
Soup recipe for quick weight loss. How to make cabbage soup at home

According to statistics, every third person in the world suffers from the problem of excess weight. No matter how strange it may sound, but obesity is a disease that leads to a violation of biological processes in the human body, as well as the functions of internal organs. For this reason, extra pounds must be fought, and this applies to both women and men. There are many methods of combating obesity, and not all of them can lead to real changes in the state of affairs. There are only two effective methods to cope with extra pounds that should be implemented in parallel: active physical activity and proper dietary nutrition. This article will discuss the best recipes for diet soups for weight loss.

Benefits of the Soup Diet

The main advantage of the soup diet over other nutritional systems is that a person who eats soups receives virtually all the necessary vitamins. Thus, physical well-being will not be at risk, so the soup diet is considered the most environmentally friendly and safe for the body. On the contrary, thanks to organic compounds, minerals, acids, plant fiber fibers, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated.

It is worth noting that thanks to the vegetable diet, the intestines are cleansed, as a result of which all harmful deposits, toxins, and slags leave the body. Such nutrition helps cleanse the blood, including the breakdown and elimination of cholesterol. A week after the start of a new diet, you can notice a result resembling drying, giving the body more relief and harmony.

Another positive aspect of the soup diet is that a person does not experience hunger and discomfort due to restriction in food intake. Since soups are dishes that consist of a large number of components, it will not feel the same and become boring. In summary, it should be noted that soup nutrition is a safe dietary system with a pronounced cosmetic and therapeutic effect.

How to eat fat burning soups

In order to achieve the desired result, you must follow the rules specific to this type of diet. As already mentioned, there will be no discomfort from a lack of food, since the food system does not have strict restrictions on the number of allowable meals. Thus, soup should be eaten 4 times a day, but portions should be reasonable in volume.

There is only one strict rule that cannot be neglected: the last meal should not be less than two hours before bedtime. The body needs time to completely process and assimilate the food eaten. It is also important that soup is not the only food during the diet. You can also eat fruits, with the exception of bananas, vegetables, which can be raw or thermally processed. From vegetables it is necessary to avoid potatoes.

The soup diet should last for a week, at the end of which the person will be able to return to their usual diet. After the diet is over, you need to pause for a few months, and then start eating only vegetable soups again within a week. It is worth noting that throughout the week you need to drink two liters of purified water every day. There are also restrictions according to which it is unacceptable to eat bread, sweets, fatty meats, cheeses, etc.

Diet soup recipes that burn fat

Surprisingly, today there are an incredible number of soup recipes that contribute to the speedy and maximum burning of fat. Usually such soups are boiled for a week, during which the first course becomes the main food. Since the variety of soups is really replete with recipes from different cuisines of the world, you can choose exactly what everyone will like. Dishes based on vegetables, mushrooms, dairy products and even meat are available here. Thus, below are the most delicious and productive soup options that can be easily prepared at home.

How to make cabbage soup at home

Considering the fact that soup during the diet will become the main dish in the diet, it is better to cook it in large quantities right away.

You will need the following ingredients: a head of cabbage, some green onions, 3-4 onions, a couple of bell peppers and tomatoes, celery. To taste, you can also add garlic, parsley, dill and your favorite spices (when choosing spices, you should pay attention that they do not have flavor enhancers - they whet the appetite). Diced vegetables are poured with clean water and boiled without a lid until the ingredients are soft (usually it takes about a third of an hour). If desired, you can add a little boiled individual brown rice to the finished soup.

How to cook low-calorie zucchini soup

Zucchini soup, mashed in a blender, is well suited to all lovers of this light vegetable. You can cook it with low-fat chicken broth, but for best results, use clean water. So, the first step is to cut a few young zucchini into cubes. Next, you need to grind other components of the soup, namely: onion, a couple of carrots and garlic. All components are sent to the pan, and stew for 5 minutes under a closed lid with a minimum addition of water. The last step is to add the desired amount of liquid and bring the dish to taste and readiness. The finished soup is crushed with a blender. When serving, you can sprinkle chopped fresh herbs on top.

Recipe for proper celery soup or bonn

Widely known, many opt for this particular dish in the process of searching for the best soup for weight loss. This recipe cleanses the body better than others and saturates very well, eliminating the annoying feeling of hunger. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 500 grams of cabbage;
  • 3-4 medium sized tomatoes;
  • carrots and onions;
  • cauliflower - about 300 grams;
  • up to 200 grams of stem celery;
  • fresh parsley and cilantro;
  • cumin, coriander and curry;
  • liter of water;
  • a spoonful of vegetable oil.

All the listed ingredients are prepared and cut into small pieces. First, carrots and celery are sent to boiling water, and after five minutes, other components. It is recommended that the composition boil for about 5 minutes, after which it must be left on low heat until cooked.

How to cook onion for weight loss by 10 kg

The onion soup diet is considered one of the most productive; if all the rules are followed, you can lose from 4 to 10 kilograms within a week. To prepare the soup you need:

  1. cut into small cubes 6 onions, a couple of tomatoes, a couple of bell peppers, a small head of cabbage and a bunch of celery;
  2. vegetables are poured with clean water, salted and poisoned on fire;
  3. the soup is brought to a boil, and boiled for 5-10 minutes until the ingredients are ready.

