonberries, as well as all kinds of spices and seasonings, will help add an unforgettable taste to this dish. It is also worth mentioning that iodized salt cannot be used in the process of salting cabbage.

Salt the whole cabbage in a barrel

Before you start cooking food, you need to carefully prepare the container. To do this, rinse the barrels well and pour boiling water over them for disinfection. Now let's move on to preparing the vegetables. For salting, it is better to choose the same size heads of late varieties. Rinse the heads well and remove the top layer of leaves to make the vegetables smooth. Now we start laying the forks in the barrel: we fill the container, while filling the voids with the leaves that we removed when preparing the vegetables. In addition, a few horseradish roots, bay leaves and sweet peas can be added to vegetables.

Next, we proceed to the preparation of the brine, with which we will salt the cabbage. Its recipe is quite simple: add 400 g of table salt to 10 liters of water. In this case, in no case do not use iodized, because it is not suitable for salting. Now we fill our vegetables with the resulting brine and cover the barrel with a piece of cloth. To do this, it is better to use natural material, such as linen. Now we cover everything with a lid from the barrel and press it down with some kind of load. Cabbage will be ready in five days, but it can be stored in this way for more than six months.

One of the most popular dishes on our tables is salted and sauerkraut. It is rich in a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, and the amount of vitamin C is greater than in citrus fruits.

Sauerkraut dishes support the immune system and improve digestion, normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

With the onset of autumn, we develop the need for vitamins. The body signals the onset of cold weather and a weakening of the immune system, and this is manifested by the desire to enjoy this dish. It is known that for the prevention of acute respiratory and viral diseases, it is enough to eat 100 grams of sauerkraut daily.

In cooking, there are a lot of recipes for its preparation, but as cabbage is prepared simply, it can go bad with the same ease. It is believed that the taste and quality of pickling and fermentation largely depends on the phase of the moon. There are even favorable and unfavorable days for salting and fermenting this vegetable.

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Why do cabbage preparations according to the lunar calendar

Our ancestors were engaged in harvesting vegetables after the Intercession (Christian holiday). It is important to consider what phase of the moon will be during cooking. This has been studied in practice for more than one year, and even more than one century, and the following conclusions were made:

  • On a full moon or a waning moon, cabbage will be soft and sour. The finished product will become more like a clot of mucus than a vitamin dish;
  • On the new moon, or rather on the fifth or sixth day after the new moon, you need to start a sourdough - then the cabbage will be tasty and crispy.

Before salting cabbage, it is equally important to know in which zodiac sign the Earth's satellite will be when preparing a vegetable preparation.

  • If this is Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries and Taurus, and at the same time the growing moon, you need to get to work.
  • When the moon is in the constellation of Cancer, Virgo or Pisces, it is better to refrain from salting and fermenting vegetables.

Also, for harvesting cabbage, you should choose the right variety, it is best if it is late. should be white, tight and strong. There should be no bitterness in their taste.

Before processing, dried and wilted, as well as upper green leaves, must be removed.

Favorable and unfavorable days of 2019 for salting and sauerkraut

January. The first half of the month (from the 1st to the 6th) is not favorable. During this period, the waning moon, but already from 12.01 to 18.01, is a good time to start pickles and sourdough. Cabbage heads harvested these days are well preserved and accumulate the greatest amount of sweetness, which is necessary for good fermentation. January 19 and 20 - the growing moon in the constellation Cancer, January 21 - the full moon, and then the waning moon, so until the end of the month from January 18, it is better to refrain from pickling.

February. The last winter month of February is the period when the human body needs as many minerals and vitamins as possible. It's time to prepare cabbage pickles. During fermentation, it will not only retain all its nutritional values, but also multiply them. The best days for its processing are from 11 to 13, since during this period the growing moon is in the constellation of Taurus. From the 19th, unfavorable days begin, associated with the full moon and the waning moon.
March. In the first spring month, after the 21st, the time is not favorable for pickles. This is the period of the full moon and the waning moon. From March 8 to March 20 - the period of the new moon, so you can do cabbage, if possible, excluding the 15, 16, 19, 20 numbers, since on these days the moon will be in an unfavorable constellation.