The resulting soup can be eaten in any quantity to satisfy the emerging feeling of hunger. Do not forget that the onion diet involves the use of other products. Exceptions include flour, alcohol, fatty, smoked and carbonated, and it is better to refuse these products even after a diet.

Delicious pumpkin soup for quick weight loss

Pumpkin soup will be a real discovery for lovers of this autumn product - it is easy to prepare and at the same time very tasty, which will turn the diet into a real feast of taste. To prepare it, it is worth stocking up with pure vegetable broth in the amount of half a liter.

A pumpkin dish does not require a large number of ingredients; you need to take about a kilogram of the pumpkin itself, a couple of apples, onions and your favorite herbs. All components of the soup must be washed, peeled and cut into cubes. In a saucepan, a tablespoon of vegetable oil is heated and chopped onions are literally fried a little in it. After you need to add all the vegetables and the vegetable broth prepared in advance. The composition is brought to a boil, put on the slowest fire intensity and boiled, stirring occasionally, for about a third of an hour (readiness is checked as standard - based on the softness of the ingredients).

Lose weight with tomato soup

Tomato soup is also one of the most effective, and besides, it has a special pronounced taste that many will like. The first step in its preparation will be blanching the tomato - they are literally dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds, after which it will be very easy to remove the skin from them. Peeled tomatoes are rubbed through a sieve and the resulting mass is sent to boil in half a liter of water on fire, adding an onion grated on a fine grater to it. After a third of an hour, other ingredients are sent to the soup - chopped bell pepper, garlic and a little parsley, spices if desired, left for another couple of minutes on fire and turned off. A wonderful soup for weight loss is ready to eat. The resulting dish will be great food, both cold and hot.

Effective kefir soup with cucumber

It would be strange if there were no recipe with cucumber on the list of dietary soups, because this vegetable is almost entirely water, which determines its low calorie content. According to this recipe, a fresh soup is obtained, which is served cold.

The process of its preparation is very simple. First you need to grate a few fresh cucumbers, peeled. Next, a little chopped garlic, chopped herbs are added to the resulting mass, and all this is poured with a glass of kefir (you can use more liquid, depending on how thick the dish is more like). If desired, you can kill everything until smooth in a blender. It remains only to season to taste and the soup is ready!

Easy chicken

Not only vegetable soup will be a good helper for getting rid of extra pounds, for this purpose, you can resort to the chicken broth recipe. The main rule in such a situation is the right choice of meat, because if you take the fatty part, then there will be no result. For cooking, you need a chicken breast, which you need to fill with water and put on fire. The broth is boiled until cooked, with a little salt, and when the meat is ready, it can be crushed and sent back to the soup. No special ingredients are required here, but if desired, you can add a little celery or finely chopped greens. This soup is advised to eat little by little, using a small spoon - this will help to achieve quick saturation from a small portion.

Protein cheese

Cheese soup can not be called the easiest of all described above, but it will perfectly help to transfer the diet to those who cannot eat simple vegetable soups.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of cheese - it should be low-calorie, with a fat content of up to 20%. Sometimes processed cheese is used, as it has a low calorie content. The basis for such a recipe is either vegetable or light chicken broth. Chopped vegetables (carrots, onions, asparagus) should be sent to the liquid and then a piece of cheese. While boiling for a quarter of an hour, the cheese should dissolve, giving the soup a beautiful whitish color. At the end it is worth putting spices and herbs.

Step by step mushroom soup recipe

Mushrooms themselves are very useful for digestive processes - they help speed up the digestibility of food, normalize metabolic processes and make digestion generally faster. In addition, mushroom soup will be hearty, so it will satisfy your hunger for a long time. To prepare the dish, you need to wash and cut a kilogram of mushrooms and send them to boil in a saucepan with salted water. After boiling, chopped vegetables (celery, bell peppers, onions, carrots) and spices are added to the soup. Everything should be cooked together until done.

Video recipe for vegetable soup for weight loss

As part of this video, one of the most popular soup recipes for weight loss is proposed. A particular dish consists of vegetables and has a bright taste that everyone will like. The author of the video shares his experience of cooking, revealing the secrets of proper dietary nutrition with the help of soups.

Features of the Mayo Clinic Diet

The Mayo Clinic Diet has gained immense popularity around the world, helping people fight excess weight. The system is based on one or two weeks of eating a soup made from tomato, bell pepper, cabbage and celery. Important points should also include:

  • during the diet, everything flour, sweet, alcoholic and fatty is prohibited;
  • before and before eating with a half-hour interval, you need to drink a glass of water, at least 8 per day;
  • expanding the diet at the expense of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and meat.

Soup diet contraindications

It should be noted right away that when choosing a soup recipe, you should pay attention to all its ingredients - there should not be any individual intolerance. If it is, then the allergenic product can simply be removed from the composition.

Contraindications to this method of losing weight are:

  • elderly or children's age (soup diet is possible only after the permission of the doctor);
  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract.

It should be understood that, despite the rapid weight loss, after the end, the weight may return. To prevent this from happening, even after the soup week, you should follow a diet, lead an active lifestyle and not abuse prohibited foods.

Hot first courses should be present in the diet of every person, even those who are losing weight or suffering from diseases of the digestive system. The only thing in such situations is to figure out how to create soups that will not overload the digestive tract and will not be saturated with fats. What recipes are worth learning?