April. Many hostesses prefer to ferment cabbage all year round so that the vegetable dish on the table is fresh, tasty and healthy. A good time for her sourdough and salting in April is the end of the first and second decades of the month, namely from the 7th to the 18th.

May. In the warmest and most beautiful month of spring, nature woke up and rages with greenery. Many still have cabbage from last year's crop, but in no case should it be thrown away. For all the time of storage, a lot of sugar has accumulated in it ... Just right for its sourdough and salting. The first half of the month - from the 6th to the 18th, with the exception of 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 - you can pickle cabbage.

June. In the warm regions of the country, there are already the first early vegetables in the beds, including cabbage, but early varieties are not suitable for pickling and sourdough. In early ripening cabbage, the leaves are too tender and will not give the desired taste to the dish, however, heads of late cabbage that have been preserved from last year can still be fermented. Auspicious days will be from 7 to 16 June. From the 17th, unfavorable days come.

July. In July, there is nothing left to salt and sour. And the next sourdough will be from the new harvest.

August. In August, cabbage can only be salted. For it, heads of early ripe varieties are used. Given that they are too fragile and soft, you should choose the most elastic vegetables. 10 days this month are favorable for salting, this is from the 5th to the 14th. If such a cabbage is fermented, it will turn into a mixture similar to porridge.
September. With the advent of autumn, in September, mid-ripening cabbage has already ripened on the beds of summer residents. Tight and juicy heads of cabbage can be used for sauerkraut and pickling, although cabbage will not be stored as well and for a long time as late cabbage. Preparations from it are made in small quantities, waiting for the ripening of the desired varieties. From the beginning of the month, until September 13, are favorable days for making pickles. Then comes the phase of the full moon and the waning moon.

October. It's time for the ripening of late varieties of cabbage. For pickles, it is best to use varieties such as Midor, Geneva, Slava and Belorusskaya. When choosing a head of cabbage, you should pay attention to the fact that it should be tight and elastic, white or pale cream in color. Weighing no more than five kilograms. The best days for preparing blanks from a new crop are from the 1st to the 9th, then October 30th and 31st.

November. The most correct and best time for salting white cabbage in 2019. It’s not scary if someone didn’t have time to clean the beds in time, and the cabbage caught the first frost. Despite the slight frostbite, it is perfect for pickles. The days for its preparation, from the beginning of the month - November 1 and until November 11. Then from the 12th to the 27th - an unfavorable period will come, after which, until the end of the month, the work can be continued.

December. With the onset of the first month of winter - December, the best days for salted and pickled preparations begin on the 1st day. Therefore, in addition to cabbage, the hostesses try to pickle all the vegetables they have prepared for processing. This period ends on the 11th. Then comes the full moon and the waning moon. From December 28, until the New Year holidays, sauerkraut can be continued. This is the time of strict fasting, until the Christmas holidays, and you have hearty, crispy and vitamin salted and sauerkraut on your table.

Cabbage itself is a low-calorie product, but if it is seasoned with vegetable oil, it will add piquancy to the taste and increase the calorie content of the dish.

Our ancestors, preparing sauerkraut for the future, noticed all the signs. They looked both at the phase of the moon and at the day of the week on which they were cooking. It was generally accepted that feminine vegetables are salted and sour on the women's days of the week - this is Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Then pickles turned out to be famous, they were stored well and for a long time.

Capacity plays an equally important role in salting and sourdough cabbage. Previously used wooden tubs and barrels. Nowadays, they began to use glass jars or enameled containers, and someone uses plastic buckets.

Do not store cabbage in aluminum containers. During the fermentation process, the metal will oxidize, and this will negatively affect the quality of the product.

Sauerkraut is a tasty and vitamin preparation that is easy to prepare, but just as easy to mess up. To make salting every time a success, find out when to salt cabbage according to the lunar calendar in 2018, find out the favorable phases for the process. The satellite of the Earth influences the fermentation processes used to leaven the vegetable. Consider this feature when deciding to start preparing a crispy and fragrant preparation in the year of the Dog.