How to cook diet soup for weight loss

First of all, attention should be paid to the interpretation of the word “diet” - depending on what it is, a menu is formed. Main nuances:

  • If dietary nutrition is caused by gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc., spices, meat ingredients, and some vegetables are excluded.
  • If you need to lose weight at a natural pace (through proper nutrition), calorie content and fat content are mainly reduced.
  • If a menu is being prepared for a child, you need to figure out how to prepare a light soup that does not overload the digestive tract and does not contain allergens (for the smallest).

fat burning

For such a dietary dish, the key focus is not only on calorie content, but also on a special selection of ingredients that will have the following properties:

  • diuretic;
  • accelerating metabolism;
  • laxative;
  • regulating lipid metabolism.

The recipe for a dietary fat-burning dish may involve the use of hot spices: they facilitate the absorption of fats and have a positive effect on the figure. Cayenne pepper, ginger, curry are the most popular and often used for dietary dishes. However, you can even take a simple mixture of ground peppers: black, pink, white - this will also give an effect, albeit less pronounced. Useful and garlic with onions. With increased acidity of the stomach and excessive bile secretion, they are prohibited.

Successful options for fat-burning soups that can be low-calorie at the same time:

  • Bonn. Prepared on the basis of white cabbage, onions (4-5 pieces per fork), celery stalks and parsley. Boiled without salt, but using curry. With the exception of celery, the proportion of parsley increases.
  • Onion. Empty, cooked on browned finely chopped onions, with the addition of dill.

low calorie

Such dishes, in their composition, are very sparing with respect to digestion, therefore they are well suited for baby food, and for diseases of the stomach, liver, and gallbladder. However, prescriptions still need to be chosen, focusing on medical indications. Reduced calorie diet soups exclude fats and do not allow the combination of protein with heavy carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, potatoes). Mostly look like lean.

You can cook low-calorie soup only on such broths:

  • vegetable;
  • fish;
  • chicken (the skin is removed, the bones are eliminated).

Hearty but low-calorie first meal ideas:

  • Pumpkin. Often prepared as a cream soup, but without cream: only pumpkin pulp, grated carrots, a couple of onions. After cooking, the ingredients can be ground into a puree.
  • Bean. Classic vegetable soup based on onion broth, boiled red beans, tomatoes, sweet peppers, a little brown rice.
  • Kefir. It is used for a fasting day, it is not boiled: grated fresh cucumbers with chopped herbs are poured with low-fat (1-1.5%) kefir, the soup is infused for half an hour. Used cold.


Nutritionists note that weight loss food is characterized by an interesting feature - it does not need to be prepared for a long time and is difficult. From this perspective, recipes for light soups are not only algorithms for creating low-calorie dishes, but also ideas for a quick lunch that does not require extra effort. Record the time it takes you to cook any of the recipes listed below and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result of this test. According to the culinary photos, it is impossible to say that all these dishes were created in haste.

From zucchini

If you remember the most useful and light vegetables, which at the same time are highly nutritious, then zucchini comes to mind first. With them, you can make any low-calorie dish, including the first. How to cook diet vegetable puree soup based on zucchini? Choose young vegetables - you don’t have to cut out the seeds from them, and the soup after chopping the food will turn out to be especially tender. For greater softness of the consistency, you can add a potato or a couple of tablespoons of any starch.


  • celery stalks - 3 pcs.;
  • young squash;
  • carrot;
  • potato;
  • spices;
  • water - 1.9 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop all vegetables into small cubes.
  2. When the water boils, pour them in. Cook until potatoes are soft under a lid over medium heat.
  3. Remove from stove, cool slightly.
  4. Grind with a blender, season.
  5. Bring to a boil again and serve.


The fastest way to prepare such a dish is to use a ready-made frozen mixture of vegetables, boil it with enough water and seasonings. If potatoes are not taken, you can even throw a little cereal or vermicelli here - it will turn out satisfying, but low in calories. Diet vegetable soup can be cooked with anything, but the most famous is spinach with celery.


  • lemon - 1/2 pc.;
  • celery stalks - 2 pcs.;
  • spinach - 180 g;
  • green onion;
  • large tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Lightly grease the pan with oil, fry the chopped celery with green onions.
  2. Pour this mass into a pot of boiling water, add chopped spinach.
  3. Scald the tomatoes, grate, add to the broth.
  4. Cook for 10-12 minutes after a new boil.
  5. Add lemon juice, turn off the stove, leave the first under the lid for infusion.


This healthy tasty dish will fit well into any menu, including children's. The classic chicken breast soup involves cutting the meat into strips or cubes, but this recipe is a little more interesting, as the photos prove - you will need to wind the minced meat and make meatballs. You can use a turkey the same way. Choose natural tomato paste, without salt, oil and artificial additives, or just rub the flesh of a fresh tomato.


  • chicken breast;
  • onion - 1/2 pc.;
  • paprika, salt;
  • carrot;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1.8 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Twist the skinless and boneless breast twice with a meat grinder. Salt minced meat, add a pinch of paprika. Make small meatballs.
  2. Throw chopped onions, circles of carrots into boiling water.
  3. After 4-5 minutes, add there.
  4. Cook for about a quarter of an hour, then put the tomato paste there.
  5. Stir, simmer for another 2-3 minutes, serve.