How to pickle cabbage

Delicious and crispy sauerkraut is not obtained by every housewife. For the dish, you need quality ingredients, a proven recipe and the right day. The technology for preparing pickled treats will not cause difficulties. The vegetable is finely chopped into slices (chopped finely), grated carrots, salt, sugar, spices are added as desired. The ingredients are mixed, the mixture is rammed into glass containers. The fermentation process takes 1-3 days at room temperature, the finished treat is sent to be stored on the refrigerator shelf.

In addition to the traditional method of sourdough with carrots, there are ways to prepare a salty treat with the addition of a variety of plant products. With additions, the workpiece will acquire a special taste, but will not lose its beneficial properties. From additives use:

  • apples;
  • caraway;
  • beets;
  • lingonberries;
  • prunes;
  • quince;
  • grape;
  • basil;
  • pumpkin;
  • bell pepper.

In order for the cabbage preparation to be guaranteed crispy, special components are used, with tannins in the composition. It can be oak bark or horseradish root. Oak bark can be purchased at a pharmacy. A teaspoon of one of the two components per kilogram of cabbage is enough to make the treat crunchy. The components will add spice to the appetizer, harmoniously combined with the main ingredient.

What kind of cabbage is better to pickle

Approach the choice of the main component for pickling thoroughly, the taste of the dish depends not only on a successful day according to the lunar calendar, but also on its components. For salting, only thoroughly ripened, clarified heads of cabbage are suitable. If the cabbage is not ripe, its leaves will be dark green. It is not recommended to salt such a product, as bitterness will appear, and juiciness will not be enough. Heads of cabbage use tight, not bursting, not spoiled. Choose a late variety of cabbage, for example:

  • Belarusian;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Sava;
  • Present;
  • Menza;
  • Kharkov.

Not all winter varieties are suitable for pickling. From Amager and Kromon you will not get a tasty preparation, even if you follow the rules of salting. Dutch and Chinese varieties are also not suitable for pickling. To prepare the workpiece, it is better to use heads of cabbage grown in your own garden. This ensures their quality and safety. When buying a product, in addition to its appearance, pay attention to its taste. If the cabbage leaf is bitter, do not buy a head of cabbage, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

What kind of salt

A significant component that should be carefully chosen for the recipe is salt. Do not use iodized salt to salt the product. Iodine slows down lactic acid fermentation, which must be active for a quality result. The microelement will provoke darkening and softness of the finished product. Choose rock salt of medium, coarse grinding.

What is the best salt

The taste of finished salted cabbage is influenced not only by the day of the lunar calendar and the selected products, but also by the container used for pickling. Traditionally, barrels and tubs made of wood are used, but a three-liter glass jar or an enamel pan is suitable, sometimes plastic containers are used. It is forbidden to salt cabbage using aluminum utensils. During storage, the vegetable will acquire a taste of metal, darken and become unsuitable for consumption. Thoroughly wash the container for sourdough, treat with boiling water before laying the cabbage billet.

When is the best time to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar?

Not a single year is known, hundreds of years ago, ancestors harvested cabbage heads in this way. Over the long period of existence of the recipe, it was possible to identify a pattern between the phase of the moon and the taste of the finished product. Empirically, it was found out on which moon it is possible to salt cabbage, and when it is impossible. A soft and sour preparation will turn out if you salt the product on the full moon or the waning moon. To make the treat crispy, tasty, look in the lunar calendar for 5-6 days after the end of the new moon. This is the most favorable time to salt the vegetable.

Another calculation system has been developed that takes into account not only the growth or waning of the moon, but also the sign of the zodiac in which the Earth's satellite is on the day of salting. To prepare blanks, choose those days of the year when the moon is growing, and the day is under the sign of Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus and Capricorn. It is not recommended to ferment any products when the control goes to Virgo, Pisces, Cancer.