Sweet, fragrant, soft, with such a sunny color that uplifts the mood - pumpkin is worthy of being present even on the table of a person who is losing weight. You should not use it for food every day, but you can make dietary pumpkin soup a couple of times a week. Choose round varieties - their flesh holds its shape better, but due to its friability, it becomes completely homogeneous when mashed. Too obvious sweetness, like nutmeg varieties, they are deprived.


  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1/2 pc.
  • milk - half a glass;
  • Sweet pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut pumpkin pulp into cubes. Spread out on a baking sheet, cover with foil. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 170 degrees.
  2. Grind the pumpkin with a blender.
  3. Combine the resulting puree with grated carrots, chopped peppers and onions.
  4. Bring to a boil, cook for 6-7 minutes.
  5. Again use the blender.
  6. Add milk, stir, cook the soup for another 3-4 minutes.

Fatty meat is not recommended for those who want to lose weight, but animal protein is still used for dietary broths - for this purpose they take chicken or turkey. If you cook soup without the bird itself, but only on the water where it was cooked, you get a very light but nutritious dish. Dietary vegetable soup in chicken broth is allowed to be made even with cereals or noodles - it is better if it is buckwheat, rice, and not wheat.


  • chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • green beans - 200 g;
  • buckwheat noodles (soba) - 50 g;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • ground pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Throw onion halves into boiling water.
  2. After 10 minutes (the broth should continue to boil), add the washed fillet, and eliminate the onion.
  3. Boil 45 minutes. Take out the meat, remove.
  4. Pour green beans, grated carrots.
  5. After another 4-5 minutes, add broken noodles. Cook for 20-22 minutes, pepper before turning off the stove.

from broccoli

Light, with a pleasant creamy texture and appetizing green color, with a sweet aftertaste - this almost French soup will make you reconsider your views on cabbage. The recipe is great for both a diet for weight loss and nutrition for restoring the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. In the photo, dietary broccoli puree is in no way inferior to the classic fatty versions.


  • beef - 100 g;
  • bulb;
  • broccoli - 500 g;
  • Bay leaf;
  • processed cheese - 50 g;
  • ground white pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the beef with water, after boiling, remove and transfer to a new pan.
  2. Top up with fresh water again. Boil for half an hour, periodically removing the foam.
  3. Add pepper, bay leaf, onion chopped in half rings.
  4. After half an hour, take out the meat, chop with a knife, lower it back.
  5. Add broccoli florets, cook until softened.
  6. Before serving, puree with a blender, mix in the grated processed cheese.


Delicious, tender, starchy, nutritious, not at all dangerous in terms of calories - all this perfectly characterizes dietary pea soup. It is cooked in vegetable broth, does not have heavy components, so it will not harm weight loss. With problems with the intestines, it is better to refuse such a dish. If you do not count calories, it can be served with rye crackers, but they are excluded with a strict diet.


  • split peas - 2/3 cup;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • fresh greens;
  • clove of garlic;
  • ground black pepper;
  • celery root - 1/2 pc.;
  • rye bread with bran - 70 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak peas in the evening, rinse several times in the morning.
  2. Cut the celery root into cubes, chop the onion finely. Fry in a dry frying pan.
  3. Grate carrots and garlic, mix. Let stand.
  4. Pour peas into cold water, after boiling, cook for 30-35 minutes.
  5. Add celery with onions. After 10-12 minutes - carrot-garlic mass. Cook for another 15 minutes.
  6. Season with pepper, fresh herbs.
  7. Bread cut into cubes, dry in a pan. Sprinkle them over the finished dish when serving.


Most dishes of this type involve the use of only light vegetables - cabbage, zucchini, peppers, etc. Mushrooms for diet soups are rarely taken, as they are difficult to digest. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they are unacceptable, and when losing weight, they are not combined with meat. A diet soup with mushrooms may mean cereals, but in a very small volume.


  • champignons - 240 g;
  • buckwheat - half a glass;
  • bulb;
  • Bulgarian yellow pepper;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash mushrooms, cut into slices.
  2. Deprive the pepper of seeds, chop into strips.
  3. Boil water (1.7-2 l), throw half an onion there. Boil for 10-12 minutes, remove it, discard.
  4. Pour champignons, cook for a quarter of an hour, removing the foam - the broth will be cleaner.
  5. Add washed buckwheat. After 20 minutes, add the chopped half of the onion, pepper.
  6. When the cereal is boiled, season with chopped herbs and serve.

Even children like this dish, since the key product has a pleasant sweetness that makes the soup look like a healthy dessert. If you additionally add a little tomato paste or fresh tomatoes here, and use a blender after cooking, you get a delicious dietary cauliflower puree soup. Fans of dense crispy pieces in hot dishes can omit the chopping stage.


  • cauliflower - 400 g;
  • clove of garlic;
  • carrot;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • ground pepper;
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat a dry frying pan, fry the chopped garlic with nutmeg on it.
  2. Fill a small pot (1.5-1.7 l) with water. When it boils, throw in the cabbage divided into inflorescences.
  3. After 5-6 minutes, add grated carrots, fried garlic. Cook for 15-17 minutes covered.
  4. Pepper, add torn parsley.
  5. Grind the contents of the pan with a blender and bring to a boil again. If there is too much liquid, cook for another 10-15 minutes at a strong burner power.

In a slow cooker

With the help of this kitchen technique, you can make the same appetizing, tasty, hot soup as on the stove, without even changing the recipe. All of the dishes listed above can be adapted, or a new one can be chosen. Lentil diet soup in a slow cooker is a good way to try this way of working and a recipe not yet reviewed. If desired, you can similarly cook beans or peas.


  • lentils - a glass;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • Bay leaf;
  • carrot.

cooking method:

  1. Pour chopped onions and grated carrots into a multicooker bowl, add half a glass of water. Cook for "stewing" 10-12 minutes.
  2. Add potato cubes, washed several times lentils.
  3. Pour the remaining water, throw the bay leaf.
  4. Cook on the "soup" mode for about an hour, let stand for another 15 minutes, leaving the lid closed.

Secrets of cooking from chefs

The general nuances of the selection of recipes and the combination of components for such dishes were disclosed above. However, there are a few other things to consider that affect the outcome. Professionals tell how to prepare the right diet meals for weight loss:

  • Try to reach the maximum reduction in the amount of salt, if you can not completely refuse.
  • Don't overcook. If more than necessary was cooked, it is worth freezing immediately, but do not let the dish live in the refrigerator for a week.
  • If you had to use non-dietary meat, change the water three times during cooking - the calorie content will drop significantly.
  • Try to use beets, corn, potatoes less often for a dietary dish: they are very useful, but when cooked, their glycemic index rises.
  • For satiety, vegetable soup can be supplemented with a boiled egg, but without the yolk.
  • For those who are trying a dish with celery for the first time, it is recommended to make a small portion for testing - this is a very specific dietary product.
  • Any soup where potatoes are present can be cooked without it by introducing Jerusalem artichoke root - such diet recipes are popular with diabetics.


Recipes for diet soups for weight loss

Broths for any dietary soup

For vegetable broth, it is good to use edible trimmings of various vegetables: stalks, green leaves or stems, etc. All trimmings are cleaned, washed with cold water and boiled over low heat until tender. Then the broth is filtered and excellent low-calorie soups are prepared on it. If you want to cook soup with meat broth, then the broth should be used secondary. The meat is brought to a boil, the first water is poured out, the meat is washed and boiled in new water until tender. Such a broth does not lose its nutritional properties, but there will be much less decay products harmful to humans.

Light diet soup with basil

This soup is considered Italian. Chop a small onion and saute in butter. Add young fresh peas to the onion, pour in vegetable broth or boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes. After that, mash the peas right in the broth, add to the soup, add more broth, salt, pepper and bring to a boil. Remove the soup from the heat, gently stir in the low-fat cream and add the chopped parsley and basil (you can add more).

Diet lentil soup

Rinse the lentils and soak in water overnight, then boil until tender in the same water. In a frying pan with olive oil, prepare a dressing of chopped onion and minced garlic with salt. Pour low-fat bone broth into dressing. Boil the soup for a few more minutes, add spices to taste. Lentils can be mashed or left as is.

Diet zucchini soup

This light soup is prepared with vegetable broth. Chop the zucchini into large cubes and boil in the broth until almost cooked. Then grind them with a blender, add flour sautéed in butter, then salt, bring to a boil and boil for two minutes. Add greens and sour cream to the plates. In the same way, puree soup is prepared from.

Diet soup with Brussels sprouts

This soup is delicious and has the fewest calories. Broccoli will also work in place of Brussels sprouts. Put the potatoes cut into strips in boiling salted water. Saute onions and carrots in vegetable oil, put them in the soup along with chopped cabbage, a couple of minutes before the potatoes are ready. Cook for 3 more minutes. When serving, add sour cream and chopped greens.

Vegetables for this low-calorie soup can be used fresh or frozen.

Soup for weight loss from celery

To prepare celery slimming soup, you need to take two hundred grams of celery root cut into small pieces, about five tomatoes and the same number of onions and carrots. You will also need two pieces of bell pepper, four hundred grams of green beans, a small head of cabbage and one and a half liters of tomato juice. Cut all the vegetables, put them in a saucepan, then pour all the contents with tomato juice so that it covers all the added ingredients. If there is not enough juice, you can add water. Bring the soup to a boil, then simmer it for ten minutes over low heat, without closing the lid. Then cook it for another ten minutes with the lid closed.

Avocado slimming soup

To prepare an avocado slimming soup, you must first make a broth from a low-fat chicken fillet (about two hundred grams). Put one hundred and fifty grams of onion into the broth, cut it into rings and a pod of hot green pepper. Pepper cut into cubes. Bring the broth to a boil and add the pulp of five avocados, the juice of one lemon, and finely chopped coriander greens. The finished boiled mixture is knocked down on a blender, after which it can be eaten.

Tomato soup for weight loss

To prepare tomato soup for weight loss, you first need to boil half a kilogram of veal and three hundred grams of potatoes in one and a half liters of water. After that, add one kilogram of tomatoes and one medium onion and cook for half an hour. Then bell pepper (finely chopped), parsley, bay leaf and garlic are added to the soup. Boil it for another five minutes on low heat, then let the soup settle. The soup is ready

In this article, we will tell you all about slimming soups that burn fat. You can also find out the recipes for these delicious and healthy dishes if you read the prepared material.