In January

The lunar calendar will tell you when you can pickle cabbage in the first winter month. From January 3 to January 16, the moon is waning, so you should not do salting. The best time for harvesting is from January 18 to 29. Use the last decade of the month to make an amazing vitamin dish out of a healthy vegetable. If you use varieties that are not intended for fermentation, but for storage, start preparing the workpiece on a January day. After a couple of months of storage, such a head of cabbage accumulates a sufficient amount of sugar needed for fermentation.

In February

When February comes, the human body is acutely lacking in nutrients and vitamins. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, cook delicious sauerkraut. This vegetable will retain all its beneficial properties and even increase them. Favorable February days for salting cabbage will last from the 17th to the 28th. In the first half of the month, it is not recommended to cook a salty treat.

In March

The second half of March (from the 18th to the 28th) is an excellent time for harvesting the product. The remaining dates of this month do not recommend using the lunar calendar for salting cabbage to prepare a sauerkraut dish. On March 17, a new moon will appear, followed by a period suitable for fermentation. If you did not have time to cook cabbage in the lunar growth phase, postpone cooking for the next month.

In April

For thrifty owners who have left white varieties of vegetables until mid-spring, it is better to start sauerkraut according to the lunar calendar from April 17 to 28. Fresh fruits will appear very soon, so you need to actively spend last year's stocks. If you ferment all the heads of cabbage from the fall, the cabbage can turn sour. Fans are better off making blanks in not too large batches.

In May

When the last month of spring arrives, everyone is looking forward to the appearance of fresh vegetables, but if last year's cabbage has been preserved on the shelves of your basement, use it to prepare the preparation. Consider the influence of the moon on the fermentation process, use quality products to get a good result. For perfectly tasty and crispy cabbage, a waning or full moon is not suitable - only a young month. According to the lunar calendar, it is better to salt a vegetable from April 17 to April 28.

In June

At the beginning of summer, it is already possible to treat yourself to fresh vegetables and fruits, to make up for the lack of vitamins in the body with their help. If the stocks of last year's cabbage have not yet been exhausted, use heads of cabbage for pickling. The moon will rise this month from June 14 to 25, the dates are suitable for making pickles. Early cabbage is not suitable for salting; do not expect a good result from early-ripening heads of cabbage.

In August

If you have harvested a large crop of early cabbage, keep in mind that early-ripening cabbages do not last long. Varieties are used for salting, but too soft products that do not have sufficient elasticity can result in a mushy mass. For salting, choose the most dense heads of cabbage, without cracks or damage. It is better to prepare the workpiece from August 12 to 24.

In September

The beginning of autumn is the time of ripening of mid-ripening varieties that are suitable for preparing blanks. You can get a crispy, tasty snack from them, if you choose and take into account the favorable days for pickling cabbage in September 2018. The growing moon from the 10th to the 24th is the right time to harvest pickles. A vegetable cooked within the specified time will be well stored and will turn out crispy and savory.

In October

Autumn is the best season for pickling cabbage. In the October period, pickling varieties have already ripened, the stalls are full of ripe fruits at an affordable price. Choose varieties Slava, Belorusskaya, Midor, Geneva and others. The optimal weight of a head of cabbage for salting is from 3 to 4 kg. In October, you can harvest sauerkraut for the future, focusing on the lunar calendar. Auspicious days - from 10 to 21 October.

In November

The ideal time for pickling an autumn vegetable continues. Even heads of cabbage that were picked up by the first frosts are suitable for salting. People say that not only the lunar phases affect the quality of the finished product, but also the chosen day of the week. In order for the workpiece to be stored for a long time and turn out well, cook on Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays. In November, the moon grows from the 8th to the 21st. Combine both observations to get a guaranteed tasty result.


Fermentation processes in December are most active from December 8 to 20. Use the time to prepare cabbage and sauerkraut with other fruits and vegetables, from apples to eggplants. According to the observations of the hostesses, the most delicious snack will turn out in the middle of the growing moon cycle. This date according to the lunar calendar falls on December 14th. Test the observation for yourself.