The benefits of soups

Modern nutritionists argue on which method of losing weight is more effective. Someone calls for giving up fatty foods, someone forbids eating foods containing fast carbohydrates, and someone prescribes vitamins and medicines to patients. However, all doctors unanimously repeat that one should not refuse food, it is necessary to constantly maintain the desired level of sugar in the blood. Otherwise, a person runs the risk of feeling uncontrollable hunger, and then it will be almost impossible to resist overeating. That is why most doctors recommend eating fairly often and in small portions throughout the day. And here it is necessary to determine for yourself the best foods that you can eat at any time of the day without fear of harming your figure. We offer you the following list:

  • Porridge, if during the day you will have power loads at work or in the gym.
  • Fruits - until 18 pm (since carbohydrates are not absorbed without sunlight).
  • Dairy products and cottage cheese.
  • A small amount of nuts.
  • Vegetables in any quantity (of course, with the exception of potatoes, boiled carrots and beets).
  • Meat, poultry and fish.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Bran.

It is very important to learn how to cook delicious dishes from these products - then you will not want to run to the store for sausage or chocolates. And that's why we want to tell you how to cook fat burners at home. See below for delicious recipes.

for weight loss that burn fat. Recipes at home

Many women claim that it helped them get rid of excess weight. Kilograms left gradually, and they themselves did not experience stress, because they never starved themselves. This approach deserves a detailed study, as some people claim that eating soups did not affect their figure at all. It turns out that slimming soups that burn fat are another beautiful legend. Those who simply lose weight try to make first courses from vegetables rich in fiber. In addition, they do not add meat to them, trying to reduce the fat content of the finished product, and consume it without bread. Thus, people intuitively find a balance, do not mix fats and carbohydrates, and therefore easily get rid of excess weight. How to prepare slimming soups that burn fat? You can read the recipes for the best dishes below.

Vegetable borscht

This recipe uses potatoes, the use of which causes a rapid rise and the same rapid decline in blood sugar. Therefore, you can generally exclude it from the composition of the products or neutralize its negative impact. To do this, you just need to peel the tubers, wash them thoroughly, cut them and place them in a bowl of water for several hours. The released starch will remain in the water, and you can safely add potatoes to the soup. So the recipe:

  • Put a pot of water on the fire and put a whole peeled beetroot in it. While the water is boiling, start cooking other vegetables.
  • Peel and cut two potatoes into slices.
  • Cut a quarter of a head of fresh cabbage into thin strips.
  • Fry chopped onions, grated carrots and thinly sliced ​​sweet bell peppers in a pan.
  • When the water in the pot boils, remove the beets with a slotted spoon and let them cool. Gently place the vegetables in the water and turn down the heat.
  • Cut the cooled beets into strips and also send to the pan. Immediately pour some vinegar into the water.

When the borscht is ready, arrange it on plates, sprinkle with dill and chopped garlic. Instead of mayonnaise, use low-fat sour cream or skip the dressing altogether. What other slimming soups are there that burn fat? Recipes with photos you can see here.

celery soup

Perhaps everyone has heard about this miraculous dish that burns fat and allows you to lose extra pounds. Indeed, raw celery contains many vitamins and is very beneficial for health. However, it should be remembered that after cooking, most substances are destroyed. But there are trace elements and fiber, which are so necessary for every person leading a healthy lifestyle. So the recipe:

  • Chop one celery root, a small head of cabbage, four onions, two bell peppers, four carrots into thin strips and put the vegetables in a saucepan.
  • Add 500 grams of green beans and pour everything with tomato juice diluted with water beforehand.
  • Put the pan on the fire and cook the soup under the lid for 20 minutes.

Thai style chicken soup

Here is a recipe for a very tasty first course. It does not contain potatoes, which are contraindicated in losing weight. But the soup contains chicken breast and many healthy vegetables. You can cook it very simply:

  • Put a saucepan on the fire and pour a little vegetable oil on the bottom. Two chicken breasts, pre-cut into strips, fry until golden brown. At the end, put a few sprigs of thyme and finely chopped garlic to it.
  • When the chicken is almost ready, add onion, cut into half rings, and grated carrots.
  • Finely chop yellow and red bell pepper and also send to the pan.
  • Cut a few sprigs of asparagus into quarters, and cut one small chili pepper very finely. Combine the vegetables with the rest of the products and simmer everything together until golden brown.
  • Pour the chicken broth into the pan, salt, add ground pepper and a few tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • Bring the soup to a boil, boil for ten minutes. At the end, put in it small tomatoes, pre-cut into slices, finely chopped garlic and chopped cilantro.

Pour the soup into bowls and put the diced soup in each. Remember that if you want to achieve a good result in losing weight, then soups should be eaten without bread.

goulash soup

We continue to consider slimming soups that burn fat. You can come up with recipes for such dishes yourself, you just need to “lighten” them. We will show how this is done with the following example:

  • Take 400 grams of lean beef, cut it into cubes and fry right in the pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • Prepare the dressing separately. To do this, cut into cubes an onion, one large carrot and sweet bell pepper of different colors. Place the vegetables in the hot skillet and fry until golden brown. Finally, add thyme, garlic and a few tablespoons of tomato paste.
  • Combine prepared foods in a saucepan, fill them with water and cook together. When the soup boils, put in a can of canned peas, salt, pepper and marjoram to taste.

When the dish is ready, arrange it on plates. Do not use sour cream or mayonnaise for dressing, otherwise these products will make the soup more fatty. It is better to serve bran with it - use them as crackers.

Shchi with chicken

A dish familiar to every Russian can be prepared so that it contributes to weight loss. Recipe:

  • Boil the chicken breast in salted water, remove, cool and tear into fibers.
  • For dressing, separately fry chopped onions, sweet peppers and grated carrots. At the end of cooking, add tomato paste and a little garlic. Transfer vegetables to pot with chicken broth.
  • Put in the same chicken and thinly sliced ​​cabbage.
  • Salt, pepper and add the diced tomatoes.

Serve the finished dish hot.

Soups for weight loss that burn fat. Reviews

Many men and women who have decided to lose weight have taken advantage of a diet based on the use of first courses. They used for this purpose the soups for weight loss described by us that burn fat (recipes). Reviews of losing weight are the most positive, and we will list the main advantages:

  • We didn't have to change the menu drastically.
  • No hunger is felt.
  • Soups are very tasty, so you do not have to make big gastronomic sacrifices.
  • The results are visible almost immediately.


In our article, we described in detail in which cases the soup diet will be most effective. Remember, that:

  • Do not combine fats with carbohydrates.
  • It is necessary to use products with low fat content for cooking.
  • It is better to give up potatoes and yeast bread.
  • Enrich the first dishes with vegetables containing fiber.
  • Often supplement soups with bran.

If you follow our advice, then soon the extra pounds will leave you without harm to your health.

We kill two birds with one stone - we fast and lose weight at the same time. This article will present recipes for lean soups that are suitable not only for Lent. Rather, it will be diet recipes for healthy soups for weight loss. But at the same time, such broths can also be called lean, since fatty meat will not be present in their preparation. Only in some recipes there is a dietary poultry fillet for broth.

If we talk about food on the eve of the Easter holiday, then it is supposed to eat food without meat, fish, dairy products. Such recipes for lean soup will be here, and they can be safely taken into account by those who observe fasting in accordance with all the rules.

Also, if you follow your weight and figure, you can pay attention to the article "", published earlier. And now, eight delicious soup recipes for weight loss and some for fasting.

In the article you will find:

Lean Pea Soup Puree

In a two-week regimen, fat-burning pea soup will lighten your weight by 4-5 kilograms. It's easy to cook, and it's a pleasure to eat.

Soup set:

  • Onion (one head)
  • Potatoes (three to four tubers)
  • Olive oil (for frying)
  • Carrots (a couple of pieces)
  • Peas (glass)
  • Fresh parsley and spices (to taste)


  1. Peel, chop and brown the onion in olive oil. As soon as it is fried, put in a saucepan with broth.
  2. Boil the peas separately. Not bringing to full readiness, throw into boiling soup.
  3. Peel and cut potatoes. Add to saucepan.
  4. When the potatoes soften, pour in a little olive oil (literally a tablespoon), put your favorite spices and chopped herbs. If desired, the components of the soup can be crushed into a puree.

Fat burning spinach soup for weight loss

Spinach greens are generous in vitamins and proteins, besides, it greatly facilitates the digestion of meat and promotes fat burning.

Product set:

  • Turkey (breast fillet)
  • Low fat milk (70 milliliters)
  • Frozen spinach (400 grams)
  • Garlic (a couple of cloves)
  • Salt and spices (to the taste of the cook)


  1. Boil the turkey broth. Remove the meat, replacing it with washed and chopped spinach, boil the greens for five minutes.
  2. Chop the boiled fillet into slices of arbitrary size. Return to saucepan.
  3. After a few minutes, turn off the stove and let the soup cool. Use an immersion blender to puree the ingredients of the dish.
  4. Dilute the mass with milk (it is best to take skim). Salt, pepper and season with herbs.

It is better to use spinach soup right away. If you reheat it further, it will not be as tasty.

Lean mushroom soup with vegetables and buckwheat

100 grams of this rich dish contains only 30.7 kcal. The perfect choice for anyone on a diet!

A set of products (based on 10 servings):

  • Potatoes (two hundred gr.)
  • Garlic (one clove)
  • Fresh champignons (three hundred gr.)
  • Vegetable oil (thirty milliliters)
  • Water (two liters)
  • Tomatoes and carrots (one hundred and fifty gr.)
  • Spices of your choice (one or two pinches)
  • Onion (one hundred gr.)
  • Salt (1-2 pinches)
  • Buckwheat (seventy-five gr.)


1. Remove the husk from the onion and garlic. Chop and then fry the vegetables in vegetable oil.
2. Attach peeled and chopped carrots. Continue roasting for another ten minutes.
3. In the meantime, wash and cut the mushrooms. Put in the same pan; a little later, add the tomato, chopped on a grater.
4. Extinguish the roast for a few more minutes under the lid. In the meantime, boil water in a saucepan.
5. Pour in buckwheat. Add the potato slices at the same time.
6. After ten minutes, the soup should be lightly salted and seasoned. Put the prepared frying, mix well.

Rich in mushrooms, low-calorie food, rich in vitamins from vegetables and minerals from buckwheat, will be ready in a quarter of an hour.

Delicious bean soup with pumpkin and turkey

A very light but hearty soup with beans brings tremendous benefits to the body. Each ingredient is valuable in its own way: legumes provide a long-term feeling of satiety and prevent the replenishment of fat stores, pumpkin maintains muscle tone and enhances immune defenses, olive oil speeds up metabolism, turkey is a rich source of protein, and sesame is unusually generous in calcium.

Product set:

  • Sesame (1/3 cup)
  • Sugar (half a teaspoon)
  • Water (one and a half liters)
  • Beans (200 grams)
  • Pumpkin pulp (half a kilogram)
  • Fresh tomatoes (2 pieces)
  • Olive oil (45 milliliters)
  • Turkey breast (half a kilogram)
  • Ginger (3cm slice)
  • Parsley or cilantro (medium bunch)


  1. Even in the evening, the beans should be soaked in cold water. In the morning, it must be boiled separately from other products; in no case should the broth be drained.
  2. Chop the meat into cubes. Separate two-thirds of the ginger, cut into thin circles, and then divide them in half again.
  3. Fry the ginger in olive oil (1 tablespoon is required), lay out and brown the turkey.
  4. Pour the contents of the skillet into a saucepan with broth. Boil for fifteen minutes and add finely chopped pumpkin.
  5. Roast the sesame seeds in a hot dry frying pan. Mix with a small amount of broth (about 50 milliliters), as well as with washed and chopped herbs. Add the remaining ginger, previously crushed on a fine grater, followed by sugar, spices and olive oil (a couple of tablespoons). Thoroughly beat the resulting mixture with a blender.
  6. About five minutes before the soup is ready, toss in the chopped tomatoes. A little later, lay out the dressing and immediately turn off the stove. Let the dish sit well.

Diet corn soup with ham and chicken

The golden cobs contain a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, without which the full processing of food and the burning of excess fats are impossible. Corn, both fresh and canned, improves bowel function, takes care of strengthening nails and healthy hair.

Soup set:

  • Lean ham (100 grams)
  • Soy sauce (30 milliliters)
  • Canned corn (170 grams)
  • Ginger powder (one teaspoon)
  • Vegetable oil (15 milliliters)
  • Chicken fillet (300 grams)
  • Water (1.5 liters)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste of the cook)


  1. Rinse the chicken fillet. Put in a saucepan with water and send to cook on the stove.
  2. In the meantime, chop the ham into strips.
  3. Take out the cooked chicken. Cut into slices and return to the broth along with the ham.
  4. After the contents of the pan boil, you need to reduce the heat. Throw in ground ginger.
  5. Pour in some vegetable oil and soy sauce. Add salt and spices to your taste.
  6. Keep the soup on moderate heat for another 6-7 minutes, then immediately pour over the corn, previously laid out on plates.

Diet fish soup with celery

According to the prescriptions of nutritionists, fish and vegetable soup for weight loss is consumed regularly, for one week. If desired, celery can be pre-fried along with onions and a clove of garlic; adding salt must be strictly avoided.

Product set:

  • Carrots (2 pieces of medium size)
  • Onion (one head)
  • Low-fat sea fish (300 grams)
  • Water (2.5 liters)
  • Ground pepper and herbs (add to taste)
  • Celery root (350 grams)
  • Lemon juice (15-20 milliliters)

Soup preparation:

  1. Place the fish in a bowl of cold water. Boil until fully cooked, then remove from the broth and separate the fillets from the bones.
  2. Peel, cut and boil vegetables. Toward the end of cooking, add fish slices and chopped herbs.
  3. Season the soup with pepper and pour in a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Cold beet soup on kefir for losing weight

Cold beetroot soup on kefir ensures productive bowel function, actively breaks down excess fat and maintains skin elasticity.

Product set:

  • Sour cream (45 grams)
  • Beets (three pieces)
  • One percent kefir (one liter)
  • Fresh cucumbers (two pieces)
  • Lemon juice (three tablespoons)
  • Water (one liter)
  • Potato (three tubers)
  • Chicken eggs (five pieces)
  • Bulb (one half)
  • Fresh herbs (medium bunch)
  • Chicken fillet (two pieces)


  1. Boil and cool the beets. After cleaning, crumble on a grater and pour low-fat kefir.
  2. Pour in water. Mix well and send the mass to the refrigerator for one hour.
  3. Alternately boil the chicken fillet, potatoes and eggs. Chop the meat into medium-sized slices, peeled potatoes and eggs into small cubes.
  4. Wash and chop fresh herbs. Combine it and the chopped half of the onion with the previous ingredients, put a few tablespoons of sour cream.
  5. Combine prepared foods with beetroot - kefir mixture. Salt lightly and add lemon juice.

The dish, cold beetroot soup, is served cold.

Healthy diet soup in a slow cooker

This recipe is very simple and does not require large financial and time costs. Prepares quickly and simply. See for yourself.

Low-calorie soups take pride of place in any diet menu. Their purpose is to reduce hunger outbreaks without any special consequences for the figure, while improving metabolism and replenishing vitamin deficiencies. The composition of such dishes is always lightened, characterized by the abundant presence of vegetables and herbs.

Such soups, if cooked according to proven recipes, will be just as tasty as rich meat soups. Maybe, of course, I'm exaggerating, but sitting on such soups for another week is even interesting (variety), and the effect is down with a few extra pounds.

Forward to a healthy lifestyle. Good luck and all the best!


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